Riyanto Rivky
Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A. I., Indonesia_Magister Teknik Sipil
Email: riyan[email protected]
Life cycle cost (LCC) analysis is a method that can be used to control initial costs and future costs in
investing in a project where in this case the use of Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) technology. The purpose
of this study is to analyze the economic value of a building by taking into account the cost of operating
the building during the life cycle. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study on life cycle cost analysis
to find out what costs are contained in the ASN Paspampres, IKN Flat Construction Project and to be
able to find out how much costs are incurred starting from the design stage to the age of the building
plan that has been determined. The data used are Plan Drawings, Cost Budget Plans (COST BUDGET
PLAN ) from the project and literature studies that support the research. The estimated cost of
replacement and repair in the future is calculated on present value, with an economic life of building
construction for 50 years with a simulation of an earthquake occurring only 1 time, assuming 6%
interest, assuming an inflation rate of 2.61%, an increase in the price of construction materials and Lead
Rubber Bearing (LRB) per year of 0.99%. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis based on 4 system categories
is that conventional LCC is greater than precast LCC, conventional LCC + LRB and precast LCC +
LRB. Based on the value of Conventional LCC + LRB and Precast LCC + LRB is still more efficient
than Conventional LCC and precast LCC, if the earthquake event is below the 12th year for
Conventional LCC + LRB and the earthquake event is below 38 years for precast LCC + LRB. The
deviation value between conventional LCC + LRB decreases over time until it approaches zero
deviation (0) near the 12th year and after that year (12th) the deviation becomes negative. This means
that after the 12th year Conventional LCC + LRB is already inefficient compared to Conventional LCC.
The deviation value between Precast LCC + LRB decreases over time until it approaches zero deviation
(0) near the 38th year and after that year (38th) the deviation becomes negative. This means that after
the 38th year Precast LCC + LRB is no longer efficient compared to Conventional LCC.
Keywords: Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB), Life Cycle Cost (LCC), Construction life
One method that can be used to analyze the economic value of a building by considering
operating costs throughout the life of the building is Life Cycle Cost (LCC) (Wongkar, Tjakra,
& Pratasis, 2016). This method has been known since the mid-1970s and has now been
implemented by several States, by large corporations, and government-sponsored projects
(Islam, Jollands, & Setunge, 2015). This method is also useful for making decisions based on
economic value by considering location, engineering and architectural planning, construction,
arrangement, operation to disposal followed by replacement of components or systems during
the life span of the building.
Life Cylce Cost has many unexpected variables and because it is related to the future,
these variables will be difficult to predict based on current knowledge and tendencies
(Nugroho, 2014). Perhaps one way of estimating is to look back and then project these results
into the future. Of course, this is the most common method of estimation, which is to analyze
old data and organize it with the latest consideration and knowledge. For example, flat roofs
can have many problems and are not recommended as a duCost Budget Plan le and trouble-
free solution, resulting in lower Life Cycle Costs.
Injuruty: Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 3, Number 2, February 2024
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
Life Cycle Cost is one of the methods offered in order to calculate costs that are more
accurate and more supportive in decision making and can be applied to both manufacturing
companies and service companies (Buyung, Pratasis, & Malingkas, 2019). In this study, Life
Cylce Cost Calculation was carried out at the stage after project planning. Life Cylce Cost
analysis was carried out on structural work at the ASN Paspampres building, the State Capital
of Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan. The case study in the research on this building is due to
the relocation of the national capital on the island of Kalimantan, precisely in the administrative
area of North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan has been determined by President Joko
Widodo. The reason for moving the national capital is due to the small risk of natural disasters,
one of which is the earthquake disaster.
There have been many previous researchers looking for various solutions to reduce
damage and prevent structural collapse due to earthquakes (Noor, 2014). One of the efforts
created for this problem is a based isolated system that can reduce the energy that will hit
construction buildings due to earthquakes by using base insulators, one of which is Lead
Rubber Bearing (LRB).
Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) is a type of earthquake protection system consisting of
round steel plates and connected with solid rubber (Setiati, Purnomo, & Hardono, 2022). The
rubber layer used in LRB serves to absorb earthquake energy, while the steel plate serves to
withstand vertical loads. LRB is used as a substitute for bearings in building structures, bridges,
and others.
