Ade Liyani, Aisyah Nur Rahmah, Muhamad Adib Ramdan, Muhamad Abdur Gofar
Fazri, Dodi Budirokhman, Wachdijono
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
Email: dodi.budiro[email protected].id
The aims of this study were (1) to determine the effect of stakeholder roles and direct
access to information on farmer capacity in harvest and postharvest handling, and (2) to
determine the influence of the role of stakeholders and access to information on the
capacity of farmers in handling harvest and postharvest through. The research was
conducted in Majalengka Regency with the central areas of Majalengka District and
Panyingkiran District. The time of the research was carried out in August 2023. The
determination of the sample was carried out by census on 30 farmers who had supplied
gedong gincu mangoes to exporters. Data analysis used path analysis with the
independent variable the role of stakeholders and access to information with the
dependent variable being the farmer's capacity in handling harvest and postharvest
through farmer behavior. data analysis using path analysis. The results of the analysis
show that there is an influence on the role of stakeholders and access to information on
the variable capacity of farmers in handling harvest and postharvest directly or through
farmer behavior. The first path equation is Y = 0.391 + 0.517 + 0.796 and the second
path equation is Y = 0.336 + 0.420 + 0.445 + 0.630. The effect of stakeholder roles on
farmer capacity directly or indirectly is 0.500, the effect of information access on farmer
capacity is 0.662 and the influence of farmer behavior on farmer capacity is 0.420.
: Majalengka, Mango, Post Harvest, Farmers
Mango is a superior fruit commodity in the Majalengka Regency. According to data
from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), in 2021 mango production will reach 65,288.9
tons or around 14.70% of the total mango production in West Java. The type of mango
plant commonly planted by farmers in Majalengka Regency is the gedong gincu mango
type. According to Supriatna (2010), gedong gincu mango fruit has good development
prospects because it meets market specifications. Furthermore, According to Ariningsih
et al. (2021), this fruit has a sweet taste, a distinctive aroma, lots of fiber, a shape that
tends to be round, and a medium weight size of around 200-250 grams/fruit, This
condition causes the gedong gincu mango has a higher price level compared to other types
of mango.
The distinctive characteristics of the gedong gincu mango in terms of shape, taste,
and color make it attractive to people abroad (Ariningsih et al., 2021). The government,
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 9, September 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
through the Ministry of Agriculture, issued a Gratieks policy (Triple Export Movement)
which will be carried out by agribusiness actors (Sa’diah and Tamami, 2020). Mango
commodities for market purposes have good specifications, this condition can be realized
with good harvest and post-harvest handling techniques.
Various activities arising from the harvest process to inappropriate distribution to
warehouses of fruit commodities pose a risk of high levels of damage, so this condition
affects the quality of mango fruit (Amalia et al., 2018). The poor quality of the fruit makes
it difficult for gedong gincu mango commodities to enter the market with export
specifications. It is estimated that the impact of improper harvest and post-harvest
handling causes a loss of potential yield of 30% (Waryat dan Nurawan, 2022).
Based on observations, only around 30-40% of the gedong gincu mangoes produced
by farmers in Majalengka Regency meet export specifications. Around 70-60% of
production cannot meet export specifications. The harvest shows the quality of Gedong
Gincu mangoes with the physical condition being stemless, gummy, with spots, scratches,
and bruises. This condition is caused by handling errors made by farmers, including (1)
harvesting does not use standard tools; (2) collecting in the garden does not use a base,
and (3) distribution from the garden to the warehouse using sacks so that there is a lot of
shaking which causes gedong mangoes to become injured and bruised.
Weak harvest and post-harvest implementation by farmers has an impact on
exporters' selectivity in choosing farmers who can partner. Farmers' capacity in handling
harvest and post-harvest can increase farmers' ability to carry out good harvest and post-
harvest. The stages that farmers need to pay attention to include: (1) determining the age
of harvest; (2) picking technique; (3) sorting techniques; (3) grading techniques; (5)
techniques for handling post-harvest pests and diseases; and (6) packaging techniques
(Baihaqi et al., 2022).
Farmer capacity is influenced by several things, including farmer characteristics
(Waryat dan Nurawan, 2022), the role of stakeholders (Sholiha dan Charina, 2018), and
access to information (Andriani et al., 2019). The influence provided directly or through
intervening farmer behavior can influence farmer capacity (Rasmikayati et al., 2018).
