Adam Mardamsyah, Muhammad Ferry Fadri, M Fazil Rais, Arief Firmansyah, Alvin Reychan
Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, Indonesia
Email: ferry[email protected]
HEARJACK is an innovative smart jacket designed to enhance the health and well-being of military personnel.
This groundbreaking project addresses the crucial need for maintaining proper posture, monitoring heart health,
and managing humidity-related skin issues. Spinal alignment and posture play a fundamental role in overall
well-being, and deviations from a healthy alignment can lead to various health issues. HEARJACK integrates
sensors like the MPU6050 for real-time posture monitoring, DHT11 for humidity insights, and a heart rate sensor
for stress assessment. These sensors, combined with an IoT algorithm, enable continuous monitoring and data
analysis. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in posture, reduced skin-related health concerns,
and enhanced stress management, underscoring the potential of IoT-driven wearables in military healthcare.
Further research and development promise to revolutionize health and military technology.
Keywords: HEARJACK, Health, Posture, Sensor, Military
A soldier must be physically fit in order to accomplish his military duties. They must
have a healthy, well-built, and robust physique in order to handle all types of sickness issues
that may arise in the future. Nowadays, lifestyle has a significant impact on all types of
disorders (Burhanudin et al., 2018). One of these is the spinal curvature disorder that affects
the formation of a soldier's posture.
Spinal alignment is a fundamental aspect of human comfort and physical well-being. The
spine serves as the central support structure of the body, maintaining an upright posture,
mobility, and connecting various skeletal components while also protecting the spinal cord.
Maintaining proper spinal alignment is essential for overall health, encompassing physical,
emotional, and social well-being (Ferrero et al., 2021). Consequently, to support these
activities, the curvature of the human spine is determined by lumbar lordosis (LL), thoracic
kyphosis (TK), and cervical lordosis (CL) (Frederick et al., 2017; Sankey et al., 2019).
One of the key considerations in understanding spinal alignment is the concept of sagittal
imbalance and the compensatory mechanisms that the body employs to maintain an efficient
posture (Lamartina & Berjano, 2014). Changes in spinal position, brought about by muscular
efforts and early structural lesions, can lead to discomfort and complications. This is also
influenced by the sufferers' daily routines, such as the posture of the spine when sitting or
carrying objects.
The assessment of non-pathologic spinal sagittal curves from lateral radiographs has been
a subject of ongoing debate within the medical community. Among the various methods for
quantifying spinal alignment, the Cobb’s angle is a widely used technique, especially for
measuring thoracic kyphosis (Wiyanad et al., 2018).
While proper spinal alignment is crucial for well-being, deviations from a healthy
alignment can lead to various issues, including poor general health, emotional function,
physical function, social function, and lower back discomfort (Skaf et al., 2011). Moreover,
there is a growing global concern as the prevalence of spinal curvature disorders, which include
scoliosis, hyperlordosis, and hyperkyphosis, is on the rise. These conditions tend to progress
over time, making them initially difficult to identify but eventually more complex to treat.
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 1, January 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
HEARJACK - The Ultimate Posture Enhancement and Skin Health Jacket for Military
Scoliosis is characterized by a lateral displacement or curvature of the spine, with a
Cobb’s angle of 10° or greater in adulthood (Briggs et al., 2007). Hyperkyphosis and
hyperlordosis are medically referred to abnormal kyphosis and lordosis, respectively.
However, the absence of well-established diagnostic criteria poses challenges in assessing
these disorders.
For instance, the typical Cobb’s angle for the thoracic spine in young individuals
generally falls within a range of 20° to 50° (Facione et al., 2019). Understanding these
fundamental parameters and the intricacies of spinal alignment is essential for the development
of effective diagnostic and treatment approaches. Early detection and intervention are critical
to prevent the progression of these conditions and improve the overall quality of life for those
affected (Jang et al., 2019). Based on the explanation above, this study will create HEARJACK,
a detection and intervention tool to avoid further illness development in spinal curvature
problems and improve the posture of army soldiers that will employ several sensors and the
internet of things.