On January 31, 2023, the Government through the Ministry of Public Works and Public
Housing (PUPR) together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs has inaugurated a Lead
Rubber Bearing (LRB) Factory in the Openwork Area, West Java. Coordinating Minister for
Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartanto said, the existence of this factory is in accordance with
the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo to encourage the use
of domestic products (Farhana, Labdhameirina, & Mediaty, 2022; Sinha & Singh, 2017). The
Ministry of PUPR also continues to encourage the use of domestic products in infrastructure
development, using products that already have a high Domestic Component Level (TKDN)
certificate from the Ministry of Industry
On this basis, one of the researchers conducted research using LRB earthquake damping
technology at the ASN Paspampres building because the priority factor of the earthquake also
rose so that a technology is needed that can prevent when potential earthquakes and faults
In this study, especially in the use of LRB earthquake damping technology in the ASN
Paspampres building, Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis will be used in order to determine
efficiency and in what year it will be considered inefficient in the use of Lead Rubber Bearing
(LRB) earthquake damping / base isolation technology.
The research was conducted on the ASN Paspampres Flat Development project. The
research method applied is a quantitative descriptive method, which is a process that has a
structure and is systematic consisting of several stages. The basic reference for research is in
accordance with the background and objectives to be achieved supported by related theories
and literature studies. The data used are plan drawings, cost budget plans (COST BUDGET
PLAN ) (Sila et al., 2023), unit prices of materials and wages as well as specifications for
earthquake absorber technology / Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
The scope in this study, namely :
1. Simulating research on the construction period of buildings in accordance with the age of
the building plan based on Government Regulation (PP) no.16 of 2021 "Implementation
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Regulations of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings" and SNI 1726; 2019 on
Earthquake Resistance Planning Procedures for Building and Non-Building Structures
2. Analysis of simulated building damage in accordance with Government Regulation (PP)
no.16 of 2021 "Implementation Regulations of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning
Buildings" with three categories of damage conditions, namely Light damage, moderate
damage, and heavy damage.
3. Technology is needed that can control earthquakes (Seismic Control), namely the
earthquake isolation system used at the base of the building (Foundation) is called base
isolation (Base Isolation). The technology system used to dampen earthquake forces due to
the location close to the fault zone / fault about +/- 20 m from the building site point using
earthquake damping technology / Seismic Base Isolation serves to dampen the movement
/ vibration of the ground against the potential for earthquake disasters and the potential for
fault zones / faults.
4. The value of changes in interest rates and inflation values are taken based on 2023 data in
December sourced from Bank Indonesia
5. The maintenance cost of high-rise buildings refers to Government Regulation (PP) no.16
of 2021 "Implementing Regulations of Law Number 28 of 2002 concerning Buildings",
namely The maintenance fee as referred to in paragraph (1) is set at a maximum of 2% (two
hundredths) of the highest standard price per m2 (square meter) of the current year.
6. The costs calculated in this analysis are the initial cost/value of building construction,
building maintenance and replacement of earthquake damping technology every 25 years
7. Analyzing the Investment Cost Value of Building Buildings using Lead Rubber Bearing
(LRB) technology on the lower structure and stimulating various conditions of the
construction system, especially structures, among others:
a. 100% Conventional construction method, with Earthquake damage MILD damage
b. 100% Prefabricated construction method, with Earthquake damage MILD damaged
condition (30%)
c. Conventional construction method 100% with Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) with
Earthquake damage none (structural work) (0%) + Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
replacement cost 25 yrs
d. 100% Precast construction method with Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB), with
Earthquake damage none (structural work) (0%) + Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
replacement cost 25 yrs
8. LCC cost analysis based on Earthquake Event with annual simulation and natural type Lead
Rubber Bearing (LRB) replacement cost every 25 years
9. Earthquake events simulated over a construction life of 50 years with only one earthquake
10. LCC cost analysis based on Earthquake Event with annual simulation and natural type Lead
Rubber Bearing (LRB) replacement cost every 25 years.
