Dina Gasong, Normalia Sirande
Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja., Indonesia
Learning that prioritizes freedom of expression, smart in socializing, and virtuous becomes the principle
of independent Learning Program. This principle has been introduced by Paulo Freire, which is also in
line with the principles of Constructivism. The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness
of the implementation of the independent Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program for UKI
Toraja students. The research method applied is a qualitative approach, with data collection techniques
through open questionnaires to students. The implementation phase of the research started from the
registration of MBKM programming students, followed by sending an open questionnaire to interns at
the South Sulawesi Language Center by applying the principle of Independent Learning according to a
constructivist approach. The second stage is to classify the results of the questionnaire from students,
then discuss the results of the questionnaire, by linking the results of the questionnaire with the
constructivist approach, and Paulo Freire's theory. To determine the validity of the data, triangulation
was carried out to students regarding the results of the questionnaire. This research was conducted in
the even semester of 2021/2022, for UKI Toraja students in 2019. The results showed that the
Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) was effective in developing creativity, independence, and
social interaction. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended for further researchers to
examine aspects of personal communication in the implementation of the Independent Learning
Campus (MBKM) program.
Keywords: Independent Learning Program, Constructivism, Teori Paulo Freire
Fun learning is a dream for every student. Learning while playing, or learning while
traveling, or learning while making friends with many people, is learning that demands
independence or freedom (Yamin & Syahrir, 2020). Learning does not have to be in a room
that limits space for movement, but studying under a tree, or learning to enjoy a tourist trip is
a recommended condition in independent learning (Hendri, 2020).
Freedom to learn adheres to the principle that learning can happen anywhere, and
anytime. The principle of independent learning, namely how to master data literacy,
technological literacy, and human literature (Sholihah, 2021). These learning needs demand a
change from uniform learning to learning diversity. Creative learning, and independent
learning are very important roles in the independent learning program. Not confined to
confined classrooms. Paulo Freire decades ago had suggested this (Mustaghfiroh, 2020). For
Freire education was a permanent path of freedom. Learn by......, not learn to........ Freire's
concept is in line with the concept of Constructivism which adheres to the idea of learning how
to learn, learning to do. Knowledge is constructed by the learner himself. Likewise, the
principle of freedom of learning is strongly based on Friere's opinion.
The independent learning program has been implemented in several campuses in
Indonesia, but how the independent learning program is currently implemented for students,
became the basis for this research (Sudaryanto, Widayati, & Amalia, 2020). Therefore, this
study focuses on the application of the MBKM program to UKI Toraja students. The results of
this study are useful in providing information for the campus regarding the implementation of
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 3, March 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Theori Freire Program
the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program. In addition, it becomes information for
subsequent researchers as reference material (Yamin & Syahrir, 2020).
Free Learning Education is a response to the needs of the education system in the era of
the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (Lase, 2019). Furthermore, it is said that the main needs to be
achieved in the education system in the industrial era 4.0 are mastery of data literacy,
technological literacy, and human literacy.
Teachers and students have not felt enough autonomy to determine the direction of their
learning and teaching policies because they are still regulated by regulations that make plans,
implementation processes, and evaluations carried out seem limited and binding. Hendri,
(2020)based on the principle of Free Learning which is relevant to Constructivistic learning
theory. Proram Merdeka Belajar (Outing Class) makes students comfortable, which not only
provides explanations from lecturers or teachers but rather shapes the character of students,
including daring to argue, independent, smart in getting along, polite, competent in their fields,
and virtuous in society (Febriana, 2021; Ibrahim, Cut, & Marwan, 2021). The teaching system
outside the classroom is an alternative to learning with the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka
(MBKM) program.
Tabel 1 Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)
Program MBKM
Infrontden studies
There are several benefits of participating in the Independent Campus Program, including
the following: (1) practical activities in the field will be converted into credits; (2) Exploration
of knowledge and abilities in the field for more than one semester (3) Learning and expanding
networks outside the study program or home campus; (4) Gain knowledge directly from
qualified and reputable partners.
Table 2 Policies Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)
Program MBKM
Opening of new Study Program
Accreditation System PT
Convenience of being PTN-BH
Right to Study 3 semesters outside the study program
The purpose of studying 3 semesters outside the study program is to improve the
competence of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be more prepared and relevant to
the needs of the times, preparing graduates as future leaders of the nation who are superior and
have personality. Experiential learning programs with flexible pathways are expected to
facilitate students to develop their potential in accordance with their passions and talents.
The school of progressivism emphasizes the importance of the basics of independence
and freedom to learners (Little, 2013). Students are given the freedom to develop talents and
abilities that are hidden in themselves without being hampered by formal rules that sometimes
shackle their creativity and thinking power to be better. In the context of education in Indonesia,
the concept of "freedom of learning" launched by the new Minister of Education and Culture
of the Republic of Indonesia is considered a big policy to make education in Indonesia better
and more advanced. In addition, the concept of "freedom of learning" has the same direction
and goals as the concept of John Dewey's school of progressivism educational philosophy
(Mustaghfiroh, 2020).
