Yoel Adinata Tenardi
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, Indonesia
Email: yoeladina[email protected]m
Company as an entity has an obligation to conduct financial reporting, along with the
rapid growth of information technology in recent years, manual financial reporting is no
longer adequate. Companies that have been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) are required to conduct financial reporting either manually (hardcopy) or
electronically (softcopy) through the company's official website. Financial reporting
through the company's website is also known as Internet Financial Reporting (IFR).
Therefore, this study aims to test and analyze the factors that affect the completeness of
the company's IFR information. This research was conducted quantitatively using
independent variables namely liquidity, profitability, company size, leverage and
company listing age, while the dependent variable of this research is Internet Financial
Reporting. The type of data used is quantitative data in the form of financial statements
on the IDX website and the website of each company. The method of data collection is
documentation. The research object is a service sector company registered in the IDX in
2017-2019. Data analysis is performed with multiple linear regression analysis. The
results showed that the size of the company has a positive effect on the completeness of
IFR information. This means that the larger the size of the company, the company will
present IFR with more adequate information on the company's website. The test results
also proved that leverage negatively affects the completeness of IFR information. This
indicates that the greater the leverage of the company, the company will present IFR
with lower completeness of information on the company's website. The test results also
showed that liquidity, profitability and listing life had no effect on the completeness of
IFR information.
: Internet financial reporting; liquidity; profitability; company size; leverage and
listing age
The development of information technology in recent years has grown very quickly
in various countries in the world. Advances in information technology bring many
benefits in aspects of human life, and have been recognized as contributing greatly in
simplifying and easing the workload borne (Dwiningrum, 2012). The internet has an
important role as one of the joints in the development of information technology, the
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 9, September 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
fundamental role of the internet has a good impact on streamlining daily human activities.
Some characteristics of the internet such as being able to connect information and being
able to communicate globally on a broad scale (interconectivity with enormous scale),
being able to interact and be accessed by various devices or service platforms and through
different networks (heterogeneity) (Patel et al., 2016).
Internet users in the world are increasing from year to year, where in 2016 internet
users in the world amounted to 3.37 billion users or equivalent to 46.4% of the total world
population and in 2019 the number of internet users in the world amounted to 4.54 billion
users or equivalent to 58.8% of the total world population (Stats, 2020). In Indonesia,
internet users now number 150 million users, with a penetration rate of 56% while the
number of mobile internet users is 142.8 million users with a penetration percentage of
53%, with the largest distribution of users in Sumatra and Java (Kominfo, 2019).
Accessibility and the large number of internet users make the internet an attractive
communication channel for companies to disseminate information for interested parties.
In general, a business activity or company is formed with the aim of obtaining profit
(profit oriented). Companies with the aim of making a profit are the most common
companies found in various business sectors, in carrying out their business activities there
are two important parts of the company. According to Scott, (2015), the first party,
namely the owner of the company (principal), employs the second party, namely company
management (agent) to achieve company goals. Company management has the duty to
carry out orders from company owners in order to achieve company goals in the hope of
receiving rewards in the form of salaries or bonuses, while company owners have the
right to give instructions or targets that company management wants to carry out but
company owners also have the obligation to provide rewards commensurate with the
obligations borne by management and its achievements.
The Company has the obligation to provide information through financial reporting
containing both financial and non-financial data to stakeholders, especially for investors.
The change in the presentation of company information from a paper-based reporting
system to a paperless reporting system is commonplace, this is made possible by the
development of the internet where companies can utilize internet media as a means of
delivering financial statements or commonly referred to as Internet Financial Reporting
(IFR). IFR is defined as a combination of ability and performance with internet media
that can be applied interactively to communicate financial statements Oyelere et al.,
(2003) while according to Dewi, (2017) in simple terms IFR can be interpreted as a
medium for disclosing company financial statements through internet facilities or
specifically contained in the company's managed website.
