Siti Aisyah, Achmad Faqih, Subandi, Khambali, Taswa Wijaya Kusuma, Isyanto
Faculty of Agriculture Swadaya Gunung University, Indonesia
Email: siti.aisyahag[email protected],
The role of extension workers as mediators can be measured from indicators that connect
information sources with farmers, problem-solving processes, and farmers' needs. The role of
field agricultural extension workers (PPL) as mediators for the success of the PUAP program
is certainly very important because field agricultural extension workers are responsible for
conveying information on programs held by the Cirebon Regency government for farmers.
This study aims to determine the influence of the role of field agricultural extension workers
as mediators on the success of the PUAP program. The research design used in this study is
descriptive quantitative research with census sample research techniques. The population
used, namely the Sijaba farmer group, is in Pasanggrahan Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon
Regency. The section examined was on the effect of the role of field agricultural extension
workers (PPL) as mediators on village PUAP programs. The number of samples used was 59
respondents with census sampling techniques. The research was conducted in October
December 2022. The data analysis technique uses a simple linear regression test. Based on
the results of the research and discussion that has been described, it can be concluded that the
role of field agricultural extension workers (PPL) as mediators has a positive effect on the
success of the PUAP program in Pasanggrahan Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency.
: role; PPL; mediator; success; PUAP program
Agricultural extension as part of agricultural development is one of the determining
factors for success and has a very strategic position. The success of agricultural extension is
determined by aspirational, accommodating and comprehensive planning. Agricultural
Extension is the driving force in every activity, providing agroinputs, production processes,
harvesting and processing of crops, marketing of products and trade governance and
partnerships. Such success as a measure will be seen from the dynamic process between action
and implementation. In order to become a reality, it is necessary to manage human resources
optimally with a participatory approach, integration and adult education in which a series of
work, methods and technology. The agricultural sector is a sector that has a broad scope and
can be classified into several subsectors based on the characteristics possessed by the
agricultural business activities (Mardikanto et al., 2010)
The success of agricultural development is not only determined by the condition of
agricultural resources, but also determined by the very strategic role of agricultural extension
workers and the quality of human resources that support them, namely human resources who
master and are able to utilize and develop science and technology in sustainable management
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 8, August 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the Success
of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
of agricultural resources (West Java Food Crop Agriculture Service, 2011). PPL's role as a
mediator in the procurement of infrastructure facilities provides equipment and physical
buildings used to carry out the implementation of agricultural extension workers. Utilization
of facilities and infrastructure is the optimal use of equipment and physical buildings in
effective and efficient agricultural extension. The field of infrastructure and agricultural
extension workers has the task of preparing policy preparation materials, implementing and
providing technical guidance as well as monitoring and evaluation in the field of infrastructure,
energy and methods as well as information on agricultural extension workers.
The Cirebon Regency Government of West Java Province makes policies in the food
sector, namely the PUAP program. This program seeks to ensure that the agricultural sector
remains safe in providing food supply for the community as well as a form of empowerment
for farmers. As an empowerment program, the PUAP program is expected to be a solution for
farmers and it is hoped that this program can make a real contribution to farmers. This is also
included in the main purpose of empowerment and of course this program must also be in
accordance with the principles of community empowerment where there must be self-reliance
or independence from farmers in managing their land, of course, with the assistance of
extension workers from BPP in each region. This program is expected to be sustainable so that
this program can be a solution not only during a pandemic but also a solution for the years after
(Pian, 2020).
The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of field agricultural extension workers as
mediators that affect the PUAP program in Pasanggrahan Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon
This research was conducted in Pasanggrahan Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon
Regency. The site selection was carried out purposively with the consideration that
Pasanggrahan Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency became one of the recipient
villages of the PUAP assistance program. The research was carried out from October to
December 2022 and the object of research was the role of PPL as a Mediator. The number of
samples used was 59 respondents with census sampling techniques.
Operational variables are divided into 2, namely dependent variables, namely variables
that arise because of the existence of independent variables. The dependent variable
(dependent variable) in this study is the success of the PUAP Program. While the independent
variable is the independent variable, namely the role of PPL as a mediator.
Data collection techniques are by making observations and interviews through questionnaires.
This method is used in data collection techniques by making a list of written questions asked
to respondents which in this case are filled in by farmers who get the PUAP program. This
method is used to reveal data from the variables of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension
Workers as mediators (X) and the Success of the PUAP Program (Y).
Descriptive research variables were used to determine respondents' answers, namely
the Effect of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the
PUAP Program. This analysis uses percentage descriptive analysis using quantitative
research design supported by qualitative data.
