Prasojo Soewondo Biantoro
, Zudan Arief Fakrulloh
, Riswadi
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
Email :
According to Law no. 2 of 2002 concerning safeguarding security and providing community services,
protection, protection, and services to the community. This will not be realized if it is not carried out with the
discipline of the members of the Police. Deviations in the behavior of Polri members are a violation of the
disciplinary regulations of the Polri as stipulated in PP No. 2 of 2003 concerning Disciplinary Regulations for
Polri Members. The purpose of writing this journal is the implementation of the implementation of disciplinary
law enforcement for members of the Police through disciplinary hearings of the Police, knowing the
implementation in the Police disciplinary hearings in realizing a disciplined Police and analyzing optimizing the
functions of Police law enforcement in the implementation of disciplinary hearings in order to create a
disciplined National Police. It is known that the implementation of disciplinary law enforcement for Polri
members through Polri disciplinary hearings is the responsibility of Polri members who violate the law within
the corridors of Polri's disciplinary law or violations of the code of ethics, the violation is internally
institutional, namely through the trial session and the session of the Professional Code of Ethics Commission.
Obstacles in the implementation of the Police disciplinary hearings are changes to the internal legal rules within
the National Police, such as the National Police Chief Regulation No. 14 of 2011 concerning the Professional
Code of Ethics, previously there were two National Police Chief Regulations governing the same thing, namely
the National Police Chief Decree No. Pol: KEP/32 / VII/2003 and Regulation of the Chief of Police, Regulation
of the Chief of Police Number 7 of 2006. The new regulation on the Code of Ethics for the Police Profession
does not provide sufficient explanation. As a result of regulations that have multiple interpretations, each party
will have different controls, so that it can open up opportunities for law enforcement to occur which ultimately
creates legal uncertainty.
Discipline Culture, Police Members, Professionalism
An organization always has internal rules to improve performance, professionalism,
organizational culture and togetherness, honor and credibility of the organization, and to
ensure the maintenance of order and implementation of tasks according to the goals, roles,
functions, authorities, and responsibilities of the institution (Eva, 2018). A good organization
is not a group of people who gather and are free to act as they please, the organization must
have rules of conduct for working, acting, and socializing among members of the Indonesian
National Police and associating with the community within the organization (Subadi, 2007).
However, the ties of these regulations should not stifle the innovation and creativity of
members of the Indonesian National Police which then makes the organization static and does
not develop. A good and strong organization is an organization that has good and strong
internal rules and regulations. These rules can be in the form of disciplinary regulations,
codes of ethics, or job codes. This regulation is about discipline, but it is realized that it is
difficult to separate these various internal rules, there is always a gray color, there is always a
light side and a dark side, and there will always be overlap between the various rules, but
Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
things must be minimized. the overlap.
Discipline is an honor, honor is closely related to credibility and commitment, discipline
for members of the Indonesian National Police is an honor for members of the Indonesian
National Police who demonstrate credibility and commitment as members of the Indonesian
National Police. firm commitment. In this case, the credibility and commitment of members
of the Indonesian National Police are state officials who are given the task and authority as
protectors, protectors and public servants, law enforcers, and security guards. Commitment is
different from loyalty, loyalty tends to lead to absolute loyalty and leads to the tendency of
the ruler/leader to abuse that loyalty (abuse of power). Therefore, the implementation of
discipline must be based on approval/awareness rather than fear and based on commitment
rather than loyalty. Changes in the state administrative situation have caused the disciplinary
regulations used so far to no longer follow the demands of development, it is deemed
necessary to draw up Disciplinary Regulations for Members of the Indonesian National
Police while still emphasizing the importance of promoting and respecting human rights
(Wijayanto et al., 2019). To foster members of the Indonesian National Police in a work
atmosphere full of conflict, tension, and uncertainty, as well as to develop a new character
and culture according to the demands of reform, among others, it is necessary to have a
Disciplinary Regulation which contains the main obligations, prohibitions, and sanctions if
obligations are not adhered to. , or the prohibition is violated.
This government regulation stipulates the obligations that must be obeyed and the
prohibitions that must not be violated by any Member of the Indonesian National Police who
commits a disciplinary violation. Apart from that, this Government Regulation also stipulates
procedures for examination, procedures for imposing disciplinary penalties, and procedures
for filing objections if the Member of the Indonesian National Police who is sentenced to
disciplinary action object to the disciplinary punishment imposed on him, repaire and educate
members of the Indonesian National Police who commit disciplinary violations. Therefore,
every Ankum must first examine carefully the Members of the Indonesian National Police
who commit such disciplinary violations. The disciplinary punishment imposed must be
commensurate with the disciplinary violation committed, so that the disciplinary punishment
can be accepted with a sense of justice.
