Musdaliva Hardinas Anwar, Saron Mersha Ashagre
Balkarian State University, Nalchik, Russia
Email: musd[email protected],
Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in women and it was estimated that 2.3 million new breast
cancer cases were diagnosed in 2020 (24% of all cancers); it ranks second overall (10.9% of all cancers). The
amis of this research are to asses awareness and attitude for prevention of breast cancer in the field of research.
Source of the population were all reproductive age women workers in university hostels. Study group consisted
of all women of reproductive age (4065 years) who had there is a chance to be randomly selected from the
hostels, Community based cross-sectional study were carried out by using well-structured questioner. Many of
the participants were not knowledgeable about breast cancer. Women older than 50 years of age are at higher
risk, yet only 10 (12.5) respondents had good awareness, that is, they scored is greater than or equal to the mean.
Twenty-six (32.5%) participants have no idea had factors that increase the likelihood of developing breast
cancer. Similarly, twenty-one (26.3%) of participants confirmed that they had no information about the
symptoms of breast cancer. More than three-fourths of the participants (85 %) disagreed with that screening
helps in prevention of carcinoma of the breast.
Keywords: awarness, attitude toeards, breast cancer prevention
Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in women and it was estimated that 2.3
million new breast cancer cases were diagnosed in 2020 (24% of all cancers); it ranks second
overall (10.9% of all cancers) (Arnold et al., 2022). It is the most common cancer both in
developed and developing regions with around 690 000 new cases estimated in each of them
(population ratio 1:4) (Ferlay et al., 2019; McTiernan, 2003). Incidence rates vary from 19.3
per 100 000 women in Eastern Africa to 89.9 per 100 000 women in Western Europe, and are
high (more than 80 per 100 000) in developed regions of the world (except Japan) and low (less
than 40 per 100 000) in most of the developing regions. Although developed countries have
the highest incidence rates, in the transition countries as in Latin America the estimated rates
are supposed to increase in the future. The rates vary worldwide being the highest in Europe,
and they are increasing in Asian and Latin- American countries mainly due to the population
ageing and screening practices. Incidence rates are produced by Population-Based Cancer
Registries worldwide; however, they only cover from 1 to 5% of Asia, Africa and South
America. Therefore, data on incidence is limited in these continents due to several factors as
lack of resources, priority and lack of trained staff (Youlden, Cramb, Yip, & Baade, 2014;
Zuhroh & Pratiwi, 2014).
The risk factors include female gender, increasing age, family history of BC, early
menarche, late menopause, older age at first live childbirth, genetic mutation, diet, obesity,
smoking, and alcohol consumption (Arifin, 2021).Nutritional and epidemiological surveys
have shown that dietary and lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption,
and sedentary lifestyle play significant role as risk factors for breast cancer while breast feeding
practice is protective against breast cancer (McTiernan, 2003; Sonnenschein & Soto, 2016).
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 12, December 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Awareness and Attitude Towards Breast Cancer Prevention Among Hostel Workers in
Kabardino-Balkaria State University
1. Getting older. The risk for breast cancer increases with age; most breast cancers are
diagnosed after age 50.
2. Genetic mutations. Inherited changes (mutations) to certain genes, such as BRCA1 and
BRCA2. Women who have inherited these genetic changes are at higher risk of breast and
ovarian cancer.
3. Reproductive history. Early menstrual periods before age 12 and starting menopause after
age 55 expose women to hormones longer, raising their risk of getting breast cancer.
4. Having dense breasts. Dense breasts have more connective tissue than fatty tissue, which
can sometimes make it hard to see tumors on a mammogram. Women with dense breasts
are more likely to get breast cancer.
5. Personal history of breast cancer or certain non-cancerous breast diseases. Women who have
had breast cancer are more likely to get breast cancer a second time. Some non-cancerous
breast diseases such as atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ are associated with
a higher risk of getting breast cancer.