Since 2012 regulations related to the implementation of IFR have been regulated
in Indonesia by independent state institutions. Referring to the regulation issued by the
Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM-LK) in
Number Kep-431 / BL / 2012 concerning "Submission of Annual Report of Issuers or
Public Companies", this regulation was then updated with the Financial Services
Authority Regulation (POJK) Number 31 / POJK.04 / 2015 concerning "Disclosure of
Information or Material Facts by Issuers or Public Companies" in article 2 paragraph (1)
instructing companies to announce material facts or information to the public and disclose
this to the Financial Services Authority, article 4 paragraph (1) also instructs public
companies listed on the stock exchange to make information announcements at least
through the issuer's website, stock exchange website or daily newspaper circulated
nationally and in Indonesian (Financial Services Authority, 2015). Other regulations are
contained in POJK Number 7 / POJK.04 / 2018 concerning "Submission of Reports
Through the Electronic Reporting System of Issuers or Public Companies" in article 2
paragraph (1) public companies are required to submit reports in the form of Electronic
Reporting Systems (SPE) to OJK., in article 2 paragraph (3) also described reports that
must be submitted, namely reports in accordance with the provisions of capital market
legislation (Financial Services Authority, 2018). The existence of these regulations
makes IFR an important part that is inseparable for public companies that have been listed
on the stock exchange and have an obligation to disclose information disclosure both to
interested parties and the wider community (Kumara, 2015).
Research conducted by Rahayu et al., (2020) suggests that companies that can
survive and grow are companies that can take advantage of technological developments
and apply them within the company. The rapid development of technology and the
internet is one of the attractions for companies to report financial and non-financial
information to the public, namely through IFR. Arfianda, (2017) revealed that IFR can be
a medium of communication and provision of information for investors or interested
parties who need information related to the company that can be used as investor
consideration before making decisions. Providing balanced information to interested
parties and company management is a must for a company to reduce the level of
information asymmetry. Financial reporting through the internet or IFR is one of the
instruments that companies can use to reduce information gaps.
Previous research by Arfianda, (2017) stated that the level of company size and
profitability have a significant effect on IFR, while leverage and percentage of ownership
by the public do not have a significant effect on IFR. Dewi, (2017) states that company
size and leverage have a significant positive effect of 1 on IFR, while profitability has a
significant negative effect on IFR and Liquidity does not have a significant 1 effect on
IFR. Research conducted by Mahendri & Irwandi, (2017) revealed that liquidity, leverage
profitability, auditor reputation and listing age do not have a significant effect on IFR,
while company size has a significant effect on IFR. Previous studies that still have
inconsistent results between one study and another, therefore this study will focus more
on five factors that will be the subject of liquidity, profitability, company size, leverage,
and listing age (Christ, 2017; Ginting, 2018; Mahendri & Irwandi, 2017).
The object of this study is a service sector company listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the period 2017-2019. Considerations in choosing service sector companies
because research related to IFR in this sector has not been carried out and the service
sector in question is a service sector listed on the IDX because it has the obligation to
report information related to companies on the company's website which is also regulated
in the Financial Services Authority Regulation, the selection of the 2017-2019 period is
also relevant to IFR-related regulations that require public companies listed on the IDX
to carry out disclosure of information through the company's website that conforms to the
definition of IFR.
This study was conducted with the aim of testing and analyzing the effect of
liquidity, profitability, company size, leverage and company listing age on the
completeness of IFR information on service sector companies on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange for the 2017-2019 period (Zuhroh, 2019).
This research data collection method is in the form of secondary data collection
methods with documentation techniques. The data used in this study are the financial
statements of service sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the
period 2017-2019 and have gone through an audit process.
The data analysis technique in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis
with one dependent variable and more than one independent variable. When multiple
linear regression analysis techniques are used, a classical assumption test consisting of a
normality test, heteroscedasticity test, autocorrelation test and multicollinearity test is
required which must be statistically met. In this study, descriptive statistical methods in
SPSS (Statistical Product and Solutions) software version 23 were used to assist the data
analysis technique.