In this section, we delve into the methods employed in the development of HEARJACK,
along with the experimental details that outline the creation process of this smart jacket. Our
primary focus is on the flowchart, which elaborates on the crucial steps involved in crafting
HEARJACK, from sensor selection to experimental data analysis. We will gain insights into
how the sensor integration, hardware design, and software development, as well as prototype
testing, were conducted throughout the HEARJACK development. Let's commence by
comprehending the methods and experimental steps that underpinned the creation of this
innovative technology.
Figure 1. Flow chart diagram
The development of HEARJACK is initiated with a meticulous process that commences
with "Sensor Selection." In this stage, the project carefully selects the most suitable sensors for
integration into the smart jacket, including the MPU6050 for posture monitoring[9], the
DHT11 for humidity sensing Humidity, (2010), and a dedicated heart rate sensor. The choice
of these sensors is of utmost importance, as it significantly influences the quality of the data
collected throughout the jacket's usage.
HEARJACK - The Ultimate Posture Enhancement and Skin Health Jacket for Military
Following the sensor selection, the development process progresses to "Circuit Design."
During this phase, the electronic circuitry is intricately designed to ensure seamless
functionality that supports the sensors' precise operation within the jacket. The precision in this
design is crucial, as it establishes the groundwork for the successful integration of the hardware
Once the circuit design is finalized, the development proceeds to "Programming." In this
phase, the project meticulously develops software to facilitate data collection and transmission.
The software's primary role is to ensure a smooth interaction between the sensors and the
Internet of Things (IoT) module, such as the ESP8266. This programming phase lays the
foundation for the subsequent steps of component integration and IoT connection, guaranteeing
the jacket's ability to provide real-time monitoring and analysis of critical health data.
Figure 2. Electronic schematic
Figure 3. Jacket design
The MPU6050 sensor, DHT11 Humidity sensor, and heart rate sensor have played
pivotal roles in the development of HEARJACK, a smart jacket meticulously designed for
military personnel. The MPU6050 sensor, an inertial sensor merging an accelerometer and
gyroscope, enabled precise monitoring of changes in the user's body position and movement
(Y. Zhang et al., 2019). In the context of HEARJACK, the MPU6050 sensor assumed a central
role in posture monitoring, with its ability to detect changes in angles and body orientation. As
a result, this sensor laid the primary foundation for helping to prevent spinal abnormalities and
improve correct posture.
Conversely, the DHT11 Humidity sensor was utilized to measure the level of humidity
in the vicinity of the HEARJACK jacket. This proved to be a critical element, especially in
HEARJACK - The Ultimate Posture Enhancement and Skin Health Jacket for Military
military settings where personnel frequently operated in diverse climatic conditions. Humidity
measurements aided in identifying the risk of skin diseases that could arise due to high humidity
levels[10]. With this information, HEARJACK could issue early warnings and advice to users,
enabling them to take appropriate preventive measures.
Figure 4. Mobile display
The IoT algorithm in HEARJACK has been the core element that has allowed this smart
jacket to function efficiently. The algorithm began by collecting data from various sensors
installed in the jacket, such as the MPU6050, DHT11, and heart rate sensors. The gathered data
has then undergone preprocessing, where it has been calibrated, merged, and adjusted to
conform to the format used by the HEARJACK mobile application.
Subsequently, the IoT algorithm has been responsible for transmitting this data via a Wi-
Fi network with the assistance of the ESP8266 module (Mesquita et al., 2018). The data has
been transmitted in real-time to the HEARJACK mobile application, where the IoT algorithm
has processed and analyzed it. The HEARJACK mobile application has been able to provide
real-time health and posture monitoring to users (military personnel) and has issued alerts if
conditions requiring attention have been detected.
