Siti Julaeha, Adang Hambali, Mohamad Erihadiana, Hapid
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
[email protected],
This research is motivated by several problems, both personal and global, including lack
of clear strategies and methods, low student involvement, effective assessment and
feedback, limited resources, the use of technology in learning the Qur'an, advances in
science and technology, democratization and moral decadence. So that Islamic education
needs to take strategic steps by fixing several internal problems. In essence, Islamic
educational institutions must prepare superior human resources who have
competitiveness in the face of global competition, so that the management of Qur'anic
tahsin learning becomes very important for educational institutions, especially Islamic
boarding schools, to be mastered and implemented by every educational institution. The
main objectives of this study are to identify the management of Tahsin Al-Qur'an learning
in educational institutions, especially in Al-Qur'an Islamic boarding schools in West Java,
namely: 1) analyze the learning planning of Tahsin Al-Qur'an in Pesantren Al-Qur'an in
West Java, 2) analyze the implementation of learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an in Pesantren Al-
Qur'an in West Java, 3) analyze the results in learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an in the Islamic
Boarding School of the Qur'an exist in West Java, 4) analyze supporting and inhibiting
factors in learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an in the Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in West Java.
The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative research which is a response to
the presence of something about human existence, not only to understand specific or
particular, but all aspects. The results of this study show that Based on the results of a
study entitled "Management of Tahsin Al-Qur'an Learning (Pesantren Research in West
Java)" it can be concluded that each Islamic boarding school institution has different
learning models, learning strategies and ways of evaluating and has different graduation
standards so that it has characteristics, pesantren are different even though the same
educational institutions are Tahsin al Qur'an pesantren and not all pesantren have
management of learning Tahsin al Qur'an, both in practice and in writing in an educational
institution document.
management, learning, tahsin, qur'an
Learning management of Tahsin Al-Qur'an, is learning to achieve success in Tahsin
and understand the Qur'an optimally (Hanafi et al., 2019). With good learning
management, it is hoped that students can develop their Qur'anic Tahsin skills effectively
and efficiently, which before the stages of tahfizh, qori, tafsir, qiro'atus sab'ah and others,
students are required to learn Tahsin Al Qur'an. Its function is to improve how to read the
Qur'an properly and correctly, Tahsin is an important aspect in Islamic religious education
(Hardivizon & Anrial, 2016). However, there are several challenges that need to be
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 12, December 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397 1014
overcome so that learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an can run effectively, and students can be
optimally involved in this learning process.
The lack of clear standards and methods in learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an can be an
obstacle in achieving the desired learning goals (Aliyah, 2021). Currently, there is no
clear standard on what to achieve in learning the Qur'an and how to do it effectively. The
lack of structured guidelines causes confusion and vagueness in implementing the
learning of Tahsin Al-Qur'an, both for Kyai/Ustadz and the students. Therefore, research
is needed to identify appropriate standards and develop effective learning methods to
facilitate the teaching and learning of Tahsin Al-Qur'an.
Furthermore, limited resources can also affect the learning of Tahsin Al-Qur'an.
Resources such as books, facilities, or limited kyai/ustadz personnel can limit students'
access to quality learning (Nurdiana et al., 2021). Especially in less supportive
environments, the availability of limited resources can be a serious obstacle in learning
Tahsin Al-Qur'an. Therefore, there is a need for a learning management strategy that can
overcome limited resources and maximize the utilization of existing resources.
Finally, the use of technology in learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an can provide great
opportunities to improve learning effectiveness (Rohman, 2023). However, the use of
technology in this context may be faced with certain challenges or obstacles. For example,
the availability of limited technological infrastructure, lack of understanding of how to
effectively integrate technology in Qur'anic Tahsin learning, or concerns towards
replacing traditional methods. Therefore, learning management efforts are needed to
optimize the use of appropriate technology in learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an.
By identifying the background of this problem, research in the form of a dissertation
aims to explore and address issues related to the management of Qur'anic Tahsin learning.