Classical Assumption Test
1. Normality Test
The test was conducted using One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test with a
significant level of 5% which can be seen in table 1
Table 1 One Sample Normality Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
Data (n=283)
Normally distributed
Source: Data processed (2020)
The results of data processing in table 4.3. indicates that Sig ≥ 0.05, meaning
that the data has been normally distributed because the significance level of 0.0092
has met the significance level ≥ 0.05.
2. Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity testing with glacier test can be observed in table 2
Table 2 Glejser Normality Test
There are symptoms of heterokedasticity
Source: Data processed (2020)
The results of data processing in table 2 show that Sig < 0.05, while the data
requirements to pass the glejser heteroscedasticity test if Sig > 0.05, even though
outliers and data transformation have been carried out, but the results of the
significance level do not meet the Sig requirements > 0.05, it can be concluded if there
are symptoms of heteroscedasticity.
3. Autocorrelation Test
Autocorrelation testing with Durbin-Watson (DW Test) can be observed in
table 3
Table 3 Durbin-Watson Autocorrelation Test
No Autocorrelation Occurs
Source: Data processed (2020)
The results of data processing in table 3. shows that the Durbin-Watson test
requirement that DW is between dU and (4-dU) has been met, because dU 1.833 < DW
2.102 < 4-DU so it can be concluded that autocorrelation does not occur.
4. Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity testing by looking at tolerance values and Variance Inflation
Factors (VIF) values can be observed in table 4
Table 4 Multicollinearity Test
Independent Variables
Source: Data processed (2020)
The results of data processing in table 4.6. show that the requirements for the
multicollinearity test, namely a tolerance value of more than 0.10 and a Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) of less than 10, have been met so that it can be concluded that
there is no multicollinearity.
Model Due Diligence
1. Test Coefficient of Determination (R2)
Testing the coefficient of determination by looking at the value of variation in
the coefficient of determination can be observed in table 5
Table 5 Coefficient of Determination Test
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
Source: Data processed (2020)
The results of data processing in table 6. show that the adjusted R square value
is 0.205, meaning that the dependent variables (LIK, PROF, SIZE, LEV, and LIST)
have an influence on the dependent variable (IFR) by 20.5%, while 79.5% is explained
by other factors outside the dependent variable in this study.
2. Statistical Test F
Statistical testing of F by looking at the comparison of F values obtained with
significance levels at the level of α = 0.05 can be observed in table 6.
Table 6. Test F
Source: Data processed (2020)
The results of data processing in table 4.8. shows that the significance level has
a value below 0.05 which is 0.000 so that it can be concluded that the regression model
used is said to be feasible based on the F test.
3. Test the hypothesis
The results of the hypothesis to see the significant influence of the independent
variable on the dependent variable using the t test can be seen in table 7
Table 7 Test t
Std. Error
Source: Data processed (2020)
Testing table 7 produces the following regression equation model:
IFR = -0.455 0.00008LIK 0.008PROF 0.031LEV + 0.013SIZE + 0.00006LIST
+ ɛ
The regression equation can be explained as:
1. The constant (indicates a value of β
) -0.455 which means IFR is -0.455 if LIK, PROF,
LEV, SIZE and LIST are 0.
