Sri Dewi Maharani, Ainun Sa'adah, Ibnu Aqiel, Mukhammad Khoirudzaki,
Achmad Faqih
Faculty of Agriculture Gunung Jati Swadaya University, Indonesia
Email: achmad[email protected]
Field agricultural extension workers are obliged to have learning concepts to support their
role as mediators who will be a bridge in the process of diffusion, innovation, and problem
solving in an organization. A mediator is expected to mediate what is needed by farmers and
help overcome problems that arise and require appropriate solutions in handling them in the
field. The objectives of this study are: 1) to determine the influence of the role of field
agricultural extension workers as mediators in the availability of capital sources, study
programs, technology dissemination, agro-industry, and simultaneous marketing of
agricultural products on the success of the Rice Farming program. 2) knowing the influence
of the role of field agricultural extension workers as mediators in the availability of capital
sources, study programs, technology dissemination, agro-industry, and partial marketing of
agricultural products on the success of the Rice Farming program. The research design used
in this study is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The population used is the
Sri Mulya farmer group, Bodesari Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency. The section
examined is on the effect of the role of field agricultural extension workers as mediators on
the success of rice farming programs. The number of samples used was 32 respondents. The
study will be conducted in March - May 2023. Data analysis techniques use validity,
reliability and regression tests. The results showed that: 1) the influence of the role of field
agricultural extension workers as mediators simultaneously (availability of capital sources,
study programs, technology dissemination, agro-industry, and marketing of agricultural
products) affects the success of the rice farming program. 2) the influence of the role of field
agricultural extension workers as partial mediators (availability of capital sources, study
programs, technology dissemination, agro-industry, and marketing of agricultural products)
on the success of the rice farming program.
: Mediator; LPP; Role; PPL; Program.
Agriculture is a type of production activity based on the growth process of plants
and animals. Farmers regulate and intensify the growth of plants and animals in their
farming. According to HERNANTO, (2003) agricultural business is defined as an
organizational unity between work, capital and management aimed at obtaining
production in the agricultural field. In line with this understanding, Soetriono, (2017),
stated that there are four things that need to be considered for agricultural business
development, namely: (1) farm business organization focused on managing production
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
elements and business objectives, (2) patterns of farm land ownership, (3) farm work
focused on the distribution of labor and unemployment in farming, and (4) farm business
capital focused on the proportion and sources of farmer capital.
Development whatever understanding is given to it, always refers to efforts to
improve, especially improvements in the quality of human life, both physically, mentally,
economically and socio-culturally. Related to this understanding, the purpose of
agricultural extension is directed at the realization of technical improvements in farming
(Better Farming), improvement of farming business (Better Business) and improvement
of farming life and its community (Better Living).
Kartasapoetra (1994) in Wibowo & Pratiwi, (2018), argues that extension activities
in agricultural development act as a bridge that connects the practices carried out by
farmers with farmer knowledge and technology that always develops into the needs of
these farmers. Agricultural extension workers are people who work in extension activities
who communicate on extension targets, so that the targets are able to carry out the
decision-making process correctly.
This research was conducted in Bodesari Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon
Regency. Bodesari Village is located in the UPTD Pertnian Plumbon-Cibeureum work
unit, this location was chosen purposive sampling, meaning it was done intentionally.
The selection of the research site was based on the consideration that Bodesari Village
is one of the locations where the Rice Farming Program (LPP) is implemented. The time
for this research to take place is March 2023 to May 2023.
This study used a quantitative research design. According to Sugiyono, (2018) in
Imron, (2019), it is called quantitative because research data is in the form of numbers
and analysis using statistics. According to Imron, (2019) the problem-solving procedure
in the descriptive research method is to describe the object of research at the time of the
current situation based on facts as they are, then analyzed and interpreted.
The number of farmers who are members of the Sri Mulya Farmer Group,
Bodesari Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency is 32 people. Because there are
less than 100 members, census sampling is used, where all group members are sampled.
If the population is less than 100, it is better for all populations to be sampled for the
Data collection is a systemic and standard primary data procurement procedure for
research purposes. The required data type consists of primary data and secondary data.
