Sri Widowati, Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, Ida Bagus Suryawan
Universitas Udayana, Bali, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], bal[email protected]m,
Tourism is an important part in supporting the development of social, economic, cultural, and even regional
political life. Ijen Crater is listed as the largest crater in the world and one of the tourism industries in Banyuwangi
City with high tourism potential in the East Java region, Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to find the right
formula to develop ijen crater tourism and maintain nature conservation. The research method uses the AHP
(Analytic Hierarchy Process) approach. The results of the analysis obtained that cooperation strategies with
stakeholders 0.37%, community empowerment strategies 0.315%, regulatory improvement strategies 0.186% and
management management strategies 0.129%. Stakeholder cooperation is an important priority because it is useful
to be able to create relationships by building good communication in running the wheels of the ecotourism
industry. This study can ultimately be useful for mapping strategies in developing ecotourism in Ijen Crater,
Tamansari Village, Banyuwangi, Indonesia.
: Eco-tourism; Ijen Crater; Banyuwangi
Ijen Crater nature tourism is one of the nature conservation areas and is an active basaltic-
andesitic composite volcano located within the Ijen caldera in the eastern region of Java Island,
Indonesia (Scher et al., 2013; Spica et al., 2015). Preservation is sought by the installation of
9 permanent seismometers around the crater, making it the most monitored volcano in
Indonesia (Spica et al., 2015). This is done to read the signals generated and prevent the
eruption of Ijen Crater which is harmful to the surrounding environment (Berlo et al., 2014).
Ijen Crater is recorded as the largest crater in the world, the color of the turquoise crater with a
very wide depth of 200 m is a tourist attraction (Zen & Wulandari, 2016). Ijen Crater has
become a tourist destination that has been built by the Banyuwangi Regency government with
the concept of ecotourism (ecotourism) to boost the regional tourism industry sector (Rahayu
et al., 2017). In addition, ecotourism in Banyuwangi has great potential because of the
geographical conditions adjacent to Bali, so tourists have the opportunity to stop at Ijen Crater.
Ijen Crater Tourism Park is one of the tourism industries in Banyuwangi City with high
tourism potential in the East Java region. This is based on the increase in Banyuwangi tourist
visits which have continued to increase significantly since 2013. Banyuwangi tourism in 2013
has been visited with a total of 1,068,414 visitors consisting of 1,057,952 domestic visitors and
10,462 foreign visitors. Meanwhile, in 2019, total visitors increased by a total of 5,408,676
consisting of 5,307,054 domestic visitors and 101,622 foreign visitors, in other words there
was an increase of 80.2% or 4,340,262 visitors over the last six years (Banyuwangi Regency
Government, 2020).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
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Ecotourism of Ijen Crater has been able to increase the activity of the Banyuwangi
tourism industry since 2011 (Fitroh et al., 2017). This significant development occurred
because the pattern of ecotourism became one of the fastest growing things in the tourism
industry around the world (Jaafar & Maideen, 2012). Globalization encourages regional
ecotourism to become more advanced and develop rapidly (Cheng et al., 2017; Wen & Ximing,
2008) Technological advances that cultivate in the community facilitate global access in
connecting the ecotourism sector with visitors (Edwards et al., 2017; Shu & Scott, 2014)
Ecotourism development in supporting the regional tourism industry requires appropriate steps
to prioritize objects based on AHP or Analytic Hierarchy Process (Abdel-Basset et al., 2017;
Mu et al., 2017)
Studies on the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process approach have been carried out,
such as the work of Tian, Peng, Zhang, Zhang, & Wang,(2020) which states that the use of
AHP and Picture Fuzzy Promethee II Methods has been able to design the tourism environment
in detail. The work of Kim et al., (2017) states that there are differences in views based on
core competencies between tourism practitioners and academics who have studied the tourism
industry through the AHP approach. In addition, Wang et al., (2022) examined the efficiency
of tourism management using the AHP model approach and Gray Theory Analysis. It's just
that of the many studies on AHP, there has been no study that discusses specifically about AHP
to develop community-based regional ecotourism, and is a novelty in this study. The purpose
of this study is to find the right formula to develop ijen crater tourism and maintain nature
The research approach uses AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Analytic Hierarchy
Process in a broad perspective, becomes an in-depth study that is able to examine the priorities
of tourism development strategies, to be able to find the right formulation through evaluative
stages so that the data obtained is in the form of scientific and practical data (Su et al., 2017).