2. Regression coefficient (for LIK shows a value of -0.00008 β
)which means if the LIK
value increases by one unit then the IFR value will decrease by -0.00008
3. Regression coefficient (for PROF shows a value of -0.008 β
)which means if the
PROF value increases by one unit then the IFR value will decrease by -0.008
4. Regression coefficient (for SIZE shows a value of 0.013 β
)which means if the SIZE
value increases by one unit then the IFR value will increase by 0.013
5. Regression coefficient (for LEV shows a value of -0.031 β
)which means if the value
of LEV increases by one unit then the IFR value will decrease by -0.031
6. Regression coefficient (for LIST shows a value of 0.00006 β
)which means if the
LIST value increases by one unit then the IFR value will increase by 0.00006
The results of statistical testing t in table 4.9 can be described as follows:
1. The liquidity variable (LIK) has no effect on IFR, this is indicated by the level of
significance which shows a value of 0.840 which is greater than 0.05 and a coefficient
value of B of -0.00008. Therefore, it can be concluded that stating that LIK has a
positive effect on IFR is rejected.H
2. The profitability variable (PROF) has no effect on IFR, this is indicated by the level
of significance which shows a value of 0.520 which is greater than 0.05 and a
coefficient value B of -0.008. Therefore it can be concluded that the statement that
PROF has a positive effect on IFR is rejected.H
3. The variable company size (SIZE) has a positive effect on IFR, this is shown by the
level of significance which shows a value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05 and a
coefficient value of B of 0.013. Therefore it can be concluded that stating that SIZE
has a positive effect on IFR is accepted.H
4. Variable leverage (LEV) negatively affects IFR, this is indicated by the level of
significance which shows a value of 0.003 which is smaller than 0.05 and a coefficient
value B of -0.031. Therefore it can be concluded that the state that LEV has a positive
effect on IFR H
is rejected.
5. The listing age variable (LIST) has no effect on IFR, this is indicated by the level of
significance which shows a value of 0.767 which is greater than 0.05 and a coefficient
value of B of 0.00006. Therefore it can be concluded that the state that LIST has a
positive effect on IFR is rejected.H
The Effect of Liquidity on the Completeness of Internet Financial Reporting
The results showed that liquidity did not affect the completeness of Internet
Financial Reporting (IFR) information, this result was in line with previous studies that
found that liquidity did not affect IFR (Christ, 2017; Mahendri & Irwandi, 2017; Putri &
Setiawan, 2022). This research is different from the results of research conducted by
Marwati, (2016) which states that liquidity has a positive effect on IFR.
This study illustrates conditions where high or low liquidity will actually not affect
the completeness of IFR information. High liquidity does not necessarily indicate the
company's ability to manage current assets and short-term credit policies have been
carried out well, this can also indicate poor management performance because it shows
idle cash balances, relatively excessive inventories, and bad credit policies resulting in
high trade receivables so that the company's liquidity appears high (Dewi, 2017).
Companies with low liquidity also do not show more effort in carrying out IFR practices
with adequate information.
The level of company liquidity according to Mahendri & Irwandi, (2017) does not
affect principal and public confidence in the agent's ability to fulfill the company's short-
term obligations, so companies with low and high liquidity do not feel the need to carry
out IFR with adequate information. The results in this study are also in accordance with
agency theory where agents will not provide reduced or exaggerated information to the
principal so that information asymmetry does not occur (Pratiwi et al., 2022). Therefore
it can be concluded that liquidity has no effect on the completeness of IFR information,
The Effect of Profitability on the Completeness of Internet Financial Reporting
The results showed that profitability did not affect the completeness of IFR
information, this result was in line with previous studies that found that profitability did
not have a significant effect on IFR (Christ, 2017; Jao et al., 2019; Mahendri & Irwandi,
2017; Putri & Setiawan, 2022). This research is different from the results of research
conducted by Arfianda, (2017) which states that profitability has a significant effect on
IFR and research conducted by Budianto & Suyono, (2020) states profitability has a
positive effect on IFR.
This study shows that profitability does not affect the completeness of a company's
IFR information. High company profitability does not make company management try
more in doing adequate IFR, this can be because high profitability can make the company
more supervised by external parties and other considerations are that companies are
reluctant to convey good company conditions due to company tax burden which can be a
problem for the company if exposed (Mahendri & Irwandi, 2017).
