Putra Apriliansyah Rohaerdi, Rizka Aliffita Nabilla, Hafizha Rasyid, Ghazy Faisal
Aqimmudin, Achmad Faqih
Faculty of Agriculture Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Indonesia
Email: achmad[email protected]
Food needs are basic human needs and are one of the topics that always experience
development in accordance with paradigm changes and human lifestyles. The growing
awareness of the community with the level of education and higher income, demands that
the products available in the market can meet their healthy lifestyle standards according to
the understanding they get from the information they get around them. Not only must the
product, quality and price but the place must also be clean. This study aims to find out: (1)
the influence of market conditions on vegetable purchasing decisions. (2) the influence of
market location on the purchasing decisions of vegetable consumers. (3) the influence of
market conditions and market location on the purchasing decisions of vegetable consumers.
The study was conducted from March to May 2023, using a survey method on 60 consumers
who were buying vegetables at the Pasalaran Plered Market, Cirebon Regency using
questionnaires as a tool to find out information from respondents. The data used are primary
data and secondary data. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis, multiple linear
analysis, t test analysis, f test analysis and coefficient of determination. The results of this
study are, (1) There is a significant influence of market conditions on consumers who buy
vegetables. (2) There is a significant influence of market location on consumers who buy
vegetables. (3) Based on market conditions and market location simultaneously affect the
purchase of vegetables by consumers.
market conditions, market conditions, purchasing decisions, vegetables
In Indonesia, the agricultural sector is one of the sectors that plays an important role
in increasing economic development. This is because agriculture is the main livelihood
sector of most Indonesian people, one of which is the horticultural crop sector (NHB,
2019; Pautsch & Abdelrahman, 1998).
The growing awareness of the community with the level of education and higher
income Cummins et al., (2014), demands that the products available in the market can
meet their healthy lifestyle standards according to the understanding they get from the
information they get around them. Not only must the product, quality and price but the
place must also be clean Wicaksono, (2023) and Suryani, (2015). Clean market
conditions are also a demand for consumers when deciding on purchases (Lane & Potter,
2007). Clean market conditions make consumers comfortable when shopping even
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
consumers will choose clean conditions when shopping for food. This is due to public
awareness of their own health (Khuzaifah et al., 2023) and (Yasuhara et al., 2022).
Among the traditional markets in Cirebon Regency, Pasalaran Plered Market is a
market that is visited a lot every day (Desai & Vidyapeeth, 2019). The condition of the
Pasalaran Plered Market which has differences is interesting as a place of research. The
condition of the Pasalaran market stall is permanent. In addition, the location of this
market is because it is easily accessible and widely traversed by public transportation
among other traditional markets in Cirebon Regency. Pasalaran Plered Market, Cirebon
Regency, visited by many diverse consumers from various regions, is the interest of
researchers making this market a research location (Trade and Industry Office of Cirebon
Regency, 2018). The purpose to be achieved in this study is to determine the influence of
market conditions and market location on consumer decisions to buy vegetables.
The design in this study uses descriptive quantitative research methods (Sugiyono,
2018). Descriptive research method is a method in examining the status of a group of
humans, an object, a condition, a system of thought or a class of events in the present
(Rahawarin & Arikunto, 2015). The research was conducted at Pasalaran Plered Market,
Cirebon Regency. The selection of research sites is carried out deliberately (purposive).
The research period was conducted in March May 2023. The object of the researcher
is consumers who come to buy vegetables around Pasar Pasalaran. The data collection
technique in this study uses survey techniques (Arikunto, 2013).
The research data consists of primary and secondary data. Primary data is a source
of data carried out in the field, in other words, primary data is data that comes from the
original or first source from sources or respondents while secondary data is data that is
already available so that researchers only need to find and collect the data (Junaidi et al.,
2020). The data collection technique uses interviews, questionnaires and literature
studies. The sample in this study amounted to 60 consumers. The data were analyzed
using descriptive analysis, t-test, coefficient of determination analysis, and f-test.
