Swasthi Marsha Hapsari
Institut Teknologi Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
Email: marshap[email protected]
The Jak preneur Program is one of Dinas PPUMKM's most successful MSME empowerment
and development initiatives in Jakarta. MSMEs are critical to the global economy,
contributing to job creation, innovation, and economic growth. However, they frequently face
challenges in effectively harnessing and utilizing their knowledge assets to drive
competitiveness, particularly for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government (Pemprov DKI
Jakarta). This study investigates the implications of knowledge management in a government
organization's Jak preneur program under the supervision of Dinas PPUKM (Provincial
Government Department of Industry, Trade, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises).
Furthermore, the study's findings will help MSMEs overcome the lack of knowledge-based
growth barriers. This thesis investigates the concept of knowledge management (KM) in the
context of public government organizations. The goal of this study is to provide a
comprehensive analysis of Knowledge Management practices in government organizations,
examining current approaches, challenges, and potential strategies and frameworks for
improvement. The study employs a qualitative approach that includes in-depth interviews
and focuses on group discussions (FGD) with multiple perspectives from MSME owners,
managers, mentors, and facilitators in order to identify knowledge gaps, which will be
classified into four categories: people, processes, technology, and governance. Each
stakeholder is expected to participate in the knowledge management process, accelerating the
organization's goal of raising the standard of its MSMEs. The study's findings can help
policymakers, MSME practitioners, and researchers design and implement effective
knowledge management initiatives. The proposed system is intended to be used to clarify the
management of Dinas PPUMKM (Provincial Government Department of Industry, Trade,
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), including not only roles and responsibilities but also
how the knowledge management system can improve the company's day-to-day performance.
Knowledge Management, Entrepreneur, Learning Organization, Micro, Small
and Medium Enterprises (MSME).
Entrepreneurs are essential actors in the nation’s economy. By creating new products and
delivering new services, they stimulate new employment, ultimately accelerating economic
development (Mohamed, 2020). Within the past few years, the country ranks in 16
place for
the largest economy in the world. According to the World Bank (2022), Indonesia has
experienced a steady growth of 5,1% GDP in 2022, establishing itself as a confident potential
middle-income country. In addition to contributing to economic growth and employment,
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 6, June 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
MSMEs play an important role in disseminating development outcomes. Digital economist
Rudy Salahuddin stated nation's economic recovery is inseparable from the role of MSMEs
which are critical engines of the economy, considering that 99% of businesses in this country
are MSMEs (Handayani, 2023).
As of 2023, several economic experts predict that Indonesia’s economy will be relatively
strong, mainly the digital economy is predicted to become a source of growth for Indonesia in
the future. Thus, MSMEs are still a powerful source of Indonesia's economic growth. The
Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Act of 2008 governs MSMEs which
are defined by annual revenue of IDR 500 million. Yet, many business opportunities were
emerging in Indonesia, specifically in the capital city like Jakarta.
The definition of MSMEs is typically defined by the number of total assets, annual sales,
and the number of employees. According to Law No.20/2008: Micro, Small, Medium-sized
Enterprises (MSMEs) should be a functional entity owned by an individual or a standalone
business unit that is not a wholly owned, controlled subsidiary of, or a branch of, another
company. Companies that are wholly or partially controlled by a foreign entity or have received
significant investment from outside are not considered micro, small, or medium enterprises
(MSMEs), even if they fit the other criteria below.
Figure I. Classification of of MSMEs in Indonesia based on Omzet
Source : SME Law 20/2008, Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs
According to the DKI Jakarta Central Statistic Agency (BPS), there are at least 1,100,000
MSMEs in the DKI Jakarta Area. This figure represents 98,78% of the total number of business
in DKI Jakarta (Rezqiana, 2021). Recognizing this potential, the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government (Pemprov DKI Jakarta) encourages the development of its MSMEs through
Integrated Entrepreneurship Development (PKT). After a number of year, the program was
redeveloped and improved using the new brand called Jak prenuer. A program that facilitates
collaboration on MSME development into an entrepreneurial ecosystem. Because of the
enormous digital potential for the economy, the government has continue to encourage MSMEs
to take advantage of it, particularly in the post-pandemic era. In 2023, Pemprov DKI Jakarta
has optimistic targets to leverage the size of MSMEs, adopt their digitalization to develop their
business, as well as boosting the productivity and skills of the knowledge worker (Kepala Dinas
Perindustrian, Strategi Pemberdayaan UMKM di DKI Jakarta Melalui Program Jakpreneur,
When it comes to serving the needs of MSMEs as business players, the government needs
a solid strategy, foundation, and organizational knowledge to manage the development of
MSMEs effectively. Aldi and Elnath (2005)argues that this sort of management will pave the
way for the acquisition of new knowledge, which in turn will help businesses keep up with the
exponential rate of change. As the most valuable asset, knowledge should be sought where it
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
resides, primarily in employees. It explains how changes in organizations and production
processes, such as flexible organizations, differentiated products, and versatile and
multifunctional workers, have resulted in the formation of new business structures that are
adaptable to changes and demands in the global market (Esthi & Sukmawati , 2011).
