Andry Agus Mulyana, Cuswanto, Panji Suwarno Putra, Achmad Faqih, Siti Aisyah
Faculty of Agriculture Swadaya Gunung Jati University, Indonesia
Email: achmad.faq[email protected], [email protected]
The presence of sharia cooperatives provides many opportunities for the community in
running their business or business. Sharia cooperatives are able to improve the welfare of
people who run their businesses or businesses. Sharia cooperatives can also improve the
wheels of a country's economy. Member satisfaction with services is influenced by the
performance of the management, satisfaction is achieved when the services received are
in accordance with expectations. However, the large number of cooperative members
tends not to be able to meet the expectations of all members. This study aims to determine
the performance of the management on the satisfaction of members of the Syari'ah
Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative in Babadan Village, Gunung Jati District,
Cirebon Regency. The study was conducted from November 2022 to January 2023. The
research design used was quantitative descriptive with data collection through interviews
with instruments. The respondents were members of the 50-member Al Qomariyah
Sharia Perambabulan Cooperative. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis and simple
linear regression. The results showed that descriptively the level of management
performance was at a satisfactory level by meeting the elements of tangible, reability,
responsiveness, assurance and empathy percentage of 75%. Meanwhile, the satisfaction
of members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative is at a very
satisfactory level with a percentage of 84%. The performance of the management affects
the satisfaction of members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative
with the value of the coefficient of determination having a proportion of 19.5%. The
simple linear regression equation is Y = 39.811+0.242X+e, meaning that it has a constant
of 39.811 and a coefficient of 0.242 which states that every 1% increase in performance
can increase satisfaction by 0.242.
management performance; satisfaction; cooperative
In Indonesia, not only Islamic banking is known, but there are also sharia
cooperatives. Sharia cooperatives are business activities engaged in savings, financing,
and investment based on the application of a profit sharing system (sharia). The existence
of sharia cooperatives aims to advance the welfare of its members and the wider
community and help shape the Indonesian economy based on the application of the values
taught by Islam (A. R. Setiawan, 2020). According to Nurani & Mukhibad, (2018), the
functions of sharia cooperatives, among others; (1) help develop and realize the national
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 10, October 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
economic system by prioritizing the people's economy and family principles, (2) help
build the expertise of members and the wider community to be more prosperous in their
socio-economic conditions, (3) develop the quality of resources of the members involved
so that they can be more consequential, consistent, trustful, professional when
implementing Islamic sharia values, (4) open job opportunities, (5) As a liaison between
two parties, namely providers funds and those who use funds, so that the borrowed funds
can be more optimally utilized, and (6) strengthen cooperative members to be more solid
in working together in an effort to control cooperative operations (Sofiyah et al., 2018.).
One of the cooperative associations is Koperasi Syari'ah Perambabulan Al
Qomariyah (Primer Koperasi Produsen Tahu Tempe Indonesia). Koperasi Syari'ah
Perambabulan Al Qomariyah is a forum to gather and drive creativity by optimizing
economic potential. human life and society, strengthening the economy of members by
realizing welfare and realizing broad economic impact in an advanced, just and
prosperous manner.
Members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative have the
advantage of being assisted in operation and distribution. Koperasi Syari'ah
Perambabulan Al Qomariyah provides loan funds for MSME activities, so that it can meet
the costs of various needs. Moreover
The specific purpose of this study is to determine the effect of management
performance on the satisfaction of members of the Syari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah
Cooperative in Babadan Village, Gunung Jati District, Cirebon Regency.
This research was conducted at the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah
Cooperative, Babadan Village, Gunung Jati District, Cirebon Regency. The study was
conducted from November 2022 to January 2023. This study used a descriptive
quantitative design. Juliandi & Manurung (2014) stated that quantitative research design
can be interpreted as a research method based on the philosophy of positivism.
Descriptive definition according to is a method that serves to describe or describe the
object under study through data or samples that have been collected as they are, without
conducting analysis and making generally accepted conclusions. Survey research is an
information collection technique carried out by compiling a list of questions asked to
respondents (Unaradjan, 2019).
The sampling technique used in this study is accidental sampling is a sampling
technique based on chance, namely anyone who happens to meet the researcher can be
used as a sample, if it is considered that the person who happened to meet is suitable as a
source of data (Arikunto, 2013). In accidental sampling, respondents will be selected to
date at the Cooperative office who can be interviewed to obtain data. The number of
samples was 50 respondents.
According to Juliandi & Manurung, (2014), data collection is a systematic and
standard procedure to obtain the necessary data, data collection is a process of procuring
primary data for research purposes.
According to Surakhmad, (2012), a data source is "a data source that directly
provides data to data collection". The data sources used in this study are primary data and
secondary data.
