Angela Stefani, Vishnuvardhana S. Soeprapto
Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia
The purpose of this writing is to determine the influence of customer perceived value on
customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah restaurant. This study
examines the influence of customer perceived value (value that customers feel) seen from the
dimensions of emotional value, price value, quality value, social value on customer
satisfaction. This research uses quantitative research, namely by distributing questionnaires to
find out customer opinions related to the problems studied. The number of respondents in this
study was 100 respondents, with the method of taking purposive sampling, which is the
determination of samples based on criteria or knowledge of the sampler. The data analysis
method uses multiple linear regression with the SPSS program. The results of the study with
the t test showed that customer perceived value with emotional value dimensions had a positive
and insignificant impact on customer satisfaction of 0.799; The Customer Perceived Value
variable with the Price Value dimension has a significant influence on customer satisfaction by
0.045; The Customer Perceived Value variable with the Quality Value dimension has a
negative impact and an insignificant influence on customer satisfaction of 0.601; and the
customer perceived value variable with the social value dimension has a positive impact and
insignificant influence on customer satisfaction of 0.739. Based on the results, it is briefly
concluded that the Customer Perceived Value dimension which is composed of Price Value,
Social Value, Emotional Value, and Quality Value simultaneously or partially its significance
does not have an impact on customer satisfaction of Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah.
The partial dimensions of Emotional Value, Quality Value, and Social Value have an
insignificant impact on Yumchi Resto & Catering's customer satisfaction. However, the Price
Value dimension has a significant impact on Yumchi Resto &; Catering Harapan Indah
customer satisfaction, this means that customers have a sense of satisfaction from Yumchi
Resto &; Catering based on the price value applied.
: customer perceived; customer satisfaction; price; social; emotional
Food and drink are the main needs for humans to survive. Since prehistoric times, humans
have learned how to find and utilize food sources around them to meet the nutritional needs of
their bodies (DeVore & Washburn, 2017; Logue, 2013). In human evolution, the ability to find,
process, and utilize food has become one of the important aspects of survival (FAO), 2021).
Food and drinks serve as a source of energy and nutrients for the human body. Nutrients
obtained from food and drinks help the body to grow and develop, repair tissues and cells, and
maintain the health of the body's organs. In addition, food and beverages can also provide
enjoyment and satisfaction for humans, both as social activities and as a form of entertainment
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 8, August 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi
and relaxation (Andriyani, 2019). Because of this, food and beverage is a sector that is always
alive and will continue to grow.
The food and beverage industry is one of the crucial aspects of the Indonesian economy.
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the food and beverage industry is an
industry that contributes around 6.53% of total GDP in 2020 (Rian, 2022). Not only that, the
food and beverage sector also contributes to job creation and optimizes community welfare. In
recent years, the food and beverage sector in Indonesia has experienced significant growth.
Indonesia's stable economic growth and increasing people's purchasing power are one of the
aspects that affect the growth of the food and beverage sector (Simanjuntak, 2021). In addition,
the emergence of various food and beverage trends that develop in the community is also a
factor that influences the growth of the food and beverage sector. One of the food and beverage
sectors that we often encounter is restaurants (Davis et al., 2018). One area that is starting to
develop and continue to increase with its restaurant business is Bekasi.
Table 1 Restaurant Business Growth Data in Bekasi City
Restaurant Business Growth
Source: (Department of Tourism and Culture, 2021)
From the table above, it can be seen that the growth of the restaurant business in Bekasi
is quite promising and the competition is getting tighter because more and more people open
restaurant businesses. Every year the number of restaurant businesses in Bekasi will increase.
Bekasi is one of the cities located in West Java Province and includes the Jabodetabek
area. Bekasi is one of the regions that continues to experience rapid development in various
sectors, including the industrial and trade sectors. Along with the growing economy and
increasing population, Bekasi is also an area that attracts business people, including in the
restaurant business. The restaurant business is one type of business that is quite popular and in
demand by the public (Siahaan & Hasibuan, 2021). This condition is because food and drink
are basic needs for humans, so restaurants are often an area needed by many people. This
growth also occurs because more and more residents are looking for locations to relax and
enjoy food and drinks, and more tourists visiting Bekasi. In addition, easy access to
transportation and adequate infrastructure are also supporting factors in the growth of the
restaurant and culinary sector in Bekasi. The availability of toll roads, train stations, and bus
terminals in the city of Bekasi makes it easier for tourists and customers to access restaurants
and cafes in the city.