Under Dinas PPUMKM (Industry, Trade, Small, Medium Enterprise Cooperatives) this
study will investigate the implications of knowledge management in a government
organization Jak preneur program. Furthermore, the study's findings will assist MSMEs in
overcoming the barrier to growth caused by a lack of knowledge. In order to achieve their goal
of increasing the development of MMSEs, Dinas PPUMKM is suggested to incorporate
knowledge management practices into their Jak preneur program. Due to the ongoing national
economic crisis, large-scale businesses are playing a more minor role, and small and medium-
sized enterprises (SMEs) are rising to prominence as a result. This suggests that SMEs have
the potential to become an integral part of the economy as a whole. To that end, change-
producing processes are implemented in organizational culture, information, motivation and
incentives, and staff training or education (Hendrawan, Kuswantoro, & Sucahyawati, 2018).
According to Governor Regulation No. 2 of 2020 Article 2 states that "Society can
develop entrepreneurial potential by utilizing human potential as independent entrepreneurs,
qualified and resilient and can reduce unemployment and poverty through entrepreneurial
opportunities". Therefore, this entrepreneurship development program can be expected to be
able to utilize the potential that is owned in order to improve business quality and reduce
unemployment through entrepreneurship opportunities. As a result, the government must
understand the characteristics, challenges, and opportunities that MSMEs faced, especially in
today’s digital world. Cities that recognize the opportunity and can take a novel approach to
provide new innovative services to leverage MSMEs can benefit from a growing economy and
helps enterprises acknowledge their business potential. Providing adequate infrastructure to
support the potential of its MSME sector will also contribute to the country's future economic
The theoretical framework is the foundation upon which all knowledge for a research
study to provides structure and support for the study's rationale, problem statement, purpose,
significance, and research questions. A research plan with a theoretical framework, on the other
hand, enables the dissertation study to be strong and structured, with an organized flow from
one chapter to the next research. The research design framework was formed to assist the author
in proposing an appropriate strategy of knowledge management that the organization of Jak
preneur could adopt to improve its organizational’s goal to leverage the performance of its
MSMEs members.
As the research methodology, a qualitative approach will be utilized to investigate high-
quality data which is suitable and tradition for being used in the SMEs field (Desouza &
Awazu, 2006; Chetty, 1996; Romano, 1989; Gill, 1995). The objective of qualitative research
is to investigate the significance of people’s experiences, the meaning of people’s culture, and
how people view issues or cases (Creswell, 2009).
According to the research questions, the authors believe that applying the qualitative
approach to this research will have a more significant impact in terms of evaluating the current
problems and exploring the precise solution that relates to the problems that have occurred.
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
The author will take part in the interviews and FGD (focus group discussion) process, seek
documents needed, conduct observations, and then consolidate all the data with the amount of
time to generate those things into them.
The secondary data source will include books, journals, papers, government records, and
other personal sources. An extensive literature review was conducted, which aided in the
formulation of the direct data collection questionaries. More precise qualitative and
quantitative data and statistics are required to profile MSME entrepreneurs (demographic
information, barriers to start-up, and growth). As a result, the visibility of MSMEs
entrepreneurs would increase. Using a lens like the one described in the report could aid in
making sense of the data.
According to the research questions, the authors believe that applying the qualitative
approach to this research will have a more significant impact in terms of evaluating the current
problems and exploring the precise solution that relates to the problems that have occurred.
The author will take part in the interviews and FGD (focus group discussion) process, seek
documents needed, conduct observations, and then consolidate all the data with the amount of
time to generate those things into them.
