Magnus Kofi Quansah, Oscar Agyemang Opoku
University of Cape Coast, Ghana
The aim of the study was to examine the effect of liquidity on the performance of banks listed on the Ghana
Stock Exchange. The study employed annual panel data of 8 out of the 9 banks listed on the Ghana Stock
Exchange. The random effect model was used with the aid of Hausman test. The data used for the study spans
from 2015 to 2019. The study found among other things that 34.8% variation in the return on asset of banks
listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange can be explained by sales growth rate, firm size and liquidity. The study
revealed that liquidity and sales growth do not have any statistically significant effect on the profitability of
banks listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. However, the size of a bank in terms of its total assets has a
significant effect on the profitability of banks listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The study finds that
liquidity and sales growth do not have any statistically significant effect on the profitability of banks listed
on the Ghana Stock Exchange, the size of a bank has statistically significant effect on the return on assets of
banks listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. It was recommended that banks listed on the GSE must work on
reducing their interest expense to enhance their liquidity positions. Managers of banks listed on the GSE must
work at increasing their asset base as there exists a significant relationship between size and profitability
: liquidity; performance; banks listed;
There can be no undermining of the role of the financial sector in economic life. Banks'
role in financial intermediation means that funds are channelled from surplus units to deficit
units. The Bank is a financial intermediary that provides excess funds for parties which need
funding at the specified time (Purbaningsih & Fatimah, 2014). "Acceptable financial
intermediation needs a decisive approach from the management of the banks to profitability
and liquidity, which are two conflicting goals of banks," (Imegi & Ogbeide, 2017).
The Bank has an undeniable role to play in boosting the national economy, as banks are
collectors of surplus funds and credit providers, deficit units, reliable and active community
savings and promote payments across all economic sectors (Malayu & Hasibuan, 2005: 3).
Trust is a very important factor in the achievement of this important role in financial
In 2017, the financial sector crisis led to the collapse of Ghana's banks, as well as the
merger of other financial institutions. Financial sector investors in Ghana are worried that this
all-important element anchors a strong financial industry. Liquidity is one of the most
significant objectives in managing working capital and the key goal of maximizing sales and
financial output of the business. After the 2007-2008 global financial crisis (also known as
GFC), it has gained the forefront of banking and finance. This is due to an abundance of
liquidity from the high risk-taking in United States (US) banks which led to the GFC of 2007-
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 5, Mei 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
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2008. A liquidity danger and/or deteriorating liquidity situation means that companies are
deprived of the liquidity required by the Du Pont equation to handle operations that form a key
part of profitability.
Liquidity has survived over time since the era of the “Great Depression in the 1930s” till
date. This period renders liquidity management the difficulty task from its source, uses, risk
and its effect on firm performance (Nyamador, 2021). Liquidity is the bank's capacity to fund
asset rises and to satisfy debts, without inadmissible losses (BIS, 2008). The IFRS 2005
indicates that liquidity risks are the possibility of an organization experiencing difficulties in
fulfilling financial liabilities commitments. GARP (2015) believed that liquidity was basically
a short-term issue triggered by unforeseen short-term liabilities and long-term liabilities that
had negative impacts on corporate financial performance. The market power theory aids in
examining the performance of banks. It postulated that some banks make higher profit because
they are more effective than others and especially in minimizing risks (Olweny & Shipho,
(Ejike & Agha, 2018) perceive liquidity management as managing the risk of resources
of a firm to have efficient liquidity equity with the profit of the firm. In their work, Elloumi
and Gueyie (2001) concluded that failure to fulfil contractual debt obligations because of bad
income is the main factor in identifying liquidity companies. This has a negative influence on
the financial condition of businesses. Halling & Hayden, (2006) describe the need to define the
liquidity risk of an organization. The liquidity requirements of a company and the sources of
liquidity at its disposal greatly depend on its on-and off-balance sheet commitments
performance in its market and product mix, balance sheet structure and cash flow profile.
Any negative developments in the banking field would have a negative effect on all other
sectors of the economy, the opposite is also true, because banks are interrelated with other
economic sectors. This makes the industry a very significant contributor to every economy's
progress. This makes it important to research how events in this field are fully understood. A
search in the area of liquidity on performance shows less work done in the banking and
financial sector. There is a significant investigative void which must be filled. The literature on
the impact of liquidity on banks was reviewed systematically in (Mairafi et al., 2018). The
authors observed that bank liquidity has a major effect upon bank outcomes like banks'
profitability, banks' risk-taking behaviour.
