Siti Wahana, Achmad Faqih, Euis Krismayanti, Maria Ulfah, Putri Silvani, Sintia Ratnasari
Faculty of Agriculture Swadaya Gunung University, Indonesia
Email:, ach[email protected]
The Women's Farmer Group (KWT) really needs management to process agricultural products
to be more developed. In an effort to empower farmers, group processing is needed which is
carried out from, by and for farmers. The study was conducted from July to September 2022.
The research design used is descriptive quantitative research. The data collection techniques
that researchers use are questionnaires, documents, and interviews. Research data was analyzed
using statistics to determine respondents' responses regarding research variables submitted
through research instruments in the form of questionnaires. To determine the effect between
independent variables, namely the extension management function (X1, X2, X3, and X4) on
the success of empowering farmer women groups (Y) Using Descriptive data analysis and
regression analysis. The results showed that the strong relationship between the variables of
the extension management function (planning, organizing, implementing and supervising) with
the success of empowering farmer women's groups was shown by the simultaneous correlation
coefficient R of 0.924, this showed a relationship that was classified as 'very high' at 0.60
: Extension management; Farmer women's group; KRPL
The role of the agricultural sector in the national economy is very important and strategic.
This is mainly because the agricultural sector still provides jobs for most of the population in
rural areas and provides food for the population. All agricultural businesses are basically
economic activities that require the same basic knowledge of business site management,
selection of seeds/seeds, cultivation methods, yield collection, product distribution, processing,
product packaging, and marketing. The large population involved in the agricultural sector and
its ability to deal with the current economic crisis is also another reason the agricultural sector
is very important to be maintained in the implementation of national development in Indonesia
(Kivry E, S, 2017).
Food is the most important basic need for humans to sustain their lives. In general, food
has a close relationship with improving the quality of life of the nation so that efforts need to
be made to meet sufficient and equitable food needs. In Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.
7 of 1996 concerning food, it is stated that food is a basic human need whose fulfillment is the
human right of every citizen (Amelia, A, et al 2014).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 8, August 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
Indonesia's population that continues to grow every year will have an impact on the
narrowness of land, which can be used for agricultural land. In addition, agricultural land can
affect food needs and the amount of household income. So, to meet these food needs, it is not
uncommon for the government to import food from other countries. This makes Indonesia
increasingly dependent on food imports, which will clearly harm Indonesian farmers as food
producers. Therefore, food security plays a role in realizing Indonesia that is able to provide
the food needs of its population.
The direction of government policy on food security on the availability side is through
the Acceleration of Food Consumption Diversity (P2KP) program, as a form of sustainability
of the Acceleration of Food Consumption Diversity (P2KP) program based on local resources
in 2010. In 2012, the Food Consumption Diversity Acceleration (P2KP) program was
implemented through yard utilization optimization activities through the concept of Sustainable
Food House Areas (KRPL) (Amelia, A, et al. 2014).
Yard land is one of the potential sources of food providers that have nutritional value
and have high economic value, if managed properly. In addition to being able to meet the food
and nutritional needs of one's own family, it also has the opportunity to increase household
income, if designed and planned properly (Agricultural Research and Development Agency,
2011). The Ministry of Agriculture developed a concept called “Sustainable Food House Area
Model (KRPL Model)" which is The association of Sustainable Food Houses (RPL) is a
household with the principle of utilizing environmentally friendly yards and designed to meet
the food and nutritional needs of families, diversification of food based on local resources,
preservation of food crops for the future, and increase income which will ultimately improve
community welfare (Ministry of Agriculture, 2014). Associated with management functions as
stated by the Institute of Administration of the Republic of Indonesia (LANRI) according to
Griffin et al., (2002) i.e. planning, organizing, implementing, supervising. An activity of a
farmer women's group in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) program, if it wants to be
carried out properly and obtain optimal results, must be managed by implementing
management functions.
The existence of management in this context is to achieve the processes and goals of an
organization. This is because management plays a role in order to achieve an organizational
goal by working with the people and resources owned by the organization. That is, it is
necessary to be given guidance because not all are skilled in carrying out organizational
activities. The means used to guide depend on the policies and wishes of the leader, such as
less skilled workers are given training to improve his abilities. Farmer organizations / groups
are part of the unity of the farming community that lives and lives together in a social
environment that is formed to achieve a goal in which it does not work individually, but in
groups by having the awareness to help each other. Farmer organizations/groups can be formed
independently by the community or based on the interests of government policy through the
Agriculture Office (Kivry E, S, 2017).
