Fritz Hotman Syahmahita Damanik
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: fritzho[email protected]
This study aims to determine the fostering of students' social tolerance in sociology learning at SMA Harapan
Mandiri. The method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach, data collected through
observation, interviews, and documentation at SMA Harapan Mandiri. Data analysis uses reduction,
presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that a holistic approach through an inclusive curriculum,
tolerance case studies, guided discussions, use of diverse learning resources, collaborative activities, empathy
skills training, tolerant behavior models, and personal guidance significantly contributed to the formation of
students' social tolerance attitudes at SMA Harapan Mandiri.
Keywords: Tolerance, Sociology, Learning
In short, education is a product of society, because if we realize the meaning of
education as a process of transferring knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, skills, and other aspects of
behavior to the younger generation, then all these efforts have been made entirely by the forces
of society (Nurfuaji & Erihadiana, 2023). For the community itself, the nature of education is
very useful for the continuity and progress of his life. In order for society to continue its
existence, its young members must pass on the values, knowledge, skills, and other forms of
behavior that each member is expected to have (Mo’tasim et al., 2023).
Education is a deliberate and planned effort to create a learning environment that allows
students to actively explore their potential (Mahsun, 2019). The goal is for them to develop
religious spiritual strength, control themselves, shape personality, increase intelligence, instill
noble morals, and hone the necessary skills for themselves and society. Education encompasses
a wide range of activities, from improving technical skills to building strong and integral
character. Thus, education is not just a technical learning process, but also shapes the individual
as a whole (Asis, 2023).
In this sense, education has begun since an individual first interacts with the external
environment outside himself, namely the family (Sari et al., 2020). Only then, after being old
enough, are individuals also educated in a school environment. According to Webster (Nuhiyah
& Darmawan, 2021) School is a place or institution / institution specifically established to
organize the teaching and learning process and education. As an institution, a school is a place
to teach students, train and give instructions about a scientific field and certain skills to students
(Abdul Gamal et al., 2022).
Character education, as an integral part of education, can be realized through various
activities. One of them is through the cultivation of values, the development of ethics, the
strengthening of religious values, as well as learning and training related to moral values. This
process aims to shape the character of students in order to face life's challenges with a positive
attitude and high integrity. By involving students in these activities, character education not
only focuses on cognitive aspects, but also on the formation of positive attitudes, values, and
behaviors (Basyit et al., 2022).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 11, November 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
The importance of character education lies not only in the improvement of the capacity
of individuals, but also in their contribution to society. With good character, students are
expected to become members of society who contribute positively, uphold moral values, and
play an active role in social development. Therefore, character education is not only the
responsibility of the school, but also involves the active role of the family, the environment,
and the community at large (Ferdian & Alpizar, 2021). In this context, education is not only
about knowledge transfer, but also personality formation based on noble values to create a
quality generation.
The level of tolerance and social care, which was previously a distinctive identity of the
Indonesian nation, is now experiencing a significant decline. The decline in tolerance and
concern for others has a detrimental impact on various aspects of life. The decline in morality
of Indonesia's young generation is evident in the dynamics of daily life (Muntoha et al., 2023).
One striking example is the reduced sense of tolerance in the school environment. In this
context, we can see how students lack a sense of appreciation for differences, be it ethnic,
religious, or cultural differences. The presence of bullying and discriminatory behavior among
students can be a concrete example of this decrease in tolerance. Sometimes, students are less
able to appreciate diversity in the school environment, and this can create conflict between
Social indifference is also reflected in the lack of concern for the social conditions
around. For example, students lack concern for classmates who have differences in ethnicity,
religion, and culture. They don't always show empathy or provide support to fellow students in
need. This can create a less inclusive school environment and result in social isolation for some
individuals (Wulandari et al., 2022).
The constructive potential of religion in the school environment can develop optimally if
each student is able to uphold the value of tolerance (Mastina & Imtihana, 2022). Tolerance
here is an attempt to exercise restraint so that potential conflicts, especially those based on
religious differences, can be suppressed. This attitude of tolerance is an important key to
creating a harmonious and inclusive school environment (Salmudin et al., 2023).
