Tri Wahyu Ariningsih
Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Linguistics' field of pronunciation studies how words are pronounced and their intended meanings, arrangement,
and classification of sounds as linguistic components. Then pronunciation is often associated in the pronunciation
of a poem. It started with an oral tradition because previously poetry was made to be performed. Focusing on the
phonemic inventory of poetry, several studies have found a non-arbitrary relationship between the frequency of
occurrence of certain phoneme classes and the "emotional meaning", or emotional connotation of certain
phonemes and their influence on the perception of the emotional tone of poetry. This research is classified as a
collective enterprise and non-experimental descriptive research. PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) was used in this study to collect data as part of the Systematic Literature
Review (SLR). There were 113 data collected from various accredited and Scopus indexed sources such as
Elsevier were mobilized to search the data. There are several papers that eliminated by problem topic, publication
criteria, and the main outcome, namely the relationship between poetry and pronunciation in writing, 1 journal
left. The main key keyword is also obtained, namely "additional language-learner". Then to determine the
influence of poetic style on pronunciation, the author identified it through the use of rhyme and rhythm as well
as physical engagement, this technology was able to capture "micro-moments" of peer-to-peer learning,
illustrating how these techniques might be used to successfully engage students whose first language was not
being used in the classroom.
: poetic style; additional language learner; SLR; PRISMA; PICOS.
People who speak the same language are sometimes seen using different diction to allude
to the same meaning in everyday discourse. Not only do they have different dictions, but they
also have different pronunciations of the same word. This shows that there are various dialects
of the language. Dialectology studies this difference. A subfield of linguistics called
dialectology investigates dialect by examining it from various angles such as the lips, tongue,
teeth, even the lungs and pharynx which is sometimes referred to as pronunciations (Silver &
Lwin, 2013). This field is discussed in dialectology (Nilufar, 2022).
Dialects contain a linguistic component that gives each regional language a unique flavor.
The diversity of these dialects is part of the diversity of languages (McGregor, 2015). Dialects
are just one of the linguistic variants that distinguish people from other communities with their
vocabulary, syntax and pronunciation. Thus, one of the origins of diversity within a dialect is
variation in pronunciation, which can be further divided into pronunciation and phonemic
differences (Crystal, 2016). This diversity has its own characteristics after its own. Within
pronunciation variance, there are pronunciation guidelines or pronunciation processes.
Pronunciation is the study of the sound system of language. To carry out a pronunciation
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review
link jurnal 391
analysis of poetry, we need to know the sound system of language and the common sound
devices used in poetry (Rezeki, 2018). Topics of poetic devices related to sound include
arrangements of repeated consonants or vowels, or especially as fluid or harsh, light or dark,
internal pauses, rhyme, and rhythm. English spelling differs from the spelling of other
languages in the way it is pronounced (Parrino, 2013). One must be aware of the stress patterns
and pronunciation of certain words. Our ability to understand additional literary devices such
as alliteration, consonance, assonance, dissonance, euphony and onomatopoeia is enhanced by
our understanding of segmental phonemes (Lewis & Deterding, 2018). Understanding syllables
allows us to recognize rhyme and rhythm. We can understand the meter and its variance when
we are aware of stress and other suprasegmental properties. Finally, having knowledge of
pronunciation enables one to hear sounds.
Then pronunciation is often associated in the pronunciation of a poem. It started with an
oral tradition because previously poetry was made to be performed. As a result, sound pattern
is an inherent aspect of poetry. They still occur today in many communities with lower literacy
rates. Poems are written even if they are meant to be spoken. These days, readers are used to
reading printed texts silently (Gunantar, Rosaria, & Ellyawati, 2020). Written language, when
tried to be perceived, reaches the brain as sound, whether it is read aloud or quietly. Poetic
sound devices-also known as musical instrumentsare what distinguish poetry as a unique art
form. Elements of craft poetry related to sound equipment are called craft. They enhance the
sound of beautiful poetry.
Focusing on the phonemic inventory of poetry, several studies have found a non-arbitrary
relationship between the frequency of occurrence of certain phoneme classes and the
"emotional meaning", or emotional connotation of certain phonemes and their influence on the
perception of the emotional tone of poetry. The influence of phonemes and emotional meanings
on the beautiful sound of poetry is studied with various themes, the absence of special grouping
on pronunciation influences on poetry is the main topic of this research. This research is
classified as a collective enterprise; pronunciation influences to the poetry were the topic that
this research doing. Pronunciations to the poetry were interact in multiple ways. Pronunciation
structure is realized through pronunciation mechanisms, generally referred to as pronunciation
implementation, though researchers disagree about whether implementation should be viewed
as a procedural, directional relationship.
