Harson Towalu
Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo, Indonesia
Email: harson[email protected]
The implementation of the School Complete Achievement Card Policy (KPTS) has been going
on for a decade or 10 (ten) years. The hope is to overcome the problem of students from poor
families who cannot go to school for reasons of cost. For this reason, the purpose of this study
is to describe the evaluation of the impact of KPTS Policy that has been going on for 10 (ten)
years, in Pohuwato Regency. This study used descriptive methods, analysis and in-depth
interviews. The results showed that the KPTS Policy had a positive impact on completing the
education level of students from poor households, as well as making a significant contribution
in reducing the dropout rate during the Covid-19 pandemic in Pohuwato Regency. This study
also produced recommendations in the form of the need for policy innovation of local wisdom
values with the Mopohulita model.
: Evaluation;
KPTS Policy; Free Learning.
Poverty and Underdevelopment Education is an urgent problem to find a systematic,
integrated and comprehensive solution. Poverty in certain communities greatly impacts the
powerlessness of people to access social, cultural and economic power bases and educators
(Hatu, 2015).
The concept of poverty is not only seen from one dimension but from various dimensions
(Hoe and Wahab, 2017). The poor are characterized by low education, labor productivity,
income, health. Poverty is also a socio-economic phenomenon in which a part of society is
unable to meet the basic necessities of life. According to (Kumari, 2013) that Poverty is not a
person's hallmark, but rather their situation. (Morris, Santos and Neumeyer, 2016). The World
Bank stipulates that poor people in developing countries earn less than $2 per day, per person.
Whereas in developed countries like the US the average income is $ 6.15. Thus, quantitatively
the size of the poor in the US, including rich people in developing countries as well as in
Indonesia. It's different with (Huraerah, 2013) "Solving the problem of poverty is not just
providing assistance in order to meet the needs of the poor". People should be seen more as
subjects than objects, and they should be given opportunities to color poverty reduction policies
and strategies. Thus, the concept of poverty reduction has many sides both economically,
socially and politically. (Deininger and Liu, 2013).
Thus, poverty is a condition of inability and helplessness of citizens in meeting basic
needs caused by the scarcity of equitable distribution of economic, educational, health, social
and political fulfillment.
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 6, June 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Impact Evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato Regency
As an area that cannot be separated from poverty vulnerability, poverty indicators in
Pohuwato district are shown in table 1 below.
Table 1 Pohuwato District Poverty Indicators 2013 - 2018
Poverty Indicators
Poverty Indicators
Number of Poor People (000 people)
Percentage of Poor People (P0)
Poverty Depth Index (P1)
Poverty Severity Index (P2)
Poverty Line (Rupiah)
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics of Pohuwato Regency: 2022
In order to overcome the problem of implementing decentralization and responsibility
for education affairs, as well as overcoming the large number of poor students who are not
accommodated in education assistance in the form of Smart Indonesia Cards (KIP) and School
Operational Assistance (BOS), the local government of Pohuwato Regency of Gorontalo
province through the Education and Culture Office developed an Education Personal Cost
Assistance program through the Policy Peraturan Bupati No 33 Tahun 2019 tentang Kartu
Prestasi Tuntas Sekolah (KPTS). Where this policy provides education subsidies for students
who come from Poor Households (RTM).(Perbub Pohuwato, 2019).
This KPTS policy has been going on for quite a long time, namely since 2013 until now.
However, the problem that arises is that during the enactment of this policy has not been
comprehensively understood the impact of this policy in supporting the education of students,
especially those who come from poor households.(Al, 2015)
In simple terms, policy devotion is what governments do and do not do (Dye, 2007). By
(Petersen, 2017) It is said to be a government activity carried out to overcome problems that
are happening in society. The process of policy implementation is influenced by its features,
by the organization of the administrative apparatus responsible for implementation and by the
ideas, values and worldview of the actors. Where the actor in question is a bureaucracy. (Lúcia
and Santos, 2017). According (Tahir, 2012) Policy characteristics include: a) government
actions aimed at creating public welfare; b). Through systematic stages; c) carried out by the
implementing organization; d) evaluated so that it is known whether or not it is successful in
solving the problem; e). is a legal product that must be obeyed and applies binding to its
For this reason, KPTS Policy Implementation is the actions taken by the Regional
Government of Pohuwato Regency as a Policy Implementor directed to achieve the goals and
objectives that have been previously set.
Policy Implementation
Among several models of policy implementation is the Grindle model. The basic idea
of Policy Implementation is determined by: "The content of the policy and its implementation
environment". Further explanation of this implementation model can be seen in figure 1
Impact Evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato Regency
Figure 1, Grindle Policy Implementation Model
1. Content of Policy, which includes: Interest affected; Type of Benefits; Extent of Change
Envision; Site of Decision Making; Program Implementer; Resources Committed
(Resources Used).