The aim of this research consists of 2 objectives, namely (1) to determine the
influence of stakeholder roles and direct access to information on agricultural capacity in
handling harvest and post-harvest, and (2) to determine the influence of stakeholder roles
and access to information on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest
This research was carried out in Majalengka Regency, The location of this research
was determined purposively on the basis that Majalengka Regency is one of the gedong
gincu mango production centers in West Java and has entered the export market. The
research was conducted in Majalengka District and Panyingkiran District as areas that
consistently supply gedong gincu mangoes to exporters in Cirebon Regency. The research
was carried out in the 1st and 2nd weeks of August 2023. The population of this research
was gedong gincu mango farmers who had partnered with exporters, namely 30 farmers.
The sampling method was carried out using a census of a small research population so
that the population size was used as the sample. The sample size came from Majalengka
District, 8 farmers, and 22 farmers from Panyingkiran District.
The research design used is descriptive quantitative and associative. Data analysis
using path modeling (path analysis) data processing using the SPSS v.26 for Windows
application. The variables in this research include the role of stakeholders (X1), access to
information (X2), farmer behavior (Y), and farmer capacity in handling harvest and post-
harvest (Z). The instrument used was a structured questionnaire using a Likert scale of 1
to 5 (response strongly disagree to response strongly agree). The framework for thinking
in this research is in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Framework of Thought
Path analysis consists of two paths, namely (1) the first path is the influence of
variables X1 and X2 on Y; and (2) the second path is the direct influence of X1, X2, and
Y on Z.
The hypothesis of this research is:
1. H0 : There is no direct influence on the role of stakeholders and simultaneous access
to information on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest.
H1 : There is a direct influence on the role of stakeholders and simultaneous access
to information on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest.
2. H0 : There is no direct influence on the role of stakeholders and partial access to
information on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest.
H1 : There is a direct influence on the role of stakeholders and partial access to
information on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest.
3. H0 : There is no influence of the role of stakeholders and simultaneous access to
information on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest through
farmer behavior
H1 : There is a partial influence of the role of stakeholders and access to information
on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest through farmer behavior.
Based on the framework in Figure 1, it can then be described in the
operationalization of the variables in Table 1.
Table 1. Variable Operational Overview
Role of Stakeholders (X
Access Information (X
Farmer Behavior
Farmers' Capacity in
Handling Harvest and
Postharvest (Z)
Variable Type
Exogenous (independent
Assistance program
Exogenous (independent
Quality perception
Intervening (between
Endogenous (dependent
Harvest age
Pest and disease
Description of The Research Location
Majalengka Regency is one of the mango production centers in West Java Province.
Since 2001, the Majalengka Regency Agriculture Service and the West Java Province
Food Crop Agriculture Service have determined that gedong gincu mango is one of the
superior fruit commodities. The Gedong Gincu mango plant has been owned by the
majority of people. People plant mango trees in their yards and gardens. Currently, people
intensively cultivate mangoes in gardens in the same area as plants in rice fields.
Farmer Characteristics
Farmer characteristics are the profiles of Gedong Gincu mango farming actors
who were used as research samples. Farmer characteristics were studied based on age,
education, experience, and number of gedong gincu mango tree owners.
Farmer’s Age
Farmer age is the length of time the farmer lived until this research was conducted
(Narti, 2015). The productive age tends to have stronger energy with a good level of
innovation adoption (Susilowati, 2016). Age of gedong gincu mango farmers based on
productive age in Table 2.
Table 2. Age of Mango Farmers
Age (years old)
Amount (Person)
Percentage (%)
30 64
Productive age
65 70
Unproductive age
Table 2 shows that the age range for gedong gincu mango farmers is 30 to 70
years. The productive age of farmers is in the range of 30 64 years, totaling 28 farmers
and the unproductive age is in the range of 65 75 years, totaling 2 farmers. This
condition means that the average age of farmers is still in the productive category.
Farmer’s Education
In general, formal education influences farmers' mindsets, this condition is
because education is a process of developing farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and skills in
a planned manner (Narti, 2015). Gedong gincu mango farmer educators in Table 3.
Table 3. Farmer Education
Amount (Person)
Percentage (%)
Elementary school
Junior High School
Senior High School
Table 3 shows that the majority of farmers' education is in elementary school. This
condition means that the farmer's education level is in the low education category.
Workers with higher education tend to avoid the agricultural sector (Susilowati, 2016).
Farmer’s Experience
Farmer experience is the length of time farmers spend pursuing their work as
farmers (Yulida, 2012). Farmers with long experience tend to be able to carry out their
farming effectively and efficiently. The experience of gedong gincu mango farmers is
in Table 4.
Table 4. Farmers Experience
Experience (Year)
Amount (Person)
Percentage (%)
3 15
16 27
28 40
Table 4 shows that the most experience is between 3 and 15 years with a
percentage of 43.33%. Farmers' farming experience at the research location began with
cultivating mango plants in their yards and then working more seriously on their gardens
as a source of livelihood.