This research will focus on developing clear standards and methods, increasing student
involvement, effective assessment and feedback, optimal resource management, and
appropriate use of technology in Qur'anic Tahsin learning.
Learning management of Tahsin Al-Qur'an refers to the efforts made to organize,
manage, and facilitate an effective learning process in Tahsin al-Qur'an. This
management involves planning, implementing, and evaluating learning with the aim of
improving the quality of learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an, student involvement, and
achievement of desired learning outcomes (Fauziyah, 2020).
In the context of learning management of Tahsin al-Qur'an, there are several
aspects that are important to note (Rizalludin, 2019). First, lesson planning involves
developing a structured and directed curriculum. This curriculum should include clear
learning objectives, a logical sequence of material, and effective learning methods and
strategies. In this planning, it is also necessary to consider various factors such as the level
of ability of the students, available time, and available resources.
Then, the implementation of learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an involves interaction
between Kyai or Ustadz and the students. Kyai or ustadz has a central role in teaching
and guiding the santri in the Tahsin of the Qur'an. In this implementation, it is important
for Kyai or Ustadz to implement diverse teaching strategies, select relevant materials and
activities, and create a conducive learning environment. In addition, the use of
technology, such as learning applications or software, can also be part of the effective
implementation of Qur 'anic tahsin learning (Akbar et al., 2021).
Learning evaluation is an important part of Qur'anic tahsin learning management .
Evaluation is carried out to monitor the progress of the students Fadhilah, (2022), measure
the achievement of learning objectives, and identify deficiencies and expansion of
learning. This evaluation may involve a variety of assessment methods, such as written
tests, oral tests, observations, or portfolios. The evaluation results provide a basis for
providing constructive feedback to students and adapting learning strategies as needed.
In addition, the management of learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an must also consider the
management of existing resources. This includes physical resources, such as books,
classrooms, and learning equipment, as well as human resources, such as qualified Kyai
or Ustadz personnel. Effective resource management can ensure the availability and
optimization of resource utilization that supports Qur'anic tahsin learning.
Overall, the management of Qur'anic tahsin learning involves careful planning,
effective implementation, continuous evaluation, and good resource management. With
the right management approach, it is hoped that learning Tahsin Al-Qur'an can become
more structured, directed, and effective in achieving the goal of memorization and deep
understanding of the Qur'an.
The management of learning Tahsin Al-Quran becomes important in relation to
the world of education, because this is where the chain of generations begins. And
therefore, to produce an extraordinary generation in a future civilizational building,
(Wahab, 2008, hal. 63). The success of learning depends largely on the extent to which
the kyai or ustadz can minimize or solve problems in implementing this Qur'anic tahsin
learning management . The fewer learning problems, the greater the chances of students
to succeed in learning, and vice versa.
Pondok Pesantren Al-Mubarok Tasikmalaya and Pesantren Al-Falah Nagreg
Bandung, Pondok Pesantren Kudang Qiroatus'sabah Limbangan Garut and Pondok
Pesantren Ummul Quro' Tasikmalaya are Islamic boarding schools that have the same
characteristics, all four are mixed Islamic boarding schools that carry out the study of the
Qur'an and books related to the rules of tahsin learning The Qur'an comprehensively. So
that from the four research loci, researchers are interested in analyzing and reviewing the
application of Quranic tahsin learning management in the four Islamic boarding schools.
The hope is that the research of the four loci can give birth to more effective and efficient
management of Quranic tahsin learning.
The main objective of this study is to identify the management of Tahsin Al-Qur'an
learning in educational institutions, especially in Islamic boarding schools in West Java
The research method used includes action research as explained by Suharsimi,
(2015) explaining that action research is a research process carried out by individuals or
groups who want changes in certain situations to test procedures that are expected to
produce changes then arrive at a conclusion stage that can be accounted for Robacker et
al., (2016) So that it is strengthened with the purpose of action research, namely changing
certain situations, changing certain behaviors, changing structures and mechanisms in
organizations, changing the work climate and institutions, developing more efficient work
This research is called field research because this research is carried out directly
in the field to make observations about a phenomenon in a natural state or 'in situ' J.
