Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity

Volume 2, Number 2, February 2023

e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397



Daud Daniel Balubun, Faisal Santiago

Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia

Email : [email protected], [email protected]


Caesarean section is an act of delivery assistance through a surgical process that results in changes in tissue

continuity and causes pain. The impact that occurs in post-cesarean section patients includes infection in the suture marks, uterine infections, keloids, blood vessel injuries, and amniotic fluid entering the blood vessels. In addition, the discomfort felt by post-sectional patients can cause mother's dependence on nurses and families in meeting the needs of activities and the relationship between mother and baby is disrupted because the mother is more focused on the pain of the surgical wound. In addition, the process of physical and psychological adaptation of the mother will be more severe when the mother undergoes a surgical delivery process. The pain felt by the mother after childbirth and the physical limitations in carrying out activities tend to have the potential to affect the mother's ability to care for her baby and breastfeed her baby. Mother's Milk (ASI) is the best nutrition for babies because it provides adequate nutrition and is in accordance with the baby's needs. The mother's lack of confidence in her ability to breastfeed her baby can be caused by the mother not making initial contact with her baby. This can affect the welfare of the baby in the future. This research is quantitative research. The design used is cross sectional or cross sectional. The sampling technique was done by consecutive sampling. This study aims to analyze the effect of breastfeeding self-efficacy on breastfeeding behavior of post- cesarean mothers. The results of statistical analysis using chy-square showed that breastfeeding self-efficacy for post-cesarean mothers affected poor breastfeeding behavior by 80.9%. On the other hand, mothers who had poor BSE only 31% had good breastfeeding behavior. These results indicate that there is an effect of BSE on the breastfeeding behavior of post-cesarean mothers at the source of life hospital in Ambon (p value = 0.012). There is an influence between breastfeeding self efficacy on the behavior of breastfeeding mothers after cesarean section at Sumber Hidup Hospital in Ambon.

Keywords : Performance, Bawaslu, Law enforcement, Money politic



Elections are held by the election organizers. Election administrators include Bawaslu, KPU, and DKPP as a unified function. Each of these institutions has different main tasks and functions as stated in Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. Bawaslu as the organizer of the election has duties and functions, which include supervising, resolving disputes, and handling violations. The handling of the violation itself includes the handling of administrative violations, violations of the code of ethics, violations of other laws and regulations as well as election criminal violations (Kusuma et al., 2020).

Specifically, in carrying out the task of handling election criminal violations, Bawaslu does not act alone but is part of an institution called the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (or for short, Sentra Gakkumdu) (Yuliyanti, 2016). This institution consists of Bawaslu, the Police, and the Attorney General's Office. Its existence is based on the mandate of Article 486 paragraph (1) of Law No.7 of 2017 which states that to equalize the understanding and pattern of handling election crimes, Bawaslu, the Indonesian National Police, and the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia form Galkumdu. Furthermore, by the provisions of Article 486 paragraph (11) Perbawaslu is issued No.31 of 2018 concerning the Integrated Law Enforcement Center as the basis for the establishment of this institution.

In Article 1 point (2) it is stated that the Sentra Gakkumdu is the center for law enforcement activities for election crimes consisting of elements from the Election���������������������������������������������������� 100


Supervisory Board, Provincial Election Supervisory Board, and/or Regency/City Election Supervisory Board, Indonesian National Police, Regional Police, and/or Resort Police, and the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia, High Court and/or District Attorney. So thus the Center for Gakkumdu includes Centers for Gakkumdu and Centers for Overseas Gakkumdu. Furthermore, in Article 2 paragraph (1)

it was stated that the handling of election crimes was carried out under one roof in an integrated manner in Gakkumdu (Asshiddiqie, 2011). During the 2019 election, the Central Java Provincial Election Supervisory Body handled 11 cases of criminal election violations (Giovan, 2022). The 11 (eleven) cases occurred in 10 (ten) Regencies/Cities: Bawaslu, Provincial Gakkumdu Centers, Regency/City Gakkumdu Centers, as follows:

Table 1. Number of Election Violations in the Central Java Region.



Election Criminal Case


Semarang Regency

Money politic


Banjarnegara District

The���� executor���� includes���� the

village head


Wonosobo Regency

Use of Government Facilities for



Boyolali Regency

Money politic


Tegal Regency

Action to Benefit One of the Candidate Candidates by the

Village Head


Malang Regency

Actions Benefit One of the Candidates by the Head of the



Purworejo Regency

Use of Government Facilities for



Sukoharjo Regency

Use of Places of Worship For



Wonogiri Regency

Money politic


Pekalongan Regency

Money politic


At the democratic level, the government must guarantee the freedom of its citizens, by establishing Bawaslu as a controller, so that fraud in the form of money politics does not occur (Kade et al., n.d.). Elections are access to a fair and prosperous country, because each office holder is directly elected by the people, and is considered competent in their field (Andriyan, 2016). Thus, the function of Bawaslu is considered very important in guarding the course of democracy, and Bawaslu is asked to continue to improve its performance so that there are no more fraudulent attempts in the form of money politics, and/or actions that harm one of the Paslon/Caleg candidates, as well as the use of State facilities that are not supposed to be.



