Burhanuddin, Luthfiah, Hariyadi Salenda, Nazirah Amalia
Universitas Tadulako, Indonesia
The biggest problem in housing in Indonesia is how to deal with the housing problems of low-income
communities. Houses normally inhabited by such communities are often in unhealthy environments, as are houses
built only with cheap materials or waste materials. One example of the lower layers of the community is the
drillers who settled in the Kawatuna TPA of Palu City. The drillers built houses using local materials such as
wood, ruby or zinc roofs, and tripleks. The condition of the houses built by the rollers is very worrying, especially
the lack of ventilation, which causes the air exchange to not take place properly. And a lot of garbage gathered in
front of the house could lead to disease. This research will conduct a study that can find solutions to the problems
faced by rollers in the Kawatuna TPA area, one of which is through the use of garbage waste as a substitute
material manufactured for the construction of rolling houses. In addition to that, a redesign of the shape of the
houses will be done to get a proper shape from the health side. The data analysis used is a qualitative descriptive
analysis. Qualitative data obtained through data collection techniques using observation results in the Kawatuna
TPA. The results of this study are simple, healthy home designs that utilize waste materials. The design of rolling
houses is divided according to their activities: large type, or type A, for fixed rollers, and small type, or type B,
for non-stable rollers.
Keywords: Waste, Replacement Raw Materials, Design Scavengers Houses, Kawatuna TPA
The biggest challenge that must be faced in the housing sector in Indonesia is how to
overcome the housing problem for low-income people (Maghfirani, Hanum, & Amani, 2022).
This community needs housing with low construction costs. The houses that these people
usually live in are often in unhealthy environments, and the houses are built using only cheap
or used materials. The reality shows that for most poor people, the need for housing is low on
the priority list after employment, food, clothing, and health. Choosing a location close to
employment opportunities is also a priority, compared to where you live.
One example of the lower layers of the community is the drillers who settled in Kawatuna
City, Palu. The rollers built houses using only local materials, such as wood from local trees
and ruby roofs, as well as waste materials such as worn boards, worn zinc, and worn triples.
Their work as rollers at the Kawatuna TPA site made them choose to build houses with merely
raw materials without thinking about their shape or health.
The condition of the house built by the locator of the Kawatuna TPA is very worrying,
especially the lack of ventilation in the house, which causes the air exchange in the home to
not happen well. In addition, the lack of sewage facilities as well as the large amount of waste
collected in front of the house can lead to the onset of disease. It is very backward in what is
expressed by Frick, Heinz dan Mulyani (2006) that the house must guarantee the interests of
the family, that is, to grow, to make it possible to live in communion with its neighbors, and
moreover, the house should give peace, pleasure, happiness, and comfort to all the events of its
Based on some of the problems that have been presented earlier, considering it necessary
to conduct a study that can find a solution to the problems faced by rollers in the area of TPA
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 2, February 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Utilization of Waste as a Raw Material to Replace Manufactured Materials for Scavengers Houses at
the Kawatuna TPA Location, Palu City
Kawatuna, one of them is through the utilization of fabrication material derived from the waste
waste around the settlement of the rollers of Kabatuna, where the waste will be used for
building materials for the rolling house (Sherlyana, 2020). Chandra (2006) explains that the
World Health Organization (WHO) defines garbage as something that is not used, unused,
unfertilized, or discarded and that comes from human activities and does not occur on its own.
However, based on the results of the initial survey of the research team, it was found that there
are some kinds of used garbage that can be reused as a building material for the housing of
Kawatuna TPA rollers. In addition to this, it will be done to redesign the shape of the housing
of TPA rollers to get a decent form of housing from the health side.
Smith (2005) revealed that the use of used materials in buildings can be categorized into
three criteria, namely: reuse for its original function, recycling or modification, and
reprocessing. A material is said to be reused if the form and function used are the same as its
original function and form. Meanwhile, recycling, modification, and reprocessing require
processing before reapplication. Karyadi et al. (2014) provide a study showing that local
materials can reduce the unaffordability of the poor for high-priced building materials;
however, for the scavenger community at the Kawatuna TPA, Palu City, the materials that can
be afforded are used materials, both building materials and materials. non-building materials
such as used tires, used bottles, walls, and floors made from used boards, as well as used zinc
as roofing material.
Surajana and Ardiansyah (2013) revealed that the use of recycled materials is regulated
at the source and material cycle points, i.e., the reuse of old buildings and/or otherwise used
materials to reduce the usage of new materials, reduce waste disposal, and extend the lifespan
of materials. The measure is to reuse all used materials, whether from old buildings or
elsewhere, such as main structural materials, facades, ceilings, floors, partitions, coffins, and
walls, equivalent to at least 10% of the total material cost, which will add the value of the
presentation of departure to source points and material cycles. In this case, designs need to pay
attention to alternative design factors, which incorporate elements of old building materials
into new buildings.
The type of research used is descriptive research. In descriptive research, there are two
groups of data: qualitative data and quantitative data. Qualitative data is described in words or
sentences, while quantitative data contains numbers resulting from calculations or
measurements (Arikunto S, 1998).
The data analysis method used in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis. It's done
to get the analysis microscopically. Qualitative data is obtained through data collection
techniques using observations in the Kawatuna TPA environment. Gulo (2002) says that
observation is a method of gathering data, while researchers record information as witnessed
during the study. The testimony to the event can be obtained by seeing, listening, or feeling,
which is then recorded as objectively as possible. The data obtained from the results of the
observations is then identified and analyzed to identify the application of any recycled material
applied to the physical elements of architecture in the residential design of Kawatuna TPA
rolling houses.
