RED PEPPER PLANTS (Capsicum annuum L.)
Nandar Dwi Rohmansah, Muhammad Zakka Alfarissy Nurrahman, Rona,
Deden, Dukat
Faculty of Agriculture Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Indonesia
Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) is an annuals of the eggplant family (Solanaceae). This
plant comes from the American continent, precisely in the Peruvian area, and extends to other
areas on the continent. The average consumption of red chili per capita of Indonesian people
is 500 grams/year, 118,800 tons per year. Chili production in Indonesia has increased from
year to year, in 2021 chili production reached 2,747,108 tons. Fruit caterpillars (Helicoverpa
armigera) are pests that often attack important plants in Indonesia. This pest usually attacks
young fruits by making holes and eating them. An effort that farmers often make to control
this pest is to use insecticides. Insecticides are chemicals that function to eradicate annoying
insects. Common active ingredients applied for fruit caterpillar control are Chlorpyrifos,
Chlorantraniliprol, Cipermethrin, Deltamethrin. This research was conducted in Ambit
Village, Waled District, Cirebon Regency, West Java Province. The implementation time
lasts for 3 months (July to September 2023). The method used in this study was Randomized
Group Design (RGD) consisting of 5 treatments of various insecticide active ingredients and
control (without treatment) repeated 5 times so that there were 25 experimental plots with
treatment A (Chlorpyrifos), B (Chlorantraniliprol), C (Cipermethrin), D (Deltamethrin), and
E (Control). The concentration of insecticide used is 2 ml / liter. The experimental results
showed that the treatment of insecticide active ingredients had a real influence on the intensity
of fruit caterpillar pest attacks (Helicoverpa amigera) and on other pests such as whitefly
(Bemisia tabaci). Insecticides have no real effect on the intensity of chili plant disease attacks
such as anthracnose disease (Colletotrichum gleosporioides). The insecticide applied also
does not cause phytotoxicity to the growth of chili plants. The active ingredients of
insecticides Chlorpyrifos, Chlorantraniliprol and Sipermethrin gave better results when
compared to Deltrametrin and control insecticides. Thehighest harvest result was obtained
from the treatment of the insecticide Chlorantraniliprol, as much as 10.31 kg/plot, or
equivalent to 10.31 tons/ hectare.
Red Chili Plant, Insecticide, Fruit caterpillar and Helicoverpa armigera
Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) is an annuals of the eggplant family (Solanaceae). This
plant comes from the American continent, precisely in the Peruvian area, and extends to other
areas on the continent. Red chili peppers in Indonesian territory are thought to have been brought
by merchants from Persia when stopping in Aceh. The chili brought at that time included large
red chili, cayenne pepper, curly red chili and paprika (Hayati et al, 2012 in Sahrun Riza, 2020).
According to Wahyudi (2011) the average per capita chili consumption of Indonesian
people is 500 grams / year, then the need for chili in Indonesia is 118,800 tons per year. Chili
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
production in Indonesia has increased from year to year, in 2021 chili production reached
2,747,108 tons compared to other countries in Asia. Chili productivity in Indonesia is still
relatively low, one of the factors causing low productivity is the lack of use of crop management
technology, low-quality seeds are widespread in the community, lack of use of integrated
technology packages, and the high incidence of pest and disease attacks (Mariyono and Bhattarai,
2009). Fruit caterpillars (Helicoverpa armigera) are pests that often attack various important
plants in Indonesia (Setiawati, 1991). This pest moth is able to spread far following the cardinal
directions or challenging the direction of the wind, thisusually attacks young fruit by making holes
and eating them, the characteristics of this pest attack are that the fruit has holes, there are black
or yellow spots on the fruit, the fruit is shriveled and smaller (Farrow &; Daly, 1987). The life
cycle of fruit caterpillar consists of four life stages, namely egg, larva, pupa and imago.
To reduce the population of pests found on chili plants, it is necessary to apply insecticides.
Insecticide is one part of pesticides, where insecticides are used to eradicate types of insects or
pests. Eradication of insects or pests can use chemical types of insecticides and vegetable
insecticides. Pest control is usually carried out using chemical insecticides (Indianti, 2017).