Non-experimental descriptive research is the method used. PRISMA (Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses) was used in this study to collect
data as part of the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) (van Dinter, Tekinerdogan, & Catal,
2021). Data was collected using random purposive sample by following PICOS’s rule. The
systematic approach of reviewing, analyzing, and summarizing findings from related studies is
known as a systematic literature review. The PRISMA technique is a set of minimum
requirements for reporting in evidence-based systematic reviews and meta-analyses. This
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review 392
approach is intended to provide transparent, systematic review reporting of the reasons for the
review and the actions and findings of the authors.
Sort Data
Data must meet a number of inclusion criteria defined according to an article search
strategy utilizing the PICOS framework (Carmitha, Imroatul, & Fatin Lailatul, 2022). These
criteria are as follows (Tan, Cheor, Yeo, & Leow, 2022):
a. P (Population/Problem): It stands for the population or problem we are going to study based
on the specific literature review topic we have chosen.
b. I (Intervensi): In particular, pronunciations have been applied to a group of people or
problems that we have selected as the subject of our literature review.
c. C (Comparative/Control): in the form of alternative interventions as a comparison to the
intervention we choose as the main issue. Selected studies can be used even if there is no
control group.
d. O (Hasil): In particular, the results from previous studies that have been conducted
according to the subjects covered in the literature review.
e. S (Study Design): This refers to the research methodology that will be applied in the article
being discussed.
Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
Writing that contains the
influence of the poetic
style on pronunciation as
increase pronunciation.
The writing does not
contain the influence of
the poetic style on
Major influences on
Influence other than
The main influence with
the poetic style
There is no influence on
the poetic style
Perception of
pronunciation overlap
types and pronunciation
overlap indices can both
explain differences in
discrimination of non-
native contrasts of the
same assimilation type.
The perception of the
type of pronunciation
overlap and the index of
pronunciation overlap
do not have any effect.
Study Design
Original / research
article and in full text
Articles are in the form
of article reviews and
are not in full text.
Publication Years
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review
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English and Indonesian
Apart from English and
Various accredited and Scopus indexed sources such as Elsevier were mobilized to search
the data. There were 113 data collected. The random purposive sampling method was used
with keywords related to "Journal of Improved Pronunciation such as Pronunciation Through
Poetry". The 113 data contained journals, books, guidebooks, and articles related to the topics
proposed. All of those could be called as the First Step and the Second Step of Systematic
Literature Review.
The stages of the Systematic Literature Review are divided into 4 stages, namely (1)
Planning (designing review questions and planning methods) such as “Increasing
Pronunciation Through Poetry with The Literature Review Method”, (2) Data Collection
(searching for keywords, screening of titles and abstracts, filtering & assessment, data
extraction) and had been done by using keyword close to the review question and planning
methods, (3) Analysis Stage (descriptive and thematic analysis) in this section author try to
understand several literature that had pass the screening by PICOS and Prisma, then ends with
(4) Synthesis (discussion) (Nur & Uyun, 2020). By synthesizing research results through a
systematic review approach and presenting them in the form of actionable messages (policy
briefs and policy papers), the facts are more conclusive, comprehensive and balanced to be
conveyed to stakeholders.
VOSViewer Result Identification
The analysis is then used in the development of VOSViewer. If the first filter is based on
the year of publication, it will be extremely effective. VOSviewer is a program for creating and
visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks can be built using citation, bibliographic
coupling, co-citation, or co-authorship relationships, and can include journals, researchers, or
individual publications. VOSviewer also includes text mining functionality for creating and
visualizing co-occurrence networks of key terms extracted from scientific literature.
Of the 113 data that have been collected, sorting utilizes VOSViewer and its features. A
total of 113 data are displayed with VOSViewer as shown in Figure 1. Furthermore, languages
other than English are sorted (Sesriyani & Sukmawati, 2019). This is indeed in accordance
with the provisions specified at the outset that improving pronunciation in English alone is the
focus of this research. Therefore, Figure 2 shows that there are two journals with discussion of
languages other than English. Language spoken on the results of the analysis are Chinese and
Mandarin. So the two papers were excluded from the criteria (Sheng, Shi, Wang, Hao, &
Zheng, 2020).
