Fajri Hidayat
Universitas Islam Negera Imam Bonjol, Padang, Indonesia
Email: fajrihid[email protected]
This study provides empirical evidence related to the application of fixed asset accounting at the level of
ministries or institutions' work units, with the research location at a university in Indonesia. Through this
research, it can be proven that recording the value of fixed assets in the Statement of Financial Position
sourced from the conversion of the value of capital expenditures in the LRA tends to cause problems if the
codification of expenditure accounts does not contain the separation of recording the components of building
support. The research in this study used a descriptive method by tracing historical/documentation data. The
data studied comes from the documentation of planning/budgeting, budget realization, and financial reporting
in 2015, especially those related to capital expenditure and fixed asset recording. The documentation starts
from DIPA, RKA-KL, SPM, Contract Documents, Supervisory Consultant Reports, Contractor Reports for
Construction Development Work, Financial Reports from SAIBA applications, and data from SIMAK-BMN.
Data processing was carried out using descriptive statistical methods with the help of the Microsoft Excel
application program. The results of this study indicate that after separating the recognition of building support
components, the value of additional fixed assets in the agency in 2015 changed significantly. This research
concludes that reclassification is needed after the value of capital expenditure is converted into the value of
fixed assets to comply with PSAP 07, and maintenance expenditure can be budgeted.
: fixed assets; reclassification, governmental accounting
Fixed assets have become the main focus of government accounting in Indonesia since it
was mandatory to prepare a Statement of Financial Position as part of the government's
financial statements. Its significant value and high complexity are the main causes of serious
accounting attention aimed at the recognition/recording, classification, measurement/valuation,
and presentation of these fixed assets (KSAP, 2014)
According to Yahya et al., (2018) Nine years since the obligation to prepare the Statement
of Financial Position was enacted, namely, since the issuance of Government Regulation
Number 24 of 2005 concerning Government Accounting Standards (SAP), the accounting for
fixed assets in the government's financial statements still shows problems. After the
government replaced the SAP regulation with Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010, the
problem of asset accounting persists.
In SAP, accounting for fixed assets is regulated in PSAP No.07 concerning Accounting
for Fixed Assets. In paragraph 4 of the PSAP, fixed assets are defined as tangible assets that
have a useful life of more than 12 (twelve) months to be used, or intended to be used, in
government activities or utilized by the general public (Adinegara et al., 2023). The
classification of fixed assets is contained in paragraph 7 which states that fixed assets are
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 5, Mei 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
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classified based on similarity in nature or function in operating activities. The classification of
fixed assets is as follows: (1) Land; (2) Equipment and machinery; (3) Buildings and structures;
(4) Roads, Irrigation, and Networks; (5) Other fixed assets; and (6) Construction in progress.
In practice, the issue of fixed assets continues to be reflected in the results of audits by
the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on the government's financial reports until 2014. The results
of the examination of 86 Financial Statements of Ministries and Institutions (LKKL) in 2014,
there were 18 (20.93%) opinions of Fair With Exception (WDP) and 7 (8.14%) Opinion
Disclaimer (TMP)/disclaimer. One of the things that sparked WDP's opinion was related to
fixed assets. Even the TMP opinion was given to ministries/agencies which among others had
problems in implementing fixed asset accounting. In addition to the audit results of the financial
statements, according to the BPK, in terms of the internal control system (SPI), the
administration and security of state-owned fixed assets in 56 KLs are also inadequate. In
general, (Indonesia, 2015) also stated that weaknesses in government administration occurred
in the management of fixed asset accounts. The unresolved issue of fixed asset accounting is
what underlies the importance of this research (Adiputra et al., 2018).
As stated by KSAP quoted in the first paragraph of this chapter, one of the reasons for
the unresolved issue of fixed assets is their significant value, which can be seen from the
number of assets in the government's Statement of Financial Position. Based on the data in the
government's Financial Position Report as of December 31 2014 presented in Table 1.1 below,
it can be seen that the nominal value of these fixed assets is very large, namely Rp. 1,714.5
trillion from Rp. 3,910.9 trillion in government assets. That is, fixed assets have a composition
of 43.84%, and are the largest component of the current government-owned asset component.
