Istiana Sari
, Darwati
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
The medical world is not spared from the problem of gratification. In practice, a doctor does not only act as an
expert in treating disease, but is also required to always update and add to knowledge in accordance with
developments and advances in technology. The role of sponsors in medicine is one of the supporting media for
the government's program in the Development of Continuing Professionalism Education. A doctor is not
allowed to accept cash as a form of sponsorship. Doctors in Indonesia need to understand the legal
arrangements regarding sponsorships provided by pharmaceutical companies. The regulation of the law
regarding sponsorship given by pharmaceutical companies to doctors in the perspective of corruption refers to
Articles 12B and 12C of Law Number 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the
Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption, which confirms that Gratification is considered corruption and is
equated with a bribe if the gift is related to a position contrary to his work. The results of the study show that the
Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 14 of 2014 concerning Control of Gratification and Environmental
Bribery of the Ministry of Health is an operational regulation in the field even though it is administrative in
nature but binding on every person or agency that obtains permission from the Minister of Health or the Health
Office in Provinces and Districts/Cities (Article 188 UU K No 36/2009 concerning Health).
Keywords : Doctor, Doctor sponsorship, Gratification
A doctor must always update science following rules that apply to the professional
world of medicine that does not can be abandoned (Anggara et al., 2019). The doctor is
required to follow the development program education professionalism sustainability (P2KB
program) in accordance mandate of Law no. 29 of 2004 on practice medicine (Wagiran,
2015). The state budget yet fully could doctor sponsorship for the following as well as in the
P2KB program, then from the allocation budget promotion drugs could help Fulfill the needs
of doctors in this P2KB thing (Saputra, 2015). Needs doctor in this P2KB underlying doctor
for follow various symposium and congress medicine. However, thing like this becomes a
burden for doctors to prepare costs following the symposium or congress because regulation
legislation made not accompanied by subsidy financials from the government for following
activities. Doctors requested to prepare alone through budget personal funds (Listiyanawati,
2020). This thing becomes a heavy load for doctors especially for doctor general with income
that is not big because the cost of registration for a symposium medical no a little and add
again if required accommodation During an activity (Einstein & Ramzy, 2020). Often
symposium medical located in mother cities and towns big other so doctors in faraway areas
from the center city will need cost addition again in Thing transportation. The length needs to
have value-borne docs then the open possibility for enterprise pharmacies to offer
sponsorship or assistance to docs associated with assist value registration, accommodation,
transportation, despite degree symposium loose medication but with invitation positive for
accompanied through docs. This issue subsequently placed a catch situation associated with
whether or not sponsorship or help furnished is gratuities which are bribes (Tiffany, 2017).
A post from journalist Ray Minihan and published in the May 2003 issue of the British
Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 1, January 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Medical Journal, that expenses paid to company pharmacies for pay for doctors attend
scientific events related to increases in prescription drugs owned by sponsoring companies.
Following the quote, the sentence: Accepting meals and expenses for travel or
accommodation for sponsored educational meetings is common despite evidence that this is
associated with an increase in formulary requests for and prescribing of the sponsor's drug.
Most doctors attend company-sponsored events providing continuing medical education, yet
evidence shows that these preferentially highlight the sponsor's drug (SKRIPSI et al., n.d.).
Many professional societies rely heavily on industry sponsorship, just as their medical
journals rely on drug company-funded trials, company advertisements, company-purchased
reprints, and company-sponsored supplements despite the consequent conflicts of interest
and evidence that sponsored supplements are more promotional than other articles (Sudirman
& Susilawati, 2017).
Likewise Ashley Wazana MD's conclusion from the studies library he did to scientific
writings in Medline regarding topics this, relationship industry Among doctor with company
pharmacy influence pattern prescription the doctor concerned and also influences behavior
the professional. In Indonesia, Commission Eradication Corruption (KPK) 2016 received a
report from the Analysis and Transaction Center Finance (PPATK), regarding allegations of
gratuity Among company Pharmacy and Doctor of Rp. 800 billion During a period of 3 (
three ) years Amount issued by the company pharmacy. So, that arise the question of how
much money did the company spend? pharmacy with turnover big every year in skeleton gift
sponsorship to Doctors, not yet there are exact counts and answers. [4] PT. Interbat
suspected poured Rp. 131,000,000,000, - ( one hundred thirty-one billion rupiah) in 3 ( three )
years, namely from 2013 to 2015. Based on data held by Tempo, the money given to 151
houses disease spread over five provinces. Namely Jakarta, Banten, West Java, East Java, and
South Sulawesi as sponsorship funds.
