Abirizal Alfarisi, Syahrul Maulana, Dwi Purnomo, Dodi Budirokhman
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati, Indonesia
Gedong gincu mango is a food commodity that has good added value with relatively high demand in various
markets. Thus, production availability and quality standards can be realized by implementing off season gedong
gincu mango cultivation, harvesting and post-harvest techniques that can minimize the level of losses due to
improper handling. This research aims to determine the level of farmers' knowledge regarding off season
cultivation, harvest techniques, post-harvest handling and fruit quality for the export market. The research was
conducted in Sedong District with the consideration that this area is the highest mango production center in
Cirebon Regency. The research is planned to be carried out in January 2024. The research design used is
descriptive quantitative with survey research techniques. The sample in this study was 54 gedong gincu mango
farmers. The data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive statistics with score weighting between 1
and 5. The results of the analysis showed that the level of knowledge of farmers in off season cultivation was
84.86%, harvest techniques were 82.90% and post-harvest handling was 82.04%. so it is classified as very
knowledgeable, while farmers' knowledge of the quality of export fruit is 79.77%, so it is classified as
Keywords: Mango, Quality, Off Season, Post-Harvest, Sedong, Harvest Techniques
The mango commodity is one of the food commodities that has good added value and
has great potential for development (Sholiha & Charina, 2018). Mango plants are generally
widely planted in yards and gardens. Mango farming management focuses more seriously on
increasing income by ensuring sustainable mango production (Barokah, Sendja, & Andayani,
Mangoes are classified as seasonal crops so their production is limited only during the
season. This condition causes high price fluctuations because when there is no harvest, the
price of mangoes is high, while during the peak harvest the price of mangoes is low
(Rasmikayati, 2018). These limitations can be minimized by implementing off-season
cultivation which can increase mango production significantly. Farmers need to understand
off-season cultivation techniques which include components of water management, selection
of suitable varieties and management of pests and diseases specific to that season (Kusumo,
Rasmikayati, & Mukti, 2018).
One area that has superior mango commodities and is a production center is Sedong
District, Cirebon Regency. Based on BPS data from Cirebon Regency in 2022, mango
production in Sedong District reached 8,856 tons and was the highest in Cirebon Regency.
Most of the mango production in Sedong District is gedong gincu mango.
According to Supriatna, (2010), gedong gincu mango fruit has good development
prospects because it meets market specifications. Furthermore, according to Ariningsih,
Saliem, Maulana, & Septanti, (2021) this fruit has a sweet taste, distinctive aroma, and lots of
fiber, the shape tends to be round and has a medium weight, namely around 200-250
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 2, February 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting
Techniques, Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export
grams/fruit, These conditions cause the gedong gincu mango to have a higher price level
compared to other types of mango
The distinctive characteristics of the gedong gincu mango in terms of shape, taste and
color make it attractive to foreign markets (Ariningsih et al., 2021). Gedong gincu mango has
quite good export market potential. The government through the Ministry of Agriculture issued
a Gratieks policy (Triple Export Movement) which will be carried out by agribusiness actors
(Sa’diah & Tamami, 2020).
However, to meet increasingly stringent global market demands, farmers need to adopt
off season cultivation technology, master efficient harvest techniques, and understand post-
harvest handling methods and quality standards to maintain and increase product
competitiveness in the export market.
Various activities arising from the harvest process to inappropriate distribution to
warehouses of fruit commodities pose a risk of high levels of damage, so that this condition
affects the quality of mango fruit (Amalia, Hairiyah, & Nuryati, 2018). The poor quality of the
fruit makes it difficult for gedong gincu mango commodities to enter the market with export
specifications. It is estimated that the impact of improper harvest and post-harvest handling
causes a loss of potential yield of 30% (Waryat & Nurawan, 2022).
