DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
Angga Nur Rohman
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Email: 020[email protected]
Da'wah to invite people to good and prevent bad deeds must be done to everyone without exception, including
those with disabilities such as the Deaf. However, proselytizing to those who are deaf rarely gets attention and is
still done individually. There needs to be a transformative deaf da'wah approach in spreading Islamic values as
done by Dr. Omar at the Yaqeen Institute. This study aims to describe Dr. Omar's Deaf da'wah approach and be
able to provide examples for other preachers. The research method uses qualitative descriptive techniques with a
phenomenological approach. The results of this study explain that Dr. Omar's da'wah approach is based on deaf
mad'u with Sign Language Interpreters playing an important role in transferring his da'wah messages. Mad'u
Tunarungu makes the da'wah approach use a variety of delivery to be understood and accessible for those who
are deaf such as the use of various social media Instagram, Youtube and Twitter, he also makes deaf works of
books. Thus, those who are deaf are able to access and receive their message of da'wah anywhere and anytime.
However, it requires deaf people to be able to master sign language in order to understand Dr. Omar Suleiman's
Friday sermon.
: Da'wah; Approach; Deaf; Deaf; Values
The concept of Islam spread by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, spread through the five
senses to the Arab community and passed on by us until now. Da'wah is a command that must
be carried out by all mankind to try to invite the ma'ruf and prevent the unfortunate as stated in
Qs. Ali Imran (3): 104 (Asror, 2018). So da'wah itself needs to be conveyed to all mankind on
earth without exception. Despite the fact that humans were created by Allah SWT in different
circumstances, both physical and non-physical, both ethnic and cultural (Nufus et al., 2018).
There are even conditions of human physical state having shortcomings which are then called
disabilities or disabilities. The fact that the existence of people with disabilities in the Qur'an
is mentioned a lot and that is of concern such as Qs. Abasa (80): 1-2 for example, shows the
existence of people who have limitations in seeing, while Allah SWT reminded the Prophet
Muhammad not to be surly to blind people. Thus, it shows that, there is a rebuke from Allah
SWT to humans, especially in that context, namely the Prophet Muhammad not to ignore
anyone, even though he has the obstacle to learn Islam and strive in the way of Allah SWT
(Yuantini, 2019).
Disability comes from English, difable (differently able, different ability, differently
abled people) which means people with different abilities. In Indonesian Dictionary, disability
also means people with disabilities (Yuantini, 2019). In general, disability can be divided into
three types, namely: (1) physical abnormality group, consisting of blind, hearing impaired,
deaf, and speech impaired, (2) non-physical disorder group, consisting of mentally impaired,
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 5, May 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
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hearing impaired and autistic, and (3) multiple disorder group, namely those who experience
more than one type of disorder (Sholeh, 2016).
Disability groups are part of the target of da'wah whose reality exists and their number is
relatively large, so it cannot be denied that they are objects that must always be in the values
of truth. Da'wah activities must be conveyed to everyone, including those who have
shortcomings (Restendy, 2019). According to PUSDATIN data from the Ministry of Social
Affairs, in 2010, the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia was: 11,580,117 people
with 3,474,035 (people with visual disabilities), 3,010,830 (people with physical disabilities),
2,547,626 (people with hearing disabilities), 1,389,614 (people with mental disabilities) and
1,158,012 (people with chronic disabilities). Based on 2020 current data from the Central
Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia reached 22.5
million or around five percent (Halim, 2021).
The study of disability groups is important given their size. Da'wah can actually be
transformative, in order to provide benefits for changing rahmatan lil alamin for all circles
(Abdullah, 2019). That way da'wah also needs to be done to those who have physical
deficiencies, especially the five senses. However, the way it is done will be very different from
da'wah in general to those with disabilities. There is a special approach that needs to be taken
so that they can understand the message of Islam conveyed by the preacher. One of the
phenomena of da'wah to the deaf rarely gets special attention in Indonesia, there are not many
da'wah models used in general, but it is still individual as carried out by the Indonesian Deaf
Ta'lim Council South Jakarta (Fitriyani, 2019). Even though the scope of the deaf community
is very broad, spread in various regions of Indonesia as stated in the data above, the number of
people with hearing disabilities is 1,158,012. Under these conditions, those outside Jakarta
have limited access to the studies carried out by the Ta'lim Council.
