Sri Hastuti
STIE Widya Wiwaha Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Email: srihastutioik[email protected]m
This study aims to examine the effect of work motivation and job satisfaction on
employee performance with work discipline as mediation. The sample used was
employees of the Natuna Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, totaling 60
people. The analysis method used is Partial Least Square (PLS) which shows work
motivation has a positive and significant effect on work discipline, job satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on employee work discipline, job satisfaction has a positive
and significant effect on employee work discipline, work motivation has a positive and
insignificant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction has a positive and
insignificant effect on employee performance, and work discipline has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance,meanwhile, the indirect influence of work
discipline is able to mediate the influence of work motivation on employee performance,
and work discipline is able to mediate job satisfaction on employee performance.
work motivation, job satisfaction, work discipline, employee performance
The implementation of an agency or organization pays great attention to the context
of optimizing its main functions to the existence of members of the organization or
organization, especially in an effort to improve performance in order to get maximum
results, be it in the form of business profits or in the form of services. An agency or
organization is considered effective if it can achieve its goals optimally, is able to adapt
to the environment and can increase work motivation and human resource development.
Therefore, an agency or organization is obliged to improve performance, including the
Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of the Local Government of Natuna Regency.
The performance of an organization is not only at the level of top managers, but
from staff to middle managers. If viewed only at top managers who have high
performance, the quality of work of an organization will be felt to be still low. This is
because the field implementers are precisely the staff. Therefore, performance
improvement must be comprehensive at all levels of the organization, be it upper, middle,
and lower levels. Given the importance of employee performance in supporting the
organization's operational activities, every organizational leader is required to improve
the performance of his employees. According to Widyanti, (2019) the factors used to
improve employee performance include motivation and job satisfaction. Motivation is the
drive, effort and desire that exists in humans that activates, empowers and directs behavior
to carry out tasks well in their work environment. According to Noor 2013 in Jufrizen,
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 12, December 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
The Effect of Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction With Discipline as an Intervening Variable on
the Performance of Government Employees
(2018) work motivation is a state or condition that encourages, stimulates or moves a
person to perform a work task mandated to him so that he can achieve his organizational
goals. Motivation is also defined as a process that determines the intensity, direction and
perseverance of individuals in trying to achieve goals. Motivation as a process that starts
from psychological and physiological forces or needs that result in behaviors or drives
aimed at a goal or incentive. Efforts to achieve organizational goals cannot be separated
from how a leader improves employee performance through motivation because basically
employees also have different needs and expectations. In addition, as human beings, they
are inseparable from various kinds of desires and needs that drive to achieve their goals.
This need can be viewed as a generator, reinforcement or driver of one's behavior. If need
is the causative factor underlying the birth of one's behavior, it can be said that the
strongest at a given moment will be the motivating factor that moves (motivator) someone
who behaves towards achieving goals.
The study of employee job satisfaction cannot be separated from the fact that
employee job satisfaction can be achieved if all expectations can be met in carrying out
their job duties. According to Jufrizen, (2018) Job satisfaction is a real behavior displayed
by everyone as work achievements produced by employees in accordance with their role
in the company. According to Mangkunegara & Prabu, (2016) "Job satisfaction is the
result of work in quality and quantity achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties
in accordance with the responsibilities given to him". In addition to several variables that
affect performance, discipline variables also have a very important role. Discipline as an
ideal condition in supporting the implementation of tasks according to the rules in order
to support work optimization. Setiyawan, (2006) stated that one of the requirements for
discipline to be grown in the work environment is a complete division of labor to the
lowest employee or officer so that everyone knows and is aware of their duties, how to
do it, when work starts and finishes, what kind of work is required and to whom to account
for the results of the work (Siregar, 2017).