Conversely, the destructive potential of religion can arise in the school environment if
each student does not uphold the value of tolerance and harmony between religious
communities. When students consider their religion to be the most correct and denigrate other
religions, this can create tensions, conflicts, and even forms of discrimination among students.
Such a narrow view is often triggered by a lack of understanding of cultural and religious
diversity (Kartini et al., 2019).
SMA Harapan Mandiri is a school that upholds the values of diversity in the midst of
rich diversity. The school environment reflects ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group
diversity. In it, students come from various cultural backgrounds, creating a mosaic of richly
colourful school life. Not only ethnic differences, but also diversity in beliefs and values
espoused by each student.
This situation provides unique challenges and opportunities for learning sociology at
SMA Harapan Mandiri. This diversity can be a valuable resource for understanding
sociological concepts in greater depth. However, in line with its positive potential, this diversity
can also be a sensitive point that requires a special approach so that students are able to uphold
the value of tolerance and inter-religious harmony.
The study of sociology has an important role in overcoming the destructive potential of
religion that can arise in the school environment. These subjects open students' horizons to the
social structure and dynamics of society, enabling them to understand the differences and
diversity that exist. In this context, understanding the diversity of society is crucial. Students
are invited to realize that society consists of various groups and individuals with different
backgrounds, beliefs, and values.
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
In addition, case studies on social conflicts and efforts to resolve them become an integral
part of sociology learning. Students can see the negative impact of not appreciating differences,
and this opens up opportunities to discuss and understand the roots of conflict. Analysis of
stereotypes and prejudices is also in focus, helping students recognize and overcome narrow
views of specific groups or individuals.
Sociology learning also creates space for guided discussion and debate activities.
Students can talk about their own views, listen to other people's points of view, and come to a
common understanding. At this time, the values of tolerance and respect for differences can be
instilled more concretely. Here, the emphasis on the concepts of social justice and human rights
strengthens the foundation of learning, fostering a sense of justice and equality as the
foundation for an inclusive society.
The destructive potential of religion can arise in the school environment if students do
not uphold the value of tolerance and harmony between religious communities. When students
consider their religion to be the most correct and denigrate other religions, this can create
tension, conflict, and even discrimination between them. Such a narrow view is often triggered
by a lack of understanding of cultural and religious diversity. Therefore, a holistic approach to
sociology learning is key in forming students who are not only academically intelligent but
also full of tolerance and respect for diversity in the school environment and wider society.
Based on the background described above, the purpose of this study is to determine the
fostering of students' social tolerance in learning sociology at SMA Harapan Mandiri.
This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This approach was
chosen because it is suitable to explore a deep understanding of how students' social tolerance
is formed and developed in the context of sociology learning in the environment of SMA
Harapan Mandiri.
The main data sources of this study are teachers and students at SMA Harapan Mandiri.
Teachers have important insights into learning design, approaches used, and challenges faced
in fostering social tolerance in the school environment. Teacher insights can provide insights
on sociology learning strategies that are effective in increasing student tolerance. In addition,
students as direct participants of learning become a valuable source of information about their
experiences, perceptions, and understanding related to social tolerance.
A descriptive approach will be used to describe and analyze in detail the conditions,
practices, and phenomena associated with fostering social tolerance. Research will involve
classroom observation, interviews with teachers, and group discussions with students.
Observation will provide a direct picture of the dynamics of sociology learning and student
interaction in the classroom. Interviews with teachers will explore their perspectives on
challenges and strategies in fostering students' social tolerance. Group discussions with
students will provide a platform to listen to their voices, understand their perspectives, and
explore relevant experiences.
Data collection techniques in this study involve observation, interviews, and
documentation as complementary methods. Observation is an approach that involves direct
observation of the learning situation in the sociology class at SMA Harapan Mandiri. Through
these observations, researchers can gain an understanding of the dynamics of interactions
between teachers and students, see firsthand how sociology material is delivered, and identify
social interactions between students. The observations also provide an idea of whether
sociology learning in the school is able to create an environment that supports fostering social
Interviews were conducted with sociology teachers at SMA Harapan Mandiri. This in-
depth interview will explore information about the learning approaches applied, the challenges
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
faced in fostering social tolerance, and strategies that have been or are being implemented to
achieve these goals. Teachers are key stakeholders in the learning process, and their views will
provide an invaluable perspective related to the effectiveness of social tolerance fostering
methods in the school environment.
