Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity

Volume 2, Number 9, September 2023

e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397




Abdul Gassing, Catur Yogi Prasetyo, Nico Ferianzo, Fitri Ulul Azizah, Anisa Nur Jannah

PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Balikpapan

Email: [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]  


The Berseri Food Village Program (PKPB) is a program initiated by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal (IT) Balikpapan through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) scheme which aims to address the problem of malnutrition in Balikpapan City. The purpose of this study was made to add related studies Kampung Pangan Berseri Program as an Effort to Overcome Malnourished Children in Balikpapan City. The Berseri Food Village program has important components in this program including basic nutrition education, and management of PMT Mandiri to fulfill basic nutrition, ecoschool camps, and food self-sufficiency through urban farming. The method used in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data obtained from various sources were analyzed in depth to be able to describe the overall implementation, benefits and impacts, as well as evaluation of the PKPM program. The results of the study show that PKPB has succeeded in increasing the availability of food and nutrition in the people of Balikpapan City. This program has also succeeded in increasing public awareness about improving the nutritional quality of children in Balikpapan City and increasing public awareness in an effort to protect the environment by increasing urban food self-sufficiency. 


Keywords: Food Village Program Series (PKPB), Mal Nutrition, Pertamina, Balikpapan



Balikpapan City is one of the cities in Indonesia that has malnutrition problems in children. According to data from the Balikpapan City Health Office, in 2022, there are around 10% of children in Balikpapan City who are malnourished. This condition is caused by various factors such as poverty, lack of food supply, poor environmental quality, and lack of knowledge (Anisa et al., 2017).

Child malnutrition is a serious problem still faced by many cities in Indonesia, including Balikpapan. Malnutrition can have a significant negative impact on a child's growth and development, including decreased immune system, cognitive impairment, decreased academic performance, as well as increased risk of chronic diseases in adulthood (Al-Jawaldeh et al., 2020).

Balikpapan City, as a center of industry and rapid economic growth, also faces challenges in terms of malnutrition in children. Factors such as urbanization, dietary changes, poverty, and lack of access to nutritious food are the main causes of malnutrition in the city (Ministry of Health, 2018). One of the problem factors that can lead to new problems is the low level of education, which results in a lack of information and knowledge about child nutrition. This has an impact on the emergence of cases of children with malnutrition problems in Muara Rapak Village and Mekarsari Village. If not handled properly, malnutrition conditions in children can worsen and cause stunting.

Food independence in Balikpapan City is one of the focuses in the regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD) for 2021-2026. This is done to strengthen the independence and welfare of the people of Balikpapan City, including the fulfillment of basic community rights including food and nutrition (Balikpapan City RPJMD Regional Regulation 2021-2026, n.d.). In the 2021 Balikpapan City Local Government Implementation Report (LPPD), there is a correlation between strategic issues and vision, one of which is food independence (Balikpapan City Government, 2022). The Balikpapan City Food, Agriculture, and Fisheries Office also plays a role in food fulfillment efforts through the P2L (Environment-Based Urban and Rural Agriculture) program (Chintia, 2022). However, the limited ability and reach of the government are obstacles that result in the existence of food insecure areas in Balikpapan City and have not achieved food independence.

Therefore, a program is needed that can overcome the problem of malnutrition in children in Balikpapan City. The Serial Food Village Program is one of the programs that can be implemented to overcome the problem of malnutrition in children in Balikpapan City. Program initiated by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal (IT) Balikpapan through the scheme Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aims to increase the availability of food and nutrition of the community through the development of fisheries in the village environment. In this program, the community will be equipped with knowledge and skills in fish farming, so as to increase the availability of food and nutrition in the surrounding environment (Grahadyarini, 2023). The purpose of this study was made to add related studies Kampung Pangan Berseri Program as an Effort to Overcome Malnourished Children in Balikpapan City.



This study used descriptive qualitative research method (Moleong, 2021). This method was chosen because this study aims to describe the Kampung Pangan Berseri program as an effort to overcome children with malnutrition in Balikpapan City. This method also allows researchers to obtain in-depth and detailed data about the program (Suryana, 2012). The data that has been collected will be analyzed in depth and detail to get a clear picture of the Kampung Pangan Berseri program as an effort to overcome children with malnutrition in Balikpapan City (Fadli, 2021).