In contrast to general information, many use media that can access the entire region
quickly such as news on television, YouTube and other mass and social media platforms. This
can provide effectiveness and efficiency in disseminating information. One example is national
news that now uses sign language interpreter mediators to be understood by those who are deaf
(Yusuf & Tajibu, 2021). Such conditions should also need to be carried out in da'wah activities
in Indonesia, so that deaf people can access da'wah messages easily. There is one Islamic
scientist who can be an example in his da'wah approach to the deaf, namely Dr. Omar Suleiman.
On several occasions in his lectures, he was always accompanied by a Sign Language
interpreter. For example, when Dr. Omar delivered a sermon discussing "Seeing With The
Light of Allah" and "7 Ways To Increase Baraka In Your Time", there was a sign language
interpreter on Dr. Omar's right side who helped him to translate it so that it could be easily
understood by those who could not hear
Dr. Omar has the scope of da'wah in America, but his studies can be accessed through
his personal YouTube, Instagram and Twitter accounts and his institution, the Yaqeen Institute,
so that his reach is very wide for those who are normal and disabled. The use of sign language
in the world does vary, depending on the regulations made in a country such as in Indonesia
using Indonesian Sign Language (BISINDO), Malaysia Malaysian Sign Language (BIM),
America using American Sign Language (ASL) and other countries have certain terms and
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
rules in the use of Sign Language (Ridwang, 2017). Previous research discussed the Strategy
of Da'wah Islamiyah for Deaf People (Case Study at the Indonesian Deaf Ta'lim Council, South
Jakarta) written by Fitriani and Darojatun (Fitriyani, 2019). However, from this research, his
da'wah uses a personal approach, in contrast to Dr. Omar who utilizes technological media to
convey messages. That way, it is hoped that preachers in Indonesia can modify sign language
in Indonesia well so that the message of Islam can be conveyed widely without exception those
who are deaf (Gumilang, 2019).
Other research in the journal Tablighi Activities among People with Deaf Speech
Disabilities. The results of the study describe da'wah activities for the deaf ranging from
obstacles such as differences in the ability in sign language to efforts to overcome obstacles by
optimizing the delivery of material to deaf people with a psychological approach(Mahlufi et
al., 2019). The difference from the research conducted is the effectiveness and efficiency of
using technology in conveying da'wah messages to those who cannot hear. In addition, the
author does not elaborate on obstacles but rather some elements of the da'wah approach to the
Another study was written by Siti Aisyatul Adawiyah entitled Da'wah for Children with
Special Needs (Study of Ustadzah Rina's Da'wah Method to Deaf Mute Children at
DharmaWanita Lebo Sidoarjo Special School (SLB) 2019). The result of this study is the
approach taken by Ustadzah Rina to Deaf children using the Life Experience Debate
Technique, learning provided using an experiential approach to change behavior (Adawiyah,
2019). The difference with what the author wants to examine is that the target of da'wah is not
to children in the scope of school, but to those who are already puberty in age and there is an
obligation to carry out the commands of Allah SWT.
There are striking differences from the previous three studies on the approach of da'wah
to the Deaf. The basic thing is that in the formal object is Dr. Oemar Sulaiman, there has not
been much research about him on the ways he preached and developed his da'wah through the
institutions he owned. In addition, from the material object is the deaf da'wah approach with
the perspective of using media in spreading Islamic values. The author aims to describe the
approach of da'wah to the deaf through online media and can be an example for preachers and
prospective preachers in Indonesia, so that those who are deaf can accept the teachings of Islam
as Dr. Omar did.
This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, according to Sugiyono, qualitative
research methods are research methods used to examine natural object conditions (as opposed
to experiments), where researchers are the key instruments, data collection techniques are
carried out in combination, data analysis is inductive, and the results of the research emphasize
meaning rather than generalization (Rohman & Moefad, 2022). Analysis techniques The
subject of the study was Dr. Omar Suleiman in delivering his da'wah activities.
Primary data is sourced from data obtained directly from primary subjects, namely Dr.
