Moch Mahdiyan Nasikhin
Universitas Islam Bunga Bangsa Cirebon, Indonesia
Email: mahd[email protected]
At present, pesantren face challenges from globalization and technological advances that result in the lack of
availability of effective management in managing entrepreneurial programs. In addition, there is a need to
provide competent educators in the field of entrepreneurship and develop mature concepts for entrepreneurship
programs in pesantren. The purpose of this study is to analyze Entrepreneurship Education Management in
Shaping the Character of Student Independence. This study applies a qualitative descriptive approach with a
naturalistic qualitative descriptive method that emphasizes a holistic approach. The results showed that the
management of entrepreneurship education at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School plays
an important role in shaping the character of student independence. The conclusion of this study is that the
management planning of entrepreneurship education in shaping the character of student independence at the
Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has been carried out well. This can be seen from the
preparation of planning entrepreneurial activities of students by the institution. The organization of
entrepreneurial education management in shaping the character of student independence at Hidayatul Mubtadi-
ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has also been carried out well. The institution has organized the
entrepreneurial activities of students. The implementation of entrepreneurship education management in shaping
the character of student independence at the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has
also gone well. The institution manages Islamic boarding school cooperatives, goat farming, and fish farming
with a biofloc system as student entrepreneurial activities. Supervision of entrepreneurial education management
in shaping the character of student independence at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School
has been carried out well. The institution has conducted an assessment of the achievements of students'
entrepreneurial activities
Keywords: Management, Entrepreneurship, Student Independence
Education is an important foundation for the development of man and civilization.
Historically, education in Indonesia has experienced dynamic development. Education is a very
important human need because of its role in preparing human potential for the development of
society and nation. Advances in science and technology have led to changes and developments
in more complex directions. This has led to unexpected social problems and new needs, so
education is always faced with problems because of the gap between expectations and results
that can be achieved through the educational process (Abdillah Hidayat, Rahmat, 2019)
Starting from the colonial era to the independence era and continues to the present. Both
in terms of learning systems, administration and learning materials. One of the oldest
institutions in Indonesia is pesantren. Many experts say that pesantren is the oldest educational
institution in Indonesia with regard to Islamic education. Pesantren already existed in the
archipelago before the colonial era (Nurmadiansyah, 2016)
The educational process is the process by which a learner seeks to adapt and adopt
external conditions into their internal circumstances. The purpose of this adaptation and
adoption is to develop the potential and competence of individuals so that they have sufficient
abilities to deal with different aspects of life. This reflects the awareness of individuals and
communities towards efforts to improve the quality of human resources. As we know, each
individual has a different level of ability, and it is important to adapt these conditions to the
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
needs of society as a whole. Society, in turn, is formed by diverse individuals who contribute
in giving color and meaning to life as a whole (Saroni, 2012, p. 19)
The National Education System Law defines education as a deliberate and planned effort
to create a learning environment and learning process in which learners actively develop their
potential, including spiritual dimensions, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble
character, and skills needed for themselves, society, nation, and state. With this view, formal
and non-formal educational institutions have a very important role in producing human
resources who have entrepreneurial character and ability. In these institutions, the process of
educational production takes place, and the interaction between the various components of
education is organized in such a way as to produce the expected educational output (Ojat
Darojat dkk, 2013, pp. 2425)
According to the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendiknas), entrepreneurship
education in Indonesia still does not receive adequate attention, both from educators and
society as a whole. Many educators have not given enough focus to the development of the
character and entrepreneurial attitude of students, both in vocational schools and in professional
education. Usually, their orientation is more on the preparation of learners as workers.
Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution to overcome this problem, namely how education
can play a role in transforming students into human resources (HR) who have strong
entrepreneurial character and behavior.(Agus Wibowo, 2011, p. 29)
Therefore, it is time to implement entrepreneurship education in the world of education,
especially to students, so that they can develop strong entrepreneurial character and behavior.
The hope is that these students will become strong human resources, both when they work in
the office as an independent workforce, and when they decide not to work in the office and
become individuals who are able to create jobs, at least for themselves. The process of adjusting
and improving the condition of pesantren, which in terms stated by Gus Dur is referred to as
dynamication, is admittedly not a simple task and requires a long time to complete.(Azhari,
Islamic boarding schools are one of the educational institutions that have provided
inspiration for various types of educational institutions in Indonesia. At first, some people may
only see Islamic boarding schools as conventional educational institutions that focus on
teaching to read the Quran and religious books. However, over time, this paradigm changed.
