Syahid Amrillah, M Adjie Brio Pratama, Fergiansyah Djuliana
Achmad Faqih, Siti Aisyah
Faculty of Agriculture Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Indonesia
Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Email: achmad.faq[email protected], [email protected]
Consumers in making decisions to buy a product always consider matters concerning
price, packaging, quality, and service. So the level of satisfaction is a function of the
difference between perceived performance and expectations. If the performance is below
expectations, then the customer will be disappointed, if kineja meets or exceeds
expectations, then the customer will be very satisfied. The purpose of this study is the
influence of brand image, product quality and promotion on the purchase decision of tofu
kopeci. The study started from May to June 2023 with the object of research, namely
Kopeci tofu consumers with a sample of 60 respondents. The design in this study used
quantitative methods by collecting data using questionnaire instruments. The data used
are primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis,
multiple linear analysis, t test analysis, f test analysis and coefficient of determination
The results showed that: (1) Brand image, product quality, and promotion have a positive
and significant effect on purchasing decisions. This means that if brand image, product
quality, and promotion are improved, it will improve purchasing decisions on tofu kopeci,
and (2) There is a simultaneous influence of brand image, product quality and promotion
variables on the decision to buy tofu kopeci. This means that if brand image, product
quality, and promotion are improved, it will improve purchasing decisions on Kopeci
: brand image; product quality; purchasing decision
Tofu is a food that is processed from soybeans through a fermentation process.
This culinary is very easy to find throughout Java, including in Kuningan Regency, West
Java. Among the famous tofu production centers is the tofu production of the
Cikentrungan Youth Cooperative (Kopeci). Located on Jalan Veteran Kuningan. Kopeci
tofu is always hunted by Indonesian culinary connoisseurs.
Kopeci Tofu is the same shape as Sumedang Tofu and is equally packed with
woven baskets. But there is something that makes this tofu different, namely if after frying
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
it is not cocooned, it remains densely contained, more filling and also more savory. The
composition of tofu that has density and savory, one of which is by the way of making
and using clear water. Because, not a small number of manufacturing factories rarely pay
attention to raw materials in processing.
Brass tofu is small and brown on the outside with a soybean flavor that is still very
thick. Kopeci tofu is perfect to be enjoyed together with cayenne pepper. Besides the
savory and tender taste, the price does not make the pocket so perforated. This Kopeci
Tofu is sold at a price of Rp 1,000 per piece, and if you buy it in large quantities, Kopeci
Tofu will be wrapped in a special place made of bamboo.
As a complement to the Tofu traders also provide rice cakes and soy milk, which
will make eating this typical Kuningan Tofu even more delicious. The first bite feels
crispy and ranum on the outside, the second bite feels savory and soft giving a warm
sensation in the mouth. The next bite, the tongue does not want to stop swaying. Given
its delicious taste, Kopeci tofu is often used as a typical souvenir of Kuningan.
Tofu as one of the foods from processed soybeans that continues to innovate in the
form of food with various new names and variants, such as milk tofu, round tofu, cripsy
tofu. Most people prefer this processed soy product as a snack and food companion that
consumes directly without processing. According to Budiyono, (2004).around 93% of
tempeh craftsmen like large-seeded soybeans (imported soybeans) because they produce
tempeh with bright color and large volume. While the industry knows, the size of the
beans does not matter as long as it is available on the market. The type/variety of soybeans
and processing techniques are determining factors for yield and texture.
The results of preliminary observations show that sales of Kopeci tofu products
fluctuate every day. The rise and fall of products, often influenced by various factors. It
could be due to a less strategic location, less intense promotion, relatively fixed product
quality, brands with other competitors and the willingness of entrepreneurs to convince
Consumer variations are strongly influenced by various factors, products and the
community environment as well as the level of household economics so that it is possible
that product promotion is still needed, improving brand image and improving product
quality, so that purchasing decisions have an upward or downward trend. What
entrepreneurs know Kopeci does, has not been maximized to attract new customers.
Buyers are generally regular customers, so it is possible that there is still a lack of
promotion for brand image and product quality, so buying interest tends to go up or down.
What Tahu Kopeci entrepreneurs do, has not been maximized to attract new customers.
Consumers in making a decision to buy a product the consumer always considers matters
concerning price, packaging, quality, and service. Purchasing decision is an action taken
by a consumer to determine a choice from several alternatives available to solve a
Customer satisfaction is the level of feeling after comparing perceived
performance/results with expectations. So the level of satisfaction is a function of the
difference between perceived performance and expectations. If the performance is below
expectations, then the customer will be disappointed, if the performance matches or
exceeds expectations, then the customer will be very satisfied.
A consumer when entering a particular store / stall of any type, must have his own
feelings, impressions and images, both impressions of the building, services from
employees, prices, products offered and impressions of the goods to be purchased.