The establishment of Natuna Regency was confirmed based on Law Number 53 of
1999, by the Minister of Home Affairs (Faisal Tanjung) on October 12, 1999 and as
amended several times most recently by Law Number 34 of 2008. Geographically, the
area of Natuna Regency is located at the coodinate point 1016'-7019' LU (North Latitude)
and 10500'-110000' BT (East Longitude) of Natuna Regency directly adjacent to several
neighboring countries. The boundaries of Natuna Regency are as follows :
North Side : North Natuna Sea, Vietnam
East Side : East Malaysia and West Kalimantan Province
South : Bintan Regency, and
West Side : East Malaysia and West Kalimantan Province
Figure 1 Map of Natuna Regency
Sumber : Renstra 2021-2026 DPUPR
In the area of Natuna Regency there are 154 islands, with 27 islands (17.53 percent)
inhabited and most islands (127 islands or 82.47 percent) uninhabited. The islands are 1026
spread across 14 sub-districts, with Serasan sub-district having the largest number of
islands, namely 34 islands (11.76% inhabited islands and 88.24% uninhabited), while
Bunguran Tengah District has no islands at all. This is as shown in Table 1 below :
Table 1 Administrative Areas of Natuna Regency by District
( Km
( Km
Number of Islands
Suak Midai
Bunguran Barat
Bunguran Batubi
Bunguran Utara
Pulau Laut
Pulau Tiga
Pulau Tiga Barat
Bunguran Timur
Bunguran Timur
Bunguran Tengah
Bunguran Selatan
Serasan Timur
Source : Renstra 2021-2026 DPUPR
Based on its topographic conditions, Natuna Regency is a hilly and mountainous
land. Lowlands and gently sloping ones are found on the coast. The height of the area
between sub-districts is quite diverse, ranging from 3 to 959 meters above sea level with
a slope between 2 to 5 meters. In addition, in general, the soil structure in the Natuna
Regency area consists of red yellow podzolic soil from rocks whose basic soil has granite
material, and alluvial as well as organosolic soil and gley humus. The climate in Natuna
Regency is strongly influenced by changes in wind direction. In the range of the rainy
season that occurs in Natuna, there is a popular season in the Natuna community,
especially for fishermen, namely the north wind season. This season is called the north
wind because the wind comes continuously from the north through the Natuna region. If
this season is underway, fishermen in Natuna Regency dare not go to sea because waves,
wind and sea storms are very dangerous. Based on data from the Meteorology,
The Effect of Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction With Discipline as an Intervening Variable on
the Performance of Government Employees
Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Natuna enters the north wind season in
January, April and August. In 2019, the north wind season takes place in January,
February, April, May, June, August, September and October. According to monitoring
conducted by BMKG, the air temperature in Natuna Regency is in the range of 21.6°C to
35.2°C in 2019. The temperature reaches its highest point in August with the maximum
temperature being 35.2°C. However, when referring to the average daily temperature, the
highest air temperature occurs in April with an average of 28.5°C.
The Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of the Regional Government of
Natuna Regency is one of the technical organizations in the Natuna Regency Area which
has the task of assisting the Regent in coordinating, formulating policies and establishing
and carrying out tasks in the Field of Highways and Construction Development, Spatial
Planning, Water Resources and Copyrights in accordance with the provisions of the
authority of the Natuna Regency Regional Government and Laws and Regulations, and
carry out assistance duties in the field of Public Works and Spatial Planning in accordance
with the scope of their duties. In carrying out these duties, the Public Works and Spatial
Planning Office of Natuna Regency has the following functions: management of
secretarial activities, including general administration, staffing, program and budget
planning and evaluation, financial management, equipment and equipment of the office,
administration, and household; Preparation of annual, medium-term and long-term work
programs in the field of public works and spatial planning; formulation of technical
policies, facilitation, coordination and technical guidance in the field of public works and
spatial planning, which includes the fields of Highways and Construction Development,
the field of Spatial Planning, the field of Water Resources and the field of Copyright,
Secretariat and technical implementation units and the implementation of other tasks in
the field of Public Works and Spatial Planning submitted by the Regent. The Public
Works and Spatial Planning Office of Natuna Regency has goals that must be achieved
which are contained in the Strategic Plan of the PUPR Office of Natuna Regency for the
Year from 2021 - 2026 as stated in.