This change does not happen without reason, because for some Islamic boarding schools, it is
important to provide skills and expertise to students so that they are ready to face life outside
the Islamic boarding school when they have to navigate real life. In the context of pesantren, a
kiai is a very strong capital resource in all aspects of the pesantren. In fact, according to
Zamahsyari Dhafier, traditional Islamic boarding schools are very dependent on the power of
economic capital owned by kiai, such as land, rice fields, and other economic resources. Kiai,
in this case, acts as the leader and administrator of the Islamic boarding school. In addition to
determining the vision, mission, and foundation of the Islamic boarding school, kiai also often
make decisions and carry out their own initiatives without relying too much on professional
In the pesantren management phase, the role of kiai began to decrease in managerial
terms. At this stage, the kiai delegates the authority to manage the Islamic boarding school to
the students, administrators, and other staff. This not only reduces the role of kiai in
administrative aspects, but also plays a role in providing life skills education to students, which
ultimately builds their independent character. Furthermore, Islamic boarding schools adopt a
more professional approach in their management. The leadership role of the kiai at this stage
is minimal. The management of the Islamic boarding school is handed over to all elements that
support the leadership of the kiai. Most of them have been highly trained in management, in
fact they are also trained with the necessary specific skills.
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
Concretely, there are several examples and models of Islamic boarding school
management that are professional and modern. Some of them are in Manggungan, Indramayu,
West Java, there is one pesantren namely Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien, this Islamic boarding school
implements a salaf education system that has graduated alumni with achievements that are no
less competitive with alumni from other pesantrens, although students at Hidayatul Mubtadi-
ien Islamic Boarding School are not counted as having thousands of students but they have a
high social spirit, independent, confident, and able to compete in the community.
Based on the results of initial observations (grandtour) in this Islamic boarding school
has entrepreneurial skills in the form of animal husbandry, fisheries, plantations, and crafts.
Where in the management of entrepreneurship is managed directly by the students and
supervised by the ustadz and caregivers of Islamic boarding schools. From several fields of
entrepreneurship, this can later become a potential developer of existing student resources.
According to Mahmud Ali Zein in his book, the economic potential of Islamic boarding schools
can be found in three main aspects including :
1. Fanaticism Axis Against Pesantren Labels: Fanaticism and public recognition of pesantren
labels can be an economic force. This includes support from the growing community and
network around the pesantren, which can be used to support a variety of economic
2. Cooperative: Cooperative is a business model that is often used in Islamic boarding schools.
In this context, students and the surrounding community can join cooperatives to manage
joint businesses, such as agriculture, animal husbandry, or other small industries.
Cooperatives can increase purchasing power and economic efficiency.
3. Easy Market Share to Segment: Understanding and identifying a clear market share is key
in developing an economic enterprise. In this case, pesantren can focus on businesses or
services that suit the needs and desires of certain market segments, such as halal products
or religious education.
This concept reflects how pesantren can harness their economic potential through
understanding the identity of pesantren, cooperatives, and selecting the right market share.
With this approach, pesantren can develop sustainable economic businesses and support the
surrounding community (A. Halim, 2005, p. 205). The facts and phenomena above prove that,
the management system of Islamic boarding schools no longer relies on the resources owned
by kiai.
Management can be interpreted as a process that involves planning, organizing,
actuating, and controlling in order to achieve predetermined goals. To run management
effectively, it is also important to have professional people in these managerial roles. Islamic
boarding schools often take appropriate action by inviting experts or experts to provide training
to pesantren administrators. This training aims to help administrators understand the
responsibilities and work mechanisms desired by kiai. Thus, Islamic boarding schools can
strengthen managerial aspects and increase efficiency in managing various aspects of their
operations, including education, finance, and human resources (A. Halim, 2005).
Entrepreneurial activities in order to support the independence of Islamic boarding
schools often involve high risks. Therefore, it is important for Islamic boarding schools to have
a careful and efficient management system. Because not all Islamic boarding schools,
especially those in West Java, have entrepreneurship programs that can shape the character of
student independence, because skills or expertise are needed to support the lives of students in
the future in navigating real life outside the Islamic boarding school.