The results of regression testing of the variable PPL's role as a mediator showed that the
variable had a significant value of 0.000 < 0.050 and for t count it was known to be 5.095
with t table of 1.672. With a ratio of t count 5.095 > t table of 1.672 it can be concluded that
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the
Success of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that the variable role of PPL as a mediator
affects the success variable of the PUAP program because of the implementation of activities
and good in explaining the information obtained.
Descriptive Analysis
As for knowing the number of respondents who expressed agreement or not in expressing
their opinions through questionnaires, it can be seen in the following table:
Table 1. below Respondent's Statement on PPL's Role Variable as a Mediator
Actual Score
Information success frequency
Clarity in the delivery of
Connecting sources of
information with farmers
Total amount
Source: Primary Data Analysis
Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the indicator of the frequency of success of
information with a percentage of 72.9%, which means that the indicator is categorized as
agreeing. Clarity indicator in the delivery of information with a percentage of 73.2% which
means that the indicator is categorized as agreeing. The indicator connects information sources
with farmers with a percentage of 76.3%, which means that the indicator is categorized as
agreeing to a clearer explanation can be known as follows.
1. Information Success Frequency
The frequency of successful information from the ideal score of 2655 received an
actual score of 1936 which means that farmers receiving the PUAP program agree that the
extension workers have provided good service, have attended and provided information
appropriately to farmers and have involved farmers in activities that have been held by BPP
Plumbon District.
To assess the indicators of the frequency of success of information, the following
measures are used:
a. The actual score was obtained through the calculation of all respondents' opinions,
namely 1936 from 59 respondents and 9 questions per indicator.
b. The ideal score is obtained from the highest score multiplied by the number of
respondents also multiplied by the number of respondent questions per indicator, which
is 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
The selection of measurements must consider several aspects such as the objectives
of the research, the context of the organization that uses it, aspects of its information
systems, and the independent variables used to assess its success, research methods, and the
level of analysis whether at the individual, organizational, or community level (Hartono,
The use of an information system is influenced by individual ability (self-efficacy).
Everyone's individual abilities are different so the way they operate a system to get the
information they need is also different. According to the results of research by Damayanti,
(2019), explained that there is a positive relationship between social factors and conditions
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the Success
of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
that facilitate the use of information technology. This is similar to the results of previous
research Pontoh, (2017), revealed that computer self-efficacy has a positive effect on the
intention to use information systems.
2. Clarity in Information Delivery
Clarity in the delivery of information from the ideal score of 2665 received an actual
score of 1944 which means that farmers receiving the PUAP program agree that the
extension workers have explained the material clearly and can be understood by farmers,
have made regular scheduled visits / socialization and have provided explanations held by
BPP Plumbon District.
To assess the indicator of clarity in the delivery of information, the following steps
are used:
a. The actual score was obtained through the calculation of all respondents' opinions,
namely 1944 from 59 respondents and 9 questions per indicator.
b. The ideal score is obtained from the highest score multiplied by the number of
respondents also multiplied by the number of respondent questions per indicator, which
is 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
Information is the result of thoughts obtained both from oneself and from the
environment by involving intellectual processes. This intellectual process includes
processing stimuli obtained through the senses and then forwarded to the brain to be
processed based on insight, experience, and faith, after which it can be received as
information and become a message if communicated to others (WIRYANTO, 2004). Good
information is information that has quality or quality. According to the results of research
by Azizah et al., (2020) stated that quality information is determined by conformity with
facts, on time, relevant in decision making, and describing problems or solutions as a whole
and complete.
Effective communication occurs when you have the same understanding of
information between each member of the group in receiving information. The effectiveness
of extension services through communication and improving the skills of farmers through
groups will provide optimal results. In this regard, the government has launched a group
institutional development program that receives intensive and continuous guidance from the
government (Rintjap & Rustandi, 2015).
With the existence of information technology, the amount or presentation of rice
production will increase and clearly even with a fixed amount of human resources, in other
words, technology has an important role in agriculture (Basavaraja et al., 2008). In addition,
there is also the need for farmer knowledge in using the technology so that the process
passed is efficient.
3. Connecting Resources with Farmers
Connecting information sources with farmers from an ideal score of 2655 gets an
actual score of 2028, which means that farmers receiving the PUAP program agree that
extension workers have provided discussion media, visited and organized trainings held by
BPP Plumbon District.