Management of resources certainly requires good management. To achieve the goals of
the group, the Harapan farmer women's group in Ciputat Village, Ciawigebang District,
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
Kuningan Regency will certainly face problems related to the limitations of various elements
of resources, such as human resources that have physical limitations, capital is often lacking,
materials as raw materials or production processes are problematic with their availability,
methods as a guide to complete work still depend on understanding and ability processing
agricultural products.
The concept of Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) implemented in Ciputat Village,
Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency (Agricultural Research and Development Agency,
2011). Through the development of KRPL, it is alleged that it has been able to realize food
independence of farmer households, encourage diversification of food and nutrition based on
local resources, as well as become an additional source of household income. Thus, it is hoped
that the impact of KRPL development can improve household welfare and the economy in rural
areas (Purwantini, 2012).
The Women's Farmer Group (KWT) really needs management to process agricultural
products to be more developed. In an effort to empower farmers, group processing is needed
which is carried out from, by and for farmers. One of the factors that is considered important
for improving the quality of performance of farmer group members is how the farmer women's
group can carry out the management functions of the farmer women's group properly,
including: planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising (Terry, 2009). Management is
needed to organize farmer groups in doing / making decisions in organizing. In this case
Management carried out by the farmer women's group affects the performance of farmer group
members (Engkus Kusmana, 2019). Urban farming activities carried out by farmer women's
groups are in groups, namely regular meetings, group garden activities, product processing and
marketing (Ackerman, P. L., &; Lohman, 2006). The impact of the use of digital
communication media on the activities of urban farming women's groups is an increase in
knowledge, the application of technology and towards the development of agricultural
education (Selly Oktarina et al, 2020).
Empowerment is an alternative concept to improve the ability and dignity of the
community to be free from the trap of poverty and backwardness, in other words making it
"powerful" or independent and enabling the community. In this conception, Kartasasmita
proposes several approaches in community empowerment efforts, namely, first, creating an
atmosphere or climate that allows the potential of the community to develop (Enabling).
Empowerment is an effort to build that power by encouraging, motivating and raising
awareness of its potential and trying to develop it. Second, strengthening the potential or power
possessed by the community (Empowering) (Utami, 2017).
The success of community empowerment can be seen from their empowerment which
concerns economic ability, the ability to access welfare benefits and political types (Poerwoko,
2012). These three aspects are related to the four dimensions of power, namely, power within
(Power Within), power to (power to), power over (Power Over) and power with (power with).
In this case, more concrete steps are needed, in addition to creating an "atmosphere" for
empowerment, also involving the provision of various inputs, as well as opening access to
various opportunities that will make the community more empowered. The three meanings are
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
protecting the weak (less empowered in the face of the strong (Kuswandoro, 2016). In essence,
empowerment is an activity that emphasizes more on the process, so that community
participation or involvement in every stage of empowerment is absolutely necessary.
Ciputat Village is one of the beneficiary areas of the sustainable food house (KRPL)
model organized by BPTP (Center for the Study of Agricultural Technology) of West Java
Province. The KRPL program began on June 8, 2015 by involving Field Agricultural Extension
Workers (PPL) in charge of Ciawigebang District and a farmer group called the Harapan
Farmer Women Group which is the only farmer group that implements the KRPL Program.
The problems faced by the Harapan farmer women's group in implementing the
Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) program are the management functions of the farmer
women's group such as planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and assessing the
success of empowerment are still not optimally applied by members of the Harapan farmer
women group. Based on these problems, researchers are interested in researching the
Application of the Extension Management Function to the Success of Empowering Farmer
Women Groups in Ciputat Village, Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency.
The research design used in this study is descriptive quantitative research (Sugiyono,
2011). This research took place at the Harapan Women's Farmer Group (KWT), Ciputat
Village, Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency. The location was chosen because it has all
the supporting aspects in the research. Research time from start July to September 2022. The
taking of the Hope Farmer Women's Group as a research sample area was carried out by means
of purposive sampling (Arikunto, 2012). The number of peasant women who joined KWT
Harapan in Ciputat Village was 30 people.
The data collection techniques that researchers use are questionnaires, documents, and
interviews. The following is an explanation of each method. For testing purposes, the
management function score and success of empowering the farmer women group were
classified into 3 categories, namely good, good enough and not good, using the class interval
formula proposed (Jogiyanto, 2014).