Documentation includes data collection from a variety of written sources, such as syllabi,
lesson plans, and teaching materials used in sociology classes. This documentation helps
researchers to understand the curriculum structure, learning focus, and educational objectives
at SMA Harapan Mandiri. In addition, the documents can provide an idea of the extent to which
the values of social tolerance are integrated into learning materials.
Data analysis techniques in this study adopt a qualitative approach using methods of
reduction, presentation, and conclusions. First, the data reduction stage involves organizing,
simplifying, and maturing data gathered from observation, interviews, and documentation.
Qualitative data is often complex text, and at this stage, researchers will organize the data into
smaller, focused units. This process helps understand patterns, themes, and relationships
between information that emerge from data collection results.
Then, in the data presentation stage, the reduced information is presented in a systematic
and structured way. The presentation of data can be done through narration to facilitate
understanding and analysis. This technique provides a framework for a comprehensive look at
the key findings that emerged during the study.
The final stage is the drawing of conclusions. Once the data is reduced and presented, the
researcher evaluates the findings by formulating conclusions that reflect the answers to the
research questions. These conclusions are generated through interpretation and synthesis of
data, and can provide deep insight into the effectiveness of fostering students' social tolerance
in the sociology learning environment at SMA Harapan Mandiri.
Fostering students' social tolerance in learning sociology at SMA Harapan Mandiri is a
fundamental imperative. Social tolerance is the main foundation in forming individuals who
are able to live harmoniously and side by side with diverse communities. In the context of
globalization and plurality of societies, the ability to appreciate differences becomes a key skill
that every individual must possess.
Fostering social tolerance provides the foundation for the formation of an inclusive and
just society. By understanding and appreciating differences, students can be more open to the
diversity of cultures, religions, and other backgrounds. This avoids the inequality,
discrimination, and conflict that can arise from a lack of tolerance (Mastina & Imtihana, 2022).
In addition, fostering social tolerance also helps students develop the ability to
communicate and cooperate with different people. In an increasingly connected world,
adaptability and cooperation with individuals from diverse backgrounds are essential assets for
success in professional and social life.
The importance of fostering students' social tolerance in learning sociology at SMA
Harapan Mandiri is also reflected in its contribution to the formation of leadership character
and social care. Students who have good social tolerance tend to be better able to become
inclusive leaders and understand the needs and aspirations of various community groups.
Fostering social tolerance also plays a vital role in preventing radicalism and extremism.
By understanding and appreciating differences, students are more immune to influences that
can lead to narrow views and intolerant attitudes. School initiatives in building social tolerance
can be an effective bulwark against potential conflict and polarization among students.
Currently at SMA Harapan Mandiri there are various religious, ethnic, and political
backgrounds among students. This diversity, if not managed properly, can cause tension and
conflict in the school environment. By fostering social tolerance, students can become agents
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
of change who are able to ease tensions and build constructive dialogue in the midst of these
differences. For example, students who have a good understanding of social tolerance may be
mediators in inter-student conflict or support activities that encourage inter-religious dialogue
in schools. This creates a conducive climate for healthy personal growth and makes diversity a
strength, not a source of conflict at SMA Harapan Mandiri.
As a concrete example, fostering social tolerance can result in social projects involving
cooperation between students with different backgrounds. For example, collaboration between
students of different faiths to organize joint charity activities or sustainability projects that
support social justice values. This kind of initiative not only strengthens social tolerance, but
also builds positive social networks among students.
Based on the results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri, there are several ways teachers
foster students' social tolerance in learning sociology, namely:
Inclusive Curriculum
Develop a curriculum that includes material that stimulates students' understanding of
social, religious, ethnic, and cultural diversity. Sociology subjects can be directed to explain
the positive impact of diversity in society. The results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri
show that the implementation of an inclusive curriculum in sociology learning has a significant
positive impact on fostering students' social tolerance. The curriculum is designed to include
materials that specifically stimulate students' understanding of social, religious, ethnic, and
cultural diversity in the school environment. The research concludes that this diversity is
thoroughly integrated in various aspects of the sociology curriculum, from understanding basic
concepts to applications in real-life situations.