6. Family history of breast or ovarian cancer. A woman’s risk for breast cancer is higher if she
has a mother, sister, or daughter (first-degree relative) or multiple family members on either
her mother’s or father’s side of the family who have had breast or ovarian cancer. Having a
first-degree male relative with breast cancer also raises a woman’s risk (Sonnenschein &
Soto, 2016).
7. Previous treatment using radiation therapy. Women who had radiation therapy to the chest
or breasts (like for treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma) before age 30 have a higher risk of
getting breast cancer later in life.
8. Women who took the drug diethylstilbestrol (DES), which was given to some pregnant
women in the United States between 1940 and 1971 to prevent miscarriage, have a higher
risk. Women whose mothers took DES while pregnant with them are also at risk.
Early diagnosis of cancer can effectively improve the chance of early detection of breast
cancer in early stages and successful treatment resulting in improvement survival rate and
quality of life (Prayoga, 2019). In this regard, early detection of disease through clinical breast
exams such as mammography and breast self-examination as simple and inexpensive
approaches provides the best approaches for reducing the risk of dying from breast cancer.
Accordingly, correct knowledge about early warning signs and screening methods of disease
plays an effective role towards developing and employing early detection programs in a
community (Elmore, Armstrong, Lehman, & Fletcher, 2005; Shang & Xu, 2022).
Early detection is the cornerstone of breast cancer prevention. Mammography is an
effective screening method to use low energy X-rays to obtain high-resolution images of the
breast. The entire testing process only lasts for 20 minutes and it does not require any contrast-
enhancing agent. Since the first recommendation for breast cancer screening by Professor
Forrest, over 70% of women (aged 50-74 years) in America have been undergone breast cancer
screening via mammography every 2 years (Tsugane, 2004).
Purpose of the study to assess awareness and attitudes towards breast cancer and
highlight breast cancer to be considered a problem public health in the field of research.
This study was carried out in Nalchik, in the Kabardino-Balkaria State University of
Russia, in November 2020. Community based cross-sectional study were carried out (Spector,
2019). The source of populations were all reproductive age group women who were working
in hostels of kabardino balakarian state university. The study group consisted of all women of
reproductive age (4065 years) who had there is a chance to be randomly selected from the
hostels. All reproductive age group women who were working in hostels randomly selected in
Awareness and Attitude Towards Breast Cancer Prevention Among Hostel Workers in
Kabardino-Balkaria State University
kabardino balkarian state university were included in the study. The total sample size of study
was 80. The outcome measures of this study were awareness and attitude of reproductive age
women towards breast cancer. The independent variables include socio-demographic
characteristics and related issues (Iwasaki & Tsugane, 2011; Maffini, Soto, Calabro, Ucci, &
Sonnenschein, 2004).
An adapted and structured, pretested, interviewer-administered questionnaire was
employed to collect data from the participants. First, the questionnaire was prepared in English
and it was translated into Russian language, and then back to English to check its consistency.
Participants’ awareness of breast cancer was assessed by listing questions related to risk
factors, infection, cigarette smoking, family history of breast cancer and other vulnerable
factors in women (Sørensen, Hørby, Friis, Pilsgaard, & Jørgensen, 2002). Questions are asking
about risk factors, vulnerability, signs and symptoms, prevention.
For individual item, the participants were asked to choose one of the three options: “Yes,”
“No,” or I Don’t know.”) The scale was then taking that “Yes” was considered as 1 and
No/Don’t know as 0. A total knowledge score for all the items was computed by adding up.
Total score was then categorized as poor knowledge (score of 05), fair knowledge (score of
615), and good knowledge (1625).
Participants’ attitude was assessed by asking them to rate each of the following
statements: (1) carcinoma of the breast is highly prevalent and cause of deaths amongst most
malignancies in Russia (2) any woman including you can acquire breast carcinoma; (3)
carcinoma of the breast cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
Respondents were asked to choose one of the following options for each of the statements
listed above: “strongly agree,” “agree,” “neither agree nor disagree,” “disagree,” or “strongly
Demographic characteristics, knowledge and attitude of breast cancer screening were
described using descriptive statistics including percentages, frequencies, mean, median,
standard deviation (SD). All analyses were conducted using the software SPSS version 21.
