Sindhu Priyo Windoko, Dahniar Nur Amalina, Atika Sanjani Ramadina, Syarifa Hanoum
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Email: spw05[email protected]
Along with the increasing number of transportation vehicles in Indonesia, the growth of the gas station business
is also increasing from year to year. This requires companies in the oil and gas industry to improve their
performance, and gas stations must have the right strategy to improve efficiency. This study aims to identify input
and output factors that affect the level of gas station efficiency, determine the work efficiency of each gas station
in carrying out the service process to consumers, and determine inefficient gas station repair planning strategies.
The research method used in this study is quantitative. The data that has been collected from the results of primary
data for the period January-August 2023. Then the result is obtained that The relative efficiency level of gas
stations is 52% of gas stations whose performance is efficient. At the same time, 48% of gas stations are included
in the inefficient category.
Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency, Performance Measurement.
In the current era of competition, various Indonesian service industries compete to
improve performance and achievement so that maximum results are obtained (Candana, 2021).
One way to increase efficiency that relevant agencies can do is to increase customer service
efficiency as part of a service. The service industry can also be measured by indicators of
productivity, service quality, and efficiency (Johnston, 2005; Karim, 2022).
Daily human activities are inseparable from the critical role of various needs, including
fuel oil. Fuel use in Indonesia continues to increase as the number of motorized vehicles
increases. The government said that the increase in fuel energy demand in Indonesia reached
8% per year (Minardi & Ridha, 2021). The number of cars in Indonesia continues to grow from
year to year. According to data from the Korps Lalu Lintas Polri, the number of motorized
vehicles registered as of January 25, 2023, reached 152,926,741 units (Statistik, 2022).
Transportation in Indonesia has been significantly developed, especially in Surabaya. 10.91%
of the vehicles in East Java originate from Surabaya City, the most significant number in East
Java. With an average vehicle growth of 6.4% per year, the number of motorized vehicles in
Surabaya City until 2040 can reach 10,082,873 units of motorized vehicles (Toiba, 2015). As
a result, fuel needs continue to increase along with the increasing performance of fuel sales
(Clerides & Zachariadis, 2008).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Implementation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on Measuring the Efficiency of Gas
Station Services
Figure 1. Number of Motorized Vehicles by Type in Surabaya 2018-2020
Source : (Statistik, 2022)
Gas station service is a process that serves the community's interests in the transportation
field. Several fuel provider companies in Indonesia, namely Pertamina, Vivo, BP AKR, Shell,
and Exxon, provide fuel of similar quality at competitive prices, causing competition (Gandhi,
Sensuse, & Sucahyo, 2019). The opening of competition in fuel retail (gas stations) requires
gas stations to take strategic steps to improve performance. One of the efforts to improve the
performance of gas stations is by looking at the efficiency value of each gas station based on
gas station ownership.
A company is said to be efficient if with a certain amount of input, it can produce more
output, or at a certain amount of output, it can use less information. Efficiency includes the
overall performance of each unit of resources used (input) and the results of performance
(output), which can then be a reference in building company strategy. The goal of every
company is to maximize business output and minimize inputs to get a higher level of efficiency
(Onasis & Robin, 2016). Efficiency is defined as the ratio of output to input, and more output
per unit of input indicates greater efficiency, while maximum output per unit of information
reflects optimal efficiency (Othman, Mohd-Zamil, Rasid, Vakilbashi, & Mokhber, 2016).
Each gas station has different sales performance, depending on the amount of distribution
or distribution of fuel and the number of motor vehicles passing through the gas station,
affecting revenue (Abdi, 2020). Efficiency measurement is one of the main steps that must be
taken by a gas station unit in order to improve performance. By knowing the efficiency level
of all existing gas stations, it can be seen which gas stations need special attention to improve
efficiency so that it will be able to improve the efficiency of the gas station as a whole by seeing
whether each gas station unit or DMU is running efficiently or there is no change from year to
year. Because of the research results, many gas stations still need more internal and external
control, so they are less efficient (Yunita & Pranata, 2023). In Surabaya, it is still rare for gas
stations to have implemented a self-service transaction system that utilizes automatic machines
in refueling. Although many gas stations have already implemented payments using credit or
debit cards, this still needs to be improved because we often need more officers, causing long
lines at refueling stations (ATMAJAYA, 2021). Therefore, every gas station must have the
right and appropriate strategy to increase efficiency as the key to increasing productivity.