2. Context of Implementation, including: Power, Interest, and Strategy of Actors Involved;
Institution and Regime Characteristic; Compliance and Responsiveness
The background of holding the KPTS Program is because there are many students from
poor families who cannot attend school for reasons of cost. As is known about the assumption
that those who can go to school are only people who have economic abilities. Seeing this
phenomenon, the Regional Government of Pohuwato Regency created this KPTS Policy
Program with the aim of supporting the implementation of twelve-year compulsory education,
increasing access to education services fairly and equitably, ensuring certainty in getting
education services, and improving the quality of education outcomes.
The Pohuwato Regency Government through the Regional Budget (APBD) DIPA
Education Office allocates funds every year of Rp. 1. 200.000.000,- (One Billion two hundred
million rupiah). The provision of KPTS is based on the calculation of the amount of unit cost
per student per month for one fiscal year as follows: SD/SDLB/MI of Rp. 500,000/ year/ ATM
for 1,200 students. And SMP/SMPLB/MTs of Rp. 600,000/ year/ ATM for 1,000 students. To
fulfill the purchase of School Clothes and Shoes, Books, and School Stationery, School Bags,
Transport to and from School. (Pohuwato, 2018).
This research is normative legal research. Normative legal research is library research
that takes data based on secondary data. Secondary data is data obtained from ready-made
data such as laws and regulations, publications / reports on the results of KPTS Policy
Implementation. In order to support the validity and reliability of secondary data, the author
completes it with an in-depth interview with the program manager. The normative legal
approach emphasizes speculative-theoretical measures and normative-qualitative analysis
(Supranto, 2003). The analysis was conducted by managing secondary data and interview
results so as to produce conclusions about the impact evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato
Impact Evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato Regency
Based on the results of secondary data, the KPTS policy has been in effect since 2013
until now. In other words, the KPTS policy has entered a decade or 10 (ten) years. During the
10-year interval of KPTS policy implementation, in terms of the amount of funds used, it
remained the same as at the beginning of the policy, namely with a total budget of RP.,- annually. Where the number of beneficiaries each year also remains the same,
namely 1200 elementary school students, and 1000 junior high school students. While the
amount of each beneficiary is for elementary school students of Rp. 500,000 per student per
year and for junior high school students of RP. 600,000,- per student per year.
Impact of KPTS policy
Based on the results of the research above, the implementation of KPTS policy can last
for 10 years. The impact of the implementation of the policy that lasted for 10 years can be
identified and explained as follows: The KPTS policy has not significantly affected poverty
reduction in Pohuwato district. This is influenced by several factors, including: the level of
needs of beneficiaries is not proportional to the amount of funds available. The amount of funds
provided over the last 10 years has not changed, which is the same every year.
Such situations and conditions have an impact on the ineffectiveness and efficiency of
KPTS policy implementation. Where this policy does not pay attention to several very
influential factors such as inflation factors, fuel increases which are also followed by increases
in prices of basic necessities so that it affects the purchasing power of poor people on the
utilization and fulfillment of school equipment needs. which directly becomes the economic
burden of the poor. However, this policy still works because there is no other policy that is
more appropriate in overcoming the economic difficulties of citizens, especially in terms of
meeting the needs of school supplies for students.
Although not significant in overcoming the problem of poverty, this policy is enough to
help poor households in overcoming their economic difficulties, especially in the era of the
Covid-19 pandemic. This can be observed by the high interest of community members who are
proactive in meeting the requirements of participants, the lack of dropout rates for poor
households, the increase in APK and APM and the high level of student discipline in following
the learning process. In addition, the high concern of the government, both executive and
legislative in maintaining this policy to continue.
Based on the description above, when this KPTS policy is to be maintained, the
government needs to make various changes, creativity and policy innovation. One of the
creativity that can be done is to change the amount of the budget and the number of
beneficiaries both qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitatively, with the situation and
economic conditions of the community as a result of inflationary factors, fuel increases,
increases in the price of basic necessities and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the budget
amount of Rp. 500,000 or Rp. 600,000 / per person, per year is not able to meet the needs of
participating schools. For this reason, it is necessary to take creative steps which the people of
Gorontalo know as "Mopohulinta".
Mopohulinta (pronounced mopohulinda) comes from the root word "Hulinta" which
means big. With the prefix mopo which gives the meaning of telling / commanding that
Impact Evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato Regency
something given is in accordance with the needs of poor households as users of benefits. So
Mopohulinta is a concept that explains the need to increase the amount of funds or budget
given to students from poor households in order to meet their needs, in this case the needs of
school equipment in accordance with changes in time. Mopohulinta is done on the grounds
that the value of money of the same magnitude today will be different from the value of money
in the future.
Mopohulinta can be developed into 2 words namely Mohulinta and Poohulinta.