In managing entrepreneurial activities. According to Nunun Supardi, in an effort to
maintain the operational continuity of Islamic boarding school management, kiai usually carry
out three things; First, a kiai involves the active participation of the community in full. Second,
the development of natural resources (SDA) both from kiai and from the pesantren itself. Third,
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
the management of entrepreneurship education in Islamic boarding schools must always be
supported by adequate human resources (HR). Therefore, it is not surprising that there are
students who recite in Islamic boarding schools while managing rice fields, teknak, and
fisheries on the sidelines of their reciting activities. Noor Ahmady said that one of the successes
of Islamic boarding schools in running a business is because it is supported by strong Human
Resources (Nor Ahmadi, 2012).
The National Campaign for Socialization and Development of Entrepreneurship,
Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 1995, mandates the people of Indonesia and the State in terms
of developing entrepreneurship programs. The government is well aware that the business
community is the backbone of the national economy and therefore continuous improvement
must be pursued. Through this, it is hoped that entrepreneurship will become part of the spirit
of work of the Indonesian nation and state, thus giving birth to new entrepreneurs who are
reliable, tough and independent. This is important because entrepreneurial activities are not
only at the microeconomic level.(E. M.-J. E. dan Pendidikan & 2011, n.d.)
This entrepreneurship program is designed and run for students who actually have an
entrepreneurial spirit in themselves and want to learn to develop their potential. The program
that has been carried out has several entrepreneurial business units located around the pesantren
whose management involves students. With that, Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding
school has a very big role in producing independent young entrepreneurs.
The character of independence as the behavior of a person who does not depend on others
in completing his tasks. This is the initial stage that must be done in building student
independence with an entrepreneurial spirit so that independence is easy to build. Hidayatul
Mubtadiien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School is one of the Islamic boarding schools that has
a great commitment to entrepreneurial development for its students, namely implementing
entrepreneurship education programs that aim to form independence for students.
Looking at the description above, researchers tried to study in depth about how the
management process of entrepreneurship education in the Hidayatul Mubtadiien Indramayu
Islamic boarding school in shaping the character of student independence. The purpose of this
study is to analyze Entrepreneurship Education Management in Forming the Character of
Santri Independence at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative method using a case study design
because this design is a more suitable strategy when the subject matter of a study is related to
how or why, if the researcher has little opportunity to control the events to be investigated, and
when the focus of his research lies on contemporary phenomena (present) in the context of real
life (Sugiono, 2019,).
Case studies occur when researchers explore a single entity or phenomenon (the case)
that is limited by time, activity and data collection during that time.(Sosiologi & 2016.)
This research was conducted at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic Boarding School
Manggungan, Indramayu, West Java. The reason the researcher chose the place is because the
Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has an interesting management to
be researched, especially in the field of entrepreneurship in the field of fish farming with a
biofloc system. In this study, data were collected through two main techniques, namely
observation and interviews.
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
Entrepreneurship Education Management Planning
All elements of the implementation of education will run well if managed using
management concepts and principles. Management principles that are applied correctly and
well will have an impact on the efficiency of program implementation, increasing the quality,
and productivity of education which ultimately makes the institution quality. Management in
the implementation of educational programs is not a goal, but a tool or method to achieve
quality and improve expected performance (Kurniadin et al., 2013)
Management has functions, namely: planning, organizing, mobilizing, and supervising
(Hanafi et al). Planning is a systematic thinking process that involves thinking about what needs
to be achieved, the activities to be carried out, the steps required, the methods to be used, and
the people involved to achieve the goals that have been formulated rationally and logically,
focusing on the future. Planning is also a step to establish goals, policies, procedures, budgets,
and programs in the context of the organization (Huda 2016).
Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school was established independently and full
of sincerity from its founder, Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien boarding school is a requirement for
pesantren education that is thick with its pesantren pillars. Santri is not only taught to learn
religious knowledge but is taught entrepreneurship in the field of fish farming with a biofloc
system so that among students, the growth of the spirit of independence and sincerity is
common. This spirit and attitude is always nurtured and evident in everyday life in the cottage
environment. This reflects that at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School,
all students are expected to have a spirit of independence, sincerity, readiness to work hard,
and high enthusiasm.
The spirit of independence of the students was initially instilled through guidance in
managing their own daily needs. After the students successfully adapt to the cottage
environment, they are given the responsibility to help and guide new or junior students,
becoming administrators. This is in accordance with the dynamics that prevail in the Hidayatul
Mubtadi-ien Islamic Boarding School, students are persistent in gaining new knowledge that
they did not know before. In reality in the field, all students have a spirit of independence,
sincerity, willing to work hard and have a high spirit. Because there are entrepreneurial
trainings carried out by administrators and caregivers to the students followed in a spirit and
One of the objectives of Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school is to provide
education, training and equip skills, especially in the field of entrepreneurship in the field of
fish farming with a biofloc system to the students. Basically, all students can take part in
education, training in entrepreneurial skills in the field of fish farming with a biofloc system at
the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school because in its implementation the students
are made picket schedules.
