Stevani Deska Suryani BR M, Jeane Neltje Saly
Universitas Tarumanegara, Indonesia
Email: stevan[email protected], [email protected]
As the era develops, which is supported by technological developments into the digital era, everything becomes
easier and more practical. Likewise in Indonesia, which has begun to follow the development of the digital era.
In order to realize modernization in connection with the digital era, services in the land sector in Indonesia have
also begun to apply land services based on electronics to produce legal products in the form of electronic
documents. The Electronic Land Certificate itself was launched in the Regulation of the Head of the National
Land Agency regarding Electronic Certificates which was signed by the Minister of Agrarian Affairs Sofyan
Djalil on January 12, 2021. The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge and understanding of how to
apply electronic certificates to the public. Through normative juridical methods and tracing document studies
from laws and regulations to scientific journals, the research results will be used to analyze this study. The results
of the study show that the application of electronic land certificates is something that cannot be prevented due
to the increasingly advanced developments in today's digital era.
Keywords: Electronic, land certificate, Indonesian land law.
Soil is one of the elements needed by humans in running life. Soil is the surface of the
earth or the layer of earth that is above once (Spring, 2008). According to Article 4 paragraph
1 of the UUPA land is the surface of the earth. The development of science and technology
also occurs in the land sector in Indonesia. The development of the land sector in Indonesia is
marked by the implementation of electronic land registration and the results of the registration
are in the form of electronic data and information and are no longer physical documents.
In addition, land is also an object whose arrangements are quite complex and various
land law systems in Indonesia both in terms of acquisition, management, and dispute resolution
that often arise from ownership of land rights. Provisions on land law in Indonesia, especially
related to land ownership rights, are regulated through Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning
Basic Regulations on Agrarian Principles or abbreviated as UUPA. The basic things regulated
in the UUPA are ownership rights over land, such as property rights, business use rights, rental
rights, use rights, land clearing rights and other rights stipulated in the UUPA.
Land registration in Indonesia consists of 2 (two) stages, namely land registration for the
first time and maintenance of land registration data. Land registration for the first time can be
carried out through 2 (two) ways, namely systematic land registration and sporadic land
registration. Systematic land registration is carried out simultaneously with the initiative of the
Government, namely the National Land Agency. While sporadic land registration is land
registration at the request of the rights holder concerned either individually or en masse.
A land certificate is proof of one's ownership of land as stated on the certificate. The
certificate is a strong handle in proving its property rights, because the certificate is issued by
a valid and legally authorized agency in this case is the National Land Agency. The statement
of the UUPA that certificates as a result of land registration products is the strongest evidence
to show that in the event of a land dispute, this dispute must be resolved in the general court,
which is a district court where a person can take legal action to fight for or assert his rights by
submitting evidence that he has (Syarief, 2014).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Application Of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System
Based on statistical data from the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning / National
Land Agency (ATR / BPN) until now there have been 84,529,603 land certificates that have
been registered with a total area of 30,960,765 Ha, whose distribution consists of property
rights of 66,011,341 certificates, business use rights of 15,770 certificates, building use rights
of 5,320,176 certificates, use rights of 800,246 certificates, management rights of 5767
certificates and waqf land of 162,338 certificates
(Nafan, 2022). These data are stored at the
Land Office in the form of a Land Book that explains juridical data such as certificate numbers,
types of rights, names of owners, and land area as well as Measuring Letters that explain
physical data on land parcels.
Along with the development of existing science and technology requires us to grow by
following the development of science and technology. It is inevitable that information
technology and electronic transactions are the spearhead of the era of globalization that has
swept almost all corners of the world, technological advances will eventually change the
structure of organizations and social relations because the development of digital technology
has resulted in integration or convergence in the development of information technology, media
and telecommunications (Mansur, 2005). Hasil dari perkembangan zaman dan teknologi
tersebut adalah munculnya produk teknologi baru yang menggabungkan kemampuan sistem
informasi dan sistem komunikasi yang terangkai dalam suatu jaringan sistem informasi yang
selanjutnya disebut sistem elektronik (Febrianti, 2021).
In order to realize modernization in connection with the development of science and
technology, the Ministry of ATR / BPN carried out a digital transformation of land certificates
into electronic land certificates. Therefore, the Ministry of ATR / BPN issued Regulation of
the Minister of ATR / BPN Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates. The
regulation regulates the implementation of land registration which before the issuance of this
regulation was carried out analogously. However, after the regulation is issued, land
registration can be carried out electronically, both for the first time land registration and for
data maintenance. The transformation from conventional to electronic certificates has the hope
that it can reduce the number of disputes, conflicts, and court cases related to land
2021). In addition, the transformation of electronic certificates also supports the culture of
reducing paper in today's development and makes it easier to manage, maintain, and can be
accessed anytime and anywhere (Sugianto, 2019).