The teaching system in Indonesia was originally nuanced in the classroom, changed to
outside the classroom. The teaching system outside the classroom is more convenient, because
students can discuss with the teacher more broadly (Ramadania & Aswadi, 2020). Learning
with outing class, is learning that not only listens to the teacher's explanation, but rather forms
the character of students who are brave, independent, smart in getting along,civilized, polite,
Implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Theori Freire Program
competent, and not only relying on the ranking system (ranking) which according to some
surveys onlydisturbs children and parents, because actually every child has talent and
intelligencehis in their respective fields. Later, students who are ready to work and competent,
and virtuous in the community will be formed.
Constructivism is a school of philosophy of knowledge that emphasizes that knowledge
is the result of our own construction. Knowledge cannot simply be transferred from a lecturer
to a student. It is the students themselves who must interpret what has been received from the
lecturer by adjusting to their experiences or constructions that they have built or had before.
Many students misconception shows that knowledge cannot simply be transferred, but must be
constructed or at least interpreted and transformed by students themselves. This constructivist
philosophy is the foundation for many learning strategies, such as student-centered learning,
replacing traditional learning strategies known as teacher-centered learning. Constructivism
holds the principle that knowledge is formed or constructed themselves by learners, after
acquiring a certain amount of experience stored into accommodation, assimilation, and
aquilibrium proposed by Jean Piaget. In addition, it is argued that the determinant of learning
success is freedom. The learner is a subject who must be able to use the freedom to exercise
self-regulation in learning. Control of learning is held by the learner. Only in the realm of
freedom can the learner express a meaning different from the result of his interpretation of
everything that exists in the real world.
According to this theory, science is built in an individual through a continuous process
of interaction with the environment. This process does not run intermittently, fragmentarily,
but through a flowing, continuous process thoroughly. Like someone who plays music, this
person does not understand the block notes displayed on the sheet music as information that is
independent of each other, but as a whole that fully enters his thoughts and feelings. As you
read this, it is not fragmentary alphabets that you absorb and chew in your mind, but words,
sentences, paragraphs that all seem to be one.
Learning from several learning theories as follows:
a. Educators' efforts to shape the desired behavior by providing an environment, so that there
is a stimulus (environment) relationship with student behavior.
b. The way educators provide opportunities for students to think in order to understand what
is learned
c. Provide freedom to students to choose learning materials and how to learn them according
to their interests and abilities.
Learning is oriented to how students behave, giving the meaning that learning is a
collection of individual processes, which change from the stimulus of one's environment to the
state of a certain amount of information, which in turn causes learning outcomes in the form of
long-term memory. So, it can be concluded that the learning process is a communication
process between educators and students, or between students. In the process of communication,
it can be verbal (oral), and can also be nonverbal, such as the use of media in learning.
Four Pillars of Education
Danim (2011: 188) explained that UNESCO has outlined four main pillars of education,
namely learning to know, as the foundation of science, learning to do , learning to be, and
learning to live together (learn to live together, live in partnership, and at the same time
competent, coexist and friendly between nations)
The research method applied is a qualitative descriptive approach. A research method
based on the philosophy of post positivism, which is carried out on natural object conditions
(Sugiyono, 2017). Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe, describe, explain, explain
Implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Theori Freire Program
and answer in more detail the problem to be studied by studying as much as possible an
individual, a group or an event. In qualitative research, humans are research instruments and
the results of writing are in the form of words or statements that are in accordance with the
actual situation. The research was carried out at UKI Toraja on students participating in the
Even Semester 2021/2022 internship. The data collection technique is to distribute open
questionnaires to students. Qualitative research can use questionnaires, in the form of open
statements, which are answered according to respondents' opinions (Hennink, Hutter, & Bailey,
2020). Data analysis techniques are carried out inductively / qualitatively by identifying data,
and grouping it based on the principle of independent learning. To find out the validity of the
data, triangulation was carried out to students regarding the results of the questionnaire.
Triangulation is done when there is an answer or writing that is not clear. There are 3 questions
outlined in the open questionnaire related to the Merdeka Belajar Program, namely the
development of creative abilities, the development of independence abilities, and the
development of social interaction skills.
Based on the results of questionnaires from students, several aspects related to capacity
development in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program can be discussed.
There are three components that can be discussed from the results of the questionnaire, namely
(1) developing creativity; (2) develop the ability to be self-reliant; (3) develop social interaction
skills. The three aspects are discussed one by one below. develop social interaction skills. The
three aspects are discussed one by one below.
Developing Creativity skills
During our time participating in MBKM at Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan we felt more
creative and more confident in developing opinions. Participating in the MBKM program at
Balai Bahasa Makassar really develops creativity to always look for new capacity building
because in internships we often learn about new things such as annotating a book and then
recording and entering into a special application for the Balai Bahasa library. The MBKM
program at Balai Bahasa Makassar we can develop creativity in terms of finding new things
such as how to become a quality student and think logically. The MBKM internship program
at Balai Bahasa Makassar, we feel more creative in thinking or giving opinions because during
our MBKM at the language hall we often talk with language researchers, and we often follow
or are involved in research at the language hall office (Asrif, 2019).
