Abdul Haris
Universitas Nasional, Indonesia
Email: abdu[email protected]
Tokopedia is one of the online shopping portals that has existed since 2009 until now the name of Tokopedia is
getting bigger and known by many people in Indonesia, but over time and technological developments in
Indonesia, more and more of these other online shopping portals have an impact on the variety of choices among
the public as other choices and can compare which one is the most value for money to be made the main choice
as a means of online shopping. But in the end, not a few of these online shop companies finally decided to close
their portals in Indonesia because of the very high competitive level and difficulty in getting loyal customers.
Until the peak when the pandemic occurred which reduced the level of people's purchasing power, several online
shops began to close their networks in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the effect of web quality, customer
retention and switching barrier through customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. The population in this study is
employees of PT Solusi Transportasi Indonesia with the number of samples in this study amounting to 100
employees who have become users of the Tokopedia application at least have placed orders. Purposive sampling
techniques with data collection are carried out using questionnaires in Gform format which are then processed
using SmartPLS 4.0 software using SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) models. The results showed that directly
variable X (Quality Web, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier) had a positive and significant effect on
variable Z (Customer Satisfaction) but the independent variable or X (Quality Web, Customer Retention and
Switching Barrier) had a positive value but not significant to Y (Customer Loyalty), but when variable X (Quality
Web, Customer Retention, Switching Barrier) mediated by variable Z (Customer Satisfaction) had results positive
and significant.
Keywords: quality web, customer retention, switching barrier customer satisfaction, customer loyalty
TOMMY, (2010) state that loyalty can be defined as a person's loyalty to something that
includes physical and non-physical loyalty, such as thought and attention. Thus, Hurriyati,
(2005) states that loyalty is a manifestation of basic human needs to belong, support, gain a
sense of security, build bonds, and create emotional bonds. Customer satisfaction, product or
service quality, brand image, perceived value, trust, customer relationship, switching cost, and
dependability are the main factors affecting customer loyalty, according to (Hasan, 2018)
This opinion is also proven by several previous studies that one of the important elements
of loyalty is customer satisfaction such as Lisa's research in 2022 which has the results
"Satisfaction and Switching Barrier has an influence on Customer Loyalty" as well as research
conducted by Nisaa Puspitasari in 2018 which has the results "Customer satisfaction has a
significant effect on customer loyalty" from several studies In the past, the above opinion is
also confirmed to be in line with research conducted by Gultom in 2020 which has the results
of research "That customer satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on customer trust,
customer satisfaction also has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, customer
trust has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty. Customer trust significantly
mediates the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 12, Desember 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
From some explanations and research results above, it can be said that loyalty is the result
of a long process that is influenced by several factors, in this study the author wants to know
several other factors that can affect loyalty with the Tokopedia application as the object of this
study and the subject is users or users of Tokopedia with certain criteria that have been adjusted,
considering that currently Tokopedia is one of the e-commerce or online shopping applications
with the highest number of visits every month based on data from the first quarter of 2022
quoted through data according to iPrice, the average monthly visitors
of Tokopedia is 157.2 million, this figure is up 5.1% from the fourth quarter of the previous
However, although Tokopedia continues to grow in total visits every month during 2022,
based on transaction value data released in 2023 by Momentum Works that Tokopedia's
transaction value is still below Shopee at the national level and regionally or Southeast Asia,
Shopee also still leads the transaction value by controlling the first position such as in Thailand
with a market share value of 56% then in Singapore Shopee also controls a market share of
53% and in Indonesia itself, Shopee still controls the domestic marketshare of 36%, this value
is 1% higher than competitors, namely Tokopedia which has a market share of 35%, followed
by Lazada 10%, then Bukalapak 10%, then there is Tiktok 5% and finally Blibli 4%.
Figure 1 Southeast Asia E-Commerce Transaction Value Data 2022
YouGov identifies the brands most suggested by Indonesian customers to colleagues or
friends. Two e-commerce locations or sites compete fiercely to become the most preferred
brand of the public. According to the UK-based global market research agency, Tokopedia will
top the YouGov Recommended Rankings 2022, after only being ranked sixth the previous year.