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
Figure 1 Value Engineering Research Methodology Chart
In conducting a Value Engineering study, planning data regarding the construction of the
ASN Paspampres Flat building is needed. This data is used as a reference so that it functions
and is used later unchanged from the original plan. This existing data will later be used as initial
data for value engineering analysis. The project data obtained for processing is as follows :
Building name : ASN HANKAM-PASPAMPRES Flats
Building location : Nusantara Capital Region (IKN),
Owner : Directorate General of Cipta Karya PU-PERA
Building function : Housing for PASMPAMPRES
Presidential Security Force (Paspampres) Residential Development Activities at KIPP-IKN are
designed to be integrated with the Multi-Year Contract (MYC) system FY 2023-2024
amounting to Rp. 1,846,140,000,000, - (one trillion eight hundred forty-six billion one hundred
forty million rupiah).
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Figure 2. 3D View of ASN Paspampres Flats, IKN
Figure 3. Concept of Zoning and Intensity of ASN Paspampres IKN
The implementation time of the Integrated Design-Build Construction Work of building
construction activities and the Hankam block area at KIPP-IKN is 498 (four hundred and
ninety-eight) calendar days or 17 (seventeen) months from the issuance of the Work Start Order
Figure 4. Research Thinking Pattern Framework
This stage will simulate the price of construction work by adding the installation of LRB
technology. In the construction of ASN Pasapmpres flats, conventional methods will be used
for 4 towers while the remaining 5 towers will be done by precast / precast method. For the
COST BUDGET PLAN Analysis stage with the use of LRB, it will be divided into 4
conditions, including: :
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
1 Architectural Work 56.785.644.898 33,04% 56.785.644.898,04 33%
2 Mechanical Work 41.574.769.460 24,19% 98.360.414.358,04 57%
3 Structure Works 40.291.332.621 23,44% 138.651.746.979,12 81%
4 INFRASTRUCTURE & LANDSCAPE WORK 15.341.150.207 8,92% 153.992.897.186,60 90%
5 MEUBELAIR WORK 10.812.000.000 6,29% 164.804.897.186,60 96%
6 PREPARATION AND PRELIMINARY WORK 4.465.037.750 2,60% 169.269.934.936,79 98%
7 PERIODIC PLANNING AND SUPERVISION WORK 1.948.398.000 1,13% 171.218.332.936,79 100%
8 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 675.875.889 0,39% 171.894.208.825,67 100%
a. 171.894.208.825,67 100,00% 171.894.208.825,67
b. Value Added Tax (VAT) = 11% x (A) 18.908.362.970,82
c. Total Bid Price Including 11% VAT = (A) + (B) 190.802.571.796,50
Total Bid Price (including profit and incidental costs but excluding VAT)
1. Cost Budget Plan Conventional Price
2. Cost Budget Plan Prefabricated Price
3. Cost Budget Plan Conventional Price + LRB
4. Cost Budget Plan Prefabricated Price + LRB
In the Cost Budget Plan analysis also includes the value of building maintenance,
simulating the value of building damage due to earthquakes refers to the intensity of building
damage due to earthquakes and will be calculated annually assuming that every year there will
be an earthquake (Ezrahayu, 2021). The use of LRB will also take into account the cost of its
replacement every 25 years.
Pareto's Law Testing
Pareto analysis is carried out to determine the highest cost of this project which has the
potential to be carried out value engineering analysis. Here are the steps in testing Pareto's law::
1. Sort the job costs from largest to smallest.
2. Sum the total job cost cumulatively
3. Calculating the percentage of the cost of each work.
4. Calculating the cumulative percentage
5. Plotting the cumulative percentage
Table. 1. Pareto Results of ASN Paspampres Flats Structure Work, IKN-Penajam Paser
Figure 5 Pareto Results of ASN Paspampres Flat Project, IKN-Penajam Paser
From the pareto results of the entire project, it can be seen that in this project the work
that has great weight is Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing work, Structural
Work, Infrastructure & Landscape Work, Meubelair Work, Preparatory & Preliminary Work,
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Upper Structure Works 72,52%,82 73%
Foundation Work
5.766.287.299 14,31% 34.985.494.901,26 87%
Pile Cap Work
2.616.200.633 6,49% 37.601.695.534,64 93%
Concrete Wall Work
971.929.714 2,41% 38.573.625.248,78 96%
Tie Beam Work
579.796.301 1,44% 39.153.421.549,42 97%
Ground work
561.886.051 1,39% 39.715.307.600,31 99%
Ground Floor Plate Work
439.029.359 1,09% 40.154.336.959,15 100%
Pit Lift Work
136.995.662 0,34% 40.291.332.621,07 100%
40.291.332.621,07 100,00% 40.291.332.621,07
b. Value Added Tax (VAT) = 11% x (A)
c. Total Bid Price Including 11% VAT = (A) + (B)
Total Bid Price (including profit and incidental costs but excluding
Periodic Planning and Supervision Work and Construction Management &; Safety System
Work. Of the three largest prices, there is a component of the work, there is one job that will
be analyzed again using the pareto law, namely in upper structural work. This is because
researchers focus more on precast or conventional system methods on the work of the upper
structure, namely columns, beams and plates.