Omar Suleiman on the Omar Suleiman Official @OmarSuleimanOfficial 22.6 thousand
youtube account and Yaqeen Institute @yaqeeninstituteofficial with 961 thousand followers,
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
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instragram Bernama imamomarsuleiman with 1.5 million followers and yaqeeninstitute with
466 thousand followers. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained from writings, documents,
websites, youtube channels outside the official Dr. Omar and Yaqeen Institute (Rohman &
Moefad, 2022).
Dr. Omar is an American Muslim scholar born in 1986. He is of Palestinian descent who
grew up in New Orleans, the capital of Louisiana province, United States. He is an Imam, an
author, a public speaker, a civil rights movement activist, professor of Islamic Studies at
Southern Methodist University, and founder and founder of the Yaqeen Institute Islamic
research institute in Texas. In 2000, Dr. Omar studied Islam traditionally in various Eastern
countries such as Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and Malaysia. He then pursued formal
education and earned a bachelor's degree in Accounting and Islamic Law, completed his
master's studies in Islamic Finance and Political History, then graduated from the doctoral
program in Islamic Thought and Civilization from the International Islamic University of
Malaysia (Rahman, 2020).
Dr. Omar is well-known as an activist engaged in the humanitarian field. Initially, he
served as an imam at the Jefferson Muslim Association in New Orleans for six years. When
his hometown was hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, he took part in fundraising efforts under
the slogan "Muslims for Humanity". He was later noted as an active person in community
service, interfaith dialogue, and also voiced justice. In 2010, he was honored for his outstanding
civic achievements by the Mayor and City Council of New Orleans. From New Orleans, he
moved to Dallas and became a resident scholar for an imam who lived and served at Valley
Ranch's Islamic center in 2013. He is also Co-Chair of a multi-faith alliance called Faith
Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square that works on peace and justice. In addition, he
founded MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs), a non-
profit organization that aims to build a friendly and inclusive Muslim community for people
with disabilities (Rahman, 2020).
Da'wah Journey
In 2016, Dr. Omar established the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research which is a forum
for Muslim scholars to jointly provide research-based Islamic teaching materials relevant to
people's lives. Yaqeen Institute moves through various kinds of media, both social media such
as YouTube, Podcasts, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, to written media such as paper, journals,
and ebooks (Yaqeen Institute, 2016). It was from this institution that Dr. Omar's da'wah grew.
On Youtube, he regularly fills in various series, such as: Qur'an 30 for 30, a Ramadan series
that discusses the interpretation of the Qur'an from juz one to thirty during Ramadan every
year; Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way, a series about the End Days and life after death;
Prophet Muhammad's Hajj Story, a series that discusses the story of Prophet Muhammad's
Hajj; and so on. YouTube Yaqeen Institute itself has more than 950 thousand subscribers.
In addition, she has written papers on various topics, ranging from the struggle of
Palestinians, the issue of violence against women in the household, Islamic views on abortion,
Islamophobia, to the crisis of faith and identity experienced by the younger generation of
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
Muslims in America (Omar Suleiman, 2012). As a writer, Dr. Omar has also published several
books, including: Meeting Muhammad or Meeting Muhammad; Prayers of the Pious; Angels
in Your Presence; Repentance: Breaking the Habit of Sin; and others. These books are traded
internationally so that they can be enjoyed by people all over the world. In addition to books,
Dr. Omar's writings or opinions can be found in well-known mass media, such as CNN, USA
Today, The Guardian, HuffPost, and The Dallas Morning News. (Imam Omar Suleiman, 2018)
He was then invited as a resource person at various national and international events. In
December 2018, he was invited to be one of the panelists in a dialogue entitled "Harmonization
of Religion and Human Rights" organized by The Carter Center, an NGO founded by former
American president, Jimmy Carter (The Carter Center, 2018). In January 2018, he was also
invited as one of the panelists in the interfaith dialogue of Islam, Judaism and Christianity
organized by Saint Michael and All Angels Church in Dallas. The dialogue was aired on
YouTube and has been watched by more than 12 million viewers (SMAADallas, 2018). Due
to the positive response, the dialogue was held again in January 2019 and has been watched by
more than 3 million viewers (SMAADallas, 2019). Then in March 2022, he was invited by the
Doha Forum, an international forum attended by policy leaders from around the world hosted
in Qatar (Doha Forum, 2022).