The very large number of fixed assets owned by the government is equivalent to the number
of fixed assets owned by the fifth largest publicly listed company in the world in 2014 DeMers,
(2014), namely Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. This giant company owned by Warren Buffett, who
is the third richest person in the world (, 2015), has fixed assets of IDR 1,527.4
trillion Chierchia, (2020) (with the BI middle rate of IDR 13,266, April 4, 2016 ) or 21.87% of
its total assets of IDR 6,985.6 trillion.
Table 1 Total Assets of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia as of 31 December 2014
Asset Type
Value (in rupiah)
Current assets
Long term investment
Fixed assets
Long Term Receivables
Other Assets
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
Figure 1 Composition of Republic of Indonesia Government Assets as of 31 December 2014
Source: Processed from the RI BPK Audit Report on the 2014 Central Government Financial
The number of fixed assets as above is believed to increase from year to year. This is due to the
relatively large growth in government fixed assets, namely an average of 5.12% per year (Table 1 and
Figure 1). The percentage of growth is also the largest compared to other types of assets. The nominal
value of growth (addition) of fixed assets each year from 2010-2014 was an average of IDR 147.1
Table 2 Growth of RI Government Assets from 2010 to 2014
Asset Type
Current assets
Long term
Fixed assets
Long Term
Other Assets
Figure 2 Average Growth of Indonesian Government Assets from 2010 to 2014
Source: Processed from BPK RI Audit Report on Central Government Financial Statements for
A large number of additions every year shows the very large role of fixed assets in government
organizations. It is inevitable, the government needs fixed assets to expedite the implementation of its
activities in serving the community. This further illustrates that fixed assets need to be managed
properly and carefully so that the function of fixed assets owned by the government can be maintained.
The government, based on the Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2014, has
classified fixed assets as stipulated in PSAP No.07. This proves the seriousness of the government in
implementing SAP. That is, there have been efforts by the government to carry out government
accounting according to established standards. Details of the value of fixed assets owned by the
government can be seen in Table 3 below:
Table 3 Value of Indonesian Government Fixed Assets as of December 31, 2014
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
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Types of Fixed Assets
Value (In Rupiah)
Equipment and Machinery
Buildings and Buildings
Roads, Irrigation, and Networks
Other Fixed Assets
Construction in Progress
Fixed Assets Total (gross)
Accumulated Depreciation of Fixed Assets
Total Fixed Assets
Source: Processed from BPK RI's LHP of 2014 LKPP
One part of fixed assets that government entities need to pay close attention to is included in the
classification of buildings and structures. Each government agency or work unit has a building and
premises for carrying out their respective operational activities. As shown in Table 1.3 above, buildings
and buildings owned by the Indonesian government are currently worth a very large amount of IDR
210.9 trillion, or around 10% of its total assets.
In connection with this very large number, the government should pay more attention to building
accounting. This is also because in buildings there are non-building supporting components which are
generally in the form of other buildings, equipment, and machinery or networks (electricity, water, and
telephone). KSAP (2014) states that the main supporting components of buildings consist of mechanical
engineering (lifts, electrical installations and generators, and air conditioning and clean/dirty water
channels). In addition, other supporting components that are commonly found in buildings include
parks, fences, roads, parking lots, substations and electricity poles, clean water supply, clean water, and
waste water channels, and fire alarm devices. Each of these components has a different useful life, so
the depreciation value should also be different. For this reason, a detailed record is required, at least for
each component that has the same useful life.
Building support components as mentioned above are usually obtained in one package with the
building. This is because the acquisition price of government buildings currently refers to the rules
regarding cost components in the construction of buildings contained in the Regulation of the Minister
of Public Works Number 45/PRT/M/2007 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Construction of
State Buildings which states that "financing documents for the construction of State buildings consists
of: (1) Technical planning costs; (2) Implementation of physical construction; (3) Construction
management/construction supervision costs; and (4) Activity management costs”.
