Cashless Payment System Model at the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small
and Medium Enterprises
Galih Cheria Puspita, Rochmad Nur Afsdy Saksono, Luki Karunia
Politenik STIA LAN Jakarta, Indonesia
Email: galih.p[email protected]
To encourage the creation of effective and efficient APBN implementation, widely known by the public, and
accountable, the payment mechanism in the APBN implementation process must be simplified but modern with
the use of information technology that is increasingly optimal. One of the efforts made is to change shopping
behavior, especially related to the use of the Money Supply mechanism which gradually shifts from fully using
cash funds to cashless systems through the implementation of digital payments such as Government Credit Cards
(KKP) and Cash Management System Virtual Accounts (CMS VA). This study aims to explore the factors that
cause the low implementation of Cashless payment systems in the form of KKP and CMS VA within the Ministry
of Cooperatives and SMEs, and find a model that can optimize it. Researchers use a qualitative approach with
the case study method because they try to focus intensively on a particular object that studies it as a case, and
cannot be generalized because the results of this study only apply to the case being studied. The results of this
study show that leadership commitment is the factor that most influences the implementation of the cashless
payment system, and also determines the influence of other factors such as human resource factors, the availability
of SOPs, reward and punishment mechanisms, and the involvement of the Bank in the use of KKP and CMS VA.
Satker must synergize with other parties so that in every stage of implementation starting from the signing stage
of cooperation between Satker and the Bank, issuance and delivery of instruments, use transactions and
accountability, until the supervision and monitoring evaluation stage can run better so that it can have an optimal
impact on the implementation of Cashless payment systems within the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs.
: Cashless Payment System; Government Credit Card; Cash Management System Virtual
It is contained in the State Finance Law that state financial management must be carried
out responsibly, comply with applicable regulations, be transparent and meet the principle of
value for money, with propriety and apply a sense of fairness for all citizens. This provision
also regulates the delegation of authority and responsibility of the President as the highest
authority holder in the practice of financial management of a country both to Ministers and
Heads of Institutions. In carrying out fiscal management, the duties of the Minister of Finance
include determining documents on the implementation of the budget formulated by the Budget
Users. This document is in the form of a List of Contents for Budget Implementation, which is
the basis for the implementation of programs and activities / activities as well as the imposition
of the budget that has been determined for each Work Unit (Satker). For the purposes of
implementing these activities, the Budget User has the authority to make engagements or
commitments with parties outside his agency in accordance with the predetermined budget
limit. For this engagement, the Budget User can instruct the payment of various bills charged
to the State Budget, where payment must be made after obtaining an achievement or a job. For
the smooth process of implementing and completing tasks in a Ministry / Institution, the
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 11, November 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Ministry of Finance provides a number of work advances in the form of Supply Money (UP)
to Budget Users whose management is carried out by the Expenditure Treasurer and used to
finance Satker operational expenses.