Moleong, (2011), . Namely the management of Qur'an learning at Pesantren Ummul Quro
Tasikmalaya, pesantren Al-Mubarok Tasikmalaya, pesantren Cijantung Ciamis,
pesantren Kudang Limbangan Garut and Pesantren Al-Falah Nagreg Bandung). 1016
The stages in this research are divided into 3 stages, namely Prefield which consists
of: compiling research designs, choosing research fields, reviewing / Ustadzs licensing,
exploring and assessing the field, selecting and utilizing informants, preparing research
instruments and equipment, ethical issues in the field. The field consists of: understanding
the background of research and self-preparation, entering the field, participating while
collecting data.
Data analysis consisting of: data reduction, data display, drawing conclusions and
verification as well as final conclusions (J. Moleong, 2011).
Planning and implementation of Qur'an Learning in Qur'an Islamic Boarding
Schools in West Java
a. Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic Boarding School
Planning for learning the Qur'an at the Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic
Boarding School, West Java, begins with formulating a vision or learning goal to be
achieved within a certain time in accordance with the vision or goals of the pesantren,
namely making students and alumni as qualified hafidz and hafidzah and excel in the
field of Islamic science. Learning planning is prepared in the Long-Term Work Plan,
Medium-Term Work Plan, and Annual Work Plan of pesantren which contain various
learning programs and activities that become a priority scale in order to achieve these
learning objectives. This was conveyed by Ustadzah Teni Ulfa who is the Head of the
Tahsin Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Unit.
"The stages of learning planning at the Ummul Quro Islamic Boarding School
are formulated jointly between the leadership of the Islamic boarding school and all
stakeholders of the Islamic boarding school about common goals that must be realized
within a certain period of time. These stages are in the form of formulation and
determination of objectives, methods, strategies, materials, and stages of learning
According to Robert F. Meager learning objectives Meagher, (2013), namely the
intent communicated through statements that describe the changes expected of
students. Learning objectives are listed in the lesson plan (RPP). RPP is an important
component in the curriculum at the education unit level whose development must be
carried out professionally. Learning objectives are detailed formulations of what must
be mastered by students as a result of learning outcomes expressed in the form of
behavior that can be observed and measured. The formulation of these learning
objectives must be adjusted to competency standards, basic competencies, and student
achievement indicators. In addition, the learning objectives formulated must also be
specific and operational so that they can be used as a benchmark for the success of the
learning process.
As is well known that the purpose of this learning is in line with the objectives
of the Ummul Quro Islamic Boarding School, which is to make students and alumni
as qualified hafidz and hafidzah and excel in the field of Islamic science. Based on the
data that has been obtained, it shows that the formation of the objectives of learning
carried out by the Ummul Quro Islamic Boarding School has been carried out.
However, there are things that still need to be considered, namely the pattern of
communication between stakeholders of Islamic boarding schools if there are
obstacles found in efforts to achieve these goals.
b. Pesantren Al Qur'an Al Mubarak Tasikmalaya
The stages of learning planning at the Al Qur'an Al Mubarak Tasikmalaya
Islamic Boarding School are formulated jointly between the leadership of the Islamic
boarding school and all pesantren stakeholders about common goals that must be
realized within a certain period of time. These stages are in the form of formulation
and determination of objectives, methods, strategies, materials, and stages of learning
evaluation. The learning method applied at the Al Quran Al Mubarak Tasikmalaya
Islamic Boarding School is the Yanbu'a Method. The Yanbu'a method is a method of
reading and writing and Tahsin Al-Qur'an to read it students should not spell but "read
directly quickly, precisely, fluently and uninterruptedly according to the rules of
makhorijul letters". The yanbu'a method is a means to learn to read, write and Tahsin
the Qur'an systematically and practically and easily to be absorbed by the community.
c. Pesantren Al Qur’an Qiraatus Sab’ah Kudang Limbangan Garut
Based on the results of research that has been carried out such as Islamic
boarding schools that have been studied in the previous point, the Qur'an Qiraatus
Sab'ah Kudang Limbangan Garut Islamic Boarding School certainly carries out the
stages before deciding to apply strategies, methods, and even systems that will be used
in order to achieve the objectives of learning the Qur'an.
