Abstract The
current agricultural development projection requires active participation
from the younger generation. However, the declining interest of youth in the
agricultural sector poses a challenge to sustainable agricultural
development. purpose this research untuk mengetahu pengaruh the influence of senior high school student
communication on work values and career interest in the agriculture sector. This
research examines communication patterns among high school students with
parents, teachers, and peers regarding agricultural work values and interest
in the sector. To examine the effect of the
variables tested on the tendency of students to choose universities, the
statistical test Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling was used (PLS-SEM) The
study analyzed seven variables: individual characteristics (X1),
interpersonal communication with parents (X2), teachers (X3), and peers (X4),
family characteristics (X5), agricultural work values (Y1), and interest in
the sector (Y2). Results show positive relationships between communication
with parents, teachers, peers, and agricultural work values. Students
perceive agriculture as promising but not fully aligned with their
preferences. Teacher communication significantly influences work values and
interest more than parents and peers. Effective teacher-student communication
is vital in shaping agricultural work values and interest. Bridging
perception gaps can boost youth interest in agricultural studies and careers,
fostering a skilled and committed future generation for Indonesia's
agricultural development. Keywords:
work value;
career interest; agriculture |
The current projection of agricultural development undoubtedly requires
the involvement of the younger generation. The role of youth in agricultural
development is crucial, but their interest in the agricultural sector has been
declining over the years. Research conducted by the Food Sovereignty People's
Coalition (KRKP) in 2016, as cited in Effendy & Krisnawati, (2020), concluded that 63 percent of rice farmer's children are not interested
in continuing their parents' occupation, while in the horticultural sector, 54
percent of children do not want to become farmers. Another reason for the low
interest of youth in agriculture is the less prestigious image associated with
farming (Susilowati, 2016). Additionally, research by Effendy & Krisnawati, (2020) found that the lack of youth participation in agricultural activities
is due to their limited technical knowledge and experience in the agricultural
field. This concerning situation needs to be addressed with efforts that can
accelerate the growth of a new generation of farmers to ensure the
sustainability of agricultural development in Indonesia.
The phenomenon of aging farmers and the decreasing interest of
productive-age workers in the agricultural sector exacerbates the existing
agricultural problems, primarily the lower level of education among farmers
compared to the workforce in other sectors (Susilowati, 2016). Moreover, education is considered a fundamental need in supporting
daily activities, especially amidst the advancement of science and technology
and the demands of globalization for qualified and professional individuals.
Human Resource Development (HRD) through education is an essential prerequisite
for achieving high-quality development. Based on the Government's Work Plan
Meeting (bappenas.go.id), one of the national development priorities for the
year 2022 is education and skill reform.
According to Ritonga, (2021) in Dewantoro and Rajasekaran et al., (2022), to support sustainable agricultural development, three factors are
required: Natural Resources (SDA), Human Resources (SDM), and appropriate
technology. Educated human resources are ideal for the future sustainability of
agricultural development. One of the platforms for producing educated human
resources is higher education, particularly in the agricultural field, to
foster competent agricultural development. Unfortunately, the interest of high
school students in pursuing agricultural-based higher education is not
particularly encouraging, especially considering the negative perception of
agriculture among the current youth. However, the agricultural sector is a vital
pillar supporting national development, and it is essential to envision the
consequences if we fail to produce excellent agricultural generation that will
continue the development in Indonesia. Therefore, it is crucial for us to
understand how high school students perceive agricultural work values and their
interest in working in the agricultural sector to prepare a competitive young
generation in agriculture.
The research was conducted not only at IPB
University but also in schools or areas visited by the researcher during the
promotional and socialization activities of IPB University from January to
March 2023. Data collection for this study was carried out online using Google
Forms, targeting students in the 11th and 12th grades of high school who
participated in the socialization and promotion program of IPB University.