Data Analysis techniques use descriptive analysis and regression analysis. Descriptive
analysis is a statistic used to analyze data by describing or describing the data that has been
collected as it is without intending to make generalized conclusions or generalizations
(Sugiyono, 2014). This analysis is used to determine respondents' responses regarding
research variables submitted through research instruments in the form of questionnaires.
In implementation, this research uses types or tools in the form of descriptive research
carried out through data collection in the field. The steps taken are as follows:
a. Each indicator assessed by respondents was classified into five alternative answers using
an ordinal scale that describes the ranking of answers.
b. Calculated total score of each variable/sub variable = the sum of scores from all variable
indicators for all respondents.
c. Calculated each score of variable/sub variable = average of total scores.
d. To describe respondents' answers, descriptive is also used such as frequency distribution
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
and display in the form of tables or graphs.
Regression analysis was used to determine the effect between independent variables,
namely the extension management function (X1, X2, X3, and X4) on the success of
empowering farmer women groups (Y). The linear regression estimator model built as
proposed by Arikunto (2008) is:
Ȳ = bo + b1 X1 + b2 X2+ b3 X3+ b
Remarks: Ȳ : The Success of KWT Empowerment
X1: Planning
X2: Organizing
X3: Implementation
X4: Supervision
Bo: Intercept
: Regression Coefficient
Simultaneous hypothesis testing is carried out with the F test, which is to test the
simultaneous influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Testing can be
done in two ways, namely by comparing the magnitude of the Fcalculate number with Ftable,
and by comparing the significance level (Sig) of the calculation results with a signification
level of 0.05.
The functions of extension management include planning, organizing, implementing and
supervising. From the results of the questionnaire given to 30 respondents, KWT Harapan
members were included in the good category, with an extension management function score of
75.58 out of an expectation score of 200. For more details, the results of respondents'
assessment of the extension management function can be seen in table 1.
Table 1. Responses of Farmer Women Group Members to the Management Function
Function Components
Extension Management
Management Functions
Source: Results of Primary Data Analysis
Through the table above, it is known that the management function based on planning
indicators obtained a score of 35.20 (70.40%) from the expected score, and is classified as quite
good. This means that KWT Harapan in carrying out the management function (planning) is
classified as a fairly good category. Furthermore, the management function based on
organizing indicators obtained a score of 34.76 (69.53%) from the expectation score, and was
classified as quite good. This means that KWT Harapan in carrying out management functions
(organizing) is quite good. The management function based on implementation indicators
obtained a score of 41.60 (83.20%) from the expected score, and was classified as good. This
means that the Harapan farmer women's group in carrying out management functions
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
(implementation) is classified as a good category. Based on the supervisory indicator, a score
of 39.60 (79.20%) was obtained from the expectation score, and was classified as good. This
means that the Harapan farmer women's group in carrying out management (supervision)
functions is classified as a good category.
In an effort to empower farmers, group processing is needed which is carried out from,
by and for farmers. In management there are several main functions consisting of planning,
organizing, implementing and supervising. Management is needed to regulate groups of
peasant women in doing / making decisions in organizing. Research results Rowlinson (2018)
in Hong Kong and Australia shows that the concept of cultural empowerment, organization,
trust and commitment from stakeholders is related to the management function.
1. Description of the Success of Empowering Women Farmer Groups
The success of KWT empowerment is a group independence so that motivators who
understand, have affection and are skilled in KWT empowerment. Because this is very
influential in the success of empowering women farmers and the role of field extension
workers who participate in the process of empowering farmer women's groups. Transformed
awareness, commitment, willingness, knowledge and skills of KWT and Moved or
mobilized local communities, to participate in the development of the wider community, in
accordance with data, field facts and analysis of local needs in the field. The following
results of respondents' assessment of the success of empowering farmer women groups can
be seen in table 2.
Table 2. The Success of Empowering the Hope Peasant Women's Group in Ciputat
Components of Success
KWT Empowerment
Program Specialization
Ease of Technology
Smooth Implementation
Problem Control
Capacity Building
Successful Empowerment
Source : Data Analysis Results (2022)
From the results of the questionnaire given to 30 respondents of the Harapan farmer
women's group, Ciputat Village, Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency was included in
the good category with a success score of empowering the farmer women's group of 105,
24 or 87.72% of the hope score of 120.