To assess the indicators of connecting sources of information with farmers, the
following measures are used:
1) The actual score is obtained through the calculation of all respondents' opinions, namely
2028 from 59 respondents and 9 questions per indicator.
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the
Success of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
2) The ideal score is obtained from the highest score multiplied by the number of
respondents also multiplied by the number of respondent questions per indicator, which
is 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
Mulyandari, (2011), stated that so many research results in agriculture have been and
are being carried out, and there will continue to be agricultural research in the future, at
home and abroad. The results of research in agriculture in the form of agricultural
information both in terms of production and marketing techniques are essentially to improve
or solve problems that exist in agriculture. This information is not only consumption for
other researchers to be used as reference but far in the future is for farmers, especially to
improve their standard of living and welfare, which in the end is also to meet the needs of
all mankind.
According to the results of research by Elian et al., (2014), stated that facts in the field
show that most respondents are looking for information on the internet in order to
complement existing information, then broaden their horizons, so that not all of the
information is passed on to farmers. Generally, information that is passed on to farmers is
information that previously did not reach farmers. The stagnation of agricultural innovation
and information that has occurred so far is expected to be corrected by ICT through access
to market information, production inputs, consumer trends, marketing, disease and pest /
livestock crop management, market opportunities, market prices, and so on (Sumardjo,
2009). According to the results of research Amin & Sugiyanto, (2013), stated that the main
focus of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) applications in agriculture is
to meet farmers' needs for information.
As for knowing the number of respondents who expressed agreement or not in
expressing their opinions through questionnaires, it can be seen in the following table:
Table 3. Results of respondents' statements regarding the success variables of the PUAP
Actual Score (Real)
Ideal Score
Percentage (%)
Farmer reception
Farmer income
Total amount
Source: Primary Data Analysis
Based on the results of the table above, it shows that productivity indicators, farmers'
income, are categorized as agreeing while farmers' income is categorized as disagreeing. As
for more clarity, it can be known as follows:
1. Productivity
Productivity from an ideal score of 1770 gets an actual score of 1340 which means
that farmers receiving the PUAP program agree that extension workers have succeeded
in increasing production yields and providing production land area in accordance with
the PUAP program. To assess productivity indicators, the following measures are used:
a) The actual score was obtained through the calculation of all respondents' opinions,
namely 1340 from 59 respondents and 6 questions per indicator.
b) The ideal score is obtained from the highest score multiplied by the number of
respondents also multiplied by the number of respondent questions per indicator,
which is 5 x 59 x 6 = 1770.
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the Success
of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
To increase the productivity of rice farmers, farmers need to develop knowledge
by attending training provided by the agriculture department. Rice farmers need to
improve their ability, productivity and competitiveness as well as the absorption of
agricultural technology is needed in an effort to diversify agricultural products. Actually,
the economic prospects for rice farmers are very large, considering that rice is a
community need (both regional and national). Especially if supported by government
policies that favor farmers, it can encourage the suitability of rice commodity prices.
Therefore, if farmers can increase their production, it will be able to increase income and
welfare for farming families.
According to Sundhoro et al., (2000), productivity is a comparison between the
results achieved (outputs) with the overall resources (inputs) used by time unions.
According to Komarudin et al., (2020), at the company level productivity is defined in
general as a concept that is systemized and related to changes in input into output by the
system. In particular, in the labor element, labor productivity means a comparison
between the results (output) obtained in each unit of time.
In Yuliana et al., (2014), to increase the productivity of rice farmers, farmers need
to develop knowledge by attending training provided by the agriculture office. In line
with the research in theory, improving the quality of human resources can increase
productivity, experience and facts are also factors combined that can help build the
Country (Isaacs, 2021). According to Brambilla & Porto, (2011), stated that farmers who
provide large areas of land for their crops, farmers' products will significantly increase
and productivity will also increase significantly.
2. Farmer Acceptance
Farmer acceptance from the ideal score of 1770 gets an actual score of 1357 which
means that farmers receiving the PUAP program agree that extension workers have
fulfilled the amount of farmer production and affect the price of crops / yields. To assess
the indicators of farmer acceptance, the following measures are used:
a) The actual score was obtained through the calculation of all respondents' opinions,
namely 1357 from 59 respondents and 6 questions per indicator.
b) The ideal score is obtained from the highest score multiplied by the number of
respondents also multiplied by the number of respondent questions per indicator,
which is 5 x 59 x 6 = 1770.
According to Sinabariba et al., (2014), stated revenue is the product between the
production obtained and the selling price. Total receipts is a function of the quantity of
goods, it is also the product of the number of goods by the goods per unit. As in the
concept of cost, in the concept of revenue is also known as the notion of average margin.