This research aims to examine the influence of
high school students' communication on agricultural work values and interest in
working in the agricultural sector. There are seven variables used in this
study, namely: individual characteristics (X1), students' interpersonal
communication with parents (X2), teachers (X3), peers (X4), family
characteristics (X5), dimensions of agricultural work values (Y1), and interest
in the agricultural sector (Y2). A descriptive correlational quantitative
research design is employed to describe each variable and the influence of high
school students' interpersonal communication on agricultural work values and
interest in working in the agricultural sector. The data collected for this
research include primary and secondary data. Primary data are obtained through
the completion of prepared questionnaires, while secondary data are from
relevant institutions supporting this research.
The data
obtained are processed and analyzed quantitatively by examining the research
variables, examining the relationships between variables, and identifying
patterns in these relationships. To assess the influence of the tested
variables on students' tendencies in choosing higher education, the Partial
Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) statistical test is
utilized. For data processing, the Minitab or SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences) program is used to facilitate the analysis (Suleiman &
Abdulkadir, 2022).
research was conducted by adapting to promotional activities at IPB University,
which included: school visits to IPB, Edu Expo (IPB Goes to School), and exhibitions.
The respondents were students in grade XI or XII from various public and
private high schools (SMA/MA/SMK) located in the city or district. The
promotional activities at IPB University included in this research were (1)
School Visits to IPB with a total of 241 students, and (2) IPB Goes to School
(IGTS/Edu Expo/Canvasing/BUD) involving 254 students, and (3) National
Education Exhibitions involving 254 students.
The variables
investigated in this research are individual characteristics, parental characteristics,
the influence of communication among high school students on agricultural work
values, and interest in working in the agricultural sector. The results showed
that the Cronbach Alpha value was greater than 0.6, indicating that this study is
valid and reliable. The research was conducted with 563 respondents
representing 47 high schools, with 43 schools located in urban areas and 4
schools in rural areas.
Figure 1 IPB University Promotion
The Influence of Students' Communication with Parents, Teachers, and Peers on
Agricultural Work Values and Career Interest in the Agricultural Sector.
Interpersonal Communication by
Lindawati et al., (2022) states
that effective interpersonal communication has several indicators that should
be considered, including openness, empathy, positiveness, supportiveness, and
Figure 2 Opennes
Based on the obtained results, for
the indicator of openness, students tend to be more open, calm, free, and
relieved in discussing their choices of higher education and career with peers,
at a rate of 83.12 percent. This is highly likely because the communication
students have with their peers tends to be voluntary, without pressure or
burden, unlike when they talk about career opportunities, especially in the
agricultural sector, and when it comes to choosing higher education with their
parents and teachers. Naturally, parents and teachers have their own views and
judgments, which may lead to students being less open towards them.
Figure 3 Empathy
Furthermore, for the indicator of empathy, as
many as 88.45 percent of students state that their parents have a high level of
empathy in providing proactive support regarding the choices of higher
education or career. This is possible because the communication that occurs is
based on the strong emotional bond within the family. The relationship between
parents and children is naturally stronger compared to the relationships
between students and teachers or peers.
Figure 7 Support
The other indicator is support, where students
state that teachers are more supportive and actively provide information to
them regarding the choices of higher education and career, with a percentage of
90 23. This is due to the intensive and directed communication pattern between
students and teachers when discussing career opportunities in general,
including those in the agricultural sector, and when it comes to selecting
higher education institutions. Additionally, from the perspective of
communicators, in this case, the teachers, they naturally possess updated
knowledge and information about higher education compared to parents and peers.
Figure 4. Positive Attitude
The next indicator is a positive attitude,
based on the obtained results showing that teachers exhibit the highest level
of positive attitude in communication with students regarding career choices
and selecting universities, with a percentage of 93.60. Meanwhile, for the
indicator of equality, the data indicates that 87.92 percent of students tend
to feel treated fairly, equally, and not compared to others when it comes to
choosing universities and career opportunities with the guidance of their
parents. This is possible because, in communicating with their children,
parents always strive to provide the best for them in all aspects.