According to Article 19 paragraph (2) letter C of the UUPA, a certificate is a proof of
ownership of land rights, management rights, waqf land, property rights over apartment units
and dependent rights, each of which has its own land book. While electronic certificates are
certificates issued through electronic systems in the form of electronic documents
(NASIONAL, 2018). Based on Article 1 point 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of ATR /
BPN Number 1 of 2021 reads as follows:
"Electronic Document means any electronic information created, transmitted,
transmitted, received, or stored in analog, digital, electromagnetic, optical, or similar form,
which can be seen, displayed, and/or heard through a computer or electronic system, including
but not limited to writing, sound, images, maps, designs, photographs or the like, letters, signs,
numbers, access codes, symbols or perforations that have meaning or meaning understandable
by a person who able to understand it”.
However, this electronic certificate also raises questions related to how it is applied in
society, whether the transformation from land certificates to electronic land certificates has
begun to be applied in people's lives. So what about physical land certificates that will or have
been transformed into electronic certificates. Whether the land certificate is still valid or the
certificate will be withdrawn by the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR) of the
National Land Agency. Most people think that electronic certificates are still not an urgency to
be applied because there are still many problems related to land both because certificates are
Application Of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System
forged, certificates overlap, and others. The occurrence of problems such as forgery of
certificates, double certificates or overlapping is one of the causes of disputes in land that harm
the community.
Based on the above background, the author is interested in researching the application
of transformation and ordinary soil certificates into electronic land certificates. Thus, based on
the explanation above, in the framework of writing this journal, the author tries to browse,
research, and analyze more deeply about electronic land certificates by taking the research title
is Application of Electronic Land Certificates in the Agricultural System in Indonesia.
This research includes normative legal research with a statutory approach, and
examines related regulations such as Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic
Information and Transactions (ITE) and Regulation of the Minister of ATR / BPN Number 1
of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates. For data collection techniques, authors use
secondary data, such as books, journals or scientific writings and other research results. Then
the author will present descriptively in order to produce an argument and know legal issues
related to the juridical and technical aspects of electronic certificates in this study.
In the data analysis method in this study, the author uses qualitative analysis methods
obtained from normative aspects of material related to the topic of discussion of this study.
Qualitative research method is a research model derived from social science to examine social
problems and phenomena in depth with a relatively small but more focused area of researchers
or population.
Land Law in Indonesia
Land law in Indonesia is regulated in Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic
Regulations on Agrarian Principles. However, before the enactment of the Basic Agrarian Law
/ UUPA land law was regulated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which
reads thus:
"Earth, water, and natural resources contained therein are controlled by the State and used
as much as possible for the prosperity of the people (Ruslina, 2012)
The basis for the consideration of his issuance of UUPA is v
1. That in the Republic of Indonesia whose people's life structure, including the economy, is
mainly agrarian, earth, water, and space as gifts of God Almighty have a very important
function to build a just and prosperous society;
2. That the agrarian law in force before the UUPA was partly structured based on the aims and
joints of the colonial government and partly influenced by it, thus contradicting the interests
of the people and the state in completing the present national revolution and universal
3. That before the enactment of the UUPA agrarian law was dualism, with the enactment of
the law in addition to the enactment of western law;
a. That for the indigenous people of Indonesia, colonial agrarian law does not guarantee legal
The definition of agrarian according to UUPA includes earth, water, and space, including
the natural wealth contained therein. Expert opinions related to several definitions of Agrarian
Law and Land Law are as follows:
Utrecht said that agrarian law and land law became part of the country's administrative
law, which testing the special legal nexus that would allow officials in charge of agrarian
matters to perform their duties
(Surata, Mariadi, & Sena, 2020)
Application Of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System
R.M, Sudikno Mertokusumo stated that agrarian law is the entire rule of law, both written
and unwritten that governs agrarian affairs.
Subekti states that agrarian law is the entirety of legal provisions, both civil law,
constitutional law and state administrative law that regulate the relationship between people,
including legal entities, with earth, water, and space in all state territories and also regulate the
authority derived from these relationships (Santoso, 2012).