The success of empowerment of members of the Harapan farmer women's group is
good, the results in the field prove that members of the farmer women's group are
empowered, independent and able to create business opportunities from cultivation,
processing agricultural products that have high economic value such as cassava opaque,
banana chips, rompeyek, ginger powder, crispy cassava, orog-orog and others. The
following results of the assessment of the success classification of empowerment of farmer
women groups can be seen in table 3 as follows.
Table 3. Classification of Success in Empowering Women Farmer Groups
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
Successful Empowerment
Number (of people)
Percentage (%)
Less Good (20% - 46.67%)
Good enough (46.67% - 73.33%)
Good (73.33% - 100%)
Source: Data Analysis Results (2022)
From table 3, it can be seen that the success of empowering the Harapan farmer
women's group is mostly good, namely 27 people (95.31%), and the remaining 3 people
(4.69%) are classified as poor.
The results showed that the success of empowering the Harapan farmer women's
group in Ciputat Village, Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency which included program
specialization, participation, ease of technology, smooth implementation, problem control
and capacity building, was overall in the Good category with a result of 87.72%. This means
that group members together with group administrators are very good in the success of
empowering the Harapan farmer women's group. According to Moser (1989) Women's
empowerment can be done through meeting practical needs, namely by education, health,
economy both women and men and through meeting strategic needs, of course, by involving
women in development activities.
2. The Influence of Management Function on the Success of Empowering Women
Farmer Groups
The F test is used to determine whether the independent variables together have a
significant effect on the dependent variable. To determine the effect of management
functions on the success of empowering farmer women's groups, multiple linear regression
analysis was used. The results of the regression variance analysis turned out that there was
a significant (real) influence between the management function on the success of
empowering farmer women's groups. The results of the test of the influence of variable
management functions of planning, organizing, implementing and supervising the success
of empowering the Harapan farmer women's group can be seen in table 4.
Table 4. Simultaneous Regression Coefficient Test Results (F Test)
Sum of
Mean Square
1 Regression
a. Predictors: (Constant),
, X2, X3, X4
b. Dependent Variable: Y
From the results of the analysis shows that the Fcalculate value is 36.303, with a Sig.
F value of 0.000 less than the real level of 5%, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This
shows that the management function variables (X), consisting of planning (X1), organizing
(X2), implementation (X3) and supervision (X4), which are used as free modifiers in this
model simultaneously have a real influence on the success of empowering peasant women
groups as non-free modifiers (Y). Thus, H0 is rejected and accepts H1 means that there is a
significant influence between management functions simultaneously on the success of
empowering farmer women's groups.
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
The results in the field proved that the management function applied by extension
workers to the farmer women's group succeeded in empowering members of KWT Harapan
in Ciputat Village, Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency to have a very high curiosity
about new information that could improve their standard of living, technology transfer
activities about yard utilization technology with organic vegetable cultivation received
positive responses from KWT Harapan members and it went well and smoothly.
The results in the field show that the success of the farmer women's group in
implementing management functions (planning, organizing, implementing and supervising)
is good, the farmer women's group can meet the food and nutrition needs of families and
communities through optimizing the sustainable use of yards. Developing productive family
economic activities so as to improve family welfare and create a clean and healthy green
environment independently.
According to (Ghozali, 2011) The F statistical test basically shows whether all
independent variables or independent variables included in the model have a joint influence
on the dependent variable or dependent variable. To test this hypothesis F statistics are used
with the following decision-making criteria: 1) If the F value is greater than 4 then H0 is
rejected at a 5% confidence degree in other words we accept an alternative hypothesis ,
which states that all independent variables simultaneously and significantly affect the
dependent variable; 2) Compare the F value of the calculation result with F according to the
table. When the F value
greater than Ftable then H0 is rejected and accepts H1.
Research results Mulyandari (2011) shows that farmer empowerment is useful for
increasing farmers' opportunities for information, agricultural technology, accelerating the
communication process in the marketing and production process, thereby increasing
communication networks and farmers' bargaining position (Oeng Anwarudin et al, 2019).
As for Research Results Paul Wilson et al. (2010) shows that the implementation of the
management functions of wheat farmers in the East of England, which includes planning,
organizing, implementing and supervising functions, is overall in the good category with
operating close to maximum yields having a significant and positive effect on the level of
technical efficiency.
