According to Sileshi, (2014), the demand of a credit facility is influenced both directly
and indirectly by a variety of circumstances including policies enacted by the government,
demographics, and institutional, cultural, and environmental factors. Some researchers have
discussed the benefits, drawbacks, accessibility, and function of loan facilities for better
production efficiency; nonetheless, prompt repayment of loan is vital for maintaining
creditworthiness. Therefore, inability of borrowers to return the total loan amount acquired is
essential to the continued existence of finance institutions over the long term. As a direct
consequence of this, a wide variety of studies have attempted to investigate the various socio-
economic groups' levels of success in acquiring loan facilities.
Garomsa (2017), factors affecting a credit facility and repayment revealed that variables
such as gender, income from other sources, monitoring utilization of other members in a group,
credit timeliness, repayment time suitability, repayment trend monthly, and training adequacy
are found to be significant factors that affect loan facility and repay rate of the borrowers. These
factors include gender, income from other sources, monitoring utilization of other members in
a group, monitoring utilization of other members in a group, and training adequacy.
Other studies (Sunday and Anthonia, 2017; Jote, 2018; Sileshi, 2014; Abera and Asfaw,
2019; Yibrie and Ramakrishna, 2017; Gebeyehu et al., 2013; Alemayehu and Lemma, 2014;
Abu et al., 2017; Garomsa, 2017; Ume et al., 2018; Yimer, 2019) focused on the effect of socio-
economic characteristics of the borrower, poor management procedures, loans diversion,
financial knowledge and among others on repayment of loans. In Ghana, studies including Yao
(2012), Kwasi (2016), Musah (2013), Afroze, Rahman and Yousuf (2014), and Amonoo,
Acquah and Asmah (2003) considered access to loans, determinants of loan default, factors
that influence loan repayment, and multiple borrowing on ability to repay loans.
On the other hand, macroeconomic considerations, particularly interest rate and how it
affects demand for loans, receive a very small amount of attention. Both Amonoo, Acquah,
and Asmah (2003) and Oteng and Ntim (2014) investigated the influence that high interest
rates have on borrowers' ability to repay loans, as well as the reaction that interest rate has on
demand for credit and loan repayments. In light of this, the goal of this research is to investigate
the effect that interest rates have on the demand of loans, loan repayment period, and repayment
status by customers of rural and community banks located in Ghana, the case of Atiwa Rural
Bank PLC.
Research approach is essential aspect of any research work because it provides the
roadmap, procedures, plans and strategies for conducting the research. In pursuance of this,
quantitative approach was used for the study (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). The quantitative
approach as suggested by Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) employs statistical methods to
verify what is understood and needs to be learned through analysis. In essence, it helps to
understand cause-and-effect relationship among the variables guiding the study. Also, the
quantitative approach provides more objective responses because it is appropriate for
predicting the influence of one variable on the other (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Therefore,
the study adopted the quantitative approach because it responds to relational questions of
variables within the study on the effect of interest rate on loan product, repayment status, and
repayment period and loan amount.
The study employed explanatory research design. With this design, aside describing the
various variables, the research was able to determine the relationship between interest rate on
loan product, repayment status, and repayment period and loan amount. Loan application forms
of various loan products of Atiwa Rural Bank PLC for 2019 to 2021 accounting year are used
as the data collection instrument for the study. The data are analyse using Pearson r correlation.
Moreover, linear regression is used to analyse the effect of interest rate on various variables