Based on the background of the research problems previously described, the formulation
of this research problem is as follows:
1. Do input and output factors affect the level of service efficiency?
2. How is the work efficiency of each gas station in providing services to consumers?
3. How is the improvement planning for inefficient service stations?
The purpose of this research is to identify input and output factors that affect the service
efficiency level to determine each gas station's work efficiency in providing services to
2018 2019 2020
469276 495596 503066
3620 3888 3965
142771 149670 153102
2342887 2517449 2599332
Car Bus Truck Motorcycle
Implementation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on Measuring the Efficiency of Gas
Station Services
consumers. In addition, it is also an improvement plan for inefficient gas stations. The
efficiency improvement in this research uses the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method
because it can accommodate many inputs and outputs in many dimensions.
The type of data used in this research is quantitative, namely in numbers obtained from
official sources (Sugiyono, 2020). This study obtained quantitative data from PT Pertamina's
primary data. The data sources used in this research are secondary data and other sources. The
data used in this study are variables that significantly influence each gas station's production
process (Sugiono, 2019). The data that has been collected from the results of primary data for
the period January-August 2023.
The calculation of efficiency in this study uses input and output variables that mutually
influence the service performance level of gas stations in Surabaya. The determination of input
and output variables that will be used refers to previous studies relevant to the research theme
related to evaluating the efficiency of gas station performance in Surabaya. The variables of
each DMU that will be taken data are as follows :
Tabel 1. Input and output data
Simbol i
Simbol o
i = 1
Number of operators
o = 1
i = 2
Site area
o = 2
i = 3
Number of RON 90 nozzles
o = 3
i = 4
Number of RON 92 nozzles
i = 5
Number of motorcycle customers
i = 6
Number of car customers
Meanwhile, the Decision Making Unit (DMU) is all PT Pertamina gas stations in
Surabaya. In addition, the selection of DMU in this study is based on fulfilling one of the
requirements of the DEA concept, namely that the DMU must be homogeneity, where the
DMU being analyzed must have the same input and output variables and operate in the same
scope. The DMUs used in this study can be seen in Table 3 below :
Implementation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on Measuring the Efficiency of Gas
Station Services
Figure 2. Research Process Flowchart
After knowing each DMU's input and output values, the first stage is to normalize each
weight to equalize the value range of each input and output variable, which has different units.
The measurement of the efficiency level in 94 gas station units in the Surabaya area was
conducted using MaxDEA software. The model used in this calculation is the DEA-CCR
model, which maximizes the objective function based on output orientation. The result of the
efficiency level measurement can be seen in the table below :
Implementation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on Measuring the Efficiency of Gas
Station Services
Tabel 2. Summary DEA Solver
Model Type
Envelopment Model
Number of DMUs
Number of Inputs
Number of Outputs
Radial (CCR 1978; BCC 1984)
Returns to Scale
Va riable
Frontier Type
Convex: Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA
Slack Computation
1 Stage
Extended Options
Elapsed Time
0.28 Seconds
Efficiency Analysis
Gas station performance is considered efficient if the efficiency value is 1. The results of
the DEA analysis of 94 gas station in Surabaya resulted in an average efficiency of 0.9799.
This shows that, on average, the performance of gas stations in Surabaya has yet to be efficient.
Of the 94 gas stations in Surabaya, 52% are already efficient. However, 48% are categorized
as inefficient.
Of the 48% of service stations in Surabaya that fall into the inefficient category, several
parameters are input variables that require changes to be optimized. 34% of service stations
need optimization on operators, and 16% need to optimize the land area owned. Meanwhile,
the number of nozzles owned by gas stations must be reviewed, where 29% of gas stations
must maximize the number of RON 90 nozzles, and 28% of gas stations must optimize the
number of RON 92 nozzles. Regarding consumers, 32% of gas stations need to optimize
motorcycle consumers, and 19% need to maximize car consumers.
