The quality of human resources is very influential on the production and income of
PT Primissima. If the quality of human resources is good, production increases and
income increases. Vice versa, if the quality of human resources is poor, production
decreases and income decreases. If the production target has been achieved as expected,
the company will experience profits, so the company will provide satisfactory
compensation for workers and rewards will be given. The compensation provided by PT
Primissima in Sleman Regency is in the form of financial compensation in the form of
basic payments (salaries and wages), achievement payments, incentive payments
(bonuses) and non-financial compensation such as leave that can make an employee feel
comfortable working so that he has good performance. The compensation provided by
PT Primissima in Sleman Regency has an impact on improving employee performance at
work, with compensation making employees more passionate and enthusiastic at work so
that their performance increases.
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