The main challenge faced in efforts to increase the production and quality of Gedong
Gincu mangoes for export is the level of farmers' knowledge regarding modern cultivation
practices. The use of off-season cultivation technology requires a deep understanding of
climate change, water management and selecting varieties that are suitable for growing seasons
outside the main season. Lack of knowledge about this technology can hamper farmer
productivity and reduce the availability of Gedong Gincu mangoes on international markets
throughout the year (Budirokhman, 2016).
Apart from that, farmers' understanding of proper harvesting techniques is very important
to maintain fruit quality. Harvesting done in the wrong way can result in fruit damage and
reduced quality (Waryat & Nurawan, 2022). Therefore, research is needed to evaluate farmers'
level of knowledge about effective harvest techniques to maximize harvest yields and maintain
fruit quality. The post-harvest handling process is a critical phase in the Gedong Gincu mango
supply chain. Lack of knowledge about sorting, packaging and storage methods can cause a
decrease in fruit quality and increase the risk of post-harvest losses (Ariningsih et al., 2021).
Therefore, analyzing farmers' level of knowledge regarding post-harvest handling practices is
an aspect that needs further research.
Finally, fruit quality is the main factor influencing competitiveness in export markets.
International quality standards and destination market requirements must be well understood
by farmers in order to ensure that Gedong Gincu mangoes meet the standards set by export
receiving countries.
The results of research conducted by Azizah, Rasmikayati, & Saefudin, (2019) stated that
the application of off season mango cultivation produces grades A and B ranging from 41 to
60%. Furthermore, Waryat & Nurawan, (2022) in their research stated that the application of
appropriate harvesting techniques can minimize the level of losses by 30%. Apart from that, it
is known that around 90.63% of farmers grow mangoes with the aim of selling them as whole
fruit, so the application of harvesting techniques becomes increasingly important. The
application of appropriate cultivation technology can also improve the quality of gedong gincu
mango fruit, as research conducted by Budirokhman, (2016) states that the use of appropriate
technology can increase the weight of gedong gincu mango fruit by more than 250g or 28%
per mango tree. Farmers with a good level of knowledge of quality standards tend to use
techniques that can increase their farming results.
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting Techniques,
Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export Market
This research aims to determine the level of knowledge of gedong gincu mango farmers
in Sedong District, Cirebon Regency regarding off season cultivation, harvest techniques, post-
harvest handling and the quality of gedong gincu mango fruit for the export market.
The research was conducted in Sedong District, Cirebon Regency. The research location
was determined deliberately with the consideration that it is the production center for gedong
gincu mangoes in Cirebon Regency with the highest annual production contribution. The
research was conducted in January 2024. This research used a descriptive quantitative design
with survey methods. The population size of this study was 117 gedong gincu mango farmers
in Sedong District. For this large population, samples were determined using the following
Slovin formula:
𝑛 =
1 + 117 (10%)
= 54
The sampling technique used obtained a sample size of 54 farmers. Sample determination
was carried out using a simple random sampling technique, namely determining samples in a
population randomly and all members of the population have the same opportunity to become
research samples (Suharsimi, 2013).
The studies in this research include off season cultivation, harvest techniques, post-
harvest handling and the quality of gedong gincu mango fruit for the export market. The
operational definition is carried out to facilitate and confirm the measurement of the variables,
1) Off season cultivation is the practice of farming outside the main production season by
utilizing certain technology or techniques to create environmental conditions that support
plant growth outside the growing season. Farmers' knowledge of off season cultivation was
measured using a Likert scale of 1 to 5.
2) Harvesting techniques are a series of procedures and methods applied to harvest mangoes
efficiently and minimize the level of damage to the crop. Farmers' knowledge of this harvest
technique was measured using a Likert scale of 1 to 5.
3) Post-harvest handling is a series of activities carried out after the harvest process aimed at
maintaining the quality and freshness of the harvest and minimizing losses during the
marketing process. Farmers' knowledge of post-harvest handling was measured using a
Likert scale of 1 to 5.
4) Fruit quality is the quality standard that must be met by the fruit to be exported. The quality
of this fruit ensures the sustainability of international trade and consumer satisfaction in
export markets. Farmers' knowledge of the quality of gedong gincu mango fruit was
measured using a scale of 1 to 5.
