Dedet Steavano
, Boy Nurdin
, Zudan Arief Fakrulloh
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
dedetsteavano71[email protected]
The rampant was reported in the mass media mass related to the doctor's profession, that many malpractices
were found by doctors in Indonesia and according to the report of the central health legal aid institution, there
were approximately 150 cases of malpractice even though most did not reach the court. Likewise, public reports
to the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) from 1998 to 2004 were 306 cases of complaints of alleged
malpractice. This condition causes anxiety or concerns among doctors, because if it does not help it is declared
wrong according to law and when helped at risk, the patient or family is prosecuted if it is not in accordance
with his expectations. Because of that, in addition to the obligations that must be met, doctors are also equipped
with doctors' rights. Normatively these rights have been listed in the legislation which can be demanded its
existence, especially regulated in Article 50 of the UUPK.
Ke ywords
Legal Protection, Doctor, Medical Services.
Health development is part of national development in increasing awareness, willingness, and
ability to live a healthy life for everyone so that the highest degree of public health is realized. The
health development is an effort of all Indonesian people, so various facilities are needed, one of which
is a doctor. The doctor is a "leader" in health services; however the existence of other health workers
still has a specificity that cannot be replaced.
A doctor in holding his profession must be based on the Medical Practice Act (Medical Practice
Law No. 29 of 2004). It aims to provide a sense of security for the parties because the relationship
formed between patients and doctors or other health workers, or the relationship between patients and
hospitals, the patient's position is always in a weaker position.
The position of the patient in a state requires help makes the patient's position weak under the
position of health workers. This imbalance makes patients vulnerable to being unfair treatment, so
according to the law, the patient's position needs to be escorted so as not to suffer losses or get justice
and protection.
Conversely, as well as health workers, the position of health workers with the existence of the
medical practice law, so that patients cannot arbitrarily commit accusations to doctors or other health
workers in the event of unwanted events.(F.Tenke, 2003)
The study of medical law from the perspective of normative law implies that medical law can
be seen from 3 points of view, namely:
1. Criminal aspects of medical law,
2. Civil aspects of medical legal, and
3. Administration aspects of medical law. These three aspects bind the doctor's behavior in
carrying out his profession, besides that a doctor must complete his behavior in
accordance with the rules so as not to be said to do "malpractice"(J. Guwandi, 2005)
In general, it can be said that medical law is administrative law, because this is a branch of state
administrative law, as referred to in state administrative law, the existence of medical law is shown in
order to create a doctor's order in dealing with other communities (patients, nurses, hospitals, etc.),
Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
then justice, peace, and harmony will be created for all those involved in these health
services(F.Tenke, 2003)
In connection with this medical profession, it was recently reported in national media mass,
both through electronic media and print media, that many malpractice practices were found by
Indonesian doctors even according to reports in the central health legal aid institution there were
approximately 150 cases of malpractice in Indonesia, although most of it does not reach a green shirt.
Likewise, public reports to the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) from 1998 to 2004 were 306
cases of complaints of alleged malpractice (Harian Sinar Harapan, 29 April 2005., 2005).
This kind of news has caused anxiety or at least concern among doctors, because the medical
profession is like eating simalakama fruit, eaten by dead fathers not eaten by dead mothers, not
helping to be declared wrong according to law, being helped risk being sued by the patient or his
family if it is not in accordance with his expectations.
Humanistically, doctors as ordinary people certainly cannot be separated from negligence and
negligence and even intentional. Negligence that occurs while performing their professional duties
can lead to medical malpractice. However, even so in the eyes of the law the guilty are still guilty and
as we know everyone must have the same position before the law regardless of status, lineage, gender,
or position and social status, in accordance with the principle of Equality Be for The Law, while in
society there are also people with bad intentions, who deliberately attract doctors to litigation.
Malpractice in practice is sometimes obscured from what is called medical risk, so it is not uncommon
for a doctor who has worked very professionally, namely in accordance with medical professional
standards, medical service standards, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is still charged with
malpractice (Koeswadji Hermien Hadianti, 1986). A doctor will find out the final result of the
treatment process if the patient dies or is a disability, will receive a response from the patient's family
that a malpractice has occurred.
Apart from negligence, negligence and could be the intentional of a doctor, the doctor must also
get the same treatment as the patient or the patient's family in defending his rights. In the process of
medical servants not the doctor who caused the deterioration of the patient's deteriorating or death, but
this could also be due to other factors such as the patient's family did not heed the recommendations
of the doctor, nurses' mistakes or maybe hospital facilities (Lachs & Pillemer, 1995).