Consumers will interact with the above business activities certainly trying to create a good
image in the eyes of consumers in general. A good brand image in the eyes of consumers
will attract more consumers and will influence sales success.
The number of traders who sell similar products is a competitor in seizing market
share. In the place of tofu product research, Kopeci, is one of the tofu companies that
continues to preserve business operations so that consumers still like it. Many similar
companies are challenges, and competitors so companies must continue to innovate and
promote products to remain liked by customers. Then Kopeci tofu products open up
opportunities for new buyers, because they increasingly have competition from product
image problems, product quality. Customer satisfaction with consumer purchasing
decisions makes this company experience ups and downs in sales. The purpose of the
study is to determine and analyze the influence of brand image, product quality and
product price partially and simultaneously on the purchase decision of Kopeci tofu.
This research was carried out at the Kopeci tofu stand located in the Cikentrungan
Youth Cooperative, Kuningan regency. The selection of research sites is carried out
deliberately (purposive). Based on consideration because the seller knows that it is a place
for manufacturing production and at the same time as a place for selling tofu. This
research was carried out from May to June 2023 with the object of research, namely
buyers or consumers who are buying tofu.
The research design used is quantitative, quantitative research is carried out to
examine on certain populations and samples using research instruments. Data analysis in
quantitative research is statistical because the research data is in the form of numbers and
the analysis uses statistics with the aim of testing hypotheses or temporary estimations
that have been determined by researchers based on preliminary observations (Sugiyono,
2018). The data collection technique used in this study consisted of primary data and
secondary data.
The sampling technique used in this study, accidental sampling, is a sampling
technique based on chance, that is, anyone who happens to meet the researcher can be
used as a sample, if it is considered that the person who happened to meet is suitable as a
data source Nurdin & Hartati, (2019). In accidental sampling, the buyer will choose tofu
consumers who can be interviewed to obtain data. The number of samples was 60 buyers.
The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis which is used
to measure the magnitude of the influence of independent variables (brand image, product
quality, and promotion) on the dependent variable (purchase satisfaction). Regression
analysis is partly the study of the relationship of one variable called the explained variable
with one or two explanatory variables. The first variable is also referred to as the
dependent variable and the second variable is referred to as the independent variable. The
linear regression method is intended to determine how much the level of influence
between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Next using the analysis of
Coefficient of Determination, Test t (partial test) and Test f (simultaneous test).
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Multiple regression analysis is used to measure the strength of the relationship
between two or more variables, as well as to show the direction of the relationship
between the dependent variables. The issue discussed is the extent to which brand image,
product quality, and promotion influence the purchase decision on tofu buyers. The
results of multiple linear regression analysis can be seen in table 1 below:
Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Citra Merek
Kualitas Produk
a. Dependent Variable : Purchasing Decision
From table 1 can be formulated the regression equation as follows: Y= a + b1X1 +
b2X2 + b3X3 + e Y = 3.922 + 0.195 X1+ 0.260X2 + 0.273X3
Based on the regression equation above, it can be explained that the results of
analysis are expressed as follows:
1. A constant value of 3.922 means that there is an influence of the variables brand image
(X1), product quality (X2) and promotion (X3) on purchasing decisions (Y). If brand
image (X1) is value = 0, product quality (X2) is value = 0 and promotion (X3) is value
= 0. Then the constant has a fixed value of 3.922.
2. Brand image has a positive influence on purchasing decisions with a sig value of .000
smaller than the value of .052. While the value of the B coefficient in Unstandardized
Coefficients is 0.195 that means, if the brand image increases by one unit, then the
Purchase Decision will increase by 0.195 units or the higher the value of the brand
image, the more the purchase decision will increase.
3. Product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions with a sig value of .000
smaller than the value of .052. While the value of coefficient B in Unstandardized
Coefficients is 0.260, meaning that if Product Quality increases by one unit, then the
manufacturing decision will increase by 0.260 units or the higher the product quality,
the more the product decision increases.
4. Promotion has a positive effect on purchasing decisions with a sig value of .000
smaller than the value of .052. While the value of the B coefficient in Unstandardized
Coefficients is 0.273, meaning that if the promotion increases by one unit, then the
decision to increase by 0.273 units or if the promotion increases, the purchase decision
will increase.
Test Results of Coefficient of Determination (R2)
According to Ghozali (2019), the coefficient of determination (R2) is a quantity to
show the level of strength of the relationship between two variables or in percent form,
showing how much the percentage of diversity of independent variables Y can be
explained by the diversity of dependent variable X, or in other words how much X can
contribute to Y.
