Sponsorship could be given to Health Workers, Institutions, Organizations facility service
health, and/ or Organizations Profession as the organizer (Kurniawidjaja & Ok, 2012).
Gratification according to Article 12B and Article 12C of Law Number 31 of 1999 as
already stated changed with Constitution Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication Follow
Criminal Corruption are : (1) Giving money, goods, rebates (discounts), commissions, loans
without flowers, tickets travel, facilities lodging, travel travel, treatment free, and facilities
others, both those received domestically and abroad and those carried out _ with use means
electronics or without means electronics (2) Receiver gratuity the must status as a civil
servant or state administrators (3) In touch with position (4) Opposite with obligation or task
(5) No report the gratuity he received to Commission Eradication Follow Criminal
Corruption (6) Submission report by recipient gratification no later than 30 ( three twenty )
days work counted since date gratuity the accepted.
Thereby sponsorship relationship with the Gratification doctor could be analyzed as the
following : (1) elements of gratuities. Receipt of funds or facility in the form of sponsorship
provided by a company pharmacy to individual doctors is a form of gratuity by the definition
according to law, that is giving money, goods, rebates (discounts) or commission, and so on.
receipt of funds or facility could be entered as a gift commission, which according to the law,
a doctor should only get salary and fees service on the service it provides. With thereby
element gratuity fulfilled (2) elements receiver gratuity or address gratuity according to
Constitution is a civil servant or state administrator. As the explanation above, a doctor's
profession could be qualified as a civil helper. With thereby element receiver gratification is
also fulfilled (3) related to his position. As well as the explanation above, a doctor is
something profession and also the position that runs state duty in field health, or by simple
profession, the doctor is long inner country hands field health. With thereby element related
to position according to Constitution fulfilled (4) elements opposite to obligation or his job.
Doctors who receive funds or facilities in the form of sponsorship provided company
pharmacy to individual doctors clear no by obligation or his job and of course outside income
should acceptance, which would be very possible will cause conflict interest, because the
doctor on duty to give public service in the field of health (Wardana, 2013). And of course
consequence, other would be very possible give impact party others in a particular patient.
Due to could pay sponsorship the company pharmacy would be very possible sell the
medicines needed. Public as a patient, doctors with the high price for subsidized cost Doctor's
sponsorship that. So that element ' opposite with obligation or his job to be fulfilled (5 ) ―no‖
element report the gratuity he received to Commission Eradication Follow Criminal
Corruption". The element is fulfilled because doctors receive gratuity the During this no once
give report reception the gratuity the to commission eradication corruption (6) concerning
element fifth, then the segment delivery report by recipient gratification no later than 30 (
three twenty ) days work counted since date gratuity the accepted is also met.[11] If receipt
of funds or facility in the form of sponsorship provided company pharmacy to the doctor has
fulfilled the element of gratuity, can confirm that receipt of funds or facility in the form of
sponsorship provided company pharmacy to the doctor is an act of criminal corruption in
form gratuities.
Professional ethics medical have meaningful awareness and guidelines governing moral
and ethical principles in doing activity professional medicine, so quality and quality
professional doctors permanently awake in an honorable way. The etiquette arrangement set
the manners of a doctor in relationships with patients, families, communities, friends
colleagues, and partners. Doctor collaboration with company pharmacy is set in the Code of
Ethics Indonesian Medicine (KODEKI) Article 3: "To do profession the medicine a doctor no
can influence by something that causes loss freedom and independence profession."
According to the thought of the Chairman of PB IDI Daeng Muhamad Faqih Coverage