well with all office people and people outside the office at MBKM in Balai Bahasa Makassar.
Here we find people who are like teachers to ourselves, who every time we find someone they
can teach us about something we have just gained now. They were also very enthusiastic in
directing and giving us new teaching.
With this MBKM activity, I can interact with people in the office who provide education
about the world of work and discuss with people around the office. I can interact directly well
with employees and the community around the office, based on the office teaching hospitality
to us students who are interns to interact directly with the staff if they want to ask something
or do not understand in carrying out tasks, besides that the researchers themselves offer
themselves as mentors in our research students if we need it. The ability to interact socially is
experienced by students who take part in the MBKM program at Balai Bahasa because they
are accepted like their own children. Tsaf in the office is very eager to direct and provide new
learning. The staffs treated them very cordially. Even the office staff offered themselves to be
mentors. We also as interns are polite to the staff. So for social interaction to occur well, then
because the staff is very friendly to us." This condition is in line with Constructivist theory,
especially Ausebel's meaningful learning humanizing humans
Based on the results and discussion of the research, it can be concluded that the MBKM
internship program can foster first the ability of student creativity, second the ability of student
independence, and third the ability to interact socially. Therefore, it is recommended to
continue the internship program for students, and for further researchers are expected to
examine the motivational aspects of MBKM.
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