Marwati, (2016) explained that agency theory seeks to prevent disparities of interest
between principals and agents by disseminating relevant and transparent financial
reporting, therefore companies with low and high profitability levels do not try to avoid
their obligations in conducting financial reporting but also do not do more, so that in the
end it can be concluded that profitability has no effect on the completeness of IFR
The Effect of Company Size on the Completeness of Internet Financial Reporting
The results showed that company size had a positive effect on the completeness of
IFR information, this result was in line with previous research which found that company
size had a significant positive effect on IFR (Putri & Setiawan, 2022) (Arfianda, 2017;
Budianto & Suyono, 2020; Christ, 2017; Mahendri & Irwandi, 2017). This research is
different from the results of research conducted by Jao et al., (2019) which states that
company size has no effect on IFR.
Companies must have different agency costs, according to Oyelere et al., (2003)
agency costs are the costs of disseminating financial statements, where these costs are
related to the cost of printing and disseminating financial statements to interested parties
intended by the company. Large companies have greater agency costs than small
companies because large companies have more complex obligations in submitting
complete and fast financial statements to shareholders and stakeholders as a form of
corporate responsibility. Capital market supervisors tend to focus their attention on large
companies compared to small companies, because large companies have a higher level of
complexity, so the agency costs incurred in large companies will be much higher when
compared to small companies.
As a result, large companies will have obligations or be demanded by interested
parties to report all company information completely (Diatmika & Yadnyana, 2017). One
of the means that can be used by management in disseminating company information is
IFR, because IFR is able to minimize the costs incurred by the company (agency costs)
in meeting the information needs of various interested parties. Therefore, the larger the
size of the company, the company will carry out IFR with adequate information.
The Effect of Leverage on the Completeness of Internet Financial Reporting
The results showed that leverage negatively affects the completeness of IFR
information, this result is in line with previous research which found that leverage has a
significant negative effect on IFR (Agustina, 2017). This research is different from the
results of research conducted by Dewi,(2017) which states that leverage has a significant
positive effect on IFR.
Companies with high leverage are considered unable to meet their obligations so
that the sustainability (going concern) of the company is doubtful, of course this is not
good news for the company if disclosed to investors. Research conducted by Mahendri &
Irwandi, (2017) in revealed that companies with high leverage tend to do IFR with low
completeness of information. The results of this study are in line with the agency theory
expressed by Jensen and Meckling (1976) which explains that agents (managers) and
principals (shareholders) have asymmetrical goals, where in conditions of high leverage
company management will limit the information that can be obtained by external parties
while investors will try to find as complete information as possible before making
investment decisions. Therefore, it can be concluded that leverage negatively affects the
completeness of IFR information.
The Effect of Listing Age on the Completeness of Internet Financial Reporting
The results showed that the age of the listing did not affect the completeness of
IFR information, this result was in line with previous research which found that the age
of listing did not have a significant effect on IFR (Mahendri & Irwandi, 2017). This
study is different from the results of research conducted by Abdullah et al., (2017) which
states that the age of listing has a significant positive effect on IFR.
This study shows that the completeness of IFR information on companies that
have been listed for a long time and new listings has no difference. Some companies
that have websites only expose information in the form of products or services offered
by the company. This can happen because the company's human resources determine
the company's ability to carry out IFR with adequate information. Companies that have
been listed for a long time or have a new listing do not necessarily have human resources
that are able to assist companies in conducting IFR with adequate information.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the age of the company listing is not a guarantee
that the company will have IFR with adequate information completeness.
Based on the test results, the conclusion in this study is that the size of the company
has a positive effect on the completeness of Internet Financial Reporting (IFR)
information on service sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the
2017-2019 period. This means that the larger the size of the company, the company will
present IFR with more adequate information on the company's website. The test results
also prove that leverage negatively affects the completeness of IFR information on service
sector companies on the IDX for the 2017-2019 period. This shows that the greater the
company's leverage, the company will present IFR with lower completeness of
information on the company's website
The test results also show that liquidity, profitability and listing age do not affect
the completeness of IFR information on service sector companies on the IDX for the
2017-2019 period. This shows that the amount of liquidity, profitability and listing age
do not affect the completeness of IFR information presented on the company's website.
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Copyright holders:
Yoel Adinata Tenardi (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0