Figure 5. Equalitty
While, for the indicator of equality, the
data shows that 87.92 percent of students tend to feel treated fairly, equally,
and not compared to others when it comes to choosing universities and career
opportunities with the guidance of their parents. This is possible because,
undoubtedly, in communicating with their children, parents always strive to
provide the best for them in all aspects
Data Analysis Process by PLS-SEM Modeling
determining the influence of student communication with parents, teachers, and
peers, it was analyzed using Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling
(PLS-SEM). PLS, commonly referred to as PLS-SEM, represents the second
generation of SEM. The use of this model offers a higher level of flexibility
for regression research (influence) that connects theory and data, as well as
the ability to perform path analysis with latent variables (Rifai,
According to Ghozali as cited in Lindawati
et al., (2022), PLS data
processing requires two stages to assess the model fit of a research study.
These stages include the analysis or evaluation of the measurement model and
the analysis of the structural model. The measurement model is also known as
the outer model, and there are three criteria used to evaluate this measurement
model. These criteria involve assessing validity through convergent validity,
average variance extracted (AVE), and discriminant validity, as well as
evaluating reliability through composite reliability (Alarcón
et al., 2015).
Figure 6 Measurement Model of Research
Figure 6 shows that the latent variable of student-parent communication has a
positive relationship with Work Values in the Agricultural Sector (0.071), the
latent variable of student-teacher communication has a positive relationship
with Work Values in the Agricultural Sector (0.271), and the latent variable of
student-peer communication has a positive relationship with Work Values in the
Agricultural Sector (0.035). Referring to these values, it can be inferred that
communication between students and parents, students and teachers, and students
and peers has a positive relationship. This means that if students'
communication with their parents is more frequent and effective, it will
enhance their Work Values in the Agricultural Sector (Verschueren et al., 2012). The same applies to students' communication with teachers and peers.
Additionally, the value for student-teacher
communication is the highest among all, indicating that communication with
teachers is more effective in influencing work values in the agricultural
sector. The item loading values for
the latent variable of student-parent communication indicate that all five analyzed indicators (openness, empathy, positive attitude,
support, and equality) are valid and reliable, with the highest contributions
shown by the positive attitude (0.806), support (0.789), openness (0.779),
empathy (0.779), and equality (0.757) values. Similarly, the item loading
values for the latent variable of student-teacher communication show that all
indicators are valid and reliable, with the highest contributions indicated by
openness (0.803), positive attitude (0.799), support (0.767), empathy (0.751),
and equality (0.738) values. As for the latent variable of student-peer
communication, the greatest contribution is from the positive attitude (0.818),
followed by openness (0.815), support (0.812), empathy (0.808), and equality
(0.720) values.
The latent variable of work values in the
agricultural sector shows the largest contributions from confidence (0.825) and
attention (0.778). When examining the relationship between work values in the
agricultural sector and interest in the agricultural sector, it is observed to
have a correlation value of 0.574. Regarding the latent variable of interest in
the agricultural sector; it has the highest contributions from confidence
(0.903) and attention (0.724).
The model (Figure 4) indicates that the generated model fits well for the research area.
This means that the indicators used for each latent variable are valid as
measurement tools and can be used for modelling. For example, the indicators of
attention and confidence are capable of describing the conditions of work
values in the agricultural sector and interest in the agricultural sector
during data collection. The
complete modelling process resulting from the SEM-PLS test can be observed in
Figure 10, which includes all latent variables, such as adolescent-parent
communication (X1), adolescent-teacher communication (X2), adolescent-peer
communication (X3), work values in the agricultural sector (Y1), and interest
in the agricultural sector (Y2), along with their corresponding indicators
according to the conceptual framework (Figure 3).
