then justice, peace, and harmony will be created for all those involved in these health
services(F.Tenke, 2003)
In connection with this medical profession, it was recently reported in national media mass,
both through electronic media and print media, that many malpractice practices were found by
Indonesian doctors even according to reports in the central health legal aid institution there were
approximately 150 cases of malpractice in Indonesia, although most of it does not reach a green shirt.
Likewise, public reports to the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) from 1998 to 2004 were 306
cases of complaints of alleged malpractice (Harian Sinar Harapan, 29 April 2005., 2005).
This kind of news has caused anxiety or at least concern among doctors, because the medical
profession is like eating simalakama fruit, eaten by dead fathers not eaten by dead mothers, not
helping to be declared wrong according to law, being helped risk being sued by the patient or his
family if it is not in accordance with his expectations.
Humanistically, doctors as ordinary people certainly cannot be separated from negligence and
negligence and even intentional. Negligence that occurs while performing their professional duties
can lead to medical malpractice. However, even so in the eyes of the law the guilty are still guilty and
as we know everyone must have the same position before the law regardless of status, lineage, gender,
or position and social status, in accordance with the principle of Equality Be for The Law, while in
society there are also people with bad intentions, who deliberately attract doctors to litigation.
Malpractice in practice is sometimes obscured from what is called medical risk, so it is not uncommon
for a doctor who has worked very professionally, namely in accordance with medical professional
standards, medical service standards, and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is still charged with
malpractice (Koeswadji Hermien Hadianti, 1986). A doctor will find out the final result of the
treatment process if the patient dies or is a disability, will receive a response from the patient's family
that a malpractice has occurred.
Apart from negligence, negligence and could be the intentional of a doctor, the doctor must also
get the same treatment as the patient or the patient's family in defending his rights. In the process of
medical servants not the doctor who caused the deterioration of the patient's deteriorating or death, but
this could also be due to other factors such as the patient's family did not heed the recommendations
of the doctor, nurses' mistakes or maybe hospital facilities (Lachs & Pillemer, 1995).
This is very detrimental to the doctor even though the community actually does not understand
very well about what is meant by malpractice. So that every medical or medical service by a doctor
who does not meet the expectations of the patient or family, it is considered a malpractice. In this case
medical services performed by doctors are considered by the patient or patient's family as a
disprofession and even considered a complete doctor's fault.
The normative juridical approach is used in this research, according to Soerjono Soekanto. The
normative juridical approach is legal research carried out by examining library materials or secondary
data as the basic material to be studied by conducting a search on regulations and literature related to
the problems studied(Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro, 1990). In this legal study, the author tries to examine
the laws and regulations relating to the problems being studied, namely related to the rejection of
BPJS patients by the hospital.
Normative juridical research uses secondary data sources. Secondary data in the type of
normative juridical research is data sourced from legal materials, consisting of primary legal
materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials.(Peter Mahmud Marzuki, 2005).
Legal materials as secondary data used to analyze legal issues in this thesis are as follows.
1. Primary Legal Materials, namely binding legal materials, in the form of statutory
regulations, jurisprudence, treaties, civil agreements of the parties, and others related to
sale and purchase agreements (Nasution, 2008). The primary legal materials used in this
study include:
a. 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia
b. Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health,