Tokopedia has the highest score of 90.2 points, but competition is fierce for the top spot. E-
commerce platform Shopee beat Tokopedia with a score of 88.6 points and remained in second
Samsung is the most recommended brand with a score of 88.2, along with Tokopedia and
Shopee. Apple Mobile Devices (87.3), Netflix (87.3), Garuda Indonesia (87.0), BCA (86.6),
Apple Consumer Electronic (85.6), Indomie (85.4), and Allianz were then in the top positions.
Customer experience, brand image, brand values, emotions and customer personality are
crucial in determining whether or not someone will recommend the brand, according to
YouGov research. According to YouGov, YouGov's methods for gathering consumer opinions
about brands in various markets are as follows: "In marketing terms, word of mouth or giving
recommendations to someone verbally is one powerful way to increase brand exposure, people
will trust a recommendation from someone they know more than through advertising."
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
YouGov BrandIndex's positive recommendations, which calculate how many customers a
brand will recommend to others, form the basis of the ranking.
Table 1 Most Recommended Brand Data in 2022
Nilai (Score)
Apple Mobile Devices
Garuda Indonesia
Apple Consumer Electronic
Based on the data above, Tokopedia as the most recommended online shopping
application but in fact still has a transaction value below competitors, namely Shopee, of
course, has several strategies that must be done by the company to be able to form and have a
loyal customer base, and researchers see how Tokopedia users where the research company
works based on digital companies then the use of online shopping applications has been Very
massively used in other things such as making bill payments, purchasing digital products, to
investing etc. In addition, the demographic of men in the researcher's office is also dominated
by men who have a dominance of Tokopedia which is considered simpler in terms of UI (User
Interface) and also because in the place where researchers have working hours that are so dense
with high work tension, very many of the employees prefer to make online transactions in terms
of purchasing goods or services in order to save time and process.
Researchers also see how the development of technology that has been very fast and a
lifestyle accompanied by convenience is important today, so the use of applications in certain
activities has been very common done by employees where the author works. If you look at
the development of online shops today, of course, there are many other options, but of course
not all online shopping applications are able to implement good security in the application, this
is one part of the quality of a website today because currently data privacy must certainly be
very guarded besides the user interface The easier will make customers or users more
comfortable using the application and other factors such as how the company retains its
customers to form a strong engagement so as not to switch to competitors. As well as other
obstacles that make users or users not want to switch to similar applications such as application
stability, or efforts to register and verify data on new applications that take time and security
of data use by companies to membership programs that must be started from scratch if
switching to other applications and differences in other benefits that they do not get in new
So from the description above, the researcher hypothesizes that one of the variables that
influence Tokopedia users to become loyal is how the quality of the Tokopedia website is
already very good starting from system security, data privacy or user interface that is easy to
use, then Tokopedia also has several retention programs that can provide certain benefits that
are more beneficial to users and also variable switching barriers that make customers loyal to
keep using the Tokopedia application in various things such as buying products or just paying
From the data above, researchers want to research factors that affect loyalty. This study
identifies variables that are thought to affect the level of customer loyalty. And this study tries
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
to answer some gaps or gaps in previous research that has been done with insignificant results
such as research conducted by Joni Purwanto which states that web quality has no effect on
loyalty or in research conducted by Dimas Satrio Kendria which states that Customer Retention
does not have a significant effect on loyalty and also research conducted by Rafi Pebrian Suban
which states that Switching barriers have no effect on loyalty.
So this study was conducted to answer inconsistent research results and close gaps or
gaps in previous studies, such as research data attached to the table below with customer
satisfaction as an intervening variable.
Inconsistencies in the results of several studies conducted previously from each variable
that entered or existed in this study such as research conducted by Fahmi, Prayogi, & Jufrizen,
(2018) on Web Quality on customer loyalty where the research provides positive and
significant results when the quality of the website rises, customer loyalty will also increase, but
these results are not in line with research conducted by Purwanto et al., (2018) which states the
results between quality Web and loyalty are positive but not significant,
Still from the table data above, researchers also found inconsistent results between
customer retention variables and loyalty, where Rizki, Pamungkas, & Purwati, (2021) stated a
positive and significant relationship between retention and loyalty, meaning that the better the
retention carried out by the company, the more it will increase customer loyalty, but these
results are also not in line with research conducted by DIMAS, (2019) where the study states
the customer variable Retention has a positive but not significant effect on customer loyalty.