In Bekasi, there are various types of restaurants that offer various types of food and
beverages. Starting from restaurants serving traditional Indonesian cuisine to restaurants
serving international cuisine such as Japanese, Korean, and Western. In addition, restaurants
in Bekasi also offer different atmospheres and concepts, such as restaurants with modern
concepts, restaurants with natural nuances, to restaurants that provide outdoor areas.
The development of the restaurant business in Bekasi continues to increase along with
the economic growth and tourism industry in the city. This is marked by the increasing number
of restaurants opened in Bekasi in recent years, either in the city center or in suburban areas.
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) also shows that in 2019, the food and beverage business
sector in Bekasi grew by 6.74%, which is higher than the growth of other business sectors in
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi
Bekasi (Nur & Rakhman, 2019). In addition, the development of technology also makes it
easier for business people to market their products, including restaurants, through various
digital platforms (Syukri & Sunrawali, 2022).
However, the growth of the restaurant business in Bekasi also faces various challenges,
such as increasingly fierce competition between business actors, changes in consumer
behavior, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation. Not only that, the lack of regulation,
policies that support the growth of this sector, and food quality and safety issues are still a
concern (Aprilianti & Amanta, 2020). Therefore, restaurant business people in Bekasi need to
follow the latest business developments and trends, and adapt themselves to the existing
situation in order to remain competitive in the market. Not only that, of course, efforts are
needed from the government and business actors to develop the restaurant and culinary sector
in Bekasi while still paying attention to adequate food quality and safety standards, as well as
making regulations and policies that support the growth of this sector. Thus, the restaurant and
culinary sector in Bekasi can always grow and make a positive contribution to the economy
and tourism in the city of Bekasi.
Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah is a restaurant that sells Chinese and fusion
cuisine located in Bekasi, precisely on Jl. Taman Harapan Indah, Ruko Commercial Park Blok
CP 2.1, Jl. Taman Harapan Indah K No.3, Pusaka Rakyat, Kec. Tarumajaya, Kota Bks, West
Java 17214. Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah also has a halal logo. Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah has dine-in services and provides catering services.
Picture 1: Yumchi Resto & Catering Inside and Out
Source: Personal Processed
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi
From the source obtained, namely the owner of Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan
Indah, Mr. Victor Edwerd Hall, that there are several phenomena that can be mentioned in this
section as supporters of this research conducted. Here is a graph of Yumchi Resto & Catering
visitor data from 2018 to 2022:
Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah has increased the number of customers from
year to year, starting from 2018 to 2022. In 2020, Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah
experienced a decrease in the number of customers due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even so,
the following year, 2021, saw an increase in the number of subscribers that almost doubled the
previous year, as well as 2022. Although Yumchi Resto & Catering has increased the number
of customers from year to year, there are also some negative testimonials given by customers
through various platforms such as Google reviews, Gojek, and Grab.
Here I will include some testimonials or reviews given by Yumchi Resto & Catering
customers who have previously made purchases at Yumchi Resto &; Catering Harapan Indah.
Table 1.Negative testimonials from Yumchi Resto & Catering customers
Lius HRT
John Goi
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi
Darmono Dwi
Atmoko Putro
Based on the table above, it can be said that according to Yumchi Resto & Catering
customers, Harapan Indah still has shortcomings which make them feel uncomfortable and
dissatisfied after making purchases at Yumchi Resto & Catering both when eating on the spot
and ordering online. Therefore, I am increasingly interested in researching customer perceived
value for customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
Based on the background described above and previous research, I as the author want to
research again with the title "The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer
Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
The type of research that the author wants to use or use is research with quantitative
methods with descriptive research methods. as explained by Tarsito, (2014) Descriptive
quantitative explanation is a way used to explain or describe the object to be observed by
researchers using samples or data that have been collected, without carrying out an analysis
that draws conclusions universally.
Based on the explanation above, the type or research technique that the researcher will
use is the online questionnaire or questionnaire research technique. What is meant online is
through the use of a google form in the form of a link that will be given or shared with
customers who have come to Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah.
