Rama Hendi Prastiyo, Laura Lahindah
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Harapan Bangsa, Indonesia
This study is willing to reveal what are the B2B customers requirement for My Pertamina for Business digital
application that they have been using. They are also leaded to evaluate the application performance and reveal
what are the resistances in using the application. Literature review and interview are conducted. Seven
respondents are involved in the study. They come from three different customer clusters, that are aviation, retail
and industrial and marine. The results reveal that customer requirements of B2B customer from digital
application in energy sectors are 1) price Simulation, 2) ordering product to create sales order, 3) monitoring tax
invoice, 4) monitoring withholding tax slip, 5) the relevance of the displayed energy product to the customer
needs, 6) providing many function in one application, 7) connected to direct debit of bank system, 8) connected
to other digital platform, 9) forecasting the fuel price, 10) monitoring invoices, 11) energy related news portal
and 12) contact center to buy other energy products; 13) reward and discount; and 14) playing entertainment
platform such as online game and podcast. Overall performance of the application satisfy the customers but
point 7,8,9,10,11,12 and 14 of customer requirements are not fulfilled yet. Dealing with the customer resistance
in using the application are slow response of customer complain handling, inaccurate information related to
drum stock in the application and in the aviation fuel terminal, and less updated of monitoring Credit/Debit
Reversal notes
Keywords: Digital Application, Energy Sector, Customer Requirements, User Resistance, My Pertamina for
Bps-Statictics Indonesia Statistik, (2022) showed that In Indonesia, internet penetration
in Indonesia is relatively high. However, internet penetration in various types of classifications
is quite diverse. By 2022, 66.48 percent of Indonesia's population had internet access. Internet
penetration in urban areas is higher than in rural areas. The provinces in Indonesia also had
varying penetration rates. DKI Jakarta, Kepulauan Riau, and Kalimantan Utara are the
provinces with the highest internet penetration rates in 2022. Meanwhile, Papua, Nusa
Tenggara Timur, and Maluku Utara are the provinces with the lowest internet penetration.
To meet the communication needs in Indonesia above, telecommunication provider
companies are increasing from year to year. The number of Internet Service Provider (ISP)
companies in 2022 is 828 companies, whereas in 2021 there were only 611 companies. In terms
of telecommunications providers, in 2022 there were 1,615 companies consisting of fixed
network providers, mobile networks, telecommunications services, and special
telecommunications (Statistik, 2022).
In relation to marketing world, Kaplan, (2015) concluded that market research has always
been considered as a cornerstone of marketing strategy and market orientation can even be
defined as the generation of marketing intelligence combined with disseminating this
knowledge through the organization and acting on it. Historically firms have always found it
challenging to obtain sufficient information to base their decision making on and the focus used
to be where to invest a limited budget to obtain the best possible information. Today this
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
situation has changed fundamentally. Companies, universities and public administration agents
find themselves confronted with a situation where too much (instead of insufficient) data is at
their disposal. A simple viral marketing campaign Kaplan & Haenlein, (2011), for example,
can result in hundreds of thousands of comments, tweets and response videos posted by
consumers. This paradigm shift has already started to impact decision making in fundamental
ways and will continue to do so in future. It is still too soon to fully grasp the impact that this
new digital world will have on management and marketing. But marketing ten years from now
will likely be very different to what we know today (Kaplan, 2015).
As occurred lately, My Pertamina had ever been the first Indonesian trending topic on
one of the popular social media platforms. Several problems being reported were the failure of
logging in, the controversy of mobile phone usage in the gas station area, and the inflexibility
of its digital payment. Those complaints raised massively in social media and wreck the Google
Play Store rating of the application to one star (Anggara, Arini, & Jennie, 2021).
Those numerous problems encountered were reported in My Pertamina Mobile
Application usage. It was emerged as the government restriction policy of subsidized fuel
consumption got implemented by Pertamina as one of the executor of the policy. As stated in
Law Number 30 of 2007 Article 7 paragraph 2 Concerning Energy, the provision of energy
subsidy funds must be only for disadvantaged groups of people. The implementation of this
law are subject to be supervised and ensured by such a regulator body according to Revised
Presidential Regulation Number 191 of 2014. Therefore, as revealed by Putri, Franto, &
Oktarianty, (2022), utilizing a digital approach through My Pertamina for accomplishing this
mandatory duty was an effort to deliver subsidized fuel more accountable to those who deserve.