In this paper, there is a rule that writing that meets the criteria is writing published after
2012. Therefore, as shown in Figure 3, several papers with publication years before 2012 can
be identified. A bright color indicates that the paper is updated. Dark color indicates that the
paper is behind the publication time. Based on this, as many as 60 papers have been identified
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review 394
as out of the criteria so that the remaining 51 papers. Then the year of publication analysis is
also analyzed on the main points, namely poetry and pronunciation such as pronunciations.
Of the 51 papers that have been sorted by year of publication, the main influence with
the poetic style has caused several papers to be sorted as shown in Figure 4. Based on Figure 4
there are 4 papers sorted. Previously, sorting using English or Indonesian resulted in no paper
being eliminated. However, almost 30% of the papers were eliminated because papers that
meet the criteria must be related to poetry, and that are 15 papers. Based on the calculation
results of the resulting relations on keyword pronunciation such Figure 5, especially
pronunciation, there are 11 papers that have a relationship with predetermined inclusion
criteria. Based on this, there are 4 papers that do not fit into these criteria so that the remaining
11 papers match the criteria according to keyword pronunciation.
Figure 1 Overall Keyword analyzed with VOSViewer
Figure 2 Two languages are discussed besides English
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review
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Figure 3 Sort by year
Figure 4 Sort by core material related to poetry
Then elimination is carried out based on the population that is spread and related to the
topic raised. This is shown as in Figure 6 as (a) Cluster Visualization and (b) Overlay
Visualization. Based on the population, there are 7 topics that match the keywords and have a
relationship with poetry. Thus, eliminated 4 keywords.
Based on the calculation results of the resulting relations on keyword pronunciation such
Figure 5, especially pronunciation, there are 11 papers that have a relationship with
predetermined inclusion criteria. Based on this, there are 4 papers that do not fit into these
criteria so that the remaining 11 papers match the criteria according to keyword pronunciation.
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review 396
Figure 5
Intervention on
(b) Overlay Visualization
Figure 6 Elimination based on related population
Then elimination is carried out based on the population that is spread and related to the
topic raised. This is shown as in Figure 6 as (a) Cluster Visualization and (b) Overlay
Visualization. Based on the population, there are 7 topics that match the keywords and have a
relationship with poetry. Thus, eliminated 4 keywords.
(a) Cluster Visualization
(b) Overlay Visualization
The final stage is shown in Figure 7. In the figure it can be seen that there are several
papers that do not have a final criterion, namely the relationship between poetry and
pronunciation in writing. The main key keyword is also obtained, namely "additional language-
Based on Figure 7, it can be seen that the paper images with these keywords were
published closer to 2020 and might be 2022.
Figure 7 Keywords in the main reference paper
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review
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Figure 8 PRISMA
PRISMA Result Identification
Then the filter is applied in the preparation of PRISMA. PRISMA aware as Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. It will be very effective if the
first filter is done based on the year of publication. Here it has been determined that journals
that can at least pass are journals issued after 2013 or 10 years before 2023 shown in Figure 8.
PRISMA helps authors and researchers create high-quality systematic reviews and meta-
analyses. PRISMA is made up of a checklist that includes guidelines.
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review 398
Then for language, English is always the main topic and Indonesian is chosen due to
mother of tongue reasons shown in Figure 4.1. Continued to the main topic, in this case
Comparation/Control with the main influence is the poetic style.
Continued with major influences on pronunciation. Then the writing that contains the
influence of the poetic style on pronunciation as increase pronunciation inside it. Differences
in discriminate of non-native contrasts of the same assimilation type can be explained by
perception of pronunciation overlap types and pronunciation overlap indices as the outcome.
And finally, it must be original article of full of text information.
Oracy is essential to children's emerging literacy because writing develops from spoken
language; poetry uses rhythm and rhyme to support letter recognition and the learning of
phonemes and morphemes; and embodiment and roleplay offer semiotic support and
opportunities for expressive and receptive communication. Literacy pedagogy that integrates
oracy, poetry, and embodiment can help children develop their language in a variety of ways.
The article presents findings from a phenomenological case study that looked at the effects of
literacy instruction that combined oracy, poetry, and embodiment on three additional sixth-
grade language learners. In a school in Sydney's diverse western district, a series of weekly
reading courses were observed and videotaped.
Then to determine the influence of poetic style on pronunciation, the author identified it
through the use of rhyme and rhythm as well as physical engagement, this technology was able
to capture "micro-moments" of peer-to-peer learning, illustrating how these techniques might
be used to successfully engage students whose first language was not being used in the
classroom. A case study that used a hermeneutic phenomenological method to analyze the data
revealed that embodied poetry excursions involved participants in social and artistic activities
while pushing them to use new languages outside of their comfort zones. It was also shown
that the practice promoted the learning of new words and enhanced comprehension.