This is very detrimental to the doctor even though the community actually does not understand
very well about what is meant by malpractice. So that every medical or medical service by a doctor
who does not meet the expectations of the patient or family, it is considered a malpractice. In this case
medical services performed by doctors are considered by the patient or patient's family as a
disprofession and even considered a complete doctor's fault.
The normative juridical approach is used in this research, according to Soerjono Soekanto. The
normative juridical approach is legal research carried out by examining library materials or secondary
data as the basic material to be studied by conducting a search on regulations and literature related to
the problems studied(Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, 1990). In this legal study, the author tries to examine
the laws and regulations relating to the problems being studied, namely related to the rejection of
BPJS patients by the hospital.
Normative juridical research uses secondary data sources. Secondary data in the type of
normative juridical research is data sourced from legal materials, consisting of primary legal
materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials.(Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005).
Legal materials as secondary data used to analyze legal issues in this thesis are as follows.
1. Primary Legal Materials, namely binding legal materials, in the form of statutory
regulations, jurisprudence, treaties, civil agreements of the parties, and others related to
sale and purchase agreements (Nasution, 2008). The primary legal materials used in this
study include:
a. 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
b. Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health,
c. Law No. 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practices
d. Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practices
2. Secondary Legal Materials, namely materials that provide an explanation of primary
legal materials, such as the draft law, research results, or the opinion of legal experts
(Amarudin dan Zainal Asikin, 2010).
Tertiary legal materials, namely legal materials that provide instructions and explanations of
primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, for example dictionaries (law, English, and
Indonesian), encyclopedias and others (Soerjono Soekanto dan Sri Mamudji, 1985).
1. The Need for Legal Protection for Doctors
The legal relationship between doctors and patients is actually a health service
relationship (medical service) or in other terms a medical action between a Health Provider
(health care provider) and a Health Receiver (health care recipient).
According to Leenen as quoted by Danny Wiradharma (Danny Wiradharma, 2002),
doctor's obligations in carrying out health services. Obligations arising from the nature of
medical care where doctors must act in accordance with the standard of the medical profession
or carry out medical practices in a lege.
Doctors' obligations in Article 51 of Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical
Practices, namely:
a. Providing medical services in accordance with the professional and standard
operational procedures and medical needs of the patient.
b. Refer to patients to other doctors who have better expertise or ability, if unable to
do an examination or treatment.
c. Keep everything he knows even after the patient died.
d. Conduct emergency help on the basis of religion unless he believes there is
someone else who is on duty and able to do it.
e. Add knowledge and follow the development of medical science.
A doctor who is suspected of doing malpractice medical or acts of violation of the law in
the medical profession, then he can be prosecuted administratively, civil law, or criminal law,
regardless of whether or not a doctor has been accused of doing malpractice medical medical
Through the mass media, the career has been destroyed so far.
Medical malpractice is indeed possible, whether due to intent or due to negligence,
however as a human being a doctor cannot be separated from the possibility of making
mistakes and mistakes because it is the nature of human nature (Davis, 2002). In the facts that
occurred in the field from the results of the interview with the Chairperson of the Makassar
Branch of the Indonesian Doctors Association, there were several reasons so that a doctor
should receive legal protection for these causes or things. Including:
a. Doctors who are sometimes considered unprofessional, even though a doctor who
has carried out medical services that are in accordance with professional standards,
medical service standards and operating procedures. If a doctor has carried out
medical services or medical practice, it has been in accordance with professional
standards and operating procedures standards, the doctor cannot be prosecuted,
both administrative law, civil law and criminal law.
b. Patients or families of patients who do not accept the failure of treatment efforts,
even though a doctor who has then provided an explanation to the patient and or
his family about the diagnosis and procedures for medical actions, the purpose of
medical actions taken, other alternative actions and the risks and complications
that might occur. After the patient approves the medical action based on the clear
and bright information, and the medical action has been in accordance with the
standard of medical service, the doctor cannot be blamed if there is a failure in the
c. The doctor who was blamed by the patient, due to the actions carried out by the
patient himself who did not explain to the truth about the history of the disease he
had suffered and the medicines he had eaten during illness or did not obey the
instructions and instructions of the doctor or reject the agreed treatment method,
This is considered as a patient to be guilty of honesty and obey the advice and
instruction of this doctor is considered as an obligation of the patient to the doctor
and against himself.
d. The doctor who is considered negligent, even though a doctor is not considered
negligent if he chooses one of the many ways of treatment that is recognized
where the medical action choices from the doctor have been based on professional
standards such as in terms of diagnosis that use scientific methods and facilities
which is available to further be sure and confident of the diagnosis it prefers,
which then after that it turns out the choice is wrong.
