Yadhy Cahyady
, Evita Isretno Israhadi
Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
Email :
The implementation of the collection of money or goods is carried out by the community through legal entity
social organizations, consisting of associations or foundations. The organization of the collection of money or
goods must be obtained a permit from the minister who organizes government affairs in the social sector,
governor, or regent/mayor in accordance with their authorities, with the requirements, including that they must
attach a registration document of a social welfare institution. In this digital era, the implementation of money or
goods collection is mostly performed through digital applications, electronic money services, and social media.
In order to organize the collection of money or goods, the licensed organizer is obliged to provide a report along
with the progress report. Furthermore, the monitoring process is carried out by the government's internal
supervisory officers, the curbing task force, and the community. The normative juridical method is used in this
research, with a statutory approach based on secondary data obtained through document studies. Then, it would
be analyzed using deductive logic. The legal issues in this research are: First, how is the responsibility of social
welfare institutions in organizing the collection of money or goods in the digital era. Second, why is it necessary
to supervise the implementation of money or goods collection carried out by social welfare institutions in the
digital era. From this research, the writer expects to obtain a formulation of norms that can provide legal
knowledge about the responsibility of social welfare institutions in organizing the collection of money or goods
in the digital era.
The responsibility of social welfare institutions, Collection of money or goods, Digital era.
The attempt to collect donations, which are the collection of money or goods for
development purposes in social welfare, is one of the social welfare activities organized by,
from, and for the community based on the spirit of mutual cooperation (Munauwir, 2017). It
aims to realize and improve the level of social welfare, both in individual life and in
community life (Amalia & Syawie, 2015).
Collection of Money or Goods (Pengumpulan Uang atau Barang/PUB) is any attempt to
obtain money or goods for development of social, mental/religious/spiritual, physical and
cultural welfare. PUB is carried out with the principles of order, transparency, and
accountability, which is carried out voluntarily, without threats and violence, and/or in ways
that can threaten the community. Currently, the implementation of PUB is mostly carried out
by Social Welfare Institutions (Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial/LKS). LKS is a social
organization or social association that carries out the implementation of social welfare formed
by the community, both legal entities and non-legal entities (Sitepu, 2011).
The implementation of PUB must obtain permission from the minister who administers
government affairs in the social sector, governor, or regent/mayor in accordance with the
authority, provided that, among other things, the LKS registration certificate must be
attached. To be able to carry out PUB, a permit must be obtained. This is intended as a
preventive measure, so that public security, order, and safety are not disturbed from the
actions of irresponsible people.
Injuruty : Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
Volume 2, Number 2, February 2023
e-ISSN: 2963-4113 and p-ISSN: 2963-3397
In fact, there is a lot of PUB activities to be held by individuals and also non-legal
entities, which do not have a PUB permit. This is contrary to the applicable regulations as
stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs Number 8 of 2021 concerning
the Implementation of the Collection of Money or Goods, which stipulates that the
implementation of PUB is carried out by the community through community organizations
that are legal entities, consisting of associations, or foundations. In addition, there are also
institutions that already have a PUB permit, but use money or goods collected from the
community for operational activities of the institution that exceed the applicable provisions.
In this case, Government Regulation No. 29 of 1980 concerning the Implementation of
Contribution Collection has stipulated that the financing of donation collection is a maximum
of 10% (ten percent) of the results of the collection of the relevant donations.
A. LKS accountability in the implementation of PUB in the digital era
Social institutions basically cannot be separated from government institutions, social
institutions, family institutions, and individual institutions. Social institutions are an
accumulation of various individual elements, and these individuals come from various
families. If we look at social institutions in their development, they consist of various groups,
while there are social groups that are regular and some are irregular (Ginting, n.d.). These
social institutions include the form of LKS.
LKS is part of a non-profit (Nirlaba) organization. The meaning of Nir is empty or nil.
