Alia Anggraini, Marlina Widiyanti, Muchsin Saggaff Shihab, Ahmad Maulana
Universitas Sriwijaya Palembang
Email: lia170[email protected],,
This research aims to determine the influence of brand image and sales promotion on
purchasing decisions in using MyPertamina as a means of payment transactions in the city of
Palembang. The population in this study is all consumers who make purchases using the
MyPertamina application as a means of payment transactions in the city of Palembang in
2023. The sample in this study was 100 respondents using several criteria in determining the
sample. The results of multiple linear analysis show that brand image and sales promotion
have a positive and significant effect on buyer decisions. Brand image is expected by PT
Pertamina Patra Niaga to provide a variety of payment options. Where consumers, especially
those over 40 years old, are rather difficult if they need to top up. Sales promotion is expected
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga to increase sales promotion by giving discounts / discounts to
consumers who make purchases by making payments through the MyPertamina application.
: brand image; sales promotion; purchase decision
Business development in the current era is growing very rapidly and experiencing
continuous metamorphosis. Every business actor in every business category is required to have
sensitivity to every change that occurs and put orientation to consumer decisions and consumer
satisfaction as the main goals that will have an impact on consumer loyalty (Kotler, 2016). The
influence of globalization in the industrial world today has caused competition between
companies to become increasingly fierce and competitive. Based on that, the company is
required to continue to be able to develop so that it can face existing competition.
PT Pertamina Patra Niaga makes it easier for consumers to purchase fuel, presenting
MyPertamina while marketing all products sold by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga. According to
Kotler; 2015, the definition of marketing is a social activity and an arrangement carried out by
individuals or groups of people with their goals by making products and exchanging them with
a certain nominal amount to other parties.
MyPertamina is here as a form of appreciation to all loyal customers of PT Pertamina
Patra Niaga products. In supporting the payment system to make it easier for customers when
transacting. MyPertamina is an easily accessible application with many benefits and means for
customers to get points that can be exchanged for various rewards through the MyPertamina
application. MyPertamina is an electronic e-payment payment that is currently trending for
payments using QR-Code, My Pertamina uses an integrated system with just a link but
currently can also synchronize with OVO, Gopay and Debit Cards that consumers have. In the
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 8, August 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Influence of Brand Image and Sales Promotion on Buyers' Decisions in Using Mypertamina as a
Transaction Tool
MyPertamina application, there is also the right subsidy choice because PT Pertamina Patra
Niaga was appointed by the Government to suppress the purchase of subsidized fuel and
monitor buyers of subsidized fuel. In order for subsidized fuel to be right on target, strict rules
need to be made in regulating the purchase of subsidized fuel so that it is right on target, one
of the efforts made by the government and Pertamina is the use of the My Pertamina
Application for the purchase of fuel (Pertalite and Bio Solar).
MyPertamina is a digital application for purchasing Pertamina's products at all gas
stations such as:
1. Fuel (Fuel Oil): Pertamax Turbo, Pertamax, Pertamina Dex, Dexlite, Pertalite, Premium and
2. LPG: Brightgas 12 kg, brightgas 5.5 kg, bright gas can
3. Lubricants: Dr. Lube, Enduro Matic and Fastron
Table 1. Use of MyPertamina Application May July 2022
Number of Transactions
Pertamax Turbo
Pertamina Dex
Data Source: PT Pertamina Patra Niaga's Retail Function in 2022
Based on the data in Table 1. judging from the table above, the use of the MyPertamina
application has only been used by consumers to purchase fuel and there is a decrease in the use
of MyPertamina transactions. This happened because of the relevant Government's plan to use
the MyPertamina application to make subsidized purchases. This leads to a decrease Brand
Image on the MyPertamina application and the lack of sales promotion that needs to be done
by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga in the city of Palembang to further improve brand image among
the general public.