The results showed that the method used by the Qur'an Qiraatus Sab'ah Kudang
Limbangan Garut Islamic Boarding School was the qiro'atu tahqiq method. The basic
meaning of tartil is something that is integrated (ittisaq) and systematized (intizham)
consistently (istiqamah), that is, releasing words from the mouth well, regularly, and
consistently. The emphasis is on oral pronunciation, or verbal and vocal reading. In
English, the exact equivalent is "to recite". To be precise, slow recitation, reading aloud
slowly. Technically, tartil is closely related to the application of the rules of tajweed.
It is said that the 'ulama' have agreed on the recommendation of tartil (reading slowly
according to the rules of tajweed). Read the Qur'an with tartil, this is Allah's command
to us. Tartil referred to in the verse is to read the Qur'an according to predetermined
rules. Namely issuing / mentioning the letters of the Qur'an in accordance with the
makhroj (place where the letters come out) and the nature of the letters. Qur'an tartil
course, advanced training / upgrading from the basic level to specialize in the field of
mastery of Qur'an recitation in Qur'an education (Sholikhah, 2019).
Qur'an Learning Outcomes at Al-Qur'an Islamic Boarding School in West Java
As explained in the results of observations made by researchers on the Ottoman
method and talaqi and halaqoh strategy at the Ummul Quro Tasikmalaya Islamic boarding
school, the yanbua' method with the bandungan and sorogan strategy at the Murotalul 1018
Qur'an Al-Mubaroq Tasikmalaya Islamic boarding school, the qiroatu tahqiq method with
the bandungan and sorogan strategy at the Kudang Qiroatus Sab'ah Limbangan Garut
boarding school, the marhalalah method with the bandungan and sorogan strategy at the
Al-Falah Nagreg Bandung boarding school, In the learning process, Ustādh recites verses
of the Qur'an verse by verse, sentence by sentence then in murati (interpreting) then
Ustādh explains by giving examples about daily life so that students understand more
about the material presented, not infrequently in delivering it his explanation relates to
hadith and verses of the Qur'an that are in accordance with the material he delivered.
Santri tends to be passive, the students only follow and listen to whatever is
conveyed by Ustādh and are not given the opportunity to ask questions while for students
who are diligent in following learning usually add important notes to the Qur'an which he
interprets to make it easier when repeating the material in the Qur'an.
From the above observations, if it is related to theoretical studies of the Ottoman
method, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah, which is a process of recitation with the
kyai or Ustādh method of reading a verse of the Qur'an in a certain time and the students
bring the same Qur'an while listening and listening to the recitation of kyai or ustādh,
recording translations and information about the book studied, these activities in the
world of pesantren are often referred to as maknani, ngesahi or njenggoti.
According to Dhofier, (1980): the Ottoman method, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and
marhalah is a group of students between 5-500 people listening to a Kyai/Ustadz who
reads, translates, explains and often reviews Islamic books in Arabic. Of course, reviews
in Arabic of high-level books are given to groups of senior students known to ustādh who
are understood by the students. Each student pays attention to his book and makes notes
and information about difficult words or thoughts.
The method of ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah is a learning method
where in its implementation the students gather in one assembly then carefully they hear
the meaning and explanation of ustādh.
From the results of the above observations if associated with theoretical studies it
can be analyzed that the ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah methods are one
of the methods used in West Java Islamic boarding schools in delivering Qur'an learning,
learning in this method is carried out by gathering male and female students in one place
and making one halaqah, in this learning process ustādh or kyai becomes the center of
learning activities, Where he determines the material and rules in the learning process.
In learning with this method the position of ustādh and students face each other in
one assembly, in this learning the distance between Ustādh and students is expected not
too far and not too close so that the learning process can take place as much as possible.