Unfortunately, there were several problems dealing with the implementation such as the
limited access to the internet connection in many areas, the public gadget availability, and
unobvious validation process flow. Besides, there were still gas stations which have poor
internet connections and could fail the utility of My Pertamina (Bombang, Balfas, & Trides,
As one of the national energy company which has been ranked in the Fortune 500 global
Company since 2014, My Pertamina Mobile Application was the branding tool of Pertamina
to maintain and attracts both it's domestic and international. The customer perception toward
the My Pertamina Application would affect their behavior of buying Pertamina products
generally. Pertamina believed that brand image was a risk that is related to any threats against
brand equity or brand differentiator that makes customers choose a certain good/ service
compared to other goods/services, including product/service quality, product/ service
availability, promotion, communication, and change management. It could bring impacts the
reputation and profit target achievements of the Company (Syamsir Syamsir et al., 2022).
However, there was still another Pertamina customer application that target its customer
from industries, My Pertamina for Business. It is not far different with My Pertamina, the
customer feedback on this website application had not been good. Difficulties in registration
processes, inadequate information about how to use this application, less updated product
pricing, and so forth were the most frequently asked questions related to this application
(Purwatiningsih & Pratama, 2023).
Meanwhile, identifying products that appear likely to capture market share would be
cost-effective and profitable. But in fact, it was very difficult to produce and may lead to failure
rather than success. Render, Heizer, & Munson, (2017) suggested a process for determining
customer requirements, which were customer "wants" and translating them into attributes,
which were the "hows" that each functional area can understand and act on, it was called
Quality Function Deployment (QFD). QFD refers to both (1) determining what will satisfy the
customer and (2) translating those customer desires into the target design. The idea is to capture
a rich understanding of customer wants and to identify alternative process solutions. This
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
information is then integrated into the evolving product design. QFD is used early in the design
process to help determine what will satisfy the customer and where to deploy quality efforts
Render, Heizer, & Munson, (2017).
One of the tools of QFD is the house of quality, a graphic technique for defining the
relationship between customer desires and product (or service). Only by defining this
relationship precisely can managers design products and processes with features desired by
customers Render, Heizer, & Munson, (2017). House of Quality is appropriate in
demonstrating how consumer expectations are closely related to the strategies and methods that
businesses may employ to meet customer requirements (Akhil, Kumar, De, & Kalangrit, 2022).
For Management This aims at evaluating customers oriented application which is My
Pertamina for Business that is already gone live. This aims at capturing the voice of customers
related to development of My Pertamina for Business; This aims at giving guidance for
management in terms of preparing the upcoming initiatives digital marketing programs.
According to Berkeley, Bender, Gregg Peaster, & Saunders, (2009), it is crucial that the
researcher identifies the target population from which a sample for the research is collected,
since it is often not possible to conduct the research on the whole population due to practical
issues. The population of the interviews was set as all business to business customers of PT.
Pertamina Patra Niaga, consisting of aviation, retail and industrial and marine clusters.
Azevedo, Diniz, Fonseca, Azevedo, & Evangelista, (2015) suggests 30 interviews as a
starting point for a large population in order to be able to cover a majority of the most important
customer expectations. While there is no agreed method on how many interviews are
considered enough, Francis, Tatam, & Groves, (2010) recommends continuing the data
collection process until data saturation is reached and no new insights are evident. Interviewing
respondents was done online from December 17-20, 2023. To make this data collection to be
as reperentative as possible, it involved respondents from customer from three major clusters
existing, namely aviation, retail and industrial marine clusters as shown in table below:
Tabel 1. Input and output data
Of Use
Time Of
Use A
I wayan
PT. Sayap
Garuda Indah
PT. Matthew
Air Nusantara
Manager &
PT. Karajae
PT Hamirna
Mitra Tama
PT dirgantara
Petrindo Raya
SC Manager
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
Of Use
Time Of
Use A
PT Jobroindo
PT Jobroindo
Staf Acconting
dan Pajak
Adopting from Han, (2016), user requirements are about to be gathered consist of
functional requirements, content requirement and user resistances. They are gathered through
interview that refer to customer interview guideline.
Customer requirements are customer opinions about the characteristics required or
needed by customers (Sofiani, 2020). User requirements are essential for building and
documenting user needs so that they lead to the system design process itself. User requirements
will include summary descriptions of the tasks that the system will support and the functions
that will be provided to support the user (Maguire, 2002).
User Requirements are statements about the services provided by the system and about
its operational limitations, can be supplemented by drawings or diagrams that can be easily
understood (Sommerville, 2001). User requirements are defined as a set of requirements that
are collected or derived from user input and represent what is needed by users for the success
of their work in the system (Maguire, 2002).