Aspect Relevant medicolegal with sponsorship, listed in the code of ethics Medicine
(KODEKI) article 3 which reads that in To do professional medicine, a doctor no allowed
affected by something that causes loss of freedom and independence profession. Article 3
Code of Ethics Indonesian Dentistry reads that the operating profession, cannot be affected
by profit private. Next Article 12 states "To do her job a doctor is required to prioritize the
interested patient." The doctor is powerful health that holds a role big in effort health of
society. Through education, training, and expertise, a doctor becomes a profession glorious
because they Fulfill the right base on humans in the field of health. In practice in the field,
there is a gap that can plunge a doctor to act criminal that is act criminal gratuities.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The type of
data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types, namely
primary data and secondary data. Sources of data were obtained through library research
techniques (library study) which refer to sources available both online and offline such as:
scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. These sources are collected
based on discussion and linked from one information to another. Data collection techniques
used in this study were observation, interviews and research. This data is analyzed and then
conclusions are drawn.
A. Gratification In Indonesian Medical Practice
In the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), gratuities have the meaning of a gift given
because of service or benefits obtained. Definition gratuity can also be found in Explanation
Article 12 B paragraph (1) of Law no. 31 of 1999 jo. UU no. 20 of 2001 is a gift in a broad
sense, i.e covering by giving money, goods, rebates (discounts), commissions, loans without
flowers, tickets travel, facilities lodging, travel travel, treatment free, and facilities other
(Rusdiansyah, 2020). Gratification is both received at home and abroad and carried out with
the use means electronic or non-electronic. Gifts and alms are not related to interest in getting
decisions certain, but the motive is more based on sincerity only. Gratification clear will
influence integrity, independence, and objectivity decisions that will take officials/state
administrators against a thing (Wazana, 2000).
In operating Duty professionally as a doctor, other than being bound by norms ethics,
and norms, professional doctors are also bound by norms of discipline medicine which are
established to ensure quality service so that awake dignity and nobility his profession. In
Article 28 paragraph (1) of the Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Practices Medical
mentioned that : " Every " doctor or doctor practicing dentist required to follow education
and training medical or medical tooth sustainably organized by the organization professions
and other institutions accredited by the organization profession in skeleton absorption
development knowledge and technology medical or medical teeth ." It is also supported in
Article 51 letter e of the same Act which said that " In " operate practice medical this good
doctor or doctor tooth have obligation add knowledge and follow knowledge development
knowledge medical or medical teeth ."
Indonesian Doctors (IDI) motivate Thing the is through regulation of Unit credit
Profession (SKP), where a doctor Required to collect 250 SKP in 5 (five) years. Obligation
collect the SKP required doctor moment make certificate competence (Serkom) by
organization profession in accordance the Article 27 of the Act Number 29 of 2004
concerning Practices Medicine and Article 21 of the Code of Ethics Indonesian Medicine
(KODEKI) in 2012, where Certificate Competence ( Serkom ) is one of the requirements for
getting a Doctor's Registration Certificate (STR) or doctor tooth from Council Indonesian
Medicine (KKI) which has a validity period for 5 years so that can be used to get a permit
Practice (SIP) from the City/ District Health Office ( Article 29 paragraph (3) letter d and
paragraph (4) of Law No. 29 of 2004) (Handayani, 2021).
Code of Conduct Indonesian Medicine (KODEKI) issued by the Code of Ethics
Council Medical 2001, at points Obligation General Article 3 states that in To do her job a
Doctor no can be influenced by something that affects freedom and independence profession.