Descriptive statistics are statistics used to analyze data by describing or describe
data without intending to make conclusions (Unaradjan, 2019). The descriptive analysis
method was used to analyze data regarding performance variables and satisfaction
variables of members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative. The
formula used to describe the value of the variable is as follows;
% = x 100%
n= Number of respondents' answer scores N = Number of all ideal scores
%=Success Rate achieved
Simple Linear Regression is a statistical method that functions to test the extent of
the causal relationship between the Cause Variable (X) and the Effect Variable (Y).
Simple Linear Regression is also one of Table 2. Performance Variables A statistical
method used in production to forecast or predict quality and quantity characteristics.
This analysis is used to test how the influence of the independent variable (X) on
the dependent variable (Y) which is included as follows
y = dependent variable a = part of the constant
b = Regression Direction Coefficient x = Independent Variable
Table 1 Descriptive Analysis Results
Performance (variabel X)
a. Tangible
Very satisfied
b. Reability
c. Responsivieness
Quite Satisfied
d. Assurance
Less Satisfied
e. Emphaty
Not Satisfied
The Performance variable has a Mean value (average) of 67% which is included in
the high category. This is that the performance of employees provided by the Al
Qomariyah Syari'ah Perambabulan Cooperative has been good, such as Tangibel
(physical evidence), Reability (reliability), Responsiveness (responsiveness), Assurance
(assurance), and Emphaty (attention) given to members then the satisfaction of members
of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative increases When viewed based
on scale, the performance position can be depicted in Figure 1 below :
Figure 1. Performace Level
Mustikarini et al., (2014), income that physical appearance is something that can be
satisfying goals, where physical appearance is an important aspect because the assessment
can be seen. In addition, Purnomo et al., (2015) argues that physical displays have the
appeal of features and ease of access to achieve them.
Punctuality in doing tasks is a characteristic of committed and professional
employees (Dharmawati & Suryaningsih, 2018). Employees always do a good job, so that
the purpose of the work can be carried out properly. Torres et al., (2015) argues that the
level of professionalism in performing the duties performed by employees is the basis for
forming good quality services. The services provided always prioritize the interests of
beneficiaries without distinguishing from each other (Algifari & Junardi, 2019).
Cooperative members as beneficiaries have the same rights and obligations in one
applicable cooperative organization rule (Baswir, 2012).
The level of effectiveness and efficiency of the work done by employees of a
cooperative institution can be seen from the achievement of good service (Meliana et al.,
2013). The services provided by employees can be satisfactory if the information
provided is in accordance with the needs of beneficiaries such as product profiles and
program information (Kharisma & Widomurti, 2018). Cooperative members generally
need information related to cooperative policies, so that members can know their things
and obligations as members (Sitio, 2001). It also encourages members to know the
benefits of being a member of a cooperative.
In line with Algifari & Junardi, (2019) that service providers must be accompanied
by a friendly attitude, this is to build positive reactions given from service recipients. A
friendly attitude is a character that must be possessed by someone to get a positive
assessment from others (Makmun, 2016). Good service with friendly implementation can
increase the trust of service recipients (Meliana et al., 2013). Trust that is owned generally
can form good loyalty, so thata mechanism of mutually beneficial relationships will
occur in an organization or institution
The desire of cooperative members has standards that aim to increase their
satisfaction in receiving services received (Artra, 2017).Cooperative members have
diverse desires, so that the role of cooperative functions based on kinship can
accommodate various members' interests in the same mechanism (Sitepu & Hasyim,
2018). The way taken to accommodate the interests of cooperative members is often done
through feedback so as to describe what cooperative members feel (T. Setiawan et al.,
Table 3. Satisfaction Variables
Satisfaction (variable Y)
Very satisfied
a. Match expectations
b. Revisit
Quite Satisfied
c. Willingness of recommendations
Less Satisfied
Not Satisfied
The satisfaction variable has a Mean value (average) of 75.0% which is included
in the high category. This shows that members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al
Qomariyah Cooperative Already satisfied with the performance of cooperative
employees. When viewed based on the scale, the position of satisfaction can be
illustrated in Figure 2 below
Figure 2. Satisfaction Level
According to Mustikarini et al., (2014), products issued by an institution have the
aim of optimizing service recipients. Products that can satisfy service recipients are
products that are problem solving (Müller et al., 2019). Products issued by cooperatives
can benefit the welfare of cooperative members, both socially and economically (Sitepu
& Hasyim, 2018). Cooperative products are delivered well by employees so that members
can feel satisfied with the services provided (Gofur, 2019).
According to Kasdi, (2019), a person's need for services can be seen from their
dependence on service providers. Then, feelings of satisfaction encourage someone to
return because a loyal attitude is formed to a product and service (Mustikarini et al.,
2014). Cooperative members act as parties who are entitled to receive good services, after
which members are obliged to contribute to the development of the cooperative (Baswir,
The satisfaction received by someone encourages to recommend similar things to
others (Mustikarini et al., 2014). This happens due to loyalty (Mustikarini et al., 2014).