Integrating advanced sensors like MPU6050 and DHT11, HEARJACK utilizes a
sophisticated IoT algorithm. This algorithm is crucial as it assists in transmitting data directly
through a Wi-Fi network with the support of the ESP8266 module(Q. Zhang et al., 2020) . The
transmitted data is then smoothly processed and analyzed within the HEARJACK mobile
application. This type of sensor integration is a common practice in various applications,
contributing to enhanced functionality and real-time data insights. With this integrated system,
continuous monitoring of health and posture, especially tailored for military personnel,
becomes possible. Moreover, the algorithm ensures prompt alerts are issued when conditions
requiring attention are detected, enhancing the overall effectiveness of HEARJACK's sensor
integration. The utilization of sensors in conjunction with platforms like Arduino further
exemplifies the versatility and efficiency achievable in IoT-driven innovations.
In addition to real-time monitoring, the IoT algorithm in HEARJACK has also enabled
long-term monitoring, with health and posture data continuously monitored and analyzed to
provide deeper insights (Yang & Li, 2021). This IoT algorithm has played a key role in
HEARJACK - The Ultimate Posture Enhancement and Skin Health Jacket for Military
enhancing the health and performance of military personnel by providing valuable information
and appropriate recommendations.
HEARJACK, the innovative smart jacket designed for military personnel, has
demonstrated impressive results through its sensor integration and IoT capabilities, offering a
comprehensive solution for health. The integration of the MPU6050 sensor for posture
monitoring has been particularly effective. This sensor continuously tracked changes in body
position and orientation, providing real-time posture oversight. Alerts and corrective feedback
issued by HEARJACK in response to poor posture instances resulted in a noticeable
improvement in the posture of military personnel. This improvement significantly reduces the
risk of spinal abnormalities and promotes postural health in military settings.
The DHT11 sensor integration in HEARJACK allowed for humidity measurement in the
jacket's vicinity. The collected humidity data was crucial, as users received timely notifications
when humidity levels exceeded safety thresholds. This feature played a vital role in reducing
skin-related health concerns, particularly beneficial for military personnel operating in diverse
HEARJACK's integration of a heart rate sensor provided real-time monitoring of users'
heart rates, enabling the assessment of stress and fatigue levels among military personnel.
Continuous heart rate monitoring allowed early warnings to be issued when elevated stress
levels were detected, empowering users to implement appropriate stress reduction measures.
The outcomes demonstrated a significant reduction in stress-related issues among HEARJACK
users, contributing to their overall well-being.
Figure 5. Jacket testing on Probandus
These results emphasize the substantial impact of HEARJACK in enhancing the health
and performance of military personnel. Continuous posture monitoring and corrective
mechanisms effectively promote better posture, reducing the risk of spinal irregularities. The
humidity insights have significantly improved skin health, a critical aspect for military
personnel in varying environmental conditions. The heart rate monitoring and health
assessment features have contributed to stress management and overall well-being, alluding to
the potential of IoT-driven wearable devices like HEARJACK to augment the quality of life
and performance of military personnel. Further research and refinement in this field promise
to revolutionize health and military technology.
HEARJACK, the smart jacket for military personnel, successfully integrates the
MPU6050 sensor for posture monitoring, DHT11 for humidity measurement, and heart rate
HEARJACK - The Ultimate Posture Enhancement and Skin Health Jacket for Military
sensor for stress assessment. This integration enhances posture, mitigates skin issues due to
humidity, and ensures the well-being of military personnel. Real-time posture correction
significantly reduces spinal health risks, humidity insights prevent skin problems, and heart
rate monitoring aids in stress management, contributing to overall health. IoT connectivity
ensures continuous monitoring and alerts via the mobile app, demonstrating the potential of
IoT-driven wearables in military healthcare.
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Copyright holders:
Adam Mardamsyah, Muhammad Ferry Fadri, M Fazil Rais, Arief Firmansyah,
Alvin Reychan Perdana (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0