The implementation of the ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah methods
in West Java Islamic boarding schools began with the reading of greetings from Ustādh
then continued with tawasulan to the Prophet Muhammad Saw, previous scholars, authors
of books and previous kyai / ustadz with the aim that the knowledge learned gets barokah
and useful in the world and hereafter. Then Ustādh asked about the meaning of yesterday
then Ustādh read the meaning of the book, translated and explained the meaning of the
book itself in his explanation ustādh sometimes related to the Qur'anic verses and hadiths
of the Prophet which were used to strengthen the material he conveyed in the delivery of
Ustādh freely explains a material as wide as possible without being limited by a
certain curriculum, this is the advantage of learning with the methods of ustmani, yanbu'a,
qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah than learning with other methods while the students in the
learning process with this method students only follow the direction of the ustādh and
tend to be passive in the teaching process. Then the last activity in learning with this
method is the process of concluding the material that has been delivered by Ustādh.
While the results of interviews conducted by researchers with ustādh kyai / ustadz
ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah methods related to the implementation of
the ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah methods are recitation with this
method forming a halaqah where ustād reads, interprets then explains according to his
ability, learning with this method can also be used to practice the knowledge of nahwu
sharaf obtained by students during early school so that the knowledge Not only as a theory
but also can be practiced to make it easier to understand the contents of the book.
The methods of Ottoman, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah are methods that
have been used for a long time which have proven successful because in this method the
knowledge discussed tends to be broad and unlimited and prioritizes practice rather than
just theory and in this study the ultimate goal of learning is not the success of a student in
reading books but rather aims to expand knowledge because basically this study is
intended For students who are proficient enough in reading and writing books.
From the interview above, if it is related to theoretical studies according to
Mochtar, the method of ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah is that the santri
collectively listen to the recitation and explanation of the kyai while each giving notes to
his book, the note can be in the form of syakl or the meaning of mufrodat or explanation
(additional information). Please note that Islamic boarding schools, especially those that
still use classical or (Salafi) learning methods, have their own way of reading known as
how to read utawi iki iku, a way of reading with the right nahwu sharaf approach.
The success of the Ottoman method, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah is also
very individual, because a student does not have to show that they have understood the
lesson at hand. Even in practice, kiai tend to understand that students already have a basic
basis for the method so that the method usually runs quickly without reviewing topics
that are considered easy.
In this method, students are not required to show their understanding of the lesson
because the main purpose of learning with this method is the completion of learning
material, learning with this method uses a reading method specifically used in Pondok
Pesatren, namely how to read in accordance with the science of nahwu sharaf.
With regard to the above theory, if related to the results of the interview, it can be
analyzed that the methods of ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and marhalah are the
process of delivering knowledge by the process of reading material based on certain books
with Arabic rules called nahwu sharaf, then ustādh translates into Indonesian word for 1020
word sentence by sentence so that the students can easily understand the material in the
Learning with this method is very typical found in the education system in Islamic
boarding schools which is often known as learning tool science or ultimate learning iki
iku, in this learning students are trained to apply the knowledge they gain related to the
science of nahwu sharaf in learning the yellow book because basically if it is just theory
without practice, the ability of students is only limited to tahsin and has not reached the
level of understanding because the more they practice The science of nahwu sharaf in the
book the more they want to know the exceptions in that science
In this study, the success of students is based on individual abilities because each
student has their own level of intelligence.
Learning with this method is very typical found in the education system in Islamic
boarding schools which is often known as learning tool science or ultimate learning iki
iku, in this learning students are trained to apply the knowledge they gain related to the
science of nahwu sharaf in learning the yellow book because basically if it is just theory
without practice, the ability of students is only limited to tahsin and has not reached the
level of understanding because the more they practice The science of nahwu sharaf in the
book the more they want to know the exceptions in that science. In this study, the success
of students is based on individual abilities because each student has their own level of
Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors for the Achievement of Qur'an Learning
Management in Qur'an Islamic Boarding Schools in West Java
Things that support the learning of the Quran
1. Self-motivation, the encouragement from within a person to learn the Qur'an will of
course have a major effect on his Tahsin activities even the learning process may not
2. Parents are our guardian angels in the world. They are the ones who are always there
in every condition.