After running through the PLS Algorithm,
loading factor values are obtained. The loading factor is a parameter that
describes the direct relationship between exogenous variables and their
manifest variables or how well the manifest variables (indicators) can
represent their latent variables. The student-parent, student-teacher, and
student-peer communications have loading scores above 0.5 (>0.5), which
according to Chin (1998) in W & Ghozali, (2017), a correlation can be considered to meet the convergent validity if it
has a loading value greater than 0.5 to 0.6 (Lindawati et al., 2022).
1. Measurement Model (outer model)
Table 1 Loading Factor Values for Each Latent
Variable |
Indicator |
Loading factor |
Description |
Student-Parent Communication (X2) |
X2.1 |
0,757 |
Valid |
X2.2 |
0,819 |
Valid |
X2.3 |
0,806 |
Valid |
X2.4 |
0,779 |
Valid |
X2.5 |
0,789 |
Valid |
Student-Teacher Communication (X3) |
X3.1 |
0,738 |
Valid |
X3.2 |
0,751 |
Valid |
X3.3 |
0,779 |
Valid |
X3.4 |
0,803 |
Valid |
X3.5 |
0,767 |
Valid |
Student-peer Communication (X4) |
X4.1 |
0,720 |
Valid |
X4.2 |
0,808 |
Valid |
X4.3 |
0,818 |
Valid |
X4.4 |
0,815 |
Valid |
X4.5 |
0,812 |
Valid |
Work Performance in Agricultural Sector |
Y1.1 |
0,778 |
Valid |
Y1.2 |
0,825 |
Valid |
Interest in Agricultural Sector (Y2) |
Y2.1 |
0,724 |
Valid |
Y2.2 |
0,903 |
Valid |
a. Discriminant validity testing is conducted using the Average Variance
Extracted (AVE) values. An indicator is considered valid if it has an AVE value
greater than 0.5. Table 11 shows that all constructs are valid since the AVE
values for each variable are greater than 0.5.
Table 2
The Fornell-Larcker Criterion Values between Each Latent Variable
Latent Variable |
Student-Parent Communication (X2) |
0,596 |
Student-Teacher Communication (X3) |
0,624 |
Student-Peer Communication (X4) |
0,633 |
Work Performance in Agricultural Sector(Y1) |
0,670 |
Interest in Agricultural Sector (Y2) |
0,643 |
b. Reliability testing (composite reliability) is conducted to assess the
reliability of the research instruments using two criteria, namely composite
reliability (Table 12). Based on the reliability testing table, the obtained
composite reliability results are above 0.7, which is considered reliable and
falls into the category of highly reliable for the variables: student-parent
communication, student-teacher communication, and student-peer communication.
Meanwhile, the interest in the agricultural sector falls into the reliable
category, and the value of work in the agricultural sector is considered to be
moderately reliable.
Table 3 Results of Latent Research
Reliability Testing
Latent Variable |
Composite reliability |
Student-Parent Communication
(X2) |
0,892 |
Student- Teacher
Communication (X3) |
0,881 |
Student-Peer Communication
(X4) |
0,896 |
Work Performance in Agricultural
Sector (Y1) |
0,783 |
Interest in Agricultural
Sector (Y2) |
0,800 |
Based on the three tests, the conclusion is that the measurement model in
Figure 4 can be considered valid and reliable, allowing us to proceed with the
evaluation of the structural model. The next stage is the analysis or
evaluation of the structural model, also known as the inner model measurement,
which is conducted to observe the influence/relationship between constructs,
significance values, and R-squared of the research model (Syafii
et al., 2015). Evaluating
the structural model in the PLS SEM model is commonly referred to as Goodness
of Fit (GoF) or model goodness test. GoF is used to validate the combined
performance of the measurement model (outer model) and the structural model
(inner model), accomplished by conducting three assessment criteria, namely
R-squared (R^2), Predictive Relevance (Q^2), and the Tanenhause test.
Table 3 R2 Values in Structural
Latent Variable |
R-square |
Work Performance in
Agricultural Sector (Y1) |
0,123 |
Interest in Agricultural
Sector (Y2) |
0,330 |
evaluation of the structural model includes examining the relationships between
each construct by looking at the R-squared values. The R-squared value for
"Work Performance in the Agricultural Sector" (Y1) is 0.123 or 12.3%.