Customer requirements or needs regarding the wants or things that customers pay
attention to are divided into three, namely: Functional Requirements, Content Requirements,
and User resistances (Han, 2016).
Functional requirements for digital applications in the energy sector according to customers.
Functional requirements are statements about how a system should behave. It defines
what the system must do to meet the needs or expectations of the user. Functional requirements
can be thought of as user-detected features. Website functional requirements describe the
features that a website needs, how users can access web pages, what happens when users click
on certain parts of a web page and how the website appears in the browser (Kosasi & Kuway,
Functional requirements are different from non-functional requirements, which
determine how the system should work internally (e.g., performance, security, etc.). Functional
requirements consist of two parts: function and behavior. Its function is what the system does
(for example, "calculating sales tax"). The behavior is how the system does it (e.g., "The system
will calculate sales tax by multiplying the purchase price by the tax rate.") (Kosasi & Kuway,
Based on the results of the interview it is known that The functional requirements for The
application digital energy sector expected by customers is: digital applications can be
synchronized and can share application content to devices or other applications as many as 7
people or by 100%; the digital application contains product ordering features to the issuance
of SO as many as 5 people or 71.4%; In the digital application, there are tax invoices that can
be monitored, downloaded and printed by 4 people or 57.1%; the availability of
WITHHOLDING TAX SLIP and there are additional features in the form of online shopping
related to other supporting energy products as many as 3 people or 42.9%; in the digital
application there is a price simulation feature of each purchase plan that you want to make,
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
monitoring related to product purchase invoices, monitoring related to invoices, and
monitoring Withholding tax slip both as many as 2 people or 28.6%; in the digital application
there are features for purchasing other energy products and / or other business supports, the
product MUST be relevant to customer needs, there are reward offers or discounts, More
features, if PLN Mobile can buy credit, can complain in one application, energy product
applications are expected to be connected to payment applications, such as mobile banking,
there are additional entertainment features in the form of online games as much as 1 person
each or 14.29%.
Based on the above, it can be concluded that the most important functional prerequisites
of an energy sector digital application (76%-100%) based on consumer expectations or needs
are: digital applications can be synchronized and can share application content to other devices
or applications; Based on the above, it can be concluded that the important functional
prerequisites of an energy sector digital application (51%-75%) based on consumer
expectations or needs are: digital applications contain product ordering features to SO issuance,
and in digital applications there are tax invoices that can be monitored, downloaded and
printed; Based on the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the important
functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application (26%-50%) based on consumer
expectations or needs are: there are additional features in the form of online shopping related
to other supporting energy products, in the digital application there is a price simulation feature
of each purchase plan that you want to make, monitoring related to invoices, and monitoring
withholding tax slip; While the functional prerequisites that are not too important from an
energy sector digital application (1%-25%) based on consumer expectations or needs are: in
digital applications there are reward offers or discounts; digital applications must contain more
features (such as: credit purchases, mobile banking, online games, and others); In the digital
application, there is a complaint feature.
1. The most important functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on
consumer expectations or needs are: digital applications can be synchronized and can share
application content to other devices or applications
The word synchronous according to the Big Dictionary Indonesian has the meaning:
Something that happens at the same time or simultaneously; In line, aligned, aligned, or
appropriate. The word synchronization can be interpreted as an attempt made to
synchronize, synchronize, or harmonize (Andiana & Hendrakusumah, 2015).
Synchronization can also be interpreted as a coordination of events to operate the system
simultaneously (Wahab & Surya, 2023).
In general, there are 2 kinds of synchronization processes on HP, the first is manual
synchronization, and the second is automatic synchronization (Limantoro, Andjarwirawan,
& Noertjahyana, 2013). Synchronization can also be done by exchanging data between
applications so that by using one application, users no longer need to log in to other
applications manually (Hanafi, Sukarsa, & Wiranatha, 2017). Based on this, it can be said
that with synchronization in an application, users will save time in using the application, or
in other words, synchronization contained in an application aims to provide efficiency to
Based on the results of the interview, it is known that the most important functional
prerequisites according to consumers related to digital applications in the energy sector are:
digital applications can be synchronized and can share application content to other devices
or applications, and related to the My Pertamina for Business application, it is unfortunate
that these features do not exist. Based on this, it can be said that the My Pertamina for
Business application has not met the functional prerequisites stated by consumers. The face
of My Pertamina for Business can be seen in the picture below.