Table 2 MyPertamina Ratings in Application Store
Apple Store
Sources : 2023 App Store Data
Based on Table 2 above, it can be seen that consumer responses related to the
MyPertamina application are still with low ratings. Brand image (Brand Imagedescribe the
extrinsic nature of a product or service including the way in which they seek to meet the
psychological or social needs of customers (Kotler &; Keller, 2016). When a brand image
(Brand Image) has been able to build the character of the product and deliver Value
Proposition, then conveying the character of the product to its customers in a unique, emotional
The Influence of Brand Image and Sales Promotion on Buyers' Decisions in Using Mypertamina as a
Transaction Tool
way more than the rational power that the product has. This will make the customer associate
positive things in his mind when thinking about it Brand aforementioned.
Based on the table above, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Palembang Area carries out sales
promotions through Instagram @pertaminasumbagsel media, and every month there are always
promotions related to MyPertamina both coupons, points, and prizes. So based on the
background of the problems described above, the formulation of research problems, namely
brand image and sales promotion, was obtained on the buyer's decision to use the MyPertamina
Application as a means of payment transactions in the city of Palembang. This is shown from
the findings regarding the difference in the influence of brand image and sales promotion on
purchasing decisions
The population in this study is all consumers who make purchases using the
MyPertamina application as a means of payment transactions in the city of Palembang in 2023.
Elements of population members to be selected into the sample. The sample in this study is
consumers who make purchases using the MyPertamina application as a means of payment
transactions in the city of Palembang in 2023. The samples taken in this study have the
following criteria.
The population in this study is all consumers who make purchases using the
MyPertamina application as a means of payment transactions in the city of Palembang in 2023.
Elements of population members to be selected into the sample. The sample in this study is
consumers who make purchases using the MyPertamina application as a means of payment
transactions in the city of Palembang in 2023. The samples taken Sample measurement
guidelines according to (Hair, 2010), can be determined as follows:
1. Depending on the number of parameters estimated. The guideline is 5-10 times the estimated
number of parameters.
2. The number of statements used is as many as items. So that the number of samples used in
this study with a minimum limit of respondents amounted to 15 items x 5 = 75, while the
maximum limit was 15 items x 10 = 150. Thus, the respondents to be taken as many as 100
respondents. This number is considered to be sufficient to represent the population to be
studied because it has met the maximum limit of the research sample.
The data collection method in this study using questionnaires as research instruments
must meet two criteria, namely valid and reliable. For this reason, before the questionnaire is
distributed, in a study it is necessary to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. All
independent and dependent variables will be analyzed using the IBM SPSS Version 25 SPSS
Application Program (statistical package for the social sciencesskala). Variable measurements
are performed using the Likert scale. The research method used in this study used multiple
linear regression analysis.
The Influence of Brand Image and Sales Promotion on Buyers' Decisions in Using Mypertamina as a
Transaction Tool
The constant value indicates a positive value with a value of 0.537. This shows that the
buyer's decision is considered without the influence of brand image and sales promotion, then
the magnitude of the buyer's decision variable is 0.537.
The value of the regression coefficient of the brand image variable of 0.647 with a value
of 8.110 states that brand image has a positive effect on buyer decisions. This shows that the
higher the brand image, the higher the buyer's decision to use My Pertamina as a means of
payment transactions in the city of Palembang.
The value of the regression coefficient of the sales promotion variable of 0.207 with a
value of 2.595 states that sales promotion has a positive effect on buyer decisions. This shows
that the higher the sales promotion given, the higher the buyer's decision to use MyPertamina
as a means of payment transactions in the city of Palembang.
The Influence of Brand Image on Buyers' Decisions in Using MyPertamina as a Payment
Transaction Tool in Palembang City
Brand image has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions. These
results are in line with the results of the study from (Wu, 2022); (Ahmad., Zachariah, W.,
Marlina, W. 2021) (Kebkole, 2021); (Ernawati, 2021); (Tyas &; Hartelina, 2021); (Fransiska
&; Madiawati, 2021); (Haqiqi &; Khuzaini, 2020); (Anwar &; Andrean, 2020); (Amalia,
2019); (Hakim &; Saragih, 2019); (Foster, 2018); (Novansa &; Ali, 2018); (Hendro &; Hidayat,
2018); (Utomo &; Waluyo, 2018); (Pratama &; Santoso, 2018); (Mahanani, 2018) shows the
results that brand image has a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions.
