Diryo Suparto
, Muhammad Zarkasih Wisma Pamungkas
Universitas Pancasakti Tegal, Indonesia
In 2022, Brebes Regency will carry out the 3rd stage of Simultaneous Village Head Elections, including in
Bangsri Village, which involves the participation of Beginner Voters. Political participation is a form of citizen
participation in the political process. In a democracy, the people are expected to actively participate in politics.
The political participation of the Bangsri Village novice voters can be seen in various forms, including Pre-
Election, During Election and Post-Election. Judging from the three forms of participation, the participation of
novice voters in the Bangsri Village head election looks low. This study uses the theory of Political
Participation (Gabriel Almond), namely the Conventional Political Participation Form, which is a normal and
legal form of participation as a research analysis knife and as an instrument to conduct in-depth studies to
determine the political participation of the Bangsri Village community. This study uses descriptive qualitative
research methods. Descriptive analysis method is used to obtain a systematic, factual and accurate description of
the facts, characteristics and relationships between the phenomena being investigated. The results of this study
indicate that the Political Participation of Beginner Voters in the Election of the Bangsri Village Head,
Bulakamba District in participation in the KPPS Committee and Officer, knowing DPT information, seeing the
determination and taking of the serial number of the village head candidate, participating in the Timses of one
of the candidates, participating in the campaign agenda , voting, and watching the vote count is still considered
low. There are several factors that cause the political participation of novice voters is still low, namely the
heavy factor in work, heavy on school, wandering, and lack of experience. So that the political participation of
novice voters in Bangsri Village is still not maximized.
Political Participation, Beginner Voters, Pilkades
Indonesia is a country that adheres to a democratic system (Anggara, 2013). A
democratic system is a system that frees its people to choose their own leaders based on the
most votes. Democracy is also a preparation for making a political decision which is
determined by a vote that comes from the voice of the people. Democracy is also defined as
the "Government of the people, by the people, and for the people" (Talenta, 2020).
The word politics comes from the Greek polis which means city-state. In the city-states
of the Greek era, people interacted with each other to achieve prosperity (good, according to
Aristotle) in their lives. When humans try to determine their position in society, try to achieve
personal welfare through existing resources, or try to influence other people to accept their
views, they are busy with activities called politics (Carlton CR 2002) in the Sahya Anggara
Political participation according to Huntington and Nelson is the activity of citizens who
act as individuals, which are intended to influence decision-making by the government.
Participation can be individual or collective, organized or spontaneous, steady or sporadic,
peaceful or violent, legal or illegal, effective or ineffective (Fitriyani, n.d.)
Likewise with the political participation that occurred in the Bangsri Village Head
Election, Bulakamba District, Brebes Regency. The election for the Head of Bangsri Village
is carried out by all Bangsri Village people who already have the right to vote and are
registered in the Final Voters List (DPT). The Phase 3 Simultaneous Pilkades in Brebes
Regency will be held on Wednesday 18 May 2022, including in Bangsri Village, Bulakamba
Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397