A concrete example of the results of this research is the existence of a learning module
that highlights cultural and religious diversity at SMA Harapan Mandiri. This module includes
case studies, articles, and other learning resources that illustrate the success of society in
creating social tolerance. For example, students engage in analysis of the history of certain
communities that have successfully resolved conflicts and encouraged interreligious harmony.
In addition, the study noted that an inclusive curriculum provides a foundation for guided
discussion in the classroom. Teachers facilitate open dialogue where students can share their
views and experiences on diversity. This process helps students understand that community
diversity is a necessity, and this understanding becomes the basis for fostering social tolerance.
Research also highlights the use of diverse learning resources in the curriculum. Teachers
at SMA Harapan Mandiri utilize textbooks, articles, films, and multimedia materials that reflect
the diversity of society. These resources help students gain a broader perspective, avoid
stereotypes, and build a deeper understanding of differences.
Overall, the inclusive sociology curriculum at SMA Harapan Mandiri not only provides
academic knowledge, but also provides a strong foundation to form students who are tolerant
and respect diversity in the school environment and the wider community. This carefully
designed curriculum creates a foundation of deep learning and blends sociological concepts
with the practice of social tolerance in students' daily lives.
Tolerance Case Studies
Using concrete case studies about communities that have succeeded in creating social
tolerance as learning material. Emphasize how conflicts are resolved and diversity is valued in
a particular historical or societal context. The results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri
show that the use of tolerance case studies in sociology learning has a real positive impact in
fostering students' social tolerance. These case studies are integrated into the sociology
curriculum to give students hands-on experience of challenges and solutions in dealing with
social differences and conflicts in society.
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
One concrete example of the results of this research is the case study on religious
diversity in the school environment. Students are involved in exploring it, identifying
challenges that may arise and finding solutions that can increase social tolerance. Through this
case study, students can see how different religious beliefs can be a positive force in creating
an inclusive school environment.
In addition, research also shows that tolerance case studies focus on real experiences in
the community around SMA Harapan Mandiri. Teachers use case examples relevant to
students' lives, such as interfaith interaction in extracurricular activities, cooperation between
students from various backgrounds, and joint efforts in overcoming disagreements. Through
this kind of case study analysis, students can better understand how important social tolerance
is in building harmony in their surroundings.
The research notes that the use of case studies not only provides a conceptual
understanding of social tolerance, but also engages students actively in the learning process.
Discussion and analysis of case studies gives students the opportunity to participate, talk about
their views, and find solutions together. Thus, tolerance case studies not only provide
theoretical insights, but also shape students' social and problem-solving skills. Case studies of
tolerance in sociology learning at SMA Harapan Mandiri are not only part of the curriculum,
but also an effective means of fostering students' social tolerance. Through this approach,
students can experience for themselves the importance of tolerance in everyday life, and this
helps shape positive attitudes towards diversity in the school environment and the wider
Guided Discussion:
Encourage guided class discussion on contemporary issues involving social tolerance.
Teachers at SMA Harapan Medan facilitate an open dialogue that students will use to share
their views and find solutions together. The results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri
revealed that the use of guided discussions in sociology learning plays an important role in
fostering students' social tolerance. Guided discussion is not only an effective teaching method
but also creates a platform that allows students to dig deeper into differences and diversity.
In its implementation, guided discussions focused on social issues relevant to the context
of student life at SMA Harapan Mandiri. Teachers guide students to talk about differences in
religion, culture, and political views, and encourage them to express opinions respectfully and
openly. These discussions are designed to promote constructive dialogue and increase students'
understanding of diverse perspectives.