Mohulinta means that the amount of funds in previous years could be sufficient but the same
value is now insufficient. Both words are synonymous with one of the concepts in the world of
economics known as Present Value. While Poohulinta means that there is a lack of it needs to
be enlarged. (Pateda, 1997). In the sense that the value of money in the previous year was
insufficient for spending, then when now it is necessary to increase or enlarge the amount of
funds. Even to anticipate changes in situations and conditions that are not conducive, it is
necessary to anticipate additional budgets. In other words, Poohulinta means enlarging the
budget / funds from previously insufficient school needs of students to be able to be met for
school needs. In the economic world synonymous with the term Future Value. (Towalu, 2022).
Further according to (Towalu, 2020), Conceptually the calculation of "Mopohulinta"
can be done by (Mohulinta and poohulinta). The calculation of Mopohulinda is done with the
Present Value formula approach while Poohulinta is done with the Future Value formula
approach . Mohulinta gave a meaning where the amount of money received Rp. 500,000 in
2013 was not the same as the value of Rp. 500,000 in 2019. For example: If during 2013-2019
the interest rate is 8% per year, then with the approach of the Present Value formula can be
............................................................................... (1)
PV = Present Value (value for money now)
FV = Future value Value for money in the future after N years
r = interest rate
N = Number of years
We can calculate the above problem as follows:
Known FV = Rp. 500.000,-
r = 8 % pertahun
N = 2019 2013 = 6 tahun
Asked : PV = Rp. .......?
Then the solution is:
= = = = Rp. 315.000
In the sense that there is a decrease of Rp. 185,000, - or by 37% of the value of time to
Impact Evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato Regency
In the same case, when we expect a fund value of Rp. 500,000, the same as the value of
funds in 2019, then there needs to be a fund change or Poohulinta fund or increase the budget
in order to achieve the same value for money. The amount of funds we need to achieve the
same value can be found with the Future Value formula approach:
= = =
Maka FV = Rp. 500.000 x (1,587) = Rp. 793.500,-
(Towalu, 2020).
Thus, the value of money that is Rp. 500,000 in 2013 can meet the expenditure of buying
school uniforms, books, shoes and some for transportation, then in 2019 the funds received
through KPTS amounting to Rp. 500,000, - are not sufficient for school expenditures. Students
from poor communities receive a minimum of Rp. 793,500,-. For this reason, there needs to be
a "Mopohulinta" approach from the original IDR 500,000 (Mohulinta) to a minimum of IDR
793,500 (Poohulinta) or in other words poor people get an additional fund of at least IDR
293,500,-. In the sense of the concept of Mopohulinta (Mohulinta and poohulinta) refers to
the calculation of time associated with the amount of money (Martina, 2019).. The same was
conveyed by (Sutikno, 2015) that time has a considerable effect on the value of money. Time
can add value to money, and vice versa, time can make the value of money decrease.
Based on the discussions above, and supported by interviews and research results from
several experts in various countries, it shows that the significance of the implementation of
KPTS policy is influenced by several factors, including: participation, competence and
Relevant to this study, (Prawoto, 2009) Poverty is not only economically poor, but also
socio-cultural and educational. Cultural diversity (multicultural) and local wisdom (local
wisdom), affect the process of empowerment and active role of the poor to carry out social
transformation from a helpless society, to an empowered society, henceforth through the
process of education towards an independent society. The same research was conducted by
(Wijaya, 2010) who said that: ... There is a tendency towards poverty alleviation based on
community development empowerment to build a level of independence in solving problems
characterized by the increasing empowerment of social groups in meeting the basic needs of
their members.
Based on the results of the interview, it shows that the impact of KPTS policy can
overcome the difficulty of school costs, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Thus, the KPTS Policy is able to make a positive contribution to the increase in the Gross
Participation Rate (APK) and Pure Participation Rate (APM). The importance of the role of
poor participation in education also has an impact on improving the quality of life as (Omoniyi,
2013); Where education is an important element in overcoming poverty and preventing poverty
in future generations (Al, 2015); Which also significantly affects per capita income, (Thapa,
2015), In the long run education will have an impact on poverty reduction, (Akhtar, Liu and
Ali, 2017). Impact on improving the economy that frees people from poverty (Roman, 2015);
dan (Campbell, 2012).
Impact Evaluation of KPTS Policy in Pohuwato Regency
Melalui integrasi model Grindle dengan kearifan lokal Mopohulinta (Mohulinta dan
Poohulinta), maka diusulkan/ ditawarkan model baru yang disebut Model Integrasi
Implementasi Kebijakan. Untuk itu secara geometris kerangka model integrasi implementasi
faktor-faktor tersebut dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:
Figure 2 . Framework for Integration Model of KPTS Policy Implementation with
Mopohulita approach
Based on the results of research and discussion, the following can be concluded
Evaluation of the impact of the KPTS Policy has an effect on increasing APK and APM and
reducing the dropout rate for poor people in Pohuwato district. However, there are still other
indicators that need attention, namely the increase in the quality and quantity of the budget.
Where in the culture of local wisdom of the Gorontalo area it is known as Mopohulinta
(Mohulinta and Poohulinta). In this case, local governments must be able to integrate the
implementation of KPTS policies and increase the amount of budget allocation.
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Copyright holders:
Harson Towalu (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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