e. Returning forced, a patient who decided to go home for his own will even though
the doctor had not allowed it, and if a complete explanation had been carried out
and it turned out that the patient and or family of the patient agreed if there was a
risk that had been previously suspected, the doctor could not be accounted for on
his medical action and this Such is also freeing doctors and hospitals from
In addition to the doctor's obligations that must be met in carrying out health
services, the doctor is also equipped with a series of doctors' rights. Normatively these
rights have been listed in the legislation which can be demanded its existence, especially
regulated in Article 50 of the UUPK which states as follows:(Undang-Undang No. 29
Tahun 2004 Tentang Praktek Kedokteran, Pasal 50., n.d.)
a. Obtain legal protection as long as carrying out the duties according to the
profession and standard of operational procedures.
b. Providing medical services according to professional standards and operational
c. Get complete and honest information from the patient or family, and
d. Receive service rewards.
From the rights of the doctor as stipulated in Article 50 above, that doctors are
entitled to get legal protection from medical actions that have been done, as long as what
the doctor has done in accordance with professional standards and operating procedures
standards. If the doctor takes medical actions in accordance with professional standards
and operational procedures standards cannot be prosecuted in court.
2. Legal Protection for Documents in carrying out their duties.
A doctor in carrying out his duties must be based on the applicable medical code of
ethics. The main thing in protecting doctors if there is a doctor suspected of doing malpractice
is in the mediation process, because most of the resources of disputes are the absence of
communication. This is contained in Law No.36 of 2009 concerning Health, continued
explained by him that the mediation stage is faster in solving problems, more effective losses
will be reduced in the settlement of disputes what else we know the principles that are always
there, namely "the principle of presumption does not Guilty "until the person concerned was
truly proven guilty from the court's decision. The settlement of cases of legal services legally
(litigation) often has a negative impact on health workers, because the future of health workers
is already bad, which is not necessarily guilty. He might lose the trust of the patient and the
shame of both himself and his family is a prolonged moral burden.
A doctor can carry out the code of ethics well so it must start from becoming a medical
student to become a doctor and carry out activities as a doctor's profession (Cox, 2012), while
what is meant is as follows:
a. Conduct under graduate education at the Faculty of Medicine (S1) Introduction,
appointment and understanding of the medical code of ethics needs to be done as
early as possible, namely through under graduate education at the Faculty of
b. Carry out structural, scientific training courses and Arara that are accredited by the
Indonesian Doctors Professional Organization (IDI) so that the medical code of
ethics can be remembered by doctors, it is necessary to hold structured
training/courses regarding the medical code of ethics.
c. Doctors must be happy to be careful in announcing or applying new techniques or
treatment that have not been tested for truth and to things that can cause
community unrest.
e. Requires doctors to be open to talking properly, factual and manners
professionally when communicating with members with patients and with the
wider community.
f. Requires doctors to be able to follow the development of science and
medical/health technology as referred to in the scope of Article (1) is carried out
by; 1) Reading various literature in books, scientific magazines for electronic
literature, brochures and so on, 2) participating in scientific activities such as;
Seminars, workshops, training and so forth, so that knowledge and skills remain
recognized and trusted, 3) actively conduct medical or health research.
g. Requires every doctor to always maintain his health, so that it can work well.
h. Providing proper legal protection, in the case of a lawsuit or lawsuit from patients
or families of patients who are not satisfied with the performance of the doctor.
In the new health law No. 36 of 2009, the settlement of cases in health services must go
through mediation and this is a higher new legal basis (Undang-Undang No.36 Tahun 2009
Tentang Kesehatan., n.d.).
The hospital that worked on a doctor in the event of a problem or acts of case with the
patient, was carried out by the mediation pathway first with the patient. Mediation is an effort
to resolve disputes against the parties by sitting together in order to produce a joint agreement
by presenting a mediator who is neutral who is able to bridge dialogue between the parties to
create an orderly dialogue peroses, which with the presence of a mediator will direct the parties
to be more open and honest in conveying the problem (Sri Siswati, 2013).