The method of data collection in this study is as follows: (1) Primary Data, namely the
main research data obtained through interviews with respondent farmers, using a list of
questions that have been prepared before. (2) Secondary Data is a source of research
data obtained through intermediate media or indirectly in the form of books, records,
existing evidence, or archives that have been publicly published.
Description of the Role of Extension Workers as Mediators for the Success of the
Rice Farming Program
The role of extension workers as mediators is a form of the role of an extension
worker who facilitates and serves the needs or needs of farmers in agricultural activities,
especially businesses in agriculture. The role of extension workers in facilitating farmers
includes the availability of capital sources, study programs, technology dissemination,
agro-industry, and marketing of agricultural products. From the results of the
questionnaire given to 32 respondents, members of the Sri Mulya Farmer Group were
included in the good category, with a score of 344.30 (85.16%) from an expected score
of 405. For more details, the results of respondents' assessment of the role of field
agricultural extension workers as mediators can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1. Response of Sri Mulya Farmer Group Members to the Role of Extension
Workers as Mediators
Components of the Extension Worker's Role as a
Availability of Capital Sources
Technology Dissemination
Marketing of Agricultural Products
The Role of Extension Workers as Facilitators
From Table 1, an overview of the influence of the role of field agricultural extension
workers as mediators in the Mekar Mukti group of Bodesari Village, Plumbon District,
Cirebon Regency is as follows:
1. The role of extension workers as mediators based on indicators of the availability of
capital sources obtained a score of 60.03 (87.18%) from the expected score, and was
classified as good. This means that the role of field agricultural extension workers as
mediators in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group is classified as good. The results of
respondents' assessment of the role of extension workers as mediators in the
availability of capital sources in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group showed that most group
members stated that they were classified as good.
2. The role of extension workers as mediators based on the indicators of production
infrastructure facilities (saprodi) obtained an expectation score of 63.68 (79.60%) from
the expected score, and was classified as good. This means that the role of field
agricultural extension workers in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group in carrying out their
duties as mediators is good. The results of respondents' assessment of the role of
extension workers as mediators in the procurement of study programs in farmer groups
showed that most members of the Sri Mulya Farmer Group stated that they were
classified as good.
3. The role of extension workers as mediators based on technology dissemination
indicators obtained a score of 63.75 (79.75%) from the expected score, and was
classified as good. This means that the role of field agricultural extension workers in
the Sri Mulya Farmer Group in carrying out their duties as mediators is good.
4. The role of extension workers as mediators based on indicators of agro-industrial
facilities obtained an expectation score of 79.03 (87.81%) from the expected score,
and was classified as good. This means that the role of field agricultural extension
workers in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group in carrying out their duties as mediators is
classified as a good category. The results of respondents' assessment of the role of
extension workers as mediators in the procurement of study programs in farmer groups
showed that most members of the Sri Mulya Farmer Group stated that they were
classified as good.
5. The role of extension workers as mediators based on indicators of agricultural
product marketing facilities obtained an expectation score of 77.81 (91.54%) from the
expected score, and was classified as good. This means that the role of field
agricultural extension workers in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group in carrying out their
duties as mediators is classified as a good category
The results of respondents' assessment of the role of extension workers as mediators
in the procurement of study programs in farmer groups showed that most members of the
Mekar Mukti farmer group stated that they were classified as good. The number of
members based on the classification of the role of field agricultural extension workers as
mediators in the Mekar Mukti lumung group can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Classification of the Role of Extension Workers as Mediators in Sri Mulya
Farmer Groups
The Role of Extension Workers
Jumlah (orang)
Persentase (%)
Not Good (10% 50%)
Good enough (51% 75%)
Good (76%100%)
Source : Primary Data Processing 2023
From the results of Table 2, it can be seen that the assessment of farmer group
members on the role of field agricultural extension workers in carrying out their duties as
mediators in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group as a whole is good. The results showed that the
role of field agricultural extension workers as mediators in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group
of Bodesari Village, Cibeureum District, Cirebon Regency, which includes the
availability of capital, study programs, technology dissemination, agro-industry, and
marketing of agricultural products, as a whole is in the Good category with a yield of
85.16%. This means that the role of field agricultural extension workers in carrying out
their duties as mediators in the Sri Mulya Farmer Group is categorized as good.
