Ronald Listio
Universitas Semarang, Indonesia
Email : ronald.l[email protected]
Most people think that the Omnibus Law, the Labor Law, and/or the Job Creation Law are the same, but they
are different. this study aims to analyze the Omnibus Law. The research method used in this research is a
juridical qualitative method. the result of this research is that the Omnibus Law needs to be understood as a
scientific method of forming laws, while the Job Creation Law is a legal product regarding employment which
is the result of the Omnibus Law. Thus, the focus on reforming legislation must be on the substance of Law no.
11 of 2020 concerning Copyright and not the Omnibus Law. So, it can be concluded that there needs to be a
special understanding of.
Keywords : Problematic, Omnibus Law; Job Creation Law
Indonesia as a legal state that adheres to a civil law system certainly has various
regulations to realize the country's goals in the form of laws and regulations, customs, and
jurisprudence (Widowati, 2019). In the process, as a country, the development of technology
and information also influences the development of existing laws in society as well as written
regulations issued by the government (Ramadhan, 2022). There are so many laws and
regulations that often confuse the public to solve a legal problem. Reflecting on this
experience, the Indonesian government during the leadership of President Joko Widodo
started to implement the Omnibus Law as an effort to streamline the number of laws and
regulations, with the hope that there would be no more overlapping regulations and confusion
of legal products, not least by implementing the Omnibus. Law on the Job Creation Act.
Omnibus Law itself is not something new for Legal Academics (Busroh, 2017).
However, this has caused fear among the public who do not understand the spirit and purpose
of the Omnibus Act itself. Lack of understanding makes the issue of Omnibus Law grow
wild, especially when it is associated with changes to the Manpower Act. Thus, there are
many pros and cons in society, when the Indonesian government wants to revise the
Manpower Law into the Job Creation Law (Marthen Arie, 2022).
The word "omnibus" comes from the Latin "omnibis" or "many". In the sense of
omnibus, there are many laws whose regulation is carried out across sectors, so that they can
revoke or cancel conflicting provisions. It can be concluded that the concept of omnibus law
is a method of making regulations that combine several rules with different regulatory
substances into one regulation under one legal umbrella. The concept is also known as the
omnibus bill which is often used in countries that adhere to the common law system such as
the United States when forming a regulation (Setiadi, 2020).
Exactly in 2021, the concept of the Omnibus Law was echoed by President Joko
Widodo by looking at the situation at that time, where there were 1,244 Articles and 79 laws
in one regulation, so it needed to be trimmed to make it more effective, and efficient, and the
legal objectives were clear. One of the laws that are incorporated into the Omnibus Law is the
Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
Manpower Act. In the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, 11 changes will be made, including
simplification of licensing, investment requirements, foreign workers, working hours, rights
and protection of workers, adding types of layoffs, and strengthening social security.
It is uneasy to provide direct understanding to the community, which is still dominated
by labor workers or employees in this amendment to the Job Creation Law. The workers
think that if the Omnibus Law is implemented, it will reduce their rights. In addition, there
are concerns about the arrival of foreign workers who will invade Indonesia, further
exacerbating the negative sentiment towards the Job Creation Law. So, it is not surprising
that there are many demonstrations aimed at rejecting the Job Creation Law and the Omnibus
Law (Achmad et al., 2022). It contradicts the intention of the Indonesian government itself,
which considers the Omnibus Law as an answer to the messy laws in this country.
Omnibus Law can be understood simply, as a concept or method, which is carried out to
add or reduce laws and regulations, to create new legal products by targeting major issues,
which as Manpower, to become the latest Job Creation Law (Purwanto & Lubis, 2022). It is
easier to understand and apply as an answer to the problems often faced by Indonesian
workers so that in the future, there will be no more regulatory differences or discrepancies
between statutory norms and other regulations/regulations. It makes the author feel the need
to raise the research theme with the title around the problems of the Omnibus Law and the
Job Creation Act (Sarjana, 2022).
In the legislation formation, Omnibus Law has a crucial role, namely ensuring
protection for workers (Bareta et al., 2020). Omnibus Law is not something to be afraid of,
but with omnibus law, legal products that are made can guarantee the lives of
workers/laborers, by improving the articles in them so that they become relevant in their
application in the real world. In addition, legal products in the form of Law no. 11 of 2020
concerning Job Creation is an answer to the ineffectiveness and inefficiency of the previous
law, which was too convoluted, and overlapped with other regulations in force in Indonesia.
The method used in writing this applied paper is the descriptive analytical method,
namely by using data that clearly describes the problems directly in the field, analyzing, and
then concluding to reach a problem solution. The process of collecting data is through
observation and literature study to obtain problem-solving in the preparation of this paper.
Sociological juridical approach, namely the juridical approach method used to examine
problems in terms of law and systematics, and as a guide to the rules that can be used as the
basis for analyzing legal phenomena that arise (Purwati, 2020). A sociological approach is an
approach used to examine a problem in society or the community environment with the intent
and purpose of obtaining facts, which is followed by finding problems, identifying problems,
and finding solutions to problems.
A. Omnibus Law Definition
The translation of the Omnibus Law is: “Omnibus: relating to or dealing with numerous
objects or items at once; including many things or having various purposes.” It means that
omnibus law has to do with various objects or things at once, and has several purposes. [4]
That is, it is related to/or deals with various objects or items at once; includes many things, or
has multiple purposes. If the word "Law" is added, it can be defined as a law that is related to
various objects/items.