3. Intention, intention is the core of something to be done. If a job is not accompanied by
intention, then the work is useless and surely the results will not be satisfactory.
4. Mood
5. Always praying for ease in learning the Quran, a servant will never be separated
forever from Allah, the creator of the entire universe, whatever good activities are
carried out by him, surely he needs guidance from Allah, His guidance in order to
arrive at what is his goal.
In every implementation of learning methods, there must be supporting factors
(Maulidi, 2022). The same is the case with the implementation of the marhalah, ustmani,
yanbu'a and qiroatul tahqiq methods in learning the Qur'an in Islamic boarding schools in
West Java. Some factors that support the implementation of the marhalah, ustmani,
yanbu'a and qiroatul tahqiq methods in Islamic boarding schools in West Java include,
motivation and enthusiasm from parents, friends, kyai / ustadz and the environment. This
is a special passion for a person to learn the Qur'an.
In learning the Qur'an there must be support, the things that support the tahsin al-
Qur'an are first of all sincere intentions, stay away from the nature of madzmumah, ask
for blessings from parents, have a great and strong determination in tahsin, istiqamah,
must learn from experts, have praiseworthy morals, pray for success in tahsin, tahsin in a
mustajab time, use one mushaf and fluently read the Qur'an.
Obstacles in learning the Quran
In doing a job, of course, it will never be free from obstacles. Likewise, learning
the Qur'an even using any method will certainly be free from the name of obstacles. Not
much different from the implementation of the ustmani, yanbu'a, qiroatul tahqiq and
marhalah methods in West Java Islamic boarding schools. Among the obstacles to
learning the Qur'an are the following:.
1. Lazy, laziness is the most common obstacle encountered by students who study the
Qur'an in Islamic boarding schools in West Java. Both when adding new learning and
repeating old learning
2. Less good at dividing time, there are many obstacles that accompany the activities of
students in the Tahsin al-Qur'an. In Islamic boarding schools in the West Java area,
the students constitute the majority of junior high school students, like schools in
general, children their age must complete general school as well. They should also
pursue the target of learning the Qur'an and hadith that they have targeted. So of course
there are many obstacles that accompany their struggle. True he said, to become a
successful person must indeed be ready to face the twists and turns of life from then
3. A bad mood, a heart that is upset or not good can make the atmosphere, mind and also
learn to be chaotic according to the statement above. This bad mood usually occurs
because of a sense of longing for parents or there is a problem with friends at the
cottage. And the one who can overcome that is yourself
Based on the results of the study, it can be that the planning of learning tahsin Al
Qur'an in pesantren has the objectives of learning tahsin Al-Qur'an, materials, methods,
and ways of evaluating different things in the field, especially in the learning planner.
The implementation of learning Qur'an tahsin in West Java essentially becomes quality
and superior human resources in the material used as well as exploring the knowledge of
the Qur'an from good and correct Qur'an reading procedures according to the qaidah of
knowledge, while in the implementation of the results of each Islamic boarding school
the same as weekly, monthly evaluation activities and triulan and semester evaluations.
With evaluation, it is expected that the implementation planning will run well so that the
vision and mission of an institution is maximally achieved with the management of
Qur'anic learning. The learning outcomes of the birth of graduates who master the 1022
learning of the Qur'an properly and correctly, the birth of qori-qoriah and graduates who
master the science of qiro'atus sab'ah. supporting factors in learning the Qur'an support
semnagat from oneself want to increase knowledge, eliminate ignorance and, seek the
pleasure of Allah, serious, healthy intentions, parents who support and are consistent in
learning the Qur'an, while the main inhibiting factor of oneself sometimes arises laziness
over programs and activities in pesantren, the emergence of feelings of not at home
because they want to go home, undisciplined and difficult to manage time for yourself,
and lack of motivation from yourself.
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Siti Julaeha (2023)
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Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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