Table 2 Medium-Term Goals and Objectives of PUPR Office FY. 2021-2026
Goal Performance
Performance Target Year-to-Year
Target -
Percentage of increments
road length in steady condition
of Water
Percentage of raw water availability
access to
Percentage of population
Access to clean water
Performance Indicator Achievement Target The percentage of road additions in
steady condition is 90.71% with a realization of 1.66% obtained from the implementation 1028
of the Road Implementation Program with District/City Road Implementation Activities
consisting of Road Construction Sub-Activities and Road Reconstruction Sub-Activities,
which can add and maintain road stability. Of the two existing sub-activities, there is an
addition of steady condition roads in the Road Reconstruction sub-activity with the work
package of Lapis Hotmix Road Improvement (AC-BC) Jl. Air Merah Section, West
Bunguran District along 2.2 Km. The road handling budget comes from the Regular
Special Allocation Fund (DAK). The non-achievement of this target is due to the
increasing rate of decline in road conditions that are not balanced with road improvement
efforts and non-fulfillment of routine road maintenance standards, in addition to that there
are still many gravel and dirt road sections that have not been handled, lack of financing
for handling road maintenance (periodic maintenance/rehabilitation and routine
maintenance of roads) for lightly damaged road conditions, and lack of integration of
related planning and budgeting handling of District Road sections. In the Revised
Regional Budget (APBDP) there was a budget reduction which caused several work
packages to be omitted from the DPPA.
Achievement of Target Performance Indicators the percentage of raw water
availability is 100.00% with a realization of 96.73%. The availability of raw water until
2021 is 109.50 liters / second (96.73 %) sourced from the availability of PDAMs, and 8
(eight) existing reservoirs (Lampa Strait, Sedanau, Buton Bay, Tanjung Kumbik (Pulau
Tiga), Air Payang (Pulau Laut), Sabang Mawang (Pulau Tiga), Subi Kecil, and Tanjung
Batang). In 2022, it is planned that raw water needs are assumed per capita of 100
liters/person/day of 179.76 liters/second (156.14%) with the construction of Embung
Sebayar and Embung Serasan (Air Ringau). Data on 2022 achievements are obtained
from the implementation of the Water Resources Management Program (SDA) with
Natural Resources Management Activities and Beach Safety Buildings in River Areas
(WS) in 1 (One) District/City Area consisting of Sub-Activities for the Development of
Reservoirs and Other Water Reservoirs. The construction of Embung Sebayar with a
capacity of 410,000 M3, output of 68 liters / second, where the Natuna Regency
Government has responsibility for land acquisition of communities affected by the
development of Embung covering an area of 18.86 hectares. Regarding
construction/physical development funded from the State Budget through the Sumatra
River Basin Center (BWSS) IV, the construction of Embung Serasan (Air Ringau) with
a capacity of 8,928 M3, output of 2.26 liters / second (National Physical Activities).
Achievement of Target Performance Indicators The percentage of the population
with access to clean water is 101.95% with a realization of 81.47%. Until the end of 2021,
the percentage of people with access to clean water in Natuna Regency is 79.43%, with
the number of households with access to clean water 16,183 out of a total of 20,374
households. In 2022, it is planned to add 100 (one hundred) households with access to
clean water. Until the end of 2021, the percentage of people with access to clean water in
Natuna Regency is 79.43%, with the number of households with access to clean water
16,183 out of a total of 20,374 households. In 2022, it is planned to add 100 (one hundred)
households with access to clean water. Data on achievements in 2022 were obtained from
the implementation of the Drinking Water Supply System Management and Development
Program with Drinking Water Supply System Management and Development (SPAM)
Activities in Districts/Municipalities consisting of Sub-Activities for the Development of
Piping Network SPAM in Rural Areas. The implementation of PAMSIMA (Community
Based Water Supply and Sanitation Program) in 8 (eight) villages, namely: Subi Village,
Air Nusa Village, Selading Village, Sebadai Hulu Village, Air Ringau Village, Air Putih
The Effect of Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction With Discipline as an Intervening Variable on
the Performance of Government Employees
Village, Kelarik Air Mali Village, and Pangkalan Village from the Regular Special
Allocation Fund (DAK) and in 3 (three) Villages, namely: Air Kumpai Village, Batu
Belanak Village, and Sededap Village from the Regional Budget, with the achievement
of 527 (five hundred twenty seven) households with access to clean water.