Uji Normalitas
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi
Table 1 Normality Test Results
One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Normal Paramerts
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Diference
Test Statistic
Asmp.sig. (2-tailed)
a. test Distribution is normal
b. calculated from data
c. Lilliefors significance correction
d. this is a lower bound of the true significance
Source: Normality Test SPSS Data (2023)
Based on the results of normality testing in table 4.11, it can be observed that the
significant level in KS Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.200 > 0.05 which means that all variables in the
following study are normally distributed.
Table 2 Multicollinearity Test Results
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable : Kepuasan Pelanggan
Source: SPSS Data Multicollinearity Test (2023)
Based on table 2 describing a tolerance score of > 0.10 or a VIF of < 10.0, it can be
concluded that the variables Customer Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction do not
experience mulytolinearity, so that independent variables can be used in the following research.
Heteroscedasticity Test
Table 3 Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Unstandardized Coefficients
standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Perceived Value
a. dependent Variable: ABS_RES
Source: SPSS Data Heteroscedasticity Test (2023)
Based on table 3, it is understood that the result of the sig score. variable Customer
Perceived Value is 0.628, where this result exceeds 0.05 (0.628>0.05). This condition means
that there is no heteroscedasticity in regression modeling, so regression modeling can be used
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi
to estimate customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering based on the input of
independent variables (Aulia et al., 2016).
Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Table 4 Results of Simple Linear Regression Analysis
Std. Error
Price Value
Quality Value
Social Value
a. dependent Variable : Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS Data Simple Linear Regression Test (2023)
Based on the results of Simple Linear Regression analysis in table 4.14, regression
formulas are obtained including:
The detailed explanation of the following formula can be described including:
1. The constant 21.611 means that if there is no Customer Perceived Value variable with Price
Value, Emotional Value, Social Value, and Quality Value dimensions (X = 0), then
Customer Satisfaction is 21.611.
2. The regression coefficient X (Emotional Value) 0.041 means that every increase of 1 point
in the Emotional Value dimension can optimize Customer Satisfaction worth 0.041 and
vice versa.
3. The regression coefficient X (Price Value) of 0.328 means that every increase of 1 point in
the Price Value dimension can increase Customer Satisfaction by 0.328 and vice versa.
4. Regression coefficient X (Quality Value) -0.088 means that every increase of 1 point in the
Quality Value dimension can optimize or reduce Customer Satisfaction by 0.088 and vice
5. The regression coefficient X (Social Value) 0.071 means that every increase of 1 point in
the Social Value dimension can optimize Customer Satisfaction up to 0.041 and vice versa.
Uji Hipotesis
Table 5 Test Results t
Std. Error
Price Value
Quality Value
Social Value
a. dependent Variable : Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS Data Test t (2023)
The t test can be known by criteria or characteristics including::
Sourced t-count and t-table:
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi
If the t-count score exceeds (>) t-table, HA is accepted and HO is rejected, which means
that there is an impact between variable (X) customer perceived value and variable (Y)
customer satisfaction.
If the t-count value is below (<) t-table, HA is rejected and HO is accepted, which means
there is no impact between variable (X) customer perceived value and variable (Y) customer
By level of significance:
If the Significance score exceeds (>) 0.05 or (5%), then HA is rejected and HO is accepted,
and there is no impact between variable (X) customer perceived value on variable (Y)
customer satisfaction.
If the Significance score is below (<) 0.05 or (5%), HA is accepted and HO is rejected, and
there is an impact between variable (X) customer perceived value on variable (Y) customer
It can also be concluded t-test based on the level of significance:
1. The value based on the level of significance in the customer perceived value variable with
an emotional value dimension of 0.799 exceeds (>) 0.05, the HA is rejected, which means
there is no impact between the variable (X) customer perceived value and the emotional
value dimension with the variable (Y) customer satisfaction. This means that the Emotional
Value dimension has a positive and insignificant impact on Customer Satisfaction.
2. The value based on the level of significance in the customer perceived value variable with
a price value dimension of 0.045 below (<) 0.05 then HA is accepted, which means that
there is an influence between the variable (X) customer perceived value with the price value
dimension with the variable (Y) customer satisfaction. This means that the Price Value
dimension has a positive impact on Customer Satisfaction.