Number of Tree Holding
The scale of farming carried out by gedong gincu mango farmers can be illustrated
by the level of ownership. The average farmer's tree ownership is more than 100 trees
planted on his orchard with a spacing of 10x10 meters. The number of gedong gincu
mangoes owned by farmers is shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Number of Tree Holding
Number of trees
Amount (Person)
Percentage (%)
50 100
101 150
151 200
Table 5 shows that the largest ownership of gedong gincu mango trees is 101 to
150 trees with a percentage of 40%. The level of mango tree ownership can influence
farming costs and farmers' income levels.
Path Analysis
Path analysis is used to analyze causal relationships that occur in the context of
regression if the independent variable influences the dependent variable either directly
or indirectly. Direct influence occurs if one variable influences another variable without
a third variable mediating (intervening) the relationship between the two variables,
while indirect influence occurs if there is a third variable mediating (Sugiyono, 2019).
Path analysis consists of the first path and the second path. The first path includes
stakeholder role variables, and access to information as independent variables, and
farmer behavior variables as dependent variables. The second path includes the
variables of stakeholder role, access to information and farmer behavior as independent
variables and the variable of farmer capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest
gedong gincu mango as the dependent variable.
The research data is an ordinal scale so before testing the data quantitatively, data
transformation is first carried out using the Method of Successive Interval (MSI) which
aims to transform ordinal data into interval data.
First Path Analysis
The results of path analysis can be seen from the regression coefficient values.
The relationship between variables in the first path is in Table 6.
Table 6. First Path Coefficient of Determination
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Akses_Informasi, Peran_Stakeholder
Table 6 shows that the correlation value is in the range of 0.600 0.799, meaning
a strong correlation. The proportion of influence exerted by the independent variable is
0.366 or 36.6% and around 63.4% is influenced by other variables. Then the first path
coefficient is in Table 7.
Table 7. First Path Coefficient
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Perilaku_Petani
Table 7 contains values that can be used for path analysis, namely the
Standardized Coefficients Beta value for the stakeholder role variable is 0.391 and the
information access variable is 0.517.
Second Path Analysis
The results of the second path analysis show that the regression coefficient values
and variable relationships in the second path can be seen in Table 8.
Table 8. The Second Path Determination Coefficient
Model Summary
R Square
Adjusted R Square
Std. Error of the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Perilaku_Petani, Peran_Stakeholder, Akses_Informasi
Table 8 shows the magnitude of the correlation between 0.600 0.799, indicating
that there is a strong relationship. The proportion of influence exerted by independent
variables is 0.603 or 60.3% and around 39.7% is influenced by variables outside the
research variables. This second path coefficient can be seen in Table 9.
Table 9. Second Path Coefficient
Unstandardized Coefficients
Standardized Coefficients
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Kapasitas
Table 9 shows the values that will be used for path analysis the Standardized
Coefficients Beta value for the Stakeholder Role variable is 0.336, Access to Information
is 0.420 and Farmer Behavior is 0.445.
Based on the data in Table 8 and Table 9, a Sobel test can be carried out to test
whether the intervening variable is suitable for use or not. The results of the sobel test are
in Table 10.
Table 10. Sobel Test
Sobel Test
Intervening to X1
Intervening to X2
Table 10 shows that the Sobel test value of the farmer behavior variable as a
mediating variable shows that the one-tailed probability and two-tailed probability
values are smaller than 0.05, meaning that the farmer behavior variable can be used as
an intervening variable that mediates between the influence of X1 on Y and the
influence of X2. towards Y.
Path Diagram
The data analysis output in Table 7 and Table 9 on the Standardized Coefficients
values will be used in the path diagram. The Standardized Coefficients value can be
used to determine the influence and effective contribution given by the independent
variable to the dependent variable in effect at that time with the existing sample
(Kuncoro and Riduwan, 2014). Each path has an error value, namely other factors that
influence the dependent variable, obtained by taking the root of 1 minus the value of the
Coefficient of Determination.
Path analysis diagram in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Path Diagram
Figure 2 shows the structural form of the route which consists of 2 (two) sub-
structural elements, namely:
1. The first path equation is: Y = 0.391 + 0.517 + 0.796
2. The second path equation is: Y = 0.336 + 0.420 + 0.445 + 0.630
The path coefficient values based on direct influence and through intervening
variables can be explained in Table 11.
Table 11. Path Coefficient Value
Influence of Variable
Direct Influence
Through intervening
Path Value
X1 Y
(0.391 × 0.420) = 0.164
X2 Y
(0.517 × 0.420) = 0.217
Table 11 shows the path coefficient values for direct influence and intervening
variables. Direct path analysis is the coefficient of variables directly influencing Y, while
indirect path analysis is through intervening variables. The coefficient value through
intervening is the result of multiplying the coefficient X to Y with the coefficient Y to Z.