Along with the development of human life patterns have given birth to many
conveniences in various activities, including activities in the financial sector. In an era where
the use of technology is increasingly rapid, it is increasingly familiar when the use of cash is
increasingly minimized in conducting financial transactions. This includes the use of electronic
banking transaction tools such as ATM cards, credit cards to e-money. In August 2014, the
Government launched the National Cashless Movement (GNNT) in an effort to increase
accountability and transparency over public financial management and the quality of public
services, as well as realize effective and efficient governance. GNTT is an effort by the
Indonesian government to increase the utilization of Cashless transactions and create a cashless
society ecosystem. Bintarto (2018) suggests that cashless society is an expression that refers to
communities that no longer use physical money in conducting financial transactions, but
already use digital money. In the industrial era 4.0, modernization of state cash management is
a must, where both state revenues and expenditures are required to quickly adapt to technology
in order to obtain higher added value when compared to maintaining conventional patterns that
will be eroded by the times. Modern payment processes place more emphasis on something
digital. The greater role of the government in providing more efficient services certainly
requires more active government cash management. More efficient government cash
management will try to avoid or minimize idle cash conditions, and can reduce the inequality
between government receipts and expenditures more effectively. The government continues to
make changes to shopping behavior, especially those related to cash transactions using the UP
mechanism. To encourage the growth of Cashless payment system among government
agencies, the use of the UP mechanism has gradually shifted from fully using cash, then slowly
starting to use the Cashless system through the implementation of digital payments such as
Government Credit Cards or KKP and Cash Management System Virtual Account or CMS
The government's commitment to increase the use of Cashless payment instruments and
support the GNNT program is realized by the Ministry of Finance by implementing an
electronic payment system. As quoted from the page of the Director General of Treasury of the
Ministry of Finance, although the 2021 Financial Statements of the Central Government
obtained an Unqualified Opinion, they still left several findings, and even became repeated
findings, including those related to state treasury management. To follow up, the Ministry of
Finance has written to the heads of Ministries/Institutions to implement the policies that have
been taken in an effort to upgrade account management activities through the Satker account
restructuring process, utilization of electronic and digital transactions to reduce the use of cash
funds through debit cards, KKP or CMS VA, and periodically continue to encourage and
monitor the management of cash and Satker accounts within their respective scopes
The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises is a government agency
that participates in encouraging the development of Cashless instruments in Indonesia through
the use of KKP and CMS. As an institution that provides guidance to cooperatives, micro
enterprises, small businesses and also Mmnengah, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs
must be able to become a role model and invite cooperatives and MSMEs throughout Indonesia
to provide real support for the GNTT program by implementing Cashless payment instruments.
That the implementation of this system can bring many benefits to cooperative members and
MSME actors who have an important role in moving the wheels of the economy in Indonesia.
The contribution of MSMEs given up to more than 60 percent to GDP will certainly affect
economic growth in Indonesia. Since mid-2019, the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs has
used KKP as one of the means of payment for expenditures on state budget expenses to support
government policies in modernizing state cash management through digitizing state cash
expenditure accounts starting with the account restructuring process. This restructuring is
carried out with the aim of reducing the large number of accounts that are expected to provide
convenience related to more efficient government account control. As a facility attached to
Satker's virtual account, CMS is also an option for a cashless payment system taken by the
Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. Conditions where idle cash of government funds are still
quite high and the magnitude of risks in terms of security and irregularities in the use of cash
pose a stronger impetus to make improvements in the state budget payment procedure. The
government's efforts to carry out modernization and renewal in the budget implementation
stage, including by utilizing MMAF facilities in the context of using UP, which are expected
to reduce funding costs so as to encourage the creation of effective and efficient state financial
management. However, until now the use of MMAF within the Ministry of Cooperatives and
SMEs is still relatively low so that the benefits of MMAF cannot be felt optimally. In
accordance with the provisions stated in the relevant Minister of Finance Regulation, the
proportion of UP Satker itself consists of cash UP of 60% and KKP UP of 40%. The value of
UP transactions using KKP is still very small when compared to the total value of UP
transactions over the past three years.