Acquisition of government buildings is carried out using procurement of goods and services as
stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2010 concerning Procurement of Government
Goods/Services, which was last amended by Presidential Regulation Number 4 of 2015. One way to do
this is through the construction process using construction services. third party (contractor). One
building is usually carried out by one or several contractors to carry out or procure all construction
components by planning documents made by professional consultants (architects) until the building is
ready for use.
In practice, after the acquisition, all of these components will be input into the Accrual-Based
Agency Accounting System (SAIBA) application and the State Property Accounting and Management
Information System (SIMAK BMN) as part of Buildings and Buildings. Meanwhile, if agencies make
purchases separately, the goods will be grouped into Equipment and Machinery or Networks.
Recording of the building's supporting components separately will affect the budgeting and
realization of costs incurred for expenditures after the acquisition (subsequent expenditures) of the
building and its supporting components. These expenses are needed by the government to maintain the
existence of the building so that its function can be maintained. That is, after the fixed assets are
acquired, the government still has to make expenditures related to these assets. These expenses can be
in the form of maintenance costs or rehabilitation or renovation costs (KSAP, 2014).
For this purpose, the government has budgeted for the maintenance of these buildings and
buildings every year. The realization of the government fixed asset maintenance budget in 2014, can be
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
seen in Table 1.4. In the details of the maintenance expenditure, there is an allocation of maintenance
expenditure for buildings and buildings amounting to IDR 3.77 trillion, or 20.71% of the total
maintenance expenditure.
Table 4
Realization of Government Maintenance Expenditures of the Republic of Indonesia in 2014
Types of Maintenance Expenditures
Building and Building Maintenance Expenditures
Equipment and Machinery Maintenance Expenditures
Expenditures for Road Maintenance, Irrigation, and Networks
Other Maintenance Expenditures
Figure 3
Composition of Realization of Government of the Republic of Indonesia Fixed Assets
Maintenance Expenditures in 2014
Source: Processed from the RI BPK Audit Report on the 2014 Central Government Financial
Based on Table 4 and Figure 3 above, it can be seen that the highest realization of maintenance
expenditure was for equipment and machinery, which reached IDR 10.22 trillion or 56.19% of the total
maintenance expenditure. Meanwhile, the allocation for maintenance of buildings and structures
amounted to IDR 3.77 trillion, or 20.71%, and was almost the same as spending on the maintenance of
roads, irrigation, and networks. The data found is inconsistent with the composition of each fixed asset
in the Statement of Financial Position, as presented in Table 1.5 below :
Table 5
Value and Composition of Fixed Assets (without land) of the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia in 2014
Types of Fixed Assets
Value (in Rupiah)
Equipment and Machinery
Buildings and Buildings
Roads, Irrigation, and Networks
Other Fixed Assets
Construction in Progress
Fixed Assets Total (gross)
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
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Figure 4
Composition of Fixed Assets (Landless) Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 2014
Source: Processed from the RI BPK Audit Report on the 2014 Central Government Financial
Based on the data in Table 4 above, there is a very large realization of equipment and
machinery maintenance expenditure (56.19%) compared to its composition in total fixed assets
which is only 28.03% (Table 1.5 and Figure 1.4). It could be because equipment and machinery
tend to be damaged more quickly than other fixed assets. However, another possibility can also
occur, namely an inaccuracy in determining the maintenance expenditure account. For
example, there was an error in the assignment of maintenance of buildings and buildings to the
maintenance of equipment and machinery (Napitupulu & Budiarso, 2015). This means that
expenditures that should have been charged to building maintenance (based on initial records)
were instead charged to the maintenance of equipment and machinery. However, this
temporary analysis certainly requires in-depth research on the truth. In-depth research on this
matter is the topic raised in this thesis.
From the problems above, if separate recording for each supporting component of the
building is not carried out, the work unit will have difficulty preparing the maintenance
expenditure account. There may be doubts as to which maintenance expense account to use.