In this case, the people of Tamansari Village, Banyuwangi have a big share as a community
that moves the wheels of industry so that mature steps are needed in taking the priority scale
of the Ijen Crater ecotourism development strategy.
Priorities become important as meeting regional needs and even increasing the country's
foreign exchange (Goeldner & Ritchie, 2006). This research data was obtained through focus
group discussions. There are 9 community representatives in the FGD representatives, namely
community leaders, ulama leaders, heads of local MSMEs, heads of tamansari villages, tourism
offices, Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA), heads of groups of tourism-aware
community organizations, academics, banks (Bank Negara Indonesia). The FGD was
conducted in January 2020. People elected to the FGD are those who have positions, have
experience in their respective fields and have influence on their regions
The results of this study were obtained through a group discussion forum with nine
experts who are figures from Tamansari Village. These nine figures were taken based on their
respective roles in driving the Ijen Crater ecotourism system, including community figures,
religious figures, heads of Village MSMEs, Tamansari Village Heads, Tourism Offices,
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BKSDA, Heads of Tourism Awareness Groups, Academics from the Banyuwangi State
Polytechnic, and Bank Employees. The nine experts were then given the opportunity to
exchange opinions in finding formulations in the development of Ijen Crater ecotourism. The
following is the data on the results of the FGD that has been carried out.
The nine exspert agreed that the community-based ecotourism development strategy of
Tamansari Village based on the results of data processing from the analysis of AHP (Analytical
Hierarchy Processes) was implemented based on 5 (five) criteria and 4 (four) alternatives. The
five criteria are (1) Geography, (2) Social and Culture, (3) Infrastructure, (4) Attraction, and
(5) Economy, while the four alternatives are (1) Stakeholder cooperation strategy, (2)
Management management strategy, (3) Regulatory improvement strategy, and (4) Community
empowerment strategy. In the preparation of AHP, there are important points discussed in the
FGD, including the following:
Attractiveness is the top priority where it is in line with what was stated by the head of
MSMEs in Tamansari Village
"Banyuwangi can be organized in mapping city governance both in the fields of culinary,
souvenirs and so on to create attractiveness so that if it is crowded, the economic level of
the surrounding community will be better than before, MSMEs also need to play a role
so that there is a connection between entrepreneurs and the government in developing
Ahmad Sidik as Chairman of MSMEs in Tamansari Village revealed that attractiveness is a
priority so efforts are needed to increase attractiveness such as improving city governance to
improve the performance of ecotourism development through visitor attraction. One of the
strategies in developing the ecotourism sector can also be through stakeholder cooperation This
was also affirmed by the Head of Tamansari Village:
"I will try to make example spots first for the community, I also plan to make policies
and governance that are in accordance with the indigenous people of the village".
According to Riza (Head of Tamansari Village), making interesting spots needs to be
created, especially to increase the attractiveness of local people to enliven and visit ecotourism
objects. Efforts to increase visitor attraction can be done with local marketing or local
marketing to the surrounding community in order to have an impressive impact on the
attraction to the wider community further. Efforts to increase attractiveness through the
development of the tourism sector by creating unique and attractive spots have a positive
impact on the existing ecotourism industry sector (Shimada, et al., 2014; Proyrungroj, 2020),
especially for Ijen Crater Ecotourism.
Infrastructure development in attracting local communities helps disseminate
information about the ecotourism industry of Ijen Crater
"Adequate infrastructure development while making beautiful spots and entertaining
spots need to be built to support so that they can invite people to come and travel".
The opinion expressed by Riza as the Head of Tamansari Village is an idea needed to
meet one of the criteria that support AHP such as adequate infrastructure development. The
development will not only affect the form of tourism, but also on improving the standard of
living and benefit of the surrounding community.
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"Efforts to raise this sector can encourage the socio-cultural life of the community which
is also useful for the benefit of the community in general, as well as the economic
standard of living of the surrounding community
According to Sanusi (community leader of Tamansari Village), the social and cultural
conditions of the community will certainly be a consideration in the process of developing Ijen
Crater ecotourism where it will become a magnet for visitors. The uniqueness of tradition and
productive community conditions can also encourage the realization of ecotourism
development. This is also reinforced by the opinion of Hambali as a scholar figure of Tamansari
Village who explained that symptoms in the community will become new characteristics that
will be able to become tourist attractions, and if Ijen Crater ecotourism becomes a tourist sector
that is crowded with visitors can be realized, then the standard of living of the community will
Furthermore, in preparing for progress in the field of ecotourism, financial fundaments
are also needed that can support the sustainability of the tourism industry. As stated by Putri
Indah Lestari (Bank BNI):
"The economic sector is needed to support the sustainability of the industry, therefore as
a working relation, Bank BNI provides convenience with loans with low interest rates to
the people of Tamasari Village, one of which can be useful for the development of
MSME businesses".