A Likert scale of 1 to 5 means: (1) very don't know; (2) don't know; (3) know enough;
(4) know; and (5) very knowledgeable. Descriptive data analysis using the following formula:
% =
× 100%
% : Percentage
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting
Techniques, Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export
n : Observation score
N : Expected Score (Suharsimi, 2013).
The results of data analysis are calculated based on the proportion of scores obtained
(observations) compared to the expected scores and then produce percentages that can be
interpreted in Table 1.
Table 1. Data Interpretation
Likert scale
81 100 %
Very knowledgeable
61 80%
41 60%
Just knowing
21 40%
Don’t Know
0 20%
So clueless
Characteristics of farmers
Farmer characteristics are certain attributes or traits possessed by farmers who cultivate
gedong gincu mangoes. Farmer characteristics studied in this research include farmer age,
farmer education and farmer experience. These three attributes can be used as a benchmark for
the level of knowledge of gedong gincu mango farmers.
Gedong gincu Mango Farmer Age
Age is a farmer's time period calculated from birth until this research was conducted
(Chaerani, 2019). The age of farmers can be a factor in accepting innovations that support the
sustainability of their farming Purnamasari, 2019). In general, young farmers are more open to
innovation compared to older farmers who tend to only rely on traditional experience. The ages
of gedong gincu mango farmers in Sedong District are in Table 2.
Tablle 2. Farmer Age
Percentage (%)
Table 2 shows that the largest number of gedong gincu mango farmers in Sedong District
are aged between 46 and 56 years, namely 44.44% and the smallest are farmers aged between
57 and 67 years, namely 22.22%. The majority of gedong gincu mango farmers in Sedong
District are in the young and productive age category, so they can encourage the sustainability
of farming. This relatively young farmer has good physical abilities and a good way of thinking.
Farmer Education
Education is a level of the formal education system that reflects the level of expertise and
knowledge achieved by an individual at a certain time. Education levels generally consist of
several levels and each level covers a different time period and type of learning (Azhari,
Anantanyu, & Rusdiyana, 2021). Farmers with a higher level of education tend to have a wiser
attitude and are able to think critically about the information they receive. Education of gedong
gincu mango farmers in Sedong District is in Table 3.
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting Techniques,
Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export Market
Table 3. Farmer Education
Percentage (%)
Elementary school
Junior high school
Senior high school
Table 3 shows that the highest level of education for farmers in Sedong District is high
school education with a percentage of 27.78% and the lowest level of education is elementary
school with a percentage of 22.22%. This condition shows that the average gedong gincu
mango farmer in Sedong District has experienced an adequate formal education process so that
they can digest information well (Kansrini, Febrimeli, & Mulyani, 2020).
Farmer Experience
Farming experience is the involvement of farmers in gedong gincu mango farming
activities. This experience is calculated from the time the farmer first started farming
independently until this research was conducted. Farmer experience can include the formation
of various aspects such as management, finance, marketing, interaction and problem solving
(Purnamasari, 2019). The combination of experience and innovation can realize farmers' goals
of achieving higher efficiency (Yurisinthae & Suharyani, 2023). Characteristics of farmers
based on their experience in Table 4.
Table 4. Farmer Experience
Experience (Years)
Percentage (%)
5 11
12 17
18 23
Table 4 shows that the experience of gedong gincu mango farmers in Sedong District is
12 to 17 years with a percentage of 38.89% and the smallest is 18 to 23 years with a percentage
of 25.93%. This condition of experience shows that farmers on average have longer experience,
so that farmers have good behavior in managing their gedong gincu mango farming which
includes aspects of off season cultivation, harvest techniques, post-harvest management and
standardization of fruit quality for export market share.
Data Analysis and Discussion
Farmers' knowledge of off-season cultivation, harvesting techniques, post-harvest
handling and quality standards can help to increase productivity and production quality, so as
to shape the competitiveness of gedong gincu mangoes in the export market. Studying farmers'
knowledge can be an initial benchmark for farmers' actions in carrying out their farming
business. The results of the analysis of farmer knowledge data are in Table 5.