Similarly, research conducted by Lismawati & Arrozi, (2020) which examined the
Switching Barrier variable on loyalty in her research obtained positive and significant results
between the two variables, in contrast to the results of research conducted by Rafi & Budiatmo,
(2018) which stated that the results were negative and insignificant, these results were
And finally, researchers also get inconsistent or inconsistent results between the variables
Satisfaction and loyalty, according to the results of research Gultom, Arif, & Fahmi, (2020)
states customer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty, but
these results are not in line with research conducted by Dwi & Devy, (2021) which has positive
but not significant research results.
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the effect of Quality of Website on
Customer Satisfaction. The Effect of Customer Retention on Customer Satisfaction. The Effect
of Switching Barrier on Customer Satisfaction. The Effect of Quality of Website on Customer
Loyalty. the effect of Customer Retention on Customer Loyalty. The Effect of Switching
Barrier on Customer Loyalty. Quality of Website to Customer Loyalty through Customer
Satisfaction. The effect of Customer Retention on Customer Loyalty through Customer
Satisfaction. The Effect of Switching Barrier on Customer Loyalty through Customer
Satisfaction. The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty.
The type of research carried out by researchers is casual research (causal research).
According to Yusuf, (2021) causal research is a research method to identify causal
relationships. Causal research is used to determine the effect between one or more independent
variables on dependent variables. This study used primary data sources, which came from
survey results or questionnaires that had been distributed previously. The communication
method used in this study was distributing questionnaires.
Social science researchers often use SEM because it is more flexible for research that
links theory and data. They can also perform path analysis, or paths, with latent variables. Since
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
it is not based on many assumptions, the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method is quite
powerful. In addition, the sample does not need to be large; The data do not have to be normally
multivariate distributed (indicators with category, ordinal, or interval scales can be used on the
same model).
Based on the results of the discussion that has been carried out above, the following are
the results of the research summary:
Table 1 Summary of research results
Source: Results of data processing using SmartPLS
From the summary of the table above, it can be seen that of the 10 hypotheses formulated,
7 of them are accepted because they have a direct or indirect influence or mediated by variable
Z. The 3 hypotheses that are rejected are direct influences between variable X or independent
of variable Y or dependent variables, this can be interpreted that when variable X (Quality
Web, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier) increase does not directly affect to increase
loyalty or variable Y but when mediated by variable Z (Customer Satisfaction) will increase
loyalty indirectly.
Web Quality (X1) has a positive and significant effect directly on Customer Statistics (Z)
Web Quality as indicated through Usability, Information Quality and Service Interaction
with customer satisfaction formed through performance, features, reliability, serviceability,
aesthetics and reputation image has been running well in the Tokopedia application. According
to Hafni, Hasibuan, Muslih, & Yusnandar, (2020) and Tandon et al., (2017), the quality of this
website is interpreted as the perception of the overall quality of internet shopping center sites
that match the customer's point of view. Meanwhile, according to Bavarsad, Rahimi, &
Mennatyan, (2013), a good website has operational quality that allows consumers to carry out
e-shopping activities more easily and efficiently. Based on this theory, it can be said that web
quality can be said to be a parameter of customer satisfaction starting from how usability can
be interpreted as the easier it is to use the Tokopedia application by its users or customers for
various needs such as making transactions or searching for an item also supported by the quality
of accurate and easy-to-understand information such as valid forms of information from sellers
on Tokopedia or other information in Tokopedia. provide by Tokopedia such as delivery
schedules, payment methods or easy customer complaint services as well as how good
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
interaction services such as data security and others so as to cause trust and satisfaction with
application users in terms of good website quality in other words if the quality of the Tokopedia
web increases it will also be in line with increasing Tokopedia customer satisfaction which is
indicated through good web performance and easy to understand, features that make it easier
for customers to find other goods or services, the reliability of applications that run smoothly
and there are no serviceability constraints that satisfy the aesthetics of placing application
layouts that provide a different user experience from competitors, as well as the image and
reputation that from when Tokopedia is able to maintain customer privacy data safely, the
results of this study which states the quality of the web have a positive and significant effect
directly on customers Statisfaction can be proven. The results of this study are also in line with
some experts such as the opinion of Sadeh, (2011) (website quality) will affect customer
Customer Retention (X2) has a positive and significant effect directly on Customer
Statistics (Z)
Customer retention formed from competitiveness, comfort value and responsiveness to
customer satisfaction formed from performance, features, reliability, serviceability, aesthetics
and reputation image has run well in the Tokopedia application. Consumer Retention or
Customer Retention is a form of inner attachment between customers or consumers with
producers or companies characterized by repeated and long-term purchases (Vibrian, 2022).