The financial foundation from an economic point of view can be useful to support the
running of the Ijen Crater ecotourism industry, where the people of Tamansari Village can
freely develop their competence and role in building MSMEs to jointly develop Ijen Crater
"I suggest that security facilities and other facilities (infrastructure) in tour guide
providers, service and beverage providers and souvenir service providers need to be held
as often as possible socialization or coaching".
Siti Masruroh as an observer and academician of the Banyuwangi State Polytechnic said
that the construction and procurement of supporting facilities was deemed necessary. The
procurement of security facilities needs to be improved where there are security standards that
need to be applied so as to provide comfort for visitors. Then the need to provide services in
building productive resources as well as in producing souvenirs, so that socialization and
guidance are needed for the people of Tamansari Village
Results of the Analytic Hierarchy Process
The hierarchical structure of development strategy priorities can be seen in the following
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Figure 1. Priority Hierarchy Structure of Development Strategy Priorities
The results of the AHP analysis from experts show that the 'Attractiveness' criterion is a
priority criterion to be developed with a Consistency Ratio (CR) = 0.02 (CR < 0.1). The CR
value in this analysis is qualified, so it can be concluded that the priority of choice given by
experts is consistent and worthy of being used as a reference.
Thus, improving the quality of infrastructure of main and secondary tourist attractions in
the Banyuwangi tamansari area that considers social and cultural elements in accordance with
the geography in the Banyuwangi tamansari area needs to be improved. With the improvement
of infrastructure quality, it is expected to increase tourist visits which has implications for
improving the economy of the people of Banyuwangi. The priority of development criteria can
be seen in the figure below.
AHP results based on geography criteria
The priority of development strategy based on geographical criteria shows that
'Stakeholder Cooperation Strategy' is a development strategy priority with Consistency Ratio
(CR) = 0.0001 (CR < 0.1). This shows that preference comparisons are consistent. The results
of AHP analysis based on geographical criteria can be seen in the figure below:
Figure 2. Development Strategy Priorities Based on Geographical Criteria
AHP results based on social &; cultural criteria
The priority of development strategy based on social & cultural criteria shows that
'Stakeholder Cooperation Strategy' is a development strategy priority with Consistency Ratio
(CR) = 0.009 (CR < 0.1). This shows that preference comparisons are consistent. The results
of AHP analysis based on social &; cultural criteria can be seen in Figure below
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Figure 3. Development Strategy Priorities Based on Social &; Cultural Criteria
AHP results based on infrastructure criteria
The priority of development strategy based on infrastructure criteria shows that
'Community Empowerment Strategy' is a priority development strategy with Consistency Ratio
(CR) = 0.004 (CR < 0.1). This shows that preference comparisons are consistent. The results
of the AHP analysis based on infrastructure criteria can be seen in the figure below.
Figure 4. Development Strategy Priorities Based on Infrastructure Criteria
AHP results based on attractiveness criteria
The priority of the development strategy based on the attractiveness criterion shows that
the 'Stakeholder Cooperation Strategy' is a development strategy priority with a Consistency
Ratio (CR) = 0.007 (CR < 0.1). This shows that preference comparisons are consistent. The
results of AHP analysis based on attractiveness criteria can be seen in Figure below
Figure 5. Development Strategy Priorities Based on Attractiveness Criteria
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45
Strategi Kerjasama Stakeholders
Strategi Manajemen Pengelolaan
Strategi Peningkatan Regulasi
Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
CR = 0,009
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4
Strategi Kerjasama Stakeholders
Strategi Manajemen Pengelolaan
Strategi Peningkatan Regulasi
Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
CR = 0,004
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AHP results based on economic criteria
The priority of development strategy based on economic criteria shows that the
'Stakeholder Cooperation Strategy' is a development strategy priority with a Consistency Ratio
(CR) = 0.01 (CR < 0.1). This shows that preference comparisons are consistent. The results of
AHP analysis based on economic criteria can be seen in Figure below
Figure 6. Development Strategy Priorities Based on Economic Criteria
AHP results based on all criteria
The priority of the development strategy based on all criteria shows that the 'Stakeholder
Cooperation Strategy' is a development strategy priority with a Consistency Ratio (CR) = 0.01
(CR < 0.1). This shows that preference comparisons are consistent. The results of AHP analysis
based on all criteria can be seen in Figure below
Figure 7. Development Strategy Priorities Based on All Criteria
The results of the AHP analysis based on all criteria in the priority development strategy
have been consistent. The comparison of preferences has been consistent and the selection of
experts as respondents has been correct. The main purpose of the AHP analysis is to have a
functional hierarchy with the main input of human perception, the selection of experts is proven
to have the ability to understand the situation faced by the tourism industry in Banyuwangi, the
experts also have a comprehensive understanding in comparative assessments related to the
development strategy of Tamansari Village Banyuwangi.