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting
Techniques, Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export
Table 5. Farmer Knowledge
Response Frequency
Off season
Quality of
fruit for
Table 5 shows that the condition of farmers' knowledge regarding off season cultivation,
harvest techniques and post-harvest handling is in the very knowledgeable category because
the percentage obtained is in the range of 81-100%. In contrast to the condition of knowledge,
the quality of fruit for export is in the knowledge category because it is in the range of 60-80%.
The level of knowledge of farmers is classified as good because it is supported by the
characteristics of farmers who are generally of productive age, adequate education and long
experience in gedong gincu mango farming activities.
Off season cultivation
Mango planting is carried out outside the main production season to maximize yields and
answer market demand which continues throughout the year (Pedekawati, Karyani, &
Sulistyowati, 2020). In an effort to increase productivity, farmers are adopting technology and
crop protection to control climatic factors, ensuring optimal conditions for mango growth.
Choosing the optimal watering method is also a focus, taking into account soil conditions and
different growing seasons. Using fertilizer tailored to the needs of mango plants outside the
main production season is an important strategy to support plant growth and health. With this
holistic approach, farmers strive to create an efficient and sustainable agricultural environment
for mango cultivation outside the main production season.
The condition of farmers' knowledge can be depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Farmers' knowledge of off season cultivation
Figure 1 illustrates that farmers' knowledge of off season cultivation is in the very
knowledgeable category. This condition is in accordance with research conducted by Wati,
(2020) who stated that the level of knowledge in off-season mango cultivation is very high and
farmers have been applying this technique for a long time. In addition, Azizah et al., (2019)
also found the phenomenon that farmers' knowledge of implementing off-season cultivation
was very high.
Farmers' knowledge regarding Gedong Gincu mango cultivation in the off season was
obtained through the agricultural extension process that has been implemented. Through
extension activities, farmers gain an in-depth understanding of various aspects related to
gedong gincu mango cultivation outside the main production season. Extension includes
selecting the right varieties, optimal land preparation, and the use of modern technology,
including climate control and selecting watering methods that suit seasonal conditions.
Information regarding fertilizer management and pest control is also emphasized in the
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting Techniques,
Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export Market
outreach to ensure healthy plant growth and optimal results. In addition, extension services
provide insight into timely harvest techniques and effective post-harvest handling, as well as
fruit quality standards required for export. With the knowledge gained from agricultural
extension, farmers become more skilled in managing Gedong Gincu mango cultivation outside
the main season, increasing productivity and achieving sustainability of their agricultural
businesses (Awaliyah, 2018). Cultivating Gedong Gincu mangoes outside the main production
season has challenges and advantages that farmers need to take into account. One of the main
points of concern is the relatively high cost of cultivation in the off season (Kusumo et al.,
2018). The process of climate control and the use of technology to create optimal conditions
for mango growth can significantly increase production costs. However, farmers face market
certainty which is a determining factor in the success of off-season cultivation. The high
demand for gedong gincu mangoes provides an opportunity for farmers to gain better profits
despite high cultivation costs (Waryat & Nurawan, 2022). Therefore, understanding cost
dynamics and market certainty is key in planning and managing Gedong Gincu mango
cultivation outside the main production season.
Harvesting Technique
The application of harvesting techniques in gedong gincu mango cultivation is to achieve
optimal harvest results and maintain fruit quality. One of the main goals is to determine the
right harvest time based on fruit maturity indicators. By knowing the ideal moment, farmers
can ensure that gedong gincu mango fruit is harvested at the optimal level of ripeness to achieve
the taste, texture and aroma desired by consumers (Awaliyah, 2018). Implementing proper
harvesting techniques also involves the use of efficient and safe equipment, such as ladders or
modified harvesting sticks to reduce damage to fruit during the harvesting process.