Changes in the output parameters above will provide changes in potential sales at 33%
of gas stations, especially for RON 90 products, and at 38% of gas stations, especially for RON
92 products.
Gas Station Operators Analysis
A total of 34% of gas station have an inefficient number of operators. The average gas
station in Surabaya has 15 operators. This number is too many and needs to be reduced. The
average ideal number of operators is 13 people. The number of operators depends on the
number of nozzles in the gas station. A gas station dispenser machine is usually a multiple of
4. With 12 nozzles, there are four people per shift. There is one operator as a backup if someone
is absent. This efficient condition is by the design of gas stations, which have an average of 3
fuel dispensers. If there are too many operators but the number of nozzles is small, the operators
are more idle.
Site Area Analysis
A total of 16% of gas stations have non-optimal land area. The average size of gas stations
in Surabaya is 2,916 m2. This is too many and needs to be reduced. The ideal middle place is
2,771 m2. Too large gas stations shows that land utilization is not optimal. When purchasing
land, there should be no need to buy land that is too large, which impacts spending more money.
In addition, more lighting is required at night. It will increase the electricity costs incurred by
the gas station.
Implementation of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) on Measuring the Efficiency of Gas
Station Services
Nozzle Analysis
29% of gas stations have a non-optimal number of RON 90 nozzles. The average gas
station in Surabaya has 5 RON 90 nozzles. This is too many and needs to be reduced. The
average ideal number is four nozzles.
Meanwhile, 28% of gas stations have a non-optimal number of RON 92 nozzles. The
average gas station in Surabaya has 4 RON 92 nozzles. This is too many and needs to be
reduced. The average ideal number is three nozzles. This aligns with the analysis of the number
of operators, which must be reduced by 13% to be optimal.
Customer Analysis
19% of service stations in Surabaya serve more car customers than the optimal condition.
21% of consumers can be reduced to optimal. Meanwhile, 32% of service stations in Surabaya
serve more motorcycle customers than the optimal condition. 20% of motorcycle consumers
can be reduced to optimal. From the analysis, it can be seen that consumers only buy according
to their purchasing power. Consumer optimization can be achieved if consumers buy according
to the fuel tank's capacity (full tank). This is in line with optimizing the number of nozzles and
the number of operators that must be suppressed.
Sales of RON 90 and RON 92 Analysis
By modifying the above variables, it will change the sales of RON 90 at 33% of gas
stations in Surabaya. This change will increase the sales of RON 90 by 14%. Meanwhile,
modifying the variables above will change the sales of RON 92 at 38% of gas stations in
Surabaya. This change will increase the sales of RON 92.
Customer Satisfaction Index
Modifying the above variables will increase the customer satisfaction index by 2% from
4,3 to 4,4. The increase in the customer satisfaction index shows that if the gas station optimizes
the variables analyzed above, customers will feel satisfied with the performance offered by the
gas station in general
By analyzing several parameters that become customer service variables at gas stations
located in Surabaya, several points can be concluded as follows The relative efficiency level
of gas stations is 52% of gas stations whose performance is efficient. At the same time, 48%
of gas stations are included in the inefficient category.
From 48% of gas stations in Surabaya categorized as inefficient, several parameters are
input variables that require changes to be optimized. 34% of service stations need optimization
on operators, and 16% need to optimize the land area owned. Meanwhile, the number of nozzles
owned by gas stations must be reviewed, where 29% of gas stations must maximize the number
of RON 90 nozzles, and 28% of gas stations must optimize the number of RON 92 nozzles.
Regarding consumers, 32% of gas stations need to optimize motorcycle consumers, and 19%
need to maximize car consumers.
Improvement planning for gas stations that are not inefficient will provide changes in
potential sales at 33% of gas stations, especially for RON 90 products, and at 38% of gas
stations, especially for RON 92 products.
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Copyright holders:
Sindhu Priyo Windoko, Dahniar Nur Amalina, Atika Sanjani Ramadina, Syarifa
Hanoum (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0