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
Picture 1 My Pertamina for Business Interface
The importance of the existence of synchronization features in digital applications in
the energy sector according to informants should be an important concern for the makers
and providers of the My Pertamina for Business application to create or add synchronization
features in their applications so that thus the makers or developers of the My Pertamina for
Business application can meet consumer needs or expectations. The level of ability of the
developer of the My Pertamina for Business application is an illustration of the ability of
the maker or developer of the My Pertamina for Business application in increasing
application user satisfaction.
According to Kotler & Keller (2016) Customer satisfaction is a feeling of pleasure or
disappointment after comparing product performance with expected. Based on this, it can
be said that the greater the ability possessed by the maker or developer of the My Pertamina
for Business application in meeting the expectations of My Pertamina for Business
application users will have a positive impact on increasing the level of satisfaction of My
Pertamina for Business application users.
The importance of the existence of synchronization features that provide effectiveness
for users that have an impact on the level of application user satisfaction, in line with
research conducted by Billyarta & Sudarusman (2021) entitled: The Effect of Electronic
Service Quality (E-Servqual) on Consumer Satisfaction on the Shopee Marketplace in
Sleman DIY. In this study, it is proven that the dimensions of e-service quality, namely
efficiency, privacy, responsiveness, compensation, and contact have an influence on
customer satisfaction, while fulfillment and reliability have no influence on customer
satisfaction .
Research conducted Widikdo & Ramadhan (2023) entitled Functional Influence, Ease
of Use, Security and Privacy on the Intention to Use My Pertamina for Business Application
Mediated Attitude proves that the Application Functional has a positive and significant
effect on the intention to use the My Pertamina for Business application, Ease of Use has a
positive and significant effect on the intention to use My Pertamina for Business, Security
and Privacy has a positive and significant effect on the intention to use My Pertamina for
Business, and attitude have a positive and significant effect on the intention to use the My
Pertamina for Business application.
1. Important functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer
expectations or needs are: the digital application contains product ordering features to the
issuance of SO, and in the digital application there are tax invoices that can be monitored,
downloaded and printed.
Purchase Order and Sales Order are very important for sellers and buyers because they
both function as an agreement contract for the sale and purchase transaction between the
seller and the buyer. Purchase Order and Sales Order can also be used as a reference when
errors occur, such as differences in the number and specifications of the products ordered.
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
The Purchase Order feature in the My Pertamina for Business application is located
in the Product Search column and there are several types of product orders in the My
Pertamina for Business application, such as: Product Orders with non-cash payments, and
product orders with credit payments. As for the display: Product Oder with non-cash
payment, and product orders with credit payment in the My Pertamina for Business
application can be seen in the picture below.
Figure 2 Display of Non-Cash Payment Method on My Pertamina for Business
Figure 3 Display of Credit Payment Method on My Pertamina for Business
The Sales Order feature in the My Pertamina for Business application is located on
the SO Monitoring menu. The picture of the Sales Order feature in the My Pertamina for
Business application can be seen in the picture below.
Figure 4.Display of SO Monitoring on My Pertamina for Business
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
With the Purchase Order and Sales Order features in the My Pertamina for Business
application, it can be said that the My Pertamina for Business application has fulfilled the
important functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer
expectations or needs, and thus it can also be said that purchases through My Pertamina for
Business are purchases based on an agreement contract for a sale and purchase transaction
between the seller and buyer. In the digital application, there are tax invoices that can be
monitored, downloaded and printed
In the My Pertamina for Business application, there is a feature that is a menu for
monitoring tax invoices, namely the E-Invoice Monitoring feature, and tax invoices that can be
downloaded are tax invoices with validated status. The display of the E-Invoice Monitoring
feature in the My Pertamina for Business application can be seen in the picture below.
Figure 4 Display of E-Invoice Monitoring on My Pertamina for Business
With the E-Invoice monitoring feature in the My Pertamina for Business application, it
can be said that the My Pertamina for Business application has fulfilled the important
functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer expectations
or needs, and thus it can also be said that purchases through My Pertamina for Business are
purchases that have proof that Pertamina has collected taxes from people who have purchased
goods / services the tax.
The important functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on
consumer expectations or needs are: there are additional features in the form of online shopping
related to other supporting energy products, in the digital application there is a price simulation
feature of each purchase plan that you want to make, monitoring related to invoices, and
monitoring withholding tax slips.
There are additional features in the form of online shopping related to other supporting
energy products. Consumer expectations of additional features in the form of online shopping
related to other supporting energy products in the energy sector digital applications are
important to note considering that not all consumers have good knowledge related to other
supporting energy products sold by companies engaged in energy.