The coefficient of determination is used to determine the magnitude of the influence
of the independent variable on the dependent variable or determine the magnitude of the
influence of brand image, product quality and promotion on purchasing decisions. The
value of the coefficient of determination (R2) is between zero and one. The following are
the results of the Determination Test (R2) :
Table 2. Test Results of Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Brand Image, Product Quality and Promotion
b. Dependent Variable: Purchasing Decision
Based on table 2 above, the results of the analysis can be interpreted as follows:
1. An R value of 0.710 means that the relationship between brand image (X1), product
quality (X2), promotion (X3) is strong against the purchase decision variable (Y) in
Tofu Kopeci buyers.
2. An R square value of 0.505 means that the purchase decision variable is influenced by
brand image (X1), product quality (X2), promotion (X3) variables of 0.505. This
means that purchasing decisions are influenced by these three variables as much as
50.5% while the remaining 49.5% are influenced by variables that are not studied or
can be explained by other variables that are not studied in this study.
3. The purchase of tofu kopeci in Kuningan is quite good, influenced by brand image
variables (X1), product quality (X2), promotion (X3)
4. Increasing customer tofu kopeci in Kuningan must be done by making improvements
to these three variables, especially product quality variables.
Hypothesis Testing Results
Partial Test Results (Test t)
The t-test is used to determine whether the partially independent variable has a
significant influence on the dependent variable. The statistical t test is used to determine
how far the influence of one independent variable individually in explaining the variation
of the dependent variable (Ferdinand, 2014).
The decision criteria of the above hypothesis according to Sugiyono (2013) are as
1. If tcount > ttable H0 is rejected and vice versa Ha is accepted.
2. If tcount ≤ ttable H0 is accepted and vice versa Ha is rejected.
3. Formulate test criteria using a significant level of 0.05(α) of 5%
4. If the significant value > 0.05 then Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected (regression
coefficient is insignificant)
5. If a significant value < 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted (significant
regression coefficient).
Table 3. Test Results t
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Brand Image
Product Quality
a. Dependent Variable: Keputusan Pembelian
b. The Effect of Competency on Purchasing Decisions
The influence of brand image on the purchase decision of tofu kopeci in the new
market of Kuningan sub-district.
Based on the results of the analysis of the influence of brand image can predict the
purchase decision of tofu kopeci in Kuningan sub-district, for a brand image of 0.2522 >
1667 and a t test value of 0.014 < from a sig value of 0.05, then HO is rejected and Ha is
accepted. This means that the brand image has a positive and significant influence on the
decision to purchase tofu kopeci in Kuningan village.
Brand image can influence consumer behavior to determine its heart, so that it can
determine decisions in the return of tofu. Attitudes that are always changing when they
want to buy tofu, consumers are looking for alternative choices against other years as
competitors. Due to conditions in the new market, many sell tofu with different brands.
Set that choice, which can keep the buyer or customer to buy tofu kopeci.
Maintaining brand image is an important part that must be maintained by
manufacturers from so many alternatives, so the selection of haryus products is still
carried out at all times. Starting from the moment the product is presented, selection is
sorting out products that fail during the production process, products contaminated by
other materials, may not sell products that are stale or products that have passed their
selling period
Another researcher who supports is also research conducted by Durianto (2014),
competence is a person's ability to complete a job. Competence is a factor that greatly
affects performance because with high competence a person is more accomplished in
completing a job so that the results of the work produced will be satisfactory (Manoppo
& Tumbuan, 2014). So all business actors in tofu kopeci, must have competition in sorting
out tofu products that are worth selling.
The results of the study were supported by researcher Laura & Ringo, (2017) that
brand image affects development decisions and the same thing is also supported by
researcher Hidayat, (2015), that brand image has a positive and significant effect on
purchasing decisions, where the better the brand image, the better the purchase decision
on tofu kopeci citta brand which is of high value is needed in a product a goal in sales
will be achieved as planned.
The influence of quality on the purchase decision of Kopeci tofu
Based on the results of the analysis of the effect of product quality on buying
interest, it is obtained that product quality variables can predict buying interest. The
significant value obtained of 0.000 means that the hypothesis is accepted when viewed
from the t test of 0.3742 > 1667 (t count > t table) and the t test value of 0.000 < of the
sig value of 0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The hypothesis that has been
formulated previously stating that "Product quality positively affects buying interest" is
accepted or proven, this shows that the higher the quality of Lenovo laptop products, the
higher the purchase interest.
The quality of products sold must be maintained in order to be able to meet
consumer desires Obeid (2014) Failure of the product sold, will disappoint the customer
and keep away from the product with the buyer or customer. Like large and small sizes,
taste and aroma, must be strictly maintained and must still maintain the loyalty of buyers
and customers and be kept from moving to other products. If there is a fluctuation in the
price of raw materials in the market, for example soybean prices rise, if the increase can
affect profits then the action is, if the selling value shows profits do not reduce the size of
the product, because it decreases weight and size, will cause a decrease in product quality
and will attract buyers and customers (Sam & Dhanya, 2012).