Analysis Results
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
In this study, the variables dependent is the consumer's purchasing decision on
vegetables, while the independent variables are market conditions and market location.
In calculating multiple regression analysis here using the program SPSS 22.0 for
windows (Wibowo, 2017). This analysis can be seen in the following table:
Table 1 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Kep. Purchase
(Source: SPSS Data Analysis 22.00 for windows. 2023)
From the table above, it can be concluded that two independent variables, namely
market conditions and market location, have a significant effect on purchasing decisions.
But the most dominant variable is the variable of market conditions.
The regression equation is as follows: Y = 22.828+ 0.248X1 + (-0.310)X2
A constant of 22.828 means that if the score of market conditions and market location
is zero, then the purchase decision of vegetables is 22.828.
The regression coefficient of the Market Condition Variable (X1) is 0.248 and the
Market Location Variable (X2) is -0.310, so the Purchase Decision Variable (Y) will
increase as well. The variable Market Conditions (X1) has a value of Sig = 0.004, that
means 0.004 < 0.05. So the Purchase Decision Variable (Y) is influenced by the
Market Conditions variable (X1). Judging from the Unstandardized Coefficients in
market conditions with a value of B = 0.248 and a regression coefficient marked
positive, meaning that if the value of market conditions increases by 1 unit, then the
purchase decision (Y) will increase by 0.248 assuming that the variable X1 is fixed.
The Market Location variable (X2) has a Sig value = 0.027, that means 0.027 > 0.05.
Judging from the Unstandardized Coefficients at the market location with a value of
B = 0.310 and this regression coefficient marked negative shows that if the value of
the market location experiences a value of 1 unit, the variable Y will decrease by 0.310
assuming that the variable X2 is fixed.
Based on the results of research that has been carried out that market conditions
have a significant value on vegetable purchasing decisions (Rosales-Asensio et al., 2019).
In the Market Conditions variable, there are 10 indicators that affect such as the type and
area of kiosk units, the effectiveness of space utilization, the width of circulation paths,
accessibility and circulation systems, air, lighting, public facilities, clean water utilities,
dirty water utilities and garbage. Here is a consumer review of market conditions:
a. In the indicators of the type and area of consumer kiosk units, many say that the
condition of a spacious kiosk can be seen with the condition of the stall that is not
narrow and fits for traders and their vegetables, and in one trader there are many types
of vegetables, making it easier for consumers when buying vegetables.
b. In the indicator of the effectiveness of space utilization, many consumers stated that
the road in the market that makes it easier for them to shop and the road between stalls
in the morning market and Pasalaran market is clean.
c. In the indicator of the width of the circulation path, consumers pay a lot of attention to
the path between stalls / vegetable stalls which are not narrow and there are not many
even merchandise in the path between stalls so that consumers do not have to squeeze
with other consumers when shopping.
d. On the indicators of accessibility and circulation system, consumers state that the
market entrance is easy in all directions and the arrangement of vegetable commodities
is complete and good.
e. In the Indicator of Hawace, consumers state that it is good because one of them pays
attention to the market with good air circulation and in the stall / vegetable stall there
is a fan.
f. In the consumer lighting indicator states that the light entering the market is good and
almost every trader uses auxiliary lighting such as lights to illuminate the vegetable
commodities sold.
g. In the indicator of public facilities, consumers assess that the public facilities of toilets
and public prayer rooms available are good (suitable for use) and managed by market
h. In the Clean Water Utility indicator, consumers assess that clean water utilities in the
market are good with clean water utilities for vegetables and every kiosk close to water
i. In the Dirty Water Utility indicator, consumers assess that there is already a dirty water
sewerage and is not susceptible to dirty water puddles.
j. In the Waste indicator, consumers say that the placement of waste in the market has
been placed correctly and every day waste is transported.