The t test is used to determine whether the independent variable partially affects the
dependent variable. The results of the test of the influence of the management function of
planning, organizing, implementing and supervising the success of the empowerment of the
Harapan farmer women's group can be seen in table 5.
Table 5. Partial Regression Coefficient Test Results (T Test)
Std. Error
1 (constant), X
X1 (Planning)
X2 (Organizing)
X3 (Actuating)
X4 (Controlling)
a. Dependent Variable : Y
Based on the data of tables 4 and 5 mentioned above, the regression equation is
obtained as follows: Ȳ = 66.177 + 0.332 X
1 +
0.378 X2 - 0.204 X3 + 0.577 X4 (R2 = 0.853).
The value of the constant b0 = 66.177 means statistically if the independent variable
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
management function remains unchanged, then the success value of empowering the farmer
women group will increase by 66,177 units. The value of the regression coefficient b1 =
0.332 means statistically if the management function (planning) increases by 1 unit, the
success value of empowering the farmer women's group will increase by 0.332, and vice
versa if the management function (planning) decreases by 1 unit, the success value of
empowering the farmer women's group will decrease by 0.332 units. The calculated value
is 4.753 with a P-value of 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that there is a significant influence of the
management function variable (planning) on the success of empowering the farmer women's
The planning function of the statement "a plan made in accordance with what was
determined from the beginning" referred to here is the entire plan of work activities or work
programs (land provision, seedlings, planting process to harvesting) that has been
determined from the beginning in the Harapan farmer women group in Ciputat Village,
Ciawigebang District, Kuningan Regency. The results of this study are supported by the
results of the study Arumsari (2017) shows that the implementation of the planning
management function at UPTD Dikpora Jepara District is going quite well and
communicates the vision and mission that are in accordance with the standards set by the
Youth Education and Sports Office. Research results Laverack &; Labonte (2010) In
Australia explained that planning sustainable community empowerment programs, requires
a long-term vision that integrates sustainability in all projects and activities, it needs to be
ensured that the reach and implementation process involves all stakeholders.
The value of the regression coefficient b2 = 0.378 means statistically if the
management function (organizing) increases by 1 unit, the success value of empowering the
farmer women's group will increase by 0.378, and vice versa if the management function
(organizing) decreases by 1 unit, the success value of empowering the farmer women's
group will decrease by 0.378 units. The calculated value is 4.745, with a P-value of 0.000 <
0.05, meaning that there is a significant influence of the management function variable
(implementation) on the success of empowering the farmer women's group.
The results of the study show that the organizing function in the process of
empowering farmer women's groups has a very large influence, because without good
organization, the empowerment process will not run smoothly. The results in the field
proved that the organization carried out by the peasant women's group went well, such as
allocating resources, arranging and assigning tasks and establishing the necessary
procedures. Establish a group structure that shows the line of authority and responsibility,
placement of experts in the right and most appropriate position in accordance with their
skills (expertise). This is in line with the results of the study Widiawati (2017) shows that
organizing employees in radio broadcast production will be successful if placed according
to their fields (expertise) and experience considerations in order to maximize performance
in each position and maximize the results to be achieved.
The results of the analysis obtained the value of the regression coefficient b3 = -0.204
means statistically if the management function (implementation) increases by 1 unit, the
success value of empowering the farmer women's group will increase by -0.204, and vice
versa if the management function (implementation) decreases by 1 unit, the success value
of empowering the farmer women's group will decrease by -0.204 units. The calculated t
is -3.151, with a P-Value value of 0.004 < 0.05, meaning that there is a significant
influence of the management function variable (supervision on the success of empowering
farmer women's groups. The results showed that the implementation function in the
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
empowerment process of the farmer women's group has a very large influence, because
without guidance, providing motivation to good group members, the empowerment process
will not run smoothly
The results of this study are supported by research S. Raharjo (2019) shows that the
majority of the implementation of Stimulation of Early Detection and Intervention of Child
Growth and Development (SDITK) activities at the Socah health center in Bangkalan
Regency has good movements in the parameters of providing direction, motivation and
enthusiasm in order to remain enthusiastic about working together in achieving the goals
that have been set. As for research Paul Crawford et al. (2012) in Australia shows that
project management implementation activities with an objective and financial approach can
be carried out well in contributing to donor funding of NGO operations that have increased.