At this stage of the interview, it was conducted using the method of unstructured
interviews with rollers who settled in the Kawatuna TPA area. It's done to identify the shape
of the house or the living room of Kawatuna's TPA rollers. The results of observations are to
be recorded in field records (Faisal, 1990). Micro-analysis will result in the planning of the
rolling house, starting with the design of the function of the space, the shape of the building,
and the material to be used.
Utilization of Waste as a Raw Material to Replace Manufactured Materials for Scavengers Houses at
the Kawatuna TPA Location, Palu City
Research Location
The location of this research covers the Kawatuna TPA area with research material,
namely identifying and formulating house designs for scavengers at Kawatuna TPA by
utilizing used goods from scavenging results.
Figure 1. Map And Aerial Photo of Kawatuna Landfill Location
(Source: Google Earth, 2023)
Building Design Analysis
Building design is analyzed to determine the type of house, the shape of the building, and
the materials used in the building. The stages in the building planning process need to consider
the locality of the surrounding area, which may affect the building design (Kamila & Prakosa,
2023). In addition, the needs and activities of the building should be taken into account for the
convenience of the user. The following will outline the concept of design for building houses
based on the needs of space and methods of settlement, as well as the materials used for
building assembly.
Shape Of The House
The shape of the house uses the basic conceptual approach of shapes consisting of a top,
a triangle, a square, and a circle. It is consistent with what Ching (2000) expressed: that the
basic shapes in architecture are triangles, squares, and circles. Each of these shapes has
different properties and effects.
Figure 2. Basic Forms in Architecture
(Source: Ching, 2000)
Utilization of Waste as a Raw Material to Replace Manufactured Materials for Scavengers Houses at
the Kawatuna TPA Location, Palu City
The properties and characteristics of some of the above basic shapes are then assessed
according to the characteristics, as the basic shape for the flat houses of rollers is the fourth
aspect that is more efficient and easy in the layout, can maximize the function of the space, and
can help them minimize the financial expenditure in the construction (Tresnawati & Prasetyo,
Based on the shape and pattern of rolling activity, the building is built in the form of a
stage house. More time is spent in rolling activities such as sorting up goods and storing goods
so that the storage warehouse can be directly accessed by the user by placing a storage place
under the houses.
Figure 3. Placement Of Space Functions In The Scavenger House Building Design
(Source: Analysis Results, 2023)
Space and Properties
Based on the activity of the perpetrators in one unit of the house, there will be several
functions in the space. A place of residence and storage of goods In determining the functional
layout of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the ease of achieving it and not affect one
with the other. More rolling time is spent sorting and storing goods so that the warehouse can
be directly accessed by the user.
The building area of the rolling house uses two types, namely the large type, or type A,
for the fixed rollers and the small type, or type B, for the non-resident rollers in the settlement.
Space size calculation using the standard space size guidelines (architect data) of the first
edition booklet Anggraini & Rahmi, 2019; Neufert, (1996).
Figure 4. (A) Large Type Plan, (B) Small Type Plan
(Source: Analysis Results, 2023)
Functions as a
Functions as a warehouse for
storing scavenged goods
Utilization of Waste as a Raw Material to Replace Manufactured Materials for Scavengers Houses at
the Kawatuna TPA Location, Palu City
Figure 5. (A) Design of a Large Type Scavenger House; (B) Design of a Small Type
Scavenger House
(Source: Analysis Results, 2023)
Construction Material for The Building of a Rolling House
The analysis of building materials for housing is carried out to facilitate the selection of
building materials that correspond to the characteristics and economic capabilities of the user.
The types of materials that can be used are as follows:
Table 1. Recommendations for Building Materials for Scavenger Houses
Used Or New Boards
Used Bottles
Used Tires
(Source: Analysis Results, 2023)
Glass bottles are arranged in rows and columns on wooden shelves that are lined with
paper-waste glue. This glass bottle wall is used for the front wall. In addition to serving as a
wall, it also serves as a window for natural lighting. As for the construction of tires, used tires
can be used as walls for warehouses, as they can protect goods while still optimizing natural
lighting and heating.
Figure 6. Wall Construction Made from Used Goods in The Scavenger House Plan
(Source: Analysis Results, 2023).
This research is aimed at conducting a study that can find a solution to the problems faced
by rollers in the area of TPA Kawatuna, one of which is through the use of garbage waste as a
substitute material manufactured for the construction of rolling houses. In addition to this, it
Utilization of Waste as a Raw Material to Replace Manufactured Materials for Scavengers Houses at
the Kawatuna TPA Location, Palu City
will be done to redesign the shape of the residence of the TPA Kawatuna to get a decent form
of housing from the health side.
This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. The data analysis method used
in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis. It's done to get the analysis microscopically.
Qualitative data is obtained through data collection techniques using observations in the
Kawatuna TPA environment. In addition to the observations, an unstructured interview was
conducted with the drillers who settled in the Kawatuna TPA area. It's done to identify the
shape of the house or the living room of the drill.
The results of this study are healthy, simple home designs that utilize used waste
materials such as used tires, used bottles, new or old sink boards, and used zinc. Furthermore,
the design of the rolling house is divided into three types based on its activity: the large type,
or type A, for the fixed rollers, and the small type, or type B, for the non-stable rollers.
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Copyright holders:
Burhanuddin, Luthfiah, Hariyadi Salenda, Nazirah Amalia (2024)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0