by a superior who has the right to punish members of the Indonesian National Police through
a Disciplinary Session to the members of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia who
violate the Disciplinary Regulations. Members of the State Police of the Republic of
Indonesia shall be subject to sanctions in the form of disciplinary action and/or punishment
(Rahardi, 2007). Disciplinary action in the form of verbal warning and/or physical action.
Disciplinary action does not remove Ankum's authority to impose disciplinary penalties
(Sulistyo, 2016).
Discipline is obedience and earnest obedience to the rules of discipline (NIM, n.d.). The
Disciplinary Regulations for Members of the Indonesian National Police are a series of norms
for fostering, enforcing discipline, and maintaining order in the lives of members (Suharyo,
2015). Violation of the Disciplinary Rules is the words, writings, or actions of POLRI
members who violate the disciplinary regulations. Police discipline is regulated by
Government Regulation, namely PP 2 of 2003 concerning Disciplinary Regulations for Police
Government Regulation Number 2 of 2003 concerning Disciplinary Regulations for
Police Members is an implementation of the mandate of the Polri Law, namely Article 27
paragraph (2) of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police. So it is
necessary to stipulate a Government Regulation concerning Discipline Regulations.
Discipline is an honor, is closely related to credibility and commitment, discipline for
members of the Indonesian National Police is an honor as a member of the Indonesian
National Police who demonstrates credibility and commitment as members of the Indonesian
National Police. The credibility and commitment of POLRI members are as state officials
who are given the task and authority as protectors, protectors, public servants, law enforcers,
and security guards.
An organization always has internal rules in order to improve performance,
professionalism, organizational culture and togetherness, honor and credibility of the
organization, and to ensure the maintenance of order and implementation of tasks according
to the goals, roles, functions, authorities, and responsibilities of the institution. A good
organization is not a group of people who gather and are free to act as they please, the
organization must have rules of conduct for working, acting, and socializing among members
of the Indonesian National Police and associating with the community within the
organization. However, the ties of these regulations should not stifle the innovation and
creativity of members of the Indonesian National Police which then makes the organization
static and does not develop. A good and strong organization is an organization that has good
and strong internal rules and regulations. These rules can be in the form of disciplinary
regulations, codes of ethics, or job codes. This regulation is about discipline, but it is realized
that it is difficult to clearly separate these various internal rules, there is always a gray color,
there is always a light side and a dark side, and there will always be overlap between the
various rules, but things must be minimized. the overlap.
Discipline is an honor, honor is closely related to credibility and commitment,
discipline for members of the Indonesian National Police is an honor for members of the
Indonesian National Police who demonstrate credibility and commitment as members of the
Indonesian National Police (Syaifullah, 2019). firm commitment. In this case, the credibility
and commitment of members of the Indonesian National Police are state officials who are
given the task and authority as protectors, protectors and public servants, law enforcers, and
security guards. Commitment is different from loyalty,, loyalty tends to lead to absolute
loyalty and leads to the tendency of the ruler/leader to abuse that loyalty (abuse of power).
Therefore, the implementation of discipline must be based on approval/awareness rather than
fear and based on commitment rather than loyalty.