According to Chambers, Community Empowerment is an idea in economic development that combines existing social values, with a main focus on human aspects, active participation, empowerment, and sustainability (Chambers, 1984). The concept not only needs to meet basic needs or provide mechanisms to prevent further processes of poverty. Later, the concept was developed as an alternative effort to empower the community against the previous concept.

Sumodiningrat suggested that the concept of community empowerment can be analyzed from three different perspectives. First, create an environment or atmosphere that allows the potential of the community to grow and develop. A sign at this stage is the awareness in society of expandable potential. Empowerment plays a role in building this foundation by encouraging, motivating, and stimulating awareness of the potential that exists in society. Second, strengthen the ability or power possessed by the community. In this aspect, strategic steps are needed to provide input and open opportunities so that people can prove their abilities. Empowerment not only focuses on individuals or community members, but also involves social institutions and structures. Institutional empowerment involves the values of openness, hard effort, intelligence at work, and responsibility. Third, empowerment also includes protection. In empowerment efforts, prevention is needed to protect weak communities from being further marginalized (Kelimutu National Park Office, 2021). Therefore, protection and preference for weak communities is the basis for the concept of community empowerment. Protecting weak communities is not isolating or closing access to weak communities, but keeping weak communities dwarfed by those above them. The escalation of charismatic programs into community empowerment programs needs to be carried out by the company in order to encourage people to get a better life.

1.   Program Profile of Kampung Pangan Berseri (Balikpapan Semarak Innovation)

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga ITBalikpapan implements Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs around its operational areas with a focus on profit, planet, and people. Their empowerment programs aim to improve community welfare, overcome the problem of undernutrition in children through supplementary feeding, protect the environment with a sustainable approach, and increase community capacity. One of their flagship programs is Kampung Pangan Berseri (Balikpapan Semarak Inovasi ), which integrates food independence with health through fish farming and urban agriculture (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2004).

Kampung Pangan Berseri is a community empowerment program that focuses on the integration between food independence and health. Through the processing of healthy and nutritious food from fish farming and urban farming, this program seeks to reduce undernutrition rates in children in urban areas. It also created diversified business units such as herbal drinks and vegetable snacks, as well as aquaponics systems and early childhood education.

This program comes in response to economic challenges and crowded slum conditions in urban areas. Despite facing obstacles, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan sees potential in posyandu administrators and communities who are eager to participate in development and solutions. This potential is believed to be increased for the benefit of society.

2.   Implementation of the Serial Food Village Program

The implementation of the Serial Food Village program which has been carried out since 2021, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan has provided support in the form of facilities and infrastructure, capacity building, skills training, to regular mentoring.

The problem of undernutrition is still a serious problem in Indonesia, including in Balikpapan City. Malnutrition in children can cause various health and developmental problems, such as stunting, lack of protein energy (KEP), and vitamin A deficiency (KVA). Therefore, efforts are needed to overcome the problem of undernutrition in children in Balikpapan City. One of the efforts that can be done is through the Serial Food Village Program implemented by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan can help overcome the problem of malnutrition in children in Balikpapan City in the following ways:

a.   Basic Nutrition Education

Basic nutrition education is one of the important components in the Serial Food Village program. Basic nutrition education aims to increase public knowledge about basic nutritional information, such as the types of healthy and nutritious foods, as well as how to cook properly and correctly to maintain the nutritional quality of food (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2023). With good basic nutrition knowledge, people can choose and eat healthy and nutritious foods, so as to prevent malnutrition in children (Anisa et al., 2017). This activity shows the results that people who take part in basic nutrition education activities feel more understanding about the importance of nutrition and how to choose healthy foods  (Hartono, 2017).