In Fiscal Year 2022, the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Natuna
Regency was unable to carry out several important physical activities that are strategic
programs of the elected Regents-Vice Regents. This is allegedly due to inadequate budget
availability, immature planning for the implementation of physical work and weather
conditions in Natuna Regency which experienced high rainfall from July to December in
Fiscal Year 2022. Some physical activities carried out by the Public Works and Spatial
Planning Office of Natuna Regency are only in the form of physical activities that have a
range of values (fund ceilings) below Rp 200,000,000 (Two Hundred Million Rupiah)
which are carried out with a direct procurement mechanism (PL) and only amount to
about 100 work packages with a physical implementation time of 25 calendar days. Such
physical activities revolve around drainage work, neighborhood roads and other simple
work. Looking at the internal side of the PUPR Office, apart from the unavailability of
physical budget by the Regional Government of Natuna Regency itself, it is considered
that the unpreparedness from within the PUPR Office itself is marked by the
unavailability of representative physical work implementation planning by considering
local climate and weather conditions, so that the implementation of physical work in
Fiscal Year 2022 seems forced. As a result of the unavailability of representative physical
work implementation planning, it can be suspected that the decline in the performance
condition of the State Civil Apparatus from the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office
itself. These basic things from the initial monitoring are caused by several things,
including leadership behavior and management applied by office leaders tend to be
coercive, the provision of incentive allowances for State Civil Apparatus (TPP)
employees who are not on time and the involvement of State Civil Apparatus employees
of the PUPR Service which tends to only involve central figures who can understand the
coercive work system of office leaders. As a result, many important physical works were
not carried out at all that year, making it a bad record for the PUPR Office when compared
to the previous year.
Research design based on the characteristics of the main research problem, namely
using associative strategies. Associative research is research that aims to determine the
influence of two or more variables. This research is also a hypothesis testing study on
explanatory research because it is intended to explain the relationship between variables
through hypotheses. Measurement of variable values in question items on the research
questionnaire using a scale. Analysis methods to answer the research objectives and see
an overview of the variables, namely work motivation, job satisfaction, discipline and
employee performance at the Natuna Regency Local Government PUPR Office in
utilizing descriptive analysis tools with a rating scale on each variable.
According to Ghozali & Latan, (2015) the purpose of PLS-SEM is to develop
theories or build theories (predictive orientation). PLS is used to explain the presence or
absence of relationships between latent variables (prediction). PLS is a powerful analysis
method because it does not assume current data with certain scale measurements, the 1030
number of samples is small. PLS-SEM analysis consists of two sub-models, namely the
measurement model or outer model and the structural model or inner model.
Table 3 NFI Analysis Results
Saturated Model
Estimated Model
Source: Primary analysis data 2023
Based on the results of the analysis in Table 4.17, that in the fit model indicator
shows that the NFI value > 0.1 or higher, the model can be said to be much better.
Hypothesis Testing
To see the results of the hypothesis test in research can be accepted or rejected, it
can be done by looking at the results of t Statistics and p Values. This hypothesis can be
said to be accepted if the t-statistic of the calculation result is greater than 1.96 and the
p-Values < 0.05 then there will be a significant influence between variables. In addition,
it is also necessary to convey the results and confidence interval of 95% of the estimated
path coefficient parameters.