Table 10 explains that the influence of stakeholder roles on farmers' capacity in handling
harvest and post-harvest directly is 0.336 and through farmer behavior is 0.164 with a
total influence of 0.500. The influence of access to information on farmers' capacity in
handling harvest and post-harvest is 0.445 directly and through farmer behavior is 0.217
with a total influence of 0.662 and the influence of farmer behavior variables is 0.420.
The results of the second path analysis have the greatest variable influence compared to
the first path.
Direct Influence
The variables of stakeholder role and access to information directly influence
farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest gedong gincu mango. The role of
stakeholders is a step taken by the government to support the production of gedong gincu
mangoes in terms of quality, quantity, and continuity so that they can meet market
standards desired by consumers. The role of these stakeholders includes extension
activities carried out by extension workers with indicators as facilitators, innovators,
motivators, dynamists, and educators (Dewi et al., 2023). Activities carried out by
extension workers include assisting to Gedong Gincu mango farmer groups so that they
can produce good quality harvests with post-harvest handling that can minimize the level
of damage to Gedong Gincu mango fruit. Activities carried out by extension workers are
considered important to increase farmers' knowledge of the techniques of cultivating
Role of Stakeholders
Access Information
Farmer Behavior
Farmer’s Capacity
in Handling
Harvest and
Postharvest (Z)
Gedong Gincu mangoes until post-harvest so that farmers can increase their
competitiveness (Barokah et al., 2021).
Apart from that, the government's technical role is to provide programs in the form
of equipment assistance that can support the harvest and post-harvest processes. The
assistance program provided by the government through related agencies aims to
facilitate the harvest and post-harvest processes to make them more effective and efficient
(Awaliyah, 2018). Facts in the field found that farmers experienced limited use of tools
to support harvest and post-harvest activities so farmers did not use good harvest and
post-harvest techniques. Farmers in the research location have not received assistance
from the harvest and post-harvest supporting equipment program, so farmers use simple
personal tools, including a pole rake, so they cannot pay attention to the standard
condition of the mango stalks. Then, in the transportation aspect, only sack containers are
used, which causes a high risk of gedong gincu mangoes becoming bruised and unable to
be sold.
Access to information on gedong gincu mangoes is also very necessary for
farmers to be able to know the market conditions for the mango commodities that farmers
produce. Access to this information includes price information, technology information,
and quality perceptions (Kusumo et al., 2018). Gedong gincu mango is a fruit commodity
that has a higher price compared to other types of mango. This high price is caused by
the demand for gedong gincu mangoes and more complicated harvesting patterns
(Sholiha and Charina, 2018). Farmers believe that the price factor is more dominant in
encouraging farmers to use good harvesting and post-harvest techniques. Farmers already
understand the technology needed and understand the good quality of gedong gincu
mango fruit, but farmers still have limited access to this technology. Farmers generally
use harvest and post-harvest techniques when there are comparable price conditions.
Indirect Influence
The variables of stakeholder role and access to information influence farmers'
capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest gedong gincu mango through farmer
behavior. This indirect effect has an intervening variable that mediates between the
independent variable and the dependent variable. This intervening variable is farmer
behavior as a factor that can determine the way farmers handle the harvest and post-
harvest of gedong gincu mango. Farmer behavior consists of aspects of knowledge,
attitudes, and skills(Wawan and Dewi, 2010). The farmer's level of knowledge is formed
from various information they have received, the more information they receive, the
better their level of knowledge regarding harvest and post-harvest gedong gincu mango
(Situmorang and Septiani, 2021). Sources of information are obtained from various
parties, including agricultural extension workers because farmer knowledge is the basis
for farmer behavior in handling harvest and post-harvest.
Farmer attitudes are the tendency to choose various alternatives based on
information known to farmers (Maharani et al., 2020). Farmers tend to always choose
based on what they think is better. Various knowledge and attitudes will form farmers'
skills in handling harvest and post-harvest (Sholiha and Charina, 2018)..
The results of the research have been described so that there are several points of
conclusion including (1) the role of stakeholders and access to information has a direct
influence on farmers' capacity in handling harvest and post-harvest, and (2) the role of
stakeholders and access to information has an indirect effect on farmers' capacity in
handling harvest and post-harvest through farmer behavior.
Based on the results and discussion, it can be recommended that (1) strengthen the
information system to change farmer behavior to increase farmer capacity in harvesting
and post-harvest, and (2) future researchers can conduct research related to strategies for
controlling access to agricultural information for farmers.
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Copyright holders:
Ade Liyani, Aisyah Nur Rahmah, Muhamad Adib Ramdan, Muhamad Abdur Gofar
Fazri, Dodi Budirokhman, Wachdijono (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0