This difficulty is also caused by the absence of specific records of which equipment and
machinery were purchased at the time of purchase of the building, and which were purchased
The importance of this issue being studied can also be seen from the implementation of
the cost capitalization policy which can be recognized as fixed assets. The requirement for the
capitalization of government spending is regulated in PSAP No.07 paragraphs 49-51. In
paragraph 49 it is stated that "expenses after the initial acquisition of a fixed asset that extends
its useful life or which is likely to provide economic benefits in the future in the form of
capacity, quality of production, or increase in work standards, must be added to the value of
the asset in question". Regarding matters like this Nelson Lam, (2014) that in the past,
“improvement” criteria (performance standards) were used to determine whether the
continuing costs of fixed assets were recognized as assets or expenses. However, the current
accounting theory has led to the same recognition at the time of acquisition and after
acquisition. In other words, the "improvement" criterion is no longer used.
To determine expenses after the acquisition as assets (capital expenditures) or expenses
(maintenance expenditures), the government has also issued several policies in the form of
regulations from the minister of finance. The latest regulation is PMK No 143/PMK.02/2015
concerning Guidelines for Preparation and Review of Work Plans and Budgets of State
Ministries/Institutions and Ratification of Budget Execution Forms. In the attachment to the
regulation, it is stated that spending for expenses after the acquisition of fixed assets or other
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
fixed assets can also be included as Capital Expenditures. This expenditure is categorized as
capital expenditure if it fulfills the requirement that the expenditure results in an increase in the
useful life, capacity, quality, and volume of assets owned. What does this policy mean? If an
error occurs in determining which assets will be budgeted for maintenance (buildings or
supporting components), then two errors have occurred in one transaction. First, expenses that
should have been charged to building maintenance expenditures have been grouped into
equipment and machine or network maintenance expenditures. This means that there has been
a mistake in the value of capital expenditure in the Budget Realization Report. Second,
spending that should be capitalized on the value of the building will be capitalized on the value
of equipment and machinery. This can lead to unreliable values of buildings and equipment
and machinery in the Statement of Financial Position.
The existence of possible difficulties in compiling maintenance expenditures and errors
in calculating the depreciation value, if separate recognition of the building's supporting
components is not carried out is what underlies the importance of this research. If this is
allowed to continue, it is possible that the value of fixed assets presented in the Statement of
Financial Position based on their classification will not reflect the actual situation. In other
words, such a state of confusion can lead to unreliable values of components of fixed assets,
especially Buildings and Buildings and Equipment, Machinery, and Networks. In addition, the
value of maintenance expenditures and capital expenditures in the Budget Realization Report
will also be continuously wrong. The worst possibility is that if a physical calculation of
equipment and machinery or networks is carried out, or an inventory (physical inspection of
fixed assets), then the data in the SIMAK-BMN application will never be the same as the reality
on the ground. This is because there are a lot of items in the form of equipment and machines
or networks (building support components) which physically exist, but the records in the
application do not exist because they are summarized in the building and construction records.
This means that the recording of BMN (assets) will be increasingly irregular or unclear as
stated by (Kusufi & Halim, 2014).
To examine this, an in-depth study is needed by tracing the data down to the work unit
level where budgeting, expenditure realization, and fixed asset accounting are carried out to
prepare government financial reports. Considering the efficiency, effectiveness, and ease of
collecting data, including detailed data on the contents of contracts and budget disbursement
which are usually difficult for outsiders to obtain, the researcher chose to collect data from the
institution where the author works, namely IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang which is a work unit of
the Ministry of Religion.
The purpose of this study was to find out the details of the use of spending accounts in
all capital expenditure budgets in the 2015 IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang budget document and
its suitability with the classification of fixed assets based on PSAP 07. To find out the details
of the value of fixed assets in the financial statements of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015,
if the supporting components of the building are recognized separately. To find a solution so
that the supporting components of the building can be recognized separately in the
government's financial reports so that the classification of assets remains appropriate
This research was conducted by observing and tracing the historical documents needed
to produce a description of how to apply the separate recognition of building components at
IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Therefore, this research method is called the descriptive method
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
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as meant by Nazir, (2014), namely a method of examining the status of a group of people, an
object, a set of conditions, a system of thought, or a class of events in the present.