Insecticides commonly used to eradicate chili pests are: Chlorpyrifos, Chlorantraniliprol,
Cypermethrin and Deltamethrin. According to Eaton et al in Akbar (2020) stated that
Chlorpyrifos is one of the active substances of the oganophosphate pesticide group. The main
target organs for chlorpyrifos toxicity are the central and peripheral nervous system, due to the
ability of the oxon-metabolite chlorpyrifos to inhibit the enzyme activity of acetylcholinesterese,
which ends neurotransmission at cholinergic synapses (Eaton et al, 2008), Chlorantraniliprol is
a potential insexticide for such control spinoteram, spinosad, lamda sihalotri, and
chlorantraniliprol with The Effect levels reaching 90% at 72 hours after application (Sisay et al.,
2019). From the group of etomopathogenic fungi, Beuveria bassiana, Metarhiziumanisopliae and
Metarhiziun rileyi are reported to have the potential to be biological control agents (Wright et al.,
2010; Prasanna et al., 2018). according to Sudjak in Perdana, F. (2016) stated that Cypermethrin
is a box poison insecticide and a colored mapped stomach that can be used to control important
pests in rice, cabbage, mustard cocoa, soybeans, corn, tea, tobacco and cotton, Deltamethrin is
one of the insecticides that are widely used by farmers in rice plantations and one of the most
widely used in crop protection. Deltamethrin is a broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide
that acts as a contact toxin and stomach toxin (Dietz et al., 2009).
This research was conducted in Ambit Village, Waled District, Cirebon Regency, West
Java Province. The implementation time lasts for 3 months (July to September 2023). The
method used in the study used Randomized Group Design (RGD). The study consisted of 5
treatments of various insecticide active ingredients and controls (without insecticides) were
repeated 5 times so that there were 25 test plots. Plot size 1 m x 20 m, distance between plots
(gutter width) 50 cm. The length between the replicates is 50 cm, using a plant distance of 40
cm x 50 cm and the number of plot plants is 48 plants. The treatment uses several insecticide
and control active ingredients, with the following design ; A). Chlorpyrifos, B).
Chlorantraniliprol, C). Cypermethrin, D). Deltramethrin, and E). Kontrol.
Insecticides are applied by spraying using formulations according to treatment (Deden et
al, 2023). Insecticides active ingredients Chlorpyrifos, Chlorantraniliprol, Cypermethrin and
Deltrametrin are applied using a sprayer with a formulation of 2 ml / liter. Spraying is carried
out on chili plants and carried out in the morning. Spraying begins at the age of 34 days after 856
planting with a frequency of once every 1 week at the age of 41, 48, 55 DAP and the last spraying
is 62 DAP. The observation method is carried out by calculating the intensity of pest attacks.
Processing of target pest population data or damage to insecticide plants tested is carried
out in accordance with the experimental design used. If at the first observation the population of
the target pest or the resulting crop damage does not differ markedly between treatment plots,
then the efficacy of the insecticide is calculated by the following formula:
EI = X 100 %
EI = efficacy of insecticides tested (%).
Ta = target pest population or percentage of crop damage on insecticide treatment plots tested
after insecticide spraying.
Ca = target pest population or percentage of crop damage to control after insecticide spraying.
If at first observation the target pest population or the plant damage it causes differs
markedly between treatment plots, then the efficacy of the insecticide tested is calculated by the
Henderson and Tilton formula (Ciba-Geigy, 1981):
EI = (1 =
x ) X 100%
EI = efficacy of insecticide tested (%)
Tb = target pest population or peresntase of crop damage on insecticide treatment plots tested
prior to insecticide spraying
Ta = target pest population or percentage of crop damage on insecticide treatment plots tested
after insecticide spraying
Cb = target pest population or percentage of crop damage to control before insecticide spraying
Ca = target pest population or percentage of crop damage to control before insecticide spraying
Phytotoxicity Formula
0= No poisoning, 0 5 % abnormal leaf shape or leaf color and plant growth.
1= Mild poisoning, > 5 20 % abnormal leaf shape or leaf color and plant growth.