The secondary data source will include books, journals, papers, government records, and
other personal sources. An extensive literature review was conducted, which aided in the
formulation of the direct data collection questionaries. More precise qualitative and
quantitative data and statistics are required to profile MSME entrepreneurs (demographic
information, barriers to start-up, and growth). As a result, the visibility of MSMEs
entrepreneurs would increase. Using a lens like the one described in the report could aid in
making sense of the data.
Once all of the data has been collected, methods for analyzing qualitative data will be
investigated. The data were qualitatively analyzed by looking for recurring topics and
providing an overview of a data set's characteristics, identifying patterns, and highlighting any
significant features or outliers. The author employs descriptive analysis to describe the
circumstances and their characteristics, with a focus on contextual issues (Gall, Gall, & Borg,
One similarity between qualitative and descriptive research is the use of naturalistic data-
fields (Hossein, 2015). It is critical to accurately record and transcribe the interview in order to
avoid errors and data loss during direct data collection. For each type of interview, a separate
recording file will be created to be used in the later stages of data organization and analysis
prior to the formation of any conclusions
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
Root Cause and Altivernative Solution for Jak preneur People.
Table 1. Root Cause And Altivernative Solution For Jak Preneur
Root Cause
Alternative Solution
1. Lack of human resource as
the business mentor for the
member of Jak pruner
causing vagueness of
detail job’s task
2. Lack of motivation to
grow and learn more
3. Communication is limited
and sometimes not clear
1. The organization should start to build
integrated ecosystem which include
collaborating with former
businessman and current successful
2. Find the suitable strategies that match
with the current regulation and
financial allocation planning but also
concerned about the development of
3. Building the learning culture by
investing more on the people well-
4. Build a project management system
to enhance the communication and
clear out the task
1. No specific agenda for
each learning and
mentoring process so that
in the process of
developing umkm, which
make it not follow through.
2. The learning process is
still one-way, which two
way learning has not taken
3. The system created is still
complicated and does not
support the 7P mission of
the Jak preneur program.
4. Lack of available business
ecosystem and limited
network among Jakpreur
1. Set a new department of Knowledge
Management that can be included in
the human resource management
2. Online and offline activities should be
made two-way such as being able to
build Community of Practice (CoP),
Innovation Circles, and Knowledge
3. Reset the system focus, and reduce
the unnecessary list and proved more
clear friendly system.
4. Create a business ecosystem using an
integrated website system, where all
mentors and business actors can
connect online or directly.
5. Establishing knowledge sharing time
which is important for the
management as well as the Jak
preneur members and should be
documented well in storage.
1. Limited acess to
2. Data bank has not been
systematically collectd
3. Technology is still used
one-way, making users
unwilling to use the
existing Jak preneur
1. Create app extensions or super apps
that are easily accessible not only from
PCs but also from cell phones.
2. Set new knowledge repository so that
knowledge sources can be recorded
and accessed.
3. Organizations can create feedback
reports and analysis so that users can
also be educated and want to use the
Jak preneur system. So that this
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
community can collaborate on
1. Limitation of innovation
and development within
the government ecosystem
1. The need for internal government
initiatives, for example, through
TGUPP channels that can help change
existing regulations in the government.
With internal changes in the DKI
Jakarta government, matters regarding
regulations, SOPs, and KPIs can help
change the work objectives of the
With the table above, the author concludes by writing 4 factors of key elements of
the KM framework that need to be implemented below on Tabl2
Table 2. Key Elements of the Four Building Blocks of the Jak preneur Knowledge
Management Framework: People, Process, Technology, and Government.
Leadership Ability to
encourage behaviour
Individual Capacity
Collaborative culture
Managerial Skills
Data system
Realistic Target
Consulted / Key
person Policy
Increase productivity
and motivation with
collective information.
The full use of
integrated system
Efficient and
easy system
task and
quality target
Support program
compensation for the
member of Jak
KM Leader &
Internet of
Things Data
bank Manual
technology and
data base
Communication and
training CoP
(Community of
To maintain
standardized and
equal knowledge
among workers
Cloud sharing
Public training
on the system
Proposed SECI Model
In the process of knowledge development with the passage of time and the wider and
more active of each Jak preneur member and management, it is hoped that each stakeholder
will participate in the SECI process, so the acceleration curve of the growth and development
of new organizational knowledge is getting higher and it is hoped that it can accelerate the
organization's goal of raising the level of MSMEs. From figure IV.1 below, the process of
continuous interaction between explicit and tacit knowledge is expected to take place in the
Jak prenur program.