Market location also has a significant value to vegetable purchasing decisions. In
the market location variable, there are four influencing indicators such as the availability
of parking lots, having a wider space, market locations that are widely passed by
transportation, and strategic locations (Smith & Raven, 2012). The following is a
consumer explanation based on the results of the study:
a. In the parking space availability indicator, consumers state the availability of good
parking space and their vehicles are safe when parked in the market parking lot that
has been provided.
b. On the indicator of having a large enough space, consumers state that the market space
is already large and accommodates many sellers and buyers.
c. In the indicator of market location, many means of transportation pass by consumers,
saying that the most affects consumers from the indicator
The location is that they consider access to markets that can be easily reached and
passed by public transportation, using angkot for example.
In the indicator of the strategic location of consumers that the location of the market
is statistical and near residential areas so that it becomes one of the strong reasons when
consumers buy vegetables.
F Test Analysis
Table 2. F Test Analysis
Sum of
Mean Square
Dependent Variable: Purchase Kep.
Predictors: (Constant), Location, Conditions
(Source: Data Analysis using SPSS 22.00 for windows. 2017)
The result of the F test count shows a value of 5.526. So Fcalculate > Ftable
(5.526 > 3.16) or Sig F < 5% (0.006 < 0.05). This means that simultaneously or together
the variables Market Conditions (X1) and Lane Location (X2) affect the Purchase
Decision (Y). Because the level of significance < α (0.05), the independent variable has
an effect on the dependent variable. From the results of this F test, it can be concluded
that Market Conditions and Market Location together affect consumer decisions to buy
vegetables. So that the form of testing his hypothesis is accepted.
Test Analysis t
Table 3. Analysis Results of t test
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Kep. Purchase
(Source: SPSS Data Analysis 22.00 for windows. 2023)
The results of the t test for the Market Condition Variable (X1) obtained a
calculated value of 2.973 > table 1.672 with a significant value of 0.004 < 0.05. So
it can be concluded that the variable market condition (X1) has an influence on
purchasing decisions (Y). So that the form of hypothesis testing is accepted. A
positive t value indicates that X1 has a unidirectional relationship with Y.
The test result t for the Market Location Variable (X2) obtained a calculated value
of 2.267 > ttable 1.672 with a significant value of 0.027 < 0.05. So it can be
concluded that the market location variable (X1) has an influence on purchasing
decisions (Y). So that the form of hypothesis testing is accepted. A negative t value
indicates that X1 has an opposite relationship with Y.
The results of the t test for the purchase decision variable (Y) are also strongly
influenced by both types of variables ( X), including market conditions and market
location variables. In other words, variable factors of market conditions and market
location affect consumer decisions to buy vegetables.
Coefficient of Determination
The coefficient of determination is used to determine what percentage of influence
the variables of market conditions (X1) and market location (X2) simultaneously have
on purchasing decisions (Y).
In calculating the coefficient of determination in this study using SPSS 22.00 for
windows.This analysis can be seen in the following table:
Table 4 Coefficient of Determination
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Location, Conditions
(Source: Data Analysis using SPSS 22.00 for windows. 2023)
Based on the test data above, it is known that the R square value is 0.162. This
means that the influence of market condition variables (X1) and market location (X2)
simultaneously on purchasing decisions (Y) is 16.2%. This means that there is 83.8%
variance in dependent variables explained by other factors not studied by researchers.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion that have been described, several
things can be concluded as Market conditions have a real influence on consumer decisions
to buy vegetables, as evidenced by the results of the analysis and obtained a calculated
value of 2.973 > ttable 1.672 with a sig value of purchase decision (Y) of 16.2%. This
means that there is 83.8% variance in dependent variables explained by other factors not
studied by researchers. 0.004.
The location of the market has a real influence on consumer decisions to buy
vegetables, as evidenced by the results of the analysis and obtained a calculated value of
2.267> ttable 1.672 with a GIS value of 0.027. Market conditions and market location
have a real influence together on consumer decisions to buy vegetables, it is proven by
the value of Fcalculate 5.526 > Ftable 3.16 with a value of Sig. 0.006 < 0.05.
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Copyright holders:
Putra Apriliansyah Rohaerdi, Rizka Aliffita Nabilla, Hafizha Rasyid, Ghazy
Faisal Aqimmudin, Achmad Faqih (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0