Mairafi et al., (2018) considers, however, that all these empirical data were primarily
distorted in the growth of the market. This is a strong argument for emerging market studies in
the field. In this report, the influence of liquidity on banks' success in Ghana is assessed. The
bank's determinants in Ghana have been analyzed by (GEORGE et al., 2014). Amongst other
items, the authors found that greater liquidity risks contributed greatly to banks' success. (Ware,
2015) examined the relationship between liquidity administration and the viability of particular
companies trading on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The study made use of information from 33
companies over the course of five years, from 2005 to 2009. Liquidity was assessed by the cash
change cycle, the average collection duration, and the average payment period, had no
significant impact on the returns of the companies.
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
Agyemang et al., (2023) conducted a study using data from Ghana's publicly traded non-
financial companies. Liquidity had a strong relationship with the firms' return on assets (ROA),
but had a negligible relationship with the firms' return on equity (ROE) and return on capital
employed (ROCE). Moreover, several other studies have found that liquidity risk is one of the
factors influencing bank performance. This makes the liquidity risk and efficiency discussion
very relevant. The relationship between liquidity risk and other risk types, which it is subjected
to, should be fully understood and considered. In carrying out their operations, businesses, in
particular financial institutions, face a variety of financial and operational risks. These include
risks in terms of interest, loans, operational, law and reputation. These risks have a big effect
on the liquidity profile of a firm.
Studies including (Hamdi & Hakimi, 2019; Partovi & Matousek, 2019) indicate that
liquidity serves as a basic component of banks’ operations and therefore, poor liquidity result
in the instability of banks performance and in the long run affects the financial sector in a
whole. Hamdi & Hakimi, (2019) posit that low liquidity is realize when banks fail to meet all
the request of depositors either in part or whole in a particular time.
The recent developments in the banking sector have resulted in the merging of six banks
and consolidation of five banks due to mainly their inability to meet the current minimum
capital requirement of the Central Bank of Ghana which is Gh400million. Aside this, some
banks’ license was revoked due to their insolvency. However, the after-mouth situation led to
reduction in deposit by 17 percent and panic withdrawal increased by 13 percent due to
liquidity management challenges that have also affected their return on equity (Ghana Banking
Survey, 2019). The Central Bank of Ghana has recommended effective liquidity management
among the commercial banks. This study aimed at adding to existing knowledge by examining
the effect of liquidity on financial institution performance from the perspective of an emerging
The analysis used quantitative testing methods. Kumar, (2014) defines quantitative
research as a structured, objective, systematic method for defining and evaluating relationships,
and for analysing interactions between causes and effects of variables. Quantitative research
focuses on data collection and interpretation calculation (Agbodjah, 2008). In this approach,
mathematical and statistical methods are used to classify evidence and causal relations. It is
used for the compilation of numerical data that can be calculated by statistical analysis.
The study was longitudinal research. Ployhart & Vandenberg, (2010) described
"longitudinal research as a study of change, containing, on at least one substantive interest
building, at least three repetitive observations (although more than three are better). Typically,
a longitudinal study makes many findings over a period of time about the same phenomena or
subjects (lasting many years or seasons). The analysis adopted panel research design.
Typically, panel designs are often longitudinal. These designs calculate each wave of data
collection with all the variables of interest. This design was appropriate since it helped the
researcher to gather data on 8 solvent listed banks on GSE for 5 years.
Data Type and Source
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
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Basically, the analysis relied on secondary data. They are already data collected on the
same or related interest variables of the researchers by various writers and institutions. The
data came from the released 2015-2019 GSE Financial Reports. There were 23 solvent banks
in Ghana (between the period of 2015 to 2019) as the study population. Nevertheless, the
analysis included 8 of those solvent banks. These were the current banks after the
recapitalization of banks in 2018 whose have up-to-date information on their financial reports.
Study data is accessed on the Ghana Stock Exchange website (GSE). ROA and ROE assess
bank efficiency. Other researchers also use ROA and ROE. These include: Najid and Rahman
2011, (Alkhatib & Harasheh, 2012; Almumani, 2013), Roman and Sargu 2014, Rose and
Hudgins 2013, and Saeed and Rahman. The liquidity ratio was used as a metric of liquidity
calculation. Company size and revenue growth are used as controls to differentiate liquidity's
effects on banks' financial performance from other factors that affect financial performance.