A concrete example of the use of guided discussion is when students are asked to discuss
racial issues. These discussions are geared towards creating an environment where students can
listen to each other, understand, and appreciate each other's points of view. Teachers act as
facilitators who steer the conversation in a direction that promotes tolerance and respect for
The results of observations and interviews also show that guided discussions help
students identify stereotypes and prejudices they may have against certain groups or
individuals. By opening up spaces for sharing experiences and views, students can actively
overcome uncertainty and fear of the different. It provides opportunities for students to grow
as tolerant individuals and open to differences.
Overall, guided discussions in sociology learning at SMA Harapan Mandiri are an
effective strategy to foster students' social tolerance. By providing space to speak, listen, and
respond positively to diversity, students can develop the social and empathy skills necessary to
live harmoniously in a diverse society.
Use of Diverse Learning Resources
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
Based on the results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri, it was found that the use of
diverse learning resources in sociology learning can significantly shape students' social
tolerance. A curriculum that integrates a variety of learning resources from different cultural,
religious, and ethnic backgrounds provides students with opportunities to be exposed to the
true diversity of the world.
The use of textbooks, articles, videos, and other learning materials that include global
and local perspectives is an effective strategy. Teachers at SMA Harapan Mandiri present
materials that represent various points of view, describing history, culture, and diverse
community contributions. For example, in studying the concept of social conflict, students can
examine case studies from different countries that illustrate different forms of inequality and
how societies respond to them.
The importance of diverse learning resources lies in their ability to spare students from a
narrow or limited view. An understanding of diverse realities can open students' eyes to the
complexities of society and support the development of an open attitude towards differences.
In this context, the use of information technology can also be applied, for example, through
webinars or virtual guest lectures involving speakers from different backgrounds.
Diverse learning resources also create opportunities for students to understand the impact
of stereotypes and prejudices that can arise from a lack of information or knowledge about a
particular group. Through in-depth and diverse material, students can see that each individual
or group has a unique contribution in building society. The use of diverse learning resources at
SMA Harapan Mandiri supports the formation of students who are not only academically
intelligent but also socially educated, tolerant, and value diversity. The integration of diverse
learning resources is the foundation for creating an inclusive and reflective learning
environment to the complex realities of social life.
Collaborative Activities
One of the ways sociology teachers at SMA Harapan Mandiri foster students' social
tolerance is to carry out collaborative activities inside and outside the classroom involving
students from different backgrounds. Group projects can help students learn to work together
to achieve common goals, appreciate differences, and build positive relationships.
The results of observations and interviews at SMA Harapan Mandiri show that diverse
collaborative activities have an important role in the formation of students' social tolerance.
Collaboration between students with different cultural, religious, and ethnic backgrounds
creates opportunities for students to interact, work together, and understand each other's
differences. Through activities such as group projects, discussions, or extracurricular activities,
students have the opportunity to develop interpersonal skills and appreciate each individual's
One example of successful collaborative activities at SMA Harapan Mandiri is a group
project that focuses on solving social problems. Each group consists of students with diverse
backgrounds. They are given the task of identifying social problems in their environment and
formulating solutions that involve the participation of all members of the group. This
collaborative process requires effective communication, a deep understanding of the issues,
and respect for diverse views.
In addition, group discussion activities or guided forums become a means to discuss
complex social issues. Teachers at SMA Harapan Mandiri facilitate discussions that invite the
participation of all students, ensuring that every point of view is valued and heard. For example,
students may discuss the impact of gender inequality, religious pluralism, or issues of
multiculturalism in the context of local communities.
The importance of diverse collaborative activities lies in their ability to open spaces for
dialogue and build mutual understanding. Students learn to see value in differences and to
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
perceive the richness of diversity that exists in the school environment. Thus, collaborative
activities at SMA Harapan Mandiri not only support the development of social skills, but also
form an attitude of basic social tolerance.
Empathy Skills Training
SMA Harapan Mandiri also develops empathy skills through activities such as role-
playing, where students can experience life from the perspective of others. This helps increase
understanding and reduce prejudice. The results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri show
that empathy skills training has a positive impact in fostering students' social tolerance. This
training program is designed to improve students' ability to understand and feel the feelings
and experiences of others, especially those from different backgrounds. This training is
conducted through various activities, simulations, and discussions that emphasize the
importance of seeing the world from the perspective of others.