To obtain the data in this study, the documentation search technique was used as written
by Nugroho, (2018) namely the method used to trace historical data. The data in this study
were analyzed using descriptive statistics. This analysis is by the descriptive method used in
this study, as stated by Comrey & Lee (2007) in Mangkuatmodjo, (2015) that descriptive
statistics are used when researchers try or attempt to reveal or provide a description of the
characteristics of the data collected in a study.
1. Analysis of Account Use in Capital Expenditure Budgeting at IAIN Imam Bonjol
Padang in 2015
The total budgeted capital expenditure in DIPA IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015
amounted to IDR 61,334,999,100. This amount is equivalent to 35.48% of the total budget
for that year which amounted to IDR 172,888,428,000. The capital expenditure is divided
into 40 work packages with details as in the Appendix. The expenditure accounts used in
capital expenditure budgeting at RKA-KL IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015 are described
in table 6 below:
Table 6 Details of the 2015 Capital Expenditures Account Usage
Account Description
Capital Expenditures for Equipment and Machinery
Building Capital Expenditures
Capital Expenditures for Network Raw Materials
Other Capital Expenditures
Land Capital Expenditures - BLU
Capital Expenditures for BLU Machinery and Equipment
Building and Construction Capital Expenditures - BLU
Capital Expenditures for Roads, Irrigation, and Networks -
Other Capital Expenditures - ¬ BLU
Figure 5
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
Composition of Capital Expenditure Budget of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015
Source: Processed RKA-KL IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015
2. Analysis of Building Acquisition Recording at IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015
In 2015, IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang realized capital expenditures for buildings and
buildings using the spending account code 533111 for IDR 55,132,509,258, or 98.13% of
the capital expenditure budget for buildings and buildings amounting to IDR
56,184,000,000. The expenditure is divided into three major procurement groups, namely:
Construction of the Library Building for IDR 9,073,638,655; the Construction of the
Campus III Lecture Building for IDR 40,600,997,758; and the Construction of the Campus
II Lecture Building for IDR 4,815,664,000.
3. Findings After the Supporting Components of the Building are Separated for
Based on the explanation and analysis above, it was found that the amount of added
value of fixed assets in the form of buildings and structures reported in the 2015 Financial
Position Report of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang can be considered unreliable because they do
not fully comply with Government Accounting Standards. This discrepancy is related to the
classifier of fixed assets regulated in PSAP 07.
Based on the realization of the capital expenditure budget, the resulting buildings and
structures amounted to IDR 54,490,951,766. Meanwhile, after examining and tracing the
source documents for payment, the amount turned out to be too large. The number of
buildings that can be recognized should be IDR 43,290,581,900.00 or only 79.45% of the
total reported in the Statement of Financial Position. While the remainder (20.55%) did not
meet the criteria for Buildings and Structures as described in PSAP 07. Components that
could not be recognized as Buildings and Structures consisted of Rp. 10,656,228,953.00
(19.56%) met the criteria for recognition as Network, while Rp544,140,913.00 (1.00%) met
the criteria to be recognized as Equipment and Machinery.
Table 7
Details of Separation of Acknowledgment of Supporting Components in Building
Job description
The number of costs
Buildings and
Construction of
Campus III
Construction of
Campus II
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
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Job description
The number of costs
Buildings and
4. Impact of Unseparated Recognition of Building Supporting Components
In addition to the discrepancy in the value of fixed assets reported based on the
classification stipulated in PSAP 07, other impacts that may arise if the supporting
components of the building are not separated include:
1. Building supporting components are not recorded as fixed assets;
2. Influencing maintenance budget planning; and
3. Inaccurate depreciation value of fixed assets.
As previously described, due to the non-separation of the recognition of building
support components, the financial statements of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015 will not
record the value of fixed assets in the form of Networks of IDR 10,656,228,953.00 and
Equipment and Machinery of IDR 544,140,913.00. This causes the two classifications of
fixed assets not to be recorded in the Accounting Information System and State Property
(SIMAK-BMN) application. This causes the agency to be unable to compile a budget for
network maintenance and equipment and machinery by the actual number of fixed assets.