Thompson, (2006), suggests that the role of extension workers as mediators is to
help individuals or groups through the process of implementing changes in training. The
participation between extension workers and related to group dynamics and the skills of
extension workers themselves to help farmers move towards change.
Research by Padmaswari et al., (2018), that extension workers as mediators of
agricultural businesses in charge of facilitating farmers, namely their roles as educators,
mediators, motivators and evaluators are sought more through extension programs, so
that farmers increase their interest in agriculture. Koutsouris et al., (2014), the purpose of
his researc is to investigate through a literature review, the role of intermediaries in
agriculture and rural development. First of all a general view of the role of
intermediaries (focusing on the two main types of intermediaries i.e. mediators and
brokers), as described in the literature is provided. Mediators and brokers in agricultural
literature are explored based on the change from reductionist to systematic science as well
as from expert syndrome to participatory development.
The Influence of the Role of Field Agricultural Extension Workers as Mediators
on the Success of the Rice Farming Program
Table 3. Simultaneous Significant Results of Test F
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Si g.
Regressi on
a. Dependent Variable: Program Usahatani Padi
b. redictors: (Constant), PHP, Agroindustri, KSP, Saprodi, Diseminasi Teknologi
Source : Data Analysis SPSS 25.00 for windows. 2023
The test result is F count showing a value of 11,095. so Fcalculate > Ftable (11,095
> 2.512) or Sig F < 5% (0.000 < 0.05). This means that simultaneously or together the
variables of availability of capital sources (X1), study programs (X2), technology
dissemination (X3), agro-industry (X4) and marketing of agricultural products (X5) have
a significant effect on the success variables of rice farming programs (Y). Because
Fcalculate > Ftable and if the significance level < α (0.05), the independent variable has
an effect on the dependent variable.
This study shows that there is a significant influence between the role of field
agricultural extension workers as mediators simultaneously on the success of rice farming
programs as follows:
1. The role of PPL in the availability of capital sources (formal and informal financing
sources, partnering with agricultural product traders, utilization of capital sources) has
been going quite well, which has a real effect on the success of rice farming programs.
The results in the field prove that the role of PPL in facilitating sources of financing
originating from banks in the form of loans and traders of agricultural products in
collaboration with farmers so as to provide convenience to farmers in obtaining capital
and farmers can make the best use of available capital.
2. The role of PPL in the provision of saprodi (making proposals for saprodi procurement
assistance, procurement of independent saprodi, making storage warehouses for
agricultural study programs) has been going quite well, which has a real effect on the
success of the rice farming program.
The results in the field prove that the role of extension workers in making proposals
for the procurement of saprodi so as to make the availability of saprodi guaranteed for
members of farmer groups where the saprodi is stored in the saprodi storage warehouse.
1. The role of PPL in technology dissemination in the global era provides information in
a short or fast time, in other words, technology dissemination has a real effect because
it is needed in the success of rice farming programs to provide information needed by
the community. The results in the field prove that the role of extension workers in
providing planting pattern information from social media and internet media contained
in the technology dissemination program is needed because it provides optimal
benefits for the community.
2. The role of PPL in agro-industry is a very productive activity in increasing income and
value of a product. In the agro-industry program, this study is real, because it responds
quite well to the success of the rice farming program. The results in the field prove
that the role of extension workers in providing agro-industrial facilities has an impact
on assessing a product and increasing community income.
3. The role of PPL in the scope of marketing agricultural products in this study is real
because the product marketing system, partner marketing system that occurs is more
advanced before the research occurs. The results in the field prove that the role of
extension workers in providing advice on the marketing of agricultural products has
a positive impact on marketing products and partner marketing systems.
