Based on these elements, the important agreement principles include; The principle of
freedom of contract (Noor, 2015). The point is that everyone is free to agree in any form,
whether in form, content, and to whom the agreement is intended, as long as it does not
conflict with the legal terms of the agreement or agreement regulated under Article 1320 of
the Civil Code. The principle of consensuality is an agreement is enough to have an
agreement from those who agree without being followed by other legal actions except for a
formal agreement (Yoga et al., 2022). The principle of good faith is that the person who will
agree must be done in good faith. The principle of Pacta Sun Servanda, the principle in the
agreement related to the binding of an agreement. Agreements made legally by the parties
bind those who make them and the agreement applies like a law, as well as the principle of
the validity of an agreement, that all agreements apply to those who make it have no effect on
third parties except those regulated by law.
B. Land Transaction
Furthermore, regarding the meaning of buying and selling land, it is essentially a
transfer of land rights to other parties/people in the form of the seller to the buyer of the land.
In the sense of customary law, "selling and buying" land is a legal act, in which the seller
surrenders the land he sells to the buyer forever when the buyer pays the price (even if only
partially) of the land to the seller. Since then, land rights have passed from the seller to the
According to the Civil Code system, the sale and purchase of land rights are carried out
by making a deed of sale and purchase agreement of rights before a notary, where each party
promises to each other to perform an achievement with regard to the land rights which are the
object of the sale and purchase, namely the seller to sell and deliver land to the buyer and the
buyer buys and pays the price. The sale and purchase agreement adopted by the Civil Code is
obligatory because the agreement has not transferred ownership rights. The new ownership
rights are transferred by leveraging or handover.
While the definition of buying and selling land as stated in Article 145 of the Civil
Code states that the sale and purchase of land is an agreement in which the seller binds
himself (meaning a promise) to hand over the rights to the land in question to the buyer and
the buyer binds himself to pay the seller the agreed price.
C. Legal Protection for the Parties in the Implementation of the Sale and Purchase
Binding Agreement
1. Implementation of the Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement
The Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement is made in an authentic deed made by
and before a Notary, so that the Sale and Purchase Binding Deed is an authentic deed that
has perfect evidentiary power (Wahyuni et al., 2021). This provides more protection and
legal certainty for the parties who make it. Because the notary in making a deed is
impartial and maintains the interests of the parties objectively. With the help of a notary,
the parties who make the sale and purchase binding agreement will get assistance in
formulating the things that will be agreed upon.
The authenticity of the notary deed comes from Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law no.
30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary, as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014
concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary,
it is stated that a notary is made a public official so that the deed made by a notary in his
position obtains the position and status of a notary. properties as an authentic deed.
The deed made by a notary has an authentic nature, not because the law applies so,
but because the deed was made by or before a public official (Hendra, 2012). This is as
referred to in Article 1868 of the Civil Code which states: An authentic deed is a deed