Table 1. Proportion of UP in the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in 2020-2022
Year 2020
Year 2021
Year 2022
Source: OM-SPAN Application, Ministry of Finance
Furthermore, regarding the utilization of CMS VA, when grouped based on the number
of VAs managed, CMS utilization at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs in the same year
was ranked 22nd in the group of Ministries/Institutions with 10-100 VA under management,
where out of a total of 46 Satker who have VA, only 11 Satker utilize the CMS VA feature, or
Gambar 2. Utilization of CMS VA Satker in 2022
Source: Dit. State Cash Management, Ministry of Finance
Various efforts and steps have been taken by the government in encouraging the use of
Cashless payment systems within government agencies, both through the issuance of
regulations related to KKP and CMS VA, through socialization carried out both offline and
online to the provision of various information related to development and also Cashless benefits
in various literature. The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs has a major role in optimizing
the cashless culture in Indonesia. Various advantages and benefits can be taken from the
implementation of the Cashless movement. However, the fact is, until now, the implementation
of the use of MPAs and CMS VA within the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is still
relatively low. Awareness from activity implementers and financial managers to play an active
role in encouraging the use of Cashless payment systems still needs to be improved. Bill
payment through the UP mechanism managed by the Treasurer is still dominated by the use of
cash. Based on these conditions, this study was conducted to identify various obstacles that
hinder the use of Cashless payment systems within the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs,
and to further take steps and provide recommendations that can be used to improve the
implementation of Cashless movements through optimizing UP management with the use of
Commitment to the organization is built based on employee trust in organizational
values, employee willingness to achieve organizational goals and loyalty to remain a member
of the organization (Kuntadi et al., 2022). The commitment of the leadership is a factor that
can encourage the implementation of a Cashless payment system through both KKP and CMS
VA. According to research conducted by Sulaeman & Dwinanda, (2021) the commitment of
leaders in each Ministry/Institution is very important to encourage the use of MMAF. Said &
Sutiono, (2021) also said that the Satker Expenditure Treasurer has not been able to implement
KKP because it still faces obstacles, among others, due to the policy of the satker leader who
does not want to use KKP. One of the important resources in the public sector is human
resources. Competent human resources are a very important element and certainly needed in
an effort to realize effective, efficient and accountable state financial management. Arsyiati et
al., (2008) suggests that HR competence has an important impact / influence on the process of
financial accountability of a country. Yulianti, (2021) stated that the application of KKP at
KPPN Dumai is relatively ineffective because it is influenced by human factors that are
reluctant to change their mindset and have not been able to take advantage of increasingly
developing technology. The lack of human resources who have expertise in implementing both
the system and the card has resulted in the implementation of credit cards in the government
sector lagging behind when compared to the private sector (Maulid and Sudibyo, 2020). Then
Novitasari & Agustia, (2021) also said that resource factors, including human resources, play
a role in the implementation of KKP Satker Ministries/Institutions in the KPPN Magelang work
area. To form a joint commitment in an organization so that it always develops, structured
guidelines or guidelines are needed in carrying out their respective roles according to their main
duties and functions. No exception in the government sector, these structured guidelines are an
important factor in creating an effective, efficient and economical bureaucracy. Standard
Operational Procedure (SOP) is a guideline or reference used to carry out tasks / work in
accordance with the functions and tools of performance appraisal in government organizations
where its implementation is based on technical, administrative and procedural indicators /
benchmarks in a work unit (Atmoko, 2006). Elmizar & Kasmadi, (2020) found that the
implementation of the Cashless transaction system at the Kampar Regency Government is still
not effective due to the unavailability of SOPs related to the implementation of Cashless
transactions. Then Yadnya, (2022) through his research stated that SOPs are an important
element in implementing CMS for state expenditure payments. According to Harahap &
Sibuea, (2019) reward is an effort to foster a feeling of being recognized or accepted in the
work environment, where the effort touches aspects of compensation and aspects of
relationships between employees. For an achievement achieved by both individuals and work
units, appreciation can be given in order to achieve better performance in the future, both
material and immaterial. While punishment is a form of sanction or punishment for violations
of norms, laws or provisions / agreements that have been mutually agreed upon (Meliala, 2008).
According to Novitasari & Agustia, (2021) although the leadership's commitment to the
implementation of KKP is good, and employees have also understood the benefits of KKP, if
it is not accompanied by high motivation, employees will tend to be lazy to use KKP because
the implementation regulations are considered quite detailed and considered difficult.
Therefore, a reward and punishment mechanism is needed in order to increase the use of CTF.
Some problems that arise in the use of CTF come from external parties. The limited availability
of EDC machines affects the use of KKP Satker. So even though Satker's operational cost
budget is quite large, if it is not balanced with the number of goods/services providers who are
willing and able to provide EDC machines, then the use of KKP as a Cashless payment
instrument will be hampered. Yulianti, (2021) revealed that the implementation of KKP at
KPPN Dumai is relatively ineffective due to the limited providers of goods/services in the
region that have not provided EDC machines. Similar to the research conducted by Yang et al.,
(2022) where the management of KKP users at KPPN Bengkulu has not been carried out
properly, one of which is due to the availability of EDC machines at merchants is not much. In
implementing the use of KKP and CMA VA in the field, Satker will be faced with various
technical obstacles that require a quick response from related parties, especially the Bank is
always a service / facility provider. The involvement of the bank as a CMS VA service provider
is expected to be realized through increased cooperation in terms of education, registration and
utilization of CMS VA Satker (Yadnya, 2022). In addition, Muwaffaq & Piantari, (2022) said
that in addition to system maintenance and system errors, changes in bank policies such as the
accessibility period of proof of transaction are also factors that can affect CMS implementation.