Keiningham et al., (2017) have defined customer retention as the continuation of a customer's
business relationship with a company. Customer retention is considered one of the main
objectives of services that ensure that the marketing strategy is effective. From the theory
above, it can be said that customer retention is also one of the strong parameters to find out
customer satisfaction as in this study that the retention that Tokopedia does to its customers is
through strong competitiveness such as how Tokopedia is able and competitive to have a
loyalty program like in competitors' products, where this program is designed so that customers
continue to transact then in terms of convenience value how Tokopedia can Handling good
complaints so that customers feel prioritized when they have problems with orders placed so
as to make satisfaction with their shopping experience. This is also the same as the
responsiveness of Tokopedia when getting complaints and suggestions by conducting surveys
to its customers for future improvement, so that customers feel their criticisms and suggestions
are heard by Tokopedia and believe that Tokopedia will improve through survey services that
have been done, the satisfaction formed from the performance of this retention can be proven
by what Tokopedia does for its customers as well Other indicators such as features, reliability,
serviceability, aesthetics and reputation image. This shows that the higher the retention carried
out by the company, the higher the customer satisfaction with the company. The results of this
study are also in line with the research of (Pusparini & Khalid, (2023) which states that
customer satisfaction and customer retention have a close relationship in terms of influencing
each other.
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
Switching Barrier (X3) has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (Z)
Variable switching barrier formed by switching cost, attractiveness of alternative and
interpersonal relationship to satisfaction indicated by performance, features, reliability,
serviceability, aesthetics and reputation image has been running well in the Tokopedia
application. According to Supriadi & Yusof, (2015) switching barriers refer to the level of
difficulty to move to other service providers when customers are not satisfied with the services
received. Barriers to moving can take the form of financial, social and psychological constraints
that a customer feels when moving to a new service provider. From this theory, it can be said
that Tokopedia users are reluctant to switch to other products, it can be seen from the indication
of how if they move, there will be switching costs incurred such as internet costs from the
material side and wasting time to register and re-verify from the non-material side, this makes
it difficult for Tokopedia customers to move as well as some things such as promos provided
by Tokopedia are still better than competitors and how indicators attractiveness of alternatives
that are less than competitors are not able to make Tokopedia customers move, one of which
is a negative impression of competitors ranging from the length of delivery and other things
that can affect obstacles to moving and interpersonal relationships between customers and
Tokopedia where this can be formed from Tokopedia's active listening to customer complaints
and providing good solutions to create good interpersonal relationships and make customers
Do not move to competitors and produce satisfaction with other indicators such as good
serviceability. Based on research, it can be concluded that switching barriers have a positive
and significant effect on customer satisfaction. The results of this study are also in line with
research conducted by Vienna et al., (2022) that switching barriers have a positive effect on
customer satisfaction.
Web Quality (X1) has a positive but not significant effect directly on Customer Loyalty
Based on this research, it can be seen that web quality consisting of Web Usability, Web
Information Quality and Web interaction services does not significantly affect customer loyalty
indicated through repeat purchases, recommendations to others and immunity from competitor
appeal. According to Barnes and Vidgen "Website Quality is an instrument developed to assess
the usefulness, information and quality of service interaction of internet websites."Website
Quality (WebQual) is one method of measuring website quality based on end-user perception.
In essence, good web quality will indeed provide the best experience to its users, such as from
the usability parameters will indeed make it easier for users to find something they need, from
good web quality or from accurate information, allowing customers to make buying decisions
or not and from good interaction services will make it easy for customers to make complaints
and the like, but this is not enough to increase loyalty Of course, to make customers able to
repeat orders, other things are needed outside of good web quality such as competitive prices,
as well as to form customers who want to recommend Tokopedia to others, more
comprehensive things are needed and cannot only be through good web quality, this can also
be seen from the tight competition that exists that more and more choices shop online with the
same good quality web service then Tokopedia must be able to be more varied in doing its web
quality and supported by other things that can make customers loyal. So it can be said that
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
when web quality increases it will indeed increase loyalty but not significantly, This is also in
line with research conducted by Artika, (2019) which states that a customer's loyalty is not
directly influenced by web quality.