The results of this study are in accordance with Wahdjanti's opinion in Dewi et al.,
(2017), stating that the most important purpose of agricultural extension is for dynamics
in changes in farmers as the main actors of agricultural development and business actors
and their families. The results of this research are supported by the results of (Halimah
& Subari, (2020) research, the role of field agricultural extension in the development of
rice farmer groups, this study aims to determine the role of field agricultural extension
workers on rice field farmer groups, know the influence of the role of extension workers
on the success of the development of rice field farmer groups, know the obstacles faced
by extension workers in carrying out their main duties and functions to develop potential
farmers and agriculture. In line with the results of research by IDAYANTI, (2019) this
study aims to analyze the level of role of field agricultural extension workers, the
development of farmer groups and the relationship between the role of field agricultural
extension workers and the level of development of farmer groups in Sukoharjo Regency.
Regression Equation
Table 4. Regression Equation
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardize d Coefficient s
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Program Usahatani Padi
Source : Data Analysis SPSS 25.00 for windows. 2023
The interpretation of the regression equation model above is as follows:
1. The coefficient value of 75,266 states that, if the variables of availability of capital
sources, study programs, technology dissemination, agro-industry, and marketing
of agricultural products have a value of 0, then the variable value of the success of
the rice farming program is 75,266 units.
2. The value of the regression coefficient on the variable availability of capital sources
(X1) increased by 1 unit will reduce the success of the rice farming program by
0.395 units.
3. The value of the regression coefficient in the saprodi variable (X2) is increased by
1 unit, so it will increase the success of the rice farming program by 3,791 units.
4. The value of the regression coefficient in the technology dissemination variable
(X3) is increased by 1 unit, so it will increase the success of the rice farming
program by 0.395 units.
5. The value of the regression coefficient in the agro-industrial variable (X4) increased
by 1 unit will increase the success of the rice farming program by 0.792 units.
The value of the regression coefficient in the agricultural product marketing
variable (X5) increased by 1 unit will reduce the success of the rice farming program
by 0.446 units.
Based on the results of the regression equation data, it can be concluded that every
increase in 1 unit variable of the availability of individual capital sources has a partial
effect on decreasing the success of the rice farming program by 3,102 units, every
increase of 1 unit of saprodi variable (production infrastructure) has a partial effect on
decreasing the success of the rice farming program by 3,321 units, every increase of 1
unit of technology dissemination variable has a partial effect For the increase in the
success of the rice farming program by 3,356 units, every increase in 1 unit of agro-
industrial variables has a partial effect on the increase in the success of the rice farming
program by 5,638 units, every increase of 1 unit of agricultural product marketing
variables has a partial effect on the decrease in the success of the rice farming program
by 3,235 units. The availability of capital sources for members of the Mekar Mukti
granary affects the success of the rice farming program, the influence of the availability
of capital sources in carrying out every activity that has been planned by members of the
Sri Mulya Farmer Group, the availability of capital sources with indicators including:
formal and informal financing sources with several sub-indicators, namely: banking,
relatives and friends. Agricultural product traders with several sub-indicators, namely:
companies and middlemen, then utilization of capital sources with several sub-indicators,
namely: utilization of own capital, utilization of other sources of financing. Saprodi with
indicators including: making proposals for spraying procurement assistance with several
sub-indicators, namely: facilitated by extension workers and facilitated by village
governments. Procurement of independent study programs with sub-indicators, namely:
personal funds, cooperation with other farmers. Making a saprodi storage warehouse with
several sub-indicators, namely: overcoming the scarcity of saprodi, guaranteed saprodi
inventory. Technology Dissemination with indicators including: selection of superior
seeds and soil management with several sub-indicators, namely: selection of superior seed
varieties, nutrient control. Technology planting and fertilization patterns with several sub-
indicators, namely: planting patterns used, organic and inorganic fertilization.