Operationalization of variables
The dependent variables used in this research are Ret urn on Equity (R OE) and Earnings
per share (R OA) indicating financial profitability. The independent variable, which in this case
is liquidity, is denoted by current ratio, sales growth and firm size. The table bel ow summarizes
the variables used and h ow they were computed.
Table 1: The summary of variables used and their expected signs
Return on Equity
net profit before interest and taxes
over Equity
Return on Assets
Net profit before interest and Tax
over total asset
Independent variables
Current Ratio
Current Assets/Current liabilities
Firm size
Natural logarithm of total assets
Sales growth
Sales growth of firm i in time t
Time series and cross-sectional data from audited companies' financial statements have
been used to produce panel data. It has also been used ideally because it helps to distinguish
results that cannot easily be indicated by simply using cross-sectional or series data and other
relevant aspects. This study employed explanatory variables such as current ratios, business
size and revenue growth debts, thus re-evaluated and re-established assets-based variable.
The data analysis is the process of the systematic application of statistical and logical
methods to describe, explain, condense and recap and assess data, according to Prabhat and
(Meenu et al., 2015). After this information has been obtained, the data was processed and
handled by coding, editing the data if possible, entering the data into the software (STATA
software version 15.0) to produce results and cleaning the data finally, in order to eliminate
types of error that could not be detected. In addition, the results have been analyzed using
descriptive statistics, an analysis of correlation and regression.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
Std Dev
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
Source: Data from Ghana Stock Exchange (2000-2019)
The Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of the study. The mean return on asset of
banks listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) is 2.31, mean current ratio is 0.3513, mean
firm size is 22.1315 and the mean sales growth rate is 17.0228% The performance of banks
listed on the GSE is very good in terms of ROA. However, banks listed on the GSE are in a
very poor liquidity position.
Table 2: Model Summary
Adjusted R
The results from the Durbin-Watson of 1.523 indicates that there is not autocorrelation
in the residuals (Table 3). This is because the DW figure is greater than 1.5 but less than 2.5.
The Adjusted R-square figure means that 29.4% variation in the return on asset of banks listed
on the GSE can be explained by sales growth rate, firm size and liquidity. Thus, about 70
percent of the variation is caused by other factors that were not included in the model. Table 4
shows the strength and nature of relationship between the variables of the study.
Table 3: Correlation Matrix
N= 40, *Significant (p<0.05)
Table 4 shows that there is a moderate positive relationship between the profitability
(ROA) of banks listed on the GSE and sales growth (SG) while there was weak positive
relationship between profitability (ROA) and liquidity (CR) and firm size (FS). However, there
were weak relation among the independent variables depicting that there was no problem of
Table 5: Collinearity Statistics
Multicollinearity is a general term for the existence of linear associations between
explanatory variables. It is used to test the relationship between independent variables. There
is no multicollinearity if Tolerance value is greater than 0.10. Also, if Variance Inflation Factor
is less than 10, then it means there is no multicollinearity and vice versa. Therefore, there was
no problem of multicollinearity among the independent variables because the tolerance values
were all greater than 0.10 and the VIF values were all below 10 (Table 5).
Table 6: Effect of Liquidity and banks’ performance (ROA)
Std. Coefficient (β)
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
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The Table 6 shows the test of significance. From the results presented (F=6.406,
p=0.001), it can be concluded that variation of the profitability (ROA) of banks listed on the
GSE can be explained by sales growth, liquidity and firm size. Table 6 shows no statistically
significant impact on the profitability of GSE-listed banks on liquidity and sales growth. The
analysis also does not refute the null hypothesis since they have Sign values greater than 0.05.
However, the size of a bank has major consequences for the profitability of the GSE-listed
banks in terms of its total assets. Since the test is designed to unravel the relationship between
cause and effect, we use standardized coefficients. With a continuing rise in unit size, the
profitability of such banks rises by 0.182.
This finding confirms that of Marozva (2015) who points to other studies that observed
parallel relationship between these variables. He found that there was a positive relationship
between bank liquidity and performance (profitability). Similarly, Agbada and Osuji (2013)
examined the efficiency of liquidity management and bank profitability using a survey design,
their findings also indicated a positive relationship between effective liquidity management
and bank profitability. In addition, Isik (2017) researched on the profitability determinants of
153 quoted real sector businesses in Turkey. The study’s results discovered liquidity as a
significant determinant of the firms’ profitability as measured by ROA.