In this study also has a direct and indirect influence on each variable because in it
there are independent variables, dependent variables, and intervening variables.
Hypothesis Testing of Direct Influence
In direct influence, there is an f square value, which is a direct variable influence at
the structural level with criteria (f square 0.02 low, 0.15 moderate, and 0.35 high), Hair
et al (2021) in Sofyan Yamin (2022). As for the mediation effect called upsilon v statistics
obtained by squaring the mediation coefficient, Leuhery, (2018) is a low mediation effect
(0.01), a medium mediation effect (0.075), and a high mediation influence (0.175).
The results of processing the direct influence hypothesis can be seen in the path
coefficient table in bootstrapping SmartPLS.
The path coefficient with positive characteristics then the influence of one variable
on other variables is unidirectional, if a variable increases up, other variables also increase
up, the path coefficient has negative characteristics, the influence of one variable on other
variables is in the opposite direction, if the value of one variable increases, the other
variables will decrease
The Effect of Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction With Discipline as an Intervening Variable on
the Performance of Government Employees
Table 4 Path Coefficients
95% Interval
Trusted Path
. Satisfaction
. Motivation
. Discipline
. Satisfaction
H5. Motivation
Source: Primary analysis data 2023
Based on the results of hypothesis testing in Table 2 it can be known as follows :
1) The first hypothesis (H1) shows that statistical t 3.228 > 1.96 and p value 0.001 <
0.05 then statistically Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted meaning that there is a positive
and significant influence between employee job satisfaction on employee discipline
with a path coefficient of 0.448. In the 95% confidence interval, the influence of
discipline in increasing employee job satisfaction lies between 0.183 to 0.713. In the
table above it can also be seen that the existence of employee job satisfaction in
improving work discipline has a high influence at the structural level (f square =
2) The second hypothesis (H2) shows that the statistical t is 3.785 > 1.96 and the p
value is 0.000 < 0.05, then statistically Ho is rejected and Ha means that there is an
influence and significant between motivation on employee discipline with a path
coefficient of 0.487. In the 95% confidence interval, the influence of discipline in
increasing motivation lies between 0.221 and 0.715. Then it can be seen that the
existence of motivation in improving work discipline has a high influence at the
structural level (f square = 0.456).
3) The third hypothesis (H3) shows that statistical t 4.400 > 1.96 and p value 0.000 <
0.05 then statically Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted meaning that there is an influence
and significant between discipline on employee performance with a path coefficient of
0.795. In the 95% confidence interval, the effect of performance in improving
employee discipline lies between 0.409 and 1.125. In the table above it can also be
seen that the existence of discipline in improving employee performance has a high
influence at the structural level (f square = 0.545).
4) The fourth hypothesis (H4) shows that the statistical t 0.105 < 1.96 and p value 0.916
> 0.05 then statically Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected meaning that there is a positive
and insignificant influence between satisfaction with employee performance and the 1032
path coefficient 0.014. In the 95% confidence interval, the effect of performance in
increasing employee job satisfaction lies between -0.237 to 0.307, and the existence of
employee job satisfaction in improving performance has a low influence at the
structural level (f square = 0.000).
5) The fifth hypothesis (H5) shows that the statistical t 0.320 < 1.96 and p value 0.749 >
0.05 then statically Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected meaning that there is an influence
and insignificant between motivation on employee performance and the path
coefficient 0.050. In the 95% confidence interval the effect of performance in
increasing motivation lies between -0.236 to 0.372, and the presence of motivation in
improving performance has a low influence at the structural level (f square = 0.003).
Indirect Hypothesis Testing/Mediation Effects
This analysis is more to explain the results of significant influence indirectly or
using mediation. The criteria for determining Juliandi's (2018) indirect influence (inderect
effect) are:
1. if the PValues value < 0.05, then significant means the mediator variable (Z /
discipline), mediating the influence of exogenous variables (X / job satisfaction) on
endogenous variables (Y / performance). In other words, the influence is indirect.