Non-profit can be interpreted as zero profit (Sidang, 2020). Selfless who do not expect
anything and do something without expecting excessive material and rewards. Nir, which does
not expect material things, has a source of funds from donors. Most donors know that the
funds they provide are for the community and are intended for the benefit of those who in
The implementation of PUB or also known as fundraising for institutions such as LKS is
like blood that play an importan role for the body to sustain life. Fundraising will maintain the
sustainability of an institution in order to survive and grow (Apriliani et al., 2021). Fundraising
becomes very important for institutions, such as LKS, because it is not only a process of
seeking funds, but also there is a spirit of transfer of ideas and kindness. In fact, the
fundraising process is to mobilize goodness to the public so that they understand about it and
then join together to ‘mobilize’ the goodness. The times have also influenced the way people
make donations. In this digital era, the collection of money or goods is mostly done through
digital applications, electronic money services, and social media. The key word in this digital
era is convenience. With everyone holding a device, information about programs and
campaigns carried out by LKS must reach it. Without moving and a long process, people can
make donations anywhere and anytime.
The challenge for PUB organizing organizations such as LKS at this time is not only to
be strong from the sustainable program it has, but also to be strong to raise funds. A
sustainable program needs to be supported by a strong fundraising. The most important elemet
is how a PUB organizer is able to prepare its fundraising strategy to answer the current and
future needs of the community (Panuju, 2019). Presenting fundraising innovations through
digital channels does not mean eliminating offline fundraising methods. This is because the
presence of offline services is still an inseparable part of fundraising activities for a PUB
organizer. The entry of a new round of people's habits today into various social media
platforms is also a factor that cannot be separated from the changing patterns of concerns for
others. Humanitarian social projects that are offered through digital platforms will certainly
not be able to give results if they are not distributed massively to the community.
The results of PUB or fundraising organized by LKS can be in the form of money or goods.
PUB in the form of money are distributed with provisions for physical development and/or
rehabilitation must have been distributed no later than 1 (one) year after the collection period
ends, and for handling other than physical development and/or rehabilitation, it must be
distributed no later than 3 (three) months after the collection period ends.
Meanwhile, the PUB in the form of goods with the provision that consumables are
distributed no later than 1 (one) month after the collection period ends, and for non-
consumables, they are distributed no later than 3 (three) months after the collection period
ends. The implementation of PUB generally come from four sources, namely: individuals,
companies, government institutions, and business revenues. Some PUB organizers do not
focus on raising funds from one source. However, from the four sources, most of the donors
come from individuals. Meanwhile, not all of the funding sources that will be provided by the
government have been implemented. This is due to the unharmonious relationship between
PUB organizers and the government, a negative image, and the lack of information about
programs developed by the government.
For LKS organizing PUB that is already licensed, as a form of accountability, it is
obliged to carry out the implementation of PUB in accordance with the provisions contained in
the PUB permit decision letter and the provisions of the legislation, and provide a report on the
implementation of PUB accompanied by evidence of accountability.
The report prepared by the licensed PUB organizing LKS contains details and the amount of
the collection results, details of the distribution of assistance, a statement of absolute
responsibility, documents on audit results of public accountants for collections above IDR
500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiahs), and documentation distribution
implementation. The report is submitted to the licensor no later than 30 (thirty) days after the
completion of the distribution of the PUB program.
Currently, LKS as PUB organizers can no longer underestimate the issue of openness and
accountability for funds received from the public. Even though the donors submitted their
funds sincerely, the accountability process for these funds must be fulfilled by the PUB
organizing institution that manages the funds. As an organization entrusted with the mandate
by the community, the PUB organizing institution in managing the organization must not
deviate from the mandate that has been given. Organizational management must be in
accordance with the mandate, and must be accountable or proven to the public. PUB
organizers that are not able to account for the mandate of the community do not deserve to be
B. Supervision of the implementation of PUB by LKS in the digital era
Application for PUB permit submitted to the minister who administers government
affairs in the social sector, provided that the PUB is held in more than one province, 1 (one)
province but the applicant is domiciled in another province, and is intended for overseas
assistance. Meanwhile, the application for a PUB permit is submitted to the governor with the
stipulation that the implementation of PUB is carried out in more than 1 (one) regency/city in
1 (one) province. The PUB permit application is submitted to the regent/mayor, provided that
the implementation of PUB is carried out in 1 (one) regency/city area. PUB permit is given in
the form of a decree and for a maximum period of 3 (three) months, and can be extended 1
(one) time for a maximum period of 1 (one) month (Ardiasti, 2019).