The mediation process begins in the following ways:
a. The mediator introduces themselves and the parties.
b. The mediator ensures the will of the parties to solve problems with the mediation
c. Mediator explains the notion of mediating and the role of mediators.
d. The mediator explains the mediation procedure.
e. Mediator explains confidential parameters.
f. The mediator explains the rules of behavior in the negotiating process.
g. Indiciting the general topics of the problems that will be discussed and determine
the sequence of the sub topics that will be discussed in the negotiating process and
compiling a prejudice agenda.
h. The mediator can reveal the hidden interests that can be done in two ways, namely
directly by announcing the questions directly to the parties, or the palat is not
directly by listening or re-formulating the statements made by the parties.
i. The mediator is trying to encourage the parties not to survive in a positionable
mind pattern, but must be open and look for alternative solutions to solving
problems together.
j. Analyzing the choice of dispute resolution, where the mediator helps the parties
determine the profit and loss if they accept or reject a problem solving. The
mediator also reminded the parties to be realistic and not submit demands or
unreasonable offers.
k. The final bargaining process, where at this stage the parties have seen the meeting
point of their interests and are willing to give concessions to each other. The
mediator also helps the parties to develop offers that can be used to test whether or
not it can be achieved.
l. Reach a formal agreement, the parties prepare an agreement and procedure or
implementation of the agreement.
Patients who complain about cases of medical negligence will receive an explanation of
the various ways of handling their cases and are invited to choose which mechanism is most
appropriate for their case. If he chooses the mediation route, then a mediator will immediately
take steps to prepare for mediation. Mediation officers will bridge the patient side and the
doctor through mediation, which is expected to get two benefits at once, namely: 1) disputes
between patients and doctors or hospitals can be resolved, and 2) doctors and hospitals will get
a derrence effect if they do. disciplinary violations.
The process of resolving legal disputes which is carried out through court media to be
able to decide who is right and wrong, where each disputing party gets the opportunity to file a
lawsuit and rebuttal. Below are some of the divisions that can be taken related to the litigation
a. Through the civil court
The legal basis through this civil court can be described as follows: (Sri Siswati,
1) Article 32 letter Q of Law Number 44 Year 2009 concerning hospitals,
states that every patient has the right to sue and/or sue the hospital if the
hospital is suspected of providing services that are not in accordance with
standards, both civil and criminal.
2) Article 66 of Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice.
a) Anyone who knows or whose interests have been harmed by the
actions of a doctor or dentist in carrying out medical practice may
submit a written complaint to the chairman of the Indonesian Medical
Discipline Honorary Council.
b) The complaint must at least contain the identity of the complainant,
name and address of the doctor's or dentist's practice and the time the
action was taken and the reasons for the complaint.
c) The complaints as referred to in paragraphs (11) and (2) do not
eliminate the right of everyone to report suspected criminal acts to the
competent authorities and/or to file a lawsuit for civil damages to the
b. Through the State Administrative Court
The process through the State Administrative Court (PTUN) in principle is
the same as the Path of Civil Court, but there is an addition to the State
Administrative Court known as the "Dismisal Process". The dispute between the
two parties will be assessed by the judge in this process whether this dispute is
worthy of being forwarded to PTUN or not. In PTUN Judges more active to
explore cases based on Law Number 51 of 2009 concerning the Second
Amendment to Law Number 5 of 1986 concerning State Administrative Council.
TUN agencies or officials, both in the center and in the regions, as a result of the
issuance of TUN decisions including staffing disputes based on applicable laws
and regulations (Sri Siswati, 2013).
From the results of the TUN dispute process issued a State Administration
Decree (KTUN), which is a written determination issued by the TUN Agency or
Officer that contains TUN legal actions based on applicable laws and regulations,
which are concrete, individual, and final, which cause legal consequences For
someone or civil legal entity.
c. Through the criminal trust pathway
The legal provisions of criminal trial pathways are contained in various
laws, both the Criminal Code, as well as in special laws in the health sector such as
Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health, Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning
Medical Practices, Laws -Law Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals and
various other health laws that are specifically applicable.
If there is a report or complaint about the existence of a criminal offense
carried out by a doctor or health worker, the doctor or health worker can pass the
stages in resolving criminal cases. Previously carried out the investigation process,
which began with clarification of alleged criminal acts, summons for parties to
hear the statement and acts of the minutes of clarification. Furthermore, with this
information, witnesses can be called whether the alleged action is true. If the
results of the investigation can be concluded that there are allegations of criminal
acts, then it continues in the investigation process (in the police), prosecution (at
the prosecutor's office), and trial (in court).
A doctor needs to get legal protection, from several factors who are used as patients or from
the family to sue, among others: doctors who are considered not professional, patients or families who
cannot accept failure from a treatment effort, a doctor who is blamed by patients who were apparently
caused by The patient himself, a doctor who is considered negligent, and a request forcibly returning
from the patient or family. Until now the doctor has received a pretty good legal protection, even
though the doctors on duty also often get a complaint from the patient or patient's family, even though
no one has reached a green shirt. This is because the problem can be resolved through the mediation
channel and this is one of the efforts in protecting doctors when there is an objection from the patient
or patient's family.
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Copyright holders:
Dedet Steavanno, Boy Nurdin, Zudan Arief Fakrulloh (2023)
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0