In relation to the My Pertamina for Business application, there is a feature where
consumers can see the products offered by Pertamina to consumers, and these products can be
seen through a search in the Product Search column. The display of products offered by
Pertamina through My Pertamina for Business can be seen in the picture below.
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
Figure 5 Display of products offered through My Pertamina for Business
With the display of products in the My Pertamina for Business application, it can be said
that the My Pertamina for Business application has fulfilled the important functional
prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer expectations or needs,
and thus it can also be said that Pertamina has provided sufficient information to consumers
related to the products sold.
There is a price simulation feature of each purchase plan that you want to make
Pricing simulation is a technique used to create realistic simulations of demand and
pricing behavior in the market. By doing this, one can better understand the market and how
changes in demand or different prices will affect the market. The price simulation intended by
the informants is an estimate of the amount of costs that must be incurred or paid with credit
payments by consumers when purchasing products offered by Pertamina through My
Pertamina for Business.
Price simulation in the My Pertamina for Business application has a product order feature
with a credit payment type. The display of the price simulation contained in the product order
feature by payment on credit in My Pertamina for Business, can be seen in the picture below.
Figure 6 Price simulation display on My Pertamina for Business
With the price simulation display on the My Pertamina for Business application, it can
be said that the My Pertamina for Business application has fulfilled the important functional
prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer expectations or needs,
and thus it can also be said that Pertamina has provided sufficient information to consumers
related to the price simulation of products offered by Pertamina by purchasing on credit.
Billing documents are commonly used to track and manage cash flow, monitor sales, and
make it easier to track payments for a business. In many cases, this document can also be used
as a basis for tax claims or for audit purposes. Invoices can be created manually or through the
application (Hardi & Anwar, 2023). In My Pertamina for Business, there is an invoice
monitoring feature which is a menu for monitoring invoice status and printing invoices. The
display of the invoice monitoring feature on My Pertamina for Business can be seen in the
picture below.
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
Figure 7 Display of invoice monitoring on My Pertamina for Business
With the display of invoice monitoring on the My Pertamina for Business application, it
can be said that the My Pertamina for Business application has fulfilled the important
functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer expectations
or needs, and thus it can also be said that Pertamina has provided sufficient information to
consumers related to payment requests to customers.
Monitoring Withholding tax slip
Proof of deduction is a term in the world of taxation that refers to documents in the form
of forms that are equalized and made by the withholding / collector of income tax. In relation
to Article 22 of Income Tax, the collector is not only required to deposit income tax, but also
must make proof of withholding income tax 22 (Cendana, Suan, Warongan, & Suwetja, 2023).
In My Pertamina for Business, there is a Withholding tax slip feature which is a menu to
download proof of withholding PPh 22 for Fuel Product Purchases. The display of the
Withholding tax slip feature on My Pertamina for Business can be seen in the picture below.
Figure 8 Display of withholding tax slip on My Pertamina for Business
With the display of Withholding tax slip on the My Pertamina for Business application,
it can be said that the My Pertamina for Business application has fulfilled the important
functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on consumer expectations
or needs, and thus it can also be said that Pertamina has provided sufficient information to
consumers related to proof of withholding PPh 22 Purchase of Fuel Products.
a. Less important functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on
consumer expectations or needs are: in digital applications there is a reward offer or
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
discount; digital applications must contain more features (such as: credit purchases, mobile
banking, online games, and others); In the digital application, there is a complaint feature.
Functional prerequisites are less important than a digital application, the energy sector
based on consumer expectations or needs is essentially a complementary or additional
feature to an application. In My Pertamina for Business, there are no complementary
features expected by consumers (such as: credit purchases, mobile banking, online games,
and others), but for reward or discount features and complaint features, there are already in
My Pertamina for Business. In the absence of additional features on My Pertamina for
Business, it can be said that the My Pertamina for Business application has not fulfilled the
less important functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application based on
consumer expectations or needs, and thus it can also be said that Pertamina only focuses on
things that are features related to the products offered.
Based on the results of the analysis above, it can be said that in general My Pertamina
for Business has met the functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital application
based on consumer expectations or needs, but even so there are still improvements to be
made in My Pertamina for Business, namely the synchronization feature or menu. Related
to complementary features expected by consumers (such as: credit purchases, mobile
banking, online games, and others) may not be the most important thing to make in My
Pertamina for Business, but even so, the procurement of these complementary features has
the potential to provide plus value to the attractiveness of using My Pertamina for Business.