That the implementation of disciplinary law enforcement for Polri members through
Polri disciplinary hearings is the responsibility of Polri members who violate the law within
the corridor of Polri disciplinary law or violations of the code of ethics, the violation is
internally institutional, namely through the trial session and the session of the Professional
Code of Ethics Commission.
A. Application of Discipline Culture to Police Members
Article 1 PP No. 2 of 2003 states that discipline is strict obedience and obedience to the
disciplinary regulations of members of the Indonesian National Police (Prima, n.d.). The
Disciplinary Regulations for Members of the Indonesian National Police are a set of norms
for fostering, enforcing discipline, and maintaining the orderly lives of members of the
Indonesian National Police. Violation of the Disciplinary Regulations is the words, writings,
or actions of members of the Indonesian National Police that violate the disciplinary
regulations (Altiana, n.d.). Disciplinary action is a series of verbal warnings and/or physical
actions that are constructive in nature, which is handed down directly to members of the
Indonesian National Police (Tabah, 1991). Disciplinary punishment is a punishment imposed
by a superior who has the right to punish members of the Indonesian National Police through
a Disciplinary Session to the members of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia who
violate the Disciplinary Regulations. Members of the State Police of the Republic of
Indonesia shall be subject to sanctions in the form of disciplinary action and/or punishment
(Rahardi, 2007). Disciplinary action in the form of verbal warning and/or physical action.
Disciplinary action does not remove Ankum's authority to impose disciplinary penalties
(Sulistyo, 2016).
Discipline is obedience and earnest obedience to the rules of discipline (NIM, n.d.). The
Disciplinary Regulations for Members of the Indonesian National Police are a series of norms
for fostering, enforcing discipline, and maintaining order in the lives of members (Suharyo,
2015). Violation of the Disciplinary Rules is the words, writings, or actions of POLRI
members who violate the disciplinary regulations. Police discipline is regulated by
Government Regulation, namely PP 2 of 2003 concerning Disciplinary Regulations for Police
Government Regulation Number 2 of 2003 concerning Disciplinary Regulations for
Police Members is an implementation of the mandate of the Polri Law, namely Article 27
paragraph (2) of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police. So it is
necessary to stipulate a Government Regulation concerning Discipline Regulations.
Discipline is an honor, is closely related to credibility and commitment, discipline for
members of the Indonesian National Police is an honor as a member of the Indonesian
National Police who demonstrates credibility and commitment as members of the Indonesian
National Police. The credibility and commitment of POLRI members are as state officials
who are given the task and authority as protectors, protectors, public servants, law enforcers,
and security guards.
An organization always has internal rules in order to improve performance,
professionalism, organizational culture and togetherness, honor and credibility of the
organization, and to ensure the maintenance of order and implementation of tasks according
to the goals, roles, functions, authorities, and responsibilities of the institution. A good
organization is not a group of people who gather and are free to act as they please, the
organization must have rules of conduct for working, acting, and socializing among members
of the Indonesian National Police and associating with the community within the
organization. However, the ties of these regulations should not stifle the innovation and
creativity of members of the Indonesian National Police which then makes the organization
static and does not develop. A good and strong organization is an organization that has good
and strong internal rules and regulations. These rules can be in the form of disciplinary
regulations, codes of ethics, or job codes. This regulation is about discipline, but it is realized
that it is difficult to clearly separate these various internal rules, there is always a gray color,
there is always a light side and a dark side, and there will always be overlap between the
various rules, but things must be minimized. the overlap.
Discipline is an honor, honor is closely related to credibility and commitment,
discipline for members of the Indonesian National Police is an honor for members of the
Indonesian National Police who demonstrate credibility and commitment as members of the
Indonesian National Police (Syaifullah, 2019). firm commitment. In this case, the credibility
and commitment of members of the Indonesian National Police are state officials who are
given the task and authority as protectors, protectors and public servants, law enforcers, and
security guards. Commitment is different from loyalty,, loyalty tends to lead to absolute
loyalty and leads to the tendency of the ruler/leader to abuse that loyalty (abuse of power).
Therefore, the implementation of discipline must be based on approval/awareness rather than
fear and based on commitment rather than loyalty.