2= Moderate poisoning > 20 50 % abnormal leaf shape or leaf color and plant growth.
3= Sevare poisoning, > 50 75 % abnormal leaf shape or leaf color and plant growth.
4= Poisoning is very sevare, > 75 % the leaf shape or leaf color and plant growth are abnormal
until the plant dies.
Intensity of fruit caterpillar attack (%)
Based on the data in the table below, the average treatment using insecticides has
significantly different attack intensity levels when compared to controls.
Table 1. The effect of various insecticide active ingredients on the intensity of fruit
caterpillar pest (Helicoverpa armigera) attacks on red pepper plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55
and 62 DAP (%)
Insecticide Treatment
Average Intensity of Fruit Caterpillar Pest Attack (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Chlorpyrifos)
0.35 a
0.47 a
1.23 c
0.40 a
0.17 a
B (Chlorantraniliprol)
1.48 b
1.12 b
0.41 a
1.37 c
0.20 a
C (Cypermethrin)
0.58 a
0.36 a
0.37 a
0.32 a
0.37 a
D (Deltramethrin)
0.28 a
1.34 b
1.51 c
0.22 a
0.34 a
E (Control)
2.57 c
1.87 b
3.61 c
3.84 c
2.54 b
Remarks: The average value followed by unequal letters in the same column shows an unreal
difference in the Duncan test.
When viewed from the index listed in the table above that Cypermethrin insecticide
treatment has better results than the other three insecticide active ingredients because based on
the age of 34 to 62 does not show a significant attack. This is because Cypermethrin is a synthetic
pyrethroid insecticide that has a function to control insect pests on chili, soybean, tomato, and
cabbage vegetables (Sari &; Zilfa, 2012).
The intensity of the attack of other pests (not the target)
Based on the data in the table below, the average treatment using insecticides against the
intensity level of attack by other pests is significantly different when compared to controls.
Table 2. The Effect of various insecticide active ingredients against the intensity of attack
by other pests (not targets) on red pepper plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Insecticide Treatment
Average Intensity of Other Pest Attacks (Not Target) (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
62 DAP
A (Chlorpyrifos)
0.69 a
0.54 a
0.24 a
0.20 a
B (Chlorantraniliprol)
0.41 a
0.38 a
0.64 a
0.16 a
C (Cypermethrin)
0.78 a
0.49 a
0.48 a
0.19 a
D (Deltramethrin)
0.43 A
0.71 a
0.80 a
0.18 a
E (Control)
0.51 a
1.59 b
1.14 b
1.28 b
Remarks: The average value followed by unequal letters in the same column shows an unreal
difference in the Duncan test.
When viewed from the index listed in the table above that insecticide treatment
Chlorpyrifos It has better results than the other three active insecticides because based on the age
of 34 to 62 it does not show significant infestation. This is thought to be because insecticides are
able to overcome various pests on chili plants because insecticides can attract, repel, dispel or
interfere with insect growth. Therefore, the definition of insecticide is all ingredients or mixtures
of ingredients used to prevent, damage, resist, or reduce insect pests (vectors).(Joharina & Alfiah)
Intensity of attacks of other diseases (not targeted)
Based on the data in table 3 below, the average treatment using insecticides, the level of
intensity of attack of other diseases does not differ markedly.
Table 3. The The Effect of various insecticide active ingredients on disease attack intensity
(not targeted) on red pepper plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Insecticide Treatment
Average Intensity of Disease Attacks (Not Targeted) (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Chlorpyrifos)
0.36 a
0.30 a
0.23 a
0.05 a
0.39 a
B (Chlorantraniliprol)
0.56 a
0.21 a
0.10 a
0.00 a
0.38 a
C (Cypermethrin)
0.47 a
0.35 a
0.09 a
0.06 a
0.42 a
D (Deltramethrin)
0.50 a
0.22 a
0.19 a
0.09 a
0.31 a
E (Control)
0.58 a
0.08 a
0.30 a
0.12 a
0.51 a
Remarks: The average value followed by the same letter in the same column shows an unreal
difference in the Duncan test.