Bachsan Mustofa stated that agrarian law guidelines are written in the form of laws and
regulations made by the state, while unwritten legal guidelines are agrarian law in the form of
customary law made by the community and live, grow and develop as well as apply and be
maintained by the community concerned (Santoso, 2012)
AP. Parlindungan expresses the notion of agrarian in the sense of sempti and the broad
meaning. Agrarian in the narrow sense is that agrarian manifests as land rights. While in a
broad sense agrarian includes earth, water, space and natural wealth contained therein
(Nurhayati, 2017)
Based on the description above related to agrarian understandings, it can be concluded
that agrarian includes water, earth, and space, not just land. Boedi Harsono stated that space is
also included in the agrarian scope, where the earth and water contain energy and elements that
can be used to maintain and develop the fertility of the earth, water and natural wealth and
other things related to it
(Hutagalung & Agraria, 2010)
Application of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial
Planning/Head of the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of
2021 concerning Electronic Certificates
Land Registration in Indonesia
Land Registration based on Article 1 point (1) of PP 24 of 1997 concerning Land
Registration states that:
Land registration is a series of activities carried out by the government continuously,
continuously and arranged, including the collection, processing, bookkeeping and presentation
and maintenance of physical data and juridical data, in the form of maps and lists, regarding
land parcels and flats, including the provision of certificates as proof of their rights to land
parcels that already have rights and property rights to apartment units and certain rights that
burdened him.
Based on Article 3 of PP Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, the
objectives of land registration are as follows:
1. to provide legal certainty and protection to holders of rights to a plot of land, units of flats
and other registered rights in order to easily prove themselves as holders of the rights
2. to provide information to interested parties including the Government in order to easily
obtain the data needed to bring legal actions regarding land parcels and registered apartment
3. for the orderly implementation of land administration.
Based on Article 19 of the Basic Agrarian Law, it regulates Land Registration as follows:
1. to ensure legal certainty by the Government, land registration is held throughout the
territory of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with the provisions regulated by
Government Regulations.
2. Land registration includes:
1. mapping measurement and land bookkeeping;
2. registration of land rights and transfer of such rights;
3. provision of letters of proof of rights, which act as a strong evidentiary tool.
Application Of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System
4. Land registration shall be carried out keeping in mind the state and community conditions,
socio-economic traffic needs and the possibility of its implementation, according to the
consideration of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs.
5. In the Government Regulation, the costs related to registration referred to in paragraph (1)
above, provided that indigent people are exempt from paying these costs.
Next AP. Parlindungan stated that in addition to protecting the owner of the land
registration, it also serves to find out the status of the land parcel, the owner of the land plot,
how large it is, the type of rights on the land parcel and what the land parcel is used for Based
on the description above, it can be concluded that the purpose of land registration is to ensure
legal certainty of land rights. Based on Article 19 paragraph (1) of the Basic Agrarian Law jo.
Article 3 letter (a) of PP No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration aims to provide legal
certainty. The result of land registration is a certificate of land title as a result of the product of
land registration.
There are principles in land registration based on Article 2 of PP Number 24 of 1997
concerning Land Registration, which are as follows:
a) Asas Sederhana
What is meant by a simple principle so that the provisions and procedures for land
registration can be easily understood by the parties concerned and land rights holders.
b) Asas Aman
What is meant by the principle of security is that land registration is carried out
carefully in order to provide guarantees in the form of legal certainty in accordance with the
main purpose of land registration.
c) Affordable Principles
This principle is specifically for parties who are interested or have a need to be
accessible to all circles. As well as providing services related to land registration that can be
reached by parties who have needs.
d) Final Basics
What is meant by up-to-date principles is that the available data is complete and has
continuity with data maintenance. The data in question can indicate an up-to-date state. This
principle intends to maintain data through land registration and sustainability so that the data
stored is in accordance with the conditions in the field.
e) Open Basics
What is meant by the open principle is that the public can know about valid data at
any time.
Land Registration System in Indonesia
The Basic Agrarian Law does not clearly regulate the land registration system adopted
in Indonesia. The purpose of the Basic Agrarian Law is to carry out land registration in the
territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in order to provide results in the form
of land certificates which are proof of land rights that provide legal certainty for their owners.
however, referring to Article 32 paragraph (2) of PP Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land
Registration regarding the existence of a time limit of 5 years for parties who object to the
issuance of certificates can file objections or lawsuits.
In general, there are 3 types of land registration systems used by various countries in
the world, including the following::
1. We are Sitemen Torrens
This system is used in several countries such as Canada, the United States, Brazil,
Algeria, Spain, Denmark, Norway, and Malaysia. This system states that the certificate is
the most complete and inviolable proof of land rights holders where losses suffered by the
Application Of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System
owner will be provided through insurance funds. Changes to the land book are not allowed
unless the certificate was obtained through forgery or fraud
(Bachtiar, 1993).
There are several advantages in this Torrens system among others are as follows
(Bachtiar, 1993):
a. There is certainty about one's rights
b. The description of registration is short and clear
c. Consent is simplified so that everyone will be able to take care of their own interests
d. Reduce fraud
e. Ownership rights over land are enhanced in value and legal certainty
f. Reduce unnecessary processes
2. Positive System
This system states that what is listed in the land book as a letter of proof of rights is
an absolute means of proof. In other words, the evidence cannot be contested even though
the name registered as the right holder is not the party entitled to the land (Arifin, 2022).
