Muhamad Miftahunnaja, Arif Suterajati, Novendra Ram Nugraha,
Deden, Dukat
Faculty of Agriculture Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Indonesia
Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) are one of the leading commodities in agriculture. Shallots
are commonly used as a seasoning for cooking, besides that shallots are also useful as
traditional medicine because they have antiseptic substances contained in them. The
productivity of Shallot plants often decreases as a result of pest attacks. Armyworm
(Spodoptera exigua) is one of the obstacles in the cultivation of Shallot plants (Allium
ascalonicum L.), high caterpillar attack rates can reduce Shallot productivity, even causing
crop failure. One way to control this pest is to control by using insecticides with certain active
ingredients. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of various insecticide active
ingredients to control armyworm pests (Spodoptera exigua) on Shallot plants (Allium
ascalonicum L.). The design in this study was a Randomized Group Design (RGD) with 4
treatments of insecticide active ingredients and controls, namely A (Profenofos), B
(Emamectin benzoate), C (Metomil), D (Sipermethrin) and E (Control). Each treatment was
repeated 5 times so that there were 25 experimental units. The research was conducted in
Gagasari Village, Gebang District, Cirebon Regency, West Java. The trial research time starts
from June - September 2023. The results showed that the application of insecticides active
ingredients Profenofos, Emamectin benzoate, Metomil and Sipermethrin did not cause
phytotoxicity to Shallot plants. Insecticide, Profenofos has a relatively gentle attack and low
when compared to other active ingredients. In general, it is seen that all active ingredients of
insecticides tested are able to play a role in controlling pests well. Insecticide treatment has a
significant effect on the yield of dry weight of shallots per plot when compared to treatment
without insecticide control (control). Profenofos active ingredient insecticide treatment was
seen to produce a higher dry tuber weight than other treatments even when compared to all
insecticide active ingredients tested, reaching 24.92 kg or equivalent to 24.9 tons per hectare.
: Bawang Merah; Spodoptera exigua; Profenofos; Emamektin benzoat; Metomil;
Shallots are one of the commodities in agriculture that has the potential as a source
of income for farmers, and to fulfill domestic consumption. This commodity is not only
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
a seasoning for cooking, but also efficacious for humans, shallots contain enzymes that
play a role in improving body health because they contain anti-bacterial substances and
anti-inflammatory substances (Istina, 2016). According to NELLY et al., (2015), one of
the limits of Shallot productivity is pest and disease attacks. According to NELLY et al.,
(2015), there are several important pests on Shallot plants, namely Spodoptera exigua,
Thrips tabaci, leaf slitting flies (Liriomyza chinensis), and earthworms (Agrotis ipsilon).
Armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) is one of the pests that causes Shallot productivity to
decrease, the larvae of this caterpillar damage the leaves of Shallot plants causing damage
to the leaves of the plant. If not handled effectively, losses due to these caterpillars will
be even greater (Rahmawati et al., 2016). The damage caused by armyworms can reach
57% or even up to 100% which causes farmers to experience crop failure if not controlled
(Adibah et al., 2023).
According to Rahmawati et al., (2016), control using insecticides is widely carried
out because it is considered capable of reducing armyworm populations in a fast time.
Profenofos is an orghanoposfat class insecticide and is one of the widely used insecticides
(Pratiwi & Asri, 2022). This insecticide has the properties of stomach poison and contact
poison against its target (Pratiwi & Asri, 2022). This insecticide is more biodegradable in
nature and is widely found as an active ingredient in insecticides (Pratiwi & Asri, 2022;
Umar & Liadi, 2022). Sipermethrin is an active ingredient of insecticides that fall into the
pyrethroid group, a class of insecticides that have distinctive properties for insect pest
control, namely: high effectiveness (as a contact and stomach poison), less toxic to
mammals, and relatively rapid loss of effectiveness (Dirgayana et al., 2017). Emamectin
benzoate is an insecticide active ingredient that is contact toxic, in granular form, and can
be dispersed in water (PT. Nufarm Indonsia, 2016 in (Lestariningsih et al., 2020).
Methomil is a carbamate pesticide that has a mechanism of action to inhibit the activity
of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, the symptoms caused are reversible, effects that do
not last long because they are easily decomposed (Hidayati & Ciptono, 2022). Methomil
is also known to have high solubility in water so that it is easily decomposed and insoluble
in fat tissue, so that the impact caused when it enters the organism's body will not last
long or be quickly restored (Hidayati & Ciptono, 2022; Kumar et al., 2017). Therefore,
this study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of several insecticide active
ingredients such as profenofos, emamectin benzoate, methomyl, and cypermethrin in
controlling the population and intensity of damage to Shallot plants by armyworm larvae.