B. Strategy for Implementing a Culture of Discipline Against Members
Conditions that often occur in various mass media regarding disciplinary actions carried
out by members of the National Police, especially cases of firearms by members of the
Police, the existence of members of the Police involved in criminal acts, arbitrary actions of
members of the Police, and many other cases that illustrate their lack of discipline members
of the National Police. It makes themselves available to the community concerned in
carrying out the duties of the Police, namely maintaining security and the community, orderly
and upholding the law, protection, shelter, and services for the establishment of public peace
by upholding human rights.
Disciplinary law enforcement for members of the National Police in the perspective of
good governance and clean government, and other objectives are to find out what factors
influence the enforcement of disciplinary law for members of the National Police in the
perspective of good governance & clean government and to find out how the law
enforcement strategies for members of the National Police are expected to achieve Good
Governance and Clean Government in order to strengthen the image of the Police. The
mental and moral attitude which is a negative thing and is the opposite of a situation that is
counterproductive for the realization of Good Governance and clean government in the
Internal Police. Hence, the purpose of creating good governance and clean government in the
internal police, a strategy for disciplinary law enforcement for members of the police is
needed to realize governance and clean government in the internal police, one of which is
consistency or firm action against members of the police who violate discipline, including
members of the Provos who abuse their authority, and other strategies that are managed in the
short, medium and long term.
C. Sanctions Against Police Members Who Violate Discipline. Based on PP No. 2003
Indonesia is one of the professional law enforcement tools, including the Indonesian
National Police (Polri). This is necessary so that this nation can move towards a brighter
future. As is known, ensuring the law in the community requires strong and professional law
enforcement officers. Law enforcement efforts carried out by the government cannot be
found by the Police. The main task of the Police itself according to Law Number 2 of 2002
concerning the Indonesian National Police is to maintain and provide public services, legal
protection, and protection, shelter, and service to the community. lately does not reflect the
slogan that it carries. On the other hand, the Police often abuse their authority in maintaining
public security and order.
Based on PP No. 2 of 2003, a disciplinary hearing is a hearing to examine and take
action against members of the Police who violate disciplinary regulations (SH, 2017). This
violation can be in the form of words, actions, or writing that violates a series of disciplinary
norms mandated to the Police (Algivari, 2022). These norms regulate the obligations and
prohibitions of the National Police in the context of state and social life in general as well as
carrying out specific tasks (Katzenstein, 2018). Based on the Decree of the Chief of the
Police of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2003, the examination through a
disciplinary hearing is carried out internally in each work unit or sub-unit that oversees the
police who violate. In the trial, the sanctions for violations are determined by the superior
who has the right to punish (Ankum). The implementation is carried out no later than thirty
days after Ankum receives the Preliminary Examination List for Discipline Violations
(DP3D) (Sari & Aryadi, 2019). Reports or complaints of violations can be made on the basis
of being caught red-handed, findings by officers, officers' reports, and community reports.
Depending on the type of disciplinary violation committed, this trial can be open or closed.
Disciplinary punishment in the form of a written warning; delay in attending education for a
maximum of 1 (one) year; postponement of periodic salary increases; postponement of
promotion for a maximum of 1 (one) year; emotional mutations; release from office; and
placement in a special place for a maximum of 21 (twenty-one) days.
Nowadays, there is no clear boundary between personal life and work life, moreover,
the demands of the community for the role of the Indonesian National Police in all
community activities are very large and do not know time. Police activity, especially because
it is a continuous twenty-four-hour identity. A member of the Indonesian National Police
who is not on duty is still considered a police figure who is always ready to provide
protection to the public. Therefore, this regulation also regulates the life of members of the
Indonesian National Police as individuals in social life.
Changes in the state administrative situation have caused the disciplinary regulations
used so far to be no longer in accordance with the demands of development, it is deemed
necessary to draw up Disciplinary Regulations for Members of the Indonesian National
Police while still emphasizing the importance of promoting and respecting human rights.
To foster members of the Indonesian National Police in a work atmosphere full of
conflict, tension, and uncertainty, as well as to develop a new character and culture according
to the demands of reformation among others. It is necessary to have a Disciplinary
Regulation which contains the main obligations, prohibitions, and sanctions if obligations are
not adhered to. , or the prohibition is violated.
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Stie Widya Wiwaha.
Copyright holders:
Prasojo Soewondo Biantoro, Zudan Arief Fakrulloh, Riswadi
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0