1. Content requirements untuk aplikasi digital di sektor energi menurut pelanggan
Graham dkk., (2013) argues that through the development and accessibility of
information on mobile devices, users will not be glued to any physical location for longer,
but will increasingly access content in the surrounding local context. The use of information
accessibility on mobile devices in urban environments is seen as having a high potential for
available content and the number of potential implementation opportunities. Therefore,
Graham dkk., (2013) and van Krevelen dan Poelman (2010) Suggesting this, design and
content richness are considered as determining factors for the success of an information
application on mobile devices. Especially in urban environments, it is considered that
providing relevant information is key to avoiding distractions that can occur. Similarly,
Morrison dkk., (2011) Note that information overlays must be carefully designed in order
to be able to project relevant and valuable information to users.
There are several indicators that can be used in measuring Content requirements,
a. Additional Information
In using the application, sometimes users experience confusion over something
caused by the lack of information available in the application, and therefore, the
developer or application developer should provide access to holistic information needed
by application users (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010)
b. Map
In some applications there is a map needed by the user to determine the direction
and direction. Not all applications have a map menu, but the map menu can help users to
meet their needs (Morrison et al., 2011)
c. User Review and Ratings
The findings show that other users' reviews while using an app are highly valued
by people who have never used the same app. Therefore, it is important for the maker or
developer of an application to put review and ratings features in the application he makes
(Gretzel & Yoo, 2008).
In interviews that have been conducted related to this research, it is known that there
are several things conveyed by informants regarding Content requirements, namely:
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
a. Products offered in the app MUST be relevant to customer needs
In determining the product you want to buy or use, consumers need complete
information related to the products offered (Siwi & Meiyanto, 2002), And therefore in
an application requires complete information about a product offered and relevant to what
is needed by the user. In the My Pertamina for Business application, there are various
product information that is relevant to users, and the display of product information on
My Pertamina for Business can be seen in the picture below.
Picture 9 Product Display on My Pertamina for Business
With the display of products that are relevant to user needs in the My Pertamina
for Business application, it can be said that the My Pertamina for Business application
has met the Content requirements of an energy sector digital application based on
consumer expectations or needs, and thus it can also be said that Pertamina has provided
information to users related to products that are relevant and in accordance with user
b. There are additional features in the application in the form of entertainment in the form
of podcasts
Podcasts are audio recordings that can be listened to by the general public and in
contrast to radio that is broadcast via frequency, we can listen to podcasts anytime via
the internet (Mardiningsih, 2022). In podcasts, content is communicated directly to
listeners, either orally or via video. Delivering information through podcasts is a much
more intimate way to get information than reading it from an email or document.
Additional features in the form of podcasts are not yet in the My Pertamina for
Business application, and in the absence of this feature, it is possible that the creators and
developers of My Pertamina for Business feel that this feature is less needed by My
Pertamina for Business users in general. The need for a podcast feature based on
interview results was only raised by one informant, meaning that the request for a podcast
feature on My Pertamina for Business is a minority request and does not represent all My
Pertamina for Business users.
c. There are additional features in the application in the form of forecasting the price of
energy products, especially those whose prices change regularly
Forecasting is the process of planning future needs forecasts by testing past
conditions which include needs in terms of quantity, quality, time and location needed in
order to meet the demand for goods or services (Sholehah, Marsudi, & Budianto, 2021).
Forecasting is an important part of product management. By accurately predicting
demand, businesses can ensure that they have enough stock to meet expected orders
without stockpiling too much and incurring the risk of financial loss.
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
Additional features in the form of forecasting energy product prices are not yet in
the My Pertamina for Business application, and in the absence of this feature, it is
possible that the makers and developers of My Pertamina for Business feel that this
feature is less needed by My Pertamina for Business users in general. The need for a
feature in the form of forecasting energy product prices based on interview results was
only raised by one informant, meaning that the request for a podcast feature on My
Pertamina for Business is a minority request and does not represent all My Pertamina for
Business users.
d. Availability of up-to-date information related to energy regulations and policies on the
The Government Regulation (PP) is a Legal Regulation in Indonesia set by the
President to carry out the Law as it should. The formation of the Regulation of Law states
that the Government Regulation as an "organic" rule rather than the Law according to its
hierarchy shall not overlap or leave behind (Subuh, Harsono, & Ismail, 2019).
Government policy is essentially a policy aimed at the public in the broadest sense
(state, society in various statuses and for the public interest), whether it is carried out
directly or indirectly which is reflected in various dimensions of public life, and
therefore, public policy is often referred to as public policy (Uswatiyah, Argaeni,
Masrurah, Suherman, & Berlian, 2021).