For his various activities, he was then included in the ranks of the 25 most influential
American Muslims based on the results of a survey conducted by CNN in 2018 (Daniel Burke
and Madeleine Stix, 2018). He was also included in The Muslim 500 list, an annual ranking of
the world's most influential Muslims compiled by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre
in the same year. In 2019, the Center for Antiracist Research and Policy at American University
and Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives included Dr. Omar among 200 honorees with the
theme of social change (Suleiman, 2022g).
Deaf da'wah collection through Yaqeen Institute's youtube account :
Table 1. Collection of Dr. Omar's Sermon Themes
Dr. Omar Sermon Theme at
Yaqeen Institute 1
Dr. Omar Sermon Theme at Yaqeen Instittue 2
1. What Causes Du‘as to Be
2. Is All Knowledge Good? Dr.
3. How To Change Your Desires,
4. Tired of Being Taken Advantage
5. The Good Deed That Ruins You,
6. The Advice You Need to Hear,
7. Think Well of Allah,
8. The Sin of Using People
1. The Du'as of the Salaf on Arafah.
2. Our Father Ibrahim (as) Still Cares About Us
3. The Benefits of Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel
4. Social Media, Misinformation, And The
Assassination of Uthman (ra)
5. Our Priorities as an Ummah
6. Was my Ramadan Accepted?
7. Al-Aqsa, Indian Muslims, & Ramadan Silence
8. Fasting is a Shield
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
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Dr. Omar Sermon Theme at
Yaqeen Institute 1
Dr. Omar Sermon Theme at Yaqeen Instittue 2
9. Vocabulary of a Narcissist,
10. Learning to Trust Allah’s Timing,
11. Will Anyone Remember Me?
12. Is Allah With Me?
13. Uniting Our Ummah When
Politics Divide.
9. How To Start Ramadan Right
10. But You Want Something Else From Allah
11. Seeing With The Light of Allah”
12. 7 Ways To Increase Baraka In Your Time
13. What make your cry
Da'wah Approach
The da'wah approach is a point of departure or point of view on the da'wah process.
Generally, the determination of the approach is based on the da'wah partner and the atmosphere
surrounding it. The da'wah approach usually pays attention to three things, namely cultural,
educational and psychological approaches. This approach sees many da'wah partners. The
da'wah approach is a way taken by a missionary to achieve a certain goal on the basis of wisdom
and compassion. The principle must have a human oriented view (Aziz, 2016). In practice, Dr.
Omar is very concerned about the condition of his da'wah partners who are aware of not only
normal people, but also pay attention to the condition of da'wah targets who have hearing loss.
So every sermon he delivered always hooked a sign language interpreter in transferring his
da'wah messages. His approach in preaching focused on the conditions of mad'u. From the
results of research observations, every time he preaches on Friday at Yaqeen Institute, he and
his team always repose on Instagram and YouTube accounts. Thus, those who can receive the
message of da'wah are not only those who participate in sermon activities, but women, deaf
and hearing people who do not participate can consume their Islamic values. The following
analysis according to the author of the da'wah approach from Dr. Omar Suleiman:
Preachers are people who have the duty to convey good messages and prevent bad,
preachers are usually referred to as Da'i (Hardian, 2018). The proliferation of preachers today
is not only conveying messages in a normal way but also needs people who understand sign
language in transferring messages. Based on the theory of the da'wah approach, Da'i needs to
adjust to the conditions of mad'u in order to achieve the goals in da'wah (ILMIYATIN &
JUNDAH, 2018).
In this position, Dr. Omar became the subject of proselytizing and the Sign Language
Interpreter became the translator. This can be seen from the many sermons delivered by Dr.
Omar, based on the results of research that was limited to the last year, namely 2022. The
number of sermons he has done at Yaqeen Institute in the past year has been 26 meetings with
Deaf people. However, the Sign Language Interpreter at each of his khtubah has an important
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
role so that the Deaf are able to understand his sermon. Thus, to be able to carry out da'wah to
the Deaf is a requirement as a preacher
The requirements of Da'i cannot be ignored, including Dr. Omar has such things as
understanding religious science, having good morality (Daniel Burke and Madeleine Stix,
2018). He became a social activist and owned a university, showing the breadth of scholarship
and the beauty of his morality in order to be able to teach and hear from each of his khtubah.