3. The value based on the level of significance of the customer perceived value variable with
a quality value dimension of 0.601 exceeds (>) 0.05, the HA is rejected, which means there
is no impact between the variable (X) customer perceived value and the quality value
dimension with the variable (Y) customer satisfaction. This means that the Quality Value
dimension has a negative and insignificant impact on Customer Satisfaction.
a. The value based on the level of significance in the customer perceived value variable with
a social value dimension of 0.739 exceeds (>) 0.05, the HA is rejected, which means that
there is no impact between the variable (X) customer perceived value and the social value
dimension with the variable (Y) customer satisfaction. This means that the Social Value
dimension has a positive and insignificant effect on Customer Satisfaction.
Uji Hipotesis Secara Simultan(Uji F)
Concurrent significance testing reveals whether all independent variables included in
regression modeling have a concurrent impact on the dependent variable. The test was run
through the use of a significant value of 0.05 (α=5%).
In this hypothesis test, F statistics are used where the decision-making requirements include:
a. Sourced significance level (sig.)
1) When the score is sig. < 0.05 then the hypothesis is accepted.
2) When the score is sig. > 0.05 then the hypothesis is rejected.
b. Sourced F-count score comparison against F-table
1) If the F-score is calculated > F-table then the hypothesis is accepted.
2) If the F-count score < the F-table then the hypothesis is rejected.
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi
Table 6 Test Results F
Sum of Square
Mean Square
a. dependent variable : Customer Satisfaction
b. predictors : (constant), Social Value, Quality Value, Price Value, Emotial Value
Source: ANOVA F Test SPSS Data (2023)
Sourced from table 4.18, ANOVA test results obtained by Fcalculate which is 1.234 <
Ftable 2.035, and sourced from table F using the sig level. which is 0.302 < 0.05. So it can be
concluded that the dimensions of Price Value, Emotional Value, Social Value, and Quality
Value simultaneously have an insignificant impact on Customer Satisfaction (Y).
Coefficient of Determination Test
In order to understand how much impact the Customer Perceived Value (X) variable
has on the Customer Satisfaction variable (Y), the correlation coefficient is first calculated.
Data from the calculation results can be seen including :
Tabel 7 Hasil Analisis Koefisien Determinasi
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors : (constant), Customer Perpceived Value
b. dependent Variable : Customer Satisfaction
Source: SPSS Data R Test Coefficient of Determination (2023)
Based on the test output, the partial coefficient of determination as in table 4.16 can be
concluded that the R-square weight of 2%, the variant of the change of the purchase decision
variable, can be described as the variant in the variation of the Customer Perceived Value
variable, and the remaining 98% is exposed to other variables that are not used in the following
In the following research, researchers used 100 respondents with criteria who had been
customers at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi. Respondents filled out a
questionnaire with several questions in it such as customer perceived value and customer
satisfaction (Foedjiawati & Samuel, 2005). In the following study, the author wants to discuss
the results of research that has been obtained.
In the variable, customer perceived value has the highest average score (mean) of 3.69,
where the question is "I enjoy Yumchi Resto & Catering". And many respondents also fill in
or answer with the number "4" which means they strongly agree. In the customer satisfaction
variable, it has the highest average score of 3.69 with the question "I easily find the location of
Yumchi Resto &; Catering". And many respondents also fill in or answer with the number "4"
which means they strongly agree. Because with the number of respondents who answer or fill
in the number "4" or strongly agree, it can be analyzed that the easy finding of the location of
Yumchi Resto &; Catering can affect customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi
The effect of the Customer Perceived Value variable on Customer Satisfaction at
Yumchi Resto & Catering obtained a positive coefficient score of 1.430 where the sig value
was 0.156. Because sig-value (0.156) > sig.tolerance (0.05), Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected.
So that Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
proved to have an insignificant effect (Setyo, 2016).
The following research is not aligned with the research carried out Hakim & Keni (2020)
where the results state that Customer Perceived Value has a significant impact on Customer
The Effect of the Emotional Value Dimension on Customer Satisfaction
The Emotional Value dimension of Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
obtained a positive coefficient score of 0.256 where the sig value was 0.799. Because sig-value
(0.799) > sig.tolerance (0.05), Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. Until the impact of Emotional
Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &; Catering proved insignificant.