The experiment was conducted in Gagasari Village, Gebang District, Cirebon
Regency, West Java. The trial research time starts from June - September 2023. The
experiment was conducted using the RGD (Random Group Design) method. This study
consisted of treatments that were each repeated 5 times so that there were 25 experimental
plots. The plot size is 1 m x 10 m, the distance between plots is 50 cm, the length between
repetitions is 50 cm, and uses a planting distance of 15 cm x 20 cm. Treatment with 848
several active ingredients of insecticides of different types. The treatment design is as
A = Active ingredient profenofos 500g/l
B = Active ingredient sipermetrin 100g/l
C = Active ingredient emamektin benzoat 20g/l
D = Active ingredient methomyl 40%
E = Control
Insecticides are applied by spraying using formulations in accordance with the
recommendations listed on each insecticide packaging. Spraying is carried out on the
leaves and carried out in the afternoon. Spraying is carried out 5 times starting at the age
of 15 days after planting (DAP) with a frequency of spraying every 1 week and the last
application limit at the age of 49 DAP. The concentration used is 2 ml/liter (average
recommendation on the packaging). Observations are made weekly after application.
Phytotoxicity of Shallot plants
In Table 1, the effective treatment of various insecticide active ingredients at all
observation ages did not show any symptoms of poisoning (phytotoxicity) in Shallot
Table 1. The effect of a wide variety of insecticide active ingredients against
phytotoxicity in Shallot plants
Various Treatment of Insecticide
Active Ingredients
Average Phytotoxicity (%)
A (Profenophos)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
B (Cypermethrin)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
C (Emamectin benzoate)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
D (Methomyl)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
E (Control)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter on the factor and the
same column shows an unnoticeable difference in the Duncan test.
Based on the observations in Table 1, it can be seen that all insecticide active
ingredients applied observed from the age of 21 to 49 DAP showed no symptoms of
poisoning for Shallot plants. It is suspected that the active ingredients of insecticides
used only play a role in pest control and have no effect on the growth of shallots. Hartati,
(2013) states that phytotoxicity is a property that shows the potential for pesticides to
cause poisoning effects on plants characterized by abnormal growth after pesticide
application. According to Putra et al., (2013), the absence of phytotoxic symptoms of a
plant due to preparation treatment on test plants can be caused by the strong toxic
properties of mixed compounds without reducing their insecticidal activity
Armyworm Pest Intensity S. Exigua (%)
In Table 2, it can be seen that insecticide treatment with various active ingredients
has a real effect compared to treatment E (control) can be seen in (table 2).
Table 2 The effect of various kinds of insecticide active ingredients against the
intensity of armyworm pest attacks on Shallot plants
Various Treatment of
Insecticide Active
Average Armyworm Pest Attack Intensity (%)
21 DAP
28 DAP
35 DAP
42 DAP
49 DAP
A (Profenophos)
0.28 a
0.58 a
1.54 ab
0.66 a
0.19 a
B (Cypermethrin)
1.55 b
1.78 b
1.19 ab
0.41 a
1.13 ab
C (Emamectin benzoate)
0.56 a
1.25 ab
0.55 a
0.55 a
0.97 a
D (Methomyl)
1.02 ab
0.65 a
1.79 b
0.63 a
1.44 b
E (Control)
2.72 c
3.23 c
2.84 c
2.14 b
1.48 b
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter on the factor and the
same column shows an unnoticeable difference in the Duncan test.
Based on the table above, that in general treatment using insecticides has a real
difference, it can be seen that the intensity of armyworm pest attack S. exigua is lower
when compared to control treatment. When viewed from the results of analysis between
insecticide active ingredients, Profenofos has a relatively gentle and low attack when
compared to other active ingredients. It can be concluded that the active ingredient
Profenofos is better able to suppress the attack of the armyworm pest S. exigua than all
active ingredients of the insecticide tested. This insecticide with the active ingredient
profenofos has stomach poison and contact poison properties against its target (Pratiwi
& Asri, 2022). This insecticide is more biodegradable in nature and is widely found as
an active ingredient in insecticides (Gill & Garg, 2014; Pratiwi & Asri, 2022)
Intensity of Other Pest Attacks (%)
In Table 3 it can be seen that insecticide treatment with various active ingredients
has a significant effect on other pest attacks observed among thrips (Thysanoptera),
orong-orong (Gryllotalpidae) and others that attack Shallot plants, significantly different
when compared to control treatment.
