e. Dishonorable dismissal from association membership
When linked to the theory of responsibility, a person is said to be legally responsible
if he or she can be subject to sanctions when committing an act that is contrary to the law.
Normally, sanctions are imposed on individual perpetrators (delinquents) because of their
actions which require accountability. In this case, the subject of responsibility and the
subject of legal obligation are the same. According to traditional theory, there are two
types of responsibility, namely responsibility based on fault and absolute liability
(Asshiddiqie & Safa’at, 2006).
The responsibilities of a Notary adhere to the principle of responsibility based on
fault (based on fault of liability). In making an authentic deed, the Notary must be able to
take responsibility if the deed he makes is found to contain an error or intentional violation
by the Notary. On the other hand, if the element of error or violation occurs on the part
of the party or persons present, then as long as the Notary carries out his work in
accordance with the regulations, the Notary concerned cannot be held responsible because
the Notary only records what is conveyed by the party or parties to be included in the
deed (Afifah, 2017).
We can also use the theory of legal protection in this matter because in this matter
of course the parties must be protected, because if the deed they make is read outside the
working area of the Notary it will turn into a deed under the hand, this will of course be
very detrimental to the parties. , especially if there are legal problems in the future, and
what must be protected is the Notary who is supposed to be in the area, but in reality there
is another Notary who reads in the area, because if this is done continuously without legal
protection it will create losses for the Notary which should be its territory. Theoretically,
legal protection is divided into 2 (two) forms, namely preventive protection and
repressive protection, both in court, namely within the scope of general justice and
government agencies which are administrative appeal institutions (Arliman, 2018;
Sugiswati, 2012). In the opinion of Phillipus M. Hadjon, legal protection for the people
is a preventive and repressive government action. Preventive legal protection aims to
prevent disputes from occurring, which directs government action to be careful in making
decisions based on discretion, and repressive protection aims to resolve disputes,
including handling them in judicial institutions (Tirtakoesoemah & Arafat, 2020).
Based on the description above, it can be concluded that there are rules governing
the work area of Notaries, and what sanctions the Notary will receive. The notary must
be held accountable for violating the rules regarding the area of office because it was done
intentionally. By law, a deed read by a Notary outside his/her work area is relegated to a
private deed, and specific sanctions from the Indonesian Notary Association Organization
if there is a violation of the work area, the sanctions given to the Notary can vary, starting
from the lightest, namely warning up to dishonorable dismissal, all you have to do is go
back to the Indonesian Notary Association organization on how to process the Notary
who commits this violation because if it is carried out seriously by the Indonesian Notary