The method used in writing this applied paper is an analytical descriptive method, namely by using data that clearly describes the problems directly in the field, then the analysis is carried out and then concluded to solve a problem (Machmud, 2016)

. Methods of data collection through observation and literature study to obtain problem-solving in the preparation of this paper (Todd et al., 2011).

The sociological juridical approach, namely the juridical approach method used to examine problems from a legal and systematic point of view and as a guide to rules that can be used as a basis for analyzing legal phenomena that arise. Sociological approach, namely the approach used to study a problem in society or the community environment with the intent and purpose of obtaining facts, followed by finding problems, identifying problems, and finding solutions to problems (Kasim & Nurdin, 2020).




A.   Bawaslu's Efforts to Suppress Money Politics Violations

Indonesia has two electoral systems, namely the proportional and district systems. The Proportional System is an open list system (Arif, 2019). With this system, voters not only choose the party, but also the candidate they want. Voters, in addition to voting for a picture sign, also vote for the picture and name of the candidate they want (Taufik, 2013). Whereas in the district system, a small area (electoral district) elects a single representative based on a plurality (most votes).

Related to current cultural factors, money politics still occurs due to, among other things, the absence of a culture of shame, the low morality of the giver and receiver, lack of trustworthiness, dishonesty, and so on (Syahroni & Sujarwadi, 2018). Therefore, corrective steps are needed. Bawaslu itself has conducted education and strengthened legal awareness in the form of awareness and development of national morality so that the holding of elections can run well.

The next step is to carry out administrative selection, accompanied by a series of initial fit and proper tests at the initial recruitment stage of candidates in each political party to recruit candidates who are honest and trustworthy in their duties and responsibilities (RI & KONSTITUSI, n.d.). Nonetheless, this Bawaslu activity must be supported by statutory provisions by the Indonesian government. The readiness of facilities and infrastructure also deserves attention and improvement, to facilitate law enforcers so that they can prevent and eradicate money politics effectively and efficiently (Maringka, 2022).

Creating a culture of obedience and awareness of the law in the minds of the people towards money politics is not an easy thing, because the basic motivation related to stomach problems is indeed very risky in changing people's views in judging what is wrong and right . The presence of the state is urgently needed to realize the welfare of its people because when one is caught in money politics, one's attack factor returns to the economic factor. If there are still many findings related to money politics, then this is also a reflection of the government's failure to prosper its citizens (Raditya, 2014).

Specifically, Bawaslu's performance in suppressing the rate of money politics violations has been quite good, as evidenced by good coordination with the Police and the Attorney General's Office in providing penal measures against the perpetrators of money politics crimes, as explained in the data below:

Table 2. Recapitulation of Criminal Law Decisions on Money Politics Violations in the

Central Java Region




Reported /


PN's verdict

PT�s verdict



Money����� Politics

1.� �Siti�� �Ambar

Onstslag van




(Article 521� �Jo



the������������� PN's



Article����������� 280

(Central������� Java





paragraph�������� (1) letter j Law No. 7

Provincial DPRD,���� Golkar





of����������������� 2017

Party) 2.Sarwono












Regency DPRD, Golkar Party)




Banjarnegara District

Campaign��������� to Include���� Village

Jo� �Article� �280

paragraph������� (2)

Onstslag van alle

Strengthening the������������� PN's



Head������� (Article

letter h Law no.






7������ of������� 2017



concerning Elections)












Wonosobo Regency

Use Government


1. Gusanda Sosia Nagoya (DPRD

3 (three) months

imprisonment, 6

No Appeal

Facilities (Article����� Prov.����� Nasdem���� (six)������� months



521� �Jo��� Article



probation and a





280 paragraph (1) letter h Law No.

Maryadi Kab.



fine���� of���� IDR 5,000,000.00 or





7������� of������� 2017



2 (two) months





















Money����� Politics




No Appeal




(Article� �521� �Jo

Article����������� 280

Kab, PKS Party)

for 10 (ten) days

and a fine of Rp.





paragraph�������� (1)







letter j Law No. 7


with conditions





of����������������� 2017



if the fine is not paid is replaced





















for����� 1����� (one) month.






Village�������� Head

Involvement����� in

Suharti (Head of

Mengori Village,


for����� 1����� (one)


the������������� PN's






month���� and���� a





(Article 490� �of


fine of 1 (one)





Law No. 7 of 2017 Concerning

Pemalang Regency)

million with the condition that if







the fine is not






















6.            Tegal Regency



















Village Head Involvement in the Campaign (Article 490 Law

No. 7



















Sunitah (Head of Harjosari Kidul Village, Tegal Regency)

paid������� it������� is

replaced��������� by imprisonment for����� 10��������������������������� (ten) days. Ordering the��������������������������� prison sentence not to be carried out if at a later date there is an order in the judge's decision

because��������� the Defendant committed another criminal act before the probationary period of���������������������������� 2

(two)����� months ended.