Next in explanation Article 3 is detailed that the deed following seen as contrary to ethics :[9]
(1 ) alone or together apply knowledge and skills medical in all form (2) Receive reward
besides than worthy, appropriate with services, except with sincerity and knowledge and or
will patient (3) Make bond or accept a reward from company pharmaceutical/drug company
tool health/medicine or other bodies that can affect profession doctor (4) Engaging self by
direct or no direction for promoting medicine, tool or other materials use interests and
benefits of a personal doctor. Based on the points above is obvious that cooperation doctors
with company pharmacy violate the code of ethics in medicine. Action taken by a doctor
could be suspected as an act of criminal gratuities. Gratification Sponsorship contains values
conflict of interest when a doctor gives the recipe to the patient.
B. Sponsorship Relationship And Gratification To Indonesian Doctors
Meaning from Sponsorship according to Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes)
Number 58 of 2016 concerning Sponsorship for power health is a gift. Support in skeleton
enhancement knowledge and skills of power health from a company pharmacy, or company
tool health and can be responsible by transparency and accountability. Arrangement
Sponsorship for Health Workers in the Ministerial Regulation that aimed to support the
enhancement of knowledge and skills as well as the development of Professionals Health.
Sponsorship could be given to Health Workers, Institutions, Organizations facility service
health, and/ or Organizations Profession as the organizer (Kurniawidjaja & Ok, 2012).
Gratification according to Article 12B and Article 12C of Law Number 31 of 1999 as
already stated changed with Constitution Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication Follow
Criminal Corruption are : (1) Giving money, goods, rebates (discounts), commissions, loans
without flowers, tickets travel, facilities lodging, travel travel, treatment free, and facilities
others, both those received domestically and abroad and those carried out _ with use means
electronics or without means electronics (2) Receiver gratuity the must status as a civil
servant or state administrators (3) In touch with position (4) Opposite with obligation or task
(5) No report the gratuity he received to Commission Eradication Follow Criminal
Corruption (6) Submission report by recipient gratification no later than 30 ( three twenty )
days work counted since date gratuity the accepted.
Thereby sponsorship relationship with the Gratification doctor could be analyzed as the
following : (1) elements of gratuities. Receipt of funds or facility in the form of sponsorship
provided by a company pharmacy to individual doctors is a form of gratuity by the definition
according to law, that is giving money, goods, rebates (discounts) or commission, and so on.
receipt of funds or facility could be entered as a gift commission, which according to the law,
a doctor should only get salary and fees service on the service it provides. With thereby
element gratuity fulfilled (2) elements receiver gratuity or address gratuity according to
Constitution is a civil servant or state administrator. As the explanation above, a doctor's
profession could be qualified as a civil helper. With thereby element receiver gratification is
also fulfilled (3) related to his position. As well as the explanation above, a doctor is
something profession and also the position that runs state duty in field health, or by simple
profession, the doctor is long inner country hands field health. With thereby element related
to position according to Constitution fulfilled (4) elements opposite to obligation or his job.
Doctors who receive funds or facilities in the form of sponsorship provided company
pharmacy to individual doctors clear no by obligation or his job and of course outside income
should acceptance, which would be very possible will cause conflict interest, because the
doctor on duty to give public service in the field of health (Wardana, 2013). And of course
consequence, other would be very possible give impact party others in a particular patient.
Due to could pay sponsorship the company pharmacy would be very possible sell the
medicines needed. Public as a patient, doctors with the high price for subsidized cost Doctor's
sponsorship that. So that element ' opposite with obligation or his job to be fulfilled (5 ) ―no‖
element report the gratuity he received to Commission Eradication Follow Criminal
Corruption". The element is fulfilled because doctors receive gratuity the During this no once
give report reception the gratuity the to commission eradication corruption (6) concerning
element fifth, then the segment delivery report by recipient gratification no later than 30 (
three twenty ) days work counted since date gratuity the accepted is also met.[11] If receipt
of funds or facility in the form of sponsorship provided company pharmacy to the doctor has
fulfilled the element of gratuity, can confirm that receipt of funds or facility in the form of
sponsorship provided company pharmacy to the doctor is an act of criminal corruption in
form gratuities.
Professional ethics medical have meaningful awareness and guidelines governing moral
and ethical principles in doing activity professional medicine, so quality and quality
professional doctors permanently awake in an honorable way. The etiquette arrangement set
the manners of a doctor in relationships with patients, families, communities, friends
colleagues, and partners. Doctor collaboration with company pharmacy is set in the Code of
Ethics Indonesian Medicine (KODEKI) Article 3: "To do profession the medicine a doctor no
can influence by something that causes loss freedom and independence profession."
