et al., 2021).
Managers and staff who are at the forefront of the company are one of the keys to the
success of Tour & Travel. This is inseparable from the ability and work commitment of
employees, that ability is the capacity that a person has in carrying out a job. Ability is a
biological trait that can be learned that allows a person to do some mental or physical activity.
Mental ability is more of intellectual ability or intelligence, while physical ability is a skill
that is realized through physical coordination. One form of intellectual ability of Tour &
Travel is the level of education of managers to staff ranging from diploma to master (D3-S2).
Some of them have formal education in tourism. The company also sometimes includes its
employees in various tourism pieces of training at home and abroad. In addition, the majority
of employees have previous work experience in the same field, so they can respond to
customer wishes quickly and well.
The research uses a quantitative approach, which is an attempt by researchers to find
knowledge by providing data in the form of numbers and calculations based on statistics.
1. Data collection technique
a. This library research is carried out through the collection and review of relevant
literature with the problems studied to obtain clarity in the effort to develop a
theoretical basis that will be very useful for further discussion. The literature can be in
the form of books, reports, newspaper or magazine articles, the internet, and others
that can be used as references in research.
b. Field Research in collecting data through field research is done by observing the
research location. The techniques used in this way are: (a). Interview, this technique is
a data collection tool to obtain information by communicating directly with
respondents. (b). Questionnaire (questionnaire), namely data collection conducted by
researchers through the distribution of questionnaires to respondents.
2. Variable Identification
Research The variables referred to in this study are:
a. The independent variable, independent is the ability and commitment of employees.
The indicators can be seen in the table below.
b. The dependent variable, the dependent is organizational performance and the
assessment is based on the theory of Kaplan and Norton, which consists of four
perspectives, but this study is only limited to three perspectives consisting of
financial, customer, and internal business perspectives. Learning and growth are not
used considering that one of the measuring tools for learning and growth is an ability
which is one of the independent variables (Isvandiari & Fuadah, 2017).
A. Research result
Description of Research Respondents The object of this research consisted of 30
respondents consisting of directors, managers, and staff. The description of respondents as
many as seven questions concerning name, gender, age, position, last education graduate,
length of work, and previous work experience (Imro’atun, 2017). These seven questions will
be described in the following sections (Karina & Wibowo, 2022).
1. Names of Respondents The names entered in the table are the names of directors,
managers, and staff. Names are intentionally included as an element of the assessment
because one of the questionnaires includes the supervisor's assessment of each of his