The results of this study show that brand image is associated with several indicators such
as brand identity, brand association, brand benefit and competence. Pthere is an indicator that
I feel many benefits when using the MyPertamina Application shows the lowest value. It is
suspected that not all consumers always use the MyPertamina application in making purchases
of either fuel or other PT Pertamina (Persero) products. Based on direct interviews with several
respondents aged >40 years, they said that making payments through the MyPertamina
application is still troublesome because consumers need to top up, where not all consumers can
top up on available e-wallets. In contrast to consumers who are under the age of <40 years said
that the MyPertamina application makes it easier to make payments and is felt to be more
effective and efficient in reducing queues.
In the indicator , I feel safe and responsive in the process of the service provided if
making payments through the MyPertamina application shows the highest score. This shows
that consumers feel that making payments through the MyPertamina application provides a
special line, where the queue is not too long when compared to payment by cash. Based on
interviews with several respondents, said that by making cashless payments through the
MyPertamina application, consumers can control the amount of fuel expenditure which can be
seen through the purchase history on the application. Consumers who are at the age of <40
years feel that the payment method through this application is easier and does not need to queue
because of the special lane.
The Effect of Sales Promotion on Buyers' Decisions in Using MyPertamina as a Payment
Transaction Tool in Palembang City
Sales promotion has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. These
results are in line with the results of the study from Ernawati et al., 2021; Fransiska &
Madiawati, 2021; Gusrita & Rahmidani, 2018; Islam, 2020; Mishra, 2018; Nasution et al.,
The Influence of Brand Image and Sales Promotion on Buyers' Decisions in Using Mypertamina as a
Transaction Tool
2019; Rafdinal & Rafdinal, 2019; Saputra et al., 2020; Tulanggow et al., 2019; Tyas &
Hartelina, 2021; Utomo & Waluyo, 2018; Wangarry et al., (2018) shows the results that
promotions have a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions.
The results of this study show that sales promotion is linked to several indicators such as
discounts and points. In the indicator, Pertamina often gives discounts if transactions using the
MyPertamina application show the lowest value. It is suspected that this discount is given if it
meets the applicable terms and conditions, one of which is by purchasing a minimum liter of
fuel and can only get a discount. This is very unfortunate for two-wheeled vehicle (motorcycle)
users where, if you fill up fuel, you don't get a point. Some respondents in the field said that
there needs to be an evaluation in providing discounts to consumers who make payments
through the MyPertamina application to provide discounts with no minimum purchase.
Because with the large number of two-wheeled vehicles, it will provide an attraction to
consumers to always use the MyPertamina application in addition to being given a special lane
if making transactions on the MyPertamina application.
The MyPertamina application indicator always provides additional points for all
MyPertamina users showing the highest value. This shows that purchases with payments using
the MyPertamina application, consumers get points. Based on direct interviews with
respondents who are consumers who purchase fuel using 4-wheeled vehicles, respondents said
that the provision of this point is given with a minimum purchase, where this is only obtained
for 4-wheeled vehicles that purchase fuel in much greater quantities when compared to 2-
wheeled vehicles. Meanwhile, based on interviews with respondents who use 2-wheeled
vehicles, said the point given was never given because 2-wheeled consumers make an average
purchase of fuel under 5 liters.
Brand image has a positive and significant influence on buyers' decisions in using
MyPertamina as a means of payment transactions in the city of Palembang. Sales promotion
has a positive and significant effect on buyers' decisions in using MyPertamina as a means of
payment transactions in the city of Palembang.
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Copyright holders:
Alia Anggraini, Marlina Widiyanti, Muchsin Saggaff Shihab, Ahmad Maulana
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0