This research was conducted to identify various obstacles that hinder the use of Cashless
payment systems within the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, and to further take steps that
can be used to improve the implementation of Cashless payment systems.
In this study, researchers use a qualitative approach with the case study method because
they try to focus intensively on a particular object that studies it as a case, and cannot be
generalized because the results of this study only apply to the case being studied. This research
has the main focus of providing an overview of the implementation of Cashless payment
systems in the form of KKP and CMS VA where their usage is still relatively low, and seeks
to explore various factors that can affect the use of both. To answer the questions raised in this
study, a number of data from various sources are needed which will later be analyzed to
produce valid information. Data collection based on the source consists of primary data where
data is obtained directly, obtained through interviews with key informants as parties involved
in the implementation of the use of KKP and CMS VA to get a complete picture of the true
conditions regarding the implementation of the Cashless payment system. Then secondary data
where data collection is also carried out indirectly.
In addition to being seen from the source, data collection is also seen from the techniques
used to collect the data, namely through interviews, observations to documentation studies. The
interview process was conducted with key informants involved in the implementation of
Cashless payment systems in the form of KKP and CMS VA. With interview guidelines,
researchers will provide a number of questions tailored to the area of involvement of each key
informant. The tools used can be in the form of mobile phones or recorders to record the
interview session. The selection of key informants is carried out based on the main tasks and
functions in their daily lives relevant to research, including acting as parties who make policies,
parties who make engagements / commitments, parties who decide transactions on a payment,
KKP holders, parties who operate the VA CMS, and external parties who act as providers of
goods / services who also have involvement with the Cashless payment system implemented
by Satker. Key research informants selected in this study include Power of Budget Users,
Commitment Making Officers, Expenditure Treasurers of Operational KKP / Capital
Expenditure Holders, Official Travel KKP Holders, Goods/Services Providers, Banks, and the
Ministry of Finance. The next technique is the observation technique, where researchers will
directly observe the implementation of Cashless payment systems through the use of KKP and
CMS VA. Observations will also be made when there is a financial transaction on APBN
spending with the provider of goods/services. By using direct observation techniques,
researchers will be directly involved in the operation of Cashless payment systems in order to
obtain a clearer picture of the observed environment, activities being carried out, parties
participating in activities, and activities and events that occur from the perspective of the parties
involved. In addition to interviews and observations, other techniques used are documentation
studies where researchers will collect and study various regulatory documents, circulars,
application outputs, and various other documents relevant to the background and formulation
of problems related to the use of Cashless payment systems in the form of KKP and CMS VA,
such as the Minister of Finance Regulation related to the use of KKP and related to the
management of Satker accounts, a circular letter from the head of KPPN, and a number of data
obtained from the Ministry of Finance's OMSPAN application, to be further reprocessed for
research purposes.
The data obtained from interviews, observations and documentation studies are then
processed first, for further analysis. From the transcripts of interviews with all key informants
in order to explore the factors that influence the use of Cashless payment systems in the form
of KKP and CMS VA, will be summarized, selected the main things and prioritize facts, then
look for patterns and themes, so as to provide a clearer interpretation and facilitate researchers
in subsequent data collection. Furthermore, the data that has been grouped will be presented in
the form of tables or graphs to make it easier to understand. To validate the data obtained, this
study uses a triangulation technique where checking the validity of data can be done using
various data sources. The last process in the data processing process is verification and making
conclusions. The conclusions obtained during the data collection process in the field are
supported by authentic, consistent and valid evidence, and if additional data is needed that must
be verified again, then if then in accordance with the initial conclusions, it can be stated that
the conclusions submitted are valid and credible conclusions.