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
Figure 2. Proposed SECI
Proposed Jann House Model
Jann's KM model framework for the Jakpreneur program by the PPUMKM Agency is
explained using the analogy of a two-level house building on figure 3
Figure 3 Proposed Jann House Model
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
The internal management system and bureaucracy is one of the main problem from Jak
preneur organization to accelerate their performance. Therefore, making an integrated system
of communication and working activity between all the stakeholder components need to be
done. Organization can start consider by creating a knowledge management division which
focuses on managing the internal company knowledge resources. This division focusses on
analyzing the organization’s vision and mission, then making detail strategies to making it
happen. KM division will work along with the main sections of Dinas PPUMKM which are
industry sector, SMEs sector and marketing. Thus, this division will also balanced out not just
the overwhelming task but rather to synchronized the target of the government to the mission
of the organization.
Figure 4 Proposed KM Division
Proposed RACI System
In its daily activities, the Jak preneur program experiences great difficulties, especially
in human capital where many work tasks overlap with each other, therefore the author suggests
a solution for project management that can be implemented in the learning process in the
organization. The solution regarding the RACI (Responsible, Accountabl Consulted, and
Informed) system below.
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
Table 3 Proposed RACI System Example: on establishing business monthly
feedback to the member of Jakrpreneur
Project Task
Head of
Phase 1: Research
Framework &
Risk factor
Phase 2 : Structure & Data Collection
Concept &
Data collection
Design wire
User journey &
(Source : )
The proposed system is intended to be used to clarify the management of Dinas
PPUMKM, not only the roles and responsibilities, but also the milestones and decisions that
take place, thereby improving the organization's daily performance. RACI can help with clarity
on task ownership, management can empower each employee to fulfill their respective roles
and collaborate more effectively. This makes employees more motivated and more productive.
In short, the RACI matrix template allows you to do more, with less effort which can help the
organization's performance as well.
For programs or organizations with multiple projects and complex deliverables, the
template can even be customized for each division of work using a consistent RACI model.
This consistency allows for greater visibility into who is doing what for each milestone and
task within a project. Since the RACI format is the same for the entire company, you will know
how other teams are using it, even if they are in different departments. With consistent use,
confusion is reduced and people feel more connected to their work.
Implementation Plan and Justification
To be successful, the approach to improvement has to be targeted, pragmatic, and
results-oriented. The organization needs to rethink the knowledge development model to
manage its resources as well as boost its performance. The five steps of Knowledge
Management Strategy in figure below can be implemented to Jak preneur program in Dinas
PPUMKM to solve problem in management system.
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
Figure 4 Proposed Implementation Plan
Determine the Objective & Strategy
Related to the result of the data collection, the main concerns that Jak preneur program
in Dinas PPUMKM faced are lack of human resources management, unintegrated system, and
no clear establishment on knowledge management system. Therefore, here are some objective
of Knowledge Management Strategy of Jak preneur:
a. Employee development in increasing soft skill, and leadership capabilities of management
resource and employee.
b. Establishing and improving the integrated information system/data bank in PUSDATIN
(Data and Information Center) section.
c. Developing central coordination unit and Knowledge management division.
Referring to the three objectives listed above, the organization needed to conduct training
for the management and employees of Dinas PPUMKM in order to improve the essential skills
that the organization may require to achieve their performance. Based on the FGD process, it
was agreed that the administrators and mentors of this program should also be given knowledge
in order for the mentoring and learning process to run smoothly. Leadership development is
another critical aspect that will provide and improve confidence, strengthen internal and
external communication, and develop character and culture within the organization.
Furthermore, the PUSDATIN (Data and Information Center) is not only improving its
existing system but also establishing a data bank and knowledge repository. This establishment
is critical because it will aid the new division of KM and provide the organization with useful
information, allowing them to resolve organizational issues. Knowledge repositories will assist
in making knowledge easily accessible to the entire team.
The author has considered and determine the KM Strategy related to the analysis from
chapter 4. Strategies are listed below.
a. Improving the skills and quality of employee of Dinas PPUMKM
b. Encouraging a CoP Community of Practice within the organization.
c. Integrating the information system and data bank and developing the current system.
d. Formulate the new additional KM and organization system.
e. Encouraging the employee to learn and use the existing system.