As stipulated in the Decree of the Director General of Treasury Number Kep-311/PB/2014
concerning the Codification of Account Segments in the Standard Chart, the determination
of maintenance expenditure is based on the classification of fixed assets owned by work
units. This means that there is a separation between maintenance expenditures for each
classification of fixed assets. For example, Building and Building Maintenance Expenditure
(account code: 523111), Equipment and Machinery Maintenance Expenditure (account
code: 523121), and Network Maintenance Expenditure (account code: 523133) (Martani et
al., 2018). Determination of the amount of the maintenance expenditure budget is also
determined from the amount of each classification of fixed assets belonging to the work unit
based on the data contained in the Financial Position Report or the SIMAK-BMN
Apart from the things mentioned above, the depreciation of fixed asset values that are
automatically carried out by the SAIBA application will of course also be wrong. The
application will only calculate the depreciation value based on the value of buildings and
buildings. While in real conditions, there are other fixed assets, namely in the form of
networks and equipment, and machinery whose useful lives vary. As stipulated in the
Decree of the Minister of Finance No: 59/KMK.6/2013 concerning Tables of Useful Periods
in the Context of Depreciation of State Property in the Form of Fixed Assets in Central
Government Entities
5. Alternative Solutions for Separation of Recognition of Building Supporting
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
The solution that can be offered to IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang to separate the
recognition of building support components that have already been combined in the
Financial Position Report is to reclassify fixed assets. Such reclassification can be carried
out by referring to PSAP No. 10 concerning Error Correction, Changes in Accounting
Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Discontinued Operations (Sael &
Kaparang, 2020). As stated in paragraph 4 of the PSAP, that correction is an accounting
corrective action so that the accounts/posts presented in the entity's financial statements are
as they should be. It should also be noted, in paragraph 7 it is stated that corrections that
have a material effect in the following period must be disclosed in the notes to the financial
statements. Correction of errors, in this case, is important because in paragraph 6 it is stated
that in certain situations, an error has a significant effect on one or more of the financial
statements of the previous period so that the financial statements are no longer reliable.
This thesis discusses the implementation of fixed asset accounting in
ministries/institutional work units, by taking the research location at IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
which is a work unit of the Ministry of Religion. Based on the research that has been concluded,
the use of spending accounts in preparing the capital expenditure budget at IAIN Imam Bonjol
Padang, in general, is by the Decree of the Director General of the Treasury Number Kep-
311/PB/2014 concerning the Codification of Account Segments in the Standard Accounts
Chart. However, it tends to be inconsistent when budgeting for work/procurement plans related
to buildings and structures. When budgeting for a new building, IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang
uses the Building and Building spending account code, while in additions/repairs to building
supporting components, the agency uses different spending accounts. After the separation of
the recognition of building support components, the value of additional fixed assets in the
Financial Position Report of IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang in 2015 underwent significant changes.
The additional value of Buildings and Buildings, which was originally Rp. 54,490,951,766,
was reduced to Rp. 43,290,581,900, or 79.45%. Meanwhile, the Network value increased by
Rp. 10,656,228,953, and the Equipment and Machinery value increased by Rp. 544,140,913.
If the building support components are not recognized separately, it will have an impact on the
budget for the maintenance of fixed assets in the form of Networks and Equipment and
Machinery which were acquired together with the building construction. In addition, the
depreciation value of fixed assets will be inaccurate, because each type of fixed asset whose
recognition is combined into Buildings and Buildings has a different useful life.
Reclassification of fixed assets is required after the value of capital expenditure in the LRA is
converted to the value of fixed assets in the Statement of Financial Position so that it is by
PSAP 07 and maintenance expenditure can be budgeted. Recording the value of fixed assets in
the Statement of Financial Position originating from the conversion of the value of capital
expenditures in the LRA tends to cause problems if the expenditure account codification does
not contain the separation of the recording of building support components. This causes the
work unit to always reclassify fixed assets when during the construction of the building the
Separate Recognition of Building Support Components in Government Fixed Asset Accounting
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Copyright holders:
Fajri Hidayat (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0