Table 3. The effect of a wide range of insecticide active ingredients against attacks
of other pests on Shallot plants
Various Treatment of
Insecticide Active
Average Other Pest Attacks (%)
A (Profenophos)
0.46 a
0.55 a
0.08 a
0.42 a
0.39 a
B (Cypermethrin)
0.37 a
0.54 a
0.15 a
0.40 a
0.45 a
C (Emamectin benzoate)
0.10 a
0.16 a
0.53 a
0.17 a
0.26 a
D (Methomyl)
0.71 a
0.37 a
0.54 a
0.50 a
0.28 a
E (Control)
1.47 b
0.77 b
1.05 b
0.22 a
1.42 b
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter on the factor and the
same column shows an unnoticeable difference in the Duncan test. 850
Based on the table above, it is generally seen that all active ingredients of
insecticides tested are able to play a good role in controlling pests. One of the other pests
that attacked many Shallot plants in this experiment was trips. Thrips attack the leaves by
damaging the lower tissues of the leaves and sucking the fluid of plant cells. Symptoms
that can be seen on affected leaves are irregular spots on the lower surface of the leaves,
silvery white and shiny like bronze, then the leaves turn curly / wrinkled because the
liquid in the leaves is sucked. This pest attack can cause stunting in plants because their
growth is stunted. Heavy attacks occur in the dry season (Mardiyaningsih et al., 2021;
NELLY et al., 2015; Ratonamo, 2021) stated that TRIPS is one of the important pests in
Shallot cultivation.
Intensity of Shallot Plant Disease (%)
In Table 4. It can be seen that insecticide treatment with a variety of active
ingredients does not have a noticeable effect on diseases in Shallot plants. The disease
that appears in experimental plants is purple spot caused by the fungus Alternaria porri.
Table 4 The effect of a wide range of insecticide active ingredients against other
diseases of Shallot plants
Various Treatment of Insecticide
Active Ingredients
Average Intensity of Disease Attacks (%)
A (Profenophos)
0.49 a
0.61 a
0.53 a
0.57 a
0.23 a
0.24 a
B (Cypermethrin)
0.66 a
0.46 a
0.53 a
0.20 a
0.21 a
0.36 a
C (Emamectin benzoate)
0.31 a
0.63 a
0.46 a
0.35 a
0.44 a
0.37 a
D (Methomyl)
0.66 a
0.90 b
0.53 a
1.41 a
1.40 a
1.07 a
E (Control)
0.75 a
1.00 a
1.90 a
1.38 a
1.72 a
1.26 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter on the factor and the
same column shows an unnoticeable difference in the Duncan test.
Purple spots attack shallots in the early stages of attack, characterized by white or
gray curved spots, when the attack is getting bigger the spots get bigger and form
brownish-black root-like spots (Yanti et al., 2023). All insecticide treatments given, do
not make a noticeable difference to the attack of Shallot disease. This is suspected
because according to the nature of the poison, that insecticides only play a role in poison
for insect pests.
Shallot Dry Weight (kg/plot)
In Table 5 the effectiveness of various kinds of active ingredients insecticides
providing real results on crop yields can be seen in (Table 5)
Table 5 The effect of various insecticide active ingredients on the yield of dry
weight of shallots per plot (kg).
Various Treatment of Insecticide Active Ingredients
Dry weight of shallots (kg)
A (Profenophos)
24.92 c
B (Cypermethrin)
24.46 b
C (Emamectin benzoate)
23.99 ab
D (Methomyl)
23.98 ab
E (Control)
21.92 a
Remarks : The average value followed by the same letter on the factor and the
same column shows an unnoticeable difference in the Duncan test.
Insecticide treatment showed a significant effect on thedry weight of shallots per
plot when compared to treatment without insecticide control (control). This is influenced
by insecticide active ingredients that can suppress pest attacks so that Shallot yields can
be maximized. This insecticide with the active ingredient profenofos has stomach poison
and contact poison properties against its target (Pratiwi & Asri, 2022). This insecticide is
more biodegradable in nature and is widely found as an active ingredient in insecticides
(Pratiwi & Asri, 2022).
Profenofos active ingredient insecticide treatment was seen to produce a higher
dry tuber weight than other treatments even when compared to all insecticide active
ingredients tested, reaching 24.92 kg or equivalent to 24.9 tons per hectare. Insecticides
with the active ingredient profenofos in treatment A are most effective in reducing the
intensity of armyworm attacks so that the attack rate is lowest when compared to other
active ingredient treatments or with control treatments. The decrease in armyworm attack
intensity can also be caused by increasing plant age, high concentration and frequent
treatment intensity (Bagariang et al., 2020; Subagja et al., 2023)
Insecticidal application of active ingredients Profenofos, Emamectin benzoate,
Metomil and Sipermethrin does not cause phytotoxicity to Shallot plants. Treatment using
insecticides has a noticeable difference, the intensity of attack by armyworm pests S.
exigua is lower when compared to control treatment. Insecticide, Profenofos has a
relatively gentle attack and low when compared to other active ingredients. In general, it
is seen that all active ingredients of insecticides tested are able to play a role in controlling
pests well. Insecticide treatment has a significant effect on the yield of dry weight of
shallots per plot when compared to treatment without insecticide control (control). The
insecticide treatment of Profenofos active ingredients was seen to produce a higher weight
of dry tubers than other treatments even when compared to all insecticide active
ingredients tested, reaching 24.92 kg or equivalent to 24.9 tons per hectare.
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Copyright holders:
Muhamad Miftahunnaja, Arif Suterajati, Novendra Ram Nugraha,
Deden, Dukat (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0