Imprisonment of 3 (three) months and a fine of Rp. 1,000,000.00

with�������������� the

provision that if the fine is not paid������������������� by������������������������������������������� the defendant then it can be replaced by imprisonment for�������� 1������������� ��������� (one) month. Ordering the����������������������������������������� prison

sentence������ will



















Strengthening the��������������� PN's















7.            Sukoharjo Regency











8.            Wonogiri Regency












9.            Purworejo Regency












2017 Concerning Elections)











Campaign Using Places� of

Worship (Article

521 Jo Article 280 paragraph (1) letter h Law No. 7���� of������������ 2017 Concerning Elections)






Money Politics (Article� �521� �Jo

Article����������� 280

paragraph (1) letter j Law No. 7 of� 2017

Concerning Elections)












Nur Rochmi KurniaSari, S.Pd. (DPR RI Dapil 5 Central Java, Gerindra Party)








Coat of arms of Purnomo (DPRD of Wonogiri Regency)











Endang������ Tavip Handayani (District DPRD Gerindra Party

not be carried out, unless in the future there is another order in the Judge's Decision, because���������� the Defendant���������� has committed another criminal act before the probationary period of 6 (six) months ends.

Prison sentence of�������������� 2������������� (two) months, probation period of����������� 5������������� (five) months, fine of IDR 5,000,000.00,

subsidiary of 1 (one) month imprisonment.



Imprisonment for��������������� 1������������� (one)

month and 15 (fifteen)�������� days, and a fine of IDR 6,000,000.00

with�������������� the

condition that if the fine is not paid����� �it����� �is

replaced������ with imprisonment for����� 1����������������������������� (one) month Imprisonment for 1����������������������������� (one) month��������������������������������������������� and��������� a fine������ of����������������������������������������������� IDR 10,000,000.00

provided that if the fine is not paid it is

replaced��������� by imprisonment for 15 (fifteen) days.

Determining the punishment

does not need to be served unless there is one in the future the judge's decision to determine otherwise is due to the convict












Improving District�������������� Court Verdict:������������������������� 2

(two)���� months imprisonment, 5 (five) months probation and a fine�� of������������ Rp. 2,000,000.00,

subsidiary����� of

15�������� (fifteen) days' confinement. No Appeal













Improving District�������������� Court Decision: Imprisonment for���������� 1����������������������������� (one) month and a fine����������������������������� of������������ ���������� Rp. 5,000,000.00

with������������� the

condition that if the fine is not paid������ it����������������������������� is replaced������������������������������� with imprisonment for 15

(fifteen) days


committing������ a crime before the probationary period���������� of������������ 3


(three)���� months



10.����� Purworejo





Ghofuru Rochim

(DPRD������� PKS

Imprisonment of

2 (two) months


the������������� PN's


Facilities (Article

Party district)

and a� �fine� �of



521� �Jo��� Article





280 paragraph (1) letter h Law No.



subsidiary of 1



7������� of������� 2017


(one) month in












11.����� Pekalongan

Money����� Politics

H. Faisol Khanan




(Article���������� 523

paragraph (1) Jo

(DPRD������������ of

Golkar�������� Party

for����� 2����� (two) months and a



Article����������� 280


fine���� of���� IDR



paragraph�������� (1)





letter j Law No. 7 of���������������� 2017


subsidiary������ to imprisonment





for����� 2����� (two)








B.   Bawaslu Obstacles in Suppressing the Occurrence of Money Politics Violations

Given the difficulty of proving to uncover money political activities, the authors think that it is better to make a special law regarding money political activities so that they are in line with Law No. 11 of 1980 concerning the Crime of Bribery, UUTPE, UUTPK, and other laws other special laws where some of the principles may deviate from the principles of applicable criminal law. in general, especially regarding the matter of proof. In the principles of criminal law, a new act can be called a crime if it fulfills several elements, where one of them being the element " against the law�, in particular for the criminal law in force in Indonesia, the unlawful act must include breaking the law both formally and materially. Regarding the meaning of an act that is unlawful in nature, it means that human action which can be active (doing) or passive (not doing/silent) is prohibited and punishable by law. In the law, some rules prohibit someone from doing something, and there is also a necessity or obligation that someone has to do something (Sari, 2021). Regarding the teaching of material lawlessness which has a negative role (absence of material lawlessness), in Indonesia, it has become jurisprudence (Mufid, 2018).



Specifically, the Bawaslu's performance in suppressing the rate of money politics violations has been quite good, as evidenced by good coordination with the Police and the Attorney General's Office in taking action against perpetrators of money politics crimes. Given the difficulty in proving money politics activities, according to the author, a special law should be enacted regarding money politics activities so that it is in line with Law Number 11 of 1980 concerning the Crime of Bribery, UUTPE, UUTPK, and other special laws. others whose principles may deviate from the applicable criminal law principles. in general, in particular regarding the issue of evidence. In the principles of criminal law, an act can only be called a crime if it fulfills several elements, where one of them is the element of "unlawful", especially the criminal law in force in Indonesia, then the unlawful act must include violating the law both formally and materially.



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Copyright holders:

Daud Daniel Balubun


First publication right:

Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International