The level of farmer knowledge on harvesting techniques is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Farmers' knowledge of harvest techniques
Figure 2 illustrates the condition of farmers' knowledge of harvest techniques which is in
the very knowledgeable category because it is in the percentage range of 81-100%. This
condition is in line with research conducted by Kusumo et al., (2018) which states that farmers'
knowledge of applying mango harvesting techniques is in the very high category. also
supported by research by Ariningsih et al., (2021) which states that farmers' knowledge of
harvesting techniques is classified as very high, but each farmer has a different perception of
what they decide to do.
The importance of determining harvest time based on the appropriate level of fruit
maturity is a major aspect in ensuring the quality of the harvest (Ariningsih et al., 2021).
Understanding ripeness indicators such as fruit color, texture and aroma helps farmers
determine the optimal moment for harvest, which in turn ensures the best taste and nutrition
(Budirokhman, 2016). In addition, the use of appropriate and sterile harvesting equipment plays
a crucial role in reducing the risk of damage to the fruit. Sustainability of harvesting techniques
can also be achieved through selecting picking methods that not only pay attention to fruit
safety, but also increase farmer work efficiency. By combining these three aspects, farmers can
increase yields, minimize losses, and ensure that the fruit harvested reaches the desired quality
Harvesting techniques in gedong gincu mango cultivation are implemented by farmers
who have a deep interest in increasing added value to their harvest (Kusumo, 2018).
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting
Techniques, Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export
Farmers who are committed to achieving the best quality and maximizing the economic value
of their mangoes will pay close attention to determining the right harvest time.
Postharvest handling
The aim of post-harvest handling in gedong gincu mango cultivation is to ensure the
continuity of fruit quality after the harvest process (Waryat & Nurawan, 2022). One of the main
goals is to maintain the integrity of the fruit during sorting and sorting, paying special attention
to fruit that meets certain quality standards. Selection and storage of fruit in optimal conditions
is an important focus to slow the aging process and maintain sensory and nutritional qualities.
Post-harvest handling also aims to minimize physical damage that can occur during the
distribution and transportation process, so that the fruit that reaches the market remains fresh
and attractive to consumers (Barokah et al., 2021)
The level of knowledge of farmers regarding post-harvest handling of gedong gincu
mango is in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Farmers' knowledge of post-harvest handling
Figure 3 illustrates the level of knowledge of farmers in carrying out post-harvest gedong
gincu mangoes, which is in the very knowledgeable category because it is in the percentage
between 81-100%. This is in line with research conducted by Ariningsih et al., (2021) which
states that farmers' knowledge of post-harvest handling is very high because farmers have
access to appropriate marketing. Also supported by Marjaya & Pasaribu, (2019) who stated
that farmers' knowledge of post-harvest applications is very high, indicated by farmers' habit
of always carrying out post-harvest techniques together in order to minimize costs.
In order to ensure optimal quality of Gedong Gincu mango fruit, the post-harvest
handling process involves several important steps. First, there is a step in separating and
grouping fruit based on certain quality criteria. This process includes assessing the color, size
and integrity of the fruit to ensure only high-quality fruit is selected for distribution.
Furthermore, the use of appropriate and hygienic packaging materials is a major concern to
maintain the cleanliness and quality of fruit during storage and transportation. Choosing the
right storage method is a crucial step to maintain fruit freshness, by creating optimal conditions
regarding temperature and humidity. In addition, in an effort to minimize shock and damage to
fruit during travel, selecting appropriate means of transportation is also a focus. The use of
vehicles equipped with safety systems and careful handling of the fruit is a strategic step to
ensure that Gedong Gincu mangoes reach the consumer market in prime condition. By detailing
these steps, farmers can maintain fruit quality and meet export standards, optimize product
added value, and increase competitiveness in international markets (Sumantri, Marina, &
Kurniati, 2021).