Based on the theory of special purpose of Islamic boarding school education put forward
by Djamaluddin in Umiarso, the main goal is to provide education that focuses on skill
development, physical health, and welfare for students (Profesionalisme Keilmuan et al., n.d.).
However, the planning carried out in entrepreneurship in the field of fish farming with a biofloc
system at the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school is a simple planning, because in
it only prepares the activities carried out, does not make more specific and specific plans for
each activity.
Organizing Entrepreneurship Education Management
A business entity requires the arrangement of tasks and activities in carrying out
entrepreneurial activities in the field of fish farming with a biofloc system guided and directed
by cottage caregivers. The purpose of organizing is to group activities so that the
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
implementation of a plan can be achieved effectively and economically. According to
Handoko, organizing is an arrangement of working together financial, physical and human
resources in an organization. Organizing is the preparation of an organizational structure that
is in accordance with the goals of the organization, the resources it has, and the environment
that surrounds it(Muammar, ‘Manajemen Komunikasi Dinas Kebudayaan.- Google Scholar,
The way for the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic boarding school to provide
entrepreneurship education in the field of fish farming with the student biofloc system is by
giving confidence to the students in organizing other entrepreneurial activities such as Islamic
boarding school cooperatives, goat farming, and fish farming with the biofloc system by
supervising by the picket section on duty at the entrepreneurial location. Entrepreneurial
activities in the field of fish farming with a running biofloc system are monitored and reported
the results of each development by students who picket to the management of the
entrepreneurship sector then reported to the caregivers of the Islamic boarding school.
The students of Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic boarding school are equipped
with knowledge and skills in organizing a business. Knowledge and skills in managing a
business given to students at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic Boarding School in the form of
member management, management management, activity management and monthly report
Organization can be defined as a group of people who interact to work together to achieve
common goals and are bound by mutually agreed terms. The main characteristics of the
organization can be summarized as the 3Ps, namely purpose, people and plan, something is not
called an organization if it does not have goals (purpose), members (people), and plans (plan)
(Andriani et al., 2022). By organizing entrepreneurship in the field of fish farming with a
biofloc system at the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic Boarding School, it means that students
have trained in managing an organization as a provision later when they graduate and manage
a business, so that students can develop their skills in the community well.
Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education Management
Entrepreneurship also requires experience, for example, direct practice in the field, the
students of the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school in their daily lives carry out
entrepreneurial activities in the field of fish farming with the biofloc system and no less
important in entrepreneurship the students are guided and directed by cottage caregivers.
Education and experience are the keys to successful entrepreneurship.
According to Basrowi, successful entrepreneurs are generally individuals who have
competence. It refers to someone who has the knowledge, expertise, and qualities of an
individual that include attitudes, motivations, values, and behaviors necessary to carry out a
job or activity well.(Bisnis & 2019,).
As for ways to cultivate an entrepreneurial spirit, for example, through formal education,
entrepreneurship seminars, through training and self-taught. Through these various media,
everyone can learn and grow an entrepreneurial spirit. And basically the spirit of
entrepreneurship is in everyone who wants to think creatively and innovatively.
How Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school to instill an entrepreneurial spirit in
the field of fish farming with a biofloc system Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Islamic boarding school
provides education and training in entrepreneurial skills to students by providing non-formal
entrepreneurship education. This education is carried out based on a curriculum that is tucked
into daily activities in Islamic boarding schools. However, it should be noted that the system
of recording and managing entrepreneurship education in Islamic boarding schools has not
been systematically structured and has not been regulated in accordance with other formal
education curricula.
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning environment and learning
process that enables learners to develop their potential. The purpose of education is that
students can actively develop spiritual aspects, self-control, personality, intelligence, good
morals, and necessary skills, both for themselves, society, nation, and state.
However, to achieve an effective learning atmosphere and learning process, education
must involve real experience, where students can directly apply and practice entrepreneurship
in the field of fish farming with a biofloc system. Through this education, it is hoped that the
talents and potentials possessed by the students can grow, develop, and become part of their
By carrying out entrepreneurial activities in fish farming biofloc system in Islamic
Boarding Schools, the students are training themselves to become entrepreneurs. This will be
a valuable capital for them when they graduate from pesantren. At that time, they already have
a solid understanding of which entrepreneurial fields they have potential and can develop.