The Ijen Crater Ecotourism development strategy triggers cooperation with stakeholders
as the first priority. In this case, stakeholders are divided into three groups, namely primary
stakeholders, key stakeholders and secondary or supporting stakeholders, each of which plays
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4
Strategi Kerjasama Stakeholders
Strategi Manajemen Pengelolaan
Strategi Peningkatan Regulasi
Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
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a role in the development of the ecotourism sector. The role of stakeholders can be in the form
of policy determinants, facilitators, coordinators, implementers, facilitators, and accelerators
(Nugroho, 2014). As for the reality on the ground, what is meant in this study stakeholders
include the government as implementers or policy determinants, the community as
implementers of development and development, the private sector and mass media who play a
supporting role.
Cooperation of stakeholders is an important part of the ecotourism development strategy
of Ijen Crater. Cooperation of stakeholders such as local governments encourages the
acceleration of the development of the tourism industry through relationships that give birth to
policies to support the ecotourism development system (Koens, et al., 2018; Kuščer &; Mihalič,
2019). The need to build a relationship, stakeholder cooperation that can have a significant
impact on the establishment of connectivity to achieve goals (Miočić, et al., 2016), and be able
to create relationships by building good communication in running the wheels of the
ecotourism industry (Gyrd-Jones &; Kornum, 2013).
Stakeholder cooperation is a priority for community-based ecotourism development
strategy in Tamansari Banyuwangi Village, while the other three development strategies can
be used as supporting strategies in the development of Tamansari Banyuwangi Village,
Although it is a supporting strategy, empowerment is the second priority, this is very
appropriate for community-based ecotourism development.
The high expectations of domestic and international tourists to be able to enjoy the beauty
of Ijen Crater Natural Tourism with the beauty of its blue fire certainly requires greater
stakeholder support to offer a grand design and appropriate and sustainable policies. However,
before entering the policy level, the existing condition of Ecotourism will be conveyed with
several criteria, namely to improve the economy of the people of Tamansari Village, the need
for the development of tourist attractions, pay attention to the socio-culture of the local
community, improve infrastructure and geographical conditions of Tamansari Village.
Ecotourism development also needs to consider community empowerment in playing its
role as actors and drivers of tourism. Community independence in driving their own tourism in
their area, making ideas, and striving to continue to preserve tourism potential that has been
going on is a form of empowering rural communities. Community empowerment can be
realized through active community participation facilitated by empowering actors and self-
motivation from the community itself. The people of Tamansari Village also need to be instilled
in self-awareness of the importance of improving their quality in order to maintain the quality
performance of the Ijen Crater tourism ecosystem.
The community-based ecotourism development plan in Tamansari Village by utilizing
the Ijen Crater Nature Park has great potential to be developed further into the main tourism
destination in Banyuwangi Regency, of course, requires thought and support from
stakeholders. Tourism development of ijen crater must involve all elements involved. Be it the
community, business actors, tourism offices, village governments, security forces. The more
parties who work together to build tourism, the easier it is to achieve the goal of making ijen
crater tourism the prima donna of tourists. Stakeholder cooperation ultimately becomes the first
and foremost priority because each stakeholder still plays their respective roles and if done
with good cooperation and consolidation, it will further encourage the development of Ijen
Crater Park Ecotourism. The limitations of this research data are based on the results of the
FGD. Results of research data processed from experts. In the future it may be conducted
research with larger respondents who are in the field. Whether it's tourists or MSME actors.
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Copyright holders:
Sri Widowati, Agung Suryawan Wiranatha, Ida Bagus Suryawan (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0