On firm size, Mpesum (2010) researched on Cal Bank Ghana Ltd. and the factors that
influenced profitability of the bank. Results suggest that industry Size was a the most important
factor with regards to banks profitability. He observed an “inverse relationship between size
and profitability”, he therefore concluded that for a bank to be profitable they need to be
mindful to their size as well as the bureaucratic issues associated with it.
Table 7: Descriptive Statistics
Std Dev
The Table 7 is the descriptive statistics. It can be seen that the mean return on equity of
banks listed on the GSE is 38.0325%, mean current ratio is 0.3513, mean firm size is 22.1315
and mean sales growth rate is 17.0228%. The Table 8 shows the correlation between the
Table 8 Correlation Matrix
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
Table 8 shows that there is a weak positive relationship between the profitability (ROE)
of banks listed on the GSE, Firm size (r=0.102, p>0.05) and sales growth (0.155, p>0.05) while
there was weak negative relationship between profitability and liquidity (r= -0.094, p>0.05).
However, these relationships were not statistically significant. Nevertheless, there were weak
relation among the independent variables depicting that there was no problem of
Table 4: Model Summary
Adjusted R
a. Predictors: (Constant), SG, CR, FS
b. Dependent Variable: ROE
From the model summary (Table 9), it can be seen that there is no autocorrelation in the
residuals. This is because the DW results is greater than 1.5 and less than 2.5. It can also be
that there exists a weak positive (19.8%) relationship between the return on equity of banks
listed on the GSE and the regressors.
F Statistics is used to evaluate if the mean difference between more than two independent
(unrelated) groups is important. It thus contrasts the difference in more than two categories.
The dependent variable is evaluated on a constant scale and more than two independent classes
can be used in the independent variable. When performing the test, F-Test is the value arrived
and will decide if the means are different for three or more classes.
The Table 9 shows the test of significance. From the results presented above (F=0.491,
p=0.091), it can be concluded that variation of the profitability (ROE) of banks listed on the
GSE cannot be explained by sales growth, liquidity and firm size. The above result shows that
variation in the return on equity of banks listed on the GSE cannot be explained by regression
model due to the fact that mean difference between more than two independent variables are
not significant. Table 10 depicts the collinearity statistics of the variables.
Table 5: Collinearity Statistics
From Table 10, the test of multicollinearity can be assessed using the Tolerance and
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). From the results, it can be concluded that there is no
multicollinearity among the independent variables. The tolerance values are all greater than
0.10 and VIFs are also less than 10. Table 11 presents on the relationship between liquidity and
banks’ performance (ROA).
Liquidity And Performance Of Banks Listed On The Ghana Stock Exchange
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Figure 1: Hausman Test
The thumb rule about hausman test is that when the p-value is less than or equal to 0.05,
the null hypothesis is rejected and vice versa. According to Figure 1, chi 2 (4.83), p=0.1847
which is greater than the p-value of 0.05. Therefore, the study accepts the hypothesis that
stipulated that the unique errors (ui) are not correlated with the regressors. Therefore, random
effect is reported from the ordinary Least Square (OLS) and the results is presented in Table
Table 6: Effect of liquidity on banks’ performance (ROE)
Std. coefficient (β)
The results in Table 11 indicates that current ratio, firm size and sales growth do not have
any statistically significant effect on the return on equity of banks listed on the GSE. This
finding was contrarily to that of Kosmidou et al., (2005) who found out that there was a positive
relationship between banks’ ROA and the ratio of liquid assets to customer and short funding
obligations. Similarly, Olangunji et al. (2012) in their study found that there is a significant
positive relationship between bank liquidity and its performance. In addition, Mohammed and
Yusheng (2019b) conducted a study on quoted non-financial firms in Ghana. From the study’s
findings, liquidity had a material connection with the firms’ ROA, but insignificant link with
the firms’ ROE. Moreover, Mutwiri (2015) analyzed the economic viability of five quoted
energy and petroleum sector firms in Kenya. From the study’s multiple regression analysis,
liquidity was an insignificant determinant of the firms’ ROE
Panel design of the Longitudinal study was conducted appropriately and the following
conclusions can be drawn: the study concludes that, liquidity and sales growth do not have any
effect on the profitability of banks listed on the GSE. However, the size of a bank positively
affect on the return on assets of banks listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange. In all, liquidity
affect the ROA but not ROE of banks listed on the GSE
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Copyright holders:
Magnus Kofi Quansah, Oscar Agyemang Opoku (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0