2. if the PValues value is >0.05, then it is not significant meaning that the mediator
variable (Z / discipline) does not mediate the influence of an exogenous variable (X /
motivation) on an endogenous variable (Y / performance). In other words, the
influence is immediate. The following test results of the effects of mediation as shown
in Table 3 below.
Table 5 Indirect effects Test Results
95% Confidence
Interval Path
. Satisfaction
. Motivation
Source: Primary analysis data 2023
The conclusion of the indirrect effect values in Table 3 is as follows :
1) The sixth hypothesis (H6) The indirect effect of job satisfaction variables on employee
performance through work discipline is 0.356 with a P-Value of 0.012 < 0.05 and a t-
statistic of 2.500 > 1.96, then work discipline mediates the effect of job satisfaction on
employee performance. In the table above it can also be seen that a 95% confidence
interval between 0.113 to 0.670 with the structural level of the disciplinary mediation
The Effect of Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction With Discipline as an Intervening Variable on
the Performance of Government Employees
role has a moderate / moderate mediating effect (upsilon v = 0.127), Ogbeibu et al
(2020) dalam Sofyan Yamin (2022)
2) The seventh hypothesis (H7) The indirect effect of work motivation variables on
employee performance through work discipline is 0.387 with a P-Value of 0.004 <
0.05 and t-statistics of 2.894 > 1.96, then work discipline mediates the influence of
work motivation on employee performance. Then in the table above, it can be seen
that the structural level of the role of disciplinary mediation has a moderate / moderate
mediation influence (upsilon v = 0.149) Ogbeibu et al (2020) in Sofyan Yamin (2022)
The effect of job satisfaction on work discipline
The variable of job satisfaction has a significant direct effect on employee work
discipline. The resulting influence is positive, meaning that the higher the employee's job
satisfaction, the work discipline will also increase. Vice versa, the lower the job
satisfaction, the work discipline of Natuna Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning
office employees will also decrease.
This research is also in line with other researchers conducted by Jufrizen, 2018;
Rukhan, (2021) which proves that job satisfaction variables have a positive and
significant effect on work discipline. So, this concludes that every time there is an
increase in job satisfaction, work discipline will also increase.
The influence of motivation on work discipline
Work motivation has a significant direct effect on work discipline. The resulting
influence is positive, meaning that the higher the employee's work motivation, the work
discipline will also increase. Vice versa, the lower the work motivation, the employee's
work discipline will also decrease.
The results of this study are also aligned and support research conducted by
Jufrizen, 2018; Jufrizen & Sitorus, 2021; Permana, 2019; Rukhan, (2021) which stated
that work motivation positively and significantly affects work discipline.
The influence of work discipline on employee performance
On the direct influence variable, it is concluded that work discipline has a
significant effect on employee performance. The resulting influence is positive, meaning
that the higher the employee's work discipline, the performance will increase. Vice versa,
if the lower the work discipline, the performance of employees will also decrease.
The results of this study are in line and support with the results of research
conducted by Hana et al., 2022; Isvandiari & Al Idris, 2018; Jufrizen, 2018; Jufrizen &
Sitorus, (2021) who showed that work discipline has a significant effect on performance.
The effect of job satisfaction on employee performance
On the direct influence variable, it can be concluded that job satisfaction has no
significant effect on employee performance. The resulting influence shows that there is a 1034
positive and insignificant influence between job satisfaction on the performance of Umun
Job Office employees and Natuna Regency Government Spatial Planning.
The results of this study are in line and support with the results of research
conducted by Jufrizen & Sitorus, 2021) but not in line with the results of other studies
conducted by Arifin, (2017) which show with the results that job satisfaction is very
decisive or has a significant effect on performance. So, for the fulfillment of job
satisfaction for employees need special attention from the agency. This is to avoid
unwanted impacts and can harm employees and agencies. In addition, it can also affect
the level of employee performance results.