Government Regulations and Government Policies are ever-changing and follow
developments in society, and therefore it is natural for informants to feel that the latest
information related to energy regulations and policies on applications is a necessity.
Additional features in the form of the latest information related to energy
regulations and policies are not yet in the My Pertamina for Business application, and in
the absence of this feature, it is possible that the makers and developers of My Pertamina
for Business feel that this feature is not needed by My Pertamina for Business users in
general. The need for a feature in the form of the latest information related to energy
regulations and policies based on the results of interviews was only raised by one
informant, meaning that the request for a podcast feature on My Pertamina for Business
is a minority request and does not represent all My Pertamina for Business users.
e. The availability of PIC information on applications for products other than BBM because
it makes it easier to serve customers who ask for these products.
PIC stands for Person In Charge. This term is often heard in the world of work or
in an organization. PIC is a part that has a very important role in running a job in the
company. PIC is a term given to someone who has responsibility in controlling the course
of work or in controlling the project to be in accordance with the plan. Usually this PIC
is appointed Head of Division or Manager. PIC means someone who is given a task and
the task depends on the needs of the team. The responsibility of this PIC can be long-
term or short-term.
Additional features in the form of PIC information are not yet in the My Pertamina
for Business application, and in the absence of this feature, it is possible that the makers
and developers of My Pertamina for Business feel that this feature is less needed by My
Pertamina for Business users in general. The need for a feature in the form of PIC
information based on interview results was only raised by one informant, meaning that
the request for a podcast feature on My Pertamina for Business is a minority request and
does not represent all My Pertamina for Business users.
Based on the results of the analysis above, it can be said that in general My
Pertamina for Business has not met the Content requirements of an energy sector digital
application based on consumer expectations or needs, and this can happen because of the
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
possibility that the makers and developers of My Pertamina for Business feel that this
feature is less needed by My Pertamina for Business users in general.
User resistances for digital applications in the energy sector according to customers There are
several indicators that can be used to measure user resistances, namely:
a. Hardware Limitation
Since digital applications are seen as providing high-end functionality, which is
generally believed to require high processing power, many skeptical thoughts arise about
the hardware capabilities contained in HP owned to support the use of these applications
(Morrison et al., 2011), and based on this, it is natural if there are users who refuse to use a
certain application because they are worried about the hardware capabilities contained in
their cellphones.
b. Software Limitation
Just like hardware limitations, software limitations are also things that arise from
skeptical thoughts about the ability of software contained in cellphones owned to support
the use of the application (Morrison et al., 2011), and based on this, it is natural if there are
users who refuse to use a certain application because they are worried about the software
capabilities contained in their cellphones.
c. Awareness, Risk
Unawareness of new technologies such as the presence of various digital applications
that can be accessed through HP is one of the biggest challenges in the success of application
and application development (Van Krevelen & Poelman, 2010), And based on this, it is
natural that there are users who refuse to use a certain application because of their ignorance
of the existence of a particular application.
Risk is a potential risk that will be experienced by users if they use a certain
application. There are several risks that can be experienced by application users, such as:
data leakage, and therefore it is natural if there are users who do not want to use applications
on their cellphones because they feel less secure and feel there is a risk if they use the
Based on the results of interviews that have been conducted with several informants
related to the reasons that allow them to refuse to use My Pertamina for Business, it is known
that there are several reasons that may make them not use My Pertamina for Business, and
these reasons are:
a. The existence and how to use the application is still poorly socialized
The first reason that allows users to refuse to use My Pertamina for Business is: the
existence and way of using the application is still poorly socialized. This reason is the
reason stated by 3 informants or 42.86%. My Pertamina for Business application is one
of the applications officially launched in August 2017. This application not only makes
it easier for Pertamina customers to make cashless transactions when buying fuel oil but
also serves as a tool to monitor the distribution of subsidized fuel to be right on target
(Nurjanah & Akbar, 2023).
As an application that is still relatively new, Pertamina should conduct intense
socialization to the public related to the existence of the My Pertamina for Business
application and related to the use of the My Pertamina for Business application. The lack
of socialization carried out by Pertamina related to the existence of the My Pertamina for
Business application and related to the use of the My Pertamina for Business application
will have a negative impact on the community in general, and if this is left unchecked, it
is likely to cause people to be reluctant to use My Pertamina for Business (Purwatiningsih
& Pratama, 2023).
b. The use of digital applications is still less simple or less simple
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
The next reason that allows users to refuse to use My Pertamina for Business is:
The use of digital applications is still less simple or less simple. This reason is the reason
stated by 3 informants or 42.86%. Effectiveness is a measure of whether or not an
organization has succeeded in achieving its goals, and if an organization achieves the
goals then the organization has run effectively (Syamsir Syamsir et al., 2022).