Table. 2. Pareto Results of ASN Paspampres Flats Structure Work, IKN-Penajam Paser
Figure 6. Pareto Diagram of Project Structure Work of ASN Paspampres Flat, IKN-
Penajam Paser
From the results of the pareto analysis of structural work, a large weight of work was
obtained, namely upper structural work in the construction of ASN Paspampres flats
Function Analysis using Techical Fast Diagram
Function analysis is the main basis in value engineering because it is what distinguishes
VE from other savings techniques (Putri, 2019). The function that is determined as the basic
reason for the holding of a good or service is called the primary function and will answer the
question of what to do? by these goods and services
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
Table 3. Component Function Analysis
Based on the identification of functions, a function model is formed, the function model
used is a technical FAST diagram. For more details, the relationship between primary functions
and secondary functions in the FAST diagram can be seen in the following figure:.
Figure 7. FAST DIAGRAM Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
The reasons for conducting a VE analysis on these items are::
a. The location of buildings that are in potential fault zones requires construction technology
that can reduce earthquakes and eliminate damage to buildings
b. The huge investment value of the use of Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) affects the
construction value of the ASN Paspampres Project
c. The use of LRB is used in conventional building systems and precast systems
d. Knowing the efficiency of both conventional and precast building systems after using LRB
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Information Stage
At this initial stage, efforts are made to obtain as much information as possible relevant
to the object of study to be evaluated, where the data and information are processed according
to needs at the next stage. The general information required among others is:
1. Project name : ASN PASPAMPRES flats
2. Project location : IKN, Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan
3. Project owner : Inspektorat Cipta Karya PU
4. Building function : Residential
5. Structure Type : Reinforced Concrete Structure
6. Structural system : Moment Bearing Frame System
7. Number of floors : 12 floors
8. Building area : 11.666 m2
Creative Level
At this stage, alternative designs will be raised as a comparison to buildings located in
fault zones or faults with the use of LRB (Gur, Mishra, & Chakraborty, 2014). With the
emergence of this alternative design, it is hoped that it will create new design opportunities that
can streamline prices. Several factors in Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) Analysis in the
Selection of Earthquake Reducer Systems
Table 4. MCA Table for Determination of Earthquake Damper/Base Isolation Used
Based on the MCA analysis table above, the type of earthquake absorber used rank 1 is
Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB).
Peredam Gempa Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB)
Development implementation system using preprint with the addition of LRB
technology. There are several advantages and benefits of using LRB on infrastructure, among
a. Absorbs earthquake energy. LRB is able to absorb earthquake energy by means of elastic
deformation in rubber. The rubber on the LRB will stretch when an earthquake occurs, so
that earthquake energy is absorbed and prevents damage to building structures or bridges.
b. Reduce Damage to Buildings. By using LRB, damage to building structures can be reduced
or even avoided. This is because LRB can absorb earthquake energy so that the load on the
building structure is reduced. In addition, the use of LRB can also increase the ability of
building structures to withstand loads and extend the life of building structures.
c. Ease of repair. If there is damage to the LRB, it can be replaced easily without damaging
the structure of the building or bridge. This allows repairing building structures or bridges
to be easier and cheaper.
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
d. Lower cost. LRB allows structures to be built at a lower cost compared to traditional
construction. This is because structures with LRB do not require columns and thick walls to
withstand the lateral load of the earthquake.
e. DuCost Budget Plan le. LRB has a long service life and can last for more than 50 years with
proper maintenance
Figure 8.. Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) Type Used (analytical structure modeling)
Analysis Phase
In the Analysis Stage, researchers will make simulations with 4 categories of building
condition types (Nguyen, Reiter, & Rigo, 2014). In materials, it is assumed to experience an
increase of 0.99% per year, while LRB is assumed to experience a price increase of 0.99% per
year. The percentage of building maintenance costs is taken at 2% referring to the applicable
Table 5. Interest rates and inflation used in the Analysis Phase
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Table 6: Percentage value of building damage caused by the earthquake
Table 7. Building Data and LRB Price
The following is an analysis of the price of ASN Paspampres structural work with various
Table 8. Calculation of annual repair costs due to earthquakes with minor damage (30%) to
conventional structures and precast structures without LRB per year
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
In the table above, the price review of construction costs until year 50, there is an increase in
prices based on inflation and interest rates per year.