Average revenue (everage revenue, AR) is the revenue obtained per unit of goods, is the
quotient of total revenue against the number of goods margin receipts (margin revebue,
MR) is additional revenue obtained from each additional unit of goods produced or sold
(Ananta et al., 2011).
Farm revenue is the multiplication between the production obtained and the selling
price of the product. Total revenue or gross revenue is the value of production as a whole
before deducting production costs. The net income of the farm is the difference between
the revenue and all costs or total costs. Farmers in obtaining high net income, farmers
must strive for high revenue and low production costs (Diah, 2008).
3. Farmer Income
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the
Success of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
Farmer income from the ideal score of 2655 gets an actual score of 2065 which
means that farmers receiving the PUAP program agree that extension workers have made
sales easier, have helped in production and financing.
To assess the income indicators of farmers, the following measures are used:
1) The actual score is obtained through the calculation of all respondents' opinions,
namely 2065 from 59 respondents and 9 questions per indicator.
2) The ideal score is obtained from the highest score multiplied by the number of
respondents also multiplied by the number of respondent questions per indicator,
which is 5 x 59 x 9 = 2655.
Revenue from a business depends on the relationship between the production costs
incurred and the amount of revenue from sales. One way to make a profit is to reduce
expenses. The income earned by farmers is not only determined by the level of
production produced but also determined by the prevailing price level and marketing
system of the commodity. The amount of income greatly affects the welfare level of
To increase farmers' income, there are several things that must be done, namely:
(1) Increase farmer production, namely to increase farmer production, the government
must first prepare seeds that are superior and suitable for highland areas. (2). Provide
counseling to farmers on how to manage paddy farming properly, from land processing
to post-harvest, (3). Strengthening farmer groups so that it is easier to get information
every time there are new innovations.
Income is one indicator to measure the welfare of a person or society, so that the
income of this community reflects the economic progress of a society. According to
Sadono Sukirno, (2014), individual income is the income received by all households in
the economy from payments for the use of production factors they own and from other
Agriculture still plays an important role in developing countries as one of the
economic sectors that is a source of income for workers with an estimated 60 to 70
percent in developing countries (Nguyen et al., 2015). Not only that, on the other hand,
the Indonesian economy is influenced by the availability of rice as a primary need
(Zaeroni & Rustariyuni, 2016).
Table 4. Anlaisis Results Coefficient of Determination
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), the role of PPL as a mediator
From the results of the coefficient of determination test above, it means that the
influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable can be seen by the value
of the coefficient of determination. The value of the coefficient of determination can be
seen from the R² value in the regression model. The R² value in this regression model is
0.313. This means that 31.3% of the success of the PUAP program in Pasanggrahan
Village is influenced by the variable role of field agricultural extension workers as
The role of agricultural extension workers as mediators in the frequency of
information success indicators is that extension workers are tasked with conveying the
findings of research institutions to farmers. Conversely, farmers are obliged to report the
implementation of the implementation of the findings of the recommended research
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the Success
of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
institution as a liaison, then extension workers submit the results of the application of
technology carried out by farmers to the relevant research institution as further reference
material. van het Onderwijs, (2012), stated that the main role of extension services in
many countries used to be seen as the transfer of technology from researchers to farmers.
Likewise, the role of extension is seen more as the process of helping farmers to make
their own decisions by increasing their choices, and by helping them develop insight into
the consequences of each choice.
According to (Kartasapoetra et al., 2012) in each Agricultural Extension Work
Area (WKPP) a PPL officer (field agricultural extension worker) is appointed who will
carry out the following main duties: 1) Disseminate useful agricultural information 2)
Teach better skills 3) Provide suggestions or recommendations for more profitable
farming 4) Help summarize production facilities, work facilities and agricultural
information materials needed by farmers 5) Developing self-reliance and self-
sufficiency of farmers so that their standard of living can be further improved.
Elian et al., (2014) Agricultural extension workers in accordance with their main
duties and functions are positioned as functional technical implementers in charge of
preparing, implementing, developing, evaluating, and reporting agricultural extension
activities. Agricultural extension workers need adequate information support in carrying
out their main duties and functions. The information obtained can be utilized to improve
the performance, work performance and competence of agricultural extension workers.