Thus, education in Islamic boarding schools not only provides knowledge, but also practical
skills to face future challenges.
Evaluation of Entrepreneurship Education Management
Monitoring and assessment in the educational environment is often referred to as monev,
which stands for monitoring evaluation (Wahyudin Nur Nasution, 2015). According to Law of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2013 concerning the National Education System,
Article 57 paragraphs (1) and (2) states: (1) Evaluation is carried out as part of efforts to control
the quality of education nationally and as a form of accountability of education providers to
parties who have interests. (2) Evaluation is carried out to evaluate students, educational
institutions, and educational programs in formal channels.
Evaluation is carried out to control the quality of education and provide accountability to
parties who have interests, including students, educational institutions, and educational
programs. Evaluation is also an integral component of the educational curriculum, used to
evaluate whether the planned educational objectives have been achieved and whether teaching
and learning activities have gone according to plan. In its implementation, it is the educator
who is responsible for conducting this evaluation (J. Pendidikan & Konseling, 2022).
Evaluation is a management function that is no less important in an organization, all
previous functions are not effective without being accompanied by organizational functions.
The evaluation function is an element of management to see whether all activities to be carried
out are in accordance with the outlined plan and at the same time to determine future work
plans, therefore supervision is an activity that must be carried out by every implementation,
especially those who hold leadership positions. Without evaluation, the leader will not be able
to find out any deviations from the plan that has been outlined and also will not be able to
develop a better work plan both in terms of the results of past experience.
The evaluation of entrepreneurial skills in biofloc system fish farming by students at the
Islamic boarding school went smoothly, which was indicated through routine supervision
carried out at the Islamic boarding school. The board that is fully responsible for this activity
also contributes to the smooth evaluation. This evaluation is carried out periodically, for
example every month, and the results are very satisfying.
Through the implementation of entrepreneurial activities in biofloc system fish farming
in Islamic boarding schools, the students are training themselves to become entrepreneurs. This
will be a valuable capital for them when they graduate from pesantren. In this context, students
can at least learn, observe, and practice in the field of entrepreneurship. With this experience,
they will have a solid understanding of how to become self-sufficient entrepreneurs in the
future. When graduating and leaving pesantren, it has been illustrated in his mind, what
entrepreneurial fields have the potential to be developed.
Management of Entrepreneurship Education in Shaping the Character of Student Independence
at Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Islamic Boarding School
Based on the results of the study, it shows that Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic
Boarding School has carried out entrepreneurial education management in the field of fish
farming with a good student biofloc system which includes planning, organizing, implementing
and supervising. In accordance with research conducted by Iro Waziroh which shows that the
Manbaul Ulum Tangsil Wetan Islamic Boarding School has implemented the functions of
entrepreneurship education management well which includes planning, organizing, directing
and supervising (M. Pendidikan et al., n.d.).
The results of Lale Yaqutunnafis' research also show that the management of Islamic
boarding schools in improving student entrepreneurship education at Ponpes Darul Kamal NW
Kembang Kerang East Lombok begins with planning, organizing, actuating and controlling to
find out and straighten out activities or programs in accordance with agreed plans and goals to
be achieved together (Yaqutunnafis et al., 2021). Supported by the results of Sunardi's research,
it shows that the forms of entrepreneurship in the Fathul Ulum Diwek Jombang Islamic
Boarding School are Culinary, Agriculture, Fisheries, Printing, Sewing and the implementation
process of entrepreneurial management through planning. organizing, actuating, controlling
(PAOC) (Fathul et al., 2020).
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers that the management of
entrepreneurship education in shaping the character of student independence at Hidayatul
Mubtadi¬-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship
education management planning in shaping the character of student independence at Hidayatul
Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has been carried out well. This can be seen
from the preparation of planning entrepreneurial activities of students by the institution. The
organization of entrepreneurial education management in shaping the character of student
independence at Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has also been
carried out well. The institution has organized the entrepreneurial activities of students. The
implementation of entrepreneurship education management in shaping the character of student
independence at the Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has also gone
well. The institution manages Islamic boarding school cooperatives, goat farming, and fish
farming with a biofloc system as student entrepreneurial activities. Supervision of
entrepreneurial education management in shaping the character of student independence at
Hidayatul Mubtadi-ien Indramayu Islamic Boarding School has been carried out well. The
institution has conducted an assessment of the achievements of students' entrepreneurial
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Copyright holders:
Moch Mahdiyan Nasikhin (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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