The effect of motivation on employee performance
On the direct influence variable, it can be concluded that work motivation has an
insignificant effect on employee performance. The resulting influence shows that there is
a positive and insignificant influence between job satisfaction on the performance of
Umun Job Office employees and Natuna Regency Government Spatial Planning.
The results of this study are in line and support with the results of research
conducted by (Marjaya & Pasaribu, 2019; Putra, 2021). The provision of work motivation
has no effect on employee performance, which means that motivation is not the dominant
factor in improving employee performance. This means that employees no longer need to
be motivated because without being motivated employees already have their respective
duties and responsibilities so that this makes employees inevitably have to complete these
jobs and responsibilities according to the deadlines that have been set.
The effect of job satisfaction on employee performance through work discipline as
The indirect influence of work discipline is able to mediate the relationship between
job satisfaction and employee performance, so it can be concluded that the indirect
influence (mediation) between job satisfaction on nurse performance through work
discipline is significant, and it can be said that high work discipline caused by job
satisfaction has a positive influence on the performance of employees of the Public Works
Office and Spatial Planning of Natuna Regency. where higher job satisfaction will
increase employee work discipline, so that it will affect and have an impact on improving
employee performance, and vice versa. Therefore, in achieving better employee
performance or to maintain or further improve the application of better job satisfaction, it
must be mediated by work discipline.
These results support research conducted by Hendrawan & Pradhanawati, 2017;
Listiyana & Ngatno, (2019) who stated that job satisfaction has a positive and significant
effect on performance mediated by work discipline.
The Effect of Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction With Discipline as an Intervening Variable on
the Performance of Government Employees
The influence of work motivation on employee performance through work discipline
as mediation.
The indirect influence of work discipline can mediate in the relationship between
work motivation and employee performance, so it can be concluded that the indirect
influence (mediation) between work motivation and employee performance through work
discipline is significant. It can be said, the high work discipline caused by work
motivation has a real positive influence on employee performance, where the higher work
motivation will increase employee work discipline, so that it will affect and have an
impact on improving the performance of employees of the Public Works Office and
Spatial Planning of Natuna Regency. Therefore, in achieving better employee
performance or to maintain or further improve the application of better work motivation,
it must be mediated by work discipline.
These results do not support research conducted by Jufrizen & Sitorus, (2021)
which states that the effect of work motivation on employee performance mediated by
work discipline is not supported, and in achieving better employee performance which is
prioritized in increasing or implementing better work motivation without having to be
mediated by work discipline.
Starting from the results of the research analysis, a discussion was obtained and a
discussion related to the analysis of the Effect of Job Satisfaction and Work Motivation
on Employee Performance with Work Discipline as an Intervening Variable in
Employees of the Office of Public Works and Spatial Planning of Natuna Regency. Job
Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on Employee Work Discipline at the
Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Natuna Regency. Work Motivation has a
positive and significant effect on Employee Work Discipline at the Public Works and
Spatial Planning Office of Natuna Regency. Work Discipline has a positive and
significant effect on Employee Performance at the Public Works and Spatial Planning
Office of Natuna Regency. Job Satisfaction has a positive and insignificant effect on
Employee Performance at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Natuna
Regency. Work Motivation has a positive and insignificant effect on Employee
Performance at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Natuna Regency. Work
Discipline is able to mediate or mediate the effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee
Performance at the Public Works Office and Spatial Planning of Natuna District. This
means that if employees have high job satisfaction and are accompanied by having high
work discipline, then employee performance will increase and their performance will be
optimal. Work Discipline is able to mediate or mediate the influence of Work Motivation
on Employee Performance at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of Natuna
Regency. This means that if employees have high work motivation, accompanied by
having high work discipline, then employee performance will increase and their
performance will be very optimal. 1036
Arifin, M. (2017). Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja
(Studi Terhadap Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas
Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara). Edutech: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan
Ilmu Sosial, 3(2).
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Menggunakan Program Smartpls 3.0 Untuk Penelitian Empiris. Semarang:
Badan Penerbit UNDIP.
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Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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