Sign Language Interpreter. The quality, of course, must master sign skills, because of the
context of proselytizing carried out by Omar in America, the model and language rules are in
accordance with these rules. Meanwhile, Nusantara can use sign language rules in accordance
with the provisions, namely BISINDO (Mursita, 2015).
Figure 1. Photo Dr. Omar and the Spokesman
Da'wah Partners
Da'wah partners can be interpreted as mad'u are people who are entitled to receive
messages, there is no limit on who is a da'wah partner, be it near or far, Muslim or non-Muslim,
male and female and various other characters (Abu Al-Fath Al-Bayanuni, 2021). In the Mustoto
Journal on Multicultural Da'wah carried out by the Prophet Muhammad to non-Muslims, the
targets of da'wah are not only Muslims but people outside Islam without ethnicity, taste or rank,
so that everyone can receive messages without exception (Mustoto, 2019).
Mitra Dakwah or the target of da'wah from Dr. Omar is a person who hears and does not
hear, it can be seen from every da'wah delivered that he actually does not use sign language in
preaching. Thus normal people can understand the message as usual. However, the concern is
the Sign Language Interpreter, pointing out that the targets of da'wah are not only those who
are normal but those who are deaf to be part of learning Islam through their da'wah message.
By having two outlines of the target of da'wah, Dr. Omar can anticipate people who have
hearing impairments or who have language barriers. It only requires those who are deaf to
master sign language, so that they can understand the meaning of sign language interpreter Dr.
Omar. There are several levels of people who are unable to hear based on frequency, namely
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
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slight (16-25 dB), mild (26-40 dB), moderate (41-55 dB), moderate-severe (56-70 dB), severe
(71-90 dB), and profound (91 dB +) (Hidayat, 2021).
Da'wah Message
Da'wah material is the content of the message or material delivered by the preacher to
the recipient of da'wah. In its delivery, da'wah material can be delivered attractively so that it
is not monotonous, applicative, so that it is not only normative so that it can stimulate da'wah
recipients to improve its quality . Da'wah messages can also be presented
as tablighi material that is strongly influenced by preachers and also recipients of da'wah
messages. Da'i is required to adapt to the conditions of mad'u so that the message conveyed
can achieve the purpose of da'wah (Khuzaimah, 2018).
The videos that Dr. Omar uploaded in the past year contain various Islamic messages for
consumption by anyone without exception. Based on the grouping that has been done, the value
of the da'wah message conveyed
What Causes Du'as to Be Unheard? reported on the Yaqeen Institute's youtube, the theme
discusses the reasons why prayer is not heard by Allah SWT. Dr. Omar conveyed three main
causes using various approaches to the Qur'an and Hadith postulates, namely not believing and
believing that prayers offered to Allah SWT will be answered, still violating the prohibitions
of Allah SWT and the prayer answered is better for someone not asked (Suleiman, 2022x)
Is All Knowledge Good? Dr. Omar on his special occasion said that not only a person
fully knows about God. He conveyed this because not all humans know how to go to heaven,
therefore Dr. Omar motivated the opportunity of his sermon to continue learning to know God
through the Quran and Hadith (Suleiman, 2022w).
How To Change Your Desires, the opportunity for the sermon he delivered on December
10, 2022, was to show his efforts to be able to remain enthusiastic in worship. Among them,
he said that he must always think prositively, take advantage of God's gift in worship and
always pray just like the Prophet used to seek protection from an insatiable self (Suleiman,
No one likes to feel used, abused, and unappreciated. But reframing the way we approach
these situations can lead to the realization of significant rewards that make it all worth it
(Suleiman, 2022u)
The Good Deed That Ruins You, Ibn Al Qayyim's (RA) deep insight into the risk of a
pilgrim getting lost in their pride, while a sinner finds his way back to Allah (Suleiman, 2022t)
The Advice You Need to Hear, A person may miss an opportunity to improve themselves
by not inviting the naseeha they need to take the next step in their journey (Suleiman, 2022s)
Think Well of Allah, What does it mean to have Husn Al Dhann (think good) about
Allah? What are the practical applications and misunderstandings of the concept? When is it
most important to us? (Suleiman, 2022r)
The Sin of Using People, When we take benefits from someone, then throw them away
when we don't need them, we fall into the form of ingratitude that the Prophet despised 
  (Suleiman, 2022q)
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
Vocabulary of a Narcissist, What words does Allah attribute to narcissists in the Quran?