Management of irrigation and pest control with several sub-indicators, namely: irrigation
of rainfed systems and pumps, integrated pest control. Harvest and post-harvest handling
with several sub-indicators: harvest handling, post-harvest handling. Agroindustry with
indicators including: product quality with several sub-indicators, namely: the number of
products (rice) milled, the amount of rice produced. The availability of jobs for farming
families with several sub-indicators, namely: labor employed, labor wages. Added value
for farmers with several sub-indicators, namely: increased income, farmer household
profits. Then Marketing Agricultural Products with indicators including: analysis of
market behavior with several sub-indicators, namely: market behavior activities, pricing
activities and payment systems. Cooperation of marketing institutions with several sub-
indicators, namely: wholesalers, collectors. Marketing channels with several sub-
indicators, namely: through intermediaries, without intermediaries. The results of the
study are supported by the opinion of Nurlaili & Wahjuti, (2018) in Liow et al., (2017),
stating that the most important purpose of agricultural extension workers is for the
dynamics of agricultural extension and changes in farmers as the main actors of
agricultural development and business actors and their families. In line with the results of
Sibarani et al., (2022), regarding the role of extension workers in increasing rice
production in Anese Village, West Andolo District, South Konawe Regency, the results
of this study show that extension workers in Anese Village are conducting educational
activities to increase rice production, disseminating information to farmers about
extension activities and increasing rice production, actively communicating with farmers
about the problems faced and motivate and monitor farmers in carrying out their farming
business (Febiana, 2021).
Koefisien Determinasi (R
Table 5. Koefisien Determinasi (R2)
Model Summary
Mo del
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error
of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), PHP, Agroindustri, KSP, Saprodi, Diseminasi Teknologi
Source : Data Analysis SPSS 25.00 for windows. 2023
Based on the data of table 16 above, in detail can be described as follows:
1. The strong influence of the variable role of extension workers as mediators
(availability of capital sources, study programs, technology dissemination, agro-
industry, marketing of agricultural products) on the success of rice farming programs
is shown by the coefficient of simultaneous determination (R2) of 0.681, this shows a
'strong' influence of 0.60-0.80. The magnitude of the influence of the role of extension
workers as mediators (availability of capital sources, study programs, technology
dissemination, agro-industry and marketing of agricultural products) with the success
of the rice farming program with a simultaneous determination coefficient of R2 of
0.681 or 68.10% means that the influence / contribution of the variable role of
extension workers as mediators (availability of capital sources, study programs,
technology dissemination, agro-industry and marketing of agricultural products) with
the success of the rice farming program of 68.10% and the remaining 31.90% were
influenced by other variables outside the study variables.
2. This study shows that there is a significant influence between the role of field
agricultural extension workers simultaneously on the success of rice farming
programs. The role of field agricultural extension workers as mediators for farmer
groups has succeeded in running a rice farming program at the Sri Mulya Farmer
Group in Bodesari Village, Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency to improve their
standard of living, the program activities received positive responses from members
of the Mekar Mukti granary running well.
The results of this study are in line with the research of Simpson (2002), which
concluded that the level of application of field agricultural extension workers (PPL) to
field school programs in Africa is good, in terms of disseminating
information/innovation, facilitating supervision, monitoring and evaluation.
Table 6. Partial Significant Results of T Test
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardiz ed Coefficien ts
a. Dependent Variable: Program Usahatani Padi
Source : Data Analysis SPSS 25.00 for windows. 2023
Based on Table 6 above, it can be explained the influence between the independent
variable on the dependent variable of Mekar Rice Farm partially :
1. The Effect of the Availability of Capital Sources (X1) on the Success of the Rice
Farm Program (Y).
t value shows that the KSP variable (X1) is -3.102 standard value
beta coefficient 0.127 when compared with the table t value
then tcalculate - 3.102 >
1.672, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the KSP variable partially has
a negative but significant effect on the success of the Rice Farming program (Y) as
evidenced by a α of 0.005 < 0.05. The results showed that the role of field agricultural
extension workers in the availability of agricultural capital and the success of the rice
farming program had an unsatisfactory but influential influence, because without the
availability of capital sources, the farming business process would not run well.
The results in the field prove that the availability of capital sources carried out
by the Sri Mulya Farmer Group is running well, such as in improving the management
of agricultural capital sources.