According to Kotler, Philip and Kevin Lane Keller, (2016) the product is a key
element in the overall market offering. Product quality is defined as a collection of
features and characteristics of a product that contribute to its ability to meet a given
requirement (Weenas, 2013). Referring to the results of the hypothesis test which revealed
that product quality has a positive effect on purchasing decisions, this is in accordance
with the results of research conducted by Mulyanto, (2013) showing that product quality
is an influence on consumer buying interest. From the discussion above, it can be seen
that product quality has a very positive effect on purchase interest. The results of this
study are in accordance with the opinion of Durianto, (2004) stating that: the results of
hypothesis testing found that the product attribute variables in this study had a significant
influence on purchasing decisions, especially on respondents in Kuningan sub-district
kopeci, and the influence of product attribute variables on consumer buying interest was
The influence of promotion on the purchase decision of Kopeci tofu
Based on the results of the analysis of the effect of promotion on buying interest, it
is obtained that promotional variables can predict buying interest. The significant value
obtained of 0.000 means that the diteri hypothesis when viewed from the t test of 0.3895>
1667 and the t test value of 0.005 < from the sig value of 0.05 which is (0.000 < 0.05),
then HO is rejected and Ha is accepted as significant. The hip hypothesis that has been
formulated previously states that "Promotion has a positive effect on purchasing
decisions" is accepted or proven, this shows that the higher the promotion of tofu kopeci
the higher the consumer's buying interest.
Promotions carried out by product entrepreneurs know kopeci is a promotion,
which is used to introduce products to be sold. Limited promotional facilities and
infrastructure cause companies to still use traditional methods. Promotion through social
media such as WhatsApp, Instagram and so on has not been done.
Promotion used by entrepreneurs knows, which utilizes individual communication
techniques such as when buyers or customers buy products, or through close familiar
relationships with all buyers. Close relationships, acquaintances between residents and /
or misguided chats meet in other places. This communication technique, it turns out to be
very effective, is influenced by the increase in buyers who get information from friends
(Mandey, 2013). Indirect promotion, is through various events or food offerings at
weddings or circumcisions and on other occasions that can be used to introduce products.
The name and location of the tofu kopeci business, made in such a way as to make it
easier for customers to buy tofu products remember the name and location of the business.
According to ISLAM, (2022), promotion is a component used to inform and
persuade the market about the company's products to increase marketing activities in
terms of marketing goods or services from a company, it is not enough just to develop a
housing unit model, using distribution channels and fixed price channels, but also
supported by promotional activities. Referring to the results of the hypothesis test which
revealed that, promotion has a positive effect on buying interest, this is in accordance
with the results of research conducted by YASIN, (2018) suggesting that there is a
positive influence between promotion and consumer buying interest.
Promotions carried out by entrepreneurs know kopeci, many are carried out
personally (face to face communicatito) both when buyers and customers shop or in other
places with the community, acquaintances, partners do not forget to air and handai tolan.
So more introductions with others, will raise the image of the product in front of the
maintenance community. Promotion through mass media, both TV, newspapers, print
media such as foldel, leaf let, baligo banners is not carried out. In addition to limited
capital, there are also limitations of ideas and creativity. So media promotion only uses
WA on Hand Pons to customers and acquaintances.
Simultaneously Test (F Test)
Table 4. F Test Results
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Kinerja Karyawan
b. Predictors: (Constant), Lingkungan Kerja, Kompensasi, Kompetensi
Table 4 above shows that brand image, product quality and promotion have an
influence on purchasing decisions. The test results can be explained as follows:
1. The test results obtained a calculated F value of 23.091 with a significance value of
0.000. Since 23.091 > 2.740 and 0.000 < 0.05 or f calculate the table > F and the sig
<0.05 value.
2. The variables of brand image, product quality and promotion simultaneously affect
purchasing decisions. This means that to increase the purchase of tofu kopeci, it must
be done by fixing to these three variables simultaneously.
3. The three variables of brand image, product quality and promotion cannot be
distinguished influence separately, in a buying activity all have a concurrent influence.
Brand image, product quality, and promotion partially have a positive and
significant influence on purchasing decisions. This means that if brand image, product
quality, and promotion are improved, it will improve purchasing decisions on tofu kopeci.
There is a simultaneous influence of the variables of brand image, product quality and
promotion on the decision to buy tofu kopeci. This means that if the brand image, product
quality and promotion are improved, it will improve purchasing decisions on tofu kopeci
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Copyright holders:
Syahid Amrillah, M Adjie Brio Pratama, Fergiansyah Djuliana
Achmad Faqih, Siti Aisyah (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0