The beneficial effects of role-play and mime on the children's experiences of poetry were
a major subject of the study. A strategy that takes advantage of students' physical selves as
centers of knowledge creation and social interaction is exploring poetry via the body. Humans
have been using embodiment for teaching and learning for countless years. It is a recognized
educational strategy for improving content accessibility for a variety of learner populations.
Despite the fact that traditional Western literacy practices still predominate in educational
settings, there is an increasing awareness that they are not the only ways to read and write the
outside world.
Despite the fact that we could improve pronunciation through poetry, frequently we could
read and write in silence on our own, this does not always have to be the case when these
abilities are being taught or practiced. It has been demonstrated that collaborative learning
enhances literacy across a variety of age groups and school settings. In this study, participants
were able to ‘rehearse' their developing identities as English language speakers while feeling
socially connected through group performance (Branum-Martin, Tao, Garnaat, Bunta, &
Francis, 2012).
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review
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Additionally, there were definite advantages to using poetry as a textual jumping off point
for language development. Poetry is a distinct genre, and White, Mammone, and Caldwell
provide evidence that genre-based techniques improve English language learner literacy
outcomes. Poems not only offer a playfulness and freedom that no other text style can match
when it comes to storytelling, but they also play word music and paint word visuals. Grammar
is more frequently a court jester in the domain of poetry, straying outside of acceptable bounds
and making fun of standards. This independence can free pupils who are learning extra
languages from worries about linguistic flaws. Poems can be straightforward yet still have deep
The combination of poetry and theater results in classes that not only offer engaging
platforms for contextualized, interactive language learning but also have the ability to cover
complex philosophical ground in the classroom. Academic aptitude is not a factor in one's
interest in moral conundrums like the one in Hey, Little Ant. These topics hold universal appeal
and provide a fertile debate topic, as shown in the case study videos.
The use of the Systematic Literature Review technique on Prisma has the effect of
filtering papers from 113 to just 1 piece. A paper that has all the criteria needed by the writer
regarding the development of pronunciation through a literature review, in this case including
There are definite connections between oracy, phonemic perception, multimodal
semiotics, and good affect, according to research on the integration of embodiment and poetry
for language learners. For extra language learners, enhanced listening and pronunciation skills
are related to the capacity for rhythm and beat perception. In this study, poetry offered creative
and rich circumstances for the development of these abilities. EAL/D students were able to
boost their knowledge of poetry and gain important social support by including physical
interpretation into their study of it. The integration of physical, rhythmic, and choral
investigation of poetry and songs enhanced students' knowledge of linguistic themes in several
instances, according to in-depth video observations. Additionally, these techniques were found
to promote verbal fluency, positive affect, and socioemotional drive. Findings imply that more
research on these tactics is necessary.
The usage of rhyme, rhythm, and physical involvement were then used by the author to
determine the impact of poetic style on pronunciation. Poetry can help us pronounce words
more clearly. While we often read and write on our own in silence, this does not necessarily
have to be the case when these skills are being taught or honed.
Poetry and drama are combined to create programs that not only provide stimulating
settings for contextualized, interactive language learning but also have the capacity to cover
in-depth philosophical material. One's interest in moral quandaries like the one in Hey, Little
Ant has nothing to do with one's academic aptitude. In the case study films, it is demonstrated
that these subjects have broad appeal and make for interesting discussion points.
Impact Of Poetic Style For Pronunciation: A Systematic Literature Review 400
Branum-Martin, Lee, Tao, Sha, Garnaat, Sarah, Bunta, Ferenc, & Francis, David J. (2012).
Meta-analysis of bilingual phonological awareness: Language, age, and psycholinguistic
grain size. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(4), 932.
Carmitha, Nareswari Basmallah, Imroatul, Farida, & Fatin Lailatul, Badriyah. (2022).
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Crystal, David. (2016). The Oxford dictionary of original Shakespearean pronunciation.
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Gunantar, Devy Angga, Rosaria, Stefani Dewi, & Ellyawati, Hetty Catur. (2020). Kesalahan
Pengucapan Bahasa Inggris Pada Mahasiswa (Error Pronunciation). Dinamika Sosial
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Lewis, Christine, & Deterding, David. (2018). Word Stress and Pronunciation Teaching in
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systematic literature reviews: A systematic literature review. Information and Software
Technology, 136, 106589.
Copyright holders:
Angela Christie Yosalin Manihuruk (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0