According to the thought of the Chairman of PB IDI Daeng Muhamad Faqih Coverage
from the chapter, they are :
1. Doctors who work full and/ or beak time for industry pharmacy/tool/product health
and/ or goods/products other Required explain position/job status when he gives
lecture or information about or related with goods/products the to doctor or Public
common people. Likewise every doctor at the facility service health for services.
2. In his presence at the meeting scientific every doctor prohibited tie self from
promoting/prescribing goods/products and services certain whatever form of help
3. Doctors could accept help from sponsors for necessary opt-in meet scientific covers
registration, accommodation, and transportation naturally in accordance ethics code.
4. Providing sponsorship to a doctor must be limited to reasonableness and stated clear
purpose, type, time, and place.
5. Activity scientific the as well as clarity allotment gift that and by periodically reported
to Leader organization profession local to continue to National Leader of the
Association Indonesian Doctor.
6. Every doctor is prohibited accept payment for compensation practice or cost addition
other in connection with participation in meet scientific.
7. Giving help financially from sponsors for participants to educate medically Required
distributed through institutional education medicine and leadership institution
education should be reported the giver and receiver names to organization
professional local.
8. Doctors are prohibited accept help whatever from the company or the product body
goods/services contrary to principle health like cigarettes, drinks alcohol, and alike.
Based on the points above is obvious that cooperation doctor with a company pharmacy
is violate the code of ethics in medicine (Indonesia & Indonesia, 1945).
Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), the Association of Indonesian Dental
Association (PDGI), together with Indonesian Pharmacists association (GP Pharmacy ) with
this confirm back on ―Mutual Agreement Between Indonesian Medical Association (IDI), the
Association of Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI), together with Indonesian Pharmacists
association‖ as following:
SUPPORT HELP: Support Help is funding solely for P2KB (Professional Education
Development Program Sustainable) & P3KGB (Education and Training Professionalism
Sustainable Dentistry). Support just help for P2KB & P3KGB and activities other scientific
related with profession , given or accepted no related with position as office State
Administrator or Apparatus State Civil ; no is indicated gratuities bribe (a) Giving Support
help conducted by voluntary , transparent and accountable for destination of P2KB and
P3KGB (b) Recipient Support help are Medical Personnel, and Organizations Profession ;
including Association Profession (c) P2KB and P3KGB Programs, which are implemented
planned in accordance needs profession , organized by the Other Organization of professions
and institutions accredited by the Organization Profession in structure absorption
development knowledge knowledge and technology medicine and medicine tooth (d) In gift
Support help, industry pharmacy no can offer gifts/awards, incentives, donations financial or
in other similar forms which are associated with writing recipe or suggestion in using
drug/product industry pharmacy certain (e) mandatory P2KB and P3KGB always conducted
with based on the Code of Ethics Indonesian Medicine (KODEKI), Code of Ethics
Indonesian Dentistry , and the Code of Ethics Marketing of Indonesian Pharmaceutical
Business (Sibuea & Saimima, 2021).
DONATION: Donate is activity Promotion Industry Pharmacy in form activity
scientific for spreader area information medication given to institutions in the scope of IDI
and PDGI. (a) In Thing gift donation, industry pharmacy no can offer gifts/awards,
incentives, donations financial or in other similar forms, which are associated with writing a
recipe or suggestion use drug/product company certain (b) Donating company pharmacy only
allowed for organization profession medicine/treatment teeth, and no given to doctor
individually .
SPONSORSHIP: Sponsorship is the activity Promotion of medications by Industry
Pharmacies and Merchants Big Pharmacy, form activity scientific for dissemination of
information cures for interest service health Public involving power medical. (a) Medical
personnel in To do profession his no can influence by something that drives loss of freedom
and independence. Professional parties prohibit lead patient for use product certain (b) any
sponsorship granted Industry pharmacy for promoting something product, none can be
required/associated with obligation for use or prescribe product referred to (c) Industry
pharmacy prohibited giving honorarium and or pocket money to a power medical for
attending education medical sustainable / promotion product industry pharmacy, except
power medical the domiciled as a resource person or be a moderator.