In line with the results of Hanafi's research in La Jauda et al., (2016), states that
the source of capital formation can come from one's own, credit, and capital lease
contracts from lease contracts are regulated within a certain period of time until the
borrower can return, so that installments belong to the capital owner. Meanwhile,
agricultural business capital comes from own capital and borrowed capital. Own
capital is the capital issued by the farmer himself which comes from savings or
leftovers from previous farming results.
The results of this research are supported by the results of Siagian et al., (2018)
research, factors that influence rice farmers in utilizing capital sources. This study aims
to determine the factors that influence rice farmers in utilizing available capital sources
in Serang district production centers. The results of this study show that factors
affecting the use of capital sources are land area and land status.
Hermawan & Andrianyta, (2013), a study aimed at analyzing the role of
additional capital sourced from PUAP on rice farming income in Blitar and Ngawi
Districts at the end of 2010. The results of Lin et al., (2020)research in China show
that it may be easy to understand that increasing agricultural capital can almost
certainly increase agricultural output and therefore agricultural GDP growth. Many
factors can affect agricultural productivity factor (TFP) performance. One of the most
important factors is technological change (TC).
2. The Influence of Saprodi (X2) on the Success of the Rice Farm Program (Y)
t value shows that the saprodi variable (X2) is -3.321 standard value,
beta coefficient -3.870 when compared with the table t value, then t count -3.321 <
1.672 H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the saprodi variable partially
has a negative and significant effect on the success of the Rice Farming Program (Y)
as evidenced by a α of 0.003 < 0.05.
The results showed that the variable role of field agricultural extension workers
in saprodi on the success of the agricultural program has a negative influence, meaning
that it is less satisfactory but influential, because without the provision of good study
programs, the rice farming program will not run smoothly. The results in the field show
that the study program carried out by the Sri Mulya Farmer Group is running well,
such as providing with proposal submissions, procurement of study programs and
providing warehouses to store study programs so that the scarcity of study programs
can be overcome.
The results of this research are supported by the results of Kaffi & Zulfahmi,
(2019), farmer Activities in the Procurement of Rice Production Facilities This study
aims to determine farmers in procurement activities facing the scarcity of rice
production equipment in Atari Jaya Village, Lalembu District. The results revealed
that the activities of farmers in Atari Jaya village in procuring inputs based on the
priority scale as follows: making input stock storage to be used in the next planting
season, next activities using organic fertilizers to replace chemical fertilizers and
maintain soil fertility and the last activity is to make proposals requesting assistance
for rice production facilities to the government.
Results of research Reid et al., (2017). Infrastructure development can still be
made possible through community initiatives, whereas individual farmers develop
their areas, they can achieve good results by working as communities on development
projects. Pooling resources together so as to create synergies and benefits by working
together, for example, creating irrigation facilities requires a lot of capital that
individuals may not be able to collect. However, if farmers work together to pool
resources through a good management process, they will get the desired results.
3. The Effect of Technology Dissemination (X3) on the Success of the Rice Farming
The calculated t value shows that the Technology Dissemination variable (X3)
is 3.356 standard value beta coefficient 3.915 when compared with the table t value,
then tcalculate 3.356 > 1.672, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the
Technology Dissemination variable partially has a positive and significant effect on
the results of research on Rice Farming (Y) as evidenced by a α of 0.002 < 0.05.
The results showed that the role of agricultural extension workers in technology
dissemination on the success of the food lumbng program has a very large influence,
but without the role of extension workers in facilitating technology dissemination, it
will not run smoothly. The results in the field prove that the dissemination of
technology carried out in the farmer group is going well, such as the application of
technology, technology management, and post-harvest handling in the Sri Mulya
Farmer Group.
The results of this research are supported by the results of Irwanto's in Said,
(2017) a study on the adoption of Rice Cultivation in Batanghaari Regency This study
aims to 1). Knowing the adoption rate of rice cultivation technology innovation, 2).
Analyze the relationship between the adoption of cultivation technology innovations
with increased rice production. The results of this study show the application of
average cultivation technology with good categories.