Customer Retention (X2) has a positive but not significant effect directly on Customer
Loyalty (Y)
Customer retention formed from competitiveness, comfort value and responsiveness in
this case has not been able to show high significance to customer loyalty formed from repeat
purchases, recommendations to others and immunity from competitor appeal. Customer
retention according to Danesh, Nasab, & Ling, (2012) is as the future tendency of customers
to keep using the same goods or services for a long time. In this case, customer retention carried
out by Tokopedia has not been able to significantly increase customer loyalty which is
indicated through several things previously explained such as repeat orders, recommendations
to others and or showing immunity to competing products, this can be caused by too high
expectations from the company for its customers or can be caused by intensity or retention
programs that are inconsistent in terms of This is how Tokopedia is too high in targeting its
retention program, so customers find it difficult to increase the level because they have to shop
in high total accumulation so that retention has an effect but only to certain customers. So in
this case the results of the study found how customer retention has a positive but not significant
influence. In this study, the efforts made by Tokopedia had an effect on customer loyalty to
shop back at Tokopedia but were not significant. This makes customers who have used the
Tokopedia application will use the Tokopedia application regularly, continuously and
repeatedly. Therefore, this effort is a special challenge and must be maintained even in
evaluation to attract new users and old users to use the Tokopedia application regularly and
repeatedly so that Tokopedia has regular customers and is still able to compete with
competitors in its class. This research is also in line with some opinions from experts. Keeping
customers happy and loyal is a challenge for companies and the best way to survive in
competition is also in line with research conducted by DIMAS, (2019) that customer retention
does not directly affect customer loyalty.
Switching Barrier (X3) has a positive but not significant effect on customer loyalty (Y)
Switching barriers formed from switching costs, attractiveness of alternatives and
interpersonal relationships have not been able to show significant results on customer loyalty
formed from repeat purchases, recommendations to others and immunity from competitor
appeal. According to Umar, Taan, & Kango, (2022) the concept of switching barrier emerged
and was considered rather late in the marketing literature. Its origins go back to the 80s, in the
field of industrial economics, associated with the influence of switching costs on the market.
There are several reasons for this emergency, the most important of which is the transition from
a seller's market to a buyer's market. In the context of a saturated market, which leads to fierce
competition, companies are obliged to take care of their clients in order to increase their
competitiveness and ensure their profits. In this case, the switching barrier felt by Tokopedia
application users has not been able to make customers loyal, this can happen because personally
everyone will have a different perception regarding switching barriers indicated through
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
switching costs because not everyone will object to registering and verifying other applications
if there is indeed a better promo than what Tokopedia provides or they will still be willing
downloading applications without considering the costs they spend because they will get better
benefits than those provided by Tokopedia, then this can also be indicated through how
Tokopedia customers who do not have interpersonal relationships with Tokopedia can occur
because customers never provide input and suggestions to Tokopedia then there is no strong
interpersonal relationship between customers and companies in this case is Tokopedia So this
switching barrier proves that it does not directly impact customer loyalty in accordance with
research conducted by (Putra & Kartika, 2019) that switching barriers have a positive but not
significant influence also in line with research conducted by Lismawati & Arrozi, (2020) with
the results of switching barriers have a positive but not significant effect.