Based on the results of the study, researchers found a number of facts and findings.
Regarding the leadership commitment factor, Satker leaders tend not to show strong
commitment in implementing the Cashless payment system. This is based on several conditions
such as the cooperation agreement already exists but the format is not in accordance with the
standards of the Ministry of Finance, there is no obligation to use KKP or CMS VA, the
implementation of socialization / bimtek / FGD so far has only been carried out by Echelon I
units, there has been no socialization, bimtek or FGD internal Satker, the socialization carried
out has only targeted financial managers, has not touched the holders / users of KKP and CMS
VA, and there is no internal supervision of the management of CTF or CMS VA. Regarding
human resource factors, HR personnel involved in the management of KKP and CMS VA show
that they have a relatively good understanding of applicable regulations, however, there are
still some conditions that are not optimal, including the mindset of employees who are still
comfortable with the use of cash, potential concurrent positions and additional workloads, lack
of understanding of the Account Debit Order (SPPR) procedure and KPA Approval procedure
for changes in KKP limits, limitations in human resources that process accountability
administration, mistaken imposition of KKP accountability and payment of KKP bills.
Regarding the SOP availability factor, SOPs governing the management of KKP and CMS VA
are not yet available, both at the Satker level and at the Echelon I Unit level. Work standards
are guided by related FMD, socialization results, and youtube pages, there are often errors in
the administration of KKP accountability, delays in submitting KKP accountability, and delays
in paying KKP bills, and there is no special mechanism that regulates matters such as
submitting changes to KKP limits or Solving Cybercrime Cases. Regarding the reward and
punishment mechanism, there is no reward and punishment mechanism applied within the
Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. No punishment has been enforced from the Ministry of
Finance for discrepancies in the use of KKP Satker, there is no obligation to use KKP or CMS
VA, there are no sanctions for misuse of KKP due to shopping transactions for personal use,
there are no sanctions for late completion of filings which result in late bill payments, there are
still activity implementers who avoid using KKP in shopping, and there is no reward for Satker
which is already relatively both the use of CTF and CMS VA. Regarding the availability of
EDC machines, some of the images obtained are partner providers of goods and services of the
Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs providing EDC machine services, as well as merchants
such as hotels and gas stations where employees transact using KKP have provided EDC
machine services, shopping transactions have been carried out more online / online, no longer
need EDC machines, signal constraints or internal networks are the main problems using EDC
machines, and purchases of operational goods, such as office stationery, computer media and
meeting consumption, are accommodated through the government marketplace, the Digipay
application. Regarding the involvement of the Bank, some of the illustrations that can be
obtained include the Bank's relatively good response regarding the approval of the KKP limit
increase, the Bank's response is quite long if the request for an increase in the KKP limit is
outside working hours, there is the same transaction charged in two different periods, and case
resolution takes up to two months, there are transactions due to network constraints, then
charged twice, and case resolution takes up to one month, there is an imposition of surcharge
fees on lodging payment transactions, the Bank's response is less active to cybercrime cases
experienced by Satker, Satker does not obtain clear information about the case resolution
period, until case resolution takes about 1.5 months, and the Bank is less responsive to the use
of CMS VA Satker, especially Satker Deconcentration that is in the area.
A leader certainly cannot work alone but must work together with others. This
cooperation must be shown through the involvement of a leader in carrying out his main duties,
by influencing, encouraging, encouraging or giving direction to his team towards various goals
in the organization including in the management of CTF and CMS VA. The implementation of
the cashless payment system, which has been running for four years at the Ministry of
Cooperatives and SMEs, shows suboptimal results. That the role of leaders to set an example
or act as a role model in using KKP or CMS VA as a means of Cashless payment of state
expenditure is very important and can have a great influence on employees in implementing
both. The commitment of the leadership influences the implementation of the use of MMAF
and CMS VA within the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. This is in line with the findings
of several previous studies. Said & Sutiono, (2021) that the Satker Expenditure Treasurer at
Ministries/Institutions has not been able to implement the use of KKP because they still face
obstacles, among others, due to the policies of their Satker leaders who do not want to use
KKP. Syahputra, (2022) also stated that the limitations of the use of KKP on Satker within the
scope of KPPN Tanjung Pinang were caused by the commitment of the leaders who still felt
that they did not encourage the use of KKP. The implementation of the Cashless transaction
system within the scope of local governments, one of which is through the use of the VA CMS,
is also still experiencing various obstacles, one of the biggest factors is the lack of strong
leadership commitment in implementing the system (Herlen et al., 2021).