The results of Eigenbrod & Gruda, (2015) research, new technologies in
horticultural research need to be adopted for urban horticulture to increase efficiency
and productivity in the future. To improve sustainability, urban horticulture must be
integrated into urban planning processes and supported through policies.
4. The Effect of Agroindustry (X4) on the Success of the Rice Farm Program (Y)
The calculated t value shows that the Technology Dissemination variable (X4)
is 5.638 standard value beta coefficient 0.632 when compared with the table t value,
then tcalculate 5.638 > 1.672, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted meaning that the
Agroindustry variable partially has a positive and significant effect on the results of
research on Rice Farming (Y) as evidenced by a α of 0.002 < 0.05. The results showed
that the role of field agricultural extension workers in agro-industry on the success of
the food lumbng program has a very large influence, because without the application
of agro-industry, the rice farming program will not run smoothly. The results in the
field prove that agro-industry in the field is running well. Soeharjono in Rahman
(2015), stated that agroindustry itself is an effort to create a processed product in the
form of finished goods and semi-finished goods whose main raw materials are
agricultural products. The results of the study were supported by Sriningsih & Asngad,
(2014) The Role of Rice Agroindustry in Supporting Food Security of Farmer
Households. The results of this study show the ability; (1) Rice agroindustry grinding
rice into rice is 64 tons of dry milled grain per month or 41.2 tons of rice per month,
the number of rice products produced in Sumbang District is 1,030 tons of rice per
5. The Effect of Agricultural Product Marketing (X5) on the Success of the Rice
Farm Program (Y)
The calculated t value shows that the PHP variable (X5) is -3.235 standard value,
beta coefficient -0.394 when compared to the table t value, then tcalculate -3.235 >
1.672, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the PHP variable partially has
a negative and significant effect on the results of research on Rice Farming (Y) as
evidenced by a α of 0.002 < 0.05.
The results showed that the role of field agricultural extension workers in
marketing agricultural products has an unsatisfactory influence but influences, because
without the marketing of agricultural products, the rice farming program will run
smoothly. The results in the field prove that the marketing of agricultural products
carried out in farmer groups analyzes and collaborates with agricultural product traders
so that the marketing of agricultural products runs well.
Jambeck et al., (2015)revealed that marketing is an organizational function and
a collection of processes designed in order to plan, create, communicate, and
deliver values to customers.
The results of this study are supported by research by Asmarantaka et al., (2017).
Shows that marketing activities are the most important thing in the agribusiness system
starting from the provision of production facilities (input subsystems), agricultural
businesses (onfarm), marketing of agricultural products and processing of agricultural
products and supporting subsystems. The results of the study are supported Paradigm
of Rice Marketing System in Cibeber District, Cianjur Regency Hakim & Saragih,
(2019). The purpose of this study is to analyze the marketing channels, functions,
structure, and behavior of rice marketing institutions in Cibeber sub-district.
Gong et al., (2020) Green Agricultural Product Based Marketing Strategy on
Consumption Intention shows that Agricultural super docking mode is an effective
mode of marketing green agricultural products. First, docking super agricultural
companies can reduce transaction costs, and change the way agricultural products are
transacted, which makes the cost of production factors obtained by production
companies from outside continue to decline. Secondly, the docking mode of the farm
Super enterprises can reduce intermediate circulation links, shorten the supply chain
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The results of this study show that there is a significant influence between the
role of field agricultural extension workers partially on the success of the rice farming
program. This shows that the variable role of field agricultural extension workers
consists of the availability of capital sources, study programs, technology
dissemination, agro-industry and marketing of agricultural products have a real effect
on the success of the rice farming program. The role of field agricultural extension
workers as facilitators for the success of the rice farming program in the Sri Mulya
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Plumbon District, Cirebon Regency. The role of extension workers as mediators for
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Copyright holders:
Sri Dewi Maharani, Ainun Sa'adah, Ibnu Aqiel, Mukhammad Khoirudzaki,
Achmad Faqih (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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