One example of successful empathy skills training at SMA Harapan Mandiri is the "Walk
in My Shoes" program. In this activity, students are invited to put themselves in the shoes of
others with different cultural or religious backgrounds. Through this simulation, they can feel
what it's like to be in situations they may not experience on a day-to-day basis. The program
not only helps students understand the challenges and diversity that exists, but also stimulates
in-depth discussions about how to overcome prejudices and stereotypes.
In addition, empathy skills training is integrated into daily learning activities. Teachers
at SMA Harapan Mandiri use case studies, role-plays, and personal experience stories as tools
to develop students' empathy. For example, in a sociology class, students may be directed to
analyze the social impact of certain policies on a particular group of people, by placing
themselves in the shoes of members of that group.
Tolerant Behavior Model
Teachers can demonstrate openness, respect differences, and respond to conflict in ways
that promote dialogue and understanding. In the results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri,
it was found that the application of tolerant behavior models in sociology learning has a positive
impact on fostering students' social tolerance. Tolerant behavior models encourage students to
internalize and apply tolerant values in their daily lives.
This model is applied through a variety of strategies, including role simulations, role
plays, and collaborative projects. One example of effective models of tolerant behavior is
through role simulations in which students are faced with imaginary situations that require
them to interact with differences and resolve conflicts in a tolerant way. For example, students
may be asked to assume the role of members of a society representing different religious or
ethnic groups. In this context, students learn to understand different points of view and look
for solutions that respect diversity.
In addition, role-playing is also an effective means of forming tolerant behavior. Through
role-playing, students can experience firsthand how differences can be a force in achieving
common goals. For example, students can participate in economic simulation games where
they have to collaborate with groups that have different skills and backgrounds. This process
provides hands-on experience of how diversity can enhance creativity and productivity. By
experiencing for themselves the benefits of a tolerant attitude, students at SMA Harapan
Mandiri can be a positive example for their surroundings and actively contribute to creating an
inclusive and harmonious environment.
Personal Guidance
SMA Harapan Mandiri teachers provide personal guidance to students who may have
difficulty understanding or appreciating diversity. Listening and providing support can help
Fostering Students' Social Tolerance in Sociology Learning in High School Harapan
students grow as tolerant individuals. In the results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri, it
was found that providing personal guidance has a crucial role in fostering students' social
tolerance. Personal guidance is conducted through counseling sessions specifically designed to
support students' personal development, including understanding and appreciating differences.
Personal guidance teachers act as facilitators who help students explore their values,
beliefs, and attitudes toward diversity. For example, in personal tutoring sessions, students are
directed to reflect on their personal experiences with diversity, identify potential biases or
prejudices, and develop strategies to increase social tolerance.
Personal tutoring also provides space for students to discuss interpersonal conflicts that
may arise as a result of differences. Examples of cases could include situations where students
feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar with a classmate's beliefs or culture. In personal tutoring
sessions, teachers can help students to seek better understanding, teach effective
communication skills, and design solutions to build better relationships. Through guided
dialogue and self-reflection, students at SMA Harapan Mandiri can develop deep empathy and
tolerance skills, creating a solid foundation for a more inclusive social life in the school
Based on the results of research at SMA Harapan Mandiri on fostering students' social
tolerance in sociology learning, it can be concluded that a holistic approach through an
inclusive curriculum, tolerance case studies, guided discussions, the use of diverse learning
resources, collaborative activities, empathy skills training, tolerant behavior models, and
personal guidance significantly contribute to the formation of students' social tolerance
attitudes. A curriculum that includes material on diversity, case studies that reflect on the
success of society in creating tolerance, guided discussions that promote constructive dialogue,
and the use of diverse learning resources, become the foundation for understanding and
appreciating differences. Collaborative activities through group projects, empathy skills
training, and models of tolerant behavior provide hands-on experience for internalizing the
values of tolerance. Meanwhile, personal tutoring assists students in overcoming interpersonal
conflicts and deepening understanding of diversity. Overall, this approach encourages the
formation of students who are not only academically intelligent, but also socially educated,
tolerant, and value diversity in the school environment and wider society.
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Fritz Hotman Syahmahita Damanik (2023)
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Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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