In addition to basic nutrition education, knowledge of basic nutrition information is also important in the Kampung Pangan Berseri program. Knowledge of basic nutritional information includes an understanding of nutritional needs in children, the types of foods that contain the nutrients needed, and how to cook properly and correctly to maintain the nutritional quality of food (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2023) (Wahyudi et al., 2015). With knowledge of good basic nutritional information, people can choose and eat healthy and nutritious foods, so as to prevent malnutrition in children, this shows that people who get knowledge about basic nutritional information feel better able to choose and consume healthy and nutritious foods (Andika Primasiwi, 2018).

b.   Independent PMT Management for Basic Nutrition Fulfillment

The management of the Independent Nutrition Problem Management Program (PMT) is also one of the important components in the Serial Food Village program. PMT Mandiri aims to provide food assistance to families in need, especially families with malnourished children[4] (Ministry of National Development Planning/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), 2021). With PMT Mandiri, families in need can meet the nutritional needs of their children, so as to prevent malnutrition in children. In addition, through the Pertamina Sehati pillar, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan has distributed additional food to toddlers in Muara Rapak and Mekarsari Villages, periodically starting from 2021 to 2023. In 2023, processed food for PMT for vegetable and fish raw materials will be obtained from hydroponic cultivation and catfish budikdamber managed by the management of the KB Rukun Sejahtera village group, the RT 49 patra janaka group, and the 10 sehati lively posyandu group(Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2023).

Table 1. Distribution of Healthy Food Intake through PMT



Number of Supplementary Feedings (PMT)




122 PMT for Toddlers

Muara Rapak & Mekarsari Village



742 PMT for Toddlers

Muara Rapak & Mekarsari Village



139 PMT for Toddlers

Muara Rapak & Mekarsari Village

The table shows the course of distribution of healthy food intake from 2021-2023, In addition, in 2023, by raising the issue of undernutrition rates in toddlers in the RT 11-14 Mekarsari Village area, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan initiated to focus on providing intensive supplementary food for one month to 7 toddlers who are included in undernutrition with regular assistance by the Women's Empowerment Office companion Child Protection and Family Planning (DP3AKB) Balikpapan City. So that a very massive development was obtained from the results of giving PMT and routine health checks.

Table 2. Health Development of Undernourished Children





Weight (I)

Weight Loss (II)

Weight Loss (III)

Weight Loss (IV)




1 Year 6 Months








2 Years 2 Months








1 Year 2 Months








1 Year 2 Months








1 Year 4 Months








1 Year 3 Months








1 Year 11 Months





The table above shows the development of badab weight of children who have received healthy food intake through PMT. The table shows the development of children's weight that gradually increases, this shows the success of the program that has been running (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2023).

c.   Ecoschool Camp for Early Childhood Education (ECCE) Students

Capacity building in developing innovations in the Serial Food Village program also involves early childhood students who are active in the teaching and learning process at Rumah Cerdas PAUD Rukun Sejahtera Mekarsari Village. Ecoschool Camp, an activity that combines environmental education with camping activities. This ecoschool camp aims to provide understanding to children about the importance of protecting the environment, including nutritional and nutritional aspects. In the ecoschool camp, children are taught how to plant and care for plants, sort waste, and cook healthy food (Andreou, 2020). In addition, they are also equipped with an understanding of the love of vegetables and fruits so that with these strategies, it is hoped that the Serial Food Village program can help overcome the problem of malnutrition in children in Balikpapan City and reduce stunting rates in children(Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2004).

d.   Food Independence through Urban Farming

The implementation of the Serial Food Village program does not only focus on efforts to handle malnourished children, but optimizes the existing narrow land in urban areas with slum conditions in the population to be developed with urban farming activities through aquaponics (mustard pakcoy, brazilian spinach, kale, and watercress), green house toga, planting yard plants, and biofloc fish farming (tilapia and catfish).

Through this food independence activity, the community is taught to be able to process their production into processed products in order to add more selling value. Various activities that have been initiated by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan are programmed as an integrated program between food independence and posyandu health services. So, through the community self-capacity building program, it can help in terms of improving welfare and health in the community (Habibie et al., 2023).

3.   Program Benefits and Impact

a.   Elements of Innovation

The Serial Food Village program involves innovation with utilize diversify processed toga plants and hydroponic results to create a business unit of herbal beverage and chip products that have HALAL certification. To increase production capacity and efficiency, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan collaborates with universities in creating a bager crystallization device, replacing the method of manually stirring herbal powder (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2004).