The Effect of Price Value Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction
The Price Value dimension of Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
obtained a positive coefficient score of 2.035 where the sig value was 0.045. Because sig-value
(0.045) < sig.tolerance (0.05), Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So that the impact of the Price
Value Dimension on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering has proven
The Effect of Quality Value Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction
The Quality Value dimension of Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
obtained a negative coefficient score of 0.525 where the sig value was 0.601. Because sig-value
(0.601) > sig.tolerance (0.05), Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. So that the impact of the
Quality Value Dimension on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &; Catering proved
The Effect of Social Value Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction
The Social Value dimension of Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
obtained a positive coefficient score of 0.334 where the sig value was 0.739. Because sig-value
(0.739) > sig.tolerance (0.05), Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. So that the impact of the
Social Value Dimension on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering proved
The Effect of Emotional Value, Price Value, Quality Value, and Social Value Dimensions
on Customer Satisfaction
Based on the results of the F test test, it is known that the dimensions of Price Value,
Emotional Value, Social Value, and Quality Value on Customer Satisfaction explain that the
F-count score carried out by processing using SPSS is worth 1.234 where the level of
significance is 0.302 exceeding the α score (level of significance) which is 0.05 so that it can
be said that the dimensions of Price Value, Emotional Value, Social Value, and Quality Value
simultaneously has an insignificant impact on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
The purpose of the following research is to see if there is an impact between Customer
Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering. The conclusions of
this study are the customer perceived value variable which has an emotional value dimension
has no influence on the customer satisfaction variable at Yumchi Resto & Catering. And it can
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi
be seen in the results of the t test, where the t-score is calculated below (<) t-table score, until
Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected which has a statement that there is no impact of the customer
perceived value variable with the emotional value dimension on the customer satisfaction
variable. From this conclusion, it can be said that the emotional value dimension of customer
perceived value has no effect on customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan
Indah, Bekasi.
The customer perceived value variable which has a price value dimension has an
influence on the customer satisfaction variable at Yumchi Resto & Catering. And it can be seen
in the results of the T test, where the t-count score exceeds (>) the t-table score, so Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted which has a statement that there is a positive influence of the customer
perceived value variable with the price value dimension on the customer satisfaction variable.
From this conclusion, it can be said that one of the drivers of customer satisfaction at Yumchi
Resto &; Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi is price value.
The customer perceived value variable that has a quality value dimension has no
influence on the customer satisfaction variable at Yumchi Resto & Catering. And it can be seen
in the results of the T test, where the t-score is calculated below (<) t-table score, until Ho is
accepted and Ha is rejected which has a statement that there is no impact of the customer
perceived value variable with the quality value dimension on the customer satisfaction variable.
From this conclusion, it can be said that the quality value dimension of customer perceived
value has no effect on customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah,
The customer perceived value variable that has a social value dimension has no influence
on the customer satisfaction variable at Yumchi Resto & Catering. And it can be seen in the
results of the T test, where the t-score is calculated below (<) t-table score, until Ho is accepted
and Ha is rejected which has a statement that there is no impact on the service quality variable
with the social value dimension on the customer satisfaction variable. From this conclusion, it
can be said that the social value dimension of customer perceived value does not have an impact
on consumer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
While the test results simultaneously through the use of F testing on customer perceived
value variables which have four dimensions consisting of price value, emotional value, social
value, and quality value simultaneously have an insignificant impact on consumer satisfaction
variables at Yumchi Resto & Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi. The data that has been tested
can be observed in the f test which states that the f-count score is below (<) the f-table score,
so Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted. From the conclusions above, it can be stated that customer
perceived value has an insignificant impact on customer satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &;
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi.
From this, it can be briefly concluded that the Customer Perceived Value dimension
which is composed of Price Value, Social Value, Emotional Value, and Quality Value
simultaneously or partially its significance does not have an impact on Yumchi Resto &
Catering's customer satisfaction. The partial dimensions of Emotional Value, Quality Value,
and Social Value have an insignificant impact on Yumchi Resto & Catering's customer
satisfaction. However, the Price Value dimension has a significant impact on Yumchi Resto
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto &
Catering Harapan Indah, Bekasi
&; Catering's consumer satisfaction, this means that customers have a sense of satisfaction
from Yumchi Resto &; Catering based on the price value applied.
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Copyright holders:
Angela Stefani, Vishnuvardhana S. Soeprapto (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value on Customer Satisfaction at Yumchi Resto & Catering
Harapan Indah, Bekasi
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0