What traits do the words express, and what do the narcissists have in common? A strong
reflection of Ibn Al Qayyim (RA) on avoiding these terms and the tyranny he represents
(Suleiman, 2022p)
When you wait for God's help to come, trials to be lifted, or blessings to come, what
prayers and deeds are recommended to keep trust in His timing in stride? "O God, satisfy me
with Your destiny and bless me with Your decrees, so that I do not wish to move what is
delayed, nor delay what has been moved." (Suleiman, 2022o)
Will Anyone Remember Me? In a time where relevance is often measured by public
recognition, how do we find our own sense of value and define our unique heritage? Dr. Omar
really reminds humans of what others will remember when someone dies. He conveyed this by
raising the story of the Prophet Muhammad why it can be remembered until now, namely works
that can benefit others (Suleiman, 2022n)
Is God With Me? God's closeness to a servant is seen from how obedient he is to carry
out his commandments and stay away from his prohibitions (Suleiman, 2022m)
Uniting Our Ummah When Politics Divide. How can we remain united as a people with
God's rope in an era of intense political polarization? (Suleiman, 2022l)
The Du'as of the Salaf on Arafat. A look at some of the personal prayers and practices of
the pious companions and predecessors on the day of Arafat (Suleiman, 2022k)
Our Father Ibrahim (as) Still Cares About Us. The beauty embedded in the way we pray
for our father Abraham (pbuh) as taught to us by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon him) is not random, but is strongly linked to his exemplary attention for us (Suleiman,
The Benefits of Hasbunallahu Wa Ni'mal Wakeel, Explains the meaning and benefits of
the prayer that Ibrahim (as) said when he was thrown into the fire, and the Prophet  
 said when he faced a large army (Suleiman, 2022i)
As deception grows, many good people fall for false narratives and end up harming
innocent people. (Suleiman, 2022h)
Our Priorities as an Ummah, What to focus on when so much seems to be happening at
one time? How do we determine where our energy and efforts are best used? (Suleiman, 2022f)
Was my Ramadan Accepted? We end the last few days of Ramadan. How can you use
this time to make sure the whole month is received? (Suleiman, 2022e)
Al-Aqsa, Indian Muslims, & Ramadan Silence, Why we are uniquely obligated in
Ramadan to raise our voices for those abused in the holiest places. (Suleiman, 2022d)
Fasting is a Shield, The Prophet (saw) described fasting as both a shield and a means by
which desire is diminished. What are the meanings of these ahadith? (Suleiman, 2022c)
How To Start Ramadan Right, on the occasion of a sermon in the month of Ramadan,
Dr. Omar conveyed some tips on how to start Ramadan properly and correctly. What wisdom
do we take from the pious predecessors about how to start Ramadan on the right foot?
(Suleiman, 2022b)
But You Want Something Else From Allah, Why are we uniquely obligated in Ramadan
to raise our voices for those abused in the holiest places. (Suleiman, 2022a)
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
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Seeing With The Light of Allah, What is the cure for blindness in the heart? And what
gifts of foresight (Baseera and Phrase) are given to righteous seekers? (Suleiman, 2021c)
7 Ways To Increase Baraka In Your Time, Dr. Omar Suleiman gives tips on how to
achieve blessings from Allah at all times through the 7 paths. Do you increasingly feel like
time is passing quickly and you're becoming less productive? In this sermon, we discuss what
the Prophet    taught us to increase blessings in our time (Suleiman, 2021b)
What make your cry. covering what is the difference between the cries of Adam  
and the devil; a worshipper and a demon; empathy and narcissism (Suleiman, 2021a)
Da'wah Method
According to Basrah Lubis, method is a system or way to manage a desire or idea so that
it can be achieved. The da'wah method can be understood as a way used in da'wah to achieve
goals effectively and efficiently in da'wah (Aliyudin, 2010). While in the book of the
philosophy of da'wah, the method is a way that can be developed in an effort to find a way in
da'wah, so that the process of delivering Islamic messages can be understood by listeners
(Ismail & Hotman, 2013). The methods carried out by Dr. Omar Suleiman include the
Deaf accommodation
(Yaqeen Institute, 2016)
Dr. Omar almost every Friday at Yaqeen Institute is a speaker delivering Friday sermons.