During the implementation of this program, the workers in addition to carrying out CSR responsibilities also contribute with their skills to Advance community. With the principle of Crate Sharing Value (CSV), workers assist in the creation, operation, and safety SOPs for the use of these tools. In addition, non-B3 drum ex-foam waste is reused by community groups as rainwater reservoirs. The success of this innovation is measured from the efficiency of production time which was originally 60 minutes to 45 minutes, which has an impact on the use of LPG gas and is in accordance with the core business of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan (Habibie et al., 2023).

b.   Economic Impact of Additional Revenue Potential

The processing of derivative products from toga plants and vegetable cultivation results through the aquaponics method provides positive benefits for MSME groups by creating business units. The resulting products include healthy drinks, herbal powder, vegetable chips, and shredded catfish. These products include a wide variety of healthy drinks (such as BAGER ginger, lemongrass, brown sugar, BAGER sarabba, BAGER turmeric asem, BAGER ginger, lemon serei), herbal powder (turmeric powder, ginger powder, empon-empon powder, sarabba powder), chips (such as tempeh chips, spinach chips, ginger cimi, and celery shredded), and shredded catfish. Through these MSME products, the group managed to sell more than 300 bottles of healthy drinks and 300 packs of vegetable chip snacks on average. Increased production results and smooth sales processes contribute to increased additional income, especially for a group consisting mostly of housewives (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2023).

Table 3. MSME Product Revenue Turnover


Production Year

Production Turnover



Rp.     27.552.000



Rp.    67.085.000



Rp.    78.808.000

c.   Environmental Benefits

The Serial Food Village program has a positive impact on the environment of RT 10 and RT 49 Muara Rapak Village and RT 11-14 Mekarsari Village. Through this program, urban areas, slums, and densely populated villages are transformed into more organized and neat areas through urban farming activities and yard plants. In addition, the land that Originally For garbage disposal then transformed as a place for green house toga and green house aquaponics. In the RT 49 area of Muara Rapak Village, an area of 500 m2 is used by the community for toga plants and land used for an aquaponics green house covering an area of 1500 m2. Meanwhile, in the RT 10 area of Muara Rapak Village, an area of 300 m2 is managed as a place for biofloc fish pond cultivation (tilapia and catfish) (Pertamina IT Balikpapan, 2023).

4.   Program Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs involves several stages, one of which is monitoring activities known as monitoring. Monitoring is a monitoring and review activity that aims to observe developments and obstacles that arise during program implementation. Monitoring is an important step for PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Balikpapan in the improvement and continuity of CSR programs, especially in the context of the Serial Food Village Program. The company routinely conducts quarterly monitoring of the program. During the monitoring session, there were discussions between beneficiaries, stakeholders, and the company. This discussion includes the achievement of previously planned programs, obstacles that arise, and activities that are not carried out. This approach is inclusive, allowing companies, stakeholders, and beneficiaries to contribute with ideas and views for the progress of the Serial Food Village Program (Habibie et al., 2023).

Monitoring and evaluation that has been carried out by the company is also complemented by assistance to the community in activities in Kampung Pangan Berseri. Some activities require intensive mentoring to ensure optimal achievement. This routine practice in monitoring and mentoring reflects the common goals between beneficiaries and companies in the Serial Food Village Program. Communication and relationships are important factors in the successful implementation of CSR programs by companies.



The current flagship CSR program of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan is the Serial Food Village Program (Balikpapan Semarak Innovation). Kampung Pangan Berseri itself is a community empowerment by implementing urban farming, food independence with health services. The program prioritizes economic, health, environmental and social strengthening by benefiting each other. This program is carried out in the community ring one company, namely Muara Rapak Village and Mekarsari Village of Balikpapa City, in practice PT Pertamina Patra Niaga IT Balikpapan conducts CSR program planning at the beginning with the community, then program implementation is carried out and finally monitoring and evaluation is carried out to assess the feasibility of the CSR program. The Serial Food Village program has important components in this program including basic nutrition education, and the management of PMT Mandiri for the fulfillment of basic nutrition, ecoschool camp, and food independence through urban farming. With this program, it is expected to improve the quality of child nutrition in Balikpapan City and increase public awareness in an effort to protect the environment by increasing urban food independence.



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Copyright holders:

Abdul Gassing, Catur Yogi Prasetyo, Nico Ferianzo, Fitri Ulul Azizah, Anisa Nur Jannah (2023)

First publication right:

Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity


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