Asses the Readiness of People, Process, and Technology
People, processes, and technology are the three key components of Knowledge
Management that must be properly integrated. The synergy of these three aspects will add value
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
to the organization's knowledge management process. According to the discussion in the FGD
process, people in the organization as knowledge workers are aware that the knowledge sharing
and transfer process exists, but they do not understand or know what knowledge management
means. We need to encourage employees to be able to implement a knowledge management
system and to be more aware of the importance of carrying out these activities for the
organization's ideals to be sustained.
Furthermore, the Jak preneur program already has a good division of information -
PUSDATIN. As a result, the organization continues to struggle with documenting knowledge
and storing resources. A data bank system must be built so that these resources remain in the
organization, making it easier for employees to search for and learn from existing knowledge.
Finally, in terms of technology, the creation of the Jakpreneur website has already been a
success. However, there is still room for improvement so that the website can meet all of the
stakeholders' needs and facilitate learning interactions.
Readjust the Pergub (Governor’s Regulation)
The Governor Regulation No.2 of 2020, Governor Regulation (PERGUB) on the
Implementation of Integrated Entrepreneurship Development, governs the Jak Preneur
program. As long as it is ordered by higher laws and regulations or formed on authority,
PERGUB, or Governor Regulation, has binding legal force. Pergub No. 2 of 2020 governs
activities carried out in collaboration between the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and
other stakeholders to develop potential skills and business independence.
With the beginning of the creation of the KM division in the management of the
PPUMKM Office, the organizational structure will change, causing the Pergub to change
indirectly. According to the analysis of stakeholder mapping in Chapter 1, it is critical that the
Head of Service and its members, as well as TGUPP, be consulted and informed about this
initiation change.
Gain Commitment
Gaining commitment in the organization especially in the government is crucial for
several reason such, alignment of organization goals, improved performance, engaged and
motivated workers, and will enhanced team work and collaboration. Employees and teams who
are dedicated to the organization are more likely to share knowledge, offer assistance, and
collaborate as a unit. This collaboration improves problem-solving, innovation, and team
performance. Some suggestion towards the organization’s commitment:
a. Leader & the Management must be open, committed, and aware of current trends.
b. Lader & the Management must listen to internal or external parties such as the business
actor's opinions, suggestions, input, or other criticism.
c. Leader & the Management must foster a supportive and optimistic work environment that
values, rewards, and understands one another.
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
KM Road Map
Below is the figure of KM Road Map Initiative that can be implemented by the Dinas
PPUMKM in the Jak preneur program.
Figure 5 Proposed KM Road Map
Finally, this study investigated and analyzed various aspects of Knowledge Management
in order to shed light on its implementation in a public sector organization. We have delved
into the knowledge gaps, proposed framework, and solution with the implementation plan
throughout this thesis, revealing valuable insights into Knowledge Management. We have
provided a comprehensive understanding of Knowledge Management and its implications in
the Dinas PPUMKM by examining the knowledge gaps and needs of establishing a KM system
for the Jak preneur program. The proposed SECI and Jann House diagrams were also used to
describe the KM framework in the study. While this study significantly contributes to the
existing body of knowledge, there are still avenues for further exploration and investigation.
This final chapter aims to synthesize the main findings, discuss their broader implications, and
propose potential future research directions, inviting scholars and practitioners to delve deeper
into this fascinating field of study.
The thesis' proposed knowledge management implementation plan highlights several key
recommendations for improving organizational learning and maximizing organizational goals.
The main recommendations are to establish a KM division before implementing the KM
framework and delivering the roadmap. The author suggests that the organization establish the
KM Division within the internal organization before implementing the KM framework and
delivering the roadmap. Furthermore, a centralized knowledge repository will be established
to consolidate and organize information resources, a comprehensive training program will be
implemented to promote knowledge transfer and acquisition among employees, an integrated
system will be developed to encourage knowledge sharing behaviors, a culture of collaboration
and communication will be fostered through cross-functional teams and communities of
Knowledge Management Framework Implementation in Government to Increase Organization
practice, and technology will be leveraged. These recommendations are intended to foster
within the organization a knowledge-driven environment that facilitates the creation, capture,
and dissemination of valuable knowledge assets.
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