Web Quality (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty (Y) through
Customer Satisfaction (Z)
The results of this study show that customer satisfaction is able to mediate web quality
against customer loyalty in full or full mediation which has an overall meaning of being able
to mediate Web Quality variables for Customer Loyalty, this is because customer loyalty is
formed from customer satisfaction with good web quality where Tokopedia customers who
already feel Tokopedia's web quality is good enough starting from smooth and good application
usability, The quality of the information provided is accurate and easy to understand as well
as good interaction services ranging from customer service that is able to properly handle
complaints to completion making customers feel satisfied or Tokopedia performance and other
indicators such as features, reliability, serviceability, aesthetics and reputation image then
customers can transact safely and comfortably from here customers who have got a good and
satisfied shopping experience will do Repeat purchases and even recommend Tokopedia to
others through satisfaction with good web quality quoting from Bavarsad et al (2013), a good
website has operational quality that allows consumers to carry out e-shopping activities more
easily and efficiently. In this case, Tokopedia already has a good web quality as indicated
through usability, namely how customers can use the application smoothly and there are no
obstacles, then the preparation of layouts and easy to understand by customers, as well as the
quality of accurate and good information such as information related to payment, delivery,
clear product descriptions and interaction services that are easy to access, how customers can
contact customer service easily who will generate trust in Tokopedia to cause customer
satisfaction and ultimately increase customer loyalty, so in this study where when web quality
increases it will indirectly increase loyalty through customer satisfaction or customer
satisfaction, this is in line with research conducted by Septiani (2020) which states that e service
quality provides significant and positive value to loyalty through Customer satisfaction.
Customer retention (X2) has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty (Y)
through Customer Satisfaction (Z)
The results of this study show that Customer Satisfaction is able to mediate customer
retention of Tokopedia user loyalty in full or full mediation. This is formed because the
customer retention carried out by Tokopedia is quite good as indicated through competitiveness
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
indicators, in this case Tokopedia is competitive in designing loyalty programs in customer
retention to keep placing orders in order to increase the level and get more benefits than other
customers, this attractively makes Tokopedia have high competitiveness against competitors
who do not have similar programs and also from comfort value indicators where customers feel
comfortable in submitting complaints that are handled well by Tokopedia, then add to the
impression that Tokopedia listens to the wishes of its customers where this can create good
retention for these customers and will increase customer retention which will have an impact
on customer satisfaction which in turn will increase customer loyalty to make repeated
purchases because they want to increase the level of the customer. The loyalty program and get
more benefits are also willing to recommend to others to transact on Tokopedia because they
have a good comfort value in transactions or even when handling complaints. Keiningham et
al., (2017) have defined customer retention as the continuation of a customer's business
relationship with a company. Customer retention is considered one of the main objectives of
services that ensure that the marketing strategy is effective. So from the theory above, it can
be concluded that when customer retention increases, it will increase customer loyalty
indirectly or through customer satisfaction, this is also in line with research conducted by Putri
Jannah (2020) which has the results that customer retention has a positive and significant effect
on loyalty mediated by customer satisfaction, Customer retention is a company's effort to retain
its customers, mediated by customer satisfaction will increase customer loyalty.
Switching Barrier (X3) has a positive and significant effect on Customer Loyalty (Y)
through Customer Satisfaction (Z)
This result shows that customer satisfaction or customer satisfaction is able to mediate a
full switching barrier to loyalty or customer loyalty occurs because when customer satisfaction
is high there will be obstacles to move by considering several factors such as cost barriers etc.,
in this case Tokopedia customers who have been satisfied with the performance, features,
reliability, serviceability and other things provided by Tokopedia are good so that the factors
Switching barriers indicated by switching costs or costs incurred to move to other applications
both materially and non-materially affect customer satisfaction and are reluctant to move to
other applications Another indication is how the interpersonal relationship built between
customers and Tokopedia is good so that it creates a good impression in the eyes of customers
that Tokopedia hears customer complaints and provides solutions or improvements or input
customer input, in this case when the switching barrier increases, it will also increase loyalty
indirectly through customer satisfaction where when customers are satisfied they will make
repeated purchases where this indication is an indication of customer loyalty even customers
will recommend Tokopedia to others for satisfaction from the obstacles felt by customers as
well as indications of customers who show immunity to attractiveness Competitor products,
then customers have been reluctant to move to similar products because they are satisfied. This
is in line with research conducted by Danang Adi Saputro (2017) that switching barriers have
a simultaneous influence on loyalty both directly and through customer satisfaction
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
Customer statistics (Z) have a positive and significant effect directly on customer loyalty
From this research with the number of respondents as many as 100 people concluded that
customer statistics have a significant effect on customer loyalty. Where guided by 5 important
points in service quality factors, namely, direct evidence, reliability, catchability /
responsiveness, assurance and empathy. Therefore it can be stated that Tokopedia has made
the right efforts in providing satisfaction to users ( customers) This is also in line with several
researchers as follows, The success of the company is marked by many loyal customers
(Fihartini, 2010). The longer the loyalty of a customer, the greater the profit that customers can
get from the company (Griffin, 2005). Customer loyalty will be built when there is customer
trust in the company (Dwi Harumi, 2016). Customer trust is important for companies because
companies cannot build relationships without trust (Kurniasari and Ernawati, 2012). Customer
trust that is built, including to trust someone will lead to high customer trust and in their abilities
and desires. Customer trust is a very powerful weapon in fostering relationships because of the
high customer trust of a company, making the company strong in fostering relationships with
customers (Jasfar, 2012). This is in line with the theory (Wahyu Nugroho, et al 2013) that the
relationship between trust and customer loyalty, that is, the higher customer trust in a product,
the higher the level of customer loyalty to a 4 brands. Customer commitment to the product is
trust in using a product which includes recommendations and trust.