Indeed, every Friday, there is no sign language interpreter directly. However, the youth co-
founded with Yaqeen Institute to model sermons using sign language which is directly
transferred by sign language experts. It thus accommodates deaf people, thus getting equal
opportunities to get the message of Islam.
Youtube, Instagram and Twitter media approach
Deaf access to Dr. Omar's facilities is made easier by using various approaches to social
media platforms. From the search results, it is known that some of the Friday sermons he did
were modified and uploaded via Instagram, YouTube and Twitter as a medium of information
and consumption of his sermons. With these various media approaches, it makes it easier for
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
deaf mad'u to access D. Omar's da'wah message. In addition, most recently, he and his team
used Tiktok as a medium for delivering his da'wah messages. This can be a lesson for Da'i
Nusantara in spreading its religious values, being able to use various social media to expand
the reach of mad'u, especially to provide equality also for those who cannot hear.
Create Islamic, Social and Motivational books
Dr. Omar has also published several books, including: Meeting Muhammad or Meeting
Muhammad; Prayers of the Pious; Angels in Your Presence; Repentance: Breaking the Habit
of Sin; and others. These books are traded internationally so that they can be enjoyed by people
all over the world. In addition to books, Dr. Omar's writings or opinions can be found in well-
known mass media, such as CNN, USA Today, The Guardian, HuffPost, and The Dallas
Morning News. (Imam Omar Suleiman, 2018). Through these messages, mad'u can access
messages and thoughts from Dr. Omar easily. Of course, not only for those who listen, for the
Deaf can also study Dr. Omar Suleiman's books.
Da'wah Media
Da'wah media is a means used to convey da'wah messages in the form of oral, written
and so on depending on the conditions of mad'u (Hadi, 2016). Dr. Omar manages his da'wah
activities not individually, but he founded universities and also social media accounts that are
used as his da'wah media. Based on the results of observations, there is a use of da'wah media
to deaf people, namely as follows Friday Sermon, Youtube, Instagram and Twitter. Here are
some photos of Dr. Omar Suleiman's social media accounts and Yaqeen Institute who actively
spread their da'wah messages to the Deaf
Figure 3. Sign Language Interpreter
Dr. Omar became one of the modern Da'i models in preaching, his da'wah approach can
reach various circles. Not only normal people but people with disabilities have the same
opportunity to receive his da'wah message. Dr. Omar's model of da'wah approach to the deaf
can be summed up as follows Dr. Omar's position as Da'i was purely to convey the message of
DR. Omar Suleiman's Da'wah Approach To Deaf People With Disabilities
link jurnal
da'wah as usual, but he was equipped with a Sign Language Interpreter to transfer Information
from Oral to Sign Language. Deaf people become special in Dr. Omar's lectures every Friday,
because Dr. Omar's delivery is generally in Oral language. The use of Sign Language allows
deaf people with varying degrees of hearing loss to consume his special messages through Dr.
Omar and Yaqeen Institute's social media.
Dr. Omar Suleiman's approach to da'wah messages in the past year has uploaded 26
sermons for the Deaf. The value of the message of da'wah conveyed contains about qidah,
sharia and morals as well as Islamic motivations up to life. However, the dominant message
conveyed is related to morals and motivation as in the following theme: What Causes Du'as to
Be Unheard? How To Change Your Desires, Think Well Of Allah, Will Anyone Remember
Me, Uniting Our Ummah When Politics Divide, Social Media, Misinformation, And The
Assassination of Uthman (ra), Our Priorities as an Ummah, How To Start Ramadan Right, 7
Ways To Increase Baraka In Your Time, What make your cry.
The way to approach deaf da'wah is done by optimizing something that can be understood
by deaf people. Dr. Omar approached his da'wah by providing accommodation for Deaf people
to access his sermons through sign language interpreters, disseminating various sign language
da'wah messages through Dr. Omar and Yaqeen Institute's social media, and creating various
Islamic, Social and Motivational books.
Dr. Omar's deaf da'wah approach is not carried out directly, but uses various social media
that can be accessed by the public in the era of technological developments including using
youtube, twitter, Instagram and Tiktok. Save the author for further research, it is also necessary
to educate sign language for those who are deaf to be able to receive da'wah messages through
social media.
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Angga Nur Rohman (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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