Table 9. Calculation of annual repair costs and periodic replacement costs of LRB per
25 years due to earthquakes
In the table above the LRB replacement price in the 25th year, at the beginning of the first year
the installation cost was Rp. 4,487,328,000 while in the 25th year it became Rp. 5,740,466,621.
For the Conventional Method System, because the earthquake event cannot be determined with
certainty, the LCC value is calculated at each earthquake event from year 0 to year 50. The
calculation of LCC at the 1st year earthquake event is as follows:
LCC yr-1 = Initial Cost x (P/F,8.61%,0) + Maintanance Cost year-1 x (P/F,8.61%,1)
= 44.667.886.620 x (1) + 13.400.365.986 x (1)
For the Prefabricated Method System, since the earthquake event cannot be determined with
certainty, the LCC value is calculated for each earthquake event from year 0 to year 50. The
LCC calculation for the year 1 earthquake event is as follows:
LCC yr-1 = Initial Cost x (P/F,8.61%,0) + Maintanance Cost year -1 x (P/F,8.61%,1)
= 40.291.332.621 x (1) + 14.150.990.574 x (1)
= 44.065.922.947
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Table 10. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis of conventional structural systems with minor
damage conditions (30%) without LRB
Because the earthquake event cannot be determined with certainty, the LCC value is calculated
for each earthquake event from year 0 to year 50. The LCC calculation for the year 1 earthquake
event is as follows:
LCC year-1 = Initial Cost x (P/F,8.61%,0) + Replace Cost LRB 25 yr x (F/P,0.99%,25) x
(P/F,8.61%,25) + Repair Cost yr-1 x (P/F,8.61%,1)
= x (1) + 5.740.465.621 x (1.2793) x (0.1268) + 0 x (0.9207)
= 49.883.332.637 (Conventional)
Because the earthquake event cannot be determined with certainty, the LCC value is calculated
for each earthquake event from year 0 to year 50. The LCC calculation for the year 1 earthquake
event is as follows:
LCC year-1 = Initial Cost x (P/F,8.61%,0) + Replace Cost LRB 25 yr x (F/P,0.99%,25) x
(P/F,8.61%,25) + Repair yr-1 x (P/F,8.61%,1)
= 44.778.660.621 x (1) + 5.740.465.621 x (1.2793) x (0.1268) + 0 x
= 45.506.778.639 (Precast)
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
Table 11. Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis on conventional structural systems + LRB with
no conditions Minor damage (0%) to structural components + LRB
replacement costs per 25 years
Table 12. Comparison of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis of various structural systems +
their combination and LRB replacement every 25 years
Based on the value of Conventional LCC + LRB and Precast LCC + LRB is still more
efficient than Conventional LCC and precast LCC, if the earthquake event is below the 12th
year for Conventional LCC + LRB and the earthquake event is below 38 years for precast LCC.
The deviation value between conventional LCC + LRB decreases over time until it approaches
zero deviation (0) near the 12th year and after that year (12th) the deviation becomes negative.
This means that after the 12th year Conventional LCC + LRB is NOT EFFICIENT compared
to Conventional LCC (Andaloro, Salomone, Ioppolo, & Andaloro, 2010).
The deviation value between Precast LCC + LRB decreases over time until it approaches
zero deviation (0) near the 38th year and after that year (38th) the deviation becomes negative.
This means that after the 38th year Prefabricated LCC + LRB is NOT EFFICIENT compared
to Conventional LCC.
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Figure 9. Conventional LCC Comparison Graphics, PrecastLCC, Conventional
Figure 10. Comparison Chart of Conventional LCC, Precast LCC, Conventional LCC +
LRB, Precast LCC + LRB and their Deviations from Conventional LCC
Development Stage
In this study, value engineering analysis at the development stage will not analyze value
engineering at the development stage because of the lack of data that can be analyzed that is
needed in analyzing project data due to the difficulty researchers face in obtaining LRB price
certainty. Value engineering analysis is limited to simulating the four categories of
development system implementation and comparing the efficiency levels of each LRB use
(Kurowski, 2017).