MyPertamina is an application launched in the framework of the digitization
program of Public Fuel Filling Stations (SPBU). The use of MyPertamina is intended to
ensure that the process of distributing subsidized fuel is really on target. The government
through PT Pertamina will implement subsidized fuel purchases using the MyPertamina
application. This is so that the distribution of subsidized fuel is expected to be right on
target and not burden the State Budget (Syamsir Syamsir et al., 2022). Based on this and
based on the definition of effectiveness, it can be said that the effectiveness or absence
of My Pertamina for Business can be measured based on the extent to which fuel
distribution is on target, and therefore it is important that My Pertamina for Business is
made simpler and easier to understand its use by the public. Applications and uses that
are not easily understood by the public will make people reluctant to use them, and this
will have an impact on increasing the number of people not receiving subsidized fuel.
c. The length of customer complaint response is slow, related to under/ overpaid status,
price corrections given in the system that are not in accordance with the contract,
correction of incorrect customer invoices, with a handling period ranging from less than
1 day to 1 year
The next reason that allows users to refuse to use My Pertamina for Business is:
The length of response to customer complaints is slow. This reason is the reason stated
by 2 informants or 28.58%. Responsiveness, which is the willingness of the company to
help consumers and provide services quickly. If you look more deeply at the service that
is responsive somewhere, it can be seen from the ability of employees who quickly
provide service to consumers and quickly handle their complaints (Apriyani, d & sunarti,
2017). The length of response given to My Pertamina for Business users related to
complaints filed has a negative impact on the satisfaction of My Pertamina for Business
users, and this has the potential to make them reluctant to use My Pertamina for Business.
1. Weak maintenance on My Pertamina for Business
Maintenance is an activity to maintain and maintain existing facilities and repair,
make adjustments, or replacements needed to obtain a production operation condition to
be in accordance with existing planning (Andriani & Romli, 2020). Maintenance can also
be interpreted as a series of maintenance that includes functional inspection, service,
repair or replacement of devices, equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and
supporting utilities needed in industrial, business, and residential installations. There are
several impacts if the website is not maintained properly, namely:
1. The first impact, a website that is not maintained properly can experience a decrease
in performance. Of course, this can result in long page loading times.
2. The next impact, the website can experience damage or errors such as broken pages,
dead links, to features that do not work.
1) The SEO ranking of the website will drop.
The next reason that allows users to refuse to use My Pertamina for Business is:
Unavailability of price validity notifications from energy products whose prices change in the
application. This reason is the reason stated by 1 informant or 14.29%.
Based on the results of the analysis above, it can be said that in general the reasons that
can cause someone not to use My Pertamina for Business are due to the lack of socialization to
the public regarding the existence and how to use My Pertamina for Business, the form of
application that is still not simple or less simple, the slow response of Pertamina to complaints
Customer Requirements on Digital Application in Energy Sectors for B2B Customers (a Part of
Quality Function Deployment Analysis on My Pertamina for Business)
raised by My Pertamina for Business users, and lack of maintenance on My Pertamina for
Business application.
Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it can be said that in general
My Pertamina for Business has met the functional prerequisites of an energy sector digital
application based on consumer expectations or needs, but even so there are still improvements
to be made in My Pertamina for Business, namely the synchronization feature or menu. Related
to complementary features expected by consumers (such as: credit purchases, mobile banking,
online games, and others) may not be the most important thing to make in My Pertamina for
Business, but even so, the procurement of these complementary features has the potential to
provide plus value to the attractiveness of using My Pertamina for Business
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be said that in general My
Pertamina for Business has not met the Content requirements of an energy sector digital
application based on consumer expectations or needs, and this can happen because of the
possibility that the makers and developers of My Pertamina for Business feel that this feature
is less needed by My Pertamina for Business users in general.
Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it can be said that in general the
reasons that can cause someone not to use My Pertamina for Business are due to the lack of
socialization to the public regarding the existence and how to use My Pertamina for Business,
the form of application that is still not simple or less simple, the slow response of Pertamina to
complaints raised by My Pertamina for Business users, and lack of maintenance on My
Pertamina for Business application.
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Copyright holders:
Rama Hendi Prastiyo, Laura Lahindah (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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