The objectives of communication according to Levi et al., (2008) among others,
are: (1) information, to provide information that uses a thought-provoking approach, (2)
persuasive, to arouse the feelings of recipients, (3) change the behavior (attitudes,
knowledge and skills) of development actors, (4) increase the ability to develop
businesses efficiently in the business field that can benefit within an indefinite time limit
and (5) realize active community participation in development.
The role of agricultural extension workers as mediators in clarity indicators in
delivering information is that field agricultural extension workers (PPL) provide
information and then filter and evaluate available information and process information
into a form that is suitable for the recipient of the information (Suryanto, 2015).
The role of agricultural extension workers as mediators in the performance of
farmer groups is a task that can be expected to be carried out by agricultural extension
workers in providing information and connecting farmers with information sources to
overcome the problems faced. Agricultural extension workers as mediators, namely
extension workers provide information and connect farmers with information sources in
solving the problems faced. The role of agricultural extension workers as mediators of
agricultural extension services in providing capital for farmers and their families, so that
they have the ability to help themselves to achieve goals in improving the welfare of
farmers and their families, without having to damage the surrounding environment
(Djari, 2008).
The results of this study are supported by the results of research by D. Novela, et
al (2012), changes in farmer behavior in rice farming after participating in the climate
field school program there is a very noticeable change because farmers in the research
area are mostly very responsive and responsive to existing innovations and after farmers
attend field schools the climate of farmer behavior changes, Farmers can/know better
how to anticipate extreme climates that often change.
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the
Success of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
Soekanto & Mamudji,(2014), explained that the main characteristics of this group
of groups include intimate, overall and friendly relationships. In addition, the relationship
in the social group of this group is also private and exclusive (the bond of the group is
only for people in the community). When extension workers as outsiders come to this
community, the farming community will tend to refuse. Especially when extension
workers come without understanding farmers and only come to give messages without
any feedback process. Thus, farmers will tend to see this as a conflict.
The role of agricultural extension workers as mediators in indicators of connecting
information with farmers, namely people who carry out the task of providing
encouragement to farmers to want to change the way of thinking, working and living that
is more in line with the times, the development of more advanced agricultural technology.
Thus, an agricultural extension worker in carrying out his duties has three roles: a. Acting
as an educator, providing knowledge or new ways in plant cultivation so that farmers are
more focused in their farming, increasing yields and overcoming failures in their farming.
b. Acting as a leader, who can guide and motivate farmers to want to change the way of
thinking, how they work so that openness arises and is willing to accept new ways of
farming that are more efficient and successful, so that their level of life is more
prosperous. c. Acting as an advisor, who can serve, provide instructions and help farmers
either in the form of demonstrations or examples of work in farming to solve all problems
faced (Kartasapoetra et al., 2012).
According to the results of research by A Faqih, (2016) in this case, agricultural
extension workers are an important factor in realizing agricultural goals. development.
Through this counseling, the agricultural community is equipped with knowledge, skills,
introduction of new technology packages and innovations in agriculture with its business,
planting or agribusiness values or principles, creating human resources with the basic
philosophy of diligent, cooperative, innovative, creative
Table 4. Anlaisis Test t Results
Std. Error
the role of PPL as a mediator
Source: SPSS Output Results
The results of regression testing of the variable PPL's role as a mediator showed that the
variable had a significant value of 0.000 < 0.050 and for t count it was known to be 5.095 with
t table of 1.672. With a ratio of t count 5.095 > t table of 1.672 it can be concluded that H0 is
rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that the variable role of PPL as a mediator affects the
success variable of the PUAP program because of the implementation of activities and good in
explaining the information obtained.
In Djari, (2008), the role of field agricultural extension workers as mediators of
agricultural extension services in providing capital for farmers and their families, so that they
have the ability to help themselves to achieve goals in improving the welfare of farmers and
their families, without having to damage the surrounding environment
The results of this research are supported by the results of research by Achmad Faqih,
(2016) that the role of extension workers as mediators in the performance of farmer groups has
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the Success
of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
a high category or has been carried out well. This is similar to the results of research by Thomas
et al., (2019), that the step towards sustainable agriculture requires information and knowledge
of farmers and knowledge practices. The higher the information obtained, the more successful
the PUAP program will be.
Based on the results of the research and discussion that has been described, it can be
concluded that the role of field agricultural extension workers (PPL) as mediators has a positive
effect on the success of the PUAP program in Pasanggrahan Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon
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Copyright holders:
Siti Aisyah, Achmad Faqih, Subandi, Khambali, Taswa Wijaya Kusuma, Isyanto
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers (PPL) as Mediators on the Success
of the Rural Agribusiness Business Development Program (PUAP)
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Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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