Recommendation and Sugguestion
1. Desain Penggunaan LRB
The design and type of LRB used are Based on an axial value of 5634.3 kN, type LRB
LH085G4 Bridgestone products are used
2. Proposed design alternatives
Based on the analysis of value engineering, the researcher believes that currently LRB
products are getting more and more competitive so that the selection of LRB is most
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Precast with Lead Rubber
Bearing Potential Fault Zone
important based on the value of the weight capacity of the building that will be supported
by LRB. The factor of the constituent components of LRB is that rubber must be strong and
have a long brittle power so that the ability to absorb or dampen earthquake forces that occur
is good.
3. Consideration Policy
By using value engineering analysis, it is also considered as a background to alternative
precast concrete designs as a new design proposal for the use of LRB technology, namely:
Location factors close to fault / fault zones
Based on a series of Value Engineering analysis of the use of LRB in structural work by
simulating various conditions in the ASN Paspampres IKN flat building project, Penajam
Paser, East Kalimantan, it can be concluded that:
From the pareto law test, from the Cost Budget Plan data of structural work that structural
work is the second largest contributor to funds after arsitketur work among work items as a
whole, which is 27%, while the percentage value of comparison of conventional work with
precast is 10%.
The ASN Pasapmpres building is located in a POTENTIAL fault zone with a distance of
+/- 20 m so that the use of LRB is a must to reduce large earthquake forces and maintain the
service life of the building to be long. And this became the basis for identifying the work in
VE with several simulations of earthquake damage that occurs each year.
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis based on 4 system categories is that conventional LCC
is greater than precast LCC, conventional LCC + LRB and precast LCC + LRB.
In the early stages the value of precast LCC is greater compared to Precast LCC + LRB
and at some point it will experience the opposite.
Based on the value of Conventional LCC + LRB and Precast LCC + LRB is still more
efficient than Conventional LCC and precast LCC, if the earthquake event is below the 18th
year for Conventional LCC + LRB and the earthquake event is below 42 years for precast LCC
+ LRB.
The deviation value between conventional LCC + LRB decreases over time until it
approaches zero deviation (0) near the 12th year and after that year (12th) the deviation
becomes negative. This means that after the 12th year Conventional LCC + LRB is already
inefficient compared to Conventional LCC.
The deviation value between Precast LCC + LRB decreases over time until it approaches
zero deviation (0) near the 38th year and after that year (38th) the deviation becomes negative.
This means that after the 38th year Precast LCC + LRB is no longer efficient compared to
Conventional LCC
The use of LRB technology in buildings located in fault zones is very effective and
efficient, especially in buildings that use a combination of precast structure systems with LRB.
LRB's large initial investment value can be covered in the next few years on the use of its
buildings with 0% structural damage in the event of an earthquake so that the life of the building
and reliability become long.
Andaloro, A. P. F., Salomone, R., Ioppolo, G., & Andaloro, L. (2010). Energy certification of
Buildings: A Comparative Analysis Of Progress Towards Implementation In European
Countries. Energy Policy, 38(10), 58405866.
Buyung, R. A. H. F., Pratasis, P. A. K., & Malingkas, G. Y. (2019). Life Cycle Cost (LCC)
Pada Proyek Pembangunan Gedung Akuntansi Universitas Negeri Manado (UNIMA) Di
Tondano. Jurnal Sipil Statik, 7(11).
Value Engineering Building Structure Work ASN Paspampres PUPR Pracetak with Lead Rubber
Bearing (LRB) Potential Fault Zone
Ezrahayu, P. (2021). Identifikasi Sesar Di Bawah Permukaan Yang Dapat Menyebabkan
Gempa Berdasarkan Metode First Horizontal Derivative Dan Second Vertical Derivative
Di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur. Jurnal Geosains Terapan, 4(1),
Farhana, F., Labdhameirina, E., & Mediaty, M. (2022). Implementation Of E-HRM In The
Ministry Of Public Works And Public Housing. Hasanuddin Economics And Business
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Riyanto Rivky (2024)
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Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
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