To carry out their duties and authorities, all parties must know and understand the various
regulations that overshadow the management of KKP and CMS VA, so as not to violate
applicable regulations. A good understanding of regulations can streamline the administrative
process of accountability and minimize the occurrence of errors. The application of cashless
payment system will certainly not be separated from the use of technology. This condition
requires technical skills from HR in operating it. Financial managers are currently required to
be more technologically literate because the existence of technology cannot be avoided and is
experiencing increasingly rapid development. Regarding attitudes and behaviors, human
resources who have a careful and prudent attitude can also encourage the smooth
implementation of the Cashless payment system. Human resources influence the
implementation of the use of KKP and CMS VA within the Ministry of Cooperatives and
SMEs. In line with some previous findings, as revealed by Yulianti, (2021) that the application
of KKP at KPPN Dumai is relatively ineffective because it is influenced by human factors who
are reluctant to change their mindset and have not been able to take advantage of increasingly
developing technology. The lack of human resources who have expertise in implementing both
the system and the card has resulted in the implementation of credit cards in the government
sector lagging behind when compared to the private sector (Maulid & Sudibyo, 2020). Then
Dewi & Novitasari, (2021) also said that resource factors, including human resources, play a
role in the implementation of KKP Satker Ministries/Institutions in the KPPN Magelang work
The lack of optimal performance of KKP and CMS VA management when viewed from
the number of usage transactions can be caused by workflow settings that have not been
standardized. Constraints related to the time of completion of accountability administration,
late payment of bills or in the event of a digital crime case can affect the smooth management
that is ongoing and for the period to come. SOPs as a reference for work are needed in an effort
to oversee the use of public funds in terms of efficiency, compliance to security. Every party
involved in managing the cashless payment system must be well informed at every stage of its
implementation so that all have the same understanding. The responsibility of each party
involved in carrying out duties can be documented through the existence of SOPs. The
availability of SOPs affects the implementation of the use of KKP and CMS VA within the
Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. Researchers agree with several research results, including
by Elmizar & Kasmadi, (2020) which found that the implementation of the Cashless transaction
system in a local government is still not effective due to the unavailability of SOPs related to
the implementation of Cashless transactions. Yadnya (2022) through his research stated that
SOPs are an important element in implementing the VA CMS to process state expenditure
payments. Furthermore, Lesmono et al., (2023) stated the results of her research where one of
the Satkers within the scope of one KPPN in Central Java still has obstacles in implementing
KKP management because the Satker does not have an SOP.
To further motivate the implementation of the cashless payment system and increase
discipline in its use, Satker or Echelon I Unit can implement a reward and punishment
mechanism so that the management of KKP and CMS VA can run smoothly, be more
accountable and be able to optimize its use. In addition to punishment, encouragement of use
can also be manifested in the form of appreciation or reward to individuals or Satker users,
both material and immaterial, for performance achievements in the management of KKP and
CMS VA, especially from the aspect of use transactions. Reward and punishment must go hand
in hand so that their implementation can run effectively. The reward and punishment
mechanism affects the implementation of the use of KKP and CMS VA within the Ministry of
Cooperatives and SMEs. This is in line with what was expressed by Mei Novitasari, (2018)
that although the leadership's commitment to the implementation of KKP is good, and
employees have also understood the benefits of KKP, if it is not accompanied by high
motivation, employees will tend to be lazy to use KKP because its implementation is
considered quite detailed and impractical. The same thing was also expressed by Arfandi &
Rahayu, (2022), that the lack of reward and punishment mechanism has also become one of
the obstacles in the implementation of Cashless transaction policies in the local government of
Wajo Regency.