There are two things that make students creative in participating in the Merdeka Belajar
Kampus merdeka program, namely first, students often chat with staff at the Makassar
Language Hall office. The second is the creative ability of students who take part in the
Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program, namely students directly working or being
involved in research. Students become creative because they often talk with office staff. In
addition, students are also directly involved in conducting language research. This is in line
with Sastromiharjo's opinion that establishing communication in conversation can make
conversation participants creative or innovate. Creativity can also increase due to observing
what is happening around you, because all the senses are used to all the senses that exist. By
doing work directly, a person can understand, and can do work creatively. This is in line with
Constructivistic theory, which is so that a person can compile new knowledge when directly
involved in doing an activity or work (Nurhidayati, 2017). Acting or learning to practice
Implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Theori Freire Program
something, makes a person think to be able to solve well. That's when creative thinking is
needed. Because without creativity a job is completed in a very long time. So, effective learning
is not enough to memorize theory, but more importantly to directly do and complete a job. In
addition, creativity can grow through conversations that focus on a theme. Discussing becomes
an effective method to increase one's creativity. According to Constructivist theory,
cooperative and collaborative learning become one learning method so that a person can
construct his own knowledge (Suparlan, 2019). Through the Merdeka Belajar Kampus
Merdeka Program, students' collaboration skills can be grown by talking and communicating
a lot with staff at the Makassar Language Hall Office. Students are also directly involved in
conducting language research and compiling it in a library application.
Cultivating independence
The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program can develop the ability of student
independence. This is supported by the following student statements.
"During our time participating in MBKM at Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan we felt more
independent, marked by our ability to do things by ourselves and feel more responsible for each
other's duties. In the MBKM program at Balai Bahasa Makassar, it really makes us dare to be
independent, because learning far from our hometown as we feel today is very much a test in
itself, which makes us able to instill a way of discipline and independence that is far from our
place of origin and parents. Really this is a way for us to discipline ourselves going forward
before entering the workforce later. With this program, we are required not to depend on others
both in terms of life needs and in any needs, because some things for example in the needs of
life we are required to be independent because we are far from our parents, we must be able to
manage all my needs so that they can be met. Likewise, when there is a task from the office, I
try to complete it well without having to trouble others. With MBKM activities, I am more
mature in thinking, not depending on others and dare to make my own decisions. Doing MBKM
in the language hall we feel independence arises, because when we are in the office we have
their respective duties in terms of helping office staff in terms of collecting books, making
schedules for the departure of researchers. The language hall employees always involve us in
office work, both outside the office and inside the office.
Independence is created because students are far from their home regions. They must be
good at managing time and needs so that all can be met. In addition, they are responsible for
the assigned tasks. In line with constructivistic theory that students construct or form their own
knowledge after experiencing various conditions and information.
Self-reliance is proven by the ability to complete one's own work. They are responsible
for completing the assigned tasks. Be more courageous to make your own decisions by
accepting the consequences. Have their own tasks that must be completed by themselves,
without having to burden others develop the ability of independence;
Develop social interaction
The MBKM program develops social interaction skills. This can be interpreted from the
results of questionnaires from students. As stated in the following sentences. "In participating
in the MBKM program at Balai Bahasa Sulawesi Selatan, I feel that I have been able to be
confident in interacting with people in the office and outside the office. We can interact socially
Implementation of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka Theori Freire Program
well with all office people and people outside the office at MBKM in Balai Bahasa Makassar.
Here we find people who are like teachers to ourselves, who every time we find someone they
can teach us about something we have just gained now. They were also very enthusiastic in
directing and giving us new teaching.
With this MBKM activity, I can interact with people in the office who provide education
about the world of work and discuss with people around the office. I can interact directly well
with employees and the community around the office, based on the office teaching hospitality
to us students who are interns to interact directly with the staff if they want to ask something
or do not understand in carrying out tasks, besides that the researchers themselves offer
themselves as mentors in our research students if we need it. The ability to interact socially is
experienced by students who take part in the MBKM program at Balai Bahasa because they
are accepted like their own children. Tsaf in the office is very eager to direct and provide new
learning. The staffs treated them very cordially. Even the office staff offered themselves to be
mentors. We also as interns are polite to the staff. So for social interaction to occur well, then
because the staff is very friendly to us." This condition is in line with Constructivist theory,
especially Ausebel's meaningful learning humanizing humans
Based on the results and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that the MBKM
internship program can foster first the ability of student creativity, second the ability of student
independence, and third the ability to interact socially. Therefore, it is recommended to
continue the internship program for students, and for further researchers are expected to
examine the motivational aspects of MBKM.
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Copyright holders:
Dina Gasong, Normalia Sirande (2024)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0