This means that "Student-Parent Communication" (X2),
"Student-Teacher Communication" (X3), and "Student-Peer
Communication" (X4) can substantially explain 12.30% of the variance in
work performance in the agricultural sector, while the remaining variance is
explained by other factors not included in this study. The R-squared value for
"Interest in the Agricultural Sector" (Y2) is 0.330 or 33.3%. This
means that "Work Performance in the Agricultural Sector" (Y1) can
substantially explain 33.30% of the variance in interest in the agricultural
sector, while the remaining variance is explained by other factors not included
in this study. Next, the total R-squared values are used to calculate the
Predictive Relevance (Q^2) using the formula:
to Tanenhaus criteria, a small GoF value is 0.10, a medium GoF is 0.25, and a
large GoF is 0.38. Since the GoF values obtained are 0.287 and 0.461, they fall
within the criteria set by Tanenhaus, indicating that the model is considered
fit. Based on the three criteria presented earlier, it shows that the overall
model (Figure 4) is very good.
The Influence of
Student-Parent, Teacher, and Peer Communication on Work Performance in the
Agricultural Sector and Interest in the Agricultural Sector
In this discussion, we will
test the main hypotheses, which aim to determine the influence of student
communication with parents, teachers, and peers on work performance in the
agricultural sector and interest in working in the agricultural sector. The
analysis results were obtained using bootstrapping test through PLS-SEM
(Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling), which provides direct
estimates for each research variable.
Table 4 The Results of Direct Effects among
Latent Variables in the Study
The relationships
among latent variables |
Original sample |
Sample mean |
Standard deviation |
T statistics |
P-Values |
Student-Parent Communication
(X2) |
0,071 |
0,072 |
0,060 |
1,174 |
0,241 |
Student-Teacher Communication
(X3) |
0,271 |
0,274 |
0,061 |
4,439 |
0,000* |
Student-Peer Communication
(X4) |
0,035 |
0,038 |
0,064 |
0,547 |
0,585 |
Work Performance in
Agricultural Sector (Y1) |
0,574 |
0,5799 |
0,032 |
17,748 |
0,000* |
First, the
variable X2 with Y1 shows a t-statistic value of 1.174, which is smaller than
1.97 (Ghozali 2015), and a p-value of 0.241, which is larger than 0.05. This
means that student communication with parents does not have a significant
effect on work performance in the agricultural sector. Second, the variable X3
with Y1 shows a t-statistic value of 4.439, which is greater than 1.97, and a
p-value of 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05. This indicates that student
communication with teachers has a significant effect on work performance in the
agricultural sector. Third, the variable X4 with Y1 shows a t-statistic value
of 0.547, which is smaller than 1.97, and a p-value of 0.585, which is larger
than 0.05. This means that student communication with peers does not have a
significant effect on work performance in the agricultural sector (Table 14).
Additionally, variable Y1 with Y2 has a t-statistic value of 17.748 and a
p-value of 0.000, which is smaller than 0.05, indicating that work performance
in the agricultural sector significantly influences interest in the
agricultural sector. Therefore, it can be concluded that only student
communication with teachers has a significant effect on work performance in the
agricultural sector and indirectly influences interest in the agricultural
absence of an influence of student communication with parents regarding work
performance in the agricultural sector does not mean that there is no
communication taking place. It simply means that the communication conducted
does not have a significant effect on work performance in the agricultural
sector and interest in the agricultural sector. This could be due to a shift in
parenting patterns applied by parents nowadays, where they tend to entrust
their children's academic matters to teachers at school (Jensen,
2009). Parental
involvement is indeed crucial in a child's academic development, but it cannot
be denied that parents, especially those who have to work to support their
family financially, might spend a considerable amount of time outside the home.