Socio-demographic characteristics
The total size of research subjects who were actual respondents to the moment of data
collection amounted to 75 people. Thus, the percentage of respondents to the poll was
calculated as 98%. The age of the participants ranged from 40 to 65 years old. The three main
continents of the study were middle level workers 57 (76%), heads of office 8 (10.7 %) and the
remaining 10 (10.3 %) were cleaners. The average monthly income of respondents was $
179.38 with standard deviation ± 209.10 US dollars. Most, 50 (80.6%) of respondent’s monthly
income is 51.43-243.86 US dollars.
Awareness and Attitude Towards Breast Cancer Prevention Among Hostel Workers in
Kabardino-Balkaria State University
Table 1. Socio-Demographic Characteristics Of Informants
Variable background
Age of respondents (n = 75)
66.2 %
50- 60
40- 49
10 %
Marital status (n= 75)
29.3 %
28 %
6.7 %
Monthly income in dollars USA (n = 75)
26.7 %
41.3 %
20 %
12 %
Number of children (n=75)
16 %
Participants’ Awareness about breast Cancer
Many of the participants were not knowledgeable about breast cancer. Women older than
50 years of age are at higher risk, yet only 10 (12.5) respondents had good awareness, that is,
they scored is greater than or equal to the mean. Among of women who report the disease is
preventable, about half of respondents indicated that early detection and treatment are means
preventing breast cancer (Raidanti & Wijayanti, 2022). Risk reduction were also methods
prevention of breast cancer, as indicated by 15 (18.8%) respondents. Twenty-six (32.5%)
participants have no idea had factors that increase the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
Similarly, twenty-one (26.3%) of participants confirmed that they had no information about
the symptoms of breast cancer (Lee et al., 2014)
Participants’ Attitudes towards breast Cancer
More than three-fourths of the participants (85%) disagreed with that screening helps in
prevention of carcinoma of the breast. Overall, only 6 (7.5%) respondents agreed that they
would have screening done if it was free and caused no harm.
Table 2. Participants’ attitudes towards cervical cancer.
Agree, n
Neither agree nor
n (%)
Disagree, n
8 (10)
32 (40)
14 (17.5)
24 (30)
42 (52.5)
26 (32.5)
39 (48.75)
7 (8.8)
16 (20)
57 (71.3)
17 (21.3)
21 (26.3)
42 (52.5)
13 (16.3)
28 (35)
Awareness and Attitude Towards Breast Cancer Prevention Among Hostel Workers in
Kabardino-Balkaria State University
The study viewed awareness and attitudes as a starting point for prevention and control
of breast cancer. The results of this study showed that less half of the participating workers had
a low level of comprehensive knowledge from aggregate score for vulnerable groups, risk
factors, signs and symptoms, and methods of prevention of breast cancer. Less than half of the
respondents believed that all women are at risk of getting sick breast cancer while others did
not know which women were at risk get sick with this disease. This finding showed that
participants had much more low level of awareness of risk groups compared with the results of
others studies that were used as a reference. Most of the participants did not were able to name
the risk factors for breast cancer. This result indicates that behavioral interventions to prevent
and disease control has received little attention as women have tried to point out reasons why
they are not screened, so that women's awareness of screening behavior is low.
This study showed the benefit of raising awareness, promoting an active search for
medical information and experience in obtaining information about breast cancer from any
source. The received data also strongly indicate that women may require different strategies
disseminating health information to increase awareness and attitudes towards prevention and
control of breast cancer. Finally, research is needed to fully understand the issues affecting
women who have not had screening behavior for the prevention and control of breast cancer.
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Copyright holders:
Musdaliva Hardinas Anwar, Saron Mersha Ashagre (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0