The omnibus law is a law that is made to target major issues and may revoke or amend
some laws (Sari et al., 2021). The purpose of the Omnibus Law is to streamline regulations in
terms of numbers, in addition to simplifying regulations to make them more targeted. The
idea is not only simplification in terms of quantity, but also terms of consistency and neatness
of arrangement. So it can be called a procedure as well to make it simpler and more targeted
[6]. So according to the expert, it can be concluded that the Omnibus law is a product of the
law that can revoke or amend several existing laws in several regulations, to then be
streamlined into one law to make it more targeted.
It can also be seen that the purpose of the Omnibus Law idea being raised is (1) to
resolve conflicting laws and regulations quickly, effectively, and efficiently; (2) to uniform
government policies both at the central and regional levels to support the investment climate;
(3) to make licensing management more integrated, efficient and effective; (4) to break the
lingering chain of administrative bureaucracy; (5) to improve coordination relations between
related agencies because it has been regulated in an integrated omnibus regulation policy; and
(6) as a guarantee of legal certainty and protection for policymakers.
B. Problems Around Employment Law as a Legal Rule Included in the Omnibus Law
From the previous preliminary explanation, it is known that the purpose of the Omnibus
Law and the Job Creation Act is to streamline around 79 laws, and as many as 1239 articles
into 15 chapters, which include 11 clusters of 31 Ministries and other Government
Institutions. Several articles in the Job Creation Law need to be highlighted or studied, for
1. Not paying attention to the hierarchy of laws and regulations as contained in Article 170
paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 of the Job Creation Law, where in the regulation it is explained that
"In the context of accelerating the implementation of strategic job creation policies, as
referred to in Article 4 paragraph 1, this Law, the Central Government has the authority to
amend the provisions of this Law, and/or amend the provisions of this Law which are not
amended in this Law.
2. Furthermore, it is explained that any "Changes to the provisions as referred to in
paragraph 1 shall be regulated by a Government Regulation."
3. The implication is that there is a clear violation of the provisions of Law no. 12 of 2001
concerning the Establishment of Legislation which expressly stipulates that Government
Regulation (PP) is under the Act. Thus, the PP cannot cancel or change the provisions
contained in the Law, because the PP is the implementing regulation of the Law itself.
4. It is unclear whether the minimum limit for long breaks for workers/laborers is specified
in the provisions of Article 79 of Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. Initially, the
sound of Article 79 paragraph 2 letter b reads "A long break of at least 2 (two) months,
and is carried out in the seventh and eighth year for 1 (one) month each for
workers/laborers who have worked for 6 (six) months. years continuously at the same
company, provided that the worker is no longer entitled to his annual rest in the current 2
(two) years and thereafter applies to every multiple of the working period of 6 (six)
years.” However, in the Job Creation Law, Article 79 paragraph (2) letter b is abolished
and is not regulated more clearly. What is regulated is only Article 79 (5) of the Job
Creation Law, which states that long leave is regulated through a work agreement, or
collective work agreement, which has implications for the weakness of the existing legal
force, when compared to the binding power that exists in the law.
The omnibus law is one of the opportunities seen by the president where this could be
the answer to the problems that exist in Indonesia due to the many complicated policies, but
in the eyes of the public, especially the workers/laborers, it is judged by the loss of several
regulations will cause uncertainty which has been previously regulated in Law Number 13 of
2003 concerning Manpower. Moreover, some regulations have not been abolished, only
conceptually replaced, and other disputes, especially regarding the rights of local workers
who are Indonesian citizens and need to be protected by fair laws. may have effects that may
lead to implications (Arliman, 2015).
To create order and legal certainty, the role of Omnibus Law is to make the latest legal
products represented by Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Quoting the
provisions of Article 1 point 1 of the Job Creation Law, what is meant by job creation is an
effort to create work through facilitating efforts, protecting and empowering micro, small and
medium enterprises, improving the investment ecosystem, and facilitating business and
investment by the central government and accelerating national strategic projects. The law is
one of the formal sources of law. Sources of law in a formal sense relate to problems and
various problems to obtain or find provisions that regulate human life in society. While the
law is materially written regulations that apply in general and are made by the central
authorities or legal parties.
The form of government responsibility that wants to prove itself as a driver of
workforce empowerment is manifested in this Job Creation Law (Purnomo, 2016).
Nevertheless, it is necessary to re-examine the articles in the Job Creation Law that have the
potential to harm workers/laborers, such as those related to exploitation and discrimination in
the work environment, and the rights of women workers. Where the rights of women workers
have previously been regulated in Law no. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (Koto &
Hanifah, 2021).
In addition, related to employment, which is applied by the work copyright law, there
appears to be a significant reduction in workers' rights as contained in Article 93 paragraph
(1) which regulates wage rights for workers if they do not come to work. It needs to be
reviewed and re-examined so that the Job Creation Law can be an answer as well as a
solution for workers/laborers who seek justice by taking refuge and are guided by the Job
Creation Law.
Another problem is related to the Job Creation Act, namely the investment problem.
The initial objective of implementing the omnibus law in preparation for the Job Creation
Law is to create job opportunities by providing convenience, providing protection and
empowerment of micro, small and medium enterprises, improving the investment ecosystem,
and facilitating business and investment initiated by the central government as well as
accelerating national projects strategic in nature. Of course, in-depth mediation efforts are
needed between the government and investors by paying attention to the needs and interests
of the community, so that in the future there will be no more parties who feel disadvantaged
(Rahmawati, 2016).
To create order and legal certainty, the role of the Omnibus Law is to produce the latest
legal products represented by Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Quoting the
provisions of Article 1 point 1 of the Job Creation Law, what is meant by job creation is an
effort to create jobs through ease of doing business, protecting and empowering micro, small
and medium enterprises, enhancing the investment ecosystem, and facilitating business and
investment. by the central government and acceleration of national strategic projects.
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Copyright holders:
Ronald Listio
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0