Moreover, many parents (mothers) also participate in the workforce to
contribute to the family's economic needs. If this situation persists for an
extended period, then meaningful communication about their child's career might
not be adequately established. As a result, the role of parents (both fathers
and mothers) in monitoring their child's education at school or inquiring about
their career choices might diminish, particularly concerning information about
work performance in the agricultural sector and interest in working in the
agricultural sector.
to Lestari, (2015), communication
constraints can also arise from the adolescent's side because they might not be
able to control their emotions wisely when talking to their parents. This can
result in weak self-control, leading to ineffective communication.
Communication is a crucial factor in any communication process. According to
Choirunnisa and Ediati (2018), the higher the emotional control between parents
and students, the higher the level of interpersonal communication formed
between them (Lindawati et al., 2022).
addition to parental factors, self-factors also play a significant role in
shaping students' views on work values in the agricultural sector and interest
in working in the agricultural field. Students themselves evaluate how good or
bad they perceive work values and interest in the agricultural sector. Students
are also capable of assessing their own self-efficacy, which refers to their
confidence in their abilities and beliefs. Pott & Santrock, (2007) stated
that self-efficacy is a person's belief in their ability to master a situation
and produce something beneficial. This means that if a student believes in
their abilities, they will be motivated to strive optimally for what they
desire, and vice versa.
just like student communication with parents, student communication with peers
does not have a significant influence on their perceptions of work values in
the agricultural sector and interest in working in the agricultural field. This
could be because, based on my observation, students in twelfth grade do not
always discuss their post-high school education plans with their peers. The
topics most frequently discussed among peers, based on my observations, revolve
around school activities, hobbies, romance, and games. Based on (Table 7), it
is known that student communication with teachers has a significant influence.
The influence of teacher communication on the career maturity of adolescent
students is the biggest contributor that affects students' career decisions
(Mubarik et al., 2014). This is also in line with how students assess work
values and interest in working in the agricultural sector, which is influenced
by the communication patterns between students and teachers at school,
specifically the Guidance and Counseling (BK) teachers.
to Prayitno
et al., (2023), the
presence of teachers, especially BK teachers, is considered effective and
influences students' thought patterns regarding further study plans or career
choices. Schools usually provide career guidance services that focus on
preparing students for the workforce. The career guidance services provided by
the school can help students plan their careers and make independent decisions
by understanding their abilities, potentials, achievements, interests, talents,
and personalities. From the school's perspective as a service provider, this
service aims to help students achieve their expected success through
self-potential identification so that students become confident and ready to
determine their career choices.
reason why student communication with BK teachers has a significant influence
is the current condition where the majority of BK teachers tend to be more
active in seeking up-to-date information about careers and higher education for
their students through various communication channels. This is what makes
communication between students and teachers regarding work values and interest
in the agricultural sector effective and significant because teachers are
perceived to have more competent career insights and perspectives compared to
peers and parents, who may tend to impose their will and others on their
the communication interaction that occurs during consultation with BK teachers
is intensive, allowing students to have their problems resolved and enhance
their career maturity and self-confidence. Through the optimization of career
guidance services that prioritize improved communication between teachers and
students, the hope is that openness can be achieved and lead to mutual trust to
express all issues, hopes, concerns, confusion, and jointly seek solutions to
the problems faced by students. This is the time when BK teachers provide
understanding and different perspectives to students regarding higher education
information and various assessments, especially related to work values and
interest in working in the agricultural sector. This process involves students
as decision-makers, and the communication that takes place is not just a
two-way process but also a simultaneous building of discussion between students
and teachers. Students are not only individuals who receive advice but also
become empowered individuals with the freedom to express opinions responsibly.
ARCS Based Learning Model
Based on the data that has been
obtained, here are some results of data exploration using the ARCS-based
learning model approach (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction).