Despite the fact that the number of EDC machines is increasing, both in provincial and
regional capitals, these KKP users do not really take advantage of the existence of EDC
machines. Many transactions are made, for example to buy flight tickets and pay lodging fees
are processed using KKP but not through the card swipe mechanism on the EDC machine, but
directly processed online / online, or simply by providing a CVV number. For ATK purchases,
computer media, meeting consumption to capital expenditure have now been accommodated
by the Ministry of Finance through the Digipay application. This application is a platform that
integrates the process of purchasing government goods/services, digital payments, calculations,
withholding/collection, payments, to shopping transaction tax reporting, in one ecosystem
(Hutabarat et al., 2021). Apart from being a means of developing MSME products, Digipay is
a form of renewal and digitalization of the government spending payment system which is
slowly starting to switch from cash to Cashless transactions. Digipay aims to convert the
payment process from cash to cashless so that the Satker treasurer no longer spends cash to pay
for the purchase of office needs (Yadnya et al., 2022). One of the issues that often arises in the
management of MMAF is the condition where there is still a lack of EDC machines provided
by vendors / providers of government goods / services. In the Digipay application system, this
issue is relatively unobstructive Fitriani et al., (2022) because the payment process has been
accommodated in it. Thus, according to researchers, the availability of this EDC machine does
not affect the low condition of cashless payment system implementation within the Ministry of
Cooperatives and SMEs. This is different from several previous findings, such as Yulianti,
(2021) that due to the limited providers of goods/services in the region that have not provided
EDC machines, the application of MMAF at KPPN Dumai is relatively ineffective. According
to Al-Bayan (2022), the management of KKP users at KPPN Bengkulu has not been carried
out properly, one of which is due to the availability of EDC machines at merchants is not much.
Then, dos Santos Munik et al., (2022) said that the lack of deployment of EDC machines
affected the effectiveness of the implementation of the MPA implemented by KPPN Jambi.
As a party that provides Cashless instrument products and services in the form of KKP
and CMS VA, in an effort to maintain its smooth management, the Bank must play an active
role. The Bank must always be present and actively synergize with Satker, Ministry of Finance,
and also providers of goods and services in organizing the management of KKP instruments
and also CMS VA. In the daily use of KKP and CMS VA, various obstacles or problems in the
field will often be encountered, both related to technical matters, related to human resources
from the Bank itself, to policies in providing services. High responsiveness from the Bank is
needed in an effort to improve Satker's cash management so that the implementation of its use
can run optimally while still meeting various applicable regulations. The involvement of the
Bank affects the implementation of the use of KKP and CMS VA within the Ministry of
Cooperatives and SMEs. Researchers agree with previous findings, including T. Yulianti &
Sulistyawati, (2021) stating that one of the Satker within the scope of KPPN Dumai
experienced problems in using KKP because every shopping transaction carried out using an
EDC machine is always subject to an additional fee (surcharge), where the Bank has not
communicated all applicable rules related to KKP management clearly to the relevant
merchants. Furthermore, Muwaffaq & Piantari, (2022) said that in addition to system
maintenance and system errors, changes in bank policies such as the accessibility period of
proof of transaction are also factors that can affect CMS implementation.
Figure 1. Integrative Cashless Payment System Model.
Source: Researchers' work
Based on the results of the study, weaknesses were found in the implementation of the
Cashless payment system within the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs. A model was
formulated in order to optimize the use of KKP and CMS VA in the mechanism of payment of
state expenditures made by Satker. The model includes leadership commitment as the factor
that most influences the implementation of the cashless payment system, and also determines
the influence of other factors such as human resource factors, SOP availability factors, reward
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supervision and monitoring evaluation stage can run better so that it has an impact on the
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Copyright holders:
Galih Cheria Puspita, Rochmad Nur Afsdy Saksono, Luki Karunia (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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