influence can be seen from the average air humidity in the building of 74.1% which is above
the limit of residential health standards. This result was reinforced by Nugroho, (2019) opinion
which reveals that in hot and humid climates, the presence of openings helps reduce air
humidity in buildings.
The problem of air humidity in the object of study is a factor that must be resolved after
the natural shading and cooling strategy has been carried out. Nugroho, (2023) stated that a
decrease in air temperature should also be followed by a decrease in air humidity and if these
two things have not produced optimal conditions, natural ventilation techniques are carried out
with the help of air flow. The results of measuring air humidity at Rumah Joglo Puhti showed
a difference in maximum air humidity in the room which was one hour slower than outside the
building. One of the causative factors is the use of soil material as a building floor with material
properties that release heat longer. Victoria et al., (2017) states that the use of hollow material
helps reduce air humidity on the floor. According to Nugroho, (2020), local plant species can
also assist lower air humidity and enhance air quality.
This study solves problems associated with the energy crisis and building comfort that
can be solved through passive design in vernacular architecture in the past. The purpose of the
study was to evaluate the performance of passive cooling in the case study of Javanese
Vernacular House using visual technique methods based on passive cooling design criteria and
air temperature and humidity measurements. In the end, the results of the study of passive
cooling performance at Joglo House as a form of Javanese Vernacular Architecture resulted in
three main conclusions, namely: passive cooling design elements; passive cooling performance
and development of passive cooling strategies. The design elements of Rumah Joglo Puhti that
fit the criteria of passive cooling are: large roof volume, wide teritisan, brightly colored walls
and low conductivity, floor elevation, slim building mass and minimal space of barrier walls.
While the design elements that are not yet suitable are: less bright roof color, limited window
openings, damp floor material and the absence of shade plants in the yard. Passive cooling
performance that meets is a comfortable average daily air temperature; decrease in air
temperature during the day; There is no difference in peak temperature or low time lag and air
humidity inside the building always following the conditions outside the building. However,
there is a passive cooling performance that has not met, namely: air temperature conditions that
are above the comfortable limit during the day and average air humidity above the humidity
standard for health. It is suggested that the development of the passive cooling design of Joglo
House in the future is to maintain elements that have met the criteria and improve those that
are not optimal such as roof color, wall openings, floor material as well as placement and type
of shade plants.
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