Cooperative members feel satisfied when what is needed can be fulfilled by the
cooperative in the capital aspect and marketing aspect (Sitepu &; Hasyim, 2018). The
welfare aspect can motivate new members to join (Sitio, 2001).
Table 3. Results Of Regression Analysis
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Model B
Std. Error
satisfaction level
a. Dependent Variable: Kepuasan
Based on Table 4 shows the regression equation Y = 39.811 + 0.242X + e. constant
value of 39.811 which means its permanence and coefficient of 0.242 so that every
increase in performance variables by one percent, the member satisfaction value will
increase by 0.242 percent
Table 4 Model Summary
Model R
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the
a. Predictors: (Constant), Kinerja
b. Dependent Variable: Kepuasan
The performance of individual administrators affects member satisfaction only by
19.5%, while most others are influenced by other factors including: cooperative profile,
cooperative legality, cooperative activities, cooperative management, products or
programs and benefits obtained and self-motivation.
According to Mulyadi et al., (2021), self-motivation can shape a person to become
a member of a cooperative body. Furthermore, according to Sitepu &; Hasyim, (2018), a
person before joining a cooperative body usually looks first at the business profile of the
institution, its legality, empowerment activities, management, products, and socio-
economic changes of members who have joined. Most people tend to prefer cooperatives
that provide easy loan funds (Baswir, 2012).
Savings and loan cooperatives provide credit to customers, so they are considered
to help members' needs to meet Table 6. Test the hypothesis his needs (Muliady, 2021).
In addition, cooperatives also provide savings services, both consisting of compulsory
deposits and voluntary deposits. So this encourages members to have savings that can be
used when members need funds (Mustikarini et al., 2014).
Hypothesis Test
The hypothesis is a temporary answer that is conjectural so it needs to be continued
at the testing stage, so that this hypothesis test or influence test serves to find out whether
the regression coefficient is significant or not, as for the research hypothesis, namely: H0:
allegedly there is no influence between the performance of the management (X) on
satisfaction of members of Koperasi Syari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah (Y)
H1: allegedly there is an influence between the performance of the board (X) on the
satisfaction of members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative (Y)
Table 5 members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative
Model Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Kepuasan
b. Predictors: (Constant), Kinerja
Table 6 shows a significance value of 0.024, this value is smaller than the
significance level of 0.050, thus meaning that there is an influence between management
performance variables on the satisfaction of members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al
Qomariyah Cooperative. Testing of the hypothesis carried out is to accept H1 and reject
The accepted hypothesis is H1 so that it indicates the influence between the
independent variable and the dependent variable, such conditions encourage efforts to
improve the performance of the management in improving services to satisfy members
of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative. The performance of the board
can be an important factor in shaping the satisfaction of members of the Shari'ah
Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative.
in line with the opinion of Sitepu & Hasyim, (2018) the development of
cooperatives is getting bigger with the increasing number of members every year, this is
due to the benefits obtained if you become a member of the cooperative. The increase in
the number of new members mostly comes from the role of members who promote the
institution to those around them (Zulfikar & Mikhriani, 2017). This happens because they
feel satisfied as members of the cooperative with various service mechanisms received
(Wijianto, 2008). Satisfaction can form loyalty to service recipients (Mustikarini et al.,
The performance given by the management can affect the satisfaction of members
of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah Cooperative. Generally this performance is
based on the needs of the members of the rational and emotional point of view, thus
encouraging administrators to fulfill these expectations (Sitio, 2001). Before joining the
Koperasi Syari'ah Perambabulan Al Qomariyah, members tend to consider what
benefits they will get when joining.
Performance is the achievement of the work of a person or organizational institution
in accordance with the authority and responsibility of each work task (Prawirosentono,
1999). Generally, performance is assessed based on a certain period to be evaluated (Rivai
& Basri, 2005). Good performance can be based on the motivation of the implementer,
so that it can affect the level of one's practice to be moved to do something by achieving
certain goal results (Adam et al., 2020)
The performance of the board indicates the continuity and sustainability of the
cooperative organization (Mustikarini et al., 2014). The management is tasked with
providing service facilities to cooperative members, member satisfaction shows the
quality of management performance (Sitepu & Hasyim, 2018). Cooperative members
have the same rights and obligations in various aspects, this indicates that the organization
applies equality between members (Baswir, 2012).
Based on the discussion, it resulted in a conclusion, namely: the performance of the
management affects the satisfaction of members of the Shari'ah Perambabulan Al
Qomariyah Cooperative. The performance given by the management meets the elements
of tangible, reability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This is due to good
organizational management with professional resources in carrying out work duties and
functions in the organization
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Copyright holders:
Andry Agus Mulyana, Cuswanto, Panji Suwarno Putra, Achmad Faqih, Siti
Aisyah (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0