Based on the results of research and discussion that have been described, it can be
concluded that Web Quality which has indicators of usability, quality of information and
interaction services is not a factor that directly affects customer loyalty, especially for users or
users of Tokopedia. Customer retention that has indicators of competitiveness, comfort value
and responsiveness is not a factor that directly affects a Tokopedia customer loyalty
specifically, this is shown by the results of positive but not significant research between
Customer Retention variables to Customer Loyalty. Switching barrier which has indicators of
measurement of switching cost, attractiveness alternative and interpersonal relationship is also
not a factor that can directly affect the loyalty variable of Tokopedia users is evidenced by the
results of research that has a positive but not significant value between the Switching Barrier
variable to Customer Loyalty. Web Quality which has indicators of Usability, quality of
information and interaction services is a factor that directly affects customer satisfaction,
especially for users or Tokopedia users meaning that when the quality of the web is getting
better, customer satisfaction will be higher this is evidenced by the results of positive and
significant research between the variables of Web Quality to Customer Satisfaction. Customer
retention that has indicators of competitiveness, comfort value and responsiveness can directly
affect a customer satisfaction of its special Tokopedia customers. So the better the retention
service carried out by the company to customers, the better the satisfaction that will be felt by
Tokopedia users or customers, this is evidenced by the results of positive and significant
research between Customer Retention variables to Customer Loyalty. Switching barrier which
has indicators measuring switching cost, attractiveness alternative and interpersonal
relationship is also able to directly affect the variable of customer satisfaction Tokopedia,
which can be interpreted that the obstacle of moving will arise because of high customer
satisfaction, so customers are reluctant to move to other applications, this is also evidenced by
the results of research that has a positive and significant value between the Switching Barrier
variable and Customer Satisfaction. Web Quality which has indicators of usability, quality of
The Effect of Web Quality, Customer Retention and Switching Barrier on Customer
Loyalty Through Customer Satisfaction
information and interaction services is not a factor that indirectly affects loyalty but through
customer satisfaction, especially for users or Tokopedia users which can be interpreted if the
better the web quality, the satisfaction will increase and result in customers will become loyal,
this is evidenced by the results of positive and significant research between Web Quality
variables and Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction. Customer retention that has
indicators of competitiveness, comfort value and responsiveness is not a factor that affects
directly but indirectly on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction variables, meaning
that if the higher the retention carried out by the company, the customer will be more satisfied
and increase loyalty, this is evidenced by the value of positive and significant research results
between Customer Retention variables to Customer Loyalty through Customer Satisfaction.
Switching barriers that have indicators measuring switching cost, attractiveness alternative and
interpersonal relationships are able to indirectly affect the loyalty variables of Tokopedia users
through customer satisfaction where when satisfaction increases, the barriers to moving will
increase and customers are reluctant to move to other applications, in other words, customer
loyalty will be achieved, this is evidenced by the results of research that is positive and
significant between variables Switching Barrier to Customer Loyalty through Customer
Satisfaction. Customer satisfaction that has performance indicators, features, reliability,
serviceability, aesthetics and image is able to directly affect customer loyalty which means the
more satisfied the customer, the higher the loyalty, this is evidenced through the results of
positive and significant research between Customer Satisfaction variables to Customer
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