Figure 7 Attention - Based Learning Model Based on
Job Scope and Prospectiveness
Based on the data obtained, one of the students' attention in choosing a
field of work is the job scope and prospectiveness. Students perceive that jobs
in the agricultural sector are very promising and have a very broad job scope,
with a total number of respondents who agree and strongly agree for each parameter
reaching 437 respondents and 438 respondents, respectively, while those who
disagree and strongly disagree are only 136 respondents and 125 respondents,
Figure 8 Attention - Based Learning Model
Based in Income and Social Perspectives
Based on the data
obtained, it can be seen that the majority of students are interested in
working in the agricultural sector, amounting to 302 students or 53.64 percent,
while students who are interested in becoming students at IPB University are
494 students or 87.74 percent. This means that all respondents gave positive
responses regarding the agricultural field. Students already have the desire or
interest to work and pursue higher education in the agricultural sector,
especially at IPB University.
Based on the chart
above, it can be explained that from all respondents, the aspects that still
receive attention in choosing agricultural work values are income and social
perspectives. The majority of students highly consider the income opportunities
in the economic sector as a significant factor in evaluating work values in the
agricultural field, with 479 students or 85.07 percent. Meanwhile, social
perspectives when working in the agricultural sector are a concern for 330
students or 58.81 percent of the respondents.
Figure 9
Relevance Based Learning Model
Next is
relevance or the suitability of students' interests or desires regarding
something they are interested in. In this study, it is related to agricultural
work values and interest in working in the agricultural sector. Based on the
data obtained, it is known that 266 students state that working in the
agricultural field is still relevant to their desires, while 297 students state
that it is not suitable for their preferences. Meanwhile, 289 students declare
that working in the agricultural sector is still relevant to their parents'
Figure 10
Confidance Based Learning Model
Confidance is defined as students' self-assurance to build positive
expectations. In the context of this research plan, it relates to high school
students' belief and confidence that the agricultural sector is promising in
all aspects of their future lives. Based on the data above, it is found that
345 students are confident that they will have significant opportunities and
prospects if they work in the agricultural sector. Additionally, 87 students
even express being very confident. On the other hand, only 131 students state
that they are less confident or not confident.
11 Satisfaction Based
Learning Model
Satisfaction is defined as the contentment or fulfillment that is
intended in this research, which means that students feel that the agricultural
field is capable of providing satisfaction for them after they graduate from
school. The satisfaction referred to includes their perception that working in
the agricultural sector can provide a livelihood for many people, enable
independent entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector, and offer employment
opportunities for many others, etc. Based on the data obtained, it is found
that students feel there will be a sense of satisfaction if they work in the
agricultural sector with a percentage of 76.91 percent. Furthermore, the
students believe that they will have opportunities for added value if they work
in the agricultural sector, with a percentage of 82.95 percent.
communication conducted by students with parents, teachers, and peers is
positively related to work values in the agricultural sector. This positive
relationship means that when students' communication with parents, teachers,
and peers increases and becomes more effective, it will enhance work values in
the agricultural sector and indirectly increase their interest in the field.
Communication between students and teachers shows a stronger positive
correlation compared to the others. Therefore, effective communication between
students and teachers can further enhance work values in the agricultural
sector and interest in pursuing a career in agriculture.
High school
students consider working in the agricultural sector as a very promising and
prospective career. They also believe that the agricultural field offers vast
job prospects. As a result, they are interested in working in the agricultural
sector and aspire to become students at IPB University, the nation's top agricultural
university. While the work in the agricultural field aligns with the
expectations of their parents, the majority of students feel that it does not
fully align with their personal desires. Therefore, parents should play a more
convincing role in encouraging their children to enter the agricultural sector
because most students believe that working in agriculture provides ample
opportunities for success. Moreover, the majority of students feel that working
in the agricultural sector can support a large population and create job
opportunities for many people.
influence of students' communication with teachers significantly affects work
values in the agricultural sector at a 5% significance level and indirectly
influences their interest in working in the agricultural sector. On the other
hand, students' communication with parents and peers does not have a
significant direct effect on work values in the agricultural sector but does
have a significant indirect effect on their interest in the field at a 5%
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