When viewed from the data above, the application of insecticide active ingredients does
not have a real effect on the intensity of attacks of other diseases (not targets), because insecticides
can only affect pests. The main uses of Chlorpyrifos are controlling flies, mosquitoes (larvae and
adults), various types of agricultural pests, household pests, (Blattellidae, Muscidae, Isoptera)
and larvae in water (WHO 2001). Chlorantraniliprol is a selective insecticide from the
antharanilic diamides group that is harmless to beneficial insects such as parasitoids, predators
and pollinators (Dinter et al., 2008; Brugger et al., 2010). Cypermethrin is a brownish-yellow
concentrated contact and gastric poison insecticide that can be treated to control important pests
in rice, cabbage, mustard, cocoa, soybeans, corn, tea, tobacco and cotton (Sudjak. 2011).
Deltamethrin is one of the insecticides widely used by farmers in rice plantations and one of the
most widely used in crop protection. Deltamethrin is a broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid
insecticide that acts as a contact toxin and stomach toxin (Dietz et al., 2009). 858
Based on table 4 below, it shows that insecticide application has no toxic effect on chili
plants after application of various insecticide active ingredients.
Table 4. The Effect of various insecticide active ingredients against phytotoxicity in red
chili plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (%)
Insecticide Treatment
Phytotoxicity (%)
34 DAP
41 DAP
48 DAP
55 DAP
62 DAP
A (Chlorpyrifos)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
B (Chlorantraniliprol)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
C (Cypermethrin)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
D (Deltramethrin)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
E (Control)
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
0.00 a
Remarks: The average value followed by a latter in the same column indicates a difference that
is not significant in the Duncan test.
Based on the calculation of the results from (Table 4) it appears that there are no symptoms
of poisoning (phytotoxicity) due to the application of insecticide active ingredients to red chili.
So it was concluded that the active ingredients chlorpyrifos, chlorantraniliprol, cypermethrin and
deltrametrin are safe for chili plants at a dose of 2ml / liter. Wati et al., (2021) stated that
phytotoxicity is a property that shows the potential for insecticides to cause poisoning effects on
plants characterized by abnormal growth after insecticide application.
Chili yield weight (kg)
Based on Table 5 below, the average treatment using insecticides had a significant effect
on chili yields when compared to control treatments. According to Insecticide is a biocide
designed to be toxic to certain groups of organizations such as OPT, therefore the application of
insecticides can increase crop yields because it can eradicate pests, so that crop yields can be
further increased. (Kaimudin, Sumbono, & Istiqomah, 2020).
Table 5. The The Effect of various insecticide active ingredients on the harvest of red chili
plants aged 34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP (kg)
Insecticide Treatment
Sample plot yield (kg)
A (Chlorpyrifos)
10.11 c
B (Chlorantraniliprol)
10.31 c
C (Cypermethrin)
10.16 c
D (Deltramethrin)
9.55 b
E (Control)
8.04 a
Remarks: The average value followed by unequal letters in the same factor and column shows
an unreal difference in the Duncan test.
The active ingredients of insecticides Chlorpyrifos, Chlorantraniliprol and Cypermethrin
gave good results when compared to Deltrametrin and control insecticides. Thehighest harvest
result was obtained from the treatment of the insecticide Chlorantraniliprol, as much as 10.31 kg
/ plot, or equivalent to 10.31 tons per hectare.
The treatment of various insecticides has a real effect on the intensity of the attack of fruit
caterpillar pests (Helicoverpa amigera) and on other pests of the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and
the application of insecticides has no real effect on the attack of anthracnose disease
(Colletotrichum gleosporioides) at all ages (34, 41, 48, 55 and 62 DAP), the application of various
insecticides also had no effect on phytotoxicity. In addition, the application of insecticides can
increase crop yields, the application of the active ingredient insecticide Chlorantraniliprol
produces the best yield of 10.31 kg / plot when compared to other active ingredients and in the
control treatment produces the lowest harvest of 8.04 kg.
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Copyright holders:
Nandar Dwi Rohmansah, Muhammad Zakka Alfarissy Nurrahman, Rona,
Deden, Dukat (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0