In the export context, the objectives of post-harvest handling also include the preparation
of documents and packaging in accordance with international standards, thereby ensuring the
ease and smoothness of the export process. By achieving these goals, farmers can ensure that
the gedong gincu mangoes produced are not only of high quality at harvest, but also remain of
optimal quality during the journey to consumers, supporting the success of their agricultural
business (Sukandi & Landy, 2023).
Quality of fruit for export
Quality indicates the conditions or attributes that determine the quality, sustainability and
competitiveness of fruit and indicates the suitability of the fruit for consumption or acceptance
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting Techniques,
Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export Market
by the market. Standardizing the quality of gedong gincu mangoes for the export market aims
to create products that meet international requirements and standards, so that they can compete
effectively in the global market (Ariningsih et al., 2021). Quality standardization provides clear
guidelines regarding the physical, sensory and nutritional characteristics expected from gedong
gincu mango fruit. This includes determining optimal standards of size, color and level of
ripeness for fruit to be exported (Budirokhman, 2016).
The condition of farmers' knowledge of fruit quality standards for export market share is
depicted in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Farmers' knowledge of fruit quality
Figure 4 shows that farmers' knowledge of fruit quality standards for the export market
is in the understanding category because it is in the percentage between 60-80%. These results
are in accordance with research by Ariningsih et al., (2021) which states that farmers'
knowledge of mango quality standards for the export market is relatively high among farmers
who receive guidance from exporters because the standardization context of each export
destination country has different standards. Also supported by research by Sulistyowati,
Syamsiah, & Azisah, (2016) who also stated that farmers' knowledge of fruit quality standards
for the export market is relatively high, which is felt by farmers who carry out the institutional
partnership process.
Determining quality standards for Gedong Gincu mangoes is a very important first step
in preparing them for the export market. This standard includes a series of physical, sensory
and nutritional criteria that must be met for fruit to meet the expectations and requirements of
the international market (Ariningsih et al., 2021). Along with this, the implementation of
prevention and control measures is essential to ensure that Gedong Gincu mangoes are free
from pests and diseases that can harm the quality and integrity of the fruit. These preventive
measures involve sustainable farming practices and compliance with agricultural sanitation
regulations. Implementation of certification procedures is a critical element in carrying out
export activities. This process ensures that Gedong Gincu mangoes meet the health and safety
standard requirements applicable in the export destination country. Certification also provides
assurance to international consumers that the fruit they consume meets the quality standards
set by the relevant institutions or authorities. Measuring parameters such as size, weight, sugar
content and acidity is an important step in evaluating fruit quality. These data are needed to
ensure the suitability of the Gedong Gincu mango with established international quality
standards. By detailing and paying attention to each of these stages, Gedong Gincu mango
farmers and producers can increase export market opportunities, provide assurance of product
quality, and strengthen their position in international trade.
The standards also include provisions regarding fruit cleanliness and integrity, ensuring
that fruit shipped to export markets is free from pests, disease or physical damage. Additionally,
standardization involves selecting appropriate packaging materials that meet international
sanitation requirements to keep fruit safe and clean during transit. By achieving high quality
standards, the main goal is to build a positive reputation for the product, increase
competitiveness in the global market, and open opportunities for access to wider international
markets. Quality standardization also supports the sustainability of agricultural businesses by
creating customer trust, ensuring export continuity, and providing a positive impact on the
farmer's economy and the local fruit industry (Sukandi & Landy, 2023).
Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting
Techniques, Post Harvest Handling, and Quality of Gedong Gincu Mango Fruits for the Export
Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded in the following points Farmers'
knowledge of off season cultivation is in the very knowledgeable category. Farmers'
knowledge of harvesting techniques is in the very knowledgeable category. Farmers'
knowledge of post-harvest handling is in the very knowledgeable category. Farmers'
knowledge of fruit quality standards for the export market is in the very knowledgeable
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Analysis of Farmers' Knowledge Level of Off-Season Cultivation Technology, Harvesting Techniques,
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Copyright holders:
Abirizal Alfarisi, Syahrul Maulana, Dwi Purnomo, Dodi Budirokhman (2024)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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