Furthermore, the value of the regression coefficient b4 = 0.577 means statistically if
the management function (supervision) increases by 1 unit, the success value of empowering
the farmer women's group will increase by 0.577, and vice versa, if the management
function (supervision) decreases by 1 unit, the success value of empowering the farmer
women's group will decrease by 0.577 units. The calculated value is 7.944, with a P-value
of 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that there is a significant influence from the management function
variable (supervision) on the success of empowering farmer women's groups. The results in
the field prove that the supervisory function carried out by the Harapan farmer women's
group is running well, such as evaluating success in achieving the goals and targets of the
farmer women's group in accordance with predetermined indicators. Take steps to clarify
and correct any deviations that may be found. Carry out various alternative solutions to
various problems related to achieving group goals and targets.
The results of this study are supported by the results of the study Batlajery (2016)
shows that The supervisory function carried out by the Tambat village government
apparatus is quite good, this can be seen from attendance checks, monitoring of activities,
work results that can be measured properly. Research results Ojvan (2013) in Croatia it
shows that the control function of the department in Croatian Listing Companies has a
significant impact on the positive effect on the company's performance.
According to Ghozali (2011) The T-test difference test is used to test how far the
influence of the independent variable used in this study individually in explaining the
dependent variable partially. The basis for decision making used in the t test is as follows:
1) If the probability value of significance > 0.05 then the hypothesis is rejected. The rejected
hypothesis means that the independent variable has no significant effect on the dependent
variable. 2) If the probability value of significance < 0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted.
The hypothesis cannot be rejected means that the independent variable has a significant
effect on the dependent variable.
The results of this study are supported by the results of the study Batlajery (2016)
shows that the applicability The functions of planning, organizing, implementing and
supervising carried out by the government apparatus of Kampung Tambat, are quite good,
this is proven by all apparatuses and related communities in short-term, long-term planning,
forming organizational structures and explaining the tasks and functions of each unit in
work. The directing function is carried out by motivating the apparatus with a management
and monitoring approach (Batlajery, 2016). Empowerment, training and internship activities
have a positive effect on the potential of agribusiness sustainability. Training as one of the
efforts to increase the capacity of farmers to become entrepreneurs in a more general sense,
The Implementation of the Extension Management Function to The Success of Empowering
Farmer Women's Groups in the Sustainable Food House Area (KRPL) Program
decision making, management change, identification of new opportunities and networking
skills (Oeng Anwarudin et al, 2019).
Based on the data of table 5 above, in detail it can be interpreted as the strong
relationship between the variables of the extension management function (planning,
organizing, implementing and supervising) with the success of empowering farmer women's
groups shown by the simultaneous correlation coefficient R of 0.924, this shows a
relationship that is classified as 'very high' which is 0.60 0.80 (Arikunto, 2010). The
magnitude of the influence of the extension management function (planning, organizing,
implementing and supervising) with the success of empowering farmer women's groups
with a coefficient of simultaneous determination R2 of 0.853 or 85.30% means that the
influence / contribution of management function variables (planning, organizing,
implementing and supervising) with the success of empowering farmer women groups by
85.30% and the remaining 14.70% influenced by other variables outside the research
According to Ghozali (2011) The determination coefficient (R2) is a tool to measure
how far the model is able to explain the variation of the dependent variable. The value of
the coefficient of determination is between zero or one. A small R2 value means that the
ability of independent variables to explain the variation of independent variables provides
almost all the information needed to predict dependent variables. The results of the study
were supported by the results of research on the application of management functions
contributing 66% to the variation in the application of rice agribusiness in Aimas District,
Sorong Regency. Partially reviewed, functions that have a real influence on the application
of rice agribusiness and planning and evaluation functions (E.Y. Arvianti, 2012). Further
research results Yuniriyanti et al. (2017) shows that the empowerment of farmer women's
groups by optimizing the use of yards through the concept of sustainable food houses (RPL).
Residents who cultivate intensive home yards to be utilized wisely with various local
resources that ensure the continuity of quality and diverse household food supply.
Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the simultaneous
management function (planning, organizing, implementing and supervising functions) affects
the success of empowering farmer women's groups in Ciputat Village, Ciawigebang District,
Kuningan Regency. The partial management function (planning, organizing, implementing and
supervising functions) affects the success of empowering farmer women groups in Ciputat
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Copyright holders:
Siti Wahana, Achmad Faqih, Euis Krismayanti, Maria Ulfah, Putri Silvani, Sintia
Ratnasari Dewi (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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