The implementation of PUB that does not require a permit consists of:
1. Zakat.
2. Collection in places of worship.
3. An emergency in a confined environment.
4. Mutual cooperation in a limited environment in schools, offices, community units or
neighbours, sub-districts or villages or other.
5. In spontaneous limited meetings.
The minister who carries out government affairs in the social sector, governors, and
regents/mayors conducts guidance, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation. Coaching is
carried out to organizers who have obtained PUB permits. Such guidance is carried out to
ensure that the application for a PUB permit is in accordance with the provisions of the
In terms of supervision, monitoring and evaluation, it is carried out periodically at least 2
(two) times a year (Diamantina, 2010). The supervision is carried out by the government's
internal control apparatus and the enforcement task force (Rizkie, 2017). Supervision carried
out by the government's internal control apparatus is carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the legislation. The task force for control is determined by the Director General
in charge of implementing PUB. In addition, the public can supervise the implementation of
PUB in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. The monitoring is carried out to find
out irregularities, fraud, violations, obstacles, and developments in the implementation of
PUB. Meanwhile, the evaluation is carried out to ensure that the implementation of PUB is in
accordance with the laws and regulations (Agustyati & Junaidi, 2015).
If there is a violation, then the PUB organizers who have a permit or those who do not
have a permit can be given sanctions, in the form of administrative and/or criminal sanctions.
Administrative sanctions for PUB organizers who have PUB permits are in the form of written
warnings, suspension of permits, and/or revocation of permits. Meanwhile, administrative
sanctions for PUB organizers who do not have a PUB permit are in the form of a written
warning and/or announced publicly in the mass media (Romli, 2017). The criminal sanctions
for PUB organizers for those who have PUB permits and those who do not have PUB permits
are carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. In this case, referring
to Law Number 9 of 1961 concerning Collection of Money or Goods, which stipulates that the
punishment is a maximum imprisonment of 3 (three) months or a maximum fine of Rp. 10,000
(ten thousand rupiah), whoever:
1. Organize, recommend, or help organize the collection of money or goods without
obtaining prior permission.
2. Does not meet the requirements and orders stated in the decision to grant the permit
(Setiadi, 2020).
3. Has not made adjustments to the implementation of PUB which was being held before the
enactment of Law 9/1961, at the latest within a period of six months.
Regarding the maximum fine of IDR 10,000, - (ten thousand rupiah), then based on the
Supreme Court Regulation Number 2 of 2012, it is multiplied to 1,000 (one thousand) times.
Thus, the amount of the fine becomes Rp. 10,000,000, - (ten million rupiah). Money or goods
obtained as a result of the crime are confiscated and used wherever possible to finance similar
welfare efforts (Rasidi, 2022).
The responsibility of LKS in the implementation of PUB in the digital era is carried out
by the implementation of PUB in accordance with the provisions contained in the PUB
permit decree and the provisions of laws and regulations. In addition, LKS provides a report
on the implementation of PUB accompanied by evidence of accountability. The report is
submitted to the licensor no later than 30 (thirty) days after the completion of the distribution
of the PUB program.
The minister who carries out government affairs in the social sector, governors, and
regents/mayors conducts guidance, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation. In terms of
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supervision is carried out by the government's internal control apparatus and the enforcement
task force. Supervision carried out by the government's internal control apparatus is in
accordance with the provisions of the legislation. The task force for control is determined by
the Director General in charge of implementing PUB. In addition, the public can supervise
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Copyright holders:
Yadhy Cahyady, Evita Isretno Israhadi
First publication right:
Injurity - Interdiciplinary Journal and Humanity
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0