The advantage of this system is that there is legal certainty for rights holders so as to
encourage others to register their rights. While the shortcomings of this system can occur
registration on behalf of unauthorized persons and can remove the rights of others who are
entitled. The system is used in Germany and Switzerland.
3. Negative System
This system states that the certificate of title to tanach is an absolute proof. In other
words, all information contained in the certificate has legal force as long as it is not proven
to be reversed by other evidence. If later it turns out that the information contained in the
certificate is not correct, then based on the decision of the court that has obtained permanent
legal force, changes can only be made (Arba, 2021).
The mechanism of land registration in Indonesia is regulated in Government
Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration. After registering land, the
landowner will obtain proof of land rights in the form of a land certificate issued by the
National Land Agency (BPN) in the form of a book. Related to the content, method of
filling, and signing of land certificates are regulated in other regulations, namely the
Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs / Head of the National Land Agency Number
3 of 1997 concerning Provisions for the Implementation of Government Regulation Number
24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration.
However, along with the development of the times and technology, the Indonesian
government also made adjustments to these developments. This development is
characterized by the use of electronic-based systems in almost every aspect of life. This
electronic-based system can be applied in Indonesia because there are regulations that
regulate it, namely Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2016 concerning
Electronic Information and Transactions.
Specifically, the land registration system mechanism has been regulated in the
Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / Head of Badang
National Land of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic
Certificates. The explanation related to electronic documents that are the result of electronic-
based land registration is regulated in Article 1 point 2 of the Ministerial Regulation which
states as follows:
"Electronic Document means any electronic information created, transmitted,
transmitted, received, or stored in analog, digital, electromagnetic, optical, or similar form,
which can be seen, displayed, and/or heard through a computer or Electronic System,
including but not limited to writing, sound, images, maps, designs, photographs or the like,
letters, signs, numbers, access codes, symbols or perforations that have meaning or meaning
or can be understood by a person who able to understand it"
Application Of Electronic Land Certificates in The Indonesian Land System
In this case, the electronic document in question is in the form of an electronic
certificate which is the result of an electronic-based land registration.
The electronic document referred to in this context is in the form of data from the right
holder, namely both in the form of physical data and juridical data related to their valid and
authentic land parcels. The data is stored in an electronic-based data system. The electronic
document is divided into two, namely electronic documents issued based on an electronic
system affixed with electronic signatures and documents transferred from analog documents
to electronic documents with validation carried out by authorized officials.
As stipulated in Article 12 of Government Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning
Electronic Certificates, the application of electronic certificates will affect land parcels
either to be registered or that have been registered before. Article 12 of Government
Regulation Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates states as follows: :
(1) Land that has been determined to be land rights, management rights, property rights to
flats, dependents or waqf land is registered through an Electronic System and issued an
1. The Group of Strings stored in the Database sequentially corresponds to its edition as a
history of land registration into an electronic land book.
2. As a sign of proof of ownership of rights to the interests of the right holder/nazhir, given:
a. E-certificates; and
b. Access to e-Certificates in Electronic Systems.
As for land parcels that have been registered, Article 15 of Government Regulation
Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates stipulates that the replacement of analog
certificates into electronic certificates is carried out if the physical data and juridical data on
the land book and certificates are in accordance with physical data and juridical data in the
Electronic System. And according to Article 15, what is meant by validation carried out by the
authorized official in the case of documents transferred from analog documents to electronic
documents includes rights holder data, physical data, and juridical data.
As the implementer of the land registration system, the Ministry of ATR/BPN has
expressed its readiness to implement an electronic-based land registration system. The Ministry
of ATR/BPN has simulated an electronic-based land registration system and found no obstacles
to the implementation of this regulation. For people who already have analog certificates and
want to convert their certificates into electronic certificates, there is no charge at all. The
replacement process is carried out through several stages with the application submitted by the
applicant. Similar to analog certificates, electronic certificates also provide legal certainty for
the ownership of land rights for applicants.
Along with the rapid development of the times and technology, Ministerial Regulation
Number 1 of 2021 concerning Electronic Certificates can be applied in Indonesia. Land
registration through an electronic-based system will provide electronic document results in the
form of electronic certificates both for land that will be newly registered and for land that has
been registered which will be replaced from analog certificates to electronic certificates. The
benefits of electronic certificates are the same as analog land certificates, which provide legal
certainty for landowners. However, the advantage of electronic certificates is that it makes it
easier for people to access digital data.
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Copyright holders:
Stevani Deska Syriac BR M (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0