C. Legal Regulations Regarding Sponsorship Provided By Pharmaceutical Companies
To Doctors In Indonesia
There are 7 (seven) types act criminal corruption as listed in Constitution Number 31 of
1999 as amended Becomes Constitution Number 20 of 2001 concerning Actions Criminal
Corruption that is Loss of State Finance, Extortion, Bribery, Conflict of Interest in
Procurement Goods/Services, Misuse of Authority, Action Cheats, and Gratuities.
Gratification is something gift in a broad sense. One of the gratuity fields booming medicine
talked about is gratuity Sponsorship by company pharmacies. The gratification of
Sponsorship is suspected as one reason for the expensive price of medicine in Indonesia.
In 2016 the Minister of Health issued Minister of Health Regulation Number 58 of
2016 concerning Sponsorship for Health Workers which regulates sponsorship arrangements
for power health for support enhancement knowledge and/or skills, as well as the
development of professional power to poor health, can influence independence power health
in giving service health. If occur offer from the company pharmacy nor Request Doctors who
don't by Permenkes Number 58 of 2016, is given a penalty as listed in Article 12 (1).
Sanctions are given in the form of penalty administrative and given by the Minister,
governor, regent/guardian city as well as service health local. The sanctions are given in the
form of warning oral, written, and revocation letter permission practice. The penalty related
to indicated gratuities bribes in the form of criminal imprisonment and fines, fine for the
receiver nor the giver. The receiver gratuity bribe gets a penalty more heavily punishment
compared to the giver gratuity bribe, as stated in Article 12 of Law Number 31 of 1999 in
conjunction with Act Number 20 of 2001. Independence service health must be free from
conflict of interest in giving treatment or action to patients.
Doctor sponsorship provided by the company pharmacy is all form help or activity in
skeleton increase knowledge doctor as power health usually something deed is something
normal and not there is a relationship with what a wrong thing as unlawful act law. However,
if it contains hope and personality promise in Constitution Number 31 of 1999 in conjunction
with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Follow Criminal Corruption so-
called "Gratification or bribe". So that clear that sponsorship activities carried out for support
activities and knowledge doctor no can accompany hope and promise from any party.
D. Sponsorship That Meets Elements Of Corruption
Based on Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication act criminal corruption,
mentioned some elements act criminal corruption as follows:
1. Actions oppose the law.
2. Enrich oneself or someone else or something corporation.
3. Disadvantage state finance or the country's economy.
Minister of Health Regulation Number 14 of 2014 which was ratified on 27 March
2014 regulates the Control of Gratuities in the Environment Ministry of Health. Permenkes it
is also explained Category Gratification, Unit of Control Gratification (UPG), and
Mechanism Reporting Gratification. In Article 1 number 3 is stated the notion of
gratification, namely "Gratification" is giving money, goods, rebates (discounts), grants loans
without flowers, tickets travel, facilities lodging, expedition, treatment, and facilities other
both accepted domestically and abroad and what to do with means electronic or without
means related electronics with position or authority."
Minister of Health Regulation Number 58 of 2016 concerning Sponsorship for Health
Workers regulates sponsorship arrangements for health workers power health for support
enhancement knowledge and/ or Skills as well as development profession power poor health
can influence independence power health in giving service health.
Arrangement corporate sponsorship law was given pharmacy to doctor not yet codified
by comprehensive so that still confusing and can give opportunity happening gratuities.
That's why Settings this need for quickly done. Arrangement of the law on sponsorship
provided company pharmacy to doctor in perspective corruption refers to Articles 12B and
12C of the Act Number 31 of 1999 junto Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the
Eradication of Follow Criminal Corruption, which emphasizes that Gratification considered
as Tipikor and equated with a bribe if gift relates to the position opposite with his job.
Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 14 of 2014 concerning Control Gratuities and
Bribes environment The Ministry of Health is Regulation operational in the field even though
character administrative however tie everyone or the institution that obtains permission from
the Minister of Health or office of Health in Provinces and Districts /Cities ( Article 188 of
